01x21 - The Scholar

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Waltons". Aired: September 14, 1972 – June 4, 1981.*
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A popular, long-running drama about a close-knit family in rural, Depression-era Virginia, sharing their trials and triumphs.
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01x21 - The Scholar

Post by bunniefuu »

[Car horn blowing]

(John-boy) when I was growing
up on walton's mountain,

The great depression
touched our lives in many ways.

Jobs were scarce.
New clothes were rare.

Food was simple and
mostly homegrown.

What we had, we shared.

My father taught us
by his quiet practice

That sharing was our first
duty and happiest privilege.

And on one occasion,
I had the opportunity

To share an
unforgettable experience

With a lady who was
trying to hide a secret.

Don't you fix that
sink, you hear?

No, esther.

You let john do it.

Yes, esther.

And sharpen the knives.

Yes, esther.

Don't cut yourself.

No, esther.

Think this one suitcase
will be enough, grandma?

It's fine. I travel light.

Yeah, she figured she'd put
all her needfuls in a bandanna,

Throw it over her shoulder,
and just set off down the pike.

Just better mind your
"p"s and "q"s, old man.

I might go up to richmond
and never come back.

You old woman, you won't be on that
bus to richmond more than 5 minutes

And you'll be
pinin' away for me.

Now that I've finally got
this suitcase in my hand,

I'm not sure if it's
right for us to go.

You've been thinking about
nothin' but that wedding for months.

I know, but leavin'
you all here to fend

For yourselves
for a week or more...

We'll be fine, mama.

Under the
circumstances, john-boy,

That's the last thing a
woman wants to hear.

Liv, you know you want to see
lorrie married true and proper.

Besides, your sister's countin'
on you to help at the wedding.

It will be quite a do, with
lorrie being an only child.

An only child. Think of that.

I wish I could go
to the wedding.

Be nice if we could all go.

(Grandpa) not me.

I went to a wedding
over 40, 50 years ago

And I haven't been
the same since.

"Wedding is destiny,
and hanging, likewise."

John-boy, what
kind of talk is that?

It's in the book.

John heywood wrote it.

He lived from 1497 to 1580.

What book is that?

Bartlett's familiar quotations.

It's a collection of all the
wise things ever written.

Imagine that.

Everything a man needs
to know, all in one book.

Well, comparin' a wedding to a
hangin' isn't my idea of wisdom.

Come on, john-boy,
come on, erin!

We'll be late.

Come on, erin.

Goodbye, grandpa and
daddy. Where's my lunchbox?

Come on, john-boy,
we gotta be going.

"All haste is from the devil!"

Medieval latin proverb.

[All sputtering]

Erin, you want to
be late for school?

No, mama.

I just want to let
the others get ahead.

I get so tired of always
being part of a crowd.

You better sit on that right.

G.w. Would k*ll you.

I wish we had one.

Yeah, we could ride to school.

All 7 of us?


Where's jim-bob and elizabeth?

Honey, what's the
matter with your voice?

My throat's kind of sore.

You're catching a cold.

But don't you tell mama. I
don't want to spoil her trip.



Elizabeth has to
stay after school

'Cause she didn't do her
homework, and she's cryin' some.

Oh, well, I reckon you
children better go on home.

I'll see if I can do something.

That g.w.'S new bike?


Better get off it
before he beats you up.

You, too?

Come on, let's go.

You got to watch
out for him, ben.

I can't do it, john-boy.

Of course you can do it.

When I try to make my letters,
they go all squiggly. See?

(John-boy) that's 'cause you're
holding the pencil wrong.

You have to hold it like this.


You know, you should pretend
like the pencil is part of your hand.

Make an "e."

That's the saddest looking
"e" I think I've ever seen.

All my letters
are sad, john-boy.

(John-boy) maybe that's 'cause
you think writing's a chore.

Somethin' you have to do instead
of somethin' you want to do.

It is a chore.

It doesn't have to
be. It shouldn't be.

For me, it's magic.


