01x07 - A Necessary Evil

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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01x07 - A Necessary Evil

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall-to-wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night,
yeah ♪

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh-oh

♪ But hold on
It won't be long ♪

♪ Just you be strong,
And it'll be all right ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Oh-oh

[breaking glass, sirens]

You still living with
your sister, Henley?

poor old Charlie.

Arguing religion
again, huh?

Yeah! So I
could k*ll you!

You're not
k*lling anybody.

Drop that stool leg.

I refuse-- Ow!

Now come on
with me.

Henley, stop!

Don't make me
run after you!

It's about time
you got here.

Go on.
Arrest him.

I'm liable
to arrest you

because you're
keeping a drinking

open after hours.

I was just closing
when the fight started.

Then do it!

File a complaint
in the morning.

Go on
about your business.

Oh, Henley,
come on.

When I think
of your fine

it makes me
so sad.

No, never mind
the handcuffs.

Get in the car.

I don't know
what I can do.

It's not healthy for him
to stay jailed!

When can my brother
come home?

Miss Eugete,
I can't tell
you yet.

We haven't
totaled the damages.

Ask Detective Tibbs.

He's in charge
of the case.

When the judge
sets bail

and you pay it,

release him.

It wasn't
Henley's fault!

He told you that!

Why you got to
keep him here?

If you want to visit
your brother, do it now.

Take her, Bubba.

Right this way,

can't you ask
the judge

if we can't
release her brother

on his own recognizance?

Tell him I'll vouch
for Henley.

Who do I see
about getting
some worm arrested?

What's the trouble,

He's the trouble!

This says his wife
is Lucille.

Well, my name is Bea.

I don't
quite see.

Mrs. Bea Jeffson.
We've been married
six months,

and I'm pregnant.

Well, he can't
have two wives!
That's illegal!

Are you going
to do something
about it?

I'm not moving
until you do!

I knew it was
bad news

the minute you
walked through
that door.

I'm sorry about
that church supper.

Did you mention it?

I told you
a week ago!

You sure?

I told you
I was making
potato salad.

It starts
at 6:30.

Just show up

The chief and I
have to drive out to, uh...

That county.

At least
I came home

to kiss you good-bye.

You came home

because you forgot
your wallet this morning.

I said I was sorry.

It's an investigation.

I have to go.



got m*rder*d?

No. It's
a bigamy case.


Let me see him
when you bring
him in.


I'd like to see
what man can
handle two wives

when you don't
have enough
time for one.

[woman] He's out
on the road now.

He's a bible salesman.

Been with the company
for almost 20 years.

I take it,
Mrs. Jeffson,

that all these
are your family
over here.

Yes, that's
Prudy and Cricket,

and that's
Jimmy II.

We're both
guilty of pride

when it comes
to them.

You didn't say
why you wanted
with Mr. Jeffson.

Can I help you
with something?


Uh, Detective Tibbs
took the complaint.

What complaint?


It's been alleged,
and at this point,

it's only
an allegation.

It seems Mr. Jeffson
has a second wife.

Ha ha ha!

What kind of
crazy persons

y'all been
talking to?

Mr. Jeffson's
a bible salesman.

We've been married
for 22 years.

Well, could you
tell us

where we could
find him now?

I can give you
one of his cards.

The regional office
always knows
where he is.

Would you
have him call me
when you find him?

Yes, ma'am,
we will.

Thank you
for your help,

Thank you.

Let me just get Claudette
settled down here.

Poor woman.
How will you
tell her?

I'm not.
You are.

I know.
I took the complaint.

You're the chief
of detectives.

And you're
the chief
of police.

All the cases
are yours.

Well, what can
I do for y'all

Your husband's
home office

told us we might
find him

at the motel
on Front Street.

They told us there

he might be here.

At the motel?

James hasn't
stayed there

since we married
four years ago.

The manager
tells us

he still gets
his messages there.

It seems your husband
has been down the aisle

and said, "I do"

More than once.

A lot
of people marry
more than once.

But not all
at the same time.

It appears
your husband's

to a couple
other women,
too, and...

