03x09 - My Name Is Hank

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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03x09 - My Name Is Hank

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat

♪ Of the night

♪ It came upon

♪ A midnight clear

♪ That glorious song

♪ Of old

♪ From angels bending

♪ Near the earth

♪ To touch their harps

♪ Of gold

♪ Peace on the earth

♪ Goodwill to men...

It's 7:07.
Sweet still on shift.

The city of sparta is safe
till further notice.

Well, mr. Sweet,

On behalf
of 11,700 souls,

I'd like to express
sparta's deepest gratitude.

Stop jamming the air
with that nonsense.

I'm almost
at the county line.

I'm turning around
near perkins'.

♪ Joy to the world,
the lord is come ♪

♪ Let earth...

Morning, fellas.
Can I help you?

How much
for a fifth
of bourbon?

Well, we've got
a christmas special.

Six dollars.


Open up that
cash register,

So we can get
the money to pay you.


[Engine revving]

We just got a call
from a miss thatcher

On bird road.

Thinks she heard g*nshots
over by perkins market.

I'm a half mile away.

Mr. Perkins?

Mr. Perkins?


Oh, lord.

Ok, china boy,
end of the line.

Jump off.

Thank you for ride.

Forget it.

And we mean
forget it.


You don't want
to fall asleep
here, kid.

I'll only have
to wake you up again.

You got any i.d.?



You speak english?

Yeah. Speak english.

Um, you got any papers?

No. Not with.

Why are you here?

To see
chief gillespie,

Your police.

Well, uh,
I can arrange that.

Come with me.

Let's go.


Oh, skip,
it's so good
to see you.

I'll let you
call his wife.

Yeah, but she's closer
to the hospital so I told
her to meet us there

That man ain't
gonna make it.

Aw, now, virgil,

got a problem?

I make it clear

I didn't want
a christmas tree
in this office,

Half of which
is mine.

So once again, even though
I love christmas

I've got to play
bob cratchit

To your
ebenezer scrooge.

Your literary
comparison is false.

Scrooge thought
that christmas
was the bunk.

I, on the other

Think it is real
and sincere
and holy,

But, unfortunately
for me,

Uh, very melancholy.

How about
the same deal
as last year?

I don't remember.

Just the tree.
No doodads.

I can work
with that.

Just let me
take this out
of my eye-line.

[Sighs] ok.

But now, there's
this kid here

Who seems
to be an alien.

What's he done?

Apparently nothing.
He's here to see you.


He's vietnamese.

That's no reason
to see me.

Oh, but it is.

That's his reason
for wanting to see you.


Where's that kid?

I got tired
of looking at his face,

So sweet took him out
for breakfast.

Probably a bowl of rice
and some eel.

Who is this kid,

And what
is he doing here?

He snuck out
of vietnam on a boat.

He first went
to hong kong,

Brazil, cape town,

And finally,
gulfport, mississippi.

Where he
jumped ship.

Right. He's
a professional cook.

His father
was an american,

A cop who he says
you knew in the sixties.

Uh, henry boyer.

Oh. Oh, yeah,
henry boyer.

Yeah, I remember him
very well.

Huh. Not
a bad fellow.

He drank himself out
of the police force.

Then he went
in the army,

Over to vietnam.

Yeah, where
he fathered this kid.


Well, he wrote me
a couple of letters.

I wrote a couple
to him.

He got k*lled
over there,

I'm sad to say.

Uh, I'll go change,

Then I'll go see
the kid myself.

k*lled in action
in 1972,

The year I was born.

You used to call him
henry always.

He liked henry
better than hank.

Yeah. That's right.

Who told you that?

My mother.
She called me hank.

My name is hank.

Where is your mother?

She's dead.
She told me to come

To where my father
was born.

Sparta, radford street,
number 35.

That could be.
I don't remember.

He went with you
to catfish festival,

The same year
he left for army.
You remember?

I don't remember
that either.

That was
a long time ago.

Chief, I was just
telling hank,

He came a long way,

But he came
the wrong way.

Without papers.

He's absolutely
right, hank.

