04x10 - Louise's New Interest

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Jeffersons". Aired: January 18, 1975 – July 2, 1985.*
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Spinoff series from "All in the Family" is about literal upward mobility of couple George and Louise Jefferson who move into a swanky high-rise building.
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04x10 - Louise's New Interest

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Well, we're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To a deluxe apartment ♪

♪ In the sky ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ We finally got
a piece of the pie ♪

♪ Fish don't fry
in the kitchen ♪

♪ Beans don't
burn on the grill ♪

♪ Took a whole lot of tryin' ♪

♪ Just to get up that hill ♪

♪ Now we're up in
the big leagues ♪

♪ Gettin' our turn at bat ♪

♪ As long as we live ♪

♪ It's you and me, baby ♪

♪ There ain't nothin'
wrong with that ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To a deluxe apartment ♪

♪ In the sky ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ We finally got a
piece of the pie ♪♪

Chil', you should've
seen that hat she had on.


Girl, it looked like an
expl*si*n in a fruit market.

Florence, my breakfast.


Oh, that ain't nobody.
Just mr. Jefferson.

Honey, I'm sorry you missed that
skimpy dress she wore yesterday.

Girl, let me tell you, she was
showin' everything but her credit card.

I want my breakfast!

I'm on the phone.

So anyway, what'd you say?

I said I want my breakfast!

Not you. Her. So anyway...

Gimme that. Hello?

Excuse me. Florence was just called
out. This is her answering service.

If you want to leave a message, you
may do so at the sound of the beep.


I can't even make a
phone call around here.

This is my house, that is my
phone, and I want my waffle!

Well, it ain't too hard. You
could've got 'em yourself.

Those are frozen waffles.
I want the real ones.

Then hire aunt jemima.

George, I'm leaving
now. See you later.

Weezy, come here. Look. Look.

Frozen waffles, frozen orange
juice and freeze-dried coffee.

I'm payin' her to watch
my food defrost.

Do you mind if I have
your orange juice?

Weezy, you ain't even listening.

Yes, I am. Oh, george,
that's a terrible diet.

You're not eating enough fiber.

Fiber? I don't want
no rope to eat.

I can't talk now,
george. I'm in such a rush.

You runnin' off to
that museum again?

No, this time I
thought I'd take a cab.

Weezy, wait!

Where are my keys?

You've been runnin' to
that museum for weeks.

What's so interesting
about indian culture?

What have you
got against indians?

Businessmen are against
anything in the red.

Stand still!

I don't like talkin'

To the end that
doesn't talk back.

I found them.

Weezy, please
give me a little time.

What is it? Oh, my lipstick.

This is helen willis' fault.

She got you interested
in this museum.

Helen just invited
me to a meeting.

She should worry about
something important to her,

Like savin' the zebras.

I volunteered
because I enjoy it.

I've got a lot to do there.

Like what?

Office work now.

Maybe field work later.

We took years to
get out of the field!

I mean the places where
they find indian artifacts.

You should know the value

Of preserving old relics.

Why me?

You still support
your mother, don't you?

Weezy, that was cold.

You deserve that, george.

You joke about all my projects,

French lessons, the
help center... My vitamins!


I forgot to take them.

I joke about your projects

Because they're dumb.

What should I do?

Wait all day for
you to come home,

Meet you, wrap my
arms around you,

And make you deliriously happy?

I would try it for a month.

Well, I wouldn't.

That's tellin' him.

Everything I want
to do is dumb. Why?

Yeah, why?

Why are you always
against me improving myself?

Yeah, why?

Other people's husbands
give them encouragement.

Why don't you?

Yeah, why?

Another "why," and you'll wonder

Why you woke up in
another zip code area.


George, we'll talk
about it tonight.


I'm upset because you're
never home anymore.

[Doorbell rings]

Louise, I finally caught you.

It's your fault!

I'm fine, thank you,
and how are you?

It's not her fault.

That's right. You
always blame me.

I'm tired of it.

This time, you can
blame somebody else.

What are we talking about?

George doesn't like me
working at the museum.

Is that where you've been?

I got to go.


Louise, wait.

We need to talk.

I'll call you.

You haven't been coming
to the help center.

What about the newsletter?

I'd love to help,

But I'm busy with the
indian department.

With dr. Jessup?

He could get me to
volunteer for anything.


What is so important?

Nothing special.

He's snowed under with work,

And I'm helping him.


Please, helen,
I've got to leave.

I'm late already, and I can't...

Oh, darn!

Louise, wait.

Helen, I've got...