One of them's
filed a complaint.


I don't

Hey, baby.

What's going on?

James, they
said you got
another wife.

I'm Chief Gillespie.

This is
Detective Tibbs
of Sparta police.

One Bea Jeffson
has filed

a complaint
against you,

in Mississippi.

We'd like you to come answer
some questions,

see if we can't
resolve this.

Right now?


Why, sure!

Be happy to!

Don't worry, baby.

Must be some kind
of computer mistake.

Some computer
probably got me

mixed up
with another man.


I bought these
for you.

I'll be back
before long.

Don't worry.

I'll call you
from Sparta.

I'm ready.

The sooner we go, the sooner
I can be back home.

It's an outrage.

If my brother,
who is sick,

is going to suffer
another night

of this unfortunate

the least
y'all can do

is to see
he's provided

the comforts required
by any human being.

It is freezing
back there!

Junior, turn up
that thermostat.

All right,
come in here.

You no-good, two-timing...


going to be
all right.

After I k*ll you!
Let go!

I've got things
that need your
immediate attention.

-This situation
needs my immediate attention.

Give that to this
officer. Jamison.

Bea, I can

You lied to me!

He said
I need approval!

Let her talk
to her brother.

Visiting hours
are over.

Well, start them up

Will you please take your arms
off of me?

Bea, think
of the baby!

It's no good
getting upset,

not in your
delicate condition!

Now take
a deep breath.

Come on, now,
like I taught you,

take a deep breath.

Good. Now, you been
waiting here

all day for me?


Oh, you must
be tired.


Take this
and get yourself

a deluxe room

and something
good to eat

and come back

You need to take
care of yourself.

You know how much
I love you, hmm?


Now you go on,

and I'll see you
in the morning


Is there a phone
I might use?

I told Ellie Anne
I'd call.

I'll make
it collect.

I need to call
Lucille, too.

The phone's
in the office.

Thank you,

Bubba. Bubba,
go in there.

Keep an eye
on him.

He's pretty cool,
isn't he,

for a man
who's been

ruining innocent
women's lives?

Who said
he is ruining lives?

He committed
didn't he?

No. Actually,
it's polygamy,

and what I meant was,
they all seem happy.

Not that I approve--


You call this thing
a happy event?

Chief, I did not
say I approved.

I'm certainly glad

you feel that way
about it

because then
I can assume

you do approve
of the laws
of Mississippi.

I miss you, too.



Of course I like
red beans and rice.


Yeah, mm-hmm.

Okay, well,
I'll call you

Uh, y-yeah.



Sweet dreams.


Love you,
love you,
love you.

Bye-bye, baby.

Lucille has
a hard time sleeping

unless I call her
every night.

You know,
Mr. Jeffson,

I don't believe
I've ever met

like you before.

Me, either.

I have
enough trouble

one wife happy.

How did you
end up with three?

Well, you know
what the Bible says,

"be fruitful
and multiply

and fill the earth."

But I don't think
the Lord meant

for you to do that
by yourself.

I think we'd better
lock you up now.

The judge will
set bail tomorrow.

You should be
out by noon.

I don't mind
spending the night.

I could use
the rest.

Jamison, would you
put Mr. Jeffson

in cell number 2,

Oh, JJ!


Oh, baby!


Oh, you!

going to be fine.

[Sudie crying]

But Henley Davenport
assaulted two people

and destroyed property.

Even if he pleads

that's not going
to make any difference.

Even though
you were born here,

you don't understand
some things.

Like what?
And I'm not arguing,
I'm asking.

The judge
was a great friend
of Henley's daddy.

If the judge
believes Henley
was defending himself,

he might
reduce bail.

Then we can
turn Henley loose.

And you can
get rid of Miss Eugete.

Yes. You should
run over

to Sparta lounge

and see if Rumley
can remember

how it got started.


Good morning,
Mrs. Jeffson.

I made JJ's lunch,
all right?

but last night--

Last night,
I was acting crazy.

That man
saved my life.

He did?

He turned me around

when I was headed
for hell.

