05x03 - The Homecoming: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Jeffersons". Aired: January 18, 1975 – July 2, 1985.*
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Spinoff series from "All in the Family" is about literal upward mobility of couple George and Louise Jefferson who move into a swanky high-rise building.
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05x03 - The Homecoming: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Well, we're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To a deluxe apartment ♪

♪ In the sky ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ We finally got a piece
of the pie ♪

♪ Fish don't fry
in the kitchen ♪

♪ Beans don't burn
on the grill ♪

♪ Took a whole lot of tryin' ♪

That hill ♪
get up
♪ just to

♪ Now we're up
in the big leagues ♪

♪ Gettin' our turn at bat ♪

♪ As long as we live ♪

♪ It's you and me, baby ♪

♪ There ain't
nothin' wrong with that ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To a deluxe apartment ♪

♪ In the sky ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ We finally got a piece
of the pie ♪♪

[Insect buzzing]

Come on.
Put down your landing gear.

Right on
mr. Jefferson's picture.

Two for the price
of one.


Well, at least I got
the biggest pest.

There you are.

♪♪ [Humming]




What are you doing?

Trying to get rid of a
little devil that's bugging me.

Is george home already?

How are things
at the help center?

Not good. Our landlord's
raising the rent

And it's not
in the budget.

That's a shame.

I'm in charge of
raising more money.

Weezy, get me a drink!

George, don't yell
at me like that.

Florence, get me a drink!

All right, mighty mouth.

Why are you in such
a good mood?

'Cause I'm getting k*lled.

By whom?

The plant that
does my dry-cleaning

Raised the price on me.

It's not a matter
of life and death.

It's more important.
It's a matter of money.

When their prices go up,
my profits go down.

You should open your
own cleaning plant.

I've been trying
to find a building.

It's hopeless.

Thank you.

Don't move!

What is it?


Nasty thing.

Kept sampling
the mincemeat pie I made.

In that case, it would
have died soon anyway.

[Phone rings]

It's expensive
to lease a building.

The rent is high
at the help center,
and we're nonprofit.

If I can't lease a building,
I'll be nonprofit.

Are there reasons
you can't buy one?

There are
a million reasons,

All of them green.

Mrs. Willis
just got back
from syracuse.

How was the funeral?

Any funeral is ok
if you ain't the guest of honor.

There's no better
guest of honor
than tom's father.

that's terrible!

Tom was
very considerate

When mother jefferson
passed away.

That's different, weezy.

Willis and his father
didn't speak.

They could still
have loved each other.

I love a guy
I ain't talked to.

Why not?

Because I don't know
billy dee williams's
phone number.

Why don't we invite
tom and helen
for dinner tonight?

Because they might
show up.

Helen's been gone.

She won't have food
in the house.

Forget it.
They're not coming
to dinner.

[Doorbell rings]

That's helen.
Offer her your sympathy.

She's had my sympathy
since I met tom.

Welcome home, helen.

Come on in.

It's good
to be back.

How did
everything go?

It was cold there.

The weather
was nice here.

I mean
tom's relatives.

Most of them
are like his father.

They're dead, too?

From the neck up.

They treat
tom and me

Like creatures
from outer space.

From the planet zebra.


I'll get
your mail, helen.

Tom will stop by

When he gets back
from looking at the warehouse.


His father's estate

Included a warehouse
on th avenue.

You mean
tom owns a warehouse?

He will now.

What will
he do with it?

He hasn't decided.

Perfect location.

For what?

For tom to own
an empty warehouse.

Here you are,

Well, I guess...

Wait a minute!

I have an idea.

Why don't we
invite the willises
for dinner tonight?

But, george...

They probably
don't have food
in the house.


I insist.

Tom and helen
are coming here tonight.

George, sometimes
you amaze me.

Thank you, weezy.

We'd love
to have you
about : .

I'll bring wine.

Don't forget
to bring tom.

And bring allan, too.

Yeah, right.
Bring allan, too.

Ok. See you later.

Who the hell
is allan?

Tom and helen's son.

The one
with bad luck.


He turned out white.

He's got
black in him.

He beat you at
playing the dozens.

