02x10 - Tear Down the Walls

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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02x10 - Tear Down the Walls

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh-ohh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll
be all right ♪

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

♪ In the heat

♪ Of the night

♪ Oh-ohh...

♪ Holy, holy, holy

♪ Though the darkness
hide thee ♪

♪ Though the eye
of sinful man ♪

♪ Thy glory may not see

♪ Only thou art holy

♪ There is none
beside thee ♪

♪ Perfect in power

♪ In love and purity ♪

Blessed be thy father.

All: amen. Amen.

You may be seated.

First let me take a minute
to thank someone

Who's graciously volunteered
to spearhead the fund raiser

For our new
day-care center.

Miss joann st. John.

My beloved friends,

I can't tell you
how proud I am

Of how this church
has responded

To this community's needs

Since I've been here
the past five years.

It's time for another step,

Maybe the boldest,

Certainly the most
important one
we've ever taken.

We know the story
of the good samaritan

And how he wasn't deterred
in helping someone
of a different faith.

With this in mind,
I have originated
a program

That I hope you'll be just
as excited about as I am.

It's time...

High time,

That this church
follow the lead

Of other churches in sparta

And did away
with racial barriers

That still separate us
from other
of god's children

Here in our community.

I've already spoken
with a couple

Who are willing to attend
our services next sunday.

They're a lovely couple--



Devoted to this community,

And the kind of individuals
that you'd be proud to have
associated with your church.

[Both grunting]

[Siren wailing]

What the hell
took you so long?

We stopped
for a beer.

Very funny, sweet.

Read them their rights,
then book them.

You have the right
to remain silent...

That knot head
ruined my $30-shirt.

Yeah, look at this.
Christmas present
from althea.

Tell me something,

Kind of fun,
wasn't it?

Yeah.[Both laugh]

Ow. Ow!that old boy
laid one on you.

Well, here's some ice.

Thanks, chief.

The cherokee indians
had a wonderful ointment

For bruises
of all kinds.

Used to take
ordinary clay,

Mix it with cider vinegar.

Then they'd mix that
with deer droppings, see.

They'd put that
all over the affected area.

It worked like a charm.

Thanks, chief.
I'll stick to ice.

Well, what was the prize
from your big
surprise party?

I wouldn't exactly call them
colombian kingpins,

But we got them for about
1.5 pounds of rock.

Yeah, we got 'em for as*ault
and resisting arrest too.

That's the most fun
I've had in ages.

I hit one sucker so hard

I thought his navel
would come out his head.

Excuse me.

I hope I'm not
interrupting anything.

No. No, no.
Interrupt anytime
you like, reverend.

I'm at your service.
Glad to see you.

You know
bubba skinner here.

You know my chief
of detectives?

Virgil tibbs,
virgil, this is
reverend haskell.

Certainly nice
to meet you finally.

Thanks. Same to you.

I made it official today.

I told the congregation
what we're doing.

What are we doing?

Hasn't althea
spoken to you?

for the last 36 hours,

I've been on a stakeout,
eating cold
collard greens

And listening to
sergeant skinner snore.

Well, althea has agreed--
with your permission,
I thought--

To join my church.


I don't know
what to say.

Consider it, at least.

Talk with althea,
and give it a chance.

I can't express
what this could mean
to our community.

Well, I'll tell you
something, reverend.

Virgil here's a specialist
in breaking new ground.

He's done quite a bit
here in the sparta
police department.

Why not join us, chief?

Celebrate our new beginning
with mr. And mrs. Tibbs
next sunday.

Can't consider it, reverend.
Really can't.

I wish I could.

I wish I could be there
on sunday with y'all

But I've done
one of those foolish things
we do at times.

I've actually
given myself sunday duty.

Excuse me.

Althea: I didn't
say we'd go.

I said
I'd talk to you,
then we'd go.

Althea, please.

[Sighs] listen, honey,
it's not my fault

You went running
out of here
on some kinda stakeout

Like some
junior g-man.

I hated it
in philadelphia,
and I hate it here.

And now you're
changing the subject.

I am not.

You always
change the subject
when you're wrong.

[Scoffs] wrong?

Is it wrong to integrate
grace redeemer church?

No, but let
someone else do it.

Reverend haskell
asked us.

I'm perfectly happy
with the church
we attend now.

It was my father's church,
my mother's church.

I was baptized there.