He's the most wonderful
human being ever!

Good God,

So much for
the ruined-life

I don't know

if I can get
a grip on this.

Chief! Chief!



You better return
to the station.

I just left
five minutes ago.

Eugete Davenport
and Elmyra Carroway?

They're about to trade blows
over visiting Henley.

He is too upset
for visitors.

Then why
are you here, Eugete?

Any visitors outside
of immediate family!

I'm going to be family
when we're married.

This soup's getting cold.

That will give him

It never has before!

I'll decide
what he eats!

Not for long, you won't!

Good morning.

I hope there isn't
a problem here.

I decide what
Henley eats!

She will not--

Why don't we step inside
and discuss all this?

People are
gathering out here.

I feel we can
get this thing straight.


I was here first.

You weren't.

Henley can only
have one visitor
a day,

and that will
be me because
blood relatives

precedence over

that right,
Chief Gillespie?

Well, but I suppose
Miss Carroway,

since she's soon
to be blood,

she has the right
to see him.

Miss Eugete,
being blood already,

is entitled to say
which goes in first.

You got
30 minutes each.

I'll go first.

That was
nicely settled.

Now, Miss Carroway,

I'm going
to ask you
to sit down

and make yourself

until your
half hour comes.

I am not happy
about this at all.

can I see you?

If you'll excuse me,
Miss Carroway,

that's police business.



The women out there

are driving me

What did you
find out?

Forget self-defense.

Henley took
the first swings,

but if the judge is interested
in provocation...

Was there

And then some.

The bartender overheard
a couple of men

teasing Henley
about his relationship

with his sister.

They suggested
in certain terms

that Henley and Eugete
were, um...

Closer than they
should be.

[knock on door]


Mrs. Jeffson
to see you.

You've got to
be more specific.

We got Bea, Lucille, Ellie
Anne, and Sudie.

We got Arlene.

Mrs. Jeffson?

How do you do?

You're in charge here?

Yeah, I'm
Chief Gillespie.

This is
Detective Tibbs.

How do you do?

Has bail been set?


We've been trying,

but this
escalating bigamy...

Chief Gillespie--

just a minute,

I'd like to see
my husband.

with him now.

I insist. I'm representing
him at the trial.

You're an attorney?

I believe
that legal counsel

takes precedent
over a visitor.

I have had it
with precedence!

If she goes,
I do.

just step
over this way.

Make yourself

go in there

-I promise.
-[telephone rings]

Aren't you
on those phones?

I would hate
to tell the judge

that you interfered with
the exchange of information

between the accused
and his attorney.

The visitor
in there

is more than an
ordinary visitor.

JJ ate
the whole plate.

Never knew anyone
who could eat
like my JJ.

You might as well go
in now, Mrs. Jeffson.

If you just
step this way,

just step
right on in,

turn left.

The cell's
in here.

The light
back there is bad.

You need another window.

take this lady

to see
JJ Jeffson.

You done?

I'm splitting my time
into two periods.

That's my prerogative
being blood kin

as opposed
to a non-relation.

She can go in.

When her
half hour's up,

I'll continue
my visit.

I'm going
in now.

I'm going out.

Chief of police.

I feel like
the matron

of some institution
for difficult females!

I'm leaving!

Not without me,
you ain't!

Bubba, I'm going
to give you your orders.

I don't want
anything happening

that wouldn't happen

if I was here.

[door slams]

-Hey, Chief.

Oh, thank you.

The man
has got a harem.

Did you see
that little girl

when she saw
the latest
Mrs. Jeffson?

What little girl?

Bea, with the fried chicken.

That look of pain
I hope I never
see again.

Yeah. Arlene looked like
she was ready to k*ll.


Now what are they
doing here?

I guess they called
the regional office,

found out
what was going on.

Do you think Bubba
and Junior can handle them?

Those two
don't seem angry.

They both came
in the same car,

but they might need
a little help.

Oh, Lord.

Thank you,

I don't believe
this is happening

right here
in Sparta.

Don't feel

A few years ago,
seven white women

up in Georgia married
a traveling veterinarian.

