03x01 - r*pe

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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03x01 - r*pe

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

♪ Oh beautiful,
for spacious skies ♪

♪ For amber waves of grain

♪ For purple mountain
majesties ♪

♪ Above the fruited plain

♪ America, america

♪ God shed
his grace on thee ♪

♪ And crown thy good

♪ With brotherhood

♪ From sea to shining sea

♪ America

♪ America

♪ America

That was wonderful.
Wonderful. Thank you.

In case anybody
doesn't already know,

Steven ainslee
has performed miracles

In our music department.

I speak for the staff

When I say we'd like you
on board permanently.

Hurry up and finish
that degree.

Before we say good night,

Special thanks
and congratulations

To cynthia and edward.

We're very proud of you.

And thanks to our police
department's representative,

And my favorite cop,
detective virgil tibbs.

Good night, everybody.
And please drive safely.

Seems like these people
like you a lot, honey.

Well, why not, right? Right.

Ready? Shall we go?

Yeah, i--
I want to...

Meet some folks.
Just say hello.

Why not bring
the school paper

Mom might let me
get my hair done again.

We want pictures,
of course.

O.k., Tomorrow
after school

Between 3:30
and 4:00
at the station.

Oh, great.
Thank you.


Mr. Tibbs.
Steven ainslee.

My wife
has spoken of you.

Has she?

Oh, yes.

She's a wonderful lady.

Yes, she is.

He's a good teacher.
It's just that...

Just that what,

It's not that
I dislike steven,

But I'm his boss,

And he has a problem
with my authority.

I don't know.
Maybe it's a racial thing.

What do you think?


Have trouble dealing
with your authority

Is that so?

Yeah, that's so.

But unlike him,
I've learned...

To think
about other things.



Having that time
during summer
was great,

And now we're
back to the same
old grind.

You have that state
fund report for me?

I knew you'd
bring me down.

[Bell rings]

Excuse me?

You don't have to
stay on my back.

I know
what I'm doing, o.k.?

Not o.k.

What's the problem,

Don't you think it's silly
having to report to you

Every time the woodwinds
are out of reeds?

We're not talking
about reeds.

We're talking
about state funds,

If you need help
with the paperwork,
tell me.

You just love
cracking the whip,
don't you?

I don't cr*ck whips,

But you'll be stuck
reporting to someone,

And right now,
that someone is me.

You're right.

I'm acting like
an oversensitive
temperamental musician.

I'm sorry.

It's ok.
We'll make it work.

[Car horn honks]

Hi, althea.

Hey, maggie,
how's it going?

I should turn
that sprinkler up
full force

And flop down
in the middle of it.

Go for it.

Want to join me?

Here's some
things for you.

Ice cream... Ooh...althea.

Mosquito spray.

Althea, thanks, honey.

See you later. Bye-bye.


Aah! You're dead!


Stay down.

No, please! Stay down! Do it!


Now! No, please!

Shut up! Shut up!

Do as you're told!god, help me!

Please, god,
help me!

Who do you
think you are?

You don't tell me
what to do, I tell you.


Steven, don't! Turn over!

Steven, don't!



Oh, no.
I was squinting.

That's all right.
Hey, chief!

Your presence
is requested.

Oh, no, I don't want
my picture taken.

No, don't take it,
honey, especially
from behind.

Come on,
the kids are waiting.

O.k., Then.
Get it over with.

Take your
glasses off.

This is
some t*rture.

Smile, smile.

Yes, ma'am, I know it.

Good ice cream should
never go to waste.

All righty, maggie,
I'll tell him. Bye-bye.

Now, sweet, you're
not doing anything.

I want you to drive

These two fine
young people home
pretty soon.

Yes, sir.

You don't want
to hang around.

Detective, your neighbor
said mrs. Tibbs

Forgot to bring some
groceries in from her car...

Including some ice cream.fine, parker, fine.

She said
to go to her house
on your way home.

O.k., All right.

All right.