Ain't no halfway h*nky

Going to beat me
playin' no dozens.

"Get off my back
and leave me alone.

The teeth you save
will be your own."

That's a old one.

That's the one
you said.

Allan said, "you got
hips like a snake

"And a face like
a shoe.

"You're a turkey
who was born
in the zoo.

"And if you weren't
foot ,

Like white on rice,
I'd be all over you."

Can it.

What is
that two-tone turkey
doing here, anyway?

He came
for the funeral.

Now he's visiting
his parents.


Helen told me.

Tell helen
we only have enough food

For her and tom.

You can be nice
to allan
for one night.

He'll be
going home soon.


in new mexico.

If he's smart,
he'll move to alaska.


He'd make
a perfect eskimo pie.

[Doorbell rings]

I got it!

Look who's here, weezy.
Our best friends.

No, george.
It's helen and me.

What a joker.
Right, weez?

Come on in.

Here's the wine,

Where's allan?

He had
other plans.

I hope he remembers
how to use a shower.

They don't have plumbing
in that commune.

Allan bathes every day
in a river.

He's our son,
not a trout.

You've been
on allan's back
since he got home.

I didn't raise
my kid

To live in the desert
with weirdos.

Let's go
help florence
with dinner.

She could use
a lot of help.

tom, old buddy?

Tom is usually
so open-minded.

When it comes to
his only son,

Tom's open mind

We got
those cheese things
you like so much.

I got them
especially for you.

Eating does help me
when I'm upset.

Your father
left you a...

How can a kid
have no goals?

Forget about
that crazy kid.

What do you want
to drink?




Speaking of scotch,

You inherited
a warehouse.

What does scotch
have to do
with a warehouse?

They store scotch
in a warehouse.

Right, I guess.

I'm out of ice.

[Doorbell rings]

Let's have
a nice long talk.

About what?

I'll think of something.

Hi, mr. Jefferson.

Allan willis.
Remember me?

Oh, yeah.
The white sheep
of the family.

You haven't changed.

You have.
You're whiter.

Like I said,
you haven't changed.

Peace, brother?

A handshake
doesn't make a brother.

Heart and soul
makes a brother,

And you ain't got
one nor the other.

Don't start
that again.

Afraid I'll beat you?

I want to talk
to my father.

You've upset him.
I'll give him
your message.

Mr. Jefferson.

I'll tell you
in black and white...

No, you'd
only understand
half of it.

You won't
spoil my evening.

Say what you
got to say,
then leave.


Tell dad
a lawyer called.

The will
left everything to me.

You're a zebra
dirtyin' up my pad.

Stay out of my face,
or you'll wish you had.

The will
left everything...

He's got
the warehouse!



I was only joking.

I call all my
best friends "zebra."

You do?

Just the
black-and-white ones.

Look who I found.

Weren't you
going out?

He decided to have
dinner with us.

Allan, how've you been?

Fine. You're looking
clean as ever.

I hope you're
staying for dinner.

I can't stay.

Not dressed like that.

He's dressed fine!

My tuxedo's
in the cleaners.

Don't get smart
with me.

He's only joking.

Great sense
of humor, kid.

We're friends.
Call me zebra.

Try some of
these cheese things.

I made them
especially for you.


I'll get the drinks.




I pass.

You sure do.

Just joking.

Mom, dad,
while I was upstairs...

Did you break
the shower?

A lawyer called.
Grandpa left
everything to me.


He probably did it
to make you mad.

He wasn't
very liberal.

Dumb h*nky.
I hate bigots.

about the will...

Just use the money

If I inherit money,

I'm supposed to share it
with the commune.

Wait a minute!

If the warehouse
is his,

He can do anything
with it.

Sell the warehouse
and use the money...

Don't sell it!

They cost too much.

What you should do
is lease it.

Lease it at a loss.

You make money
and get taxes back.

Don't you know nothin'
about business?

I know
what I'm doing
with the warehouse.

I'm giving it
to you, dad.

It's up to you now
to lease it.

I'll lease it
and use the money
for your education.

Let's talk about this

Leave some of those
for your father.

Allan, maybe you
should listen
to your father.

Later, mom.