Well, of course.

Look, there are 26
letters in the alphabet.

Only 26 letters.

But you can take
those 26 letters

And put them together
in different combinations

And you can make
thousands of words.

You can share those
words with other people

And then if you're
good enough at it,

You can make them laugh and cry

And you can tell
them you love them.

Look. Put a "d" over here.

And an "o" over there,
and a "g" over there.

(John-boy) nothing, right?

But you take them and
you put them all together

And what have you got?


But that's just the
beginning of the magic.

When you see that "dog," what
does that make you think of?

Dorothy's dog in
the wizard of oz book.

See, it's magic.

Now I want you to
take this magic wand...


And I want you to pull
some letters out of the air

And draw some
pictures for yourself.

Hello, mrs. Grant.

John-boy. Elizabeth.

I was looking for miss hunter.

She just stepped
out for a minute.

She'll be right back.

You make quite a teacher
yourself, john-boy.

I'm just helping elizabeth out.

John-boy, look!

What, honey? Where?


Elizabeth, I can just see that
bird soarin' through the sky.

I can almost hear it singin'.


I finished your dress. I hope you
don't mind my dropping it off here.

Of course not.


You do such fine work.

(Verdie) thank you.

Miss hunter am I doing better?

That's much better, elizabeth.

That's much, much better.

Thank you.

You're excused now.

Thank you, miss hunter.

Thank you, john-boy.

Nice to see you, mrs. Grant.

Give my best to
your folks, john-boy.

I certainly will.

John-boy seems to have
quite a gift for teaching.

Yes, he does.

How much do I owe you, verdie?

50 Cents.

There you are.

Thank you.


I cut this out for you. I found
it in an educational journal

And I thought your
daughter might be interested.

My daughter?

She graduates from college
next month, doesn't she?

That's right. She is.

Do you think a job in that
area would interest her?

It just might.

I'll send it on to
her. I'm obliged.

Let me see. You have one
more dress to alter for me.

Yes. It'll be ready
in a week or less.

Thanks, verdie.

Thank you. Goodbye.

(Livie) now, the
soup is over there.

All you have to
do is heat it up.

And beans, and potato salad,

And cold fried chicken
and ham, here in the icebox.

And, of course,
there's plenty of bread,

And cookies, and
pie, and a cake.

It's just like going on a
picnic for a whole week.

I'm counting on you 2 girls to make
sure everybody gets enough to eat.

(Mary ellen) don't
you worry, mama.

Erin, I'm worried about
you. You're so quiet.

I think she's just a little upset
about your goin' away, mama.


Come on, you two!

Better get goin' if we're
going to make that bus.

Is grandma ready yet?

She's been tellin' me so many
things to do and not to do,

She'll be too
worn out to travel.

Zeb! Yes.

I just thought
of somethin' else.

Yes, esther?

John-boy. Jason.

Hey, mrs. Grant.

Mrs. Grant.

Is your mama and daddy home?

They're fixing to leave.

Mama and grandma are off
to a wedding in richmond.


(John) ok, here we go!

Hello, verdie.

We got to catch
a bus. Sorry. Run.

Come on, elizabeth!

(Verdie) I hear
you're off on a trip.

Yes, we're leaving
on the 5:00 bus.

I won't delay you. I was hopin'
maybe I could do some work for you

In exchange for a
load of firewood.

You know what I can
do. I can keep house,

Wash clothes, sew,
do practical nursing.

You know we'd like to
oblige you, verdie, but

Just now I don't feel we
have the need for such help.

Tell you what, verdie, why don't
I deliver some wood in a day or 2?

You can pay me back
when you get a chance.

No, thank you, mr. Walton.

I'm not one to go into
debt or ask favors.


It was just a notion.

Enjoy yourselves in richmond.

Can we give you
a ride to the bus?

Oh, no, thanks. I have
other business. Goodbye.

Bye, now.

(John) get in. Say
goodbye to your ma.

Here we go. Say
goodbye. Come on.

