04x20 - Just a Country Boy

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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04x20 - Just a Country Boy

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

Oh. Yes, ma'am.

I understand.

But I can't give out
any information
unless the ch--

Now, wait
a cotton-picking

What you said
ain't nice.
Just hold on.

Excuse me, chief.

Bubba's landlady
is on the line.

Now I don't wanna
break any rules,

But can I tell her
where bubba's at?

How you know
it's her?

She always calls me
a jackass.


Now, she's
a little bit worried.

She's expecting bubba
to be home about 9:00.

Tell her
he's out of town.

Can I tell her where?

We don't know exactly
where until he calls.

Tell her los angeles.

Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.

Now, keep your eyes open,

And I'll have jamison
check with y'all.

Yes, sir.

Well, you can see
our limits, mr. James.

Our undercover agents
are police officers

Whom I tell
to put the civvies on.

Do people know?

If you look
closely, sir.

It's amusing.
At a time
when we need

All the help we can
get from y'all,

To have
the fbi demand
we help them.

Only way
to att*ck the monster.

You and mr. Tibbs can
sh**t buckshot at his tail.

We want to hit him
in the head. Work with us.

You seem to be saying
lay off anyone

Who looks like they're
a part of the mob.

Just pick up
the telephone, call us,

And forget it.

I didn't say that.

We can't defer action.

Consult is all we ask.

Well, here's
a case in point.

There's a picture
of a building

it was b*rned down.

It's gone now,
but the fire
was not an accident.

That was
a criminal fire--

What we used to call
a successful fire,
an insurance fire,

But it k*lled
two people.

We can't call you

And say, "may we go
after the arsonist?"

We try him for m*rder
when we get him back.

Where is he now?

Right now?

He is way out
in the city
of los angeles.

We're supposed
to get a call

From this cop
coming in
from mississippi.

Have you heard
from him?


Well, I'll go
look for him.

Yeah, I'll talk
to you later. Bye.

Lieutenant skinner?

How you doing?
I'm emmet tully
of pascagoula.

We'll have
a deputy meet you
at the airport

To help you move
that prisoner.

That flight leaves
at 2:30.
Will I make it?

Sure you will.
The hearing starts
in three minutes.

Get your stuff.

How was
your flight, o.k.?

Yeah, all right.

Ready to take
a plane trip, wallace?

Why you want
to hang me,
bubba skinner?

We don't do that
no more.

Yeah. They give
the needle now,
don't they?

Yeah, we do that.

Can't y'all
let me live?

Didn't mean no harm.

Shut up, fannoy.

I'll tell you when
and who to talk to.

I thought I wasn't
coming back.

You people
are supposed to be
able to fix things--


I'm gone, baby.


Well, how nice of you
to join us.

Don't start
with me.

The cop
from mississippi

That's supposed
to arrest our arsonist
just went in.


Here. The police chief
sent you this.

Bubba skinner?

We need a guy
like this--

A simple,
country boy.

You can't handle all
the investigative
work we've got.

Thank you.

And I'm very
pro-female. I--

That is
a shameless lie.

You are anything
but pro-female.

Let's just say,

I'd like to hire a man,
the right man.

Is that a federal rap?

It could be, you know.


Sit down.

Now, then,

the alleged fugitive
from mississippi is who?

I, your honor,
stanley l. Garish.

And you represent, uh...

L.a. District
attorney's office,

I'm benito rey.

I'm from mississippi,
your honor.

Emmet tully, assistant
attorney general,

And this
is lieutenant skinner,

Sparta, mississippi,
uh, police.

Lieutenant skinner
is here with
a special warrant

Allowing him to take
wallace fannoy

Back to mississippi,
your honor.

Where is
this wallace fannoy?

He left suddenly.
I couldn't ascertain
where he went to.

He jumped bail,
judge, obviously.

He should've
never gotten bail.

That's another
judge's business.

I want him extradited
to mississippi.

Skinner, he's yours
if you can catch him.

Your honor, sir...

I expect
the lapd will able
to catch him.

I doubt it.

A moment, please.

Who are you, sir?

I'm tom vincent,
appley-boyd limited.

My insurance company
paid the loss

On the sparta fire.

You out a lot
of money.

Yes, and we're out
to get that arsonist.

Excuse me, please.

Excuse me.

This is pat day,
my assistant.


How do you do?

I was about
to call you.

Chief gillespie
said I should.

When's your flight?right away?

It is. 2:30 P.m.
Out of john wayne.

That's in orange county.

You can travel quicker
from here.

