02x07 - g*nshots

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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02x07 - g*nshots

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Oh

your wife called

To remind you
to buy milk.

No need. I'm
using my new
memory system.

New what?

First, you visualize
your watch soaked
in milk,

Then you wear it
on the opposite
wrist from normal.

See. It doesn't
feel normal.

Then you just
keep thinking--

Milk, milk, milk.

Doesn't that
make it hard
to concentrate

On anything else

You can make jokes,
but it's foolproof.

So if you need milk
and something else,

You got to have
two watches.

I'm not even going
to dignify that
with a response.

What are you
laughing at?

Something funny
going on?

You got our money.
Now get out!



I tried
to stop him.

Take it easy.

Right here.
Right here.

There, there, there.

I'll get you
an ambulance
as soon as I can.

Sparta two
to dispatcher.

I've got a 211
at hadley's
convenience store.

ambulance for clerk

With lacerations
on forehead.

wearing ski mask,
dark jacket,

Dark jeans--blue.

is armed.

Send available
backup units.

I'm pursuing
towards manchester.


Excuse me, sir.
Police officer.

Did you
see anybody
come by here?



Sure there's
just one?

Just one.

Back there.
I think I got him.

You sure
did get him.

I told him
to freeze.

He turned and
started bringing
up his g*n.

Good lord.
It's a girl.

She drew on me.

Don't see any g*n.

Bobby, get
an ambulance.

She had a g*n
in her right hand.

It has to be there.

I saw it before she
even turned around.

going to look
for the g*n.

Uh...i thought
you might like
something hot.

O.k. Um...



Soon as it's
daylight, I'll
send some guys

To look for
that g*n again.

How far
can a g*n go?

Well, not too far,
I wouldn't think.

Unless she flung it,
and that doesn't
seem likely.

I saw a g*n.

I know.

When mrs. Tibbs
called she was
a little anxious.

Did you get
back to her?


I think she'd like
to hear something
from you.

What about the girl?

Her name's
raylene tolliver.

I've known
her family.

Her daddy worked
at the depot.

I've known her well
enough to say hi.

A child.

She couldn't
have been
more than 18.

She was 20,
according to her
driver's license.

Virgil, I've
got two choices in
a case like this.

I can take
you off duty,

Give you
some days off,

Or you
can just, uh...

Stay on duty...

Give me your g*n.

Well...you know,

I have
to ask for it.

It's part of
the investigation.

It doesn't
mean a thing.

Maybe not to you.

You o.k.?


I got the milk.

Just three
hours late.

You want anything?

Oh, no.

No, I'm fine. I...

I'm just tired.

Sure? I was
going to barbecue,

But I was...
You know,
waiting for you.

Althea, I don't
feel like eating.

Do you want me
to leave you alone?

I'm fine. Really.

Althea, I feel...


About that girl.

Her brother...

He's in my fifth
period health class.

Chief gillespie
told me the last name.

We figured out
they were in
the same family.

So I've managed
to ruin your day
for tomorrow.

Honey, I
can handle it.

You know
what's weird?

There were
a dozen times

I could've k*lled
somebody back home
in philadelphia,

And that's really
why I wanted to
come down here.

Partly just to...
Get away from
all that.

It's a nice...

Quiet, little

Good values,
sane people...

And a 20-year-old kid
pulls a g*n on me--

A girl--

And I blow her away.

This about it?

No, a little

Little further.

Right there.

Yeah. Ok.

I was
standing here,

And she was right
about there.

Were there any
lights coming from
these houses here?

Not a whole lot.

But you saw
pretty well?

If I couldn't,
you should charge
me for manslaughter.

I'm on your side.

The light
was strong enough
to see a figure...

About the same
size and weight
of the suspect.

The clothes
looked similar.

You couldn't tell
it was a woman?

I didn't
think about it.

I saw a man coming
up with a g*n.

Can't we clear out
these people?

All right.

Come on.
Go on home.

Go on now.
Go home.

Jamison, turn
around and then
turn back again

Like you're
sh**ting a g*n.

Was that about it?

Only she didn't
get that far.

But you clearly
saw a g*n?

