04x07 - Quick Fix

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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04x07 - Quick Fix

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪



What? What you want?


Not now, knothead.
I'm fishing.

Go play.

Here. Play with
yourself today.


This is why
I named you knothead.

All right. One time.
That's it.

No more ancient bones.

Go ahead.
Come on. Let's go.

You wear me out
to look at more
possum ribs,

I'm going to throw you
in that lake.

Found us
a buried treasure.

Let me check it out.

Yeah. Let's see.

Lord, have mercy.

This baby
wasn't more
than a day old.

How long dead?

Maybe a week.

Maybe he was
born dead.

I don't think so.

Probably premature,

Could be somebody
just left him
there to die.

With adoption agencies
crying out for white babies.

Poor little fella.

He never even got
a decent burial.

Can we have these?

Oh, yeah.

You want to
go back in?

Oh, no.

I don't need to see.

What is it?

A boy,
born prematurely,

Then someone
buried it.

Somebody k*lled him?

Not sure right now.

When can you tell us?

Newborns tend
to decompose
pretty quickly.


I know you're not
going to give me
the details. Please.

When can you say
if it's m*rder?

The day after
tomorrow, maybe.

What are we doing?

We'll check out
the lake,

See if anybody
saw anything.

Check with
the local

Yeah, and don't forget
the free clinic.

Right. Yeah.

Nothing gets me down
like this.


Meet you back here.

All right.

Good morning,
ma'am, sir.

You got a minute?

Got a few.
What do you want?

Has anybody
in your house

Had a baby
last week?

Last week,
43 years ago.

Never mind.
I understand.

We reckon it was
about a week ago.

Did you notice
anything going on?

Some digging?

With these here cataracts,

I can't see tv
to watch the news.

I can barely
see you.

Where's your wife?

She's dead.

Well, you've been
real helpful.

dr*gs is
what's doing it.

People are
out of their minds
these days.

Yes, ma'am.
Now, what people?


Are you talking about
anyone in particular?

Like who?

Like anybody you saw
at the lake.

I don't spend time
by the lake,

Not like I used to.

All right.
Thank you.

Ask the mastin girls.

They swim at the lake
just about every day.

Do they live close by?

Four houses down.

Sad case.

Sad case.

Now, why is that?

stop that running.

Don't run
in that house.

I'm sorry, officer,
I can't help you.

We're just
moving in.

I don't know who's
who around here.
Excuse me.

Boys, you know
better than to run
in that house.

Man, does she
go on and on.

This house here
is the mastins'--
two daughters.

What about them?

They spend time
by the lake.

Mama ran off
with a boyfriend.
Daddy's bitter.

That'll do it.

He ain't around much.
Leaves them mostly
to themselves.

Nobody's home.

You looking
for mastin,
he's at work.

Who are you?

Tucker carnes.

Oh, I do odd jobs.

Patching screens today.

Where are
the two girls?

Kitty's probably at school,

But willa
don't go to school.

She might be around

Willa, you in there?

Nobody here.

I was told willa
was of school age.

Yeah, but she's, uh...

Backward, you know?

She don't go.

When does mastin
get home?

When the bars close,

If he comes home
at all.

He stays away for
days on end sometimes.

Where do you live,

Over in copay extension.

Yeah, ok.

Thank you.

Kitty, the police
are hoping you can help.

I hope so, too.

They found the body
of an infant

Near where you live.

The police are trying
to find the mother.

Do you remember
seeing anyone

Acting funny or strange
near the lake,

Maybe someone
you didn't know?

About a week ago
or more.

I didn't see anything.

Maybe your sister willa
noticed something.

We'd like
to talk to her.

You can't do that, sir.

Why is that?

What I mean is,

Willa's away
visiting aunt martha.

where is that?

Over in canard.

I forget the address.

Willa's been there
a few weeks.

She'll be there
another month.

I guess we don't
need to talk
to her, then.

No, sir.

Come on, come on.
Pick up the phone.


They're never home.

