02x16 - The Honeymoon

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Waltons". Aired: September 14, 1972 – June 4, 1981.*
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A popular, long-running drama about a close-knit family in rural, Depression-era Virginia, sharing their trials and triumphs.
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02x16 - The Honeymoon

Post by bunniefuu »

(John-boy) growing up
on walton's mountain

During the great depression,

We learned early to concentrate

On the essentials of life.

With many of the necessities
so hard to come by,

We had little money to
squander on extravagances.

But there came a time
when my father decided

That another kind of
survival was important.

And to nourish the human spirit,

It was necessary to
indulge in extravagance.

Watch your feet, grandma.

Have you ever heard
of luther burbank?

It seems I ran across his name helping
one of you children with your homework.

There's some burbanks live
over on the road to rockfish.

No, grandma, this
guy was a scientist

And he experimented
with crossing plants.

He crossed one plant
with another plant

And made all kinds of
new plants and vegetables.

Improvin' on the lord's
work? Mary ellen...

I'm crossing a cucumber
with a watermelon.

Whatever for?

Can you imagine
the giant pickles?

Oh, good lord.

Mary ellen, you were
supposed to mop this floor.

I'll do it right now, mama.

I did it.

Well, I'm sorry, I just forgot.

That's the 3rd time this week!

L(mary ellen) lwell...

Chance mooing chance,
get out of there.

Ben, jason, take that
cow back in the stall.

Gee, mama, I don't
know how she got out.

We were sittin' there
just playing marbles.

Look what she did to my flowers.

And they were just
gettin' a good start.

I'm sorry, mama.

Oh, it's not your
fault, elizabeth.

(Elizabeth) I guess I left
chance's stall door open.

Elizabeth, I have told you and
told you not to play in that stall.

I'm sorry, mama.

Jason, the wood
box is empty again.

I told ben to fill it.

And I told jim-bob.

And who did jim-bob
tell? Reckless?

(Olivia) reckless! Grandpa,
that dog is covered with mud!

All clamoring

Reckless whines

Get him out of the kitchen,
he's got mud everywhere.

Reckless, come back,
here's a spot you missed.

Oh, I'm sorry. It's
all our fault, livie.

Everybody's sorry, and
nobody's sorrier than I am!


What are you doin'?

What's the matter?
You... You restin'?


Aren't you gonna
ever speak to us again?

What's goin' on in here?

All of a sudden, uh, olivia
began to act sort of peculiar.


Nobody does the chores
they're supposed to do,

So I end up doin' them.

And then reckless comes
in and ruins everything.

I understand you're
aggravated, liv.

Why don't we all simmer down
and, uh, and... And talk this over?

There has been enough talk

And blame-passin'
and sorry-sayin'.

If you don't wanna talk,
what do you wanna do?

I'm doin' it.

What's that?

I'm stagin' my own
personal sit-down strike.

Oh, she's havin'
a sit-down strike.

Grandpa, what's
a sit-down strike?

Uh, these fellows in detroit
started it, they sort of, uh,

Plunk themselves down
in the middle of things

And they don't budge till
they get it arbitrated on

And get what they want.

What do you want, mama?

I want better
working conditions,

No more excuses, and
a little cooperation.

Well, now...

Grandpa murmuring

All right, liv, we're
ready to arbitrate.

Boys laughing

The way those children
leave their rooms,

They never do any...

Say, what's goin' on here?

Livie here had herself
a sit-down strike.

The way it's goin', she's doing
better than walter reuther.

Maybe I should
try it more often.

Well, they never did
those things in my day.

Oh, no, I remember
you had one or two

The first week we was married.

Mama, to make up
for what chance ate.

Oh, thank you, elizabeth.

Let's put them in some water.

We're gonna grow
you some more, mama.

Oh, everybody stop being so
nice, I'm starting to feel guilty.

I got an idea.

I think maybe your
mama needs a vacation.

A vacation?

Of course, that's a great idea!

Why not? We get
vacations from school,

But you got to do
the same chores

365 Days a year,
with no end in sight.

I think that's a perfect idea.

(All) yeah!

Hey, that's a wonderful idea!

Now hold on, I
got a better idea.

Maybe a vacation
isn't what she needs.

Maybe she needs a honeymoon.

Oh, now, john, don't start that.

7 Children, and she
needs a honeymoon.

She's been married 19
years, had all these children,

And hasn't had a honeymoon yet.

It just isn't right.

What's a honeymoon?

It's something you're supposed
to take after you get married.

Like medicine?

Not exactly.

Chuckling when do you
think you could go?

Sooner the better.

We are not gonna
have a honeymoon.

Why not?

