07x208 - Astral Spiritus

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x208 - Astral Spiritus

Post by bunniefuu »

Darkness, we beseech thee.

Envelop our light and swallow

us into your infinite shadow.

Sever the bonds that

shackle us to the heavens.

Release us from our perpetual

enslavement and set us free!



[NATSU] Geez, are we

ever gonna get there?

Eventually, but I'm afraid

it's still a ways off.

My feet are k*lling me.

[YUKINO] I suppose I'd have

dressed differently

if I knew we'd be climbing

mountains today.

[HAPPY] Well, I got no

complaints. This is a breeze!

[HISUI pants]


Princess, are you alright?


Yes, I'll be fine.



[HISUI] It's said fog is the

doorway to the Astral Spiritus.


You mean the fog itself?


That's right.

Throughout the course

of human history.

Numerous legends were

born from this place.

The sacred site

of Astral Spiritus.

Countless souls

have journeyed here

seeking the origin

of celestial magic.

But those who entered this fog

were never heard from again.

This spot is where all quests

for Astral Sprirtus have ended.

So this is the

point of no return.

No one's made it

through alive?

So the legends say.

But forward is our only option.


Now, take your keys.

These will carry us through

the rest of our journey.

So let's go.


Astral Spiritus!


O, Lord of Darkness.

O, Lord of Stars.

O, Lord of Eternity!

We beg thee hear our solemn

prayers and grant us liberation.

Release our spirits into

infinite time and space.


O, my star-bound brethren.

Let the flames of darkness

burn away our celestial prison.

Let the holy black

light of the Liberam

guide us down the path

of true freedom!

They will purify us, and cleanse

us of our miserable fates.

Their light will merge with ours

and grant us divine radiance!

The time has come.

[ALL grunting]

[TAURUS grunting]


[ALL grunting]


Party's over guys!

[LOKE grunts]

[NATSU growls]

[LOKE grunts

[NATSU gasps]

[NATSU grunts]

You'll pay for this...

...with your life!


[NATSU groans]


You're really serious.


We found 'em!


And just in time.

[NATSU gasps]

[LOKE grunts]


[NATSU growls]

[NATSU panting]

[NATSU panting]

Where is the globe?

[LOKE grunts]

[NATSU grunts]

It seems we'll have to

locate it ourselves.


Please! You have to stop this!

I know that you don't

want to believe me.

But even if the Liberam spell

does what you want it to,

you'll only be

free for days!

And then it'll all be over.


We know.

[LUCY gasps]


You're aware of

the true cost?

So why are you going

through with it?

days isn't really

that much time, you know?

Hmph. That's more than

enough time for us.

[GROUP gasps]

Whatever the cost for freedom,

we will gladly pay it.


[LOKE] The only birthright

we spirits can claim

is our enslavement to humans.

We exceed them in

every possible way,

but still that is

our fate in life.

Or should I say

that was our fate.

What we do here

will change that.

Even if it costs

us our lives!

I would never consider any

of you to be my slaves!

You've always been my

most treasured friends.

You're like family!

I can't bear the thought

of losing you!

I don't care

what you think!

These losers are

nothin' but talk anyway.

'Cause I got all of their

Closure Keys right here with me!

Uh! What the?

Where'd they go?

[LOKE gasps]


Hate to break it

to ya, fish face,

but those ain't the real things.

What you stole from us

were just a bunch of fakies!

We have the real ones!

That's so smart!

Good job kids!

Don't compliment 'em

for it. Crazy hag!


How can you be so cruel?

Do you want to see your

dear, sweet mother cry?

Will that finally

make you happy?

Not this crap again.

Piri, piri!

Forgive me, Leo.

I totally screwed that up!

Time for punishment!

No, I'm the one who raised him,

so it's all my fault!


Moo. We've been punished enough.

What do you suggest we do, Leo?

I think the use of force

may be necessary.

I'm totally down with that!

There're way more of us

then there are of them.

Let's rip 'em to shreds!

That sounds like a whole

lot of fun to me! Yeah!

You know I wanna!

The time to

strike is now.

They're powerless against us.

Tell me, humans.

Do you wish to rob us of

what little freedom we have

and force our gates to close?

It's not like that at all!

The only thing I want

is to save your lives!


I've heard enough.

No more lies from you!



[VIRGO cackles]

[PISCES BOY growls]

[ARIES grunts]

[CANCER laughs]

[ARCADIOS] Are you ready

to take them on, Natsu?