I want to be
buried there.

You've always
led the way
in these things.

I've been scared
or didn't agree,

But I've always been
proud of you
and given you my support.

Well, for once,

I'd like
to lead the way.

I'm just asking
for your support.

I just want you
to be proud of me.


Man: what you doing,

Praying or scheming?

This is a white church.

We want to keep it
a white church.

I'm telling you,

And I'm demanding

That you tell
that black cop
and his wife.

You don't want to talk
to the tibbses, fine.

We'll handle them.

You want to be an apostle
of race mixing,

Do your dirty work
somewhere else.

You'll be getting
that message shortly

From the board of finance
and the deacons,

But I want you
to know personally

It is my foot

That is giving you
the boot.

We'll remember this day
for the rest
of our lives.


I'll see you
on sunday.


Oh, that
was mrs. Wilson.

She's behind you 100%.

She said,
tell reverend haskell

She's bringing
the whole family.

What's wrong?

Well... Ed rowan
paid me a call

With his strong-arms
from the lumber mill.

Want me
to call the police?

No. They didn't
thr*aten any v*olence,

Though I guess
they are capable of it.

I'm scared, claire.

I'm an absolute coward.

What is wrong with me?

Why can't I serve god
with some sort of
courage and dignity?

You do.

In every way.

You're the bravest man
that I know.

There's no sense
in your staying.

I'll be fine.

I'm not going
to leave you.

I wouldn't do that.

I think you know me
better than that.

Why did you lie
to reverend haskell?

I will not be part
of that controversy.

Show me religious
and I'm gone

Like an old crow
when you wave a hat.

What's controversial
about visiting a church?

I won't promote any
particular church.

I will not
tell people

Or be used
to tell people

Where they should go
or where
they shouldn't.

Oh, come on.
That's just
dodging the issue.

Yeah, you're damn right
it's dodging the issue.

The issue is
whether or not
black people

Can feel welcome
in a church that...

No. Black people
can go wherever
they want.

I only step in when
somebody stops them.

Truthfully, I don't
think black people

Want to go
to that church.

They'd fall asleep.
I know I would.

You can't fall asleep
in a black church.

Too much going on.

There's all kinds
of hosannas

And hallelujahs
and amens,

All kinds of music
and singing--

There's good singing
in there.

Those people have
a hell of a time
worshiping god.

Lord forgive me
for blasphemy.

If I had to be
a regular member
of any church,

It wouldn't be
haskell's church.

I'd pick
the first african
zion baptist church.

If that's the truth,
why didn't you tell
reverend haskell?

Why did you lie
about duty on sunday?

I did not lie
about that.

I promised jimmy girard
I'd teach him to fire
an a*t*matic p*stol.

He wants a permit.
That's my duty to him.

And after that?then take the man

Now, come on,
you got your choice--

Take you to lulu belle's

Or the blue grotto
in richmond for steak.

I'm being
invited out to dine.

Just waiting here
for your r.s.v.p.

Well, wait no longer.

It's regrets--

Deep regrets,

Sincere regrets...

Fed-up regrets.

[Door slams]

Good morning,
mrs. Haskell.good morning.

The chief couldn't take
himself off duty today?

Maybe another day,
reverend haskell.

Reverend: I'm sorry.

You know, bill gillespie
is so respected,

His being here would
have validated things.

That's what he wanted
to avoid doing,

For some reason
I can't quite make out.
But I'm working on him.

dr. Pendleton, cassey.joann.

How you doing?cassey: fine, joann.

Daddy said something
about the chief not
coming to church.

He doesn't qualify
for gold stars

I wouldn't miss this day
for anything.

Hope there's no trouble.

Your son-in-law
doesn't look happy.

Ed likes to
blow off steam
every now and then

But he's a pussycat.

There isn't a better man
to take care of my girl.

[Church bell tolling]

Man: ah there, reverend,
how are you?

You know, last week
on the way to jackson,

I passed this terrific
little country inn.
It was secluded.

Lots of antiques.

Great views.

We could be there
in 45 minutes.

Champagne brunch.

Maybe stay over.

Nice try, virgil.

♪ Just a closer
walk with thee ♪

♪ Grant it, jesus,
is my plea ♪

♪ Daily walking
close to thee ♪

♪ Let it be,
dear lord ♪

♪ Let it be ♪

You may be seated.