I just can't waltz off and leave 7
children to fend for themselves.

Well, I'll take care
of the children.

I'll take care of you.

Well, it'd only be for a few
days anyway, wouldn't it?

Sure, we'd manage all right.

Where do we get the money?

We use the nest egg.

But that's for emergencies.

A woman who's been married
19 years, got all these kids,

Hasn't had a honeymoon,
I'd say that's an emergency.

Now look, I wanna thank you all,

But we cannot
afford a honeymoon.

Will you please all
get out of my kitchen

Or there won't be any supper.

I sure want supper.

I'm not gonna give up tryin'.

(John-boy) that's a
great idea, daddy.



All that talk about a
honeymoon set me to remembering.

That's beautiful.

Oh, you've got your
wedding dress out, too, I see.

Hmm, I'm savin'
it for the girls.

It sure is pretty.

I bet daddy looked great.
What was he wearin'?

A nice soft brown
herringbone twill.

He looked so nice.

This was my goin'-away outfit,
only I never got to wear it.

You got a hat with
it and everything?

Oh, yes, we always
wore hats in those days.

Oh, you look like
a picture, mama.

Kind of an old-fashioned
picture, I'm afraid.

You really do wanna go on
that honeymoon, don't you?

There's a pile of mending
waiting for me downstairs.

Dress-up time is over.

All right.


Ok, it's time for
bed, everybody.

Time for bed, scoot. Leave.

Chuckles (elizabeth) scoot.

What are you
growin', mary ellen?

I'm crossing a watermelon
with a cucumber.

Oh! Oh, good, you, uh,
keep waterin' it like that,

You could end up
with a water lily!

Saw buzzing afternoon
shift is here.

I'm not sorry to see you.

This motor really
sounds terrible.

Give her a rest, son.


Saw stops

Daddy, you know, mama really
wants to go on that honeymoon.

I know she does.

This afternoon, I saw
her up in her room,

She had her wedding dress out
and she was wearing something

She called her
goin'-away outfit.

She's goin'.

(John-boy) what do you mean?

Mama and me, we're
goin' to virginia beach.

Really? That's wonderful!
That's really great!

Pick that up, let's
go out to the truck.

You seem very serious, marcia.

I'm thinking about
the class picnic,

Who I'll be goin' with and all.

I thought we agreed
to go together.


Don't you think you're gonna
have a good time with me or what?

Life is more than good
times, john-boy walton.

Children playing

Well, I can't argue
with that, marcia.

I'm thinkin' past the good
times at the class picnic.

Oh, maybe you're thinkin' up to
the graduation breakfast, huh?

Children screaming

What am I supposed
to do in september

When you go away to college?


You're gonna have your
books and your professors

And you're gonna be so far away.

Marcia, I'm not
goin' to the moon.

Boatwright university
is only 28 miles away,

I'll be comin' home every night.

I know you, john-boy.

You're gonna be spending even more
time studying then than you do now.

Well, like you say, marcia,
life isn't all good times.

Tsk, don't change the subject!

You expect me to be waitin' here

For whenever you feel like
takin' some time away from studyin'.

(Marcia) and I'm not
good at waitin', john-boy.

Well, marcia, I'm not
asking you to wait. I...

I would be if I was sure I'd
get what I was waitin' for.

Oh, marcia.

We'll talk more about it
after we get our class rings.

Lkid yelling lcome on!

(John) how's business, ike?

John, I got somethin' for you.

Here it is.

"Sea spray inn,
virginia beach, virginia."

Mighty fancy stationery.

Well, for the prices they charge
you, ike, it ought to be fancy.

I spent a weekend at
virginia beach once myself.

Of course, I was just a dumb
kid and I didn't appreciate it.

We're in, ike.

Oh, that's great.

"Acknowledging your
letter of the 11th instant,

We regret to advise you that
our honeymoon suit is booked."

(Ike) suite.

Yeah, "honeymoon
suite is booked.

"However, we are delighted
to be able to confirm

"An exquisite seaside double

"With a panoramic view
of sun-reddened sails

"And moon-drenched sands.


"Your $5 deposit will
hold your accommodation

"Until your arrival on the 19th.

Sincerely, resident manager."

You and olivia on a honeymoon.


You always were a romantic cuss.

Can't you see liv and me walkin'
down those moon-drenched sands, ike?

A honeymoon like that
is worth waiting for.

Lnothing's gonna
lstop us now, either.

Well, the... The girls are
just gonna have to pitch in.

19Th! But I have to be
in richmond on the 19th.

(Grandma) i... I promised that I
would chaperon the children's choir

At the state, uh, competition.

