04x03 - Lessons Learned

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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04x03 - Lessons Learned

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪


Here he is.


I'll take him,

That's ok.
I got him.



Just trying to help.

You want your daddy
to carry you in
the house, don't you?

This can't possibly
go on throughout
the whole visit.

It can
only get worse.

That sparta
baby store had some
of the cutest things.

Nothing that wanamakers
in philadelphia
wouldn't have had.

[Telephone rings]

I got it, I got it.


Virgil, chief wanted us
to start covering
the truck stop today.

Who's out there?

He said parker.

Tell parker to get
real comfortable.

Just stay a while.

I sure will.

The babies getting
all settled in?

Yeah, yeah.

Just a little

I got you.
In-laws, right?

Right. I'll talk
to you later.



My mother, eugenie,
always was partial
to little girls.

Calvin, don't start.

And so was
my mother, sarah.

Mother wanted me
to name althea
after her,

ruth insisted...

We decided on sarah ruth.
You know that.

And this is billy.

So you might as well
get used to it.

William james tibbs.

Doesn't that sound
like a man of destiny?

James for
virgil's father,
of course.

And william for
chief gillespie.

Good afternoon,

Zenora brown.too late.

Who is this
elderly party
sitting on the bench?

miss lydia crane.

She's just
recently out of bed.

Well, miss lydia.

It's good to see you
up and around again.

shouldn't I be?

I'm only 85.
How old are you?

About the same,
it seems like.

Do you like
people talking

Like you've got
one foot
in the grave?

what gets old.

Oh, yes.
It sure does.

Sure does.

Well, well,
judd walker.

Where you been
keeping yourself?


I haven't seen you
in two, three years.

That's when your
missus passed on.

I better
be going.


What about
your daughter?

She must be ready
to graduate high school.

I got
things to do.

you wanted?

I don't want
to keep you.

Well, goodbye then.

What's that
daughter's name?


You're mama's
little angel.

Yes, you are.

Come on.

You be a good girl
for mrs. Davis.

I'll be home soon, ok?

How long you going to
keep this up, raylynn?

I pay you to baby-sit,
not ask questions.

I'm not
the only one asking.

She's going to ask
a few someday.

I know.

But I got plans for us.

And it won't be long.

Bye, sweetheart.

I'll be
at the big t.


Charlene ross?

I haven't seen you
since high school.

What do you know?

Hi, uh...


Parker williams.

You sat in front
of me in algebra ii.


How could I forget?

I heard you joined
the police.

Yes, ma'am.

It's my night off.

This is a friend
of mine--buddy.

Buddy, parker.

Pleased to meet you.

Yeah, yeah.
Same here.

Excuse me.

Charlene ross.

You're even prettier
than you were
in high school.

So are you, parker.

I got to go.

It's nice
seeing you again.

I'll be back
in a minute.

where you going?



Hey, kiddo.

Don't go
forgetting who you
borrowed it from.

Thanks, hon.

Wish me luck.

Tonight's the night.

You be careful.

He's in a foul mood

Are you
sure you know
what you're doing?

If I set my mind
on something,
I'll stick to it,

Even if it kills me.

Ooh. Looking
mighty hot tonight,
miss walker.

I got
to talk to you.

I'm here. I've been thinking
about moving on.

Of course,
that would take
a little money.



You were supposed
to be here
an hour ago.

Let's go then.

Hey, rocky.
Rocky, come here.

Your tab's
getting a little
out of hand.

Fine, how much?


Appreciate it.

What's the hurry? Got to get home.

My wife's been
asking questions.

Have you
been talking?

Why would I do that?

You've been
hinting about
her finding out.

She better not
for your sake.

I don't think
she's going
to find out.

Come on,
we're wasting
valuable time.

get in the truck.

Well? How is it?

Ok, not as
good as mine.

I ain't talking
about the coffee.

I'm talking
about j.w.'S.

It looks like
the chief's right

About the increase
in j.w.'S business.

I didn't think it was
because they added
pecan pie to the menu.

This is nothing
to joke about.

Well, sorry, parker.

I didn't know it was
such a personal thing.

How many hookers
did you see?

One. Just one.

You'd think
it was his sister.

He ain't got a sister.

I know, lonnie.

I was trying to give it
the sense of the metaphoric.

I'm not used to
a man helping me
in the kitchen.

Better not
get used to it.

Some think
a man's place is
strictly at the table.

It is.

Men in the kitchen
get in the way.

