04x03 - The Skater's Edge" / "Concerto of Death" / "The Last Great Race

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fantasy Island". Aired: January 14, 1977 – May 19, 1984.*
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Guests are granted so-called "fantasies" on the island for a price.
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04x03 - The Skater's Edge" / "Concerto of Death" / "The Last Great Race

Post by bunniefuu »





The plane! The plane!


- Good morning, boss.
- Good morning, Tattoo.

ROARKE: Let's go.


Smiles, everyone. Smiles.


Boss, that lady does
not look too happy.

Should I offer her a
cancellation refund?

Oh, no, no, Tattoo.
Miss Charlotte Johnson

is a little
disappointed, that's all.

She had hoped it
would be snowing.

TATTOO: Snowing?
Here on Fantasy Island?

Well, anything is
possible, my friend.

You see, Miss Johnson's fantasy

is to become a prima
ballerina of ice skating.

She must be pretty good.

ROARKE: As a matter
of fact, the only skating

she's ever done
has been confined

to the frozen ponds
around her family's farm

in Minnesota, and that
was some years ago.

In that case, I think she
gave you a big order, boss.

But I have faith in you.

Why, thank you, Tattoo. That
makes me feel much better.

- TATTOO: Nice-looking couple.
- ROARKE: Yes, Tattoo.

Mr. Jeremy Hale
and Miss Linda Roth,

his fiancée, from New York.

Throughout early years
of constant practice

and dedication,

Mr. Hale dreamed
of a great career

as a concert pianist.

Unfortunately, he discovered
his talent was inadequate.

So, he now plays
background music

at fashionable New
York restaurants.

Let me guess.

He wants one
week in the big time,

like Carnegie Hall,
the Philharmonic.

Is that what he asked for?

How perspicacious
of you, my friend.

That is precisely
what he asked for.

And our job would
be very simple,

if Mr. Hale actually
wanted that fantasy.

TATTOO: You mean,
that's not what he wants?

You mean, he's lying to us?

Mr. Hale has in mind

- is much more complicated.

It could prove extremely
dangerous to him.

Mr. Hale really wants to acquire
the unique skills and genius...

-of a dead man. -A dead man?

Yes, Tattoo.

One who may be seeking
revenge from beyond the grave.

TATTOO: Who are they, boss?

ROARKE: Victor and Viola Urskin
from Stanton Beach, California.

And if you're wondering

why they seem
less than friendly,

there is very good reason.

Two weeks ago, the
Urskin's were divorced

and neither one is pleased

with the community
property settlement.

But if they were divorced,
what are they doing together?

They are here because
they have identical fantasies.

You see, Tattoo, both
Mr. and Mrs. Urskin

are determined to win

the greatest
race of their lives.

Or so they claim.

You mean, they are lying?

Indeed I do, Tattoo.

their real fantasy

is to cheat each
other out of his

or her community property,

which is worth
five million dollars.

My dear guests, I am
Mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to Fantasy Island.






Good afternoon, Miss Johnson.

Oh, hi, Mr. Roarke. Hi, Tattoo.

Oh, boy, that
girl out there is...

- She's just absolutely...
- ROARKE: Breathtaking?

breathtaking. That says it.

Her name is Miss Laura Henderson
and she's competing for a place

on the American women's
figure skating team.

And she won't have
any trouble either.

-No. -Oh, she's everything

I've ever dreamed of being.

Can you really make
that happen for me?

Can you turn a potato farmer
into poetry in motion like that?

I believe you said
in your letter that, uh,

uh, you began skating
when you were a child.

Am I correct? What
made you give it up?

Well, my mama got sick.

So I had to take over
her chores on the farm.

Between that and school,

there wasn't really
time for my own interest.

So you have many
years to catch up on.

Well, in that case, I
suggest you begin at once.


Thank you very much, Mr. Roarke.

I really do appreciate
the thought,

but, uh, I brought
my own skates.


But this pair is special.

No one knows who made
them or even how old they are.

They are said to have
belonged at one time

to Miss Sonja Henie.

Sonja Henie?

That's before she won
the three Olympic titles.

