04x05 - George's Legacy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Jeffersons". Aired: January 18, 1975 – July 2, 1985.*
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Spinoff series from "All in the Family" is about literal upward mobility of couple George and Louise Jefferson who move into a swanky high-rise building.
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04x05 - George's Legacy

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Well, we're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To a deluxe apartment ♪

♪ In the sky ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ We finally got
a piece of the pie ♪

♪ Fish don't fry
in the kitchen ♪

♪ Beans don't
burn on the grill ♪

♪ Took a whole lot of tryin' ♪

♪ Just to get up that hill ♪

♪ Now we're up in
the big leagues ♪

♪ Gettin' our turn at bat ♪

♪ As long as we live ♪

♪ It's you and me, baby ♪

♪ There ain't nothin'
wrong with that ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To a deluxe apartment ♪

♪ In the sky ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ We finally got a
piece of the pie ♪♪


What's happening in the stock
market this morning, george?

I ain't readin' the
stock market.

Then what's so interesting?

The obituaries.

Oh? Well, that's like
the stock market.

Lots of people goin' under.

That ain't funny, weezy.

This rich man dies

And only gets a few
words on the good-bye page.

Money don't matter to god.

On judgment day, we'll
stand naked before him.

Florence, please
don't stand in my line.

You won't need no clothes.

Where you're
goin' all you'll need

Is an air conditioner.

What's this sudden
fascination with death?

I'm thinking about life.

I'm , and what am i?

Late for work.

What will I do there?

Same old thing.

Clean some pants.
Press some dresses.

Is this what life is for me?

A bunch of money?

I'm taking your temperature.

Do you know what's
going on inside my head?

No. And they can't
cure it, either.

Someday, our name will
be in that obituary page.

You better start
paying me in advance.

Florence, you're
a real treasure.

Thank you.

Too bad they dug you up.

Good morning.
Isn't it a lovely day?



The sun is shining.

Birds are in the trees.


Not all of them. One
cuckoo got loose.

It's a perfect day for a walk.

Will anyone join me?

I'll go.

You haven't finished working.

Would you choose to work

Or take a walk?

I'd finish the work.

Thank you. I'll be in the park.

I don't pay you to take walks.

Or enough to take the bus.

Why so grouchy today, mr. J.?

George is just a little down.

Fresh air would do him good.

Remember... Stop
and smell the roses.

George was thinking more
about pushing up the daisies.

What's wrong? Can I do anything?

Turn the clock back years.

Is it already
daylight savings time?

Nobody understands.

You have a lovely home,

A successful business...

What will history
books say about me?

Did I cure a disease? No.

I'm plain old george jefferson,

Cleaning and pressing,
alterations extra.

But, george...

What does the world
remember someone by?

My family remembers uncle
potter for what he left us.


An enormous medical bill.

I want something so
they'll never forget me.

A legacy for posterity?

No! Something
that lasts forever.

Great men are
immortalized in various ways.

Like what?

Statues, paintings, busts.


Lots of people had busts made...

Julius caesar, abraham lincoln.

That's not a bad idea.
In fact, it's a great idea.

George, don't be ridiculous.

One bust of caesar

Captures the very
essence of power.

Those guys knew
how to be remembered.

They were famous
when they were alive.

It was easier then.

There was plenty
of fame to go around.

I think he's got
something there.

Too bad it isn't a brain.

You really cheered me up.

I'm ready for that walk now.

A vigorous walk does
wonders for the soul.


Why didn't I think of a bust?

Where can I find a bustmaker?

Look in the yellow pages

Under "dumb ideas."

What's dumb about it?

It wastes time and money.

If I don't waste it, who will?

If you want to be remembered,

Do something useful
with your money.

Help build a hospital.

That's no good.

It won't look like me.

[Knock on door]

♪ Coming ♪

Are you vincent carter?

Yes. What is it, mr...

Jefferson. George jefferson.

I got your name
from an art gallery.

I copied it off a bust.

You really are good.


I can't see the numbers at all.

The gallery sent you?


I must chat with them.


I found the right man.

What is this?

This isn't for you.

It's a nude.

It sure is.