Did you ever
run across this
in Philadelphia?

I once
arrested a guy
who married two.

And what color
where they?

One of each.

See, it proves
has no color.


I just can't
go in there.

We are due
at the DA's office.

Let's go there.

Let's see here...

Evening, Chief.

What you
doing back?

I wanted
to see Henley.

Is he feeling
any better?

He was coughing,
but Eugete come by.

Must have
calmed him down.
He's asleep now.

Wasn't there some
sweet potato pie
whozitz made?

Miss Ellie Anne?

Bubba just walked off
with the last piece.


Oh, he did, huh?

I suppose
that would be

the last
of the pecan pie.

I'm afraid
it is, Chief.

There is
half a pineapple
upside-down cake

in the cell block.

That big lady, uh...

Raynette Jeffson
made it.

Looked pretty good.

Boy, howdy.

Give me the keys.


Hey, JJ.


Hey, JJ.

Oh, my God, he's dead.

I don't remember
hearing anything.

Did he complain
about headache,
chest pain?

He just said
good night.

I fell asleep quick
after I took that pill.

What pill?

Sleeping pill
Eugete gave me.

You let his sister
in with pills?

She's got
a prescription.

Let me tell you something
about your sister.

I'm fed up with her,
right up to here!

She can be trying
at times.

[door opens]


Wasn't a heart att*ck.

Looked like poison.


In the food
he ate tonight.

I ate
some of that food.

I did, too.

Does that mean
I'm going to die?

No. I ate some, too.
We would have d*ed
by now.

Whatever it was
was fast-acting.

they're through
taking pictures.

An ambulance
will pick up
the body.

Something wrong

Uh, how you feeling,

Feel fine.

Mr. Jeffson
was probably poisoned

with some of the food
his wives brought in.

Wrap up what's left
and have it tested.

You can probably
get a coroner's report

with the stomach contents
in about two days.

Yeah, yeah. See you.

Uh, Bubba.

You and junior get in touch
with those Jeffson wives.

I want them here
first thing in the morning.

I suppose I have every right
in the world to be angry.

But somehow,
I just don't feel that way.

I had 22 good years
with him.

We raised a family.

He sure had
a big appetite...

For everything.

I didn't mind
when he was gone so much...

'Cause when he was with me,

he made me feel like I was
the only woman in the world.

Hadn't been for him,

I'd have never started
my own business.

He believed in me.

And I know
he loved me...

Just as much
as I loved him.



He treated me
as an equal.

He valued the intimacy
of our relationship.

That's rare in a man.

They don't like
sharing their secrets.

They, um, have a hard time
expressing their feelings,

but not James.

He'd let you look
right into his heart.

He used to say,

"as long as you can laugh,
there's hope.

Life's too short
to be moping around,

feeling sorry for yourself."

That's what I was doing
when he met me.

You know...

I wouldn't have mind sharing
him with those other women.

There was more than enough
to go around.

You plan on staying up
all night, honey?


You in favor of
the 24-hour workday?


Reverend Stoner
asked me to go

with him
in Earl's Creek.

Is that all right?



How could they all feel
the same way?

I mean...

Is that possible?

What's the question?

JJ's wives...

All claim
they love him.

Maybe they all do.


Each one knows he's married
to five other women.

I mean,
they got to feel...

I don't know, betrayed,
angry, something.

The woman scorned?

Somebody k*lled him.

They're either
all telling the truth...

Or they're
damn fine actresses.

They had access.
They had motive.

Any one of them
could have done it.

I'm sure
you'll figure it out.


Where are you going?

To bed.

just for the record,

I love you,

and I don't intend
to k*ll you.

Each of those women shared JJ
with five other women.

I'm sharing you
with six.

[Eugete] Chief Gillespie!

I want to talk to you.


We're going to
a funeral.

Is my brother being released
this morning?

Yes, ma'am. Officer Skinner's
doing the paperwork.

It's about time!

What my Henley's
been through!

He could have d*ed!

He ate that man's food.

We all did.

He could have
d*ed of shock.

What are you
doing here?

