04x18 - Laid to Waste

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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04x18 - Laid to Waste

Post by bunniefuu »


♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

I told you
to get out of here!

I am not leaving till
this thing's settled--

One way or another!

No! No!


[Banging sound]

[Woman screams]


Can I help you?

Operator, this
is an emergency.

Will you give me
the police, please?

[Telephone rings]

police department,

Officer sweet

O.k. Just--just
stay calm.

How long ago
did this happen?

Uh, just hold on.

What you got?

Woman heard a fight in
the apartment next door.

She sounds pretty upset.

Did she see
who's fighting?

No, just heard it.

Uh, where's this at?

monticello street.

I think parker's
in that area.

Tell her we'll send
somebody right over.

Yes, sir.
Uh, ma'am?

We got an officer
in the area,

He'll be right by,
you just sit tight.

Five minutes.

Of course I will.
Where's the address?


The caller's name
is julie lofton.

Got it. Right on it.


[Car trunk slams]

[Dogs bark]


[Car door slams]

[Engine starts]

[Car drives away]


[Knocks on door]

Are you there? Carolyn?

Ms. Lofton?


Officer parker williams,
sparta police.

Oh, thank god.

Uh, ma'am...
Something wrong
with your lights?


Saves on the
electricity bill.

Uh, yes...


Uh, m-may I see
your badge?


Yes, ma'am.
You sure can.


Come on in.

Uh, I'll get this.


M-miss lofton...

It seems quiet
next door,

I guess I missed
all the fireworks.

He left.

Well, what exactly
did you hear?

I heard carolyn--
that's my neighbor--

I heard her
order him out.

And then...

Him? Uh, who's that--
her husband?

She doesn't have
a husband.

I--i don't know
who it was,

I didn't recognize
the voice.

Well, then what?

Then there was
a struggle,

And, um, carolyn hit
the wall or something,

And something broke, --
something like glass.

Now, you said
somebody left.


Well, how do you know
it wasn't your neighbor?

I could tell
by the footsteps.

You see, carolyn barely
weighs 100 pounds.

This--this man
must've weighed...

250 Pounds, I think.

Now, miss lofton,
you wait here.

Sparta police!

What's her full name?

Carolyn norris.

Ms. Norris?

you in there?

Sh-she may be hurt!

Now, you're sure
you didn't hear
two people leaving?

Yes, I'm positive.

Uh, can I use
your phone?

[Telephone rings]

police department,

Officer sweet

Yeah, just a minute.

That parker?

Yes, sir.


I'm on my way home,
parker, what?

Well, it doesn't sound
too complicated to me.

Maybe they both left.

Isn't much we can do,
is there?

Well, sir,
the neighbor,
ms. Lofton--

Well, she only heard
one person leave.

I knocked on the door,

But there
wasn't any answer.

Did she see him leave?

No, sir. Um...

Uh, chief,
she's blind.

Uh, i--i--i
was thinking, uh...

Maybe she's in her
apartment and hurt.

Oh, well, you better
bust in there, parker.

Yes, sir.

Chief, you want me
to call you,

Tell you what
parker finds out?

Only if he finds
somebody's head in a hatbox.

Ms. Norris?

Ms. Norris?

Did you find her?


No, ma'am, I didn't.

She has to be there,
I know she didn't leave.

I looked all over--
I didn't see any sign of her.

This doesn't make sense.

Uh, ma'am...

Why don't you sit down?


Ms. Lofton--julie,
don't you worry.

See, I'm not
through yet.

I'll do
some more checking
tomorrow morning.

Do you know
where carolyn works?



Well, I'll call her
tomorrow morning
at work,

And make sure
she's o.k.

Thank you,
officer williams.

My pleasure, ma'am.

My pleasure.

No, ma'am.

Well, thank you much,
I'll call you back later.


Yeah, parker?

I just did
a routine follow-up
on a call.

What call?

Some woman heard some
fighting next door.

The neighbor--
carolyn norris--

She wasn't home
when I arrived.

You check with
her work today?

Yes, sir. She hasn't
come to work yet.

Parker, there could be
a whole number of reasons.

Wasn't too tickled about
coming in today myself.

I hear you, bubba.

Uh, detective?

The missing girl's
neighbor, julie lofton--

She was real upset.

She's afraid carolyn
might've been m*rder*d.