I'm proud of the
way I did the hands.

Yeah. They're nice, too.

You caught me at a busy time.

Did you want something specific?

I want to buy your
greatest bust.

Which was that?

The one with my face on it.

I never do personal portraits.

Find someone else.

But I want you.

Your work looks real,
not like lumpy rocks.

I'm sorry. I wouldn't
be interested.

Quite frankly, your
face doesn't excite me.

I don't want to get engaged.

I want a bust.

Sir, try to understand.

I am an artist.

Ain't you a businessman, too?

Certainly not. A
project must move me.

I only do what I want to do.

Suppose I give you $ , o.

Then I want to do you.

Gotcha right in the
soul, didn't i, carter?

It'll be a pleasure,

Considering what
you got to work with.

What do you want?

Show me a book of busts.


I'll show you how
I want it to look.

An art catalog is not
called "a book of busts."

I must insist on
doing it my way.

I said $ , ? I meant $ , .

Your way is my way.

Have a seat. I'll go find

A book of busts.

Is the light hitting the middle?

Yes, sir.

Don't show nobody
until the time comes.

You can trust me.

Here's your drink.

Thanks, florence.


Why are you humphing?

Making me wear my uniform.

It's for special occasions.

This is special for me.

Why don't you wear it?

Because it ain't my size.

This is bourbon, not scotch.

It is? Let me see.

You're right. It's bourbon.

I'll get it myself.

We're here.

Welcome, welcome.

You're just in time
for the big moment.

I love seeing my
whole family together.

Check quick to see if
he picked your pocket.

Helen, george can be nice.

He's never carried it this far.

Seconds passed and
he hasn't called me h*nky.

It must be the bust.

He's been more romantic,
if you know what I mean.


Tom, maybe you
should get a bust made.

Glad you could make it.

Ready for my unveiling?

Wouldn't miss it for anything.

Could we take a peek?

I wouldn't recommend it.

My guard is a trained k*ller.

Hello. Sorry I'm late.


Come in, mr. Bentley.
The party's just starting.

This ain't no party.
It's an opening.

Like the hole in your head?

I can't wait to see it.

Me, too.

You haven't seen it?

I've hardly seen george.

His sittings lasted three weeks.

It's about that time.

Ralph, I'll take it from here.

Yes, sir.

Gather around. Make
sure you get a good view.

I ain't makin' a big speech,

But I got to say something.


Tonight is one of
the biggest nights

In my life.

Tonight is the night george
jefferson goes immortal.

All right.

A man must leave
something to the world

To remember him by.

I'm leaving something
for my family and friends.

Here is my gift to you.

All right, hold it! Shut up!

What's wrong with y'all? Crazy?

Stop that cackling!

Well, I ain't the only
one who laughed.

Do you think it's
a big joke too?

Oh, no, george, not at all.

It just surprised me.

Actually, I think it's...

It just wasn't what I expected.

What louise means, george,
is that, well, it has a certain...

Ahem. Excuse me, sir.

I seem to have got a
little tickle in my throat.

I think it's kinda cute.

What were you laughing at? It
was your idea for me to get the bust.

No disrespect intended, mr. J.
It was just a nervous reaction.

What were you nervous about?

That I might start laughing.

George, I think it's
the wreath and toga.

No one's worn those
things for , years.

So what? You know
how styles change.

If you wait long enough,
they all come back.

Now you tell me,

Just when I gave my last
toga to the salvation army.

You shut up, willis! When I
want your opinion, I'll dial h*nky.

There's that word. I
knew it couldn't last.

You know, the artist does
have a distinctive style.

Actually, it doesn't
look half bad.

The half that's
bad... Is in the front.

I'm sorry, george.
I couldn't resist.

That's it! I've had it!

Now calm down, george.
They were just kidding.

Everybody likes the bust.

Don't you?

Oh, yes, yes! It's a
great likeness, george.

Indeed, mr. J. It's
simply smashing.

It's very impressive. I
love it, george. I swear.

Oh, you do, huh?


Okay, if you swear so
much, swear on this bible.

Oh, now, george,
that's ridiculous.

What about you, willis?

Couldn't you just
take my word for it?