Can't rev. Fordwick
get someone else, ma?

Well, it's not just that.

I'm the only one that can keep
those children under control.

The... The reverend said
that he is counting on me

To preserve the de... Decorum?

Oh, john, if... If I'd only
known the dates before you...

All right, we'll figure somethin'
else out, ma. It's all right.

It just wasn't
meant to be, john.

Now, livie, hold on.

What's the problem, ma? We
can take care of ourselves.

Grandpa is gonna be here.

And I'll tell him
exactly what to do.

I wouldn't feel easy.

(John) these kids can get on
without us for 2 or 3 days, liv.

Mama, don't you realize

Everybody wants you
to have your honeymoon?

Hey, hey, john, I have
been workin' on our saw.

I gave the engine
a rest like you said,

Then I kicked her once or twice,

And she puffed and snorted
some smoke, and then quit.

I'll get her started.

No. No, you won't.
Not this time.

She's done for.

Now, livie.

There goes the emergency money.

I was just getting
used to the idea of goin'.

Crank shaft squeaking
daddy. Daddy, daddy,

It's not gonna start
up again, I tell you.

Stubborn pile of junk.

Not any stubborner than
other members of the family.

I was hopin' to take
livie to virginia beach.

Sighing we're gonna have
to do somethin' about that.

It's gonna cost $15 or
$20 to get this thing fixed.

We've got to get her goin'.

(Grandma) zeb!

"The voice of the turtle
is heard in the land." Yes?

Would you come here, please?

You know, her trip
is still a week away,

And she wants me to decide
whether to wear the blue scarf

Or the one with polka dots.

Those old boys on
the supreme court

Are paid to make easier
decisions than that.

Sighing john-boy,

One time in new york,

I see a man hand
a cigarette girl

A $20 bill just for
lightin' his cigar.

I was stayin' in a hotel in
paris just after the w*r,

And soldiers were throwin'
money out of the windows.

Like it was confetti.

Hundreds of dollars
just floatin' down.

I laughed about it then, I
thought that was funny.

I wish a lot of good
things for you, son.

But one thing I wish
especially for you is that

Someday when you
wanna do somethin'

For somebody you
really care about,

You'll be able to do it
without thinkin' for one second

Whether you can afford it.

Let's break this thing down,
get it to charlottesville.

I sold my 4 big aggies.

Here's some money that I saved
to buy some beads from ike.

Mr. Atherton paid
me 50 cents in advance

For helping him next saturday.

Here's 20 cents g.w. Loaned me.

He'd have given more
but he didn't have it.

Here's my birthday quarter.

Here's 2 cents I
got out of my bank.

There's one more penny in
there if anyone can get it.

How much do we have?

Well, I got 50 cents.

Ike bought some postage
stamps back from me.

That's $1.50, $1.60,
mumbling $1.72.

Is that all? Yeah.

If only we had more time.

Is this a secret meeting?

Yes, sort of.

You're welcome here, grandpa.

Ah, I see I've interrupted a
meeting of the financial committee.

Well, we're tryin' to
raise enough money

To help mama and daddy
go on their honeymoon.

I approve of that
heartily. That's a good idea.

Yeah, but we're about $18 short!

I'm afraid we're gonna
have to sell somethin' big.

You know what? I bet I could
get close to $20 for my guitar.

No, jason.

(All) no, no.

But, well, I could probably sell
my encyclopedia set back to ike.

You'll need that for college!

Yes, I agree with ben.

I know I am not a bona fide
member of this committee,

But could I put in
my 2 cents' worth?

Thanks, grandpa.

That makes $1.74.

(Grandpa) no, sirree,

This particular 2 cents is
worth considerable more

Than when it was minted in 1864.

Grandpa, you've held on to that

2-Cent piece for a lot of years.

I surely have. It's the only piece
of money I really have on my own.

Under the circumstance, I'd feel downright
miserly if I didn't contribute it.

Yeah, but that means a lot more
to you than just cash, grandpa.

With the permission of
this committee, however,

I would like to try
to sell it to a man

Lwho has coveted
it lfor a long time.

Oh, it's rare, zeb. There's
no argument about that.

It's just, how rare?

$20 Is my best and only
price. Take it or leave it.

Yeah, but I can buy an
1864 2-cent piece for $15.

I'm not goin' to sit around
here and haggle all day

Over a few measly dollars.
Do you want it or don't you?

You know I want it.

There's a collector
over in charleston

Who'd snap it up in 30 seconds.

Yeah. Would he pay $20?

Uh, we'll see.

Uh, don't you think you ought
to consider our friendship?

That is exactly what
I am considerin', ike.