Yes, sir. Julie called
this morning

And said carolyn
never came back home.


You think she'd have
called work by now.

Uh-huh. That means
nobody's heard from her

Since the fight
last night.

...and then
the trunk was shut.

You're sure
it was a trunk,

And not just
another car door?



Luggage is still here.

Does it look like
anything's missing?

Nope, not yet.

The answering machine's

Probably a message on it.

Wrap it up, jamison.

Let's take it
to the station.

O.k., Um...

Let's go back.

So, carolyn orders
this man out.

That's right.

Then he said...
He wasn't leaving
until it was settled.

Carolyn screamed,

And something hit
the adjoining wall.

And something crashed
to the floor.

Well, you were right--

These keys were in that
toyota parked out front.

The rug is missing.


There's supposed to be
a woven rug here.

Who'd take just a rug
and leave everything else?

Could be at the cleaner's.

Or it could've been used
to take something outta here.

Like carolyn?

Virgil, I found her purse
beside the bed.

seems to be in it,
including her wallet.

Carolyn would've never
left without her purse.

Not of her own free will.

Yeah, chief?

Yeah, uh...

I'm at
carolyn norris' apartment.

We now have evidence
of foul play.

O.k., She's ready to go.

hi, carolyn.
This is dad.

Just callin' to see how
you're doing. Love you.

carolyn, it's me.

Where are you?
I thought it was urgent.

I hope
you're on your way.

carolyn, this is ned conklin.
It's already 10 a.m.

Please call me if you're
not coming to work today.

it's me again.

Guess it wasn't
that urgent last night,

Or you wouldn't have
stood me up.

Some things
never change.

That last fella sounded like
he might be a boyfriend.

Or used to be.

Come on in, detective.
Uh, have a seat.

Afternoon. I, uh,
have a few questions

About carolyn norris.

You don't think
something's happened
to her, do ya?

we don't know.

What's this all about,

Detective tibbs,
this is crafton donner.

He owns the plant.

Is there something
I can help you with?

He's checking
on carolyn norris.


She hasn't shown up
for work yet today.

Oh. Is--is she the only
employee who hasn't shown?

No, sir.

Then...why is that
a police matter?

Carolyn's neighbor
reported a disturbance

At her place last night.

Maybe her neighbor
is jealous.

What do you do here
at kensidyne?

Oh, we make
circuit boards.

What are they for,

For computers
and such.

Uh...and what's
carolyn's job here?

She is in
safety management.

What does that mean

She makes sure
the employees wear

Adequate protective clothing--

Uh, protective goggles
and so forth,

Uh, that
the electrical equipment
is correctly grounded.

That sort of thing, yes.

Is she particularly close
to any of her coworkers?

We don't know
who anybody's closeto.

I don't personally know

Of any close
relationships, no, sir.

Thank you...

For your help.


Excuse me, sir. Your
name lester norris?


You happen to know
where we could find

Your daughter carolyn?

No, why you
looking for her?

She didn't show up
to work this morning.

Hasn't been home
since yesterday.

And wherever she is,

She left her purse
and her car
behind at home.

Why would
she do that?

Well, that's what we're
trying to find out.

Mr. Norris, was she dating
anybody in particular?

Why are you asking?

One of her neighbors overheard
her arguing with a man.

And a man left
a couple messages

On her answering machine.

And it sounded like she was
going to go meet that man.

Might've been reardon.

You got a full name
for me?

Taylor reardon.

They were
going together till...

Carolyn come to her senses
and broke it off.

How long ago
was that?

Oh, four,
maybe five months.

You know any reason
why she'd meet him now?


They never could
get along.

He was the jealous type,
had a violent temper.

Ever take it
out on her?

Yeah. More than once.

Where might we find
this reardon fellow?

He's got an old house
out on johnson's crossing.

Fixes cars.

Can you think
of anything else?

Well, last sunday
at dinner,

Wasn't herself.

Didn't think
too much of it.

I guess I should've known
something was wrong.

If we find anything out,
sir, we'll let you know.

Yeah, please do.

[Dog barking]

Settle down, geezer,
you done your job.

Who are you?

Virgil tibbs.

Sparta p.d.

Are you taylor reardon?


You left
a couple of messages

On carolyn norris'
phone machine.

Some law against that?

Why were you
meeting her?

Seems to me
that's our business.

Now it's
police business.