You all take care of yourselves.

You just have a good time.



Why, erin, I've never
known you to be so quiet.

Catch the bridal bouquet, mama.

What would I do
with a bridal bouquet?

You could bring it home to me.

Oh, yeah, I'll bring
it home to you.

You be good, now.

Come on, we gotta get going.

(Jason) have a safe trip, mama.

Don't you stay up all night.

Yes, esther.

And don't you collect the eggs.


And don't you wash
the dishes, hear?

I'll remember. You don't talk to
strangers on the streets of richmond.

You're afraid I'll
meet another man?

Why not?

I just don't want to lose you.

5:00! Get along with you.

(John) here we go!

(All) bye, grandma.
Have a good trip!

(All) bye.

(John-boy) bye, grandma.

Have fun!

(John-boy) bye!

Grandpa, john-boy,
come here, quick.

(John-boy) what is it?

It's erin. Her
throat's all swollen.

And she can't talk at all.

I think she has a fever.

Open your mouth,
honey. Let's see.

What you puzzling over?


You can't hide
anything from me, sister.

Just the newspaper
piece miss hunter gave me.

Oh, verdie,

Your pride has carried you
a long way, and that's good.

But a thing like
this is foolishness.

It's no concern of yours.

Of course it is. Who have
I got left to fret over?

When you're hurtin', I hurt.

I manage fine.

So, you can't read or write.

So why can't you tell that to
miss hunter or anybody else?

You don't understand, alice.

There are more things more
important than readin' and writin',

Like raisin' a family of 5
after your husband died.

Seein' 2 girls married and
2 boys with steady jobs.

Now, there's reason for
you to hold your head high.

Alice, I don't feel to
say to miss hunter,

"Don't bother to give me

That piece of paper for
sarah, 'cause I can't read it."

It ain't only miss hunter.

Right this minute, verdie,
aren't you tormentin' yourself

As to go up to new york to
your daughter's graduation?

I've been lookin' forward
to that day for 4 years.

More than that.

Since sarah first started school

And I decided my youngest was
gonna have a college education.

Well, maybe you could've
put the money to better use.

No. No, it's not that.

You know what it is, alice.

Suppose I got up there

And somebody asked me
to sign my name to somethin',

Or read a menu?

I'd be an embarrassment to her.

It's her tonsils. She'll have to
have them out tomorrow morning.

After it's out, will
she be all right?

Oh, she'll be fine.

Doc says after the operation,
she'd be just as good as new.


Everybody gets to
go to the hospital,

Get something tooken
out except for me.

Look here, your grandpa
is a year or 2 older than you

And he has all of
his original tonsils,

Appendix, and his hair, and he
intends to keep them that way.

Come and sit down
for supper, daddy.

All right, honey.

You going to send word to mama?

I was thinkin' about that
coming back in the truck.

You know, daddy, the
minute she hears about this,

She'll be on the
first bus back home.

There's no need
to tell her, really.

Erin's in no kind of danger.

Still, there will be need for
some nursing for 2 or 3 days.

I can take care of erin.

No, honey, you'd have
to miss school to do that.

After all the store that livie

And my old woman
set on that wedding,

It'd seem a shame to drag them
back before they hardly got there.

What about verdie grant? We
could ask her to take care of erin.

Verdie? Yeah.

She is a practical nurse.

Sure, and she said she wanted to
work for a load of firewood, too.

John-boy, step in.

Thank you very much.

You know my sister, miss perry.

Oh, yes, of course.
How do you do, ma'am?

Uh, my sister erin
has tonsillitis.

They have to come out.

I'm sorry.

Well, she got sick
right after mama left

So I kind of think she didn't
want to spoil mama's trip.

Anyway, with mama
gone off to richmond,

My daddy was wonderin' if you
might tend to erin for a few days,

Seein' as how you wanted
to work for some firewood.

That'll be fine, john-boy.

Oh, good.

When would I be needed?