Why don't you try them out?

And practice for a competition.

What competition?

Your fantasy was to become
one of the top women figure skaters

in the world. Am I correct?

Well, naturally, you are
entered in the competition

from which the American
team will be selected.

Eh, there'll be a cocktail
party for the competitors

and the selection
committee, this evening.

We'll see you there.
Good luck, Miss Johnson.

Good luck.



Thank you.

Ah, here we are,
at the starting line.

Uh, lest there be any

I shall go over the rules,
regulations and conditions.

Hmm. What a marvelous
idea, Mr. Roarke.

Thank you, Mrs. Urskin.

This will be a two-day,
around-the-island race.

At stake is the remaining
community property

from your recent divorce.

It consists of a
vintage car museum,

valued at five million dollars.

The first person to cross
the finish line tomorrow,

will win this entire

magnificent collection
of automobiles.

That's right. A
winner-take-all race.

Excuse me. Why don't
you sell the museum

and split the money?

I love this collection too much.

It's been my life's work.

What Mr. Urskin is saying,

is that we spent years,
the length of our marriage,

building it into
the success it is.

He forced me to give up
my work at our museum

after we had both launched it.

Selling the collection
would be sacrilege.


- VIOLA: Oh, no, it can't be.
- VICTOR: It is.

Morgan Townsend.
Unless I'm hallucinating.

Sorry to be late, folks.
I had to give my engine

the final once-over.
Hello, Vic. Vi.

Mr. Roarke, what
is he doing here?

Yes, that's what
I'd like to know.

Oh, well, you see, uh,
Mr. Townsend here insisted

that he be allowed
to enter the race.

- And he's a very persuasive man.
- He's also a creep.

Sticks and stones.

Eh, well, regardless of
your personal differences,

uh, Mr. Townsend is so anxious

to acquire your museum
and your collection,

he posted a five million
dollar cashier's check with me

in order to enter the race.

But, Mr. Roarke, you
promised us a match race.

Oh, I beg your pardon, Mrs.
Urskin, I beg your pardon.

I promised you a
winner-take-all race.

To the winner will go the
five million dollar check,

plus the museum. And
its contents, of course.

Well, what do you say, folks?

You know I've always
wanted to own your collection.

Suits me. I don't mind
taking your money.

Mrs. Urskin?

My father won every
professional title

in motor racing

and he taught his daughter
everything he knew.

I will take great pleasure

in beating them
both, Mr. Roarke.

Eh, very well. Then
it's, uh, it's all settled.

First person to
cross the finish line,

shall be declared the
winner. Oh! [CHUCKLES]

And, uh, it goes without
saying, of course, that, uh,

normal highway etiquette

- shall be observed at all times.
- Absolutely.


I wouldn't have
it any other way.

- Start your engines.



Boss, what do you think?

I think that the causes
of sportsmanship,

honesty and integrity

are about to be set
back at least years.

That's what I think.



Oh, I think I'm
gonna like it here.


Mr. Roarke, I don't know
how I'm gonna thank you

for giving me this job.

Letting me work my
way through my fantasy.

Obviously our guests
enjoy your playing, Mr. Hale.

Oh, they always enjoy
Jeremy wherever he works.

You know, Mr. Roarke,
he has regular customers

who follow him all over town.


I guess from ten
to two every night,

I, sort of, supply
little fantasies myself.

Tell me, Mr. Roarke, when
does my own fantasy begin?

You mean, your wish
to play the piano...

like this?


Oh, Mr. Roarke,
can you really do it?

I mean, can you help
Jeremy play like that?

Of course. If that
is what he wishes.

Do you, Mr...

- Hale?


The pianist is
Mr. Sir Gay Marco,

considered one of the
most celebrated virtuosi

of the th century.

He died here on the
island, several months ago.

I believe he was everything
Mr. Hale ever wanted to be.

Don't you have something
to tell Miss Roth?

Stop wasting my time, Mr. Hale.


[SIGHS] The boss asked me
to double check your fantasy.

Your real name is Jeremy Marco.

You are the older
brother of Sir Gay Marco.

You haven't seen
him in several years.