It was the only way
for me to come.

This is
my father's country.


My country.

Virgil: yeah, ok.

No, I understand.
Yeah, thanks.

Yeah, bye.

That was the assistant
district director

At the immigration

He says we should hold
the kid until the 26th,

Then drive him
to new orleans
for a hearing.

Call councilman
ted marcus.

He might
be able to help.

I've asked luann
to give the kid
some chores.

Later, she's going
to drive him over

To that shelter that
sally birdly runs.

He can bunk there.

I just called
the shelter for kids.

It's closed. Why?

No money, chief.

All federal, state,
and county funds

Have been cut off.

And the greatest
of these is charity.

Whatever became
of that?

Lord, here, please,
take this tree away.

Put it in
the evidence room.

Yes, sir.

Now we can have
a nice cup of tea.

You know, everybody
in the world

Makes tea
the same way

Except the japanese.

You know why
the japanese way
is different?


they wear kimonos.

Well... [Telephone rings]

Maybe it isn't funny
because it's true.

Yeah, what?

Officer: uh, chief,
old man perkins

Just d*ed on
the operating table.

[Sighs] oh, lord.

Uh, did he ever
say anything?

Not a thing.
We only got the .45 slug
that k*lled him.

We have had less.

Will you give
my condolences

To the poor soul's

Yes, sir.
I'll do that.


[Sniffs] well...

Good morning. Good morning, chief.

What are you
messing with in here?

Breakfast. I used
many leftovers.

Oh, you did,
did you?

Well, let's
try that out.


That's interesting.

Where did you learn
to whip this up?

This? Saigon.

I've learned to cook
from many places.

That's very interesting

I'd like to see
what you could do

With something
other than leftovers.

Well, maybe
someday soon, chief.

Yeah. Maybe.
That's pretty good.

Good morning.

Chief, councilman marcus
and the detective

Are waiting
in your office.


See if you can find
some good use
for hank.

The only good use
for his kind

Is fertilizing
rice paddies.

What did I
hear you say?

Nothing, sir.

It wasn't nothing.

It was
mean and low,

Which is less
than nothing.

this is sweet, on the square.

Is there a make
to be had

On a red
'56 chevy pickup,

Texas license l4790?

'56 Red chevy pickup?
Repeat the plate number.

[Man speaking indistinctly
on police radio]

What's the problem?

My problem is with
red pickups from texas.

Let me see
your license.

You got the registration
in there?

He sure has,
and more besides.

When did you
get here?

Just drove in
off the highway.

Where's the driver?

He went for a walk.

Jonah joseph

the driver's name?

Just some guy
gave me a lift.

That's his g*n. I didn't even
know it was in there.

Step out
of the truck.

What have I done?

I don't answer
questions without
my lawyer's advice.

Now get on out
of the truck.

I've handled many
immigration cases

When I was practicing
in texas...

You've got
a big problem.

Virgil: you didn't hear me.

The chief is going
to say he knows

The kid
is boyer's son.

I did hear you.

Is this chief of police
going to lie

To the immigration

They're going
to believe me
down there.

I'm going to sing them
a rousing chorus

Of america
the beautiful.

They'll give him
a passport

A dish of apple pie
and say, "you in."

Chief, we don't
really need jokes here.

Now, look,
isn't there some sort

Of provision that says
if an entrant

Has a special skill
of some sort then--

You don't need that

If you can prove
his origins.

What about persecution?

For instance,
a vietnamese kid

Who's been kicked
around over there

Because his daddy
was an american?

I'll tell you again.

Prove he's american,
and you don't need
the reasons.

the reasons don't
sound compelling.

Not to me.

Hey, it's legal
to park here.

Is this your truck?

It's my boyfriend's.

Is your boyfriend
j.j. Summers?

That's my
boyfriend's friend.

Where's my boyfriend?

That's what we're
trying to find out.

You'd better come
to the station.

I can't. I've got to go
to the post office

And come right back
for an appointment.

Now, honey,
you look here.

Your boyfriend
is in trouble.

You want some, too?

[Door opening]

That's the guy!
The chinese kid.