I had a millisecond
standing here

With every
instinct saying

I was
halfway between
life and death.

I've trained for
that millisecond

My entire
police career.

I thought
I was good,

But there
simply appears
to be no g*n.

If I were you,

I'd assume my chief
of detectives
lost his nerve

And just shot
some kid

Who happened to be
in the wrong place.

Virgil, I believe you.

I'm going to
write this up

As a justifiable

A justified


I wouldn't write it
that way for you.

I hope you
will not be
dishonest enough

To write it up
that way for me.

[Door opens]

Any luck?

I tried everyone
who deals g*ns.

Nothing turned up,
not even a cap p*stol.

What's going
to happen to him?

I wish I knew.

If I shot somebody,

I don't know
if I could stand it.

Well, now
the curious thing is

We've had three robberies
of just this kind

In the past month,

But this is the first time
they used v*olence.

Maybe that's my fault,

But I wasn't letting him
take my money without a fight.

You keep saying him.

You keep saying him.

Couldn't the robber
be a woman?

I don't think so.

Think or know so?

He's given you
his answer.

Think so
isn't an answer.

He is not the suspect.
He's the victim.

He's got 12 stitches
in his head.

Why's he want me
saying it's a woman?

I just want
an accurate

The robber
wore a ski mask,

And he keeps saying
he was shown a note
demanding money.

lower your voice.

We've got it all.

You can go now.

He didn't see a face
or hear a voice.

Give me one reason

Why the robber
couldn't have
been a woman.

I've been on this earth
a lot longer than you.

I'm pretty damn good

At telling what's male
or what's female,

Stark naked
or wearing a ski mask.

If you expect me to say
that girl you k*lled

Is the one
that robbed me,

You can go to hell.

The more we know
about nutrition,

The more difficult it is
to make choices.

Milk and cheeses
have lots of fat.

In fact, 80%.

That's not good
for anybody.

So what will it be,

Nonfat milk,
low-fat cheeses,

green vegetables?

Are there
any questions?

Yeah. I got one.


I want to know
why your husband
k*lled my sister.

Albert, I'm terribly sorry
about your sister.

Are you sure,
real sure?

Yes, and so is
my husband.

This isn't
the right time--

I think
it's the right time.

Right here. Right now.


Everybody heard you say
you're sorry.

Is that all?

If you want to talk--

I heard enough from you.

Now you hear
something from me.

I want your husband dead
just like my sister!

[Door slams]

What the hell
are you two doing here?

We're just
looking around.

I've got
a search warrant.

Where's yours?

Uh, we didn't
take the time.

We thought we might
find something
to help you.

I don't need
your help.

We found some cocaine.

Want me to hide it again?

What I want you to do
is give it to me

And get out of here... Now!

Who are you?

Detective tibbs.
Who are you?

A friend of raylene's.

I came by to pick up
some clothes.

I used to hang around.

What's your name?

Jimmy dawes.

Driver's license.

Why? How fast
was I going?

I've been
trying to figure
some things out.

Maybe you
can help me.

I've been wondering

How this girl lived,
paid her rent.

I was wondering
how she survived.

She sold lollipops.

Did she own a g*n?


Many single women
own g*ns.

She was scared of g*ns.

Where'd she really
get her money?

People gave it to her.

People liked her.

I gave her money.

I liked her.

Did she sell dope?


Should I
take you someplace

To get your attention?

I guess she kept some
around for friends.

That's why you're here.


You going to bust me,

Put your big, black fist
in my face?

That wouldn't be
a bad idea,

Because maybe I've jumped
to the wrong conclusion.

Maybe you're the one
selling dope.

My, my. I ought to sue you
for defamation of character.

Where do you work?

Lumber mill. Sometimes.

I'm going
to check that out.

We'll be in touch,

But for now, get out

Before I decide how much
I really dislike you.

See you later, big man.

If you can help it,

Try not to sh**t
anybody else.

Good afternoon,
miss tibbs.

I was thinking
about you.

They call that
mental telepathy,
I guess.

If you believe in
that kind of thing.

You're here
about virgil,
aren't you?

Yeah. Uh...
How's he doing?