It hurt him very deeply

and he assumed you
were... jealous of his talent.


Not jealous of him.

Angry at myself.

When we were kids, I
loved him and my music.

I took care of him, but...

[SIGHS] ...he just
had this spark, I didn't.

Staying away from his world...

made my own easier to live in.

Oh, Jeremy.

Jeremy, why didn't you tell me?

This was Sir Gay's ring...

that was given to him
by a European monarch.

He never performed without it.

When you put it on...

you will play with
all his passion

and superb technique.

Tonight is our annual

Fantasy Island
recital for piano.

It is my hope that
you will perform.

TATTOO: And when
you finish playing,

you will give it back
to Mr. Roarke, please.

As soon as possible.

Play, Mr. Hale.

Play along, with Sir Gay.



-It's wonderful. -Yes.

It felt just as good
as I thought it would.

Now, if you'll
excuse us. Tattoo.




Look, I've seen a
lot of flying camels

in my time, Henderson,
but that looked

exactly like a duck
landing backwards.

Now, do it again and
get that back leg up!

Oh, boy. You've
really gotten yourself

in the hog pen
now, Charlie girl.

But you can't
stand here all day.



-Hiya, Mike. -Hiya, Judge Meyer.

Judge, do you know
who that young lady is?

We never saw her before.



Well, next time, give a signal
when you turn left, will you?

- Oh, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?

Yeah, well.

Nothing's coming
apart. How about you?

Just dying of embarrassment.

My first time on the ice here

and I have to fall
in front of a man.

Well, as long as
you had to fall,

I'm glad it was me. Come
on, let me help you up.


You all right? You
sure you're okay?

-Yes, thank you. -Yeah.


- Humphrey, go to it.



- Oh, no, not now.


Oh. Sir, my motor's missing.


I guess I have to
put it up on the rack.

Why don't you check
under the hood first?

I think my timing's off.

I'll say your
timing's off, lady.

I'm just about to eat my lunch.



Who is she?

Madam Carla Marco.
Sir Gay's widow.

The gentleman with her
is Mr. Vincent Stollmann,

Sir Gay's manager.

They haven't been on the
island since Sir Gay Marco died.

We invited Madam Marco
here for this year's recital,

um, as guest of honor.


He's copied Sir Gay's
technique remarkably well.

Better than well. Deja vu.



That's Sir Gay's concerto.
He never finished writing it.


Who is he?

His name is Jeremy Hale.

How does he know it?

Sir Gay's unfinished work.

There was blood
on the only copy.

- I burned it myself.
- Shut up, Carla.

We'll find out who he is
and how he knows about it.

-How? -You'll ask him...

when you go to see him.


Jeremy, what happened to you?

What were you playing?
It was marvelous.

I don't know, Linda. I
don't know what it was.

I just could feel
it pour out of me.

It's as if I knew it. Every
note, every emphasis.

Perhaps, you should
give the ring back

to me now, Mr. Hale.

No, Mr. Roarke.
I don't know why,

but I can't give
it back just yet.

I feel there's still
something I must do.

Mr. Hale, I sense
that your fantasy

may be getting out of control.

If you do not
surrender the ring now,

you may not have
the opportunity later.


- You did this, didn't you?


Do good work, Ludlow.
Real good. Here.

Get yourself a couple of
bottles of champagne, tonight.

My compliments. Very

Halt! This is illegal.

I'll report both of
you to Mr. Roarke.


And don't forget to tell him
about the elephants, too.


boy. You should've seen me.

I was like Linda Fratianne

or Dorothy Hamill,
all rolled into one.

-Did you like it? -I loved it.

But it was kind of
weird. It was like,

it was like the
skates just took over.

Almost like they had
a mind of their own.

Perhaps, they do have a
certain magic about them.

- Ah, Miss Henderson.

You two ladies, uh,
should be acquainted.

You are skating
against each other

- tomorrow evening.
- Hi, I'm Charlie Johnson.

Boy, am I thrilled to know you.

I saw you skating earlier.

You're just breathtaking,
Miss Henderson.

You can call me Laura.

I saw your routine and
you must've been working

on that an awfully long time.