That's the kid
that sh*t the man!

Him! He's the one!

Shut up,
first of all.

Now, tell me quietly
what you just said.

I'm confessing.
At least partly.

I was there,
but I didn't take part.

I didn't sh**t him.

He did.
The china boy.

Hank, do you know
this kid?

He's lying.

Why is he
saying this?

He's lying.
I sh*t no one.

Chief, can I talk
to you in the office?


That red pickup
could have been

The one I saw
in the square.

Hank rode into town
at the same time.

Was it that truck?

I didn't see
any other vehicles

That could have
dropped him off.

I don't know.

Just had to
mention it.

Well-- chief?

I found these letters
in hank's bag.

You'd better read them.

How did you
get them?

I searched his bag

When he went
to dr. Robb's

For his physical.

Put them back
in the bag.

You ain't going
to read them?

They weren't
written to me.

As a matter of fact,
I wrote them myself.

Why should I
read them?

what's going on?

Our part-time
detective here

Went through hank's bag
for no good reason.

And found letters
which the chief wrote
to henry boyer

Which this kid memorized

To make us think
he's boyer's son.

Hank was reading
his father's

That's not a crime.

He read letters
he found or stole.

He underlined things
to hit on.

I say henry boyer
was not his father.


I think
you're saying that
the kid is lying

Simply because
he's vietnamese,
you know that?

Yes, sir, you're right.

When people say
they're going

To treat you fair
as a prisoner,

And then they b*at you,

Break your arm
and fingers,

And urinate
in your face,

I find it hard to believe
those people after that.

You want me
to read these things?

No doubt you'll find
things in there

That hank said
his mama told him.

I can't believe

That hank was any part
of that robbery.

He had $20
in his pocket.

He showed me.

Well, let's see
how much you trust him.

Would you
give him $100,

A bus ticket
to new orleans,

A letter to
the immigration people,

And turn him loose?




Would you hold
this kid?

Yes, sir.

What for?

Suspicion of m*rder.


Lisa: you don't understand.

I love skip.

I'd die for him.

He came to marry me.

I understand.

I'm real worried
about him.

You say he ain't
at my house.


First place
we looked.

I don't know where else
he would have gone.

If he done
what you said,

He must've
had good reason.

He must be out
walking around,

for my place...



I'm going to let you
go back to the shop.

I'll have someone
go with you. Mike.

And we were
fixing to have

Such a nice
christmas together.

who have we got

Moving around
out there?

Jamison and sweet
are watching her house.

Give me the mike,

Yes, sir.

Jamison, sweet,

Jamison, chief.

I'm sitting
at 1124 clearwater,

Lisa gribelle's
little house.

Nothing's happening.

Are you sure
he didn't get there
before you,

That he might not
be in there now?

We went
through the place.
It's small.

No way for him
to hide in there.



That slug taken
from mr. Perkins

Didn't come from
that big mouth's .45.

The other fella,

Must have k*lled him.

He could have
left town already,

Just by hitching a ride
on the interstate.

Not impossible,

But I got a feeling
he's still here.

He sees us, but
we don't see him.

Here you go.



One of my officers

Saw that truck
right after
the holdup.

We think
you were in it.

Now, we telephoned some
friends of henry boyer's

And his sister,

And they think
you might be
making up a story.

The truth's
going to come out.

Where did you
get those letters?

Army bunker
near da nang.


Well, it might
have worked,

If you'd caught
a ride into sparta

With somebody else.

I'll try again,
some other way.

My father,
he's american.

Not boyer,
but somebody.

This is my country.

Now, how do you
know that, hank?

Maybe your father
was a frenchman

Or an australian

Or any other kind
of white european.

I know.

Did your mama
tell you?


Well, then,
how do you know?

I know.

[Telephone rings]

Excuse me.


Vella's. Lisa here.
Can I help you?

Hi, baby.

Get ready to leave.

Skip, darling,

There's a cop here.

He walks through
every five minutes

the back and front.

Who's there with you?

Two customers
and mildred.

All right.

Tell mildred
you got to meet me
to say good-bye

On highway 78.