Parker. What?

How come
maggie didn't call
mrs. Tibbs' house?

She says she tried.
No answer.

She figured mrs.tibbs was
in the shower or something.

Mrs. Tibbs, it's bubba.

Mrs. Tibbs!

Hey, mrs. Tibbs!

Oh, good lord almighty.

Mrs. Tibbs.

Is he still
in this house?



Have you got

The lady
needs a doctor.

Most of these people
have their own doctors.

Are you going
to get her a doctor,

Or am I going
to take her back there?

Please stop.

She something
to you?

You get her
a doctor right now.

Why are you
requesting treatment?

I've been r*ped.

Oh, my god.


Do you know
who it was?

Steven ainslee.

Who's he?

Steven ainslee.

The music teacher
over at the high school.

Oh, good god almighty.

You hear that?
The high school
music teacher.

She tell you
any details?

Hardly anything.
I didn't want
to push her.

How'd you happen to go
by the tibbs' house?

I found this fiddle,

And I thought
mrs. Tibbs would know

If it was worth

Get sweet
and somebody.

Go to tibbs' house
and go through
the whole place.

Yes, sir.

What you say
I take the music man

For a ride before
I bring him in?

Bubba, please
leave that talk
in the past.

Just go
get the man.

Yes, sir.

Don't touch him
more than you have to.



Baby, it'll
be all right.

It was...

He was...all over me.

I forgot the walnuts
for the cake icing.

Our house, our
beautiful house.

He was
too big, and--

I--i can't find my--

Don't let anybody
see me, nobody.

Don't let anybody
see me.

What did I do?
What did I do wrong?

What did I do wrong?

[Choir singing
in latin]


I'm sorry.

Excuse me, kids.

Herr schubert, where
did the b*at go?

There's only
a ret*rd there.

We're still in 2/2.
Read ahead, chris.

Go on.

Go on.

Be with you
in a minute.

Steven ainslee?

One minute.

A certain
unnamed tenor

In an awful
orange shirt
is flat again.

Come with me,
mr. Ainslee. Now.

Hold it.
Hold it, chris.

What's going on?

Why don't we
talk about that
someplace else, huh?

Is it linda?

Did something
happen to my wife?

You know what happened,
and it wasn't with your wife.

Come on, let's go.

Back off.
What's with you?

Come here.

Don't mess with me.

I'll wrap you
in piano wire
and drag you out.

You want me
to tell this class

How you assaulted
a schoolteacher?

Get along.

There we go.

You're doing
just fine.

have you bathed,
changed clothes,

Or brushed your
teeth since
the as*ault?


There won't be any
more photographs.

Are you allergic
to any antibiotics?

We're going to do
a pelvic now.

a lot of tissue has
been traumatized.

We're going to test
you for the usual
venereal things

And also
for hepatitis-b.

We'll give you
a tetanus sh*t
for the lacerations,

And we'll saturate
your body with
an antibiotic.

You need to repeat
the gonorrhea test
in two weeks

And the syphilis
test in six.

And though the risk
factor is small,

Let's also do
an hiv test
for aids.

Yeah, parker,
it's me.

Have you
found him yet?

Listen, chief
gillespie, my wife's
scared to death.

Can you
blame her?

She's lying
and she's
married to you.

I'm terribly sorry
about what happened.

Mrs. Tibbs seems
to be a fine woman.

Have you
been registered
as a sex offender?



Well, do you
have problems
with all women

Or just black women?

Ask her if she's got
problems with all men,

Or just white men.

How did he get home
from school, anyhow?

Said his wife
drove him.

His wife
drove him home?

And dropped him off
at the tibbs' house
on the way?

That's how
I see it.

Now, just a minute.
We went home together.

What time was that? 3:30.

Had an early dinner.

I drove back
for choir rehearsal
at 7:00.

Ask my wife.

then, mr. Ainslee,

Tell me this, huh,

Why in the world do
you think mrs. Tibbs

identified you

As the man
who r*ped her, huh?