Why were you meeting
carolyn last night?

I don't know.

If you don't know,
who does?

Why don't you ask her?

I'm asking you.

All I know is,
she called me up,

Said she needed
some advice.

Advice? From a man
she had broken up with?

A man who struck her?

Yeah, that's right.

Now, why don't you tell me

What the hell this got
to do with the police?

Carolyn disappeared.

She was supposed to
meet me at the stirrup cup.

I waited all night for her.

You don't have any idea
of what was bothering her?

No. Like I said...

She stood me up.

We'll be in touch.

Oh, reardon
might be your man,

But what about
his phone call from
the bar that night?

Nice way
to establish an alibi.

Yeah, virgil,
but not a good enough one.

See, I just talked
to the bartender,

And he's pretty fuzzy
about the time

He saw reardon there.

That reardon
interests me.

Good afternoon,

How did you know
I was here?

I recognized
your cologne.


Ms. Lofton,
I'm chief gillespie.

Oh, excuse me.

Parker's told me
a lot about you, sir.


Only good things,

What else is there,

Won't you sit down
in this chair?

Oh, here--yes.

Thank you.


We want you
to listen to this...

Tape from your
friend carolyn's
answering machine.

Oh, uh...i don't,
I don't think--

I don't know
if I should do that.

Why, certainly
you could.

This is
most important.

We think you'll recognize
the man on the tape

As the same man you heard
in carolyn's apartment.

carolyn, it's me.

Where are you?
I thought it was urgent.

I hope
you're on your way.


I'm sorry.

carolyn, this is ned conklin.
It's already 10 a.m.

Please call me if you're not
coming to work today.

That's him.

That's the voice
I heard.

Ned conklin's voice?

Yes, that is the man

That I heard fighting
with carolyn.

Are you sure?

I'm positive.

Thatis the man.

Whoa, whoa!
Hold on there!

Where y'all fixin'
to take that car?

The police garage,
mr. Conklin.

Well, I hope y'all got
a warrant for this.

Do you mind telling me
what gillespie thinks

He's gonna find in my car?

I guess it involves
that carolyn norris case.

What case? And what's
that got to do with my car?

That's what we're
fixin' to find out.

This here's an inventory
of your personal belongings.

Will you
sign here, please?

Uh-uh. No, sir.

Take it away, sam.

Now what?

Nothing to worry about,

Well, they obviously
suspect me.

Let them.

But what if they find
something in my car?

I thought you
take care of that.

I went over it
pretty good,

But I might have
missed something.

Whatever they find,
they have to match
with the body, don't they?

And they can't find
the body, can they?

Can they?

No, they can't!

Then stop
driving me crazy!

Etta, don't do that.

I hate to see food
mixed up like that.

I don't know why.

What you think it
look like after you eat it?

Listen, no, no, no...

Why don't we just
sit back and relax,

And forget
about the dishes?

Don't mind me.

Y'all sit.

I'm gonna take these
in the kitchen,

And y'all take a few minutes
for yourselves.

I don't know why
I try to change her.

I know it's impossible.

Virgil, you're
a million miles

What's wrong?

I was just
thinking about--

that blind girl

That you went
to school with up in philly?

Roxy bishop?

Did she
ever have a romance?

There was a boy that used to
take her to school

On a bike built for two.

They looked pretty cute

I haven't seen a bike
like that in years.

What made you
think of her?


We're working on a case

That involves
a blind girl.

Parker likes her,
I think.

Now, that will
never work out.

Etta, why would
you say that?

Tina mills--
a woman that
works with me--

She's blind, but she's
married with two kids.

All I know is...

A woman don't know
what she's gettin'

If'n she's blind.


'Cause she
can't see him.

But she
can feel him.

Althea tibbs,
I never thought

I'd hear such tainted talk
from your lips.

And you with young children
growing up.


We found a few spots
on the carpet--

One or two of them
could have been blood.

We sent it
to the lab.

Good. Do we have tweezers
and a plastic bag?

Sure do.

All right.


These fibers don't
look like they come

the car's carpet.

Looks like a house rug.

Maybe the rug from
carolyn's apartment.

Could be.

What you got?

Rug fibers.

Could be from
carolyn's apartment.

Well, dr. Robb called.

The blood from the trunk
was "b" positive.

Carolyn's doctor said
that's her type,

So, we can do a dna--

Because she had recent tests,

Including a pap smear.