I know,
but the duke was
a hero of mine.

I never had
the honor
of meeting him,

So I'd just
like to fly out
of his airport.

Excuse me.

Allie jones,
l.a. Tribune.

Excuse me.is there--

Is there any reason
this extradition thing
should interest me?

It's a pretty
sorry case,

If that
interests you.

b*rned out building
for insurance.

Perpetrator, a black guy
who didn't turn up here.

That's it?

Well, that's
part of it, yeah.

Makes him
a pretty bad dude
down in dixie.

Yeah, well,

When a man burns
two innocent people
to death,

I'd say
that makes him
a bad dude

Pretty much
wouldn't you?

we've got to talk.

Excuse us, please.

Guess you don't see
places like these
in mississippi.

Oh, no, ma'am.

Alls we got
in mississippi
is the originals.

Pat: oh, transportation
is no problem.

I can take you
to the airport.

Mr. Vincent wants
to keep me here a while.

Lieutenant skinner.

Our fugitive
broke l.a. Law.

By the time
l.a. Catches him,

Decides where
he'll stand trial--

It'll take a while.

Don't worry,
I'll leave as soon
as possible.

Who's worried?

Maybe I'm
imagining things,

But I sure feel
you want me
to leave fast.

I can assure your
comings and goings--

on the phone.

You can take it
at the desk.

I told him I'd like
to pick up fannoy

the l.a. Cops do.

Get him back to sparta.

That's where the guys are
who hired him.

You have the mob
in that little town?

That's not what
they call themselves.

They say they're
in real estate. Excuse me.

I've got pictures
of the file right here,

But all we can charge
the owners with

Is criminal negligence

Till you bring
fannoy back

And we can file charges

Of arson
and first-degree m*rder.


I want you
to be polite

To tom vincent,
will you?

He's a pretty good
old boy for a yankee.

48 Years, huh? You guys
good buddies then?

I didn't care for him.

I was his sergeant,

But he behaved
as if he was mine.
Very bossy man.

I know somebody
like that.


I'm ordering you
to work with
this country boy.

Are you anti-male?

If I were,
my life would be
a lot simpler.

Let's find fannoy
before somebody
kills him.

What am I
supposed to do,

Bird dog matt dillon
around town?

Gillespie says
he has good instincts.

Just show him
the ins and outs.

I'm not
a good teacher.

Be a good learner.

Maybe he can teach you
a few things.


Chief wants me to look up
fannoy's lawyer.
What's his name?

Stan garish.
You won't get
anything from him.

Pat is going
to take you

you want to go.


Where to first?

Uh, how about
a cheap motel?

Whoa. I did not mean that
the way it sounded.

I just meant
I was going to be needing
an inexpensive room.

Here we go--lunch.

Good lord almighty,
would you look at that?

I'd put ketchup on that,

But I wouldn't know
where to stick it.

I see you got a camera.

Uh-huh. You, uh,
want a picture
of us?

Yeah. First snap
this hamburger here.

I'd like a record of it
before I destroy it.

Do what he wants.
sh**t the hamburger.

Get out of here.

That's suite 715.
I'll park
and meet you.

He's right over there.


Ain't that
stan garish

to the adorable fellow

With the long
blond hair?

That's adorable?

I was thinking
of the way
his mama sees him.

Stay here.

What was that?

No need to park.
It'll just be a minute.

Hey, I'm parked
in the red.

Say, mr. Garish.

I was wondering
if you could
help me out.

The police gave me
these addresses
for wallace fannoy.

And I was wondering
are they right?

Well, this is
where he rooms.

I didn't know he was
so well-acquainted
in l.a.

Three addresses
hardly make him
a man about town.

Yeah, I guess
you're right.

How'd he get
your number...

When he was looking
for a lawyer?

He was a referral,
I think.

I'm not sure.
Somebody else
took his call.


Kind of funny,
isn't it?

The first call
he makes
after he's arrested

Is to you.

I'll bet this happened--

He closed his eyes,

Poked his fingers
in the yellow pages,

And hit your name.

I've got appointments.

See you, fella.

Here you are, miss.

Have a nice day.

Thanks so much.

I did not need
another one of these.

Oh, sorry about that.

Caught some of those
murderous looks.

Looks don't bother me.

It's when they reach
for a chain saw or an a*.

That's when I get edgy.

Well, now what's
your pleasure?

I mean, uh...

Yeah, yeah, well,
can I call
mississippi there?

Oh, sure.
Be a guest
of the company.



Just local people
going in and out,
real estate customers.