Erin's coming back
from the hospital

Day after tomorrow
in the afternoon.

I'll be there about noon so
I can have everything ready.

Oh, thank you very much.
My daddy'll appreciate that.

Thank you.


Good night, now.
Nice to see you, ma'am.

See you day after tomorrow.



What are you worryin' about
firewood at this time of the year?

That's a sign,
sister. It's got to be.

I'm going to that graduation.

And sarah's gonna be as
proud of me as I am of her.

Well, now, what has that got to do
with you practical nursin' at the waltons?

John-boy walton is the
answer to my prayers.

He's gonna teach me
everything I need to know.

Come in.

Sorry to bother you.

Oh, no. You've got to get
the room ready for erin.

Mighty nice of you
to give up your room.

It's just for a couple of days.

Watching you write just now,

I was remembering what
you said to your sister

About it being magic.

You certainly helped her.

I tell you, it helped me, too,

'Cause I've been writin' so long

I just took it for granted.

But it really is a
wonderful thing.

You probably help
all your sisters

With their readin' and writin'.

Oh, well, not that much, really.

Oh, you missed this.

Thank you.

[Car horn blowing]

Oh, erin's back
from the hospital.

(Ben) hi, erin!

How are you doing?

Home sweet home.

How is erin, daddy?

A little groggy.
She'll be all right.

How long did it take?

Did she get new tonsils?

She won't be able to
talk to you for a while.

(Grandpa) won't be able to say
a word for a couple of days.

Let's get her in the
house and a nice, warm bed.

(John-boy) mrs. Grant's
got my room ready for her.

I hope I never have to
have my tonsils taken out.

It wouldn't be so bad.

I don't cotton to the idea
of being helpless like that.

Or not being able to
talk for 2 days, either.


[Jason laughing]

Well, now.

Did you have a nice nap?

You're looking
more yourself than

When your daddy
carried you in here.

What can I do for you?

You want your book?

Oh, honey, you don't
want to hear me read.

I know you can do a
much better job yourself.

I'm sorry, I don't understand.

You really want this?

What is it, mrs. Grant?

Oh, here. See for yourself.

Mmm-hmm. Well...

She looks a little stronger.

Of course you'd be a better
judge of that than I would.

Maybe you just ought to
bring the kids in one at a time.

That'll be fine.

I'll go and tell them
erin is ready for visitors.

I'll be the first one.

Thank you, john-boy.

Can miss margaret
and I have a cookie?


You may have one,

Because I know come
suppertime, you'll eat properly.

But miss margaret's been doing

Too much piecing between meals.

None for her.

Thank you.


Elizabeth, time to
practice your abcs.

Not now, john-boy. Miss
margaret's tonsils have to come out.

She'll be all right for an
hour or 2. You just sit there.

I don't need to practice.

You promised miss
hunter. Come on, it'll be fun.

Come on. Sit down.

Now, here.

Start with your "a" s.

Think of apples,
aprons, apricots.

Look, if miss margaret is really
gonna have her tonsils out,

She better lie down here

Before she gets any
sicker than she already is.

Ok, make that magic work.

I'm trying, john-boy.

But I keep on thinkin'
of outdoors, playing.

Do your "b" s now.
Think of brides,

Braids, balloons.

Keep at it.

Mrs. Grant,

I wonder if I could
ask you a favor.

Elizabeth is havin' a little
trouble with her schoolwork

And I thought that maybe...
Maybe if we turned it into a game

And you pretended that
you were a student, too...

Learnin' my a-b-cs.

If you're not too
busy with this.

Let's give it a try.

Good. Thank you.

Honey, your "b" s still
aren't very good 'cause

You're not letting
them flow properly.

I'll tell you what.
We're going to have

A regular school
classroom right here.

Mrs. Grant is gonna
be a student, too.

Mrs. Grant, this is your
tablet, and this is your pencil

And we're goin' to
start with our "a" s.

Miss walton, you may go first.

That's much better.

Now it's your turn.

Your "a" s are more
squiggly than mine.