That's all we need.


Oh, uh--wait a minute.

Jamison, open that trunk
one more time, will you?

Now close it, please.

Sweet, close the door
of the car.

They're different,
aren't they?


She could have heard
two different sounds.

Sure enough.

I understand
your objections,
mr. Donner.


Don't worry about that,
I'll take care of it.

At least
he makes no pretense

As to whose side
he's on.

Right, I'll, uh,
I'll call you later.

Sounds like
crafton donner's worried.

Well, so is our
district attorney.

Mr. Donner's
an important man
in this county--

Maybe the most
important man.

I hope you're gonna be able
to maintain an objective view

Throughout this case.

What case, gillespie?

Gerard, we have an ear-witness
that places ned conklin

In carolyn norris' apartment
the night she was k*lled.

We also have
carolyn's blood,

And rug fibers from
her apartment

Found in conklin's trunk.

First of all,
there's no way to prove

That she's
been k*lled--or why.

How'd you match her blood
without a body?

Her gynecologist.

We're waiting for results
from the dna test right now.

Both the dna test
and the ear-witness

Have been
contested before.

What I need
is a motive

And...a body.

We'll find you
a body, gerard.

I just wanted to come by
and let you know

That I might have
to arrest conklin

And hold him.

We may have given him
a reason to run.

Far as I'm concerned,
conklin can run

Wherever he wants to
at this point, gillespie.

Thank you so much for
your detailed opinions.

Yes, anything you can do
to expedite the results

Of the dna test
would be...


Well, o.k., I can
appreciate that.

But I have a d.a. Who
is not quite so patient.




Is there
something you need?


No, sir. Thank you,
though, detective, uh...

I was just...

i--i had something

That I wanted
to talk over
with the chief.

Does it have something
to do with the case?

Well, in a way,
yes, sir.

Is it something to do
with julie lofton?

It just doesn't
seem fair.

I mean, I see--

I--i can see
how beautiful,

I mean, truly
beautiful julie is.

But she can't see...

That's what I think
makes julie so special--

She judges with her heart,
not her eyes.

It doesn't matter
what you look like,

What color you are...

But she can really see you.

And that's what
really matters.



Parker, where are
you leading me?

Oh, no,
no, ma'am.

You have to,
uh, guess.

That's part of
our deal, remember?



Let's see...

Well, I hear
children playing.


Small step.

Well, now
what do you hear?


Yeah, it's just
a little bitty

This is one of
my favorite spots.

I, uh,
come here to...

Well, think things
over, or...

When I got
a problem.

The sound
of the water

Has a way of making
things seem o.k.

Parker williams...

You sure are
a sweet man.

And I really like
your favorite place.

What's it called?

Legion park.

I've been here.

When was that?

Carolyn brought me
here once

To collect water samples.

Collect water samples?

It was part
of her job.

But I thought she was
in safety management.

She did tests
to make sure

Kensidyne wasn't
polluting the environment.

So she kept track
of their toxic waste?

Oh, chief. I--i think
I know what it is.

You do?

Well, what is it, parker,
did you solve the case?

Uh, chief--
he may have.

Tell me.

Uh, chief, those folks
at kensidyne

Didn't exactly
tell us the truth

About carolyn norris' job.

What did they leave out?

She was working on
toxic waste for kensidyne.

What exactly
was she doing?

Running test samples,
checking for contamination.


Do you suppose that carolyn
found something wrong

With the way they were
removing the contamination

Or the toxic waste
or something?

Could be.

Or maybe conklin
wasn't following
the guidelines

That he was supposed to.

That could have been
their motive for, uh...

Getting rid
of miss norris.

Don't you think
that parker...

Might just have
something here?

'Cause, uh, I do.

[Bells tolling]

Thank you.


I think we got it.

That was a gbh--

A company that used to
handle kensidyne's wastes

Until two years ago.

Did kensidyne
take their business

Well, I called elsewhere,
and there are only two other

Epa-registered dumps
in the state.

None of them
do business with kensidyne.

Well, what do theydo,

Pour their wastes
into the ground?

You called, chief?

Find out
if kensidyne owns
any other property

In or around sparta.

Specifically land
or warehouses, parker.

Yes, sir,
right on it.

See, the guy
I talked to at gbh

Said carolyn called him
about two weeks ago.