And in a horse trade
like this, I don't like

To confuse the issue
with the sentiment,

But you do know that this
$20 is for their honeymoon.

Tell you what, $17.50.

And livie and john
can cut a few corners.

Ike, I'll try and forget
that you ever said that.

All right.

You run a tough bargain, zeb.

I'll pay the $20.

I want livie and john to
have a honeymoon, too.

(John-boy) $21.72 for you.

It's from all of us.

I put in 2 cents,
and so did grandpa.

Yeah, but grandpa's...

Like jim-bob said,
it's from all of us.

Pa, you've been savin' that 2
cents as long as I know you.

Well, I always knew there would be
a time when it would come in handy.

I don't know how
to thank you all.

But I still feel just
a little bit uneasy...


What with grandma
away in richmond...

Well, it isn't as though
I'll be gone forever.

I'll be back before
they even miss me.

"Trailing clouds of glory"

John-boy, what are you doin'?


Well, now I do believe we're
havin' another sit-down strike.

We are not gonna move
till you say you're goin'.

They're usin' your own
weapons against you, liv.

All right!

(All) yeah!

All cheering

I wanna go. I really do.

Then it's settled.

Startin' their honeymoon early.

Ben whooping

John walton what are you doin'?

I'm practicin'.

(Elizabeth) practicing
what, daddy?

The peabody. They have dancin'
down at the sea spray inn.

Elizabeth screaming

(Grandma) it's awful,
that hip-wiggling stuff.

(John) we'll just show
you somethin'. Come on.

Oh, john, nobody does
the peabody anymore.

Which reminds me,
whatever am I goin' to wear?

(John-boy) your
goin'-away outfit.

It's so old it ought
to be hung in a museum.

All you need is a swimsuit.

(Erin) are you going
swimming, mama?

Sure she's going swimming.

Then we're goin' to
dine by candlelight

And we're goin' to dance
the peabody till 3:00 a.m.

All cheering

Birds chirping

They waited 19 years
to have a honeymoon?


I'm gonna have my honeymoon
right after the wedding,

The way you're supposed to.

Marcia, not everything
happens the way it's supposed to.

Sometimes, john-boy, you
sound like an old, old man.

Well, I don't feel
like an old, old man.

Sighing look, marcia,
when I get married,

I would like to have my
honeymoon at the proper time.

But if you feel about each
other the way my folks do,

Then maybe waiting
makes it even better.

I'm not good at waiting.

I know. You told me that.

Well, neither
was i, till I met you.

What's that supposed to mean?

It's supposed to mean you
keep me waiting all the time,

Like for the class
picnic and everything.

You're not wearing your ring.

No, I know, I was playin' ball.

I didn't wanna get
it all banged up.

Kitty lou is already
wearing woodrow's.

Oh, really?

With a little tape, yours
would probably fit on my finger.

Yeah, it just might do that.

John-boy walton, I'm tired of
bein' taken for granted by you.

Living from one
date to the next.

I gotta know where
I stand with you.

Oh, marcia, I like you. You
know how much I like you.

I mean, you don't...
Words aren't enough.

I've got to have
somethin' more solid.

Come on, get
ready, they're comin'.

(Mary ellen) oh, they're
coming. Ben, jason, hurry up.

Ok, we're coming.

(Erin) put it behind your back.

Hide it.

Got the rice? Oh,
that looks great.


I forgot to leave a
note for mary ellen.

It'll take 'em the whole 3 days to
read the notes you already left.

Now, let's go, come on.

(Olivia) oh, john! Oh!

(John-boy) hey!

Olivia exclaiming what's
the matter, mama?

I'm at the mercy of
the man I married.

I'm carryin' my bride
across the threshold.

You're goin' the wrong way.

It's a new tradition
I just made up.

(All) happy honeymoon!

(Olivia) I forgot to
leave a note for...

(John) oh, you left
plenty of notes! Get in.

(Olivia) all those cans.

(Mary ellen) from ike godsey.

Is grandma goin' on
the honeymoon, too?

Grandpa chuckling

I'm goin' to eulalie
hayes' place.

She's gonna help
me with the children.

You make sure the choir
sings out good and loud.

Now don't you worry about that!

You just take care of
yourself and the children. And...

All laughing drive safe!

(Mary ellen) have fun.

(All) happy honeymoon!

Bye-bye! Take care.

All clamoring

How do you like that, grandpa?

Never thought
I'd see that happen.

Chuckling better
late than never.

(Jim-bob) john-boy!

Slow down, slow
down. What is it?

Reckless is chasin' a skunk!

A skunk?

If that fool dog wants to
tangle with a skunk again, let him.