If this will take long,
we could send for a pizza.

I'm so sorry.

What about meeting for lunch?

Bob and I don't have
a regular lunchtime.


You have been working hard.


I'll call you soon.

Bob, I found it!

The missing piece.

Let me see.

Where was it?

In the pile. They were
numbered wrong.

What a great addition

To our navajo collection!

My favorite.

I can't figure out
why the navajos

Made so many kinds of pottery.

That's simple. For garage sales.


Oh, you.

All their pottery was useful.

Maybe this pot held cornmeal

Or was used to ask the
spirits for something.

They should have
asked for a new pot.

Louise, I don't know how
I did this job without you.

I just do little things,

Fill out the cards.

No, I have never seen
anyone so efficient.

Oh, come on. It's nothing.

I don't really...

Louise, you must learn
to accept compliments.

Here, you get that
instead of money.

Oh, I never expect to get paid.

You even think like an indian.

Many tribes had no money.

They traded for
everything they needed.

A wife cost two horses.

And a horse?

It cost two wives.

I'm sorry.

What made you get
interested in indians?

Oh, you'll think it's silly.

My other choice is writing
a fund-raising letter,

So go ahead.

It was because of a doll.

When I was little,
black dolls didn't exist,

But I wanted one.

My father bought the
closest thing he could find...

An indian princess.

What's so funny?

I'll bet she was the only
indian princess named beulah.

I've certainly never seen one.

She really fascinated me

With her long black
hair, colorful beads,

All dressed in buckskin.

I wondered, "who
were these people?"

Go back to school
and take it up.

I'm too old.

How old are you?

I'm old enough to know better

Than to answer that question.

[Telephone rings]

Excuse me.

Hello. Dr. Jessup speaking.

No, I'll be there.

You'll get my
report when I return.


You're going away?

Yep, on a dig.

We're checking out a site

Where a chemical
plant wants to build.

How exciting to be
going to a real site!

It makes everything worthwhile.

I've never done
anything like that.

Why don't you come?

Me? Oh, no.

It's only for the weekend.

You'd be very helpful.

You really think so?

Of course. Can you go?

Well, sure.

When is it?

This weekend.

This weekend?

Yeah, that's ok.

That's great!

Now you'll see what
archaeology is all about.

I'll check all your gear.



Who is going?

Just us.

Will you get out here!

We ain't finished talking
about this camping trip!

Who are you shoutin' at?

Did you hear a moose call?


Then why did you come?

Louie, I want to see
you out here now!

Okay, okay!

What kind of outfit is
that you're wearing?

What are you laughing at? This is
what you have to wear in the woods.

She's tellin' the truth. I saw that
same outfit on smokey the bear.

Look, weezy, you and this
pile of junk ain't goin' nowhere.

George, we've been
all through that.

Now stop it. I'm only
going for a weekend.

The weekend? It's gonna
take you a month to unpack.

What are you complainin'
about? I'm the one roughing it!

The hell you are.

I'm the one who's gotta
eat florence's cooking.

Well, if you don't
like it, I won't cook.

You hear that, weezy?
She's gonna starve me.

Florence, you'll make
mr. Jefferson three meals a day.

I'd rather starve.

Come on, george! Be a good
sport. This is important to me.

All right. If you want to camp
out, camp out on the terrace.

Why are you being so difficult?

Weekends are special to us.
We always spend them together.

Since when? You
work every saturday.

Yeah, but I'm always coming
home on saturday night.

Yeah, to watch television, and
I just sit there and read a book.

But I like having you here.


Well, I might want a sandwich.

That's very touching.

I have to get this thing packed.

Will one of you
please give me a hand?


Wait a minute.

You want me to put all
this stuff in this little bag?

That's like puttin' wilt
chamberlain in a hatbox.

It'll fit.

[Doorbell rings]

Good evening, mr. J. I
hope I'm not disturbing you.

You're here, ain't you?

Mrs. J., Here is my canteen.

Thank you, but I have one.

But it's filled with wine.

That's a boy scout trick.

Why would a boy
scout carry wine?

In case he runs
into a girl scout.

That's thoughtful,
but I can't use it.

I'm sure I can use it.

Your wife has a wonderful chance

To get away from the pollution.

Some people think
pollution is beautiful.

Really? Who?


Pollution gets people dirty.

What's more beautiful to
cleaners than dirty people?

It's all point of view.

To a goat, a tin can is dinner.


Did he just call me a goat?

No, george.

Uncle clifford took us
camping every summer.

He knew everything
about the english forest,

Except for the hampton bog.

What is that?