Well, that's what this
is all about, isn't it?

You and me helpin' each
other to do better?

I'll try to make my
"a" s more like yours.

"Too warm."

It feels cold enough to me.

All right, I'll see if I
can find some colder.

Erin, look who's here.

Get in here, henry.

Come on.


Henry waggaman.

He didn't want us
seein' him come in here.

He didn't want to be seen
bringing flowers to a girl.

Come on, give her
the beautiful flowers.

Give her the flowers,
henry. Come on.

Thank you.

Hey, you're not
supposed to talk.

Henry, henry, it's a miracle.

Those are the first
words she's spoken.

[Mary ellen laughing]

Darling, sweetheart,
I love you! I love you.

My sweetheart. My dreamboat!

I gotta go.

You meanies. You nasties!

(Ben) henry, my
darling, wait for me!


I didn't know henry
waggaman liked you.

I wonder where he
picked those weeds.

"Put my flowers in water."

All right, now put the "b" and
the "e" and the "d" together.

The "b", the "e", and the "d".

That's right. Now,
what do we have?

What do we have, elizabeth?


B-e-d spells bed.


Even when she can't talk,
erin finds a way to be bossy.

Mmm-hmm. Ok, now,
write the "b" and the "d"

But instead of puttin' an
"e", put an "a" between them.

John-boy, I'm
tired of this game.

Can I go and play now?

Oh, honey, we don't
want to stop now.

We're just gettin'
the hang of it.

I'll tell you what.

School's out now. You go play.

But we'll do this
again tomorrow, ok?


I like being in school with you.

Same here, honey.

Bye, honey. Bye.

Thank you, mrs. Grant.

I'm lookin' forward to tomorrow.

So am i.

Mary ellen, what
are those things?

A bunch of weeds henry
waggaman picked for erin.

[Bell ringing]

I'm coming, your majesty!

(Mary ellen) I'm coming.


What's this you're doin' now?

I'm practicing.

Well, it don't look
like much to me.

It's a start.

You told the walton boy?


But I think he knows.

Today he made up a game,

Just so he could give me a
lesson without embarrassin' me.

Well, if you wanted
to go with this, verdie,

You'd be better off with a
teacher from the school.

Why do you say that?

What if he should
joke to his friends

About teachin' you your abcs?

He wouldn't. He's
a very kind person.


How you doin' there?

All right. Give it a try, pa.

[Water running]

That's got it.

[Grandpa chuckling]

How's our patient this morning?

Oh, she's mendin' faster
than she wants to let on.

Enjoyin' all the attention, huh?

I've noticed some folks have
a real gift at sickbedding.

I'd say she might
be one of them.

Let her take advantage
of it till her ma gets home.

Is the wedding today?

Yes, and I'm sure glad I'm
nowhere near all that commotion.

My old woman's in her element.

If it's a prime service,

And the wind's blowin'
from the right direction,

You could hear the sound of her

Joyful weeping
clean from richmond.

As soon as she hears the
organ music, she lets go.

[Verdie laughing]

Mrs. Grant, if it's
all right with you,

We'll have our teachin'
game in about an hour.


No more games or make-believe.

I can't read or write.

You knew that.

I want to learn.

I'm asking you, please teach me.

I'd like to.

This means a lot to me.

But it has to be just between
the two of us. All right?

Of course.

Your hand on it.


You've already given me
the best present I've ever had.

What's that?

(John-boy) that's very good.

It's a start, and I can
do better with your help.

(Verdie) "this is a


It must be a house
'cause of the picture.

"This is a house."

"This is"


"My house."

That's right!

Oh, I wish I had another
book for you to use.

This primer is just so childish.

In this, I am a child.

A baby. I'm just
learnin' how to crawl.

I have time enough to walk

And r-u-n, run later.

Oh, you're doing just fine.

Thanks to you.

Oh, no. I'm just like a guide.

You could do this yourself easy.

But I wouldn't. I didn't.