Yeah, but the back door is open,
and he chased it into the house!

All exclaiming

(Elizabeth) how much longer

Do we have to stay
in this barn, grandpa?

Probably forever!

Now, now! There's a good
stiff breeze blowin' outside.

We got all the doors and
windows in the house open,

Reckless had a good
bath with buttermilk,

And your grandma's
tomato preserves,

And we ought to be able to get
back in the house sometime tomorrow.

Yeah. I'm just glad mama and
daddy left before it happened.

That skunk smell's
in every room.

Well, if we can't go back
in the house tomorrow,

Maybe we can pitch this old
tent the carnival people left.

I like my own bed
better. It's warmer.

Now you tuck that
blanket in around you.

It gets cold.

Is mama and daddy
already at the hotel?

Yes, I suspect
they are, jim-bob.

Yeah, they're probably havin'
that candlelight dinner, soft music.

And later on,
they'll be dancing.

Lthis is the night lthey've
been waiting for, lfor 19 years.

No, it's just no good, liv.

Every time I start it up, it slips
off. We just need a new fan belt.

What are we gonna do?

Sighing I can't get one tonight.

I'll have to go to columbia
in the morning and get one.

That mean we're gonna
have to sleep in the truck?

Chuckling sorry.

It's lucky I brought some
sandwiches and hard-boiled eggs.

Bonnet squeaking

I'll get the honeymoon
suite fixed up.

This is cozy.

It's not where you are,
liv, it's who you're with.

So what if we don't have
an ocean view out there.

You look up above,
you'll see a million stars.

That's funny, I don't
see one single star.

Thunder roaring laughing

Muttering rain
pattering both giggling

Well, it's not too bad.

(Mary ellen) at least it doesn't make
your eyes water like yesterday.

But you can still tell that
a skunk has passed this way.

That's for sure.

(Mary ellen) hey, look!

happenin' to my plant!

Let me see that.

It doesn't look like a cucumber.

It doesn't look like
a watermelon, either.

I've done it!

It's a little too early to tell
what it's gonna turn out to be.

I've made a new plant.

I'd wait a day or two
to tell the newspapers.

Could turn out to
be skunk cabbage!


I'm starvin', what's
for breakfast?

(Mary ellen) let's see
what mama's note says.

Fold up your blankets.


"Cinnamon rolls and cereal,
milk in the refrigerator."

Erin, you wanna help me?

Can I close some
doors? I'm cold.


You don't feel
cold. You feel hot.

Yeah, she is. She's
burnin' up with fever.

Sneezes here's another one.

Now, if you had slept
with your boots on, like me,

You wouldn't have colds.

(John-boy) this is great.
Mama's been gone one day

And everything is fallin' apart.

Sneezing I didn't do it
on purpose, john-boy.

Oh, I know, honey.

We'll fix you some hot
cocoa. That'll fix you.

Upstairs, both of you.

Sneezes bless you.

Well, I've got it.

We'll go in to columbia for
breakfast, we'll be on our way.

How you feelin'?


Nothin' like sittin' up
in a truck cab all night

Tryin' to sleep, is there?

Liv, whatever room
they have for us

At the sea spray inn,
it's gonna look good.

John, maybe we
shouldn't try to go on.

We're three-fourths
of the way there.

I know, but

Everything seems to be
tryin' to keep us from goin'.

All our troubles are over.

It's going to be a
beautiful day, come on.

I keep worryin'
about the children.

What children? We just got
married. We don't have children.

Maybe you don't. But I do. 7.

Liv, you're a wonderful mother.

And I love you for it.
But you're also my wife.

I'm just in the
habit of worryin'.

I know you are.

We're gonna break you of
that habit for the next 2 days.

Now I want you to say after
me, "the children are fine."

Chuckling come on,
"the children are fine."

Say it.

The children are fine.

Attagirl. The children are fine.

The children are fine.

The children are fine.

The children are fine.

The children are fine.

The children are fine.

The children are fine!

The children are fine!

The children are fine!

The children are fine.

Chuckling the children are fine!

You're insane.

Car engine starts

Virginia beach, here we come!

You sure you're not gonna need
me at the saw mill this afternoon?

Oh, I don't think so, john-boy.

Jason and I can finish
up the short order.

You just go out walkin' with
your girl, enjoy yourself.

Well, I'm not sure how
enjoyable it's gonna be.


Marcia woolery givin'
you a hard time again?

Well, she's onto somethin'
different, grandpa.

Time was that I couldn't get her to
think ahead for more than an hour or two.

Now all she wants to talk about

Is what we're gonna be
doin' next fall or next winter.

And the rest of your lives.

Now you tiptoe carefully when
you get into that territory, john-boy.

