03x15 - Knock Three Times

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Gimme a Break!" Aired: October 29, 1981 – May 12, 1987.*
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Nell Harper is the no-nonsense housekeeper and surrogate mother for police chief Carl Kanisky's children: Samantha, Julie and Katie.
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03x15 - Knock Three Times

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Gimme a break, now I know what it takes ♪

♪ Gimme a break, now I know what it takes ♪

♪ I'm putting a new face on the old one ♪

♪ Ready for anything

♪ Playing with fate, not a moment too late ♪

♪ I'm showing the whole world nothing can get me down ♪

♪ O-o-o-oh

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ gimme a break

♪ 'Cause I sure need one ♪ gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ I finally know where I belong ♪

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ gimme a break

♪ 'Cause I sure need one ♪ gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ I finally know where I belong ♪

♪ Gimme a break!

{Text [ , index , start , end }

Oh, I don't know where I put that thing.

The chief is gonna k*ll me.

Nell, why can't daddy just buy katie

A new ring for her graduation?

Because you can't buy memories, honey.

What does that mean?

It was your mother's engagement ring,

And she wanted it to go to the oldest child.

Why is it always the oldest?

Samantha, if I have to stand here

And answer one more of your questions,

I am going out of my mind.

Now, why can't I remember where I put that ring?

Where did I put that ring?

I don't know. You never told me.

Well, why didn't you ask me?

Don't you know you'll never learn nothing

Unless you ask questions?

Chief katie?


Look what I found.

Oh, thank goodness. I knew it would turn up.

I haven't found the ring yet,

But I did find a picture of leo dillet.

I thought I told you a month ago not to see him anymore.

Dad, that's an old picture.

This picture was taken last week.

I can see the date on the newspapers he's carrying.

Well, that shows what you know.

He's not carrying them. He's delivering them.

Just what do you have against leo?

His hair's too high, and his car's too low.

Katie, I want you to promise me not to see him anymore.

Dad -- promise me!

All right!



Nell, what am I gonna do?

Well, honey, you got to live up to your promise.

Yeah, I know, but I have to see him.


To tell him I can't see him.

That makes sense.

But when are you gonna tell him?

Well, we have a date at .

Okay, I'll make an excuse to your father.


Ooh, your father's getting a haircut at ,

So make sure you two don't go by the barbershop, all right?

No problem. Leo never goes by a barbershop.

Thanks a lot.

[ Doorbell rings ]

I'll get that. You look for that ring.

Hi, honey.

Uh, honey, what are you doing here?

Well, I was driving to work

When a mysterious force suddenly pulled my car down the street.

It made it stop in front of this house,

And my car door flew open, and here I am.

Thanks, sweetheart,

But I really don't have time to play "knight rider."

How about post office, huh?

The neighbors, honey -- they're married.

They don't know passion.

I'll see you tonight, okay?

Oh, uh, how did it go? Did you tell your family yet?

Not yet.

Nell, look -- believe me. Trust me.

I know how difficult this must be,

But you have to be straightforward and honest.

Was it tough telling your kids?

I haven't told them yet.

Get out of here.

I'll see you tonight.

Maybe I put that ring in this hope chest.

I hope so.

Nell, can I hide my new boots in there?

If daddy finds out I charged these to his account,

He's gonna k*ll me.

The bill won't come till the end of the month,

And by that time I'll convince your father

The school doctor said they're orthopedic boots

To keep from having fallen arches.

Nell, you have got the most creative mind

Since leonardo da vinci.

Thank you.

Hey, I found another dime!

That makes cents I found.

Chief! Chief!

Oh, I didn't mean to disturb your spring cleaning,

But we got a problem.

What's the problem, simpson?

Some vandals dumped detergent

In the fountain outside city hall,

Made about miles of suds.

That's funny.

Not to the mayor.

He drove home in a convertible full of bubbles.

Hey, I think I'll look upstairs.

The mayor's pretty upset, chief.

Well, if the mayor's so upset, why hasn't he called me?

I've been waiting three days for him to call me

About the police budget.

Nell, I'm in trouble.

The mayor called daddy, and I forgot to tell him.

When did the mayor call?

Yesterday. Nell, you know daddy.

He goes berserk when anyone forgets his messages.

By tomorrow he'll have forgotten all about it.

See? I've forgotten about it already.

It's nice to know whenever I goof

You're always there to help.

Yeah, and it's nice to know you're there to always goof up,

You goofy kid.

Chief nell!

What is it, chief?

Simpson has an idea.

It's a first.

Thanks, chief.

Tell her, simpson.


Well, when "lefty" martino testified

In that bank-robbery case about, uh, two years ago,

He couldn't remember the license plate

Of the getaway car.

So he went to the police hypnotist,

Who put him in a trance,

And he remembered everything.