Slow down
the feeding process.

I get it.
You're being

How nice.

You two...

There they go again.

I don't hear

[Babies cry]

I'm glad
I'm retired

So we can stay
and help althea.

Excuse me.

[Door slams]

Did you hear that?

What has that man
done to help?

Virgil, they're
doing their best.

Thea, how much
longer are they
going to be here?

These are
my parents.

I can't ask
them to leave.

You want me
to do it for you?

I've got two babies.

I don't
need another one.

Mrs. Davis,
let me give you over
to lieutenant skinner.

Actually, it looks
like he just stepped out.

I'm raylynn walker's

Raylynn didn't
come home last night.

Raylynn walker?
At the truck stop?

What kind of car
does she drive?

We'll take care of it.

Will you remind
lieutenant skinner

I made the sweet
potato casserole
at the picnic saturday?

He loved it so.

Yes, ma'am.
Sweet potato casserole.

I'll remind him.
I'm sure he'd
like another one.

I'll tell him you
will be dropping by.

Bye, now.

One of your fans,
lieutenant skinner?

And don't you have
some work to do, coleman?

Give it here.

[Telephone rings]

what's ailing you?

always talking about

How wonderful
philadelphia is,

But he's in no
hurry to return.

If my in-laws
stay much longer,
I'll leave.

What's up?

Mrs. Davis called.

Said a young gal
named raylynn walker
is missing.

She didn't
come home last night.

Mrs. Davis
live with the girl?

She's the landlady.
She looks after
raylynn's baby.

Is this a routine
missing persons or what?

Maybe not.

The interesting thing is
raylynn was headed

To the big t truck stop
about 10:00.

The big t at 10:00?

What was
she doing there?

Mrs. Davis
didn't want to tell me.

Parker, did you see her?

No, sir.

Only girl I saw

Was someone I know
from high school,
charlene ross.

She was working,
but she wasn't
no waitress.

Do you know raylynn?

Yes, sir.

The chief and her daddy
used to be friends.

I'm worried
about charlene.

This hooking
wouldn't be going on

If the chief hadn't run
maybelle out of town.

What do you
suggest we do,

Choose the crime
we'll live with?

Now, that, bubba,
is a very old
and interesting question.

Hey, rocky.

Anybody turn in
a money clip?


If it had any
money in it,
nobody would.


How you doing, officer?

'Bout time you boys
frequented my place.

We're looking
for raylynn walker.


Hadn't seen her
since last night.

Doesn't she work here?

Just hangs out here
every once in a while.


Why would anybody
hang out here?

She just seemed
to need the company.

You ever need
the company?

I wouldn't look
for it here.

Her car's outside.

I'll be talking
to you later.

Missing, huh?

How you know
she didn't just run off?

She wouldn't
leave a baby behind.

Raylynn had a baby?

Did her husband
call in?

Nope. Landlady.

She doesn't
live at home,

And she doesn't
have a husband.



I don't think
I want to call judd parker

Till we have
a little more

Should be
pretty soon now.

How well do you
know this girl?

I knew her
when she was little.

She must be
about 17 now.

I sure hope that, uh...

I'd like
to see her again.

Got something.

Somehow I doubt
that belongs to raylynn.

Hey, y'all.

You better come see this.

[Flies buzzing]

Sure didn't want
to see her this way.

She was k*lled
around midnight.


Looks like some
kind of rope was used.

Left unusual markings, huh?

Some sort
of black stains.

Some sort?

What sort?

The lab will tell us.

Patience, please.

There's one more
thing you might
find interesting.

Don't try
and mystify us.

Say it out.

She had sexual
relations shortly
before she was k*lled.

Sounds like she met
somebody at the truck stop.

Was it business
or pleasure, I wonder.

Bring him in.

It's the, uh,
girl's father.

That's her.

Anything else?

That's all for me.


Haven't you got
any further questions?


It's only 10 a.m.,
For heaven's sakes.

I got to question you
about raylynn walker.


Who was she meeting
at the big t?

How should I know?

You worked with her.

Worked with her?

Charlene, she was
a hooker, and so are you.


So what?

Is there something I
can do for you, parker?

You can tell me why.

Why, charlene?

You had everything
going for you
in high school.

I had nothing
going for me.

I needed the money.

I wish I could say
somebody forced me
into it,

But I figured it was
as good a job as any.

Now, raylynn
was different.

She was just a kid.

With that baby and all,

She was an easy mark.

For who?

talk her into this?

