03x98 - To Save Our Friends: Moon and Uranus Join Forces

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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03x98 - To Save Our Friends: Moon and Uranus Join Forces

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, do you know
about motocross?

It's a really brutal race...

...where you cross bumpy
dirt roads on motorcycles!

Haruka, who loves motorcycles,
is participating as well!

But there are bad guys using
such a race to set a trap!

I won't forgive them!

I, Sailor Moon, will punish
you in the name of the moon!

The five Sailor Soldiers!

And the always unexpected
arrival of that Tuxedo Mask!

They are nothing but a
group of noisy annoyances!

Furthermore, there are
the mysterious soldiers...

...who call themselves
Uranus and Neptune!

These two are seeking the
talismans just like us!

For some reason, these two always
appear wherever Daimohn are.

Perhaps they know what
our plan of attack is.

In that case, use that
and lure them instead!


I'll make sure to lure them
both out and annihilate them.


Amazing! Amazing!

Haruka won by such
a huge margin!

Such a superior
riding technique...!

She has a lot of talent to
win against all those boys.

This is a problem...

What's wrong, Ami?

I got so excited that I forgot one
of my English vocabulary words...


Thanks, Michiru.

Oh, Haruka!

- Oh, buns-head.
- You were here?

Yeah. We were all brought
here by Mamo-chan.

Hey, Haruka Tenoh.
You won, and you're a GIRL!

You're awfully arrogant.

It doesn't matter if
you're male or female.

Whoever is fastest wins.


Are you trying to
thr*aten a girl?

It's pathetic to
watch losers whine.

- What was that?
- Stop it!


We just have to win the
next race. Let's go.

Just be careful that
you don't get hurt.


Who's he?

Katsutoshi Yamada.

The guy who placed second
in the race that just ended.

He's very passionate
about motocross racing.

A very "pure" individual.

He's the type that would
have a pure heart crystal.

It looks like we should
keep an eye on him.

- Leave it to me!
- Please.

Welcome! Welcome!

These rider dolls are
really popular right now!

And they're just
yen each!

First come, first served!
Come and get them now!

Welcome, welcome.

Hey, it's cute.

Let's see. This feels good!

W-What's this? Wait for me!

- Usagi's over there!
- Oh, Usagi!

She wasn't on this bus?

I didn't realize she wasn't!
What should we do?

She's not a kid.
She'll come later.

Sheesh, she sure
is a troublemaker!

Oh, no... Everyone's gone now.

Let's see,
the next bus is...

I have to wait
another hour!?

Get on.


- I'll take you back.
- B-But...

Don't worry. Come on.

A-All right.
Excuse me, then...

Hold on tight!

He's going for
me on purpose!

Buns-head, make sure you're
holding on really tight!


Sheesh! Why do you have
to be harassed, Haruka?

I think it was those
guys from earlier.


It really IS them!

Dammit, where did they hide?

I feel like I'm in
the arms of a man...

Haruka, you smell
really nice.

U-Um, what cologne do you use?


Do you have something
you need from me?

You! Get her!

Look out!

Stop with the unfair tricks!

Races should be fought
and won fair and square!


Haruka, you're strong!

I'll win!

In the next motocross race,
I'll make sure I win!

So, it was him!

- This is strange.
- Did something break?

Looks like the spark
plug went haywire.

The sea's grown stormy. Get to the
motocross practice area, fast!

Got it!

I have a sudden errand now!
Since my bike's broken...

...I don't think I can take you home.

Head over to the road there and
you can catch a bus to the station.

O-Okay! I can
go home by myself.

I'm sorry!

I wonder what the
sudden errand was?

She seemed a little strange.
I wonder...


I surely have the crystal
of your pure heart, TIREN.

I won't let you
have it your way!

Who are you?

By the stormy
waters of Neptune...

Guided by a new era,
Sailor Neptune...

...acts with grace!


No, this isn't
a talisman.

Hurry and run to
someplace safe!

I've been waiting
for you, Sailor Neptune!

I don't care if that guy's
crystal is a talisman or not.

We've been waiting
for you to arrive.

What did you say?





So, Sailor Uranus
is here, too...

Both of you can die together!

Haruka sure runs fast!


All right!


Sailor Uranus, don't fight it.

If you fight,
your friend's life is over!


I won't let you do
such an unfair thing!

Who are you?

For love and justice, the
pretty soldier in a sailor suit!

Sailor Moon!

Sailor Moon...

Battles should all
be done fair and square.

I'm not allied
with either of you...

...but I won't forgive your
using unfair tactics!

In the name of the moon,
I'll punish you!

Enough of that!


Uranus, hurry!
Take Neptune and run!

Stay out of this!

Y-You idiot! Hurry and run!


I'll defeat them!
Get out of my way!

I don't want to! You should
be the one running away!

Those two aren't doing
anything together!

Get them right now!


Oh, no!


You don't seem to
be good friends.

It's like watching a bad
attempt at a -legged race!

You must hate a partner
who doesn't go your way.

You can both die now,
hating each other.

Uranus, run away for now!

You need to stay alive
and complete our mission!





What are you doing?
The waterfall is the other way!

Follow them!
Follow the two of them!


Neptune might still be alive!

Aren't you worried?

Are you going to abandon
your friend and run away?

This isn't coming off.

That hurts! Don't pull on it!

Stop whining!

It looks like they're gone.

Come on, let's go save her!

Don't you care if Neptune dies?!

If we go out
like this, we'll die!

You're heartless! I thought
she was your partner!

You really are a cruel person!!

What do you know?!

Neptune and I made a promise.

That if something were to
happen to either of us...

...we wouldn't be caught by
our emotions to save the other.

Whoever survives completes the
mission of finding the talismans.

That is what the
two of us decided.

What are these talismans that
you have to find so badly?

I don't have to tell you!

What do you mean!?

People whose pure heart crystals
are stolen all suffer...

...and die!

How can you be
so cold like that!?


You're naive.

Right now, silence is
approaching the world.

Soon, something horrible
will happen.

To save the world from that,
we need the talismans.

Nobody wants any victims.

However, if that saves
the rest of the world...

What would you do?!

Neptune... Is she dead?
Where are you?

Oh, sorry...

You're bleeding!
It's a deep wound!

I'm sorry I didn't notice!

I'm all right!

It's all right.
Really, it is.

Don't touch me!

It would be a mess
if it got infected.

Mind your own business!

It's all right, really!

You don't need to be
so humble about it.


I can't stand to leave
someone injured...

...without doing anything.

You are such a...

By the way...
I have a favor to ask you.

What is it?

You might think it's not
proper at a time like this...

...but my back's been
really itchy for a while...

...and I can't
stand it anymore!

I'm sorry, but can you
scratch it for me?

A little further left...

Yeah, there, there!
Oh, that feels good!

You're a strange person.

Sailor Moon, huh...

You always got in my way, and I
didn't think much of you, but...

Being here with
you like this...

What about being with me?

They're here...

This cologne I smell...
Could it be...?!


We should go
look for Neptune!

They've come out! k*ll them!


Here, over here, over here!

Their movement!
They're nothing like...

...the uncoordinated
couple they were before!


Oh, those idiots!

But why are they suddenly able
to act in synch with each other?

She's still alive! DIE!

I won't let her die!






I'll get you for this!

We did it!


I'll give you a
little bit of credit.

But I won't let anyone get
in the way of our mission.


Uranus... Why did you
risk your life to save me?

She was the one
who rescued you.

Sailor Moon did?!
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