I hear
the unmistakable sound

Of bubba's patience
wearing thin.

Malcolm hale
lives by the lake,

the marshalsburg paper,

But I can't talk to him
because he's never home.

I had to go to seven
shoe stores for this.

How many
does this town need?

That's the sound
of sweet's patience

There's nothing
on this box
to identify it.

Shoe stores
don't recognize it.

Is it possible
the shoes didn't
come from a shoe store?


Your wife sure was
a pretty woman, chief.

She was mad at me
for taking that picture.

She said
she looked too fat.

That was just before
she had the baby.


Dr. Robb doesn't
have an answer
for you yet.

He's waiting on
a tissue report.

Is that histology?

that's what it is.

Like I said,
it isn't in yet.

Then we can't determine
whether the baby
was stillborn

Or whether it d*ed
after birth.

No, sir.

I know what
you're thinking, chief.

Do you, parker?

What am I thinking?

About how you
and miss anna

Wanted a baby
in the worst way,

And you didn't have it.
You lost it.

And here we have
somebody throwing
a baby away.

And we'll never know
what that child
would have become.


And all we can do

Charge somebody
with homicide.

Probably the mama.

Virgil, will you
please take a look
at your aunt etta?

What's wrong?

Honey, we have
a washer
and a dryer.


Well, if she wants
to take the trouble...

Trouble is what
she's asking for.

Damp clothes
attract dust.

That could give
the babies the croup.

I seriously doubt
if those disasters
will occur.

Why can't we find
a young, modern person?

Because very few
young, modern persons

Are willing to take care
of a house and twins...

For little more
than love.

But we'll keep looking.

We'll keep looking.

All right.
I won't say
another word.


Is this the formula
mrs. Hain wanted us to use?

It is not.

The babies
have to eat more.

They will eat more
of that stuff.
It's sweet.

You give them
a sweet tooth,

Then spend years
trying to get
a vegetable down them.

Train them on
this old-fashioned
formula from the can.

If they eat this,
they'll eat anything.

[Baby crying]

She is
driving me crazy.

Just hang in there,

You know,
it's only temporary.

I'm not worried
about me.

Well, don't worry
about the twins.

If that stuff was bad,
I wouldn't have
made it past age 2.

I know, honey.
I'll hang in there.

Let's discuss
something else-- quick.

The girl.

What girl?

That buried the baby.

Any local obstetrician
have any idea?


Free clinics
don't keep good records.

don't come in regularly.

They're poor, ignorant,
don't see the value
of prenatal care.

This girl,
in her third trimester,

Denied she was pregnant.

Let me tell you

That woman
can hear everything.

If the mother
of that baby
was a schoolgirl,

You might check
the attendance

See if some
little white girl

Was lately missing
for a string
of days.

Well, althea hasn't seen
any pregnant girls.

That's a good idea.

I'll just call
the office.


Well, I have
got to go.


I'll talk to you


Oh. Oh. Yes.

Etta, that was
a very good idea.

Why didn't I
think of it?

You can't think
of everything,
unless you're perfect,

And lord knows
you ain't perfect.

I finally
talked to the man

That takes
that marshalsburg paper.

What about him?

He retired
from the phone company.

That's why
he takes the paper.

Does he
know anything?

even though he lives
right next to mastin.

[Telephone rings]

I can't race
for phones anymore.

Get that, will you?

Yes, sir.


Sparta police.
Skinner here.

No, ma'am,
he's not in--

Whoops-- hold on.
Here he is.

Virgil tibbs here.

Yes, ma'am.


I see.

Thanks for calling.

That was
the attendance clerk
at their high school.

Kitty mastin
missed four days

About the same time
the baby was born.

Is she
the little one?

Yes, sir.
I smell some smoke.

Well, you were right.

This box came from
a store that repairs shoes.

This number here--

That's the claim
ticket number.

You got a name
with that?

George mastin.

Now I see some flames.

[Radio plays
country music]

George mastin?


Need to talk with you
a minute.