I don't know.

Maybe she's having
a hysterical reaction
or something.

I'mgoing to have
a hysterical reaction
or something

If you don't
get out of my sight.

Only too glad
to leave.

But you're not leaving.

Where we going?

Where you going?
Bubba, tell him.

You going
to a cell.

Back beyond
and down below.

Go on.

I'll hire a lawyer.

Come on.

[Violin plays off-key]


Baby, let me
call your folks.


I don't want anybody.

[Tea kettle whistles]

Thea, it's just
a tea kettle.

Oh, althea.

Baby, you
haven't been
eating much lately.

Maggie sent over
some chicken...

And some pie.


Do you want a slice?


No, thank you.



I can't
come in there yet.

from the guys.

They really worked
very hard in here.

Flowers and food.


Just like a funeral.

You didn't even
glimpse his face,
did you?


She recognized
his voice.

I know that.

Can you remember
anything he said to you?

Orders. Just...


Telling me
what to do.

I keep wondering...

When did he decide?

Last month?

Two weeks ago
when I rejected
his music budget?

When I asked him
not to smoke?

How long did I
work with him,
every day,

When he knew what
he was going to do?

Why didn't
I see this coming?!

Don't blame yourself.

You can't
go through life

Wondering what you said
to a creature like this.

That's right. You--

You didn't do
anything wrong.

Why do I feel
so ashamed?


I'm going to go on
now, mrs. Tibbs.

I'll call again,
and thank you
for talking to me.

I'll be back.

You're going to
need patience.

Yeah, I know.

I want to do
the right thing
by her, chief.

I want to hold her,
leave her alone,

Stay close,
stay away...

You know,
smile at her,
cry with her.

I just don't know.

Wait and let her
tell you.

You get a court order
for his blood?

Yeah, yesterday.

What about bail?

I'm hoping the judge
sets it so high

can't make it.

Find anything
in the kitchen?

It was such a mess
we couldn't
find anything.

But you're presenting
to the d.a. Today, right?

You stay out
of this case.

Chief, I swear,
if that--

If he gets out,
I'll k*ll him.
I mean that.

You don't mean that,
and if you did,

We wouldn't let you.

Put your mind on her.

Yeah, yeah.

I get so tired.

Let me see.
School lets out
at 3:00,

Mrs. Tibbs
went to the store.

She got home by 4:00,
and the guy was waiting.

Maggie knocked
on the tibbs'
door about 4:30,

Called the station
after that.

I got here at 5:30,
but he was gone.

Yeah, well,
he took himself home,

Had a shower,

The little wife
gave him some supper,

And then he went back
to choir practice by 7:00.

I don't understand
how come he knew

That virgil
wouldn't come home
and walk right in.

He must have known

About that photography
session virgil set up.

He knew virgil
was going to be there.

If I didn't
lallygag on
my way over,

Hadn't said hello
to some people,

I would have
stopped this.

Let's not all start
feeling guilty about it.

Only one person is guilty
for harming that girl.

No, there
is another person.
One other.

Let's go.

Mrs. Ainslee,
I almost missed you.

I'm surprised
you're working.

was my day off.

you had the car.

I thought
maybe, uh...

You might
have remembered
something, or...

Maybe there
was something
you wanted to say.


You know
anything about r*pe?


Ever talk to anybody
who had been r*ped?


Most women
are r*ped by men
who are friendly

Or present
as friends,

Men who are married
to wives that they
treat badly.

You are wrong
about steven.

That's all.
Just plain wrong.

Let me
ask you something.

How do you feel
about what happened?
Does that bother you?

I'll say it again--

Steven was with me
from 3:00 till 7:00.

Goodbye now.

How can she know
and continue?

Makes you wonder.

Got a clean-cut, white,
music man with an alibi,

No fingerprints,
no witness.

Blood test
ain't worth diddly.

We got
althea's word.
That's something.

Plus we got
the r*pe kit.