Thank you, father,
for this new day,

For this new beginning

That you in your
infinite wisdom
have blessed us with.

[Breathing heavily]

Jesus said...

This, my beloved friends,

May be the most
important thing
that he ever said.

"As you do
unto these people..."

"You do unto me."



Oh, my god!

Man 1: reverend!man 2: reverend!

Give him some air.

What's his pulse rate?

I don't get any pulse.

Virgil: somebody
get an ambulance.


[Indistinct conversations]

[Sobbing softly]

Probably a heart attack,
though I'm not certain.


I'm so sorry,
mrs. Haskell.

All I can tell you
is he didn't suffer,

And that's
a blessing.

Mr. Tibbs,
this was on his desk.

"God painted
this church white."

"Learn that or die."


Joann, would you
take mrs. Haskell home?

Some other ladies
would gladly go with you.

Come on, mrs. Haskell.

Had you worked
with the reverend
for a very long time?

Ever since he got here.
Five years.

I've known him longer
than anybody else
in this town.

There is something
very wrong
about all of this.

Thank you.

Coroner: with the trachea
swollen almost shut

And the presence
of fluid in the lungs,

Looks like he went
into anaphylactic shock.

What, he asphyxiated?

It sure looks that way.

He must have had
a severe reaction
to a potent allergen.

Could that k*ll someone?

Oh, hell virgil.
You got
a bad enough allergy,

A bee sting
will k*ll you.

You better send a copy
of his medical records
down here.

I'll run a blood test,

See if we can't
pin it down.

What about needle marks?
Did you find anything
that we can go on?

I checked everything--
mouth, toes, nasals.

So he's clean?
No injection sites.

We'll get
the tox scan tomorrow.

The best we can do

Is check
his medical history,

Try getting clues
about what to look for.

All right. Thanks.
Look, um...

I'll be in touch.yeah.

Ladies, did you know
anybody in particular

Who might have
sent that note?

Well, a number of people
could have.

Many people opposed what
my husband was doing.

Weren't you
one of them?

No, that's not
exactly true, claire.

I approved, but I was
terribly frightened,
and so was he.

He was the bravest man
I ever met.

Well, now, ladies,
let's try and work on
this thing together here.

Now, if he was scared,

And he had reason to be,

I want the names
of the people

Who violently opposed blacks
coming into that church.

The board of deacons
warned him
about trouble,

But most
were supportive.

Except ed rowan.

Didn't your husband
tell you about ed rowan?

Tell me about him.

Saturday night, ed rowan
came into the church
with men from work.

Men? Who were they?

I don't know.

They tried to frighten
reverend haskell
into changing his mind.

Tried to frighten him?
What did they say?

I didn't hear it,

But I knew
why they were there.

Chief, virgil just called
from the pathology lab.

He gave me some information
on haskell's autopsy.

Let's see what
we have here.

Well, according
to the pathology lab,
mrs. Haskell,

Your husband did not die
of a heart attack.

"The autopsy revealed
he died of asphyxiation

"Caused by an acute
allergic condition."

Was he allergic
to any medicines
you know about?


Anybody know about that
besides you?

A lot of people.
It was no secret.

He collapsed once
at a church board meeting.

Well, maybe somebody
gave him a dose
of penicillin,

And if
that's the case,

It might be that
he was m*rder*d.

[Car horn honks]


[Men shouting]

Hey, virgil,

Want to
come out and play?

Man 1: go back to where
you come from!

[Glass shatters]


[Door closes]


Oh, god!

Oh, baby.

Are you all right?[Exhales]

I was coming home,

And I saw them
on the lawn.

That was you sh**ting?

Twice in the air.oh.


God, I can't
stop shaking.

I'm so sorry.

They threw something
through the window,

Oh, baby.


"Pray in your own church.
Stay out of ours."

Look how
they spelled "church"--


I'm correcting
10th grade papers.

Now I have to correct
a note from a bigot?

A bigot who can't spell
is someone
impossible to change.

I wish you'd shot one
in the rear end.

How's that
for enlightenment?

How do you feel about
church on sunday?

They can't stop me

Even if they break
every window
in this house.

[Telephone rings]


Bill: mrs. Tibbs.
Put virgil on. [Sighs]

Yes, he's here,
chief gillespie.

Hello, chief.

You just missed
some real fun
around here.

Virgil, I'm at
lyman's funeral home

With the reverend
haskell's body.