Did you know
a dead baby
was found buried

Right across
from where you live?

Yeah, I heard tell.

The shoe box
we found that baby in

Was traced back to you.

Guess somebody--
somebody could have
went through my trash.

in your house maybe?

you all saying

That one of
my daughters
is its mama?

Not saying. Asking.

Well, the 14-year-old,
you see,

She don't hardly know
anything about sex,

And the Ret*rded one,

She gets special sh*ts
so she can't get
knocked up.

I'm going to need
the address

Of your sister martha
in canard.



I need to talk
to your daughter
that's visiting there.

There ain't nobody

my sister martha.

She d*ed a year ago.

Well, I am saying this--

Somebody in your house
is lying.

No, I don't think so.

Try someplace else.

Mr. Tibbs is coming.

I was expecting him.

You'll have copies
in the morning.

Afternoon, ms. Tibbs. Bye-bye.

Hi, mr. Tibbs.

Afternoon, jenna.


I'm ready.

I don't know
if I'm willing or able.

Well, thanks for helping.

The girl's only 14.
She's never
been pregnant.

Can we be sure?

Her own homeroom teacher
said, "kitty? Never."

She's never even
been seen talking
to another boy,

But I guess
we'll go over there
and make sure ourselves.


[Bell rings]


I want to play.

I got work to do.

You don't like me.


What did I make
for dinner last night?

Macaroni and cheese.

And what's
your favorite meal?

Macaroni and cheese.

What story
did I read you last night?


Father bear comes home.

And what's
your favorite story?

Father bear comes home.

Yep. Sure shows
I don't love you at all.

I love you, kitty.

I love you, too.

Maybe we should play.

How about hide-and-seek?

Go hide in the house.

Start counting, kitty.

Hi, kitty.


Ms. Tibbs,
mr. Tibbs.

What's wrong?

You were lying
about your
aunt martha, kitty.

Let's go inside.

I didn't want
anybody upsetting willa

With talk
about dead babies.

That's why I lied.

But willa knew
about the baby,
didn't she?


She was with you
when you had the baby?

You think
I had the baby?

Kitty, you were absent
when the baby was born.

Kitty, how long
do I got to hide?


You must be willa.

We can't play
if we're in the same room.

Kitty...i want
willa to stay.

Willa, would you like
to come and visit
for a while?

Come sit by me.


Well, it is gold,
but not all gold.


Tell us the truth
about the baby.

Please, mr. Tibbs,

Couldn't we
talk about this
some other time?

I know a secret.

You do?

What kind of secret?

The kind I'm not
supposed to tell.

Well, is it
a happy secret?

A sad secret?

It's a secret
about a baby.

Willa, don't be
talking foolish.

had a baby, willa?

Me. The baby
came out of me.

She doesn't know
what she's saying.

You're talking about
one of your dollies.



When did this happen?

When I had the pain.

I had a pain,
and then the baby
came out.

Why'd she hide it?

First, the girl
doesn't understand
what happened to her.

Well, she had
mentality enough
to bury it.

Listen, the result
of the autopsy
is not in yet.

But if we find
the baby was alive,

Not stillborn,
what then?

All I can tell you,

Is if you bring
an indictment
for anything

Against this
unfortunate girl,

People will cross
the street

When they see
you coming.

Well, give me
someone else to indict.

I'll wait,
but I won't wait long.

I'll try
not to keep you.


What you doing home?

Y'all look more like
your mama every day.

I can't help that.

She couldn't take care
of willa neither, you know?

I'm doing
the best I can.

You quit giving her
them sh*ts...

Didn't you?

They hurt her.

Willa cried when
I gave them to her.


Well, everybody in this life
has a little pain.

What the hell
makes you think
willa's any different?

Huh? What?


Oh. Sorry?

Like I said,
just like your mama.

Her letter--
it was full of sorry.

But them sorrys now--

They didn't change
nothing, either.

Did they?

I'm not mama!
Stop blaming me
for what she did!

[Door closes]


No, sir. I think
he's at city hall.