Uh, Miss Johnson is very good

at improvisational
technique, I understand.

Yeah. Right, that's
exactly what it was. I...

[CHUCKLES] I'm just
like a jazz musician.

I couldn't do it the
same way twice

if my life depended on it.

- I call that very creative.

Well, I'm sure the ladies

have more important
matters to attend to,

and we have to see
to our other guests.

-Will you excuse us? -Excuse me.

Come on, let me
introduce you around.


I'll tell you, if I
had the right girl

with enough versatility and
sheer physical strength...

I can get her to go
right from the foot work,

right into a series of
stars and Arabians,

and nobody, nobody
could beat the program.

It can't be done.

Nobody could make that
move, no matter how strong.

You tried it. Look
what happened to you.

Smashed your leg.

Wiped yourself out
of competitive skating.


Hello, Miss Johnson.
I've heard all about you.

It wasn't a complete
wipe-out, Farrell.

Not as long as I'm still
able to... teach others.

The word's out that
you're spectacular.

You know, if it's true,

you're gonna be receiving
a great many offers

to turn pro after
this competition.

- [GASPS] You really think so?
- MEYER: Certainly.

By the way, my
dear, don't forget,

You have to have your
program form in by morning.

We still don't know what
routine you're planning to skate.

Well, I was just
saving it as a surprise.


Well, I'm sure we'd all enjoy
that immensely, Miss Johnson,

but, uh, rules are rules.

The committee has
decided that a skater

without a program form
has to be disqualified.

You mean, I won't
be allowed to skate?

If you don't have that form
in by morning, I'm afraid not.







Come in.

I wanted to congratulate
you, Mr. Hale. I'm Carla Marco.

I heard you play tonight.

You play remarkably well.

Your technique is very
like my late husband's.

SIR GAY: I loved
her. She helped k*ll me.

What do you want, Mrs. Marco?

The composition
you played tonight...

where did you hear it?

SIR GAY: Punish her.

Mr. Hale, please.

Where did you hear
that composition?

SIR GAY: I loved her.

She helped him k*ll me.


CARLA: Who are you?

SIR GAY: Destroy her!



- m*rder*r! You helped k*ll me.


Jeremy! Jeremy! Oh,
my, God! Jeremy! Jeremy!












- MIKE: Hey, Johnson,

sitting down only gives part
of your anatomy a workout.

Who said that?

Where are you?

Oh, it's you.

Oh, boy, I really did hurt
you in that collision, didn't I?

wasn't the collision.

It's just an old injury.

Oh. I'm sorry to
hear that, Mr. O'Brien.

Mike. And you're... Charlotte?


You know, I've got to tell
you, Charlie Johnson, uh,

you got Laura
Henderson pretty worried.

And me.

You can forget it.

[SIGHS] I'm out
of the competition.

You're what?

I don't have a freestyle
program worked out.

- You're kidding.
- I didn't know about it in time.

[SIGHS] I guess it's too late.

What's that?

Your routine for tomorrow night.


Your routine for tomorrow night.

I couldn't possibly learn a
routine by tomorrow night.

You said you wanted
to skate, Johnson.

Now, we skate by picking
up one foot, putting it down

and then picking up
the other. Now skate!


Come on. Let's go.

I can't go on anymore.

Can't I just rest?

MIKE: Charlie,
look, you've only got

the finale sequence to go.

If you can do it,
there's nobody here

who can beat you.

What about Laura?

Why don't you teach
her the sequence?

Look, Laura's not strong enough.

She'd only get
hurt if she tried it.

Now, Charlie, listen, please.

Once in a while,
somebody comes along

that skates with her heart

instead of her head.
Like Laura, you.

But you have the
physical stamina.

You can be great.

I can help you make it.

Let me.

You believe in me that much?

I believe in you
totally... Charlie girl.

Uh, but, uh...
[SCOFFS] those skates.

I meant to tell
you, they're too old.

- They're unreliable.
- [STAMMERING] But... but...

But you don't understand.

These aren't just
any old skates.

I can't perform without them.

Okay. Okay.


