01x03 - Skin and Bones

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sweet Valley High". Aired: September 5, 1994 – October 14, 1997.*
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Based on the books of the same name, revolves around the lives of Elizabeth and Jessica Wakefield, beautiful blonde twins who live in the fictitious Sweet Valley, California, and their g*ng of friends.
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01x03 - Skin and Bones

Post by bunniefuu »

Ohh Ohh Look right down any crowded hall You'll see there's a beauty standing Is she really everywhere Or a reflection?

One always calls out to you The other's shy and quiet Could there be two different girls Who look the same at Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High?

Meet you at Sweet Valley Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High Meet you at Sweet Valley High Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High Meet you at Sweet Valley High Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High Check this out.

"Not only am I the president of the Hair Club for Men, I'm also its biggest failure.

" Principal Cooper's gonna freak.

It's one of Winston's best jokes.

Well, well, well what do I see?

Dakota Dancer is so hot.

Tell me about it.

I love the brooding, artistic type.

So what is he doing with Enid?

Haven't you heard?

She's his new model.

No way! What would the best artist in Sweet Valley want with her?

Apparently she's his inspiration.

Hi, guys.

Couldn't you just gag?

She's got the spirit of a sponge.

Dakota could do so much better.

And I'm sure you have just the person in mind.

Give me a "J," give me an "E" Give me a break.

You're too late, Jess.

That painting has to be finished by the art show on Friday, and then it's going on national tour.

National tour?

That's unreal! Dakota's gonna make Enid famous.




And copies will go on sale in the student store.

Winston, chill with the pictures, huh?

You'll be begging me to snap more once you see who's made it to the Graffiti Wall this week.

Get a load of Principal Cooper.

Old Chrome Dome never looked better.

Ooh, the glare! Wonder if he waxes that thing.

He's behind me, isn't he?

Say, Principal Cooper, I see Winston's done it to you again.

Looks like.

Hey! Hey, you can't do that! I thought we could put anything on the Graffiti Wall.

I draw the line at personal att*cks.

Isn't that censorship?

What ever happened to freedom of expression?

Oh, it's still here, just the picture isn't.

And that was some of my best work.

He can't do that, can he?

Not if I can help it.

Look inside my crystal ball And I will look inside your mind Take your chances Walk beyond the door that leads to space and time Whoa What?

I heard you're looking for a new model.

Position's filled.

But I admire your work so much.

I'd really like to see you in action, creating.

Creative men are so creative.

You really want to work with me?

More than you can possibly imagine.

Clean these out.


Hi, Dakota.


Oh, wow! That's amazing! I mean, it's going to be amazing when you're finished.

That's a color test.

I knew that.

What are you doing here?

I'm Dakota's new personal assistant.


About tomorrow the beach, noon.

I'll be there.

Anything else?

Dress comfortable.

Sure, OK.

See you there.

Enid, there you are.

I'm so glad I found you.

Oh, yeah.


No, really.

I wanna do you a favor.

Since when?

Since your my sister's best friend.

Look, I hate to tell you this, but you can't do the painting for Dakota.

I knew it.

You're jealous.


Of you?

Enid, don't forget who you're talking to.

I'm not.

You can't stand it that Dakota's painting me and not you.

OK, fine, but don't say I didn't try to warn you.

Warn me about what?

Oh Oh, just that Dakota plans on painting you nude.


As in bare naked.

Without clothing.

Au naturel.

You're crazy.

Why did he tell me to wear comfortable clothes?

So you could slip out of 'em easier.

But I thought he really wanted to paint me.

Oh, he does.

All of you.

That total pig.

I'm gonna tell him off.

Wait, Enid.

Let me.

I've got a lot more experience with jerks like Dakota Dancer.

Thanks, Jess.

I guess I misjudged you.

Don't be too hard on yourself.

"Cooper, no principles.

" Way to go! Chrome Dome's gonna blow his lid.

He deserves it.


-oh, speak of the Dome.

What's he gonna do, shut down The Oracle?

Good luck.

Miss Wakefield, may I have a word?

Care to explain?

Just standing up for students' rights.

Humiliating the faculty is not my idea of creative expression.

If students want to put up funny pictures, they're entitled.

It's not your call.

There's a fine line between expression and good taste.

When I gave the students the Graffiti Wall, I trusted them to govern themselves.

If they can't do that, then it is up to me to offer guidance.

What you did isn't guidance, it's censorship.

What are you doing?

What any good assistant would do.

I got here as soon as I could.

It's Enid.

She totally flaked.

In English.

She's not coming.

I didn't want to let you down, so I called everyone else I knew, but nobody could make it.

I need a model.

That's what I figured.

So how's this?

She wants to be in color For all the world to view A thousand words a picture But none of them Over there.

True She's always tellin' lies Lies, lies She's always tellin' Wrong.

Lies Lies Lies She's always tellin' lies No.

She's always tellin' lies She's always tellin' lies Right there.

Over there.

She wants to be in color Hold it right there.

She wants to be in color Are you sure you don't wanna see it another way?

She wants to be in color Pray I don't catch you, Eggwad! How does Cindy Crawford do this?

Can I see it?

Tomorrow at the unveiling.


Cooper totally avoided the issue.

It's censorship, plain and simple.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever.

The whole world doesn't revolve around The Oracle and the stupid Graffiti Wall.

Other people have lives, too, you know.

Anybody going to the art opening tomorrow?

Everybody who's anybody will be there.

I bet Enid's so psyched.


Lila, I thought you, of all people, would've heard.

Heard what?

Enid's out of the picture.

Don't tell me.

What can I say?

Dakota saw what he wanted, and he was inspired, if you know what I mean.

Oh, Jess, you didn't.