That's what uncle
clifford said when he fell in.

I told you camping
was dangerous.

They got quicksand,
wild animals,

And the bog.

Mind telling weezy how
dangerous camping is?

Not at all.

Go ahead and tell her.

I just did.

Not at all.

Camping is safer than
standing on rd avenue.

See, george? I've got
nothing to worry about.

I'll be running along.

Camping is dangerous.

What about fallin' into bogs?

Oh, uncle clifford
was always falling.

Perhaps it was poor eyesight,

But my aunt said he
just didn't give a damn.

My uncle claude...

I wonder if he had
parents or keepers?

Are you sure this is right?

I think so.

Wait, mrs. Jefferson!
This is heavy.

I'll have to carry it.

Let it go.


I'm gonna have to wear it
a while and get used to it.

All it takes is a
little technique.

And three pygmies
runnin' behind holding it up.

[Doorbell rings]

I'll get it.

Weezy, just give up.

Hello, florence.

Louise, why didn't you call?

Are you going somewhere?

I'm going on a dig this weekend.

That museum is taking
up a lot of your time.

Even your dumb friend agrees.

Tell george he can
manage alone for a weekend.

I'm staying out of this.

That's one smart
thing you've said.

Helen, it's for the museum.

I'm not taking any part, ok?

Two smart things in a row!

Call a newspaper.

You're supposed to be my friend.

It's between you and george.

She did it! Three in a row!

A new world's record.

Whatever anyone says, I'm going.

If you want me, I'll
be in the kitchen.

Here, mrs. Jefferson.

Thank you, florence.

I can do it now.

I better help her.



Will you get too involved

If you help me take this off?

Tell me, louise.

Isn't it unusual for a volunteer

To be invited on a dig?

I don't know.

Bob invited me. I said yes.

Who else is going?

Just us.

Does george know?



It never came up.

That sounds innocent enough.

You and a gorgeous,
unmarried scientist

Going off alone in the woods

To do a little digging around.

What does this mean?

It's just an old indian dance,

Meaning, "put on
your buffalo skin.

It's hanky-panky time."

Helen, this is me
you're talking about.

And you're talking to me.

What are you doing?

You don't understand.

All right. Explain it to me.

I like getting out

And working on projects.

I understand that.

Women can have male friends.

I understand that.

I love george.

I'll never understand that.

Helen, nothing will happen.

I'm happily married.
I don't fool around.

Neither do i,

But when you're with
someone, it can happen.

Maybe he sees something
nobody ever saw in you.

Maybe he laughs at
your rotten spelling.

Maybe he sings a
favorite old song.

Or he loves your
story about a doll?

Yeah, something dumb like that.

Those little things add up.

Suddenly, you're
feeling warm and close.

And boom! Indian love call.

Helen, don't say that.

Look! I love tom, but
I know it can happen.

Helen, what happened?

It was a long time ago.

We had been
married for years.

I had gone back to
graduate school.


Tom went out of town for a week.

I got a bee sting on my
ankle and had to stay at home.

My professor came
over daily to help me.


It was completely innocent.

We talked, and he cooked for me.

I liked him, but that was all.

One day, he was helping me walk.

He started singing "blue moon."

Oh, girl!

You know how I always
loved "blue moon."

Anyway, we walked,
and then I leaned on him.

And then he leaned on me.

Then I leaned a
little harder, and...




You can't fly with a fat foot.

You just thought
about doing something?


Just like jimmy carter.

Nothing happened with you.

Nothing will happen with me.

You're going?

Yes, I am.

Remember, louise,

You can't always count
on a bee sting to save you.

Then again, no sense
in taking chances.

That's exactly what I mean.

You're right.

Poor bob.

He may not be able
to control himself.

That's my louise.

Helen, if your foot had been ok,

Would you and that professor...

Who knows?

I might have
graduated with honors.

What you two been gabbin' about?

Just woman talk, george.

About cooking...

How we shouldn't let
things get overheated.




Weezy, I've made up my mind.

I'm not going, george.

You ain't goin' nowhere.


Take back that junk.


Take off that outfit.

Yes, george. I love you, george.

Cut it out. We're arguin'.

♪ Blue moon ♪

♪ You saw me standing alone ♪

♪ Without a dream in my heart ♪

♪ Without a love of my own ♪

♪ Bum bum bum ♪

♪ Blue moon ♪

♪ You knew just
what I was there for ♪

♪ You heard me sayin'
a prayer for... ♪♪

♪♪ [Humming]

the jeffersons was videotaped
in front of a studio audience.
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