Any movement yet?


Other one's still out.
We picking anybody up?

to charge him with

Until bubba
brings fannoy.

Fannoy ain't going
back to mississippi,
that's for sure.

Don't worry about it.

They're just
asking about him,
that's all.

Ask her when
she last seen him.

La ultima vez
que lo veo?

Estuvo aqui ayer.


Who got him
the room?

Quien le consigio
el apartamento?

Un mexicano
y un americano
con el pelo largo.

That sounds
an awful like
old mr. Adorable,

Don't it?

Muchas gracias, seora.

De nada, seora.

Yeah, uh,
adios, now.



They're leaving.

When they get
to his girl's place,

The cops will be there.

Don't we know each other?
I'm pat day.

Yeah. I'm ed mills.
How you doing?

This may be our case.

Lieutenant waldec's

Can somebody tell him
I'm here?

Park on the left.

Come on in.

Hello, pat.

In one of these
baggies is a .38.

It was
in his right hand.

There was a note
saying he sh*t himself.

The neighbors saw
his girlfriend leave.

The neighbors
reported the sh*t?

No. That's
the way it goes.


This ain't
no su1c1de.

Is that one of
your good instincts
I've heard about?

Nope, just
a strong impression

That the man
didn't want to die.

You that officer
from sparta,

Yes, I am.

Well, this note says
something very interesting
about you.

What's that?

The note says
that wallace fannoy
k*lled himself

lieutenant skinner
wouldn't let him live.

I need to speak
to him, please.
Mm-hmm. Hello?

Chief gillespie?
This is pat day.

You want to hold on
for lieutenant skinner?

Yeah, chief?

Yeah, bubba, that you?

They found fannoy dead
in his girlfriend's

Oh, lord.

Well, I'm not surprised.

Guess who's here with me
in the office.

Came to talk to me
about his brother.

Bubba: bob fannoy?


I'm glad I don't
have to tell him.

There was
a su1c1de note

That blamed it on me.

There's no sense
in you rushing back.

We've got
as much stake
as the l.a. Police

In finding out what
this is all about.

Yes, sir,
I understand.

Stay out there.
Make yourself useful.

I will.

Help tommy vincent
all you can.

Bubba: yeah, gotcha.

You understand me?

Chief, I do
understand you.

Yeah, yeah. Bye, chief.


Well, bob, I have
some bad news for you.

Should I get
the tonic?

Yeah, parker, get
a little bit of the tonic.

Uh, that phone call
was from lieutenant
bubba skinner

Out in los angeles.

He was talking about
your brother wallace.

Wallace is dead, bob.

He sh*t himself.

The apartment
where they found him

Belongs to some girl
he met out there.

They're looking for her.

That ain't like wallace
to do that.

They done it.

They didn't want him
to come back here

To talk to you,

To talk
to the d.a...

Maybe tell the truth.

Who's "they"?

"They" is
our favorite firm

Of lawyers and
real estate brokers
over on the square--

Coppley and epp.

Get out there
and park that car!

Park your car
while you...

Frolic inside?

It's a massage
parlor, et cetera,

Heavy on
the et cetera.

Come on.
You won't get any
information here.

Hold on there now.

That's what you said
about lawyer garish.

Discuss it in a hot tub.

We have no interest
in a hot tub.

Maybe another couple
in with you?

Say what?

If you're losing
interest in things.

You open this door
right now.

First, ain't you
a little tiny

To be running
with that ape?

He's just a mug.

Your mama
know you're here?

If you find her,
I'll tell her.

Yeah, well, uh,
lookee here...

You keep the change,

And take care
of this car.


All right.

I ain't never seen
this face.

I already told them that.

But I ain't the only hostess
that works here.

You mind if
I talk to the girls

On the off chance
one of them

Knows the girl
I'm looking for?

Our masseuses is busy

And can't be stopped
for anything.

Maybe at the end
of something?

You ain't no l.a. Cop.

No. Mississippi.

That's a river.

Bubba: right by the state
of the same name.

Hey, lady,
want a massage?

Richard here says
he'll give you one.

Thank you.

Is it just me,

Or is this here
a goofy establishment?

Richard gives
a great massage.

I have a bad rash.

Oh, richard will
stay away from the rash.

Oh, it's all over.

Ma'am, just show
this picture around.

Richard wants
to see the rash.

Keep him
away from me.

black belt in karate.

O.k., Now, boy--

Yeah, this
is a silly place.

You hurt richard bad.
Listen to him.

No. He's just gasping
for a little air.