Who would want
to k*ll that little girl?

I don't know.

I don't know nothing.


As a cop, I'll probably
be arresting you one day.

But as a friend,

I know you deserve
better than this.

Raylynn didn't just
"hang out here."

I told that
other officer--

How long prostitutes
been working here?

According to
raylynn's landlady,
quite some time.

All right.

She was working
the truckers.

It wasn't none
of my business.

Did you see raylynn with
anyone in particular?

Pretty busy night.

I was watching business.

Come on.
You see everything.

I didn't see nothing.

If you were so busy
watching business
that night,

You must have
seen who carried
this money clip.

No. Can't
says that I did.

Cashier might
could help you, though.

I'll put it
to you like this--

Either you
find something else
to help your business,

Or you'll
be out of business.

Don't worry about it.

Maybe you can hand out
them souvenir cups
with your face on it.

This reminds me
of my uncle's place
over in kenard.

I used to envy judd
this fine house
and all this property,

But sitting here
like this,

Seems to be a burden.


If you're
in there, judd,

Come on out.

I'm not leaving
till you do.

Well, bill gillespie.

To what do
I owe this pleasure?

I came to
give you some news

About your
daughter's m*rder.

Not interested.

I don't believe that.

You inviting us in?

No. Then stand still
where you are.

Raylynn was a prost*tute.

She was probably k*lled
by one of her customers.

You came here
to tell me that?

Let me tell you

I caught her
messing around
when she was 15.

The slut got
herself pregnant,

And then she
was out of here.

She ran away from home?

Hell, no.

She wanted
to live here.

I threw her out.

Judd, she was 15.
You were her daddy,

The only one
she had to depend on.

She made a mistake.
God forgave her.
Why couldn't you?

Thanks for
the sermon, gillespie.

Now I can skip
church on sunday.aà

I never had
the chance you had.

My little child d*ed

I could be a daddy.

But now you
have a second chance

With your granddaughter.

She's all that's
left of raylynn,

All that's
left of you.

You better take
for that little girl.

You better not
defy the lord again.

Why do you
want my husband?

We better discuss
that with him,
if you don't mind.

Well, I do mind.

Well, ok, uh...

Officer sweet here
has been investigating
a young lady's death.

What's she
got to do
with rocky?

Oh, her name
is raylynn walker.

Uh-huh. Well, rocky, he was
the last person to--


He was the last person
to be seen with her.

The last
to be seenwith her?

Just what
are you implying?


Hey, rocky.

Hey, hey. Come here.

Rocky, I do believe
you in some trouble, boy.

We know you were
at that truck stop.

What does that prove?

Tell us the truth.

Get it off your chest.

I might have
talked to raylynn.

You did
more than talk.

We can prove
these things.

Come on.
I'm a married man.

So you had
to k*ll raylynn?

No, I didn't k*ll her!

Rocky, you been
looking for this?


Cashier at big t
said it looked like yours.

I lost it, ok?

Where'd you find it? Come on.

You know where
we found it.

In raylynn's car,
where you dropped it.

We were in the back
of my truck.

When I left
to go home

She was still alive,
I swear!

What time you leave her?

Before 11:00.

I promised my wife

I'd be home by 11:00,

And I was.

Hold on, virgil,
would you?

Do we know what time
was k*lled exactly?

No. Not exactly,

But somewhere between
12:00 and 1:00, why?

That trucker back there
swears he was with his
wife during that time.

She backs him up,
we got no case.

Have a seat.

You've been making
yourself scarce
the past few days.

Didn't think
it'd be smart

Hanging around here
and get busted.

Too bad raylynn
brought all that
heat on us, huh?


Poor little raylynn.

Wish me luck.

You girls were bringing in
a good return.

We did our best.

Tonight's the night.

How much is in there?


You're going
to have to do
better than that, j.w.

What do you mean?

Even if it kills me.

I don't want to end up
like raylynn.

I always wanted
to manage a business.

I figure you and me
could be partners.

I don't need no partner.

You need me, j.w.

I saw what happened
when raylynn said
she was leaving.

I heard you
beg her to stay.

I saw you hit her.

I saw everything
else that happened.


And I say
that makes us partners.

I'm not raylynn.

You might as well
get used to the idea.

We could have
a nice life together.

[Knock on door]

But we got to start
liking each other...

Trusting each other.

We got quite a few
little details to work out.

You come see me tomorrow.

Delivery, j.w.

Delivery, j.w.

I told her the truth.