Okay, what about you, bentley?

I can't. I'm not a citizen.

That's it! Everybody
get out! Out!

Out! Out!

Mr. Jefferson...

They wouldn't know
great art if it kissed them.

Pop, don't pay any
attention to them.

I think the bust is
kind of interesting.

It does look like you.


I want to talk with you.

I can't help it.

I don't care. I like it.

What am I supposed
to do with it?

You look at it!

Do we have to?

I got a weak stomach.


There's no point in yelling.

Let's decide where to put it.

It's staying in the living room.


I got to dust old stone face?

Damn right. And
don't call it names.

How about if we put it

Out on the terrace?

It's airy out there.

I didn't spend that money

To be target practice for birds.


Great friends we
got. They laughed at it.

It just took them by surprise.

You were laughing, too.

Just another dummy
going ha, ha, ha.

Do you really want the truth?

I think this thing is
absolutely ridiculous.

I don't want it staring at me.

Stay out of the living room.

I won't have it in here.

Yes, you will.

No, I won't.

You're not julius caesar.

This isn't a roman palace.

Our home will not
be a wax museum.

I bought it for
people to look at.

I'll take it to the store.

I don't need you to see it.

That's what I'll do.

Nobody can say I
can't keep it there.

What do they know?

A man's got to leave his mark,

Or there ain't no sense
in showin' up at all.

We need a drink.

Turn around, old buddy.


♪ One for you ♪

♪ One for me ♪

Here's to you, old buddy.

You ain't driving, are you?

Here's to you.

I hope you get more
respect than I did.

May your in-laws
be the same color.

Let me give you a
hand, old buddy.

You ain't a bad-lookin' dude.

Look at those eyes, that mouth.

You related to sidney poitier?

Maybe I should stick
you in the window.

You can catch the sights.

I never got much chance
to take in the sights.

I been working
since I was a kid.

We were so poor in them days.

In fact, we were so poor

That if they had food stamps,

We'd have ate them.

Let me open this

So you can see better.

Then I got married.

Soon, lionel came along.

I had to work.

I couldn't let them down.

You just can't leave money

Because money ain't enough.

After people spend money,

Nobody even knows
where it came from.

I won't leave you in the window.

You might get a sunburn.

Where should I put you?

I got it.

You can watch the
cash register for me.

I would give you a better job,

But you're too short.

The world will never
forget george jefferson.

[Knock on door]



Hi, pop.

You all right?

Yeah. I'm fine.

I wasn't laughing at you.

You don't have to explain.

I don't think the bust is funny.

You don't?


You like it?

I think that bust
is one of a kind.

You do?

It sure is special.

You really mean it?

Of course I do.

It's something you would keep?


Then you take it.

Keep it at your house.
That's what a legacy is.

I pass it to my son.

You pass it to your son.

I'll wrap it up.

Mr. Jefferson, wait a minute.

You don't have to thank me.
That's what fathers are for.

I hope you're satisfied.

Let's take it for a while.

It's not so bad.

Name something good about it.

It doesn't eat.

Neither does a
sick hippopotamus,

But we don't have one.

I can't say no to my father.

Should I do it?


We can't do that to pop.

Imagine waking up to
this face staring at me.

It's no big deal.

My mom's been
doing it for years.

It could be worse.

He could have pictured
himself on a horse.

Where's your father?

In the back room.

Is he ok?

He's fine.

Oh, that's a relief.

I wish I hadn't said anything.

I should have seen
what it meant to him.

This should keep him warm

Till he gets to his new home.


Well, there goes my legacy.

I guess this is

The right monument to
george jefferson after all.

Just a bunch of nothin'.

That bust doesn't count anyway.

Your real legacy is
right here with you.

It will always be alive

In me and my kids

And in mom.

Your kind of love
gets crazy sometimes,

And you can make a lot of noise,

But we know what you're saying.

"I'm george
jefferson. I'm a man.

I'm important. Respect me."

George, how can
we not respect you?

Pop, we're your legacy.

You can't smash
that on the floor.

I guess you're right, weezy.

The bust was a wrong idea.

I should have had
my picture painted.
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