Something awful
has happened.

I think you better get
right over here.

What happened here?

Come here.

I've never seen
anything like this.

Gin.how do you do that
all the time?

Just a knack.

I've told you not
to play cards with parker.

[All chuckle]

I'll play cards
with parker anytime.

After taping up
the broken window,
cleaning up the glass,

He got my mind
off tonight

By beating
the socks off of me
in gin rummy.

Glad to help out.

Oh, I'll come by
and reglaze
that window tomorrow.

Uh, I'd like
to apologize

For all the good folks
here in sparta

For what happened

Thanks again.

Good night, ma'am.

Good night.

What happened
to you tonight?

Where did you
fly off to?

Baby, they k*lled
the minister.

They threw bricks
through our window,

But now...

They have just savaged
the minister's coffin.

What?[Knock on door]


Mrs. Haskell.

I just heard
what happened.

They won't let me
see the body.

Mr. Tibbs, can't you
tell me what's going on?

Look, I'm sorry
to burst in on you.

I can't take much more.

Please sit down.
Would you like
some tea?

No. What happened
at the funeral home?

Someone, for reasons
we don't understand,

Defaced the coffin.

They cut it to shreds.

Why is this happening?

I don't understand.

I wish I had an answer.

Have you done anything
about finding out
who m*rder*d him?

Do you have a suspect?

Is anybody
doing anything?

We're really at an impasse
at this moment.

look, I have a request.

Everything my husband
ever stood for...

Is being destroyed.

I don't want him
to be remembered

As a man so hated
by his congregation

That he was m*rder*d
and desecrated.

Mrs. Haskell.
We certainly don't--no, please.

Please, I'm asking you,
both of you,

Don't come back
to the church.

It's caused enough
pain and anguish.

I just want it to stop.

[Door slams shut]

Lonnie: I can't believe
any of this.

Sweet: it's all true.
Every word of it.

It's those comic books
you read.

Just listen to what
I'm trying to say.

First, he gets
himself m*rder*d.

This is a preacher
we're talking about.

You get into a whole
new slice of cake.

It's not like
murdering a grocer

Or a cab driver.

Now, second,

The coffin gets itself
mysteriously desecrated.

Now, this is where
my "lothar and the goat
people" theory applies.

In their society,
when priests died,

It meant he wasn't
a true prophet,

That he was a messenger
sent by the devil

In disguise
to deceive them.

Yeah? And then what?

Sweet: they mutilated
the body so it
couldn't return

getting recognized.

I don't know where
you get these stories,

But we're about to hit
the morning reports.


Been here and gone.

Did he say
where he was going?

He's going to see
the town bigot
about a brick.

Man 1: o.k., Come on down.

Man 2: carl, get a "t,"
and help me
with this stuff!

No problem.thank you, ryan.

Morning, cassey.
How are you?

Chief gillespie,
what brings you
out here?

I came to see ed.
Is he around?

He's working
on equipment.

Can I help you?

I'll bet you can.

I'm holding this guy.

He says he was at
your house last night
to see ed.

Should I believe him?

No. Ed was out
most of the evening
last night

Till well after 10:00.

Well, I'm not

I'll go say hello
to ed.

Good to see you.you, too. Bye-bye.

Good morning, ed.

Chief, what brings
you here?

I came to see you.

Hear you were out
last night.

No, I was home
all night.

For some reason,
I think you're lying.

You best be careful
there, chief.

We had a terrible
accident here last year.

give a wrong twist
to this hydraulic line.

Dropped that fork
on poor tim schreier.

Damn near
crushed him to death.

I heard about that.
Poor tim.

Now, what the hell
did you do that for?

Want you to come downtown
to the station.

We've got things
to discuss.

Like what?

Well, trespassing,
destruction of property,

Obstructing justice, and,
if I take you seriously,

the police chief's life.

What are you
talking about?

I'm talking about you

Trying to scare the tibbses
from coming to church.

That's just
a bunch of crap.

We'll do this
the easy or hard way.

The easy way's
to get in my car.

The hard way's
to send the boys here,

Put you into irons,

Drag you off your property
in front of your men,
and your wife,

Make you look like a fool.

this is ed rowan.

Ed, I want you
to sit down
in that chair

And tell
detective tibbs
what you told me

Coming in
in the car.

The men who paid you
a visit last night

Work for me.

Did you send them?

Well, let's just say
I didn't stop them.