How many times I set
out to teach myself.

I'd go to the store, buy
pencils, tablets, even books.

But by myself I never
could make a start.

I was wonderin' if you
ever tried to learn

While your children
were goin' to school.

I tried, especially
with my youngest.

But somehow other things
always got in the way.

I could always find
an excuse for myself,

Too tired, too busy.

Sarah, my college girl,

Before she went away,
she wanted to teach me.

Too busy again?

I said I was. I made jokes. "One
bookworm in the family's enough."

"I can't afford to
buy another pair

Of reading glasses." You know.


I know that jokes are good
for hidin' the feeling inside.

I think I couldn't give up
being the all-knowing mama,

To sit and let my
little girl teach me.

Foolish, but there it is.

(Verdie) my sister, alice,
says I have more pride

Than common sense.

(John-boy) well, my daddy says

Pride is nothin'
to be ashamed of.

Have to get my sister
and your daddy together.


Ok, back to work now.

"This is my house."




"Live in this house"


Sound it out.

(Verdie) "with" my


"Father and my mother!"


I want to learn how to
write that word, john-boy.

Here you are.

[Birds chirping]

Mrs. Grant, I think you're still
holdin' the pencil too tightly.

If you could loosen up
on your grip a little bit,

It might make it easier for you.


(Grandpa) did you miss me?

(Ben) how was the wedding?

(Jason) did you have
a nice trip, mama?

(Livie) I'll tell you all about
it, but first I want to see erin.

Did you have a good time?

Hello, verdie. I'm so grateful
you could come and help out.

(Verdie) it was my pleasure.
I'd hoped your coming

Would pry erin out of that bed,

But it looks like it'll take
fire or flood to do that.

I'll see what I can do.

(Mary ellen) I missed you, ma.

(Livie) I missed you, too.

Today will be my last day here.

I thought maybe we could go on

With the lessons at your home.

I'll pay you.

Oh, no. I couldn't
take your money.

Then I couldn't take your time.

Charity's one word I
don't mean to learn.

Well, I'm sure we could
work somethin' out.

Erin, I just don't see
why you're still in bed.

I'm too weak to be up, mama.

Moving around
will strengthen you.

Henry waggaman's been
so thoughtful, mama.

He brought me these
flowers, brought me this card

And a souvenir bottle opener

That his cousin
brought all the way

From the chicago world's fair.

He hasn't missed a day
of coming to see how I am.

Erin, the doctor told your
daddy that you're just fine.

I know, and I want
to get better,

But I can't help how
I feel, can i, mama?

"Get well erin."

(Miss hunter) I thought you
and I had an agreement.

Didn't you promise you're gonna
do your homework faithfully?

Yes, miss hunter.

Yet the last 2 mornings you've
come to school unprepared.

Why did you break your promise?

I couldn't study, miss hunter.

Why not?

'Cause john-boy
was using my books.

Now, elizabeth, why would
john-boy be using your books?

To teach mrs. Grant
to read and write.

Mrs. Verdie grant?

She's been helping at our
house. John-boy's teachin' her.

Of course.

Of course.

All right, elizabeth, under the
circumstances, I excuse you this time.

You may go now.

I thought you traded in that
needle and thread for a pencil.

I promised miss hunter I'd
have this dress ready last week,

But I've been so busy.


Even I can see the difference.

I won't win any prizes
for a fancy hand.

But when I check into a hotel,

I can sign my name
to the register.

At sarah's graduation,

I can read her
name in the program.

And wherever she goes
to work, I can write to her.

Read what she writes to me.

I was wrong, verdie.

About the walton boy.

A few times in your life

You meet a person
you know you can trust.

John-boy's that kind of person.

I'm glad I was wrong.

Verdie, come in.

I'm sorry to have been so
slow in finishing this for you,

But I've been especially
busy these last few days.

I know, and I want
to congratulate you.

For what?

Selfishly, I wish I'd been the
one to open the doors for you,

Although I know that the important
thing is when you were ready

You found somebody like john-boy

Who was able to give
you the help you needed.