He'll be fine.

Now, please,
will you help me out?

O.k., The girl that dated
the man in that picture,

She calls herself gilda
when she sells it here.

When she don't
sell it here,

She sells it
at the dink club.


[Lambada music plays]

You, uh, want to
wave to anybody?

The mexican and the menace
are sitting behind me.

Yeah, I saw them.

O.k., We got
a may ellen lemoyne.

That's the name
her apartment was under.

We might better
ask for her

Under the name
she sells herself under.

What's the matter?

The sound
of what you said.

Well, ma'am,
that is the story,
isn't it?

The woman
does sell herself.

Yeah. The words...
Give me chills.


'Cause they're very cold.

A chardonnay
and an iced tea.

$12 Even.

Some chips
and dip?

$3.20 more.

You want some chips?

Nothing to eat.

You're very wise.

Lookee, we're looking
for a girl named gilda

That's supposed
to work here.

We refer
requests like that
to the manager.


I'm sorry if I
come across cold.

It's just that I
just can't go along

With the selling
of the body.

I have sympathy for women
that stumble and fall.

Well, I do, too,

But there's a difference
between falling

And throwing
yourself down.

Down is down, bubba.

How a girl got there
is hard to know,

But you put
your hand out to one

And turn away
from another?

Thank you
for your business--

First at the health club
and now here.

Well, thank you.
What else you got
in the old syndicate?

Word's too big for me.

Why do you
want to see gilda?

Ask her
why fannoy's dead.

He's dead
'cause of you, boy.

His note said it all,
didn't it?

How did you know
what his note said?

If you want to
see gilda,

She works
the parking lot--

Straight out
that back door.

Does he really think
we're going out there?

Yeah, he probably
thinks I am.

Man, I hate
to make him right,

But here I go.

You stay put,
you hear?

It depends
on how much.

What are
you thinking, huh?

I don't know.
I don't care.

Miss lemoyne?


Uh, my name's
lieutenant skinner.

I come here to take
wallace fannoy

Back to sparta
to stand trial.

I just can't believe
he committed su1c1de.

Let me have a sh*t!




I'm really

What are you
doing here?

I work here,

they put me.

Can I help?

Go to the phone
in my car.

Call the ambulance.


Oh, this
ain't nothing, ma'am.

Remind me
to tell you about...

Baton rouge someday.

Heh heh heh.


Take pill home.
Arm up.

all this fuss.

All I had the day
I got k*lled was one
little black fella.

The day you what?

Arm down.

They k*lled me--
the louisiana line.

Brought back to life
by weepy tameroy,
our assistant trainer.

Don't move around.
Sit still.

Don't talk so much.

Yeah, ma'am.

They say you were looking
for the resident hooker.

Yeah. Found her, too.

That's what we heard.

Hooker do this
all by herself?

No, ma'am.
Not the hooker.

You don't understand. See--you all
finished now.

Get dressed.
Go home. Sleep.

Don't forget,
take pill.

Do what
you're told.

We calling
this case closed?

What, are you crazy?

After what
they did to him?

Hey, what about
the girl?

We can't find her.

She didn't return
to her apartment.


Put this on.

Do as you're told.

Chief: all I'm saying,

Is don't let
yourself get

Don't give me
that advice.

Birds didn't fly.
Ain't fixing to.

Where are they?

in the office.

Here comes epp now.


Right behind you.

Lord, give me strength,

You upset
about something?

He's upset because I
said, "don't be upset."

Never in the history
of human relations

Has that advice ever
done anyone any good.

When you tell a person,
"don't get upset,"

It just burns them up.

Don't get
b*rned up,

It burns us all up

Being told we can't win
against these people.

Good morning,
mr. Epp.

Good morning, chief.

Well, boys,
once again, we're up
against big crime.

I mean,
it's interstate.

It may be
beyond our reach.

These gentlemen
over yonder here,

They buy properties
all over,

Use them illegally,

They sell them

Burn them
for the insurance.

Trap homeless souls
in the fires.

Won't fannoy's brother
say anything?

Why should he?

Doesn't want
to get k*lled.

But this is sparta,
not l.a.

Well, well, well,

Sergeant jamison.

Didn't you hear
what the chief just said?

We can't keep a witness
from being k*lled here.

We're up against
the big boys.

Isn't that right?

Well, sir,
what will it be?

Oh, you--

You go ahead
and order the--

Do the ordering.

Hi, miss day.


I got enchiladas,
chile relleos--

Very good,
very fresh.

I recommend both,
and beer.