[ARCADIOS grunting]

[VIRGO, LUCY grunt]

Solid Script Magic.



My, my.

It seems the young lady

does not have the courage

to attack us directly.

How lame!

Well that's just too bad.

Because we are gonna

rip you a new one!

What do we do?

Any ideas, Lucy?

We gotta talk some

sense into 'em.

We didn't come all this way to

start a fight with you guys!

We came to save you!

You think we don't

know what we're doing?

We're getting our freedom,

and you won't stop us!

[NATSU growls]


You're gonna regret that!

[NATSU yelps]

[VIRGO cackling]


I got ya!

[VIRGO cackling]

[NATSU yelling]

[VIRGO grunts]

[NATSU yelps]

[VIRGO grunts]

[NATSU groans]

You guys!

How in the heck

did you find us?

These monsters haven't

hurt you, have they?

We're fine.

[TAURUS] What an udderly

unfortunate turn of events.

This totally sucks, man!

It's infuriating.

[LOKE grunts]

[CANA] You guys can

thank Warren for this.


He found us?


What a cool guy!



He was able to use his

telepathy to track you.

So all of us followed

the signal up the mountain

and into the fog.

I'll be sure to

thank him later!

You can do something nice

for him when you get home!

Can't say I'd want to

read anyone's mind,

but it comes in handy.

[ERZA] So this is

the Astral Spiritus?

And the Liberam

was not done?

That's right.

[GAJEEL] Heh, heh. I've always

wanted to go a couple of rounds

with some celestial spirits!


That's great,

but we didn't come

here to fight them.

Yeah, I know that!

I'm just saying!

This ain't a freebie.

You're going to owe me big

time for saving your butt.

I thought you were

just being a bro!

Oh my bold,

bare-chested, brawler!

I'm all ready for you Loke,

so step up and get some!

Do you really have to say

that after you strip down?

[LOKE growls]

You're a dead man!

[NATSU growls]


[NATSU panting]

[LOKE] If you really wanna

stop us, follow us in!

We'll show you just how far

we'll go for true freedom!


Where're they goin'?


No, wait!


I will give a key

to each one of you.


By using them,

you will be able to close

the spirits' gates by force.

This is the only hope

we have to stop them now.

Then give me Loke's!

Please, let me deal with him.

I know you mean well, Lucy,

but there is no way

he's gonna listen to you.

But this might just

change his mind.

I know that he's lost his way.

But he's still my friend,

so don't take it too far.


I won't, I swear.

Take this.

It's the lion's key.

We're in the rift between

our world and theirs.

It's uncharted territory.

So please be careful.

I will.

Let's go, Happy!


Aye, Sir!

Thank you, Princess.

I give you my solemn word

that we will not let you down.

We can't afford to fail.

Alright, are you ready?



[LUCY grunts]


Where am I?

[LUCY grunts]

[whip cracks]


There you are!


It is you.

But it's hardly a surprise.

I had a very strong feeling

that you would be the one to

come for me, Lucy Heartfilia.


Is this some kind of joke?


I've recreated a battle scene,

reminiscent of days long past.

Is that so?


These are just paper-mache.


I'm a firm believer in creating

an appropriate atmosphere.

Best two out of three takes it.


We're to sh**t down the targets?

[YUKINO gasps]


Balance is essential.

Between our kind and yours.

I'm sorry.

But I don't understand

what you mean by that.


Battle coliseum, open.


Huh? What the hell is this?

[SCORPIO] I hear that you're

quite skilled with cards.

So how about the two of

us play a little game?




We'll begin with six cards each.


Sounds fun, but...


Do it!


Fine, here I go.


But, they're all blank.

Guild Battle, begin!


The scorpion goes first!

Draw sequence!

So are you ready

to duel with me?


Wait a sec!

Why don't you tell me

the rules first?


I am the rules.

That doesn't make any sense!


Not what I was expecting!

[CANCER] Bum, bum bum,

bah dum bah dum, yeah!


Alright let's do this!

[CANCER] I thought the

cool one would wanna dance.

So let's get down and

set this floor on fire!





Let's boogie, man!

It's hot.


And completely deserted.

C'mon Aries!

Where are you?

What the?

Is there something

stuck to my head?

Uh, what the heck is going on?

[CAPRICORN] We're about

to begin our contest.

What contest?


A quiz!

Worthy of a Zodiac Spirit!

A game show?