You know.

I've gotten together some
pamphlets and some manuals

That I think might be
of some help to you...




[Knocking on door]

I'll handle this.

Verdie, I know
what you're feeling.

No, you don't.

Stay clear.

(John-boy) hi. Am I early?

We did decide
on 7:00, didn't we?

We did.

And that's one
agreement you kept.

Somethin' wrong?

Why have you been playin'
this teaching game with me?

Mrs. Grant, I don't really
think of it as a game.

Make you feel smarter,

More important to watch
this ignorant, old black woman

Sweat over making the
scratches that stand for her name?

You asked for my help...

You don't have the
gravel to laugh in my face.

You wait till you get with
your know-it-all friends.

Do you show them how
I stammer and stumble

When I try to read?

How I grip a pencil
like it was a 2x4?

I'd never make fun of you.

Plenty of people around here

Would like to put
verdie grant in her place.

I built my whole life on cheatin'
them out of that satisfaction.

I kept to the limits
your kind laid out for me

But I did it so well,
with so much style,

None of them could put me down.

None of them!

Till I trusted you.

Please tell me what
is it you think I've done.

We agreed the lessons
was between the two of us.

We shook hands on it.

You broke your word.

I did not.

Don't waste your breath lying.

I'm not lyin'! I didn't tell anybody.
I didn't even tell my family.

Why is it you think I've
broken my word to you?

Please go.

Mrs. Grant, don't
I have the right...


In your world, you've got all the
rights, but not here in my house.

I'm askin' you once
more to get out!

All right.

Didn't sound like
a fair trial to me.

Stay clear.

Verdie, you're still goin'
to sarah's graduation?

I'll send her the money I saved.

She can buy a new dress.



"There is nothing
so finely perceived

And so finely
felt as injustice."

Charles dickens, 1812-1870.

What's worryin' john-boy?

I don't know.

Looks to me like he's
lost his best friend.

Whatever it is, he'll
get it out of his system

By writin' it down.

Maybe I'd better buy
you a pencil and pad.

Save me a lot of wear
and tear on my eardrums.



Why aren't you upstairs?

I couldn't sleep.

(Grandma) you got a stomachache?

I'm afraid.

Honey, what's there
to be afraid of?

God may be mad at me.

Now, why would
god be mad at you?

I told miss hunter
kind of a fib.

I didn't have my homework

So I said john-boy used my
books to teach mrs. Grant.

(Grandma) whatever made
you tell such a story?

John-boy did use my
books to teach mrs. Grant

But that wasn't why I
didn't have my homework.

Now, are you sorry
that you told a fib?


Well, I think we'd better go
upstairs and get some sleep.

As long as we say we're sorry,
god doesn't hold a grudge.

Good night.

(John) night,
honey. Sleep tight.


Don't we owe mrs. Grant
a load of firewood?

That's right. We do.

I'd like to deliver that
tomorrow after school.


Need any help?

No, I can manage
myself. Thank you.

[Birds chirping]

Good afternoon, mrs. Grant.

Didn't I make myself
clear last night?

You worked for this firewood.
Where do you want me to stack it?

I didn't put in my time at
your place for firewood.

No, but you made a
bargain with my daddy,

And he likes to
keep his bargains.

We have our pride, too.

Just stack it on the porch.

I want to set things
straight with you, mrs. Grant.

I did that last night.

No, you said what
was on your mind.

Now I'd like to get my chance.


My little sister elizabeth is
the one who told miss hunter.

She had absolutely no idea
that she was spoilin' a secret.

I did not break my word to you.

Was that all you have to say?

No. I would like to
continue with the lessons

Because they meant as
much to me as they did to you.

I managed for 40 years without
what you set such store by.

And I'll make it fine for the
rest of the time that I got left.

You still don't trust me.

It don't matter anymore.


You're wrong, verdie.

Ain't you ever gonna get to the
grace where you can admit that

And not feel it's the
end of the world?