He just walked in.

Dr. Robb.

What is taking so long
with that autopsy?


Backlog is just another
word for slow.


Well, thank you
for that.

Tell the lab to
get itself unbacklogged,

Will you, please?
Thank you.


Oh, good.
Anything yet?

The lungs
show no sign
of asphyxiation,

Which means
the baby was dead

he was buried.

Yeah, but was it
born alive?

That they can't
tell yet.

Maybe willa had help
hiding that baby.

She had help
getting it.

And whoever
fathered it is hiding.

Yeah. I'm going, too.

I have no idea.

There must have
been men hanging around.

Women like willa are
often r*pe targets.

We never identify
the rapists.

Well, she wasn't r*ped.

If somebody
had hurt her,

She'd have told
her sister.

Mastin knew willa
was at risk.

He refused to
bring willa here,

So I gave him
the sh*ts for her.

And he gave the job
to a 14-year-old.

I can't help that.

Chief gillespie,

those sh*ts

Is not an uncommon

Yeah, well, uh, then...

Why don't most women
prefer the sh*ts?

Only once a month.

its effects aren't

As predictable
as the pill.

Then why do you
prescribe the sh*ts?

Willa has
trouble swallowing.

Her daddy didn't want
a battle every day.

So their daddy wanted
an easy way out, huh?


A quick fix.

I'll tell the chief
you're here.

You don't need me
to talk to willa.

Take a seat,
mr. Mastin.

Y'all didn't ask me
in here before.

sit down, sir.


[Telephone rings]

Sparta police
Parker williams.

Well, hey,

Yeah. How
you doing, girl?

Is that right?

Oh, yeah. Sure.
I'll do that
for you.

My pleasure.

Listen, I'll
get back to you.

Yes, ma'am. Uh-huh.



My name's parker.

Well, that sure is
a pretty bracelet
you got there.

Ms. Tibbs
gave it to me.

She did?

Well, she must
really like you
a lot.

The chief would like to see
you and kitty first.

I'll stay here
with you.

Let me see that.

why don't you
sit right here?

This is
chief gillespie.

sit, stand.
I don't care.

Bubba, bubba...

Mr. Mastin, make yourself
comfortable, will you?

We appreciate
your coming in.

I didn't have much
choice, now, did i?


we need to know

The man who was
involved in this.

Kitty, the one who
may have buried the baby.

Can you tell us
who he is?

She didn't know
willa was pregnant.

How in hell's she going
to know who did it?

You didn't know...

Or did you know?

Yes, I did.

Why didn't you
tell me?

Because I didn't want you
calling willa a whore.

Willa's always
been so big,

I just made sure her blouses
were extra loose.

Hiding it from him
was never hard.

He never
looks at her anyway.

I know you
and your daddy

Have had
times, but...

Didn't you think
you could

Inform him
about this?


For years,
I've listened to him
call my mama a whore.

I couldn't bear
to hear him
say that about willa.

bring willa in,
will you, please?

Uh, let willa
say hello to virgil.

Hi, willa.

Oh, mrs. Tibbs
said to say hello.

That's very beautiful.

Friends like to give
each other things, huh?

I wish I had
lots of friends.


Don't you have
a special friend?


Sisters are special.

But, willa, I mean like
another kind of friend.

A friend...

Who is not a girl.

Tucker carnes.

He's the handyman.

Do you and tucker
play together?


He likes to
cuddle with me.

I like it, too.

That slimy bastard.


Take it easy.

Thank you, willa.

Tucker lives back there.

I rent that work shed
as an apartment.

Is that
against the law?

No, ma'am.

Tucker carnes,
it's the police.

What do you want?

Want to ask you about
willa mastin's baby.

It'll be hard
proving that.

People do
go hunting alone.

Somebody must
have seen you.

Maybe the owner
of the gas station.

Why y'all doing this?
I ain't done nothing.

You had sex
with willa mastin.

So, what's wrong?
She's 18.

She's Ret*rded.