VIOLA: What are you
doing? Get away from me.

Get away from me.


VIOLA: Hey, you
stalled my engine.


-[SIGHS] -I'm
stuck. Axle's gone.

This is all your fault.

Listen to who's
talking... road hog.

If you were any
kind of gentleman,

- you'd help me fix my car!
- Right. Let you win, right?

As it stands now,

Morgan Townsend's
going to win everything!

- Vi, what's wrong with your car?
- I think it's my coil.

Nothing wrong with my coil.

-I've got an idea. -Me, too.

Why don't we use
your coil in my car?

It'll be just like old times.
You and I working together.

Let's get to work.

You know something,
Vi? Even if we lose,

this part of the race has
been the most fun for me.

Me, too.

I always did enjoy
working alongside you, Vic.

Then why did you
file for divorce?

Because you treated
me like an ornament.

You refused to let me
work at the museum.

I was never cut out for
that kind of existence, Vic.

How come you never let
me know how you felt before?

I did, but you
didn't listen to me.

Oh, I... I never really
wanted the divorce.

I'm sorry, Vi. Really sorry.

I didn't want that
divorce either.


VICTOR: Here he comes now.

MORGAN: Don't worry, Vi.

I'll send the elephants
to pick you up.


Oh, hurry, Vic.

We mustn't let him have
the museum. Our museum.


Force Townsend's
car off the road.



Congratulations, Mrs. Urskin.

You have just won
the vintage car museum

and this check for
five million dollars.

Oh, thank you, Mr. Roarke.
Thank you very much.

And here's a trophy
from us to you.

VIOLA: Thank you.
How thoughtful of you.

Well, you can forget
the race. It's over.

- Mr. Roarke, what's going on?
- Yeah, the race isn't over

till one of the cars
crosses the finish line.

Oh, I'm terribly
sorry, gentlemen,

there must have been
a misunderstanding.

You two should've paid
more attention to Mr. Roarke

when he was laying
down the race rules.

He said the first
person, repeat, person,

across the finish
line, wins the race.

Well, I'm a person

and I was first
to cross the line.

Well, Mr. Urskin, you
just lost your museum.


And you lost your
five million dollars.

Mrs. Urskin,

why, I don't suppose
you would entertain

a marriage proposal
right now, would you?

Yes, I would.

If it came from the right man.



Did you fix the race?

Uh, let's put it
this way, Tattoo.

The game of love
cannot always be played

with the cards on the table.

Cards? I'm not
speaking about cards.

I'm talking about race.

all so strange. I...

I don't know what
happened to me. It's...

It's as if she was my wife.

I wanted to touch
her, hold her, love her.

And then I wanted to punish her.

And, uh...

k*ll her.


I think I would have, if
Linda hadn't stopped me.

-Mr. Hale... -Marco.

I wanna be called that now.

I'm coming to terms with it.

I'm Jeremy Marco,
Sir Gay's brother.

That is correct. You are Jeremy.

Not Sir Gay.

I want you to look at
something. This way, please.

I have some photographs
which might interest you.

This was Sir Gay's
home, here on the island.

It was here that
he brought Carla,

his bride.


this is where he died.

I presided over
the inquest myself

as chief magistrate
of the island.

Madam Marco testified that, uh,

Sir Gay took a walk
that night along the cliff.


He often did that when
his music wouldn't flow,

when inspiration failed him.

That's a word I never
associated with him.

Our coroner concluded
that the fatal wound

on the back of his head

was caused by a
fall from the cliff.

Are you telling me
something else?

Oh, there is some island gossip

that Madam had begun
to find much enjoyment

in the company of her
new business manager,

Mr. Vincent Stollmann.

Sir Gay was away on
so many tours, you see.

You think my
brother was m*rder*d

by his wife and her lover?

Oh, there was no evidence
for that finding at the inquest.



I had it so wrong.

He wasn't the great
Sir Gay Marco...

he was just my kid brother.

He still needed me
to... to take care of him.

He needed me more than ever.

And what was I doing?
I was so busy whining

and feeling sorry for
myself. I let him down.