You're standin'
in my light, sister.

That boy is a proud person,
too, but he cares about you.

I heard him.

He set aside his hurt and asked
you to go on with the lessons.

Such as him can't teach
me nothin' I need to know.

[Car approaching]

Everything all right
with mrs. Grant?

Not really.

Told her what happened and
it seems that she'd rather not...

Seems that she'd
rather not trust me.

If you ask me, it seems like
she needs to mistrust me.

Not just you, son.

No, daddy.

Got to remember how
it's been for a lot of years.

No, daddy, we were friends!

And friends trust each other,
and I want it to stay that simple.

It ought to be.

(Livie) no fever.

Still feel so weak?

I do, mama.

My head swims if I
think of getting up.

So you don't feel up
to leavin' your bed?

No, I really don't, mama.

All right, dear. You know best.

I'll tell henry.

Henry? Is henry here?

Stopped by to see if you could go
to the party at the church tonight.

Told him I didn't
think you felt up to it,

But he said he'd come back.

I do feel some better, mama.

No, erin.

You can't have it both ways.

Sick when it suits you and
fit as a fiddle when it doesn't.

It's a dangerous game to
get in the habit of playin'.

I'm sorry, mama.

We all need to feel we're the
center of things sometimes,

But takin' to your bed is a very
poor way of gettin' attention.

I see that, mama, and if
I could only go to the...

No, erin. I want you to remember

What playin' sick has cost you.

But I'll tell henry
that you seem to be

On the road to a rapid recovery.


Yes, mama.

Late again.

There he is.



May I have a word with you?

Children, run on home,
and I'll catch up with you.

Let's go sit down.

I'm asking a favor.

She sent back the
money I sent her

To buy a new graduation dress.

I know something's wrong.

"Dear mama,

"I am hoping you will
take this to a friend

"Who will read it for you.

"I cannot use the money
you sent me for a new dress.

"I do not need a new dress.

"What I do need is to
have you here with me

"Sharing the day your love
and faith has made possible.

"I have asked you so much, mama

"And you have always given
me more than I asked for.

"Now I am asking
you to be with me

"On the day our
dream comes true.

"I know I can count on you.

"I always have.

Love, your daughter, sarah."

That girl of mine,

The trials she's had.

The obstacles
they've set in her way.

But she never lost heart.

She just wouldn't give up,

No matter how many folks
told her it was hopeless.

Talk about courage.

Sounds a lot like
her mama to me.

I mean, when you
start somethin',

Generally you like
to finish it, don't you?


John-boy, i...

I was wrong about you.

I was mean and unfair.

I'm sorry.

Will you...

Can you give me another chance?

Generally, when I start
somethin', I like to finish it, too.

Well, here we are.

Thanks, john-boy,
for everything.

You just have a safe
trip and give sarah

My congratulations
when you get there.

You know I will.

I've got my pencil
and paper in my purse

So I can practice
signing my name.

Do it elegantly.

When I face that hotel
clerk, I may forget everything.

Worse comes to worst,

I can always print,
"see spot. See spot run."


[Bus horn honking]

Goodbye, verdie.

Goodbye, john-boy.

Thanks again.

(John-boy) verdie,

Don't forget to write.


(John-boy) how to get
attention without playing sick?

How to keep from getting
hung up on the barbed wire

Of old prejudices
and grievances?

As we fumble towards
answers to these,

And a thousand other questions,

We were lucky to have the
teasing of our brothers and sisters

To keep us from taking
ourselves too seriously,

And the unfailing love
of our mother and father

To reassure and sustain us.

(Jim-bob) daddy?

(John) yeah, jim-bob?

(Jim-bob) will you wake me

When you get up in the morning?

(John) sure thing. Big
plans for tomorrow?

Mmm-hmm. Elizabeth and I are gonna
dig a hole straight through to china

And I want to get
an early start.

(John) good night, jim-bob.

(Jim-bob) good night, daddy.
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