That don't mean
she can't have sex,

Does it?

Sex with a Ret*rded person
is sexual battery.

It's a crime
in mississippi,

How was I supposed
to know?

You could get
30 years.

Excuse me, chief.
Phone call for you.

Who wants me?

from the cemetery.

Oh, cemetery.
I'll take that.

Take this man
and photograph him.

Yes, sir.

Let's go.

"They were bringing unto him
the little children

"That he
should touch them,

"And the disciples
rebuked them.

"But when jesus saw it,
he said,

"Suffer the little children
to come unto me.

Forbid them not."

"For to such belongeth
the kingdom of god."

Say amen.



Now, where's your baby?

I'll show you.

The gas station attendant
definitely remembered
this tucker kid here.

And I got a gas receipt
with his signature.

So we lose him
on the illegal burial, huh?

We've still got him
for sexual battery.

Why would the d.a.
Go after willa anyhow?

I don't know.

I don't know
what's in his mind.

I'll have to
see what virgil
tells me.


Failure to thrive?

What does that mean?

The baby
wasn't premature.

He was full-term,
but emaciated.

Had a defective
heart, too.

He couldn't
the delivery.

No chance of survival?

Maybe under normal

Here in
the hospital,

And we have
a new neonatal
intensive care unit.

The baby d*ed
a natural death.

Leave it alone.

It's the way
she disposed of it.

You'd nail her on
some chicken charge

Like "failure to
report a death"?

Why in heaven's name
would you do that?

I'm not trying
to nail her.

I want what's
best for her.

And what's that?

That she gets placed
where she'll receive
proper supervision.

An institution?

care facility.

Somebody's got
to be responsible.

You'll break
her sister's heart.

Those girls need
each other. Please.

Gentlemen, please.

Until you show me
what else I can do,

That's how it stands.

I told you it was
a waste of time.

I've never come here
with an appeal
of this kind

And gotten
any satisfaction

You know,

I think
he's beginning
to recognize me.

I think so.

[Telephone rings]

I've got it.

You ever know how
you'd feel about
these children?

Yes, but I didn't think
I could love them so much.

I didn't think
my heart
could get so big.

It can shrink
in some people.

Thinking about
that man mastin.

Now he's the one
the d.a. Should
put away.

The kind of a parent
a person's going to be

Doesn't usually
interest the law

Until it's too late.


Jamison's escorting
mastin to his house now.

I want us to
get there first.

I'll take
the baby.

I'll put him
in his pen.

Bye, honey.

Ah, here you go.

Don't miss me
too much, now.

I'll be back
to see you soon.


There's mommy.
There's your mama.

How am I going
to keep my job

With you asking me
to take time off?

We'll put in a good
word with your boss.

That'll help.

Good afternoon,
mr. Mastin.

We'd like to have
a word with you,

If you don't mind.

Now, I've just been

Visiting with your
daughters here.

I brought willa
a present--

and a drawing pad.
She likes to draw.

Why is it
you people

Are still
bothering us?

Why is that?

The d.a. Wants willa
in a state home.

Well, he can't.

Oh, yes, he can.

But he may not
when we tell him
who really buried the baby.

I want you to tell
your daddy...

How that baby got buried.

Go ahead.

Willa was
in the bathroom...

On the floor.

Her cries woke me up.

The baby was coming out,

And he...

He didn't cry or nothing.
He just laid there.

And she was too scared
to call anybody else
for help.

I knew it was too late.

So i--

I cleaned willa up,

Put her back to bed.

Then I took the baby
to willa's favorite place.

You're not only
going to lose willa.

You're liable
to lose kitty as well.

Is that what you want,

You want to lose
both these girls?

I want to know
from you--

Willa can't live
anywhere else.

This is her home.

Can't we all
stay together?

Just a minute.

What have we
got here?

Well, look at that.

Looks like
a family of three,
doesn't it?

I think you should
show that to your daddy.

take her over there.

You think
we better go

And talk to
the d.a. Again?
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