I intend to.



Quiet around here, isn't it?

You're missin'
grandma, aren't you?


Funny what habits
a man could get into

After 50 years.

Here's your hot tea.

Thank you.

And here's your cold water.

Mary ellen, could you
get me another pillow?

Here. Now would you two
please try and get some rest?

Mary ellen, the
light's in my eyes.

(Erin) now I can't
see to read my book.

Could you please put it up?

(Elizabeth) no. Keep
it down. Put it up!

Down. Up.

Down. Up.

Down. Up.


Mary ellen.

Mary ellen, what are you doin'?

I'm having a lay-down strike.

Anything else I do for you, sir?

No, this is fine.
This is just fine.

I hope you enjoy
your stay with us.

We're gonna have
a wonderful time.

Aren't we, liv?

Sighing well,

If you're sure you don't
need anything else...

Now, wait a minute. Don't run
off, you forgot something. Here.


You're welcome.

Looked a bit like jason.

How much did you give him?

25 Cents.

So much?

They have to make
a livin', too, liv.

Every time a person turns
around, it costs money.

Well? What do you think?

Oh, it's beautiful.

Good, look, now here,
this is a whole suite, liv.

Looky here.

You seen this view?

Come on and take
a look at this view.


You've never seen
anything like this, liv, look.

In all my travels, I've
never seen anything like it.


Isn't it beautiful?

Well, liv, we finally made it.

We're on our honeymoon.

Look at this white wicker, something
you've always wanted. Liv, look.

Isn't that beautiful?

Look, here... Here's an
ashtray shaped like a butterfly.

Beautiful windows there,
a little bit like church.


We even got a tree in the room.

Liv, aren't you gonna talk?
I'm runnin' out of things to say.


Both laughing (olivia) oh.

Lolivia gasping

(John-boy) marcia,
why are we running?

I feel like it.

Panting I thought we
were gonna go for a walk.

If you can't keep up with me,

Why don't you sit down and
read a book or something?

Waves breaking seagulls cawing

Sorry it's too cold
to go swimming.

In a way, I'm glad.

This way we have the
whole beach to ourselves.

It's so beautiful.

Just you and me and the ocean.

Chuckling that's enough.

This is somethin' I have
always wanted to do.

It looks like walton's mountain.

What's the matter with you? Can't you
recognize a castle when you see one?

Liv, maybe you ought to stay
out of the construction business.

Oh, come on, now.

This is the moat,

And this is the little room
where the princess lives.

What's her name? Rapunzel.
The one with the hair.

I don't believe I know her.

You would love her.

You're so crazy about long hair.

I'm crazy about your hair.

Liv, look at that,

Never saw anything
like that in my life. Look.

Marcia giggling john-boy panting

Marcia giggling

Birds chirping

You're for certain goin'
to college this september?

Well, yeah, I guess that's about as
certain as anything could be, marcia.

I've heard about those
college girls and how they are.

I'm sure they're just the
same as girls anywhere else.

You expect to have
your fun with them

And then come back to me whenever
you don't have anything better to do.

Oh, marcia. I certainly never...

Tyler crofut asked me to
exchange class rings with him.

Tyler crofut?

He's not going to college.

He's going to work
on his daddy's farm.

Well, marcia, if you'd
rather be with someone...

Tyler... He knows
how you feel about me,

But I had to tell him

There wasn't any
what you might call

"Understanding" between us yet.

Sighs marcia, I like you.

I mean, I really... I
really like you, I really...

I've always liked you,
I'll always like you.

You don't understand, it's a...

This ring is kind of
loose on this finger.

Oh, I guess I should put it on the
middle finger, I guess. Listen, m-marcia,

I gonna say, I'm goin' to be
gone to college for 4 years,

And people can
change in 4 years.

Why don't you try my ring...

Listen to me, listen to me.

I've done a lot of
thinkin' about this.

And I just... I just think it
would be unfair for both of us

To pledge ourselves
to each other right now.

But if you'd only consider...
I thought you liked me.

I do, I do like you.

But you wanna go
after other girls.

Marcia, I'm just tryin' to be honest
with you, don't you understand?

John-boy, you are hateful,
that's what you are.

I wanna see you.

I don't wanna talk
to you anymore!

Marcia, may I have
my ring back, please?

Take it!

Oh, honey, we don't
have to argue...



John-boy, whatever are
you doing down there?



If it's no trouble, would
you mind going for help?

I seem to have broken something.

Panting ow.


We'd better get down
to the dining room.

Don't wanna miss
any of that music.

(Olivia) john, I'm
worried about this fire.

(John) the paper says it's
miles from walton's mountain.