Well, considering
what happened,

I think
he's doing pretty well.

I know that you
counsel children

And you've studied
psychology and all.

Have you ever dealt
with a k*lling?

No, I haven't.

Well, when you
k*ll somebody,

It stays with you.

I'm here to tell you.

And I'm worried
about virgil.

I just want you to know

If there's any way
I can help, I will.

So far, virgil's fine.

There's still some pain,
but that's to be expected.

He's a very strong man,
chief gillespie.

Well, anyway, we can
stay in touch, I hope.

You just call me
any time you want.

You're just an old softy.

That's what you are.


Dr. Robb!

Virgil tibbs.

Hi. Is that
the tolliver case?

Yeah. I've released her
to the funeral home.

Could you do me a favor?

Would you
run a tox on her?


I want to, um, know

What kind of condition
her head was in...mentally.

I want to know
if she was high.

If that's what you want.

Boys, come on in.

Let's sign the papers.


Never do that again.

Don't sneak up on me!

That kind of thing
can get a person k*lled.

Good evening, ma'am.

I'm chief bill gillespie.

I know you,

And I knew the one
before you.

That was a mean man.

They tell me
you're mean, too.

Well, I sure hate
to hear that, mrs...


Hannah carter.

I'm charley spruill's

Maybe you're
a little bit young

To have known him.

No. I remember him.

He was foreman at
the jute mill

And deacon
at the baptist church.

Jute mill k*lled him.

Jute mill blew up.

k*lled three men
that day.

I was home
having my youngest.

Got a child,
lost a daddy.

All in the same day.

Child died
two months later.


Well, they were
hard times,
weren't they?

All times are hard.

Tell you
why I came over.

I'm sure you know
something bad here
happened the other night.

Girl got k*lled.

Raylene tolliver.

One of your police
did it.

Black man.

Yeah. That
was virgil tibbs.

He's my chief
of detectives.

They say he
shot her down
like a dog.

Now, mrs. Carter,
you know they say

Is not always
too reliable.

We think
that girl had a g*n.

I think maybe you
were sitting out here

And saw what happened.

Why would you
think that?

People come out
on the porch evenings,

Sit around, relax,
look around.

Most folks do.

Most folks ain't me.

But I'll tell you

When I did see
your black police

He was down here
this morning

Messing around in
raylene tolliver's

We have
to do those things

To find out other things
we got to know.

Well, my grandson
went over there

Just to see
what he was doing.

Said all her drawers
was open,

Personal things
that man didn't have
no business with.

Said he was looking
at her picture

In a real
peculiar way.

He think there was
anything wrong

About looking
at her picture?

Yes, he did.

He think the man
ought to be locked up

Before he go
and hurt somebody else.

He thinks
the man is crazy.

What are you doing?

Oh, uh, reading.

It's one of those
little personal

Isn't it?

Raylene tolliver.

Yeah. Well,
I guessed that.

When she was 15,

She wanted to be
a dental hygienist.

A year later,

It changed to
a minimum wage job
at the mill.

By the time
she was a senior,

She was
running out of hope.

She was
a substance abuser,

Experimental with
just about everything,
including men.

It's...pretty hard
to read.

Then why are
you reading it?

It's part
of the investigation.

Oh, I don't
really think so.

If you don't mind
my saying so,

It's kind of
a fixation,

If that's
the right word.

It's a normal thing.

And in time--

Yeah. Maybe for once,
you're in an area

You don't know
anything about.

Maybe you're right.

But then again,
maybe you're wrong.

The same thing
happened to me

About four
or five years ago

Over at
that old bank
on polk street,

The one they turned
into an all-night

Well, I was
in that bank
one afternoon

And a couple of guys
from new jersey
came down here.

They were going

To show us
southern people

How easy it was
to take our money
away from us.

And I happened
to be in the bank
at the time.

I was sitting there
with the manager

Talking about
getting a car loan.

They walked
in the door.

I spotted them
right away.

No doubt about
what they were,

So I jumped up,

Pulled my colt
out of my pants.

opened fire there.

We exchanged
about 32 sh*ts.

The place looked
like a w*r zone.

You k*lled one of them.

I k*lled them both.