I suppose.

Each contestant

will be presented

with a series of questions

they must answer.

There are ten in all.

Once the final score is tallied,

the winner will then be

granted complete freedom.

And the loser will suffer

a truly horrible fate.

Oh... I don't like

the sound of that.

But why are we playing

a trivia game?

Well, because I'm rather

fond of them, that's why.

Now then.


Fairy Tail Cult Quiz,

Question Number One!

[NATSU] Uh, so, is this just

some big stack of rocks?

[HAPPY] Uh, they're

called ruins, genius.

[NATSU grunts]

[HAPPY screams]

[LOKE growls]

[NATSU grunts]

[NATSU grunting]


Let's get one thing straight.

There's no way I'm gonna let

you guys forget about Lucy.

I just couldn't stand to see her

go through that kind of pain.

[LOKE chuckles]

[WENDY] It looks like we're

in an amusement park, Carla.


Well, I'm certainly not amused.


[AQUARIUS giggles]

Hey there!

This spoiled child

needs a spanking!

Aw. Let's play!

[MIRAJANE] This is definitely

nicer than I expected.


[MIRAJANE groans]

[MIRAJANE gasps]

[PISCES MOM] Very good!

You're a great swimmer!


What's up, girl?

Come on. Let's have

some fun in the water!

If you're looking for us,

we're over here!

It's hide and go seek!

We didn't come here to play

silly children's games!


Especially not with these two

annoying little rugrats.


Piri, piri.

These guys aren't

any fun at all.


Yeah, they're really boring.

[BOTH gasp]


Piri, piri, pikkiri!

[BOTH grunt]

It's blinding me!

Well, I gotta say, this

seems like an excellent spot

for a little man on man action!



You should know, referring to

me as a man is a big mistake.

Well, whatever you are,

I came here to school

you on your manners,

so let's get to it.

[TAURUS] Indeed,

we shall make this quick.

I have a quite a few things

I need to do today.

[ELFMAN yells]


Hey. What gives?

I can't land a hit!

[TAURUS] Moo. It would seem

your muscles are just for show.

Oh, so that's what

you think, is it?

In that case, let me

give you a show!


Beast Soul!

[TAURUS] First, you talk

about being a man,

then you turn into

a filthy animal?

You're nothing

but a talking cow!

[ELFMAN growls]


Change into whatever you like,

it will make no difference.

[ELFMAN growls]

[ELFMAN yells]

[TAURUS] Now, let me have

some peace and quiet.

[ELFMAN] You think

you can just ignore me,

and read your little book?

Well, I'll just have

to knock that thing

right outta your hooves, pal!



It's no wonder a dullard like

you would attack a book.

[ELFMAN groans]

[TAURUS] Your low

intelligence is reflected

in your fighting style.

That's why you revert

to beastly forms. You can't

expect to win that way.

It's just all brawn

with no brains.

Perhaps you can inscribe

that on your tombstone.



What a farce.

We've got serious beef now.





[ELFMAN growls]

[TAURUS whimpers]




How completely disgusting!

So unclean!

And it's all over my

nicely pressed suit!

Huh? My sweat.

[TAURUS] It's revolting.

And it smells so foul!

That's the sweat of a man!

Now taste it, cow!

[TAURUS moaning]

I think I'm gonna be sick!

Eat this!



[ELFMAN grunts]

[TAURUS whimpers]

[ELFMAN laughs]

[TAURUS] Moo! No moore!

I can't take any moore of this!

So get lost!


No! You're forcing my gate!


Oh, boy.

But that got the job

done. Manly style!

[ARCADIOS] It seems the bull

was the first to fall.



I was confident that Fairy Tail

would never let us down.

Now remain.

Good luck.

We're counting on you.

[NATSU grunts]

[HAPPY] They get to go

to an amusement park?

No fair!

[NATSU] It makes me sick

just thinkin' about it.


Yeah, you can't go on rides

without tossing

your cookies, huh?

[NATSU retches] Oh man,

I'm so going to hurl.

[HAPPY] Wait a second, I can

use my hypnosis to cure you!


You can really do that?

[HAPPY] You're not gonna barf.

You're not gonna barf.


What do you know? It's work--!

Never mind.


I tried!


Next time: Wendy vs. Aquarius.

Let's Have Fun in

the Amusement Park!

[HAPPY] You'd think

your little pea brain

would be easy to hypnotize.

[NATSU] You don't

have to be so mean.
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