Nice seeing you,
mrs. Jefferson and...

Mr. Jefferson.

Well, willis.
You're stuck
with that warehouse.

You'll find somebody
to take it off your hands.

Let's sit down
and have a nice dinner.

If only allan...

No more talk
about the will.

I can wait.


I can't wait.
Let's eat.

[Doorbell rings]

I'll be
right back.

I'm not moving.

Hi, helen.
Is tom home?

He's at a meeting.

About the warehouse?


When will he
be back?

He'll call you.

You got my phone number?

Yes, george!

Just checking.

Can you hurry?

Right foot... Green.

Right foot... Green.


The winner,
and still champion.

So much for
the great white hope.

Want to play again?

I've suffered
enough defeat.

We could call it
a tie.

They say a tie is like
kissing your sister.


They didn't have you
for a sister.

I know I'm glad
you're my brother.

Remember in th grade
when ralph whittaker
pulled my hair

And called me
"jenny, jenny, pickaninny"?

After I told you,
he never bothered me.

I asked ralphie
to stop.

When that didn't work,

I hit him
with my pencil box.

Is he home yet?

No. I said...

I thought he might call
while I was in the elevator.

[Telephone rings]

Better get that.
Might be for you.

Hi, mr. Jefferson.

Do you believe
mom and dad
saved this?

This is the record
we played

To practice
our dance lessons.

We hated dancing together.

You probably liked
the funky chicken,

And he liked the polka.

♪ ♪ ♪

Mr. Jefferson,
would you mind?

I guess not.

I meant
would you mind
leaving us alone?

Ok. I'll come back later.

Jenny and I
haven't talked
in years.

You're the one
that runs off to that commune.

His mouth should be declared
a disaster area.

Don't let him
bother you.

May I have
this dance,
young lady?

I thought
you'd never ask.

You're sure
looking good.

agrees with you.

Yeah, it does.

Does that commune
agree with you?

Sure. Why?

You went to the commune
to find yourself, right?


Well, are you
white or black?

I found out
I'm me.

Now that
you got that together,

Do you have to
go back?

Got any better

You could finish college
and get your degree.

You could get a job.


I sound
just like daddy.

I'm sorry.

Dad wouldn't say "sorry."

Sorry for what?

Hi, daddy.

Hi, jenny.

Hi, dad.

I talked to
your father's lawyer.

Allan can't
give the property

To anybody
on our side
of the family.

Dad's causing more trouble now
than when he was alive.

I got to go
to the jeffersons'.

Bye, daddy.

I'll go
with you.

I need to
talk to louise.

Bye, allan.

Bye, sis.


It's good to have
you home again.

Since you have
the warehouse, son...

Don't tell me
what to do.

What makes you
say that?

You called me "son."
That means you'll preach.

It does not.

Yes, it does.

"Son, shouldn't you do
your homework?"

You never wanted to.

Dad, I finished school.

That's not the point.

[Doorbell rings]

Who cares?

You don't care
about anything.


You mean I don't care
about the same things you do.


I don't dig
where you're comin' from.

What did he say?

He says
you're a fool.

I am a fool
for letting a bum in my house.

You're right.

You don't want bums around here.

I'm going back
to new mexico.

You're just leaving?

No. I'll stop downstairs
to say good-bye.

That's nice.

I must get
my niceness

From mom's side
of the family.

Forget about him,

If you need to talk,
I'm here.

Maybe I can help you
with your problems.

Now that he's got
the warehouse...

No, no.
You got the warehouse.

The will says
he can't give it
to me.

My problem is...

Who cares?

Allan, try to
work things out.

If I stay there,
dad and I will get
farther apart.

Stay with
me and lionel.

You don't have
enough room.

Besides, I'd be

I can't help.
You know george.

You can't stay here,

Weezy, I'm surprised
at you.

How could you have
such a low opinion of me?


He's in trouble.


You can stay here
until you and me...

You and your father
work things out.

You want me
to stay here?


I feel like
I'm in the twilight zone.


Don't fight me.


Come on, blood.
Sit down.

From now on,
my house is your house.

The roof is going
to fall in.

the jeffersons was videotaped
in front of a studio audience.
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