04x15 - 984 W. 124th Street, Apt. 5C

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Jeffersons". Aired: January 18, 1975 – July 2, 1985.*
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Spinoff series from "All in the Family" is about literal upward mobility of couple George and Louise Jefferson who move into a swanky high-rise building.
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04x15 - 984 W. 124th Street, Apt. 5C

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Well, we're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To a deluxe apartment ♪

♪ In the sky ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ We finally got
a piece of the pie ♪

♪ Fish don't fry
in the kitchen ♪

♪ Beans don't
burn on the grill ♪

♪ Took a whole lot of tryin' ♪

♪ Just to get up that hill ♪

♪ Now we're up in
the big leagues ♪

♪ Gettin' our turn at bat ♪

♪ As long as we live ♪

♪ It's you and me, baby ♪

♪ There ain't nothin'
wrong with that ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To a deluxe apartment ♪

♪ In the sky ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ We finally got a
piece of the pie ♪♪

♪ Ninth day of christmas
my true love gave to me ♪

♪ Nine ladies dancing ♪

♪ Eight maids-a-milking ♪

♪ Seven swans-a-swimming ♪

♪ Six geese-a-laying ♪

♪ Five golden rings ♪

♪ Four calling birds ♪

♪ Three french hens ♪

♪ Two turtle doves ♪

♪ And a partridge
in a pear tree ♪♪

I sang christmas carols
in the shower this morning.

I thought somebody
was drowning a cat.

Florence, you forgot the forks.

What's wrong with me?

You've been guzzling
the eggnog again.

I had one glass.

You had it eight times.

Let her enjoy the holiday.

Next year, let's put the
presents under florence.

She's always lit for christmas.

It's exciting to
celebrate christmas

And lionel's and jenny's
anniversary on the same night.


See how fortunate we are?

Last christmas, santa
brought us a daughter-in-law.

Maybe this year
he'll take her back.


[Doorbell rings]

I better make another
batch of eggnog.

What happened
to the first batch?

This stuff
evaporates like crazy.

Merry christmas!

Merry christmas!

Merry christmas, leroy!

I brought the star for
your christmas tree.

Where is it?

Isn't that the tree
right over there?

I meant the star.

Oh, yeah!

It's in my shopping bag.

Oh, you dropped something.

That's my errand
for mr. Jefferson.

West th
st., Apartment c.

That's business. It
don't concern you.

There's no stamp or name on it.

How will the post
office deliver this?

This ain't goin' to
the post office.

I take an envelope to
this address every month.

Mr. Jefferson don't trust
sendin' cash in the mail.


Good to see you, leroy.

Merry christmas, and
get the hell out of here!

Merry christmas!

Why are you sending cash
to harlem every month?

It's business.

What kind?

Well, I uh...

I got to repay a loan in cash

Or my liabilities will
be more than my capital.



That's what my accountant said.

[Doorbell rings]

I was expecting
mrs. J. To answer.

To scare her to death?

I wanted to kiss her.


Mistletoe, mr. J.

Merry christmas, mrs. J.

Merry christmas, mr. Bentley.

Mr. J...

All you're getting
from me is a handshake.

Merry christmas.

You might be from
england and crazy,

But you're still good people.

Thank you.

You have christmas spirit
this year, mr. Bentley.

Today at the u.n.
Christmas party,

An american interpreter
tried to put silk stockings

On a russian secretary.

The secretary
probably didn't like that.

Goodness no. He hadn't
even shaved his legs.

Stay for dinner, mr. Bentley.

No, thank you. I'm
cooking for charlotte.

Charlotte? Another new girl?

I'm making her a -pound roast,

But I'm missing one ingredient.

What is it?

A -pound roast.

I forgot to defrost mine.

I'm sorry.

I'll serve cold cuts.

I'd rather have a cold
dinner and a warm girl

Than the other way around.

Mrs. Willis, merry christmas!

Mr. Willis...

Watch out for my leg!

♪ Joy to the world ♪

Come on, helen. Oh, my leg!

Tom, what's the matter?

I was santa claus at the
children's hospital again.

Did a reindeer bite you?

A kid said he wanted
a sled for christmas.

I told him he'd get one.

He yelled, "you
said that last year!"

Then he kicked me.

But that's not all.

The next kid wanted a bicycle.

This time I figured
I'd be smarter.

I said maybe you'll get
it and maybe you won't.

The kid's mother yelled,
"stop teasing him, you big bully!"

And she kicked me!

It's so hard
playing santa claus.

Even if you can do
it without a pillow.

Helen, please.