But you'll
really meet me
at your house.

They'll follow me.

No, they won't.

They'll go where
mildred tells them,

To highway 78.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Do what I tell you...


It's our only hope.

The cop's
out front now.

Skip: [over phone]
now's the time.


Could you come here,

Which part
of old route 78
are we talking about?

There's still 13 miles
of it left.

I can't say, exactly.

She's headed out there
to say goodbye to the guy

And that's all we know.

All right,
I'll put it out.

Jamison, sweet,
come in, please.

This is lonnie,
come on.

The guy we want
ain't there.

We hear he's out
along old route 78

On foot.

Headed which way?
East or west?

Don't know, but his
girlfriend's got her car,

And they're meeting.

Maybe for them,
it's "hi, honey,
let's fly."

Let's go.

Route 78.

very peculiar.

Old route 78
goes nowhere.

a break for us.

Maybe not.

Maybe not.

Now, you take
a squirrel.

He may seem to run
to a limb's end

That tapers off
into nothing,

But he isn't there.

He ran out
a foot or two

And then
doubled back
on the blind side.

He never
left the place
you first saw him.

Think about that.

I don't want to.


[Horn honks]

Get in.

I can't just leave. Let's go.

I'll explain
when we're gone.

Luann: that's all we know.

That's the message
lisa left.

Bill: [over phone]
have randy report back
to the station.

Stay there in case
lisa gribelle comes back.

Try to get her
to help us.

[Train whistle blowing]

Police! Police!

Are you looking
for the girl
that lives there?

We need to find
her boyfriend.

Both of them
have gone.

They left here.

Her car's still here.

They left
in my car.

You let them take it?

No, I certainly
did not.

That man hogtied me,

And then
they stole my car.

He's on clarendon heading
out towards the interstate,

About 150 yards ahead
doing a careful 40.

He doesn't want
to be stopped.

Besides, speed
won't help him.

He's got to
be lucky

And we've
got to be dumb

If he's going
to reach louisiana.

He's got to turn
onto that bridge

At the end
of kingston

If he wants
to hit the i-20.

He's going either east
or west.

That's where
we'll put him
in a corner.

that little girl
is his hole card.

Let's be
very careful.

I'm on clarendon
near the old column road.

He's behind me.
Bubba's way behind.

Sweet's meeting us
at the bridge.

You know,
this is hopeless, skip.

I m*rder*d a man.

I can't fix it.

You're right.

And this is
the first time

I ever met up
with hopeless.

I'll have to study
how to handle it.

If you just stop
and give yourself up,

I think
that might be best.

I'll stick by you
no matter what
you've done.

You know that.

You know
I'll always love you.

I suppose it would be
most sensible,

But I just can't.

I know how
this will go,

But I have to
let it play out.

It's the way I am.

But I love you,
too, lisa.

You want a piece
of pizza?

You'll be
out of here soon.

out of country.

I don't know
about that.

The fella
that sh*t that man,

after him now.

The kingston bridge is
in front of me.

Has our guy
started running?

That boy won't run.

It's what he'll do
when he stops
that worries me.

When he turns
onto that bridge,

Sweet will block him
at the south end.

We will
back up sweet.

Then jamison will
block clarendon off,

Forcing jensen to turn
onto the bridge.

Bubba will
block the bridge
at the north end.

Me and jamison
got our .30-'06s.

Don't use them
unless I give
the bye-bye signal

With the cap from me.

Well, here it is,

It won't
be long now.

I love you.

I love you.

Chief, this isn't
a hostage thing.

This is
something else.

Ah, jensen?

I hope you're
going to be

A nice fella
after all.

Don't you hurt
that little girl.

None of y'all
come any closer
than you are.

Do you hear me?

Lisa and me need
some time to think.

Why don't you
just let her go,

Let her walk to me?

And then
we can decide
what else to do.

Do you want to?


Lisa will stay
with me, sir.

We will not
be parted.

Where I go...

She will go.

Oh, great.

I don't like that
tone of voice, lonnie.

Sounds kind of preachy,
like doom or something.

You better get ready.