I have a rule of not allowing
a guest to cancel their fantasy

once it has begun,
however, in your case,

I am asking you to allow
me to end the fantasy.

Give me back the ring.


Do you have the power to
take it from me, Mr. Roarke?

Not unless you permit me to.

Then the answer is no.

I still have some
things to make up for.

If that includes
being an instrument

of your brother's revenge,

I will stop you.

Oh, I'm sure you can
stop me, Mr. Roarke.

But can you stop a dead man?

final three contestants

will be Miss Laura Henderson,

Miss Paula Perina, and
Miss Charlie Johnson.

And now, Laura Henderson.



Oh, no!

They're gone.

My skates are gone.


Mr. Roarke. Mr. Roarke,
you've gotta help me.

- Of course. What is it?
- The skates you gave me,

I put them in my locker
and now they're gone.

I'm very sorry to hear
that, Miss Johnson.

CHARLOTTE: You're sorry?

There's one more performer
after Laura Henderson,

then I've gotta get
out there and perform.

I wish I could be of
service, Miss Johnson,

but, unfortunately, that
was the only pair of skates

that could fulfill your fantasy.

Oh, gosh.

I forgot.

That's all this
is, just a fantasy.

All fantasies have
to come to an end.


What are you going to do now?

Just withdraw from
the competition.




CARLA: It was Sir Gay.

He tried to k*ll me.
I don't know how.

But it was he.

Now, now, it was not Sir
Gay. His name is Jeremy Hale,

and he's a piano bar
player from New York.

Do piano bar players
know Sir Gay's technique

as well as he did?

Do they know a concerto
that only he knew?

Do they know that we k*lled him?

- Did he say so?
- [SOBS] Yes! Yes!


All right then.

We'll have to take
care of this person.

- How?
- If somehow, crazy as it sounds,

if it is some manifestation
of Sir Gay, well...

I k*lled him once.

I'll do it again.



A most stunning
performance, Miss Henderson.

Oh, thank you, Mr. Roarke.

Um, why aren't you
out watching the others?

I wanted a word with you...

about a certain pair of skates

that you might, by
chance, have acquired.

Well, I have several
pairs of skates.

This pair is special.

- They represent a dream.
- What about my dreams?

Mr. Roarke, I don't
have a social life.

I never have any time.

Everything's always
practice, practice, practice.

I have no dates. No
normal civilized life at all.

There's just diets and doctors

and hours of practice on the ice

'til I feel like
some kind of freak.

And then all I have
left is that one dream.

Me being the best.

And winning the gold medal.

But you chose your
path, Miss Henderson.

Your tribulations,

your sacrifices have nothing
to do with anybody else,

and that includes
Miss Charlotte Johnson.

Well, she's
interfering in my life.

Well, then fight
back. But fight fairly.

- You have the talent.

Well, she has you on
her side and she has Mike.

And she has those damn skates.

It's just not fair.

You know what I
did? I checked her out.

She's never skated in
a competition in her life.

She doesn't know
what sacrifice means.

Oh, she does, Miss
Henderson. Indeed she does.

She gave up a great deal
to look after somebody else.


I assure you the fact
that Miss Johnson

hasn't taken the same
path as you to get here...

doesn't make her dream
any the less important.

Look, I know you have
another pair of skates.

Use them. Don't quit.

Not because of some hang-up
about an old pair of skates.

Mike, you don't understand.

I told you. I can't skate
without those skates.

- They're magic!
- Charlie, you, you're the magic.


What about your routine,
Mike? Doesn't that matter?

I can't do it without
those skates.

The routine can
go into mothballs

for the rest of our lives.
I love you, Charlie girl.

You've got two
minutes to get them on.

- [JOHNSON GASPS] My skates!
- Okay, come on.



attention, please.

Miss Charlotte Johnson
was scheduled to skate next,

but has withdrawn
from the competition.


I withdraw my withdrawal.
I'm ready to skate now.

Well, then, by all
means, Miss Johnson,







Now the big finish.

My finish. Come
on, Charlie girl!

She'll do it, Mike. You'll see.



Ah, thank you, everybody.
Thank you very much.