Chief, what does this have to do with me?

Don't you see, nell?

All you have to do is go to a hypnotist,

And you'll remember where you put the ring.

I can't be hypnotized. That's for weak people.

I am too strong of a person to be hypnotized.

Oh, come on, nell, please.

You know how much margaret wanted katie to have that ring.

All right, chief, but I think you should know,

The only man who's ever put me in a trance was sidney poitier.

And harry belafonte.

Billy dee williams.

Duke ellington.

And his orchestra.

Doctor, this is a waste of time.

What makes you think so?

Well, I've been here over half an hour,

And I still can't remember where I put that ring.

I guess I'm just too strong of a person to be hypnotized.

I know, miss harper.

But aren't you feeling more relaxed and receptive

Since you got here?

Maybe even a little drowsy.

Your body is beginning to feel so light,

It could float.

In fact, soon, you may find it very hard

To keep your hand away from your face.

You may find you cannot remove your hand from your face.


Now, every time you hear three knocks,

You will enter into a deeper hypnotic state.

Nell, how do you feel about telling the truth?

I always believe in telling the absolute truth.

Miss harper, sometimes we hide

The really important things in our subconscious

Because we're unable to face them.

I have nothing to hide.

Good. What did you do with the ring?

I took it to the jewelry store to have it cleaned.

Which jewelry store?


That's where james and I ordered our wedding rings.

Oh? You're getting married?


Your family will be sorry to lose you.

They don't know.

I haven't told them.


That's why you were blocking out

What you did with the engagement ring --

Because you couldn't tell them about the wedding.

[ Telephone rings ]

[ Yawns ]

Miss palmer, I told you no calls.

I had my patient under hypnosis,

And the ringing of the telephone snapped her out of it.


Tell them I'll be right there.

I'm sorry, miss harper, but it's an emergency.

My fear-of-flying patient is soloing for the first time,

And I'm afraid he's developed a fear of landing.

All right, now, miss harper,

The doctor would like you to make another appointment.

What for?

I told that doctor I can't be hypnotized.

Honey, it's a waste of time.

Oh, which reminds me --

I better get down to snyder's and pick up that ring.

Hand me that smoke alarm, would you, katie?


Oh, how'd it go?

No luck.

The doctor couldn't put you under?

I told you I'm too strong of a person to be hypnotized.

Here's your ring.

You remembered!

Yeah, I put it in to snyder's to have it cleaned.

Dad, let me see.

Oh, I remember it.

It's beautiful.

Well, excuse me.

The night I gave this to your mother,

I was so nervous, I couldn't eat.

Was she surprised?

I think so.

Roast beef was always my favorite.

Oh, dad, mom was the luckiest girl in the world.

And I am, too. Thanks a lot.

Well, back to work, huh?


Nell, come see my ring.


Isn't it beautiful?

It really is, honey.

Just think -- one day you'll be wearing it

On your third finger on your left hand.

[ Hammers three times ]

Okay, dad.

Oh, um...

Nell, I need to borrow the car, okay?

Nell, remember?

I told you I'm meeting a friend at .

I need the car, okay?

Why can't leo dillet meet you here at the house?

Chief leo dillet?!


Why are you going out with leo dillet when I told you not to?

Well, for one thing,

You weren't supposed to find out about it.

Nell, how could you tell him?

Why not?

You're always dating boys behind your daddy's back.

[ Smoke alarm beeping ]

You did it again.

Oh. Anybody want coffee?


Katie, you deliberately disobeyed me!

You're grounded for six months!

Six months?

Dad, I'll be too old to date by then!

This is all I need -- having to deal with my family

While I'm going through a crisis with the police budget.

[ Bottle thumps three times ]

I thought the mayor would have called by now.

He did. He called yesterday.

Samantha forgot to tell you.

The mayor called?

And you didn't give me the message?

I forgot.

Samantha, you are not to use the phone for six months!

What am I gonna do for six months?

Talk to katie.

Dad, you're being unreasonable!

Hey, aunt nell,

Look at this bicycle bell I found at the dump.

[ Bell rings ]


Whoa! Got a lot of cookies there, baby.

Are you running away from home?

No, but with all the people in this family,

I want to get my share first.

Okay, well, you got your share.

Honey, what's wrong?

Can I ask you something, aunt nell?

Yes, baby. What is it?


Uh-oh. What is it?

Well, if you did something bad and were sorry for it,

Is it okay to call up the mayor

And say you're sorry about his car,

But not tell who you are so you won't get into any trouble?

You know, joey, one of the most beautiful words

In the english language is "truth."

And, you know, if you tell the absolute truth,

Nothing can go wrong.

Okay, aunt nell.


Hey, joey, when you call the mayor,

Don't tell him who gave you the detergent, okay?


Grandpa, could you help me fix

The heel on this shoe, please?