I like it.
I'll take two.

Root beer for me.

Bubba: me, too,
on that root beer.



May I ask...

What's the "ma'am"
all about?

Are you trying
to tell me

Something about you
or about me?

You're doing
all the talking
with your eyes.


Ma'am, it's like this.

When a woman holds herself
a certain way,

Turns on a certain look
in her eye

Like you've got
right now,

She wants
to be called ma'am.




Thank you.

What you're
saying, then,

Is that ma'am
was my choice.

It was all up to me.

Yes, I'd say so.

So, if I didn't
like ma'am,

And I don't,

I have only
myself to blame.

Yeah, well,
I wouldn't call it blame.

It's to your credit,

You've decided
you want your life

To take a certain
mature turn.
That's good.

I see.

So today...

I am...a ma'am.

That's right.

[Telephone rings]

Excuse me.

Hi, this is 4425.

Oh, hi. Yeah?

Just a moment.
Here he is.

Oh, thanks.

A kid called for you.

Says he got this number
from your car.

He knows about fannoy
and a girl named gilda.

Say he wants
to see the big guy.

Who's he talking about?

About bubba.

Where do we meet him?

Up at the observatory
in about 40 minutes.

That's what he said.[Intercom buzzes]

I've got to go.
I got a call coming.
I'll call you back.

[Dial tone]



We got a long ride
ahead of us.

Let's eat.

Well, never thought
this old boy would
ever see it.

Hey, where's
sunset boulevard?

Oh, it's hard
to pick out,
but, um, let's see,

If you
follow my finger...

Right there.


How did you feel
when gillespie told you
you were coming to l.a.?

I was tickled to death.

Chief said, "bubba,
you're going to l.a."

I thought
he meant louisiana.

So you don't
like it here?

I wouldn't
say that at all.

Actually, there's
a whole lot
to like here.

Why up here?

Something bad.

You in some kind
of trouble, boy?

See, I just work
for these guys,

Rocky and them--

Park cars three,
four places they own,

Run errands,

But they know that
I picked up a lot,

And someday maybe...

They want to knock me off.

Tell us
about this gilda.

Nice girl.

Always been nice to me.

Like you was nice to me,
big guy.

How about them guys
you work for?

Are they nice to you?

No. They just say,

"Where's the chink kid?"

Slap me around...for fun.

What's on your mind, son?

[Flies buzz]

Well, where's bubba?

He's here.
He's going in
the front way.

Lookee here.
Here comes country roads.

Country roads isn't taking
any chances this time.

Brought the cops with him.

You're peaceful,
ain't you?

Yes, sir.
Real peaceful.

Want to talk
to me, roads?

uglier-than-i-am, I do.

You just missed fannoy.

You put a b*llet in him.

You can talk
nicer than that.

Nope, can't.
Everything out of my mouth
going to be awful.

You own a .32
caliber p*stol, boy?


Do one of them employees
that just run out

Own such a w*apon?

Who put four b*ll*ts
into that little girl?

Which one
of them was it?

Was it both of them?
Was it you?

Was you the one
that dumped her
in them hills?


Gilda reminded him
that she wrote that note,

And that she better
be treated good.

That's when he k*lled her--

Last night...


I seen everything.

Yeah, and he's going
to tell us everything.

He's going to tell us
about lawyer garish.

He's going to tell us
about all his connections,

Wherever they are.

I don't know, I didn't
see him inside.

And I can't get
through to him.

I'll have to say
your goodbyes for you.


Here you go, sir.
Got your luggage
all checked in.

You only got a few
minutes. Have a safe
flight, all right?

Yeah. Thanks a lot.

Well, uh...

I guess
the main thing is

That you get
that lawyer
to squeal

On his associates
in sparta.


We may not catch
everybody we should,

But we'll catch
everybody we can.

Listen, be sure
to call tommy
from mississippi.

He wanted
to talk to you about
coming back out here,

Going to work for us.

He would like that.

Would you like that?

It might be fun
now that we got the ma'ams
out of the way.

[Honk honk]

Bubba, wait!

Look who I brought
to see you.

I got to go.

He came
to the office,

to see his hero.

Hey, lieutenant!

There's something
I want to ask you.

Hey, you are
ever coming back?

No doubt about it.


Can I
write to you,

Let you know
where I am?

Well, sure you can.
Look, I'll
give you a card

With my name
and phone number
and address.

Take care
of that for me
till I get back.

You know that badge
stands for something.

I know what
it stands for.

Yeah? What?

Good stuff.

Only good stuff.
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