Yeah, what?

Nobody in sparta
has anything to say
against ainslee.

And where
he used to live?

Nothing yet.

We know he's
done this before

By how easily
he slipped
into that house.

He knew
what he wanted
and how to do it.

The guy's
got expertise.

It'll pay
to keep digging
into his background.

There's no
prior convictions.

We know that don't
mean he didn't do it.

That's right.
That's right.

You know, I have
never heard of
a one-time r*pist.

where do you think
are you going?

I can't stay
in this house.

Only been four days.

My, how time flies
when you're falling apart.

Hold it.

Nothing's changed.
I still love you.

Virgil, of course
things have changed.

I'm ironing here
because I can't go
in my kitchen.

I change my underwear
20 times a day.

I scrub the skin
off of my body

Every hour
on the hour.

There are 336 little
roses on that couch.

I count them
over and over

To try to push away his hands,
his legs, his mouth...

I got to get out of here.



Give me those keys.

Thank you.

[Choir singing
in latin]

I don't like this.

We just
presented the case
to the d.a.

Let him read it.

He's only
interested in cases
he can win, you know.

What I know
is that r*pe cases

Don't get priority
from anyone.

You sure you did
your best in there?

Aw, virgil.

Don't blow this case.

Judge newman
set bail at $5,000.


The wife paid it.
They just let him go.

these are for you.

I'm not going
to hurt you.

I just want
to talk to you.
Just a minute.

Althea, why are you
doing this to me?

You're making a lot
of trouble for me

At work and at home.

I'm willing
to apologize

If that's
what you want.
I'm sorry, o.k.?

Please don't
do this to me.





Althea, are you here?


He was there at the church.
He followed me.

Did he hurt you?



[Classical music plays]

Hi, babe.


in a flat major.

Where you been?

You shouldn't
have sold my piano.

You shouldn't
have been in jail.

I needed the money
to get you out.

Don't start.
I've had enough trouble
the last couple days.

I'm sorry.

This is nice.

I like this.
Can I help?

That's all right.

I can get dirty--


Suit yourself.

[Music stops]






Stop it!

You son of a bitch.

I'll k*ll you.
I will k*ll you.

Somebody help!

Come on,
virgil, don't.

What the hell's
the matter with you?

He followed her
to church.
To a church!

I've been right here
at home all day.

Right, honey?


Chief, I want to press charges
for as*ault against mr. Tibbs.

Come here.

Come here.
Cut this out.

You listen to me.

Now, listen!

If your wife's
willing to testify
in this case,

There's no reason
why you can't
hang in there, too.

Hear me?
Don't blow this case!

All right.

Let me tell you

In a situation like this,
I'd usually wait a week--

Wait. In a situation
like what?

In a situation

When the district
attorney's office

Does not find itself
in a position

To be of sufficient
to the plaintiff

To warrant
further actions.

Seems I've heard
this song before.

But due to my respect
for mrs. Tibbs,

I wanted to tell her
in person.

It's not
going to happen,
is it?

I'm afraid not.

You're dropping
this case?

At least we can
spare mrs. Tibbs
the embarrassment--

Let mrs. Tibbs
worry about
her embarrassment.

Is this because
I hit him?

Ainslee's charges
against you don't help.

We just don't
have enough evidence.

You've got the victim's
own testimony,

A r*pe evidence kit,
pictures of her
cuts and bruises.

Hold it!
We do not have
a positive i.d.

The victim
only identified
the defendant

By his voice,

extreme stress.

The evidence kit only
proves that mrs. Tibbs
had intercourse

With somebody
other than
her husband.

It doesn't prove
she was r*ped.

How can you look
at those hospital

And say she wasn't?

The photographs merely suggest
that she was assaulted.

blood test

Tells us he's
not a secretor.

He's one
of hundreds
in town

Who could
have had sex
with mrs. Tibbs.

You know all this,

What about running
a dna strip?

If the mississippi
crime lab's
equipped for that,

It's news to me.