You don't like
black people, huh?

I like them fine,

As long as they stay
where they belong--

Like I stay
where I belong.

Where you belong
is up to you.

Where I belong
is not up to me,
it's also up to you.

That's how you see it?

You know what I see?

I see a black man

That I would not care
to see anytime
or anyplace.

Virgil: yeah.

I see a man that I feel
exactly the same about,

Not because
he's a white man,

But because
he's a maggot.

Easy, easy. Hold it.

Bubba, arrest mr. Rowan
for as*ault

And for being a maggot.

Ooh, we're real tough
on maggots around here.

Come on.

I'm going to ask
the district attorney

If I can't hold you
for m*rder.

I think you had
ample reason

To k*ll
reverend haskell.

I had nothing
to do with that!

[Telephone buzzes]

Take him away, bubba.

Yeah, what?[Man speaks indistinctly]

Hi, pres, how are you?



No, that is very important.

And thank you
for calling.

Bye for now.

Now, that was pres lyman
over at the funeral home.

He said his wife
saw a woman

Leaving that mortuary
last night.

She said the woman
looked like
claire spence.

Why do you need
to talk to me again?

I've told you

We appreciate that,
miss spence,

But we're still
running into problems.

Like the motive--

Why would
someone k*ll him?

Then we'll find out
the who.

You should be able
to answer that.

Almost anyone
who didn't want you
to join this church.

No. That's too easy.

A lot of people
might have been upset,

But to take
a man's life?

That's hard to believe.

Packing the minister's stuff
must be quite a job.

I can't believe
how much has piled up
in five years.

So last night at 6:30,
you were here?



Well, I think you're
forgetting yourself,
miss spence.

You weren't here
at 6:30 last evening.

Well, I went out
to get a sandwich.

Did you think you'd
get a sandwich
over at the funeral home?

Amy lyman
saw you coming away
from there at 6:30.

Is this what you used?

I didn't k*ll him.
I didn't.

I'm arresting you
for what you did do--

All those terrible things
at that funeral home.


What caused
all that rage?

Read those.

They're from
that little witch
cassey rowan.

He was sleeping
with her.

That wonderful man,

The man
that I had loved,

Had worshiped!

I thought he was
the most perfect
man on earth,

And then I saw
those letters

And realized
what he'd done.

I went there
and ripped it
all apart--

All the tributes,
all the flowers,

His coffin!

I wished
he had been alive

So I could have stabbed
the life out of him!


Haven't you caused
enough trouble,
chief gillespie?

I'm going to have
to cause more mischief.

Ed called me from jail.

He's gotten a lawyer.

He'll be out on bail
before you know it.

I've got nothing to say.

Where did you get those?

Did your husband know
you were having an affair
with the minister?

No. He would
have k*lled us both.

Maybe he k*lled
one of you.

Maybe he k*lled
reverend haskell.

Maybe he wouldn't
leave his wife,
so you k*lled him.

No. It wasn't like that.

I didn't ask him
to leave his wife.

I knew that
was impossible.

All I wanted was...
Just to be close to him.

Did mrs. Haskell have
any idea about this?


And I knew it was wrong,

But I couldn't
help myself.

I swear,
I prayed for strength,

And I kept saying
it had to end...

But I couldn't
help myself.

I loved him too much.

Please, chief,
I beg you,
don't let this get out.

It would be awful.

Cassey, there's going
to be a m*rder trial.

There can't be
any more secrets.

[Indistinct conversations]

After all of this,
what do we have?


We got too much
if you ask me.

We got claire spence,

We got mrs. Haskell,
ed and cassey rowan.

Any one of them
might have been
mad enough to k*ll him.

They all knew
he had an allergy.

Any one of them
might have slipped him
that penicillin.

Yeah, but how?
We still don't know.

I got the results
of the reverend's
stomach analysis.

Well, thank you very much
for telling me.

All negative.

There was no penicillin
in the man's stomach.

You didn't find
any injections marks,
did you?


Say we were right--

The m*rder*r tried
to k*ll haskell

By introducing
penicillin into his body.

We still have no idea
of how he did it.

I've been thinking
the same thing myself.

Bill: thank you, harris.
Thank you.

I appreciate you
giving me your time.

Anytime, bill.

It's about the reverend
haskell's death...


I wish we could
set it too rest.
There's too much ugliness.

Penicillin k*lled him.