You've made me the
happiest potato farmer

in Minnesota.


No, but seriously,
I don't deserve this.

It wasn't exactly me who did it.

Oh, I can't explain.

And even if I tried, you
wouldn't believe me.

Winning is important...

but people also count.

Hardworking people.

Dedicated people.

Like Miss Laura Henderson.

She deserves to win.

And that's why I'm
gonna withdraw again.

This time for keeps.

[PANTS] Thank you very much.

We commend Miss
Johnson on her performance.

She earned a perfect score.


However, since she has
withdrawn once more,

we declare the winner to
be Miss Laura Henderson.






I told you, it's Sir Gay.
He's waiting for us inside.

Now, you listen well, Carla.

Whoever he is,
whatever he's trying to do,

we're going to end it.

- Right now.

Was I that bad a husband, Carla?

What did I do to make you
hate me enough to k*ll me?

I'm already dead, Vincent.

You took my wife,
my money and my life.


-[g*nsh*t] -[BOTH GRUNTING]





It's over, Mr. Marco.
Sir Gay wants revenge.

Not you, Jeremy.
You want justice.

I will see to it that it's done.

Madam Marco, I think you
have something to tell me.

Something more than
you told at the inquest.

Please. Let me out.

Not until you answer me.


We... [PANTS]

Vincent k*lled Sir Gay.

He threw him off the
cliff behind the house.


Your brother...

he loves you, Mr. Marco.

That's what he's telling you.



He finished it.

His gift to you for bringing
his murderers to justice.

Now he can be at peace.



And here we have the
newly re-engaged couple.

Yes, we're gonna get remarried

as soon as we get
back to California.

VICTOR: But this
marriage is for keeps.

From now on, we're going to
be doing everything together.

Like we did when we first
began our little business.

Oh, uh, Mr. Townsend
asked me to thank you

for returning his five
million dollar check.

It only seems fair.

After all, there was a bit of
cheating going on out there.

Oh, really? I had no idea.

Oh, yeah. Just a little bit.

It's been a
pleasure, Mr. Roarke.

- Thank you, Mr. Roarke.
- Our pleasure, Mr. Urskin.

-Mrs. Urskin. -Bye, Tattoo.



-Thank you, boss. -For what?

For one more happy ending.

It makes me feel good all over.


Mr. Roarke, if you and
Tattoo ever need anyone

for the piano bar, I'll
be on the next plane.

It's a deal.

I will look through the
entertainment schedule

for an opening
and I will call you.


Mr. Roarke, what will
happen to Carla and Vincent?

Nothing they don't
deserve, Miss Roth.

Ah, Mr. Hale... Mr. Marco,

uh, since the law forbids
a person from profiting

from a crime, such as m*rder,

Madam Marco will lose
her right to inheritance.

Your brother's whole
estate now belongs to you.

I am sure that's the way
Sir Gay would want it.

Goodbye and, uh... be happy.

We'll be happy, Mr. Roarke.
We'll be very happy.

- Goodbye, Mr. Roarke.
- Bye, Miss Roth.

Tattoo. [CHUCKLES] Thank you.



Thank you.

Here, Mr. Roarke. I think
these should go to Laura now.

Oh, she has no need for them.

Eh, please accept them
as my gift, Miss Johnson.

As a, um, souvenir
of Fantasy Island.

Thanks! Believe me,
they won't get rusty.

They'll see a lot of duck ponds
back in Minnesota. [CHUCKLES]

Thanks for everything.

You're very welcome,
Miss Johnson.

Duck ponds? She
doesn't know it yet,

but those skates are
gonna get a lot of use

at a new winter resort that
I'm gonna be managing,

- up where Charlie lives.

Come visit, Mr. Roarke.

Oh, well, thank
you, Mr. O'Brien. I...

- I'd enjoy a winter vacation.
- Great.



Boss, can I come with
you on your winter vacation?

Uh, do... do you think uh,
you would enjoy that, Tattoo?

Of course. It's always so
warm around here and sunny.

I mean, it would
be nice if we...

If we could go to a place
where they have frozen ponds

and a wood-burning fireplace.

You know?




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