What do you think?

I think the worst,

But I got to be
sure of it.

Mr. Jensen,

I was hoping we could
end this thing

any more sadness.

You've made
a bad mistake,

But there's
such a thing

As paying
for mistakes.

Paying for mistakes
your way

Does not
interest me, sir.

Will you go
where I go, darling?

I wish we could
be here for christmas,

But I'll go
where you go.

[g*n cocking]

Is he cocking that g*n?yes.

Oh, lord help us.



[Lisa sobbing]

Bill: parker!

Yeah, thank you.
Thank you. [Laughs]

Yes, sir, chief.

Get hank
out of the cell.

Do you mind
if somebody else
does that?

You don't like
going near him,
do you?

No, sir, I don't.



How many years
were you over
in vietnam?

It was two,
wasn't it?

Yes, sir, two years.

And how many

Did you father
over there?

Excuse me?

What do you mean,

I mean how many!


Three? Four?

How many
vietnamese women

Did you go
fornicating with
over there?

I don't remember that.

You're too intelligent
to think that

That kid back there
had anything to do

With what
the vietcong
did to you.

You're mad because
you're guilty,

And you're guilty
because you have
a feeling

Maybe you left
a little fella
over there

Without a father.

How do you know
it wasn't that kid?

I'm sorry I brought
this up, chief,

But I just want
to forget it all.

Forget it. Go ahead.

I won't forget it!

I won't forget it...

Until I see you
bring that kid
out here

With your hand
on his shoulder,

Like a decent,

Soldierly man.

Thank you.
Merry christmas.

Merry christmas,

All: merry christmas.

Where's the chief?

Oh, mrs. Tibbs. Merry christmas.

I have the angel
for the tree.
Where is it?

Oh, the tree.
Go back in there
and get that tree.

I don't know
what you have
planned tonight,

But I'm having
some friends over.

If you'd
like to come...

Well, thank you very kindly,
mrs. Tibbs,

But I have
an invitation

Of long standing.

Will you get
that tree out?

Well, I have
the angel--

Who do we
have here?

Oh, this is hank.

He's a
vietnamese-american boy

his first christmas
in this country.

Nice to meet you.

You can put your angel
on that tree, if you want.

No. It's your angel.
That's your tree.

Oh, well, all right.

I'll put it
up there.

How does it
look up there?

What do you
have against
christmas, anyway?

Well, christmas, uh...

Takes me back
to other times

Where I don't
want to be,

Because when
I have to leave

And return
to these times,

I feel, oh...

So sad.

Virgil: ho, ho, ho, ho, ho!

Merry christmas!

Merry christmas. [People greeting
each other]

Virgil: merry christmas,

Merry christmas,
everybody. Bye!

a nice christmas!

You, too.

Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho!

[Sighs] well.

Another christmas eve,
eh, chief?

Oh, yeah, yeah.


You spend
christmas eve
alone, chief?

Well, usually
somebody tags along,

Like you.

The special is,
of course,

Roast turkey,
cornbread dressing,

And mashed potatoes.

You ever eat that?

Once. Hong kong.
American church.

Now you can eat it here,
where it's famous.

We'll have that.
Thank you.

I've got a christmas
present for you.

You do?

Yeah. Virgil and I
set up a hearing

In new orleans
for you.

You might be able
to stay here

If we can

That your father was
most probably a g.i.

We know
henry boyer isn't.

who could it be?

I know a fellow who
might be persuaded

To step forward

And say it's
entirely possible

That you and he...

You know
what I mean.

Then we show you have
a special skill--


So you can get
gainful employment.

We might be able
to swing it.

Thank you, chief. Now...

Oh. There we are.

Now that looks good.

the rolls, hank.

Just help yourself.


I know
these rolls arrived

On a day other
than this one.

Hank, I want you
to know

That most americans
do not spend

Christmas eve
this way.

Still, for me,

It's a real good
christmas eve, chief.


Thank you, lord,
for these days
of abundance.

♪ Sleep in heavenly

♪ Peace

♪ Sleep in

♪ Heavenly

♪ Peace
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