I appreciate what
you're trying to do,

But I'm honestly capable
of handling this on my own.

The old woman who
lives across the street,

Her grandson told her

You were in there
searching around

In the girl's
personal things.

Know who her grandson is?

Jimmy dawes.

I just got
off the phone
with the fbi.

He was arrested
in louisiana.

He was arrested
in tennessee.

He hasn't been around here
for the past three years

Because he was in florida

Serving a sentence
for selling dr*gs.

Now lay off of me.

Under the circumstances,

I am doing
the best I can.

I just wish, virgil--

Lay off of me!

Virgil, a guy
from blaine's tire
left this for you.

Mrs. Tibbs forgot it
when she bought
new tires.

What new tires?

I don't know.
Ask mrs. Tibbs.

Hi, granny.

I got everything
you wanted.

How's that
for service?

Instant coffee, sugar,
orange juice,

Headache pills,
and a jumbo roll
of paper towels.

What about
my buttermilk?

That was the only thing
they was out of.

The guy that
owns the place--

Mr. Hadley?

He's still
flapping his gums
about that robbery.

All that dude
talks about.

I heard you've been doing
a little talking yourself.

Chief of police,
right here on this porch.

Why didn't you tell me?

It wasn't nothing
to it.

I just told him
what you said

the black detective.

That's all?

He was only here
five minutes.

When you're talking
to the police,

Only use a few words.

And use the same
words every time.

Remember that, granny.

It's a good rule
to live by.

Class dismissed.
Don't forget
your homework.


Hey, hi.

Why didn't you tell me
you got new tires?

I was going to--

I found out
from some guy
at the tire store

Who thinks it's
funny that sparta's
chief of detectives

Doesn't even know
what's going on.

I didn't want
to upset you.

Upset me?
Do I look upset?

Yesterday afternoon

I found two
of my tires slashed.

And you couldn't
tell me about it.

We have dinner
and you can't say
anything about it.

I felt you had
too much on your mind.

I thought I'd wait
a couple of days.

Anyway, i...

I think
raylene tolliver's
brother did it.

You think
or you know?

He was upset in class.

Someone told me
that they saw him
near my car.

Where is he?


He slashed
your tires.

How do you know
you're not next?

He's not like that.

What are you going
to do?

I'm going to talk
with the little bastard.

Virgil, you can't do...

Yeah, parker, it's althea.
Is the chief in?

it's an emergency!

Excuse me, which one
is albert tolliver?

Last guy off the bus.
He hit double figures.

We beat marshall city
84 to 61.

I want to talk
to you.

What does my wife
got to do with
any of this?

Come near her
and I'll tear you
to pieces!

You k*lled my sister!

You come within
20 feet of my wife,

I will k*ll you!

Let me go.

Let me go, I said!

Virgil, you hear me?

I went to see miss earl,
albert tolliver's aunt.

She's a nice person.

She's agreed not
to press charges.

Miss tibbs,
I've offered virgil
some time off,

And, uh,

I'd encourage that
if I were you.

Wouldn't it be better
if he kept working?

If he kept busy?
Having responsibilities?

Well, i...

I really think
we're past that.

Virgil, I'd like to make
an appointment for you

With dr. Pollard
up in jackson.

He's the police

Did you hear him,


Do whatever you
think is best.

Mrs. Carter?
Mrs. Carter?

Uh, I'm sorry
I scared you awake.

I wasn't sleeping.

I have to ask you
some more questions

About this sh**ting
out here.

What you ought to do
is stop fussing

And let that black
police detective of yours

Take his own medicine.

Well, now, ma'am,

I think you're
judging too hasty,

And you hadn't ought
to do that.

"Judgment is mine,"
saith you-know-who

And he was talking
to you and me.

What's that got to do

With the price of eggs
in sparta?

That puts me in mind

Of hadley's
convenience store.

I'd like to find
the guy that robbed it.

Maybe I could make sense
out of this thing.

Where's your grandson?

Leave jimmy alone.
There's worse than him.

He's bad enough.

I hate to say this,

But jimmy's a thief
and a drug pusher.

Who told you all
those awful things?

The fbi.
The state police.