She was under
the impression

That they were
still handling
kensidyne's wastes,

But, no--their contract
was canceled.

Who canceled it?


Or donner.

I think carolyn asked
what was going on.

Conklin went to her
apartment that night...

And tried to buy her off.

Thatwas the argument
that julie heard.

And there's
your motive.

Well, I think
district attorney

Is still gonna
wanna see a body.

Good morning,
mr. Donner.

May I ask why you
found it necessary

To summon me out here?

I wanted to make sure

That our talk
was gonna be private.

In full view
of all my employees?

Well, I don't care
what they see,

As long as they don't hear
what I'm saying to you.

Well, whatis it?

We believe that
your manager mr. Conklin

k*lled carolyn norris.

Why would he do
a thing like that?

I thought maybe
you could help us.

Believe me, chief,
I would if I could.

Don't worry about it,
because we do have a witness.

A--a--a witness?

Yes, what we call
an ear-witness.

This is a blind girl.

She was a neighbor
of carolyn norris',

And she positively
identified conklin's voice.

The district attorney
is very impressed by her.

He says the jury's
gonna love her.

Oh--why don't you
arrest him now?

Well, we wanna wait
on some tests--

Take a little time,

And maybe we get
a confession out of him,

Save the county
a whole bunch of money.

I wish I could
help you, chief,

I am simply appalled.

Well, conklin's probably
gonna ask why I came
to see you.

And I wish
you would tell him

That we're working
on a love angle here--

A boyfriend-girlfriend thing.

That's usually at the root
of these things, isn't it?

Yes. You're not afraid
of conklin, are you?

Of him--me?
I can handle him.

Fine. But I'm gonna be
in touch with you anyhow.



You listening?

Yeah, sweet, I'm with you.

Conklin just cut the lid
off one of them drums.

Now he's leaving.

God, I wish I knew
what he was doing.

That's o.k., Son--

I know.


Yeah, conklin,
you're under


Wait--wait a minute!


I-i'm--i'm just
in the wrong place.

I--i was looking
for a friend.

That's the dumbest thing
I ever heard

From a man with
a blackjack in his hand.



Julie, did you--did you
recognize that voice?

Yeah, that's him.

I'm--i'm so sorry
to put you through this.



Huh? What?

Look here--you make sure
she's settled down

Before you get back
to the station.

Thanks, bubba.


Good night, miss lofton.

Good night.

You really think I'm going
to answer your questions?

No, of course not,
but we always ask

A few, pro forma--
just pro forma.

That means, "just routine."

Mm, it also means,
"put this man in a cell."

Yes, sir.
Come on, conklin.

I want my lawyer,
and I want him now!

Yeah, you're
gonna get him.

We got a special
phone for you
by your cell.

Uh, chief?

You were right.

Kensidyne owns
another warehouse
out on route 22.

Thank you, parker.

They could be storing
toxic waste out there.

Among other things.

This conklin
isn't gonna talk.

But if donner
thinks he is...

Oh, I'm
right on it, chief.

You're right on it?
Right on what?

Anything you want.

Well, we want donner--
we want him watched,

And we wanna
get started.

I'm gonna stay here
and round up a posse,

In case I feel obliged to cut
anybody off at the pass!

Yes, sir!

Chief--donner's on the move
in a flatbed pickup.

All right,
so are we.

Tell the district attorney

We're sending a car
to pick him up.

Chief, it's 5 a.m.


Mr. Donner...

What is
in that drum?

Mr. Donner...

Who hauled this stuff
over here for you?

They were
nice people.

I assumed
they had permits.

Nice people
have permits.

And when carolyn
found out

You had canceled
the contract,

You decided
to have her k*lled.

I don't make
those decisions.

Ned conklin
is a nice man, too,

And dedicated--

Maybe toodedicated--

But a good
company man.

Do you know
how hard it is

To find
talented executives?

Chief, look here.

I believe
now is the time, chief.

Crafton donner,

I arrest you
for complicity

In the m*rder
of carolyn norris.

Among other things.

Among many other things.

You think it's easy
being in business
these days?

Let me tell you,

The koreans,
when they make
circuit boards,

They just
flush the solvents

Right down
the toilet.

They don't have any
epa bothering them
all the time.

I mean,
down the toilet,


It's beautiful.

Oh, boys,
stay with that man.

Yes, sir.
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