I'm taking
my fiance home.

He's coming home
with me!

We got to bury this man.

He's coming home
with me!

You don't expect
my brother

to ride in that?

Why not?

You'd expose him
to the elements,

his health?


He's coughing.

Come home with me.

I'll let you know when he
can have visitors.

I am not a visitor.

I am going to be
his wife.

He is coming with me.

Eugete. Eugete.


♪ ...was blind

♪ But now

Sing it, sister!

♪ I see




Which one's
Mrs. Jeffson?

The whole first row.

James Jeffson
was a much-loved man.

I see that
as I look out over this room

filled with his friends
and loved ones.

I know that has to be
something of a comfort

to Mrs. Jeffson...

In this time of sadness.

I know James had a close
and loving relationship

with his wife.

The memory
of their time together

will surely help
lighten her burden

in the difficult days
to come.


[playing organ]

♪ Rock of ages,
cleft for me ♪

♪ Let me hide myself
in thee ♪


Mary, can I get a cup of coffee,


Got the analysis of JJ's
stomach contents.


You're not going to
read that now.

I thought you'd
be interested.

Yeah, all right.
I'm interested. Go ahead.

JJ d*ed from
arsenic poisoning.

Small amounts
of butter beans

and chicken parts
were in his stomach,

but the largest identifiable
substance was chocolate.


Remember seeing
any of the wives

bringing in
a chocolate cake?


I remember a pineapple
upside-down cake.

I wasn't there
all the time.

Who knows what Bubba
and Junior put away

before we even
saw any of it.

We should make a list
of which wife

brought in
which delicacy.

Why didn't JJ taste
that stuff in there?

has a metallic,
garlic-like taste.

You wouldn't taste it

with a strong flavor like
chocolate covering it.

Maybe JJ was lucky

to take a massive dose
and get it over with.

You call that lucky?

In small amounts, you can just
linger on and on.

You get weaker,

get a cough
you can't get rid of,

start losing
your hair.

I don't think he would
have liked that.

Well, I don't imagine he much
likes being dead, either,


If it was an accident.


Nobody puts arsenic
in food by mistake.

That was m*rder.

Oh, yeah, yeah. It was m*rder,
all right.

It was m*rder.

The accident...was maybe
k*lling the wrong person.

What are you
talking about?

I think old JJ got himself
k*lled by mistake.

I think that arsenic was
meant for Henley Davenport.

That's what I think.

Bea made that
fried chicken,

and Raynette,

she made the pineapple
upside-down cake.

Ellie Anne made
sweet potato pie.

Good as I've tasted.

Sudie made the cookies.

They was kind of soggy.

Lucille made
the casserole

and the Jell-o salad.

the pecan pie.

Only chocolate
that came in

was that fudge
Eugete made.

It was pretty good.

Why didn't I get sick
eating that?

You probably
didn't have enough of it.

I think JJ d*ed because
he ate the whole bunch.

You know the kind
of appetite that man has.

You know,
I don't get it.

Eugete fussed over
her brother.

Why would she
want to m*rder him?

We'll have to ask her.

I got my own idea
about that.

Are we picking her up now?

Yeah. With one stop
along the way.

Honey, I think
we can get
a better look...

Ladies and gentlemen,

the express for Jackson,

which stops at Clearwater
and Natchez,

is now boarding...

Well, uh...

I'm sorry we had
to keep y'all

waiting here
so long,

but I think
y'all understand.

It gave us a chance
to get to know each other.

Now that
we've become friends,

I think
we'll stay in touch.

Our children are related.

I guess we are, too.

It would be a shame to let
our new family break up.

Will you all be, um...

Be all right...

James bought insurance
policies with the
money he saved

by staying with us
when he was on the road.

We'll be well-provided for.

That's wonderful
to hear.

Bea's going to stay with me
till the baby's born.

Maybe even longer.

She needs looking after.

Sudie's going to work
in my mail-order business.

Even though we lost
the man we loved,

James would have been pleased
the way things ended.

I'm sure he would...
Be pleased.

Yeah. Oh, yeah.
He was some kind of man.