The people down
at farmwood prison
in florida.

Jimmy's on parole.

I could put him back
just like that.

You don't want that.

It wasn't jimmy,
I swear it wasn't.

then who was it?

I'm waiting for you
to tell me who.

Mrs. Carter...

There's people who
can hide the truth.

I don't think you're
one of those people.

There's not an ounce
of deception in you

Because you're
a god-fearing woman.

You could quote me
out of that book

About bearing
false witness.

I'm begging you,
not just for jimmy

But for your own self,

To tell me truthfully
what happened here.

Well, I guess
I'm just wasting
everybody's time.

I'll just have
to go and do

What I have to do.

I was in the house
when it happened.

I heard a shot,

And I knew
somebody was dead.

Now that's the truth,
chief gillespie.

I didn't lie.

I wasn't out here.

But somebody else was,

And I know
he saw it all.

Who's jimmy dawes?

Right here.


You looking
for some action?


Uh, just
some conversation.

Now, you stay,

And you go on over
there somewhere.

The rest of you all
move back, will you?

In a pig's eye.

You say what?

How do you like
the odds in this room?

I think they're
in my favor.

If I whistle,

My boys will break
all your bones.

And the bones
of anybody else

Who gets in the way.

Why you want
to make trouble
for yourself?

Get out of here.

Jimmy dawes,
jimmy dawes...

I know why
you're here.

You talked
to that old lady.

How many of her bones
did you break?

You're breaking
the old lady's
heart, useless!

I'll put you in the pen
for dealing dr*gs.

That's a damn lie!

We found cocaine

In raylene tolliver's
dead body.

She didn't
get it from me.

Your fingerprints
were on the cocaine bag.

Now listen to me.

You're on parole
from florida.

I can ram you back
in that pen

Without a trial
or anything else.

And you're
a three timer.

You'll spend 50 years
of your life

In a stone room

With five other
beauties just like you.

You're trying
to make me say

She wasn't shot by your
philadelphia big man!

I'm trying to get you
to tell me the truth.

If you don't tell me,
in you go.

And if you do, well,
I'll be fair to you.

Come here.

I want to know
who robbed that store.

Now, you just
whisper it to me.

And don't
make me wait.

It was raylene's
little brother.

He stuck up hadley.

You mean little
albert tolliver?

Raylene was outside
walking around

As high as a kite.

Albert came running
down the road

And handed her
a g*n.

So the girl
did have a g*n.

Albert gave it
to her.

Then he hid under
the back porch.

When raylene
got shot,

He grabbed the g*n
and he ran away.

Hey, you want proof?

Search his room and
I bet you'll find

A .38 with a broken
firing pin.

Dumb little sucker
paid $60 for it.


Come in,
chief gillespie.

Mrs. Earl.

They not going
to be too hard

On him, are they?

Mrs. Earl, you've been
very helpful to us.

I'll be as helpful
as I can to albert,

I promise you.

Now, where's his room?

Well, his--

His room's
right there.

Thank you.

Chief gillespie...

Yes, ma'am?

What you're looking for
is under the mattress.


I think this is it.

I'll see you later.

All right.

The only thing
we can do

Is put a bulletin
out on him.

I'll take this back
and get--

It's him!


Stay back, man!

I won't hurt you.

Don't come
any closer!

All right!
All right!

I'll stay right here.

We have to talk
about this.

What the hell
we got to talk about?

What we share.


Yes, we do.

We share
your sister's death.

I tried to help her.

I didn't want
to hurt her.

You robbed hadley's
store, didn't you?

You were committing

To support your
sister raylene's
drug habits, right?

She was starting
to do things with men
for money.

And that night,

When you were
running away from me,

You gave her
your g*n. Why?

I was scared, man.

I don't know why
I did it.

I messed everything up.

And I k*lled her!


I k*lled her.

I did that.

There's nothing
I can say

To bring her back,

Or make it easier
on either one of us.

But I'm so...

So sorry.

I don't know how
I'm going to
live with this.

Neither do i,

But it will be
some comfort to know

That someone somewhere
in the world

Understands how I feel.

We have to have
each other for that.

That's what
we have to do.
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