And even if we
could get dna
evidence admitted,

There's no jury
in this area

Sophisticated enough
to comprehend
the science.

Now, let's get
realistic, o.k.?

He's saying
we don't have a case.

You want to drop
this thing, mrs. Tibbs?

What do you think?

I think you don't
need me here.

I think
the three zippers
in this room

And all the zippers
in courtrooms

Are making
the decision for me

About my experience,
my choices,

My future,
my justice.

But, hey,
boys will be boys.

I'm sorry.

Don't say that.

But I am.

I'm sorry
about all of it.

You didn't
do anything wrong.

Thea, I love you.

I know you
love me, honey...

But there's a certain amount
of doubt in your mind.



Virgil, what are you
so mad about?

Baby, I hate
what he did to you.

You hate it?

At least you get
to punch his face in!

I'm the one
with medications
in my body,

The one with bruises,

Waiting to see
what disease
I might have!

The one mississippi
doesn't think

Going to court for!
Why should you be mad?

Thea, how could--

How could I what?


How could I what?!

Baby, let's just go. No, virgil, you say it!

How could I what?

What's the rest
of it?

What do you
want to know?

You want to know

How could I let him
do that to me, right?

That's it, isn't it?
Tell me.

Tell me!

Too late.
Go to hell.

Chief, you was right.

Ainslee got questioned
over in marietta county

About a year ago

And up near hattiesburg
before that.

Our boy's something
of a break-in artist.

Only one thing,

So far nobody's
put a dent
in his alibis.

Let's see
if I can change that.

Stay in that car.
Stay there.

Go away, chief.
Our lawyer called.
It's over.

It's not over
for althea tibbs.

It's not over
for the next woman
your husband r*pes,

And we both know
he'll r*pe somebody,
don't we?

We shouldn't even
be talking.

I know about that woman
in marietta county

Where your husband

And about the woman
in hattiesburg.

We're moving--
leaving town
right away, o.k.?

Please go.

How can you do what you do
to other women--your sisters?

I didn't
do anything.

You might as well
have been there
with your husband.

You might as well
have been holding
down althea.

Am I supposed
to dissolve
in a heap of tears?

I'm sorry.
You lose again.

What are you
giving me,

self-sacrificing wife

Standing up
for her poor husband?

I know you
for what you are.
You're an accomplice.

You're a sadistic
silent partner,

And you make me sick!

You make me sick.

You make me sick.

There's a
"for rent" sign

On the ainslees'
yard already.

A man like that--
a teacher--

It makes you wonder.

Listen, just reconsider
the thing, will you?

And, uh,
and get back to me.

Thank you.




I've been expecting you.

[Knock on door]

[Knock knock]

mrs. Tibbs.

Hi, sweet.

Mr. Tibbs asked me
to check on you.

Oh. Thank you.

I'm--i'm fine,
sweet. Thanks.

If you need anything,
just let us know.

I will.


I gotta go in there

You bitch!

I tried to reason
with you.

I lost my job.

My wife's
leaving me.

You don't
really think

I'll let you
get away with this,
do you?

Help me!

Somebody help!

Help me!



Aah! Somebody!

Oh, god!

Help me!


[Honks horn]


Thea, baby,
it's me.

Althea, please,
it's o.k. It's virgil.

look at me baby,

Baby, look.
Look, look,
look, look.

Look, baby, look.

Yeah, see,
it's o.k.

Shh! Baby, baby,
it's o.k. It's o.k.

Get down.
Watch your head.

Do you want to move--

Sell the house?

I mean...there are some
really terrific places

Out by the lake.

I can't let him win.

I love this house...

But I think
we ought to try
to reclaim it...

Unless you
want to move.

No, I just want
to find my way
back to you.

That's all I want.

There's a place
in jackson...

A crisis center.

I think I'd better go
talk to them...

Once a week...

Just for a while.


And then maybe
we could go...

The both of us.


both of us.

the both of us.
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