03x97 - The Labyrinth of Water: Ami Targeted

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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03x97 - The Labyrinth of Water: Ami Targeted

Post by bunniefuu »

Ami, you've been weird lately.
Something worrying you?

Hey, you can talk to
me about anything.

Perhaps a clumsy girl
like me can't do much...

...but I'll do
everything I can.

Bad kids who make fun
of my precious friends...

In the name of the moon,
I'll punish you!

Oh, Mizuno.


This was in the
audio/video room.

Oh, I'm sorry.

It's unlike you to forget
a guidebook somewhere.

Is something bothering you?

Oh, no, not really.

This year is finally the
year of the entrance exams.

I have high hopes for you.
Do your best.

Oh, Ami.

I heard rumors
that you've been...

...taking care of
delinquent students lately.

I hope they aren't getting
in the way of your studies.

If you ever feel like they're
dragging you down...

...you can come talk to
me about it at any time.

Even for you,

...I don't think "dragging me
down" is a good thing to say.

Oh, no! That's just
a play on words.

Well, I just want you to
concentrate on your academics.

I'll see you around.

Dragging her down...

I guess that's true.

Hey, I finally found you!

Oh, Naru.

You promised you'd buy me pizza
for letting you copy my homework.

I won't let you say that
you've already forgotten.

Oh, was that the case?

Umino's share, too.

Only on my academics...



What's the matter?
You look dazed there.

Something worrying you?

That's not like
you somehow...


What do you think is left of
me if you took academics away?

Huh? What do you mean?

I'm sorry for asking
such a strange question.

But, I've been
thinking lately...

My mother is a doctor,
so I decided at an early age...

...that I wanted to
become a doctor myself.

And I've been studying without
a doubt to become one.

I thought that becoming a good
doctor was my dream, but...

It's not?

I've been feeling that I
really have no dream at all.


I think becoming a good
doctor is a wonderful dream.

But people with real
dreams shine brighter.

Usagi, for example,
is full of dreams...

She shines so brightly
that I can't even compare.

True, she does have more than
the average amount of dreams.

The only thing I
have is academics.

Maybe I can't become
a good doctor like that.

But that's a shame.

If it's a cute doctor like you...

...I was thinking that I could
bear getting a shot or two.

Mamoru, you dislike
getting sh*ts?

I hate it.

- Is that funny?
- Yes, it's funny.

You think so?

Thank you. I feel a
little bit better now.

That's good. Is the study
group about to begin?


Oh, but I'm going to go swim in
the pool for a bit before that.

See you.


You shine enough
just the way you are.

That is the famous
genius girl...

Then she must have a pure
heart full of confidence...

...and skills that shine.

Nobody's here.
Like it's reserved just for me.

She swims so vibrantly.



You came from a world of
water in your past life as well.

I don't know...

Let's have a race.


- To the other side.
- Sure.


She's fast!

A tie.


Why did you slow down?

Were you trying to
make me feel better?

Oh, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean it that way...

I'm sorry!


Oh, boy, you made her cry.

I didn't mean to...

She just wanted
to be friends.

Since she's the type that
isn't confident in herself...

...she unconsciously avoided
a confrontation.

And you made fun of that.

I just wanted to say that...

...I wanted to race her
with all of our strength.


Still, I feel sorry
for her like this.

I'm good for nothing...

What did this
proverb mean again?

Oh, I know, I know.

It's something about Fukusuke
coming back for O-bon or not.

You mean, "spilt water never
comes back to the bon (tray)."

Oh, yeah, that one!

Hey, Ami, about this one?!

- The special-case verbs that start with k!
- Does a related object mean...

Guys! Studying should be
done with your own abilities!

Usagi is...

...saying something decent!

Do you want me to
take your temperature?


Usagi, it's all right.

Everyone should keep
asking the questions.

A no is a no!

Ami has to study more and
more to become a doctor!

She's not like us!

From now on, I, Usagi, will not
allow anyone to get in her way!


It's all right, so don't
worry about it!

Ami, you just have to study!

Just study...?

That's true...

Thanks, Usagi.

Oh, but I forgot
something. I'll go get it.



Usagi's enthusiastic
about studying...

...and Ami forgot something...?

It's the opposite of usual.

Well, let's do
our best studying.

Before Usagi's
enthusiasm fades away.

I forgot something, too!

What is going on?!

What should I do?
Did I say something bad?

Even Usagi told me to
just do academics...

But I really don't
have anything else...

I'm so sick of this.


My partner wants a rematch.

Oh, don't run away and
cause me more trouble.

Here, I'll take you
to the sports center.

That's fine. I'll walk there!

Suit yourself...

It's a nice sunset.

You think so?

Is it not that great..?



Ami should be studying with
everyone else right about now.

- But that really was Ami.
- Hey, Luna!

A new Daimohn egg
has been completed.

Go, in search of a pure heart!

I'm glad you could come,
Miss Ami Mizuno.

Or did Haruka force
you to come over?

I came on my own will.

I'm sorry if I made you feel
bad by what happened earlier.

Or is it that
you're mocking me?

All I want to do
is have a rematch.

I hope you'll accept.

Ami went to
the sports center?


I don't know, but Luna's
watching over her now.

Let's go there, Artemis.

- All right, then follow me.
- Sure!

I hope nothing
serious happens.


-meter freestyle
should be enough.



She's fast!

She really is amazing...
But I won't lose!

She's smiling!?

They're even.

I've never met someone
like this before. I might lose.

Why am I putting so much
effort into this right now?

Is it because I
don't want to lose?

No, it's because I
don't want to run away.

If I don't give it everything
here, I'll end up running away...

It's important to not run away
and give it everything I've got!


It's a tie.

See? Competing with all your
strength isn't a bad thing, is it?

You're right.

Thank you.

No, thank you.

It was fun.
We should do this again.

I think I'll go for another swim...




I'll take your pure heart...

...that's worried by the
doubts in your life!


Lane , Dovlin!

Here I go!

Usagi! It looks like a
Daimohn's appeared!

- Transform!
- Yeah!


Stop that!


I came here in
search of a friend...

...and something unwanted
is misbehaving!

For love and justice, the
pretty soldier in a sailor suit!

Sailor Moon!

In the name of the moon,
I'll punish you!

Sailor Moon!

Dovlin! Don't flinch!
Just grab the pure heart!




Hey, give that back!

Ami is kinder than anyone!
And she's smart...!

She's going to become the
best doctor in the world!

And she's my...

My dear friend!

This isn't a talisman either!

I won't forgive anyone...

...who hurts the pure hearts
of innocent maidens!

Tuxedo Mask!

Dovlin, get rid of
these nuisances.


Good thing I was wearing
a floating ring.

Damn you!

Now, Sailor Moon!





Sailor Moon...


Thank you...

It's a shame, but this one
wasn't a talisman, either.

You're glad she's
all right, I bet.

I'm sorry, Ami.

Did I say something that
hurt your feelings?

No, it's not that...

I was just a
little depressed.

But thanks to Sailor Moon,
I think I'll be better now.

Thank you so much.


You're welcome.

It looks like you've
gotten over it.


I finally understand.

It's important to do something
with everything you have.

To worry is the same
thing as to stop...

So I won't run away.

You know...

Is this what you
call a "good mood"?

Um, Ami, Tuxedo Mask
here is MY Tuxedo Mask!

Oh? I won't
lose there, either!

No, you can't! No, no!

- I won't lose!
- No, no, no!

I won't lose!

No, no, no, NO!

- I won't lose!
- No, no, no, NO!!

Well, we can't do this forever,
so let's go back and study!

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