I guess you knew
he was allergic to that.

I'm the one
who revived him
when he collapsed.

Did you recently
prescribe any penicillin

To mrs. Haskell
or ed rowan

Or claire spence?

Yes. Wayne haskell
had a strep throat
about two months ago.

Ed rowan, no.

I'm not claire's doctor.

Frankly, if I were
going to k*ll somebody,

I wouldn't go
to his family doctor
for the prescription.

I guess not.

But if you did,

It'd make you look
more innocent.

Well, I guess so.

But the big mystery is,

How did the penicillin
get into reverend haskell's
body in the first place?

You ever find out?

No, not yet,
but we expect to soon.

How's that?

Virgil and the coroner
figure haskell must've
taken that drug

No more than 30 minutes
before it hit him.

It had to be
in the church.

We're bringing down
a forensic team
from jackson tomorrow

To go over
the whole church,

Maybe find something
we overlooked.

That penicillin might
still be in that church.

I hope you find it.

The sooner this
is behind us,
the better.

And, bill

I hope virgil and his wife
will make our church
their home.

Well, harris,
that's their business,
you know.

Oh, and, uh, listen...

Thank you very much
for all your help.


Mrs. Haskell.

Kenneth loved flowers.

He took such pride
in his rose garden.

I want you to know

My husband and I
both understand
how you feel

And why you asked us
not to come back
to the church.

I'm glad.

But I came back
to appeal to you
one more time.

If your husband's
death means anything,

If his life
is to mean anything,

Shouldn't his
last request
be fulfilled?

I have nothing
against you personally,
mrs. Tibbs,

Or any other blacks.

And I supported
my husband's decision
when he was alive.

Then why not now?

Because it's making
a circus out of his death.

I want him to be remembered
for the good that he did,

Not for the chaos
that's resulted
from his last decision.

I'm sorry.


Don't press
this issue again.

You have no idea

How much I'd hoped
not to see you here.

I don't understand.

Don't start lying,

It's all over.

We told all the suspects

About this sweep we planned
in the church tomorrow,

Hoping the guilty party
would try to remove it.

That's very clever, doctor.

Penicillin mixed
with mouthwash.

Couldn't even be tasted.

Even the smallest amount
would be enough
to k*ll him.

The funny thing is,
I never would have
suspected you

If you hadn't asked
how that penicillin
got into the body.

Nobody knew
we hadn't any idea...

Except virgil,
the coroner,

And me.

We didn't release
that information.

He was having an affair
with my daughter.

This man...

A man who led us
in prayer every sunday,

A man who was
my friend...

Was sleeping
with my little girl.

He even
got her pregnant.

I arranged an abortion.

And even then,
she continued to see him.

He was like
a drug to her.

My little girl.

All their life...

You worry about them.

You try to shield them
from all the harm
in the world.

You have to protect them
from everybody.

And even then,

When you think
they're safe,
they're not.

So you see,

I had to k*ll him.

It was the only way...

To release the hold...

He had on her.

Claire: thank you
for coming today.

The board of deacons has
very graciously asked me

To conduct the service

One last time,

And I'm grateful.

There has been
so much pain...

So much viciousness

Visited on this church
in the last two weeks,

It's time to put
that behind us.

Mr. And mrs. Tibbs are
with us again this morning.


I went to them,

And I asked them
not to come back
to this church.

I say that,
standing before you,

So you'll know
how misguided,

How wrong I was.

I was willing to...

Sacrifice my
husband's ideals

In order
to protect his image.

That was a mistake.

If anything good is to be
remembered about him,

It's got to be
his ideals.

So I welcome not only
mr. And mrs. Tibbs,

But any member
of the sparta community

Who chooses to worship here
at grace redeemer church.

I want to thank
virgil and althea
for their courage,

For reminding all of us
of the religious principle

Of standing firm
in one's beliefs,

And for showing us

That good...

Really is more powerful
than evil

And that love...

Freely given...

Can heal
even the deepest wounds.

[Organ plays]

♪ Amazing grace

♪ How sweet the sound

♪ That saved a wretch

♪ Like me

♪ I once was lost

♪ But now I am found

♪ Was blind

♪ But now I see

♪ 'Twas grace that taught

♪ My heart to fear

♪ And grace

♪ My fears relieved

♪ How precious did

♪ That grace appear

♪ The hour

♪ I first believed ♪
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