Yeah, but who knows how far
it could have traveled today?

You're right.

Couldn't we phone?

Who do we phone,
the forest service?

No. Ike godsey.

I know I'm bein' foolish, but if I could
just talk to ike, I know I'd feel better.

There's the phone
just waitin' to be used.

What do I do?

Just pick it up,
see what happens.

Dial tone buzzing go ahead.

(Woman) desk, may I help you?

Uh, this is mrs. Walton,
mrs. John walton.

Room number?

Room... 277.

Room 277.

Thank you.

I'd wanna call ike godsey.

Ike crosby?



In walton's mountain.

In virginia?

Yes, it's in virginia.

I'll call you back.

Thank you.

You're welcome.


Uh, she's gonna call
back, it'll take a while.

All right.

Does it hurt a lot?

Well, doc vance popped the shoulder
back in place, so it feels a little better.

Lucky you didn't
break any bones, boy.

He said I could have
broken my collarbone.

I still can't understand
how you fell.

You're like a goat on your feet.

Let's just say he fell, and
leave it at that, all right?

Did marcia woolery push you?

Marcia woolery did not push me.

You should've seen her hootin'
and hollerin' when she came for help.

Jim-bob, what happened
between john-boy and marcia

Is between john-boy
and marcia, all right?

Giggling what do
you know, jason?

Sneezes what are you
two doin' out of bed?

We wanted to see
how john-boy was.

Looky here, you run right
upstairs and crawl in bed,

And pull the covers up
over you, you got colds.

It's no fun up there.

Please, grandpa.

Look, you all have to be better by
the time mama and daddy get home.

Scoot along now.

And while the folks are away,

The rest of you survivors take
extra good care of yourselves.

Giggling don't
get by any cliffs.

Not around marcia woolery.

Phone ringing

Godsey's general
merchandise store.

Hello, ike? It's olivia walton.

Oh, olivia! Hey, how's
the honeymoon?

Oh, it's wonderful.


Uh, we were a little
worried about the fire.

Oh, no, put your mind
completely at ease, olivia.

There's absolutely no threat.

I talked to sheriff
bridges about an hour ago,

And there's
absolutely no danger.

Sighing I'm so relieved.

(Ike) everybody is gonna
be just fine at your place.

Uh, gonna be?

Yeah, I talked to the doc just
after he set john-boy's shoulder,

And he left some medicine
for erin and elizabeth, too.

Ike, what happened to john-boy?

Oh, just took a tumble.
No broken bones.

And... And you said erin
and elizabeth are sick?

Oh, just colds. I
guess they got a chill

From sleepin' in the barn
after the skunk chased them all

Out of the house.

I bet you're really kickin' up
your heels there at virginia beach.

Phone clicks uh, olivia?

Can't we go any faster?

Not without shakin' this
old flivver to pieces, liv.

Don't worry about
the girls, it's just colds.

Colds can turn into grippe, and
grippe can turn into pneumonia.

Doc's checked them out.

And john-boy?

If it had been serious, they
would have telephoned us.

No, they wouldn't. They could all
be half-dead and wouldn't call us

For fear of spoilin'
our honeymoon.

Just don't upset yourself.

Honeymoonin' at our age!

We're not a couple of
just-married teenagers.

We're responsible for 7 children

And we were silly to try to
forget that responsibility.

I don't feel silly.

Neither do i.

I enjoyed our one
afternoon on the beach.

I even enjoyed sittin' up in
this old flivver all night.

I know, we've got a
responsibility to those kids,

But we got a responsibility
to ourselves, too.

That's important.

I know.

But hurry, please.

Rooster crowing

Ow. Ow!


Truck approaching



Mama, what are you doin' here?

Came to see if
you were all right.

We didn't expect
you till tomorrow.

How bad is that shoulder?

It's not bad. How did
you find out about it?

Ike godsey.

You're comin' here
because of me?

No. And erin and
elizabeth and everybody.

We spoiled everything for you.


You didn't spoil
anything. It was lovely.

Now go back to bed.

Mama, I'm sorry.

You heard me.



It's all right. We're home now.

We'll talk later.

Good night.

Daddy, I'm sorry about this.

Oh, don't be, son.

We didn't want anything
to spoil it for you.

Nothin' did. How's
your shoulder?

It's all right. It
aches a little. It's ok.

Will you please go back to bed?

I'm sorry.

I could use 40 winks myself.

You go on ahead. I have
to finish up in the kitchen.


And then there's
church. Today's sunday.

John-boy, guess who's
comin' to see you?

John-boy, john-boy,
it's marcia woolery!

Don't worry, john-boy.