Here, I'll fix that, julie.

Carl, if you don't mind,

Even people my age are capable of handling crazy glue.

Julie, would you help me put away the plants, sweetheart?

Oh, sure, I'd be more than happy to.

Do you hear that?

You two could take a lesson from your sister julie.

When you ask her to help, she pitches in.

When she breaks a heel on her old shoe,

She wants it fixed.

She doesn't run out and spend a lot of money on new shoes.

[ Shoe thumps three times ]

Julie has sense, doesn't she, nell?


She ran out and bought some new boots

And hid them in my hope chest.



You went out and bought new boots?!

Nell, how could you?

Julie, you are not to buy another article of clothing

For three months!

What?! What?!

Six months.

That's better!

Thanks a lot!

[ Telephone ringing ]

[ Indistinct arguing ]



That's enough!

Yeah. Uh-huh.

Oh, thank you for calling,

But I don't think we're interested

In a family picture right now, okay?

What are you arguing about?

Now, will you please stop it

And help me put away these plants and things?

Nell, this is all your fault. My fault?

Yeah, what is with you, anyway?

You know, since you came home from that hypnotist,

You've been acting really strange.

You've had a really funny look in your eye.

You've been doing strange things all day.

You just name one.

Well, you told the truth about all of us to daddy,

And you've never done that before.

Are you sure dr. Kessler didn't put you in a hypnotic trance?

Listen here, samantha.

Just as sure as I'm standing here,

I have never been hypnotized.

Stop blaming all your problems on nell.

Right. I feel great!

I really feel wonderful -- knock on wood.

What are we gonna do with these girls, nell?

That's your problem. I'm getting married.

What?! What?! What?!

James nell may not want to admit it,

But that hypnosis really worked.

She finally was able to tell you all about us.

Yeah, james, but I never want to go through that again.

Daddy, nell's gonna leave us.

Come on.

No one's gonna miss nell more than I will,

But we've got to stop thinking about ourselves

And think about her.

I guess you're right, daddy.

Okay, apple pie will be on in a few minutes.

Okay, I'll eat in the kitchen, so I'm first.

No, you won't. You've had too many cookies.

Get over here, mister.

Yours is gonna be the best wedding glen lawn's ever seen.

So, when is the great day gonna be?

December. June.

Uh, there are a few things we still have to straighten out.

By the way, sweetheart,

When am I gonna meet your children?

Uh, as soon as I tell them.

I raise my cup to the newlyweds.

Jimmy, you're getting one of the great women of all time.

Hear, hear. Thank you.

[ Telephone rings ]

I'll get it.


Yes, sir.

Yes, sir.

Yes, sir.

It was the mayor.

The mayor?

What'd he say?

He said, "tell joey to stop dumping suds

In the city hall fountain."


But it was grandpa's idea.


Nell gave us the detergent.

Has everybody in this house gone crazy?!

I've had it with all of you --

A father and a kid who dump suds in the city fountain,

Three daughters who never tell the truth!

And it's all your fault, nell.

You're the biggest liar of the bunch.

The only time you tell the truth is when you're in a trance.

Well, what happened to "the greatest lady of all time?"

She's leaving. The party is over, kaniskys.

After the wedding and that woman moves out,

Nobody's gonna get away with anything around here anymore!

You're all grounded for six months.

I'll be back in charge then,

And every one of you

Is gonna toe the line.

What's wrong with nell?

Daddy banged on the table three times.

She must be hypnotized again.

I guess dr. Kessler couldn't remove

That posthypnotic suggestion.

Sweetheart, is something wrong?


I can't m-marry you,

Not right now.



I can't leave my family.

Did you see what just happened in there?

No, they still need a mama.


Maybe we could wait a little longer.

Come here, lady.

I'm gonna give you the world's biggest kiss.

[ Oven timer rings ]

[ Yawns ]

Nell, you were in a trance.

And that timer snapped you out of it.

I guess that's the only reason you could tell the truth.

Now, the bottom line is, you play ball with me,

And I'll play ball with you.

Um, family, we have an announcement to make.


We're not getting married.

[ Cheering ]

Everybody, this is just temporary.

I meant yet.

Daddy, isn't that great?

For one, brief, shining moment, it was camelot.

This -- this only means that, uh...

We're gonna wait until the kids...

And grandpapa grow up.

Okay, apple pie coming up.

All right!

Aunt nell, may I please take my piece of pie

Up to my room to watch television?

After all the cookies you had,

No pie for you, no, sir, baby.

Oh, please!


You will now give me my pie.

That doesn't work anymore, joey.

It doesn't?


Get back over here. Come on.

If you promise not to tell james that doesn't work anymore,

You can have two pieces of pie

And take them up to your room.

All right!

All right!

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Gimme a break
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