You were his model?

How was it?

Put it this way Dakota, me, coconut oil, the beach.

Let's just say the waves were crashing.

Mm, sounds hot.

Your curling iron hasn't seen this kind of heat.

Just think, in three weeks, people all over the country will see Jessica's face.

Yours, too, in a way.

Where's Enid?

I don't know.

She left this weird message on my machine.

Something about boycotting anything Dakota does.

What a turnout! And to think, they're all here because of me.

Reality check.

They're all here because of Dakota.

Come on.

Great art is known by its inspiration.

Venus de Milo, Mona Lisa, and now me.


I prepared a few words.

You're not going to make a speech.

Trust me, when they see the painting, they'll be begging for one.

And smile.


It's already starting.

Good evening, everyone.

On behalf of Sweet Valley High, I'd like to thank you all for coming to this grand event.

Tonight, we'll be unveiling the most recent work of Dakota Dancer.

I shall always look back on this night as a high point of this school's history.

And now without any further ado, I give you artiste extraordinaire Dakota Dancer.

The spirit of Sweet Valley could have never been painted without a woman who gave her all for this vision Jessica Wakefield.

This honor belongs to you.

Thank you, Dakota.

You've captured a side of me that few people have ever seen.

She's naked! Bravo.


I never knew art could be so cool.

You know, I may start collecting.

There's no way I'd ever pose nude.

I can't believe she actually went through with it.

Jessica would do anything for attention.

She has no shame.

Yeah, and did you notice, there weren't any tan lines.

Hey, Jessica! Beautiful portrait.

I wasn't aware of such hidden talents.

Do you think it was anatomically correct?

- Hey, Jessica, wanna go out sometime?

- I've got finger paints.

They're dissing her big time.

How can they believe that I'd pose nude?

Well, you guys believe me?

I was wearing a bathing suit.

Dakota did the rest on his own.

How dumb do you think we are?

You're the one who said Dakota wanted to do a nude.

Quit lying! Yeah, you're the one who told us about "the beach, the suntan oil" "The waves crashing.

" Or were you lying about that?

You don't understand.

I think I do.

Come on, I'm your best friend.

You can tell me the truth.

I am! Everyone knows you would have done anything to get Dakota.

Why don't you just admit it?

Jess! You OK?

Nobody believes me, Liz.

I know.

I didn't pose naked.

I'd never do that.

Jess, what do you expect after what you told Enid?

Nothing happened.

He just painted me.

He wouldn't even let me see the painting.

You, too?

I didn't do it, Liz.

You've gotta believe me.

Why should I?

Because I'm your sister, and I need you.

What can I do?

Help me get rid of the painting.

Jess, you can't.

You think I like this?

There are 50 creeps on the answering machine asking for dates.

For me?

For either one of us.

It's humiliating.

Jess, I'm in that painting, too.

But stealing the painting isn't gonna change what everybody believes.

Then how?

I've been your sister too long not to have learned a thing or two.

Is she gonna be nude, too?

I'm working.

Oh, that's right.

The great artiste needs silence while he dreams up new ways to exploit teenage girls.

Art is freedom.

I paint what I feel.

And you felt my sister was naked, even though she was wearing a bathing suit?

I captured the spirit and beauty of the human form.

Clothes are immaterial.

She was never nude?


She didn't have to be.

Don't you care what this is doing to her reputation?

How would you feel?

I'm an artist, not a model.

Don't you care what this is doing to her reputation?

How would you feel?

I'm an artist, not a model.

Dakota what a jerk.

That could've been me.

I'm gonna k*ll that guy.

I'm so embarrassed.

I think Jessica is owed a major apology here.

- Well, I'm waiting.

- What about you?

I never had any doubts.

After all, Jessica is my best friend.

Sorry, Jess.

Sorry, Jess.

It's OK.

I guess these belong to you.

Thank you.

You have no idea how much that hurt.


You've been great, Liz.

Thanks a lot.

Hey, I'm your sister.

But we still have one big problem the painting.

Oh, I think I have a way to handle that.

Wow, everything looks great! This is so cool.

I cannot wait until the opening tomorrow night.

Your sister doesn't feel that way.

Oh, her.

She doesn't understand art.

I swear, if we weren't identical, I wouldn't even believe we were related.

Don't you think it's time we celebrate?

You, me, the beach.

Let's go back to where you made it all happen.

Wow, it's really hot out here.

Let's go for a swim.

I didn't bring my suit.

Who needs them?

We have nothing to hide from each other.


Oh, I've got some towels in the car.

Um, I'll meet you out there.

Oh, Dakota! Whoo!

- What are you doing?

- Nice boots, dude.

Some local wildlife photography.

Just capturing the beauty of the human form.

How do you like it, Dakota?

Give me that! Can't do it.

Hot potato.

Don't even think about it.

OK, Dakota, here's the deal either you cut my portrait out of the show, or the whole school will see you without your boots.

Forget it! It's your call.

Wow, Jess.

It's really beautiful.

Personally, I prefer the original.

Not that this isn't nice, too.

Excuse me.

I have something to take care of.



I want to apologize for what I said to you.

I'm gonna print a retraction in tomorrow's Oracle.

Elizabeth, as painful as it is for me to accept, you were right.

I don't get it.

We all have to use judgment in matters of censorship, weigh that against the price it may cost someone else.

In my case, I overreacted.

Do you really mean that?

Check out the Graffiti Wall tomorrow.

You'll find my picture back up there.

I believe you have something for me.

I guess I won't be needing this.

How do you know he won't change it back?

Call it insurance.

Look right down any crowded hall You'll see there's a beauty standing Is she really everywhere Or a reflection?

Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High Meet you at Sweet Valley High Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High
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