We are leaving
because I feel
acutely insulted.

Do you have
to upset althea?

That's the last thing
she needs.

If the truth upsets her,
I can't help it.

I used to get that look
before I got punished.

What's wrong?

We seem to be
getting in the way.


That's not true.

No. Actually,
it's my fault.

No. Not entirely.

I haven't been
the easiest person
to get along with.

I've been
interfering and things.

Before you continue,
virgil has something to say.


We've been talking.

And since the name
is so very important
to you...

We've decided that
william calvin tibbs

Is the right name
for a man of destiny.

Why, that's
wonderful news.

Oh, wonderful!

Now we can stay on

is gillespie in?

No. You want
to wait for him?

My, uh,
granddaughter, clara...

Where could I find her?

She's over at
mrs. Barrett's
children's shelter.

You think they might-- the chief's
right behind you.

Bill, my granddaughter

I was wondering
where I could find her.

You can see her at
the children's home.

Do you think she might
understand who I am?

Don't know
why she would.

You didn't have
any questions
at the hospital.

You got any now?

When you found her...

Where was she?

In a dumpster.


The tissue samples report
in the walker case.

Pretty interesting.

Strangled with
a thin piece of
braided leather.

The residue was from
black dye.


Pretty thin belt.

Thanks for coming in,
mrs. Simms.

What made you
change your mind?

I wanted him to
stew in jail.

Give him a taste
of what he'll get
at home.

Well, she said
old rocky was home

Safe and sound
with her by 11:00.

it's up to the d.a.

I'll take him over.

Open up.

Let rocky out.

Yes, sir.

Your wife
backed you up.

The d.a. Says
we can let you go.

Glad to be out,
but I'm in no hurry
to get home.

The d.a. Wants to know
more about that night.


Did you see raylynn
with anyone else?


But why don't you
ask j.w.?

She worked for him.

Your instructions were
to investigate
this problem fully.

I know,

But when I saw
charlene there,

I had to leave.

If you'd stayed on,
you might have seen

Who all was involved
in the thing.

Uh, chief.
Rocky says that j.w.

for the girls.

I'm beginning to think
that rocky was framed.

Well, we'll have to
bring j.w. In, won't we?

And parker,

I'll have to see
this friend of yours.

What's the charge
on them?

Pandering and prostitution,




Tsk tsk tsk.

Poor charlene.

Scared, aren't you?

Scared of little old me.

Forget about
last night, j.w.

I was out of line.

We can go back to
the way things were.

I won't cause
any trouble.

It's not that easy.

I can make you happy, j.w.

Raylynn could be
our little secret.

I wish I could
believe you,

But you're too greedy
for your own good.



He k*lled her!

He k*lled her!

He k*lled her!

He won't be hurting
anyone anymore.

He k*lled her!

It's all right now.

Your friend
going to be ok?

Uh, charlene? Yeah.

I don't know.

She's leaving town.

Well, that's good...

I guess. Isn't it?

Well, her mom
lives in jackson.

She's going to
visit her.

you believe her?

I'd really like to.

Don't she look
just like me?

I can't see it.

Oh, I can.

First time I saw
that sweet little face,

Something happened
inside me.

She didn't know me
at first.

She was a little stiff.

Pretty soon,
she reminded me
of raylynn as a baby.

I got a favor
to ask of you.

I don't know how
you'll feel about it.

You want to know?

Of course.

Then you better ask.

Well, I got this
hearing next week

With the child
service people.

They want to make sure
I'm fit to raise clara.

what do you think?

Bill, am i?

I don't know.
You tell me.

i--i--i wasn't...

But I am now.


Oh, I am, bill.

I swear to god, I am.

Well, most of the years
I've known you,

You've been
a pretty decent fellow.

I don't know whether
you deserve
that little girl,

But I guess I could
take a chance,

Be a character reference
for you.

But I'll have
my eye on you.

I'll be watching you
like a cat
watching a fishbowl.

Well, virgil,
you're just in time.

judd walker.

He's just become
a grandfather.

That's great.
Congratulations. But...

I have some
good news, too.

Althea's parents
are finally leaving.

Old iron-jaw peterson

Decided to head
for florida.

Our house can finally
be peaceful once again.

Peaceful, huh?

Oh, virgil,

I don't know about that.

I--i wish I could share

Your enthusiastic
prediction, but, uh...

You know,
twins in the house...

I don't know
if your house

Is ever going to be
peaceful again.

I doubt it.
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