Relax, tom.

Florence! Would you bring
eggnog to the willises?

It would be easier to bring
the willises to the eggnog.

Florence doesn't look too good.

She never looks good.

I hope she's
watching the dinner.

What about the turkey?

Don't worry, turkey.
There's plenty for you.

I mean the turkey
we're having for dinner.

You mean that brown
dude in the oven?


How's it doin'?

I'll go ask him.

I wrapped jenny's
and lionel's present.

I'll put it by the cake.

[Doorbell rings]

Watch out for my leg!

It's a conspiracy.
They're after my leg.

Merry christmas, mr. Jefferson.

Merry christmas, everybody.

Merry christmas, ralph!

I haven't seen either
of you in several days.

I started to get worried.

About what?

About you.

I knew you'd feel terrible

If you didn't get a chance

To give me my christmas present.

That's very thoughtful, ralph.

You got nothin' to worry about.


We didn't get you anything.

There's still time.

I have a list of
things I would like.

How about cash?

Good guess!

On my list, that's number
one, two, and three.

Here you are, ralph.

Thank you, sir.

Those two christmas
trees you wanted...

Were they delivered ok?

Yeah. Later, ralph.

Two trees?

One was for the harlem address.

What address?

It was ...

He don't remember.

That's the place you've
been sending cash to.

It's not important.

You don't use christmas
trees to pay a loan.

You do if you borrow it
from a lumber company.

Who lives at that address?

Look. It's nothin'. Let's
put the star on the tree.


[Doorbell rings]

Then let's answer the door.

It's the anniversary couple!

Merry christmas!

Hey, pop!

Lionel, it's good to see you!

Merry christmas, mom!


Merry christmas, baby!


Merry... Watch out for my leg!

How does it feel to be
married for one year?

It feels like we're
still on our honeymoon.

Except he sleeps more.

Open your present.

It's from all of us.

Mostly us.

I don't believe it!

They're plane
tickets to bermuda!


Agh! My leg!

Helen, you traitor!

I'm sorry, poopsie.

We know you both have
vacations coming up.

Oh, this is fabulous!

Thank you.

With a nice, relaxing
place like that,

Maybe we'll have a
grandchild next year.


Don't tell them what
to do on their vacation.

Wouldn't you like to see

A little george
jefferson running around?

That would be nice.

You all have a ball in bermuda.

Wait a minute. It's
my grandchild too.

There might be a little tom
willis running around here.

Forget it, lionel. It
ain't worth the risk.

Now, hold on now!

The two of us are
going to bermuda,

And only the two of
us are coming back.

It's time to start
thinking about children.

We do! Every morning
I think about children.

Then I take the pill.

Grab a glass, everybody!

If this don't cure what
ails you, you ain't sick.

You dead.

Lionel, would you put
the star on the tree?

Got you, mom.

Mmm! This eggnog is
delicious! What's your secret?

Grade-a eggs and -proof nog.

Mom, do you want this
gift under the tree?

I don't remember that one.

Who's it for?

There's just an address...

West th
st., Apartment c.


Leroy forgot to take the toy.

I got to go. This is important.

It's christmas eve.
Your family is together.

Nothing's more
important than that.

I'll be back in a half-hour.

Okay. All set.

Aww, lovely.

Louise, what do you think?


The tree.

Oh, yeah. It's beautiful.

What's the matter, louise?

Get off of there, dumb spot.

Still there.

Aw, the heck with it.



It was an old cup. I threw it
away 'cause it was cracked.

You threw away a cup?

Not if you didn't see me.

What's wrong?

It's george.

Usually is. Where'd he run to?

That's just it!
He won't tell me.

Someplace in harlem
to deliver a toy.

That sounds innocent enough.

He sent a tree there too.

He's been sending
cash every month.

There could be a lot
of reasons for that.

Couldn't there, florence?

Uh-huh. You don't want
to hear none of 'em.

It's a woman.

I don't think mr. Jefferson
got a woman in harlem.

You don't?

Not if he sent a toy.

That's right!

I think he got a
child in harlem.

What? I'll k*ll him!

Take it easy!

I've been telling lionel to make
a baby. George beat him to it.

I don't believe that.
George is too old-fashioned.

He believes a topless
dancer is a girl without a hat.

There's something
fishy going on.

You're just in time.
We're gonna sing carols.

Not now, lionel.

Mom, we need you.
Nobody else sings bass.

Your mama don't
feel like it. I'll sing.

Silent night on three.

One, two, three.

♪ Silent night ♪

♪ Holy night ♪

♪ All is calm ♪

Louise, where are you going?