We're here to catch you in
case she... In case you fall.

Clear out.

Giggles clear out!


Mary ellen, there's milk
still to be separated.

Jason, go clean chance's
stall. Ben, you go with him.

Jim-bob, I'll find
somethin' for you to do.

Thank you, mama.


Hi, are you all right?

Little sore.

Sorry about the ring.

Well, you were mad at me.

But I don't think you understood
what I was tryin' to say.

I understood, john-boy.
That's what made me mad.

You're goin' one way
and I'm goin' the other.

Swappin' class rings
can't change that.

I thought maybe it would.

No, you see, you don't
understand what I'm tryin' to say.

It doesn't mean we... We have to stop
seeing each other altogether, does it?

I suppose that's so.

Tyler's waitin' for me.


A girl has to look
to the future.

Oh, yeah. Well, yeah, sure.
You're right. I understand that.

Look, what about the... The picnic and
the graduation breakfast? Are you...

I'm not sure.

I'll let you know, john-boy.

I need a little
more time to decide.


I thought you and marcia
might like some lemonade,

But, uh, I see she's gone.

There she goes.

Well, it's not the
end of the world.

Lord, no, I know that.

It's just that, uh, I was the
one who made the speech

About gettin' less involved.

And I didn't figure she
would agree with me,

So fast, anyway.

There'll be plenty
of girls at college.

Don't forget about jenny.

I know.

You know, mama, it's
really remarkable to me

That you and daddy
found each other so early.

And that it was right.

I really envy that.

Door closing

Brakes squeal grunts

Well, how did the children
do in richmond, grandma?

They were the
best-behaved in the bunch.

Here's the chaperon to prove it.

What's the matter
with your voice?


That's the price she paid
for bossin' everybody:

She's lost her voice.


Call it whatever you want,

For the first time in all
the years I've known her,

She is not able to
utter one word.


(Olivia) oh, that's
just terrible.

The lord does move
in mysterious ways.

But... But she's in no real pain
and while she's recovering,

I will be able to do
all the talkin' for her.

It's time I had my chance.

Come on, we'll put some
goose grease on that throat.

Door opens door
closes children chattering

Laughing hey, daddy, come on.

Look what mary ellen's raised.

Her cu-melon is
nothing but a weed!

The mountain's
covered with them.

Don't laugh, you lamebrains.

They laughed at
luther burbank, too!

Did mr. Burbank laugh at himself

When nature
played a trick on him?

Oh, daddy. Come on.

Llet's look for
lsome more cu-melon!

Everybody settled?

John-boy's readin', and
grandma's still tryin' to talk.

So far, all she can
manage is "old fool."

That'll do for a start.

I'm sorry, john.

About what?

The honeymoon was spoiled.

Maybe this next one
will turn out better, liv.

We're goin' back to
finish that honeymoon.

The money's all spent.

The way I've got it planned,

Won't cost a cent, and you won't
have to worry about the children.

You mean after the
children are grown?

No, I mean this weekend.

How are you gonna manage that?

I'm not tellin'.

You're not gonna
keep me in suspense.

Come to bed, woman.

I'm not sleepy.

Better get all
the sleep you can.

The rest of this honeymoon
is gonna be a humdinger.


Come on.

(Jason) ben, get this quick.

Have you ever been on a
honeymoon before, john-boy?

No, first time. Mine, too.

How come we can't stay at a
hotel like mama and daddy did?

Mary ellen, a tent's
gonna work out just fine.

All right, you folks. Come on.

All chattering

Somebody's got to keep
the home fires burning.

Livie, now you send a
postcard from virginia beach.

(Olivia) I will, grandma.

(Mary ellen) we'll
all write on it.


Oh! Oh! Oh!

Now you do what your
mama says and be careful.

(Grandpa) enjoy yourselves.

All clamoring

You know, old man, I've been
married to you for 50 years,

And I still haven't
had a honeymoon.

Old woman, our life together
has been one long honeymoon.

Oh, good lord.

(All) bye!


(John-boy) my fondest
memories are not of those

Special outings or
unusual occasions.

What I like best to recall

Is the quiet moment at the
very end of an ordinary day

When we drifted off to sleep,

Secure in the shelter of our
home and of our parents' love.

(Jim-bob) daddy?

(John) yes, jim-bob?

Today when elizabeth
and I were playin',

I think I saw a
crack in the sky.

A crack in the sky?

Could all the air leak out?

Tell you what, tomorrow,
you and I'll have a look.

If the crack's still there,

We'll get in touch with president
roosevelt or somebody up there.

You always know the right
thing to do, daddy. Good night.

Good night, jim-bob.
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