Looks like she knows
why we're here,

and she's not
going peacefully.

Maybe she

Miss Eugete.

I just want to
talk to you, okay?

I think that was "no."

I'm coming up
on the porch

so you can hear
what I got to say.

What's the matter
with you? You crazy?

That woman
will k*ll you.

No, she won't.

You stay
right where you are.

I'm just
coming in--

If she wanted
to get me,

she'd have got me
with that one.

I'm coming in
with you.

You got anything
to say to her
I can't say?


Then stay
where you are.

I'm coming in,
my dear.

[car door opens]

Parker! Parker!

Yes, sir, Detective.

Send a couple of guys
to the Davenport estate, fast.

I'm coming in now,

Can you hear me?

Can I come in?

Thank you for coming down,
Miss Eugete.

I'd offer you
a cup of tea,

but I'm occupied
at the moment.

Oh, I hope not,
Miss Eugete.


Hey, that's
your daddy's old g*n.

I recognize
that fine old w*apon.

Could I see it again?

Not just yet.

I have to k*ll Elmyra

Oh, no. You don't
want to do that.

You k*ll Elmyra,
you'd have to go to jail.

Who'd take care of
poor old Henley?

You're right.

I'll have to sh**t
Henley, too.

But you can't
do that, either.

What happened down at the
jail was a mistake.

But if you were to k*ll
two more people,

that would be terrible.

Two more people?

Mr. Jeffson d*ed
because he ate that fudge
your sister made.

Miss Eugete put a bunch
of arsenic in it.


How could you?

You wanted to
k*ll me?

I didn't want to.

I told you to only eat
one piece a day

and not to share it.

I've given you
a little arsenic every day

since you got engaged.

If you were weak,
you'd need me.

You wouldn't
marry Elmyra
and throw me out.

I'd never do that.
You're living with us

for as long
as you want.

I couldn't live
in the same house

with that woman
for one day.

Won't you even give it
a little bit of a try?

It would never
work out.

I've got to do
what I've got to do.



Are you all right?

We're all right.
Everything's fine.

We're coming out.

No harm done,

except the china clock
over the mantel

was fully destroyed.

Elmyra fainted,
if you want to help Henley.

Now we're going to
go get in my car.

We're going
for a ride?

We're going to
take the road

past the beautiful
mossy oaks.

Won't that be lovely?

Can Henley come, too?

He'll be right along.

Watch the top step.
Here we go!



Chief, can't I sign that thing
in the morning?

I'm almost finished
with it.


Those Davenports
used to be a fine,

family here.

That's why
I feel so strange

having her in that cell.

Would you like me
to type it?

You in a hurry
to go somewhere?

I told Althea
I'd be home an hour ago.

go on home, then.

Go on!

I'll probably have Parker
retype this tomorrow.

I'm getting
kind of tired.

[continues typing]


That took a lot of guts...

What you did today.

I really admire the way
you handled that.

Oh, I expect
you were faced

with situations
like that in Philadelphia

many times.

Only once.

I lost a guy.

Well, it helps to know
who you're dealing with.

People like
those Davenports,

they only k*ll family.

I knew she wasn't
going to sh**t me.

I'm glad she didn't.

Thank you.


I'm cleaning
the oven!

You know you really are
a beautiful woman.

flowers, and champagne?

what did you do?

Break it to me fast.
It's got to be a biggie.

Mr. Jeffson
made me aware
of what's important.

You planning on getting
another wife?


You're everything I need
to make me happy.

You're the most
important thing
in my life.

You know that?

Would it sound immodest
if I said yes?


But how can you know
unless I tell you?

And it's
going to change.

I'm going to be
saying it every day.

twice a day, maybe.

When I'm with you...

I'm going to be
with you 100%.

And when you talk...

I'm not going to
be thinking about

things at the station.

When you talk,
I'm going to listen.

What do you say?

Sounds like
a very ambitious,

New Year's Eve resolution.

What you're looking at
is a new Virgil Tibbs.

There's just one problem.

I'm absolutely crazy
about the old one.
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