To find my husband.

What about your party?

I'm going to the party
at west th st.

♪ Sleep in heavenly peace ♪

Hey! I saw that!

Where did you come from?

Just sitting in the corner.

It's too cold in the street.

You got enough antifreeze
in you to fill a snowplow.

Sorry. Have a snort.

My wine-drinkin' days are over.

You sure?

This is the good stuff.

It was aged in the trucks.

I gotta go.

Don't I know you?


From a long time ago.

I've been around this
neighborhood for years.

A lot of people get stuck here.

I came to harlem in
with $ . In my pocket.

As soon as I get even,

I'm gonna leave.

Well, look. Here's
$ . . Take a friend.


There you are! You'd better
explain what you're doing here!

I was just mindin'
my own business.

Not you. Him.


I don't know what
he's doin' here,

And I ain't stayin'
to find out, either.

What are you doing here?

I'm seeing your
friends in apartment c.

I don't know who lives there.

I don't believe that.

When have I lied to you?

When you said you weren't
opening a new store.

Besides that.

When you said your mother
wasn't staying all weekend.

Besides that.

When you promised
to stop working nights.

Besides that.

I can't remember any more.

Before you accuse me of lying,

You better have facts.

I'm not going anywhere!

Stop acting ignorant.

Why are you yelling?

We're just leaving.

Hi. What's your name?

Warren. What's yours?


And you know him?


Are you sure?

How could I forget
a face like that?

Come here, warren.

What are you doing, weez?


Couldn't be.

Hey, look!

Mom, dad! He was here!

Did you see who left this?

He wasn't like me.
He was fat and ugly.


Oh, hi. Can I help you?

The friends we were
visiting weren't home.

That's too bad.

Could we come in and wait?

I don't know if...

Honey, it's all right.

It's christmas.

Yeah. Come on in.

Thank you.

I'll put it under the tree.

We're sherry and william barnes.

Louise and george jefferson.

Make yourselves at home.


Are you ok, man?

What's wrong?

I used to live here.

That's the best thing

You can say about
this neighborhood...

"I used to live here."

I lived in this
apartment till I was .

You went out in style.

It ain't changed much.

This is after the landlord
renovated the place.

You know what
renovation means here...

He swept the halls
and raised the rent.

Sounds like you got
the same landlord.

This is where you grew up.


Everything seemed bigger then.

Of course. You were smaller.

It's still here!
"G.j. Loves p.v."

"George jefferson
loves paula vincent."

She was great.

We wondered who they were.

What was so great about her?

She was the only girl
who'd play doctor with me.


My father caught us

Before I could get her
on the operating table.

Well, good for him.

My father's chair was here
with the springs sticking up.

Once he slammed
me into the chair,

And I bounced into the kitchen.

I forgot my cookies!

What kind of work
did your daddy do?

He swung a pick.

That's what I do
when I can get it.

It built up his
muscles. He hit hard.

It must come with the job.

Daddy read the paper
while mom yelled.

Damn! I burned the cookies.

That was mama, all right!

That was long ago.

Look at this. All burned.

It's ok.

They'll cool off in my stomach.

We'd better get going.

Our whole family
is waiting at home.

Wait a minute!

We always keep an extra
present under the tree.

It's just a box of candy.

We couldn't. You
can't afford this.

Yes, we can.

We have our own
private santa claus.

About five years ago,

Somebody started
sending us things.

Oh, really?

Sounds crazy, doesn't it?

Yeah. Come on, weez.

First a tree, presents,
and then $ every month.

We'd been eating one meal a day.

That day was wednesday.

I've been using
part of the money

To study tv repair.

If william can
get a job like that,

Maybe we can leave here.

I'm sure you will.

Can we go now?

Yes, george.

Merry christmas.

Merry christmas.

That was the nicest
thing I ever heard.

I'm proud of you.

Ok, weezy.

Aren't you going to tell
me why you're doing it?

Does it matter?

No, but I'd like to know.

There were a lot of
bad christmases here.

We didn't have presents
or tree or nothin'.

You know how that
makes a kid feel.

I sure do.

I promised that
if I made it big,

There wouldn't be no more bad
christmases in this apartment.

I'm just keeping a promise.

You kept it a secret.

Why didn't you ever
tell me or them?

'Cause it's personal.

It's not a gift. It's
something I owe.

Just because you get out of here

Don't mean you forget the place.

Merry christmas, george.

Merry christmas, weez.

♪♪ [Humming]

[Woman] the jeffersons was
videotaped in front of a studio audience.
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