05x190 - Truth Revealed: The Star Lights' Past

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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05x190 - Truth Revealed: The Star Lights' Past

Post by bunniefuu »

Sailor Moon: Mamoru, my love. Haruka and Taiki won't let me see Seiya.

Sailor Moon: They said that I shouldn't get involved.

Sailor Moon: There's a somewhat unfriendly atmosphere.

Sailor Moon: But don't you think that we can understand each other by talking? I believe in Seiya.

Sailor Star Healer: Why did you call us here?

Sailor Neptune: Oh? You don't get surprised easily, do you?

Sailor Star Maker: We anticipated it somehow...

Sailor Neptune: To protect this planet from enemies outside the Solar System...

Sailor Pluto: ...is our duty!

Sailor Uranus: Don't you see? Don't come near Usagi Tsukino, Sailor Moon, understand?

Sailor Star Maker: We're not, even without permission. We've been having trouble, too.

Sailor Star Healer: But we may take advantage of anything useful to achieve our mission!

Sailor Uranus: You don't seem to understand your position, do you?

Sailor Star Maker: I'll send those words back at you!

Sailor Star Fighter: Stop! Stop! This fight is senseless!

Sailor Star Maker: Seiya!

Sailor Star Healer: You should be lying down!

Sailor Star Fighter: I'm not going to see Sailor Moon, Usagi Tsukino, anymore!

Sailor Star Fighter: Dumpling!

Sailor Moon: Seiya! Seiya! Wake up!

Sailor Moon: To save me... is Seiya all right?

Sailor Mercury: Oh, Crown's cake! They're going to remake the menu, aren't they?

Sailor Jupiter: Oh, that's right! Do you want to go, Usagi?

Sailor Moon: Yeah.

Sailor Mercury: Oh, but on second thought, the cake should be homemade, right?

Sailor Jupiter: That's right! I can come over and make a cake at your place, Usagi!

Sailor Moon: Yeah.

Sailor Mercury: Are you listening?

Sailor Moon: Yeah.

Sailor Venus: Usagi!

Sailor Venus: Call this right away!

Sailor Venus: I heard Three Lights is doing a rehearsal for their live show right now!

Sailor Venus: You want to know Seiya's condition, don't you?

Sailor Moon: Thank you, Minako!

Sailor Jupiter: Good job!

Sailor Venus: Of course! My network even makes the DNA blush!

Sailor Mercury: It's not DNA, but CIA, right?

Sailor Venus: Right.

Sailor Moon: Hello? I'm wondering how Seiya is doing.

Sailor Star Maker: He's all right. It's none of your concern!

Sailor Moon: Well, I want to see him and apologize properly.

Sailor Moon: But he hasn't come to school... may I come and visit?

Sailor Star Maker: Even if you come, you can't see him.

Sailor Star Healer: Seiya said he won't see you anymore!

Sailor Moon: No way!

Sailor Star Healer: It's obvious! Seiya got injured because of you!

Sailor Moon: That's why I want to apologize!

Sailor Star Healer: It's too late now!

Sailor Star Maker: This is best!

Sailor Venus: So, you can't see him...

Sailor Moon: Yes.

Sailor Mars: Come on, cheer up, Usagi!

Sailor Moon: Yes.

Sailor Jupiter: Of course you'll see him!

Sailor Uranus: That's not true!

Sailor Neptune: He said that he won't see you anymore!

Sailor Star Healer: Seiya said he won't see you anymore!

Sailor Moon: Did you see Seiya?

Sailor Uranus: Yes.

Sailor Moon: What did you tell them?

Sailor Uranus: Listen. You shouldn't get involved with them.

Sailor Moon: You told them not to see me, didn't you?

Sailor Moon: You're all terrible!

Sailor Mars: Usagi!

Sailor Moon: We haven't even talked to each other.

Sailor Moon: Everybody has decided the situation. That's terrible!

Sailor Moon: Don't stick your nose in!

Sailor Moon: Sorry, I've said too much.

Sailor Uranus: As we said, they're intruders from outside of the Solar System.

Sailor Moon: I know! But they're Sailor Soldiers, like us!

Sailor Pluto: The enemies are also Sailor Soldiers!

Sailor Neptune: You see? This w*r is among Sailor Soldiers.

Sailor Neptune: So we have to be cautious!

Sailor Uranus: Right! We'll protect our planet!

Sailor Uranus: We can trust only in ourselves.

Sailor Pluto: Please understand!

Sailor Moon: But.. But Seiya... is Seiya!

Sailor Moon: We can understand each other if we talk properly!

Luna: Usagi!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: What's wrong? You look angry!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Did you find the next target?

Sailor Lead Crow: Don't give me a hand again, okay?

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Oh? I didn't choose to help.

Sailor Tin Nyanko: To be honest, it was overtime!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: I thought it was good for you as well...

Sailor Lead Crow: What?

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Well, good luck!

Sailor Lead Crow: Wait and see! I will find the real Star Seed!

Sailor Lead Crow: Speaking of amusement parks,

Sailor Lead Crow: Siren loved them...

Sailor Lead Crow: Okay! He's the next one!

Luna: Usagi...

Sailor Moon: Luna, do you think I'm wrong?

Luna: No, I don't think you're wrong at all.

Luna: But please understand what they said.

Luna: I don't want you to forget your identity as a Sailor Soldier.

Sailor Moon: Yes, I understand.

Sailor Moon: I'm not going to see Seiya anymore.

Sailor Moon: Hello?

Sailor Star Fighter: Tonight, we're doing a live show at Megalopolis.

Sailor Star Fighter: Please listen to my song!

Sailor Moon: Seiya!

Sailor Star Fighter: Dumpling! I want to tell you everything!

Luna: Was that call from Seiya?

Sailor Moon: Yes. He told me to come to his live show.

Luna: Take care!

Sailor Moon: Thank you, Luna!

Sailor Star Maker: Where were you?

Sailor Star Fighter: The washroom.

Sailor Star Maker: Are you all right, Seiya?

Sailor Star Fighter: I'm okay. It's nothing!

Sailor Star Maker: Isn't it best to cancel tonight's live show?

Sailor Star Fighter: No! Don't cancel it!

Sailor Star Fighter: I'm okay, really.

Sailor Star Maker: All right. But don't over-work yourself, okay?

Sailor Moon: The tickets are all sold out?

Sailor Moon: What should I do? The live show is going to start soon!

Sailor Star Fighter: Dumpling... are you listening to me somewhere? Or...

Sailor Moon: How smart of me! It's a special seat!

Sailor Moon: It's as if Seiya is looking at me!

Sailor Moon: The way he's singing is different...

Sailor Moon: What is this feeling?

Sailor Moon: My heart is getting hot and lonely...

Sailor Star Fighter: Can you see it, Dumpling?

Sailor Star Fighter: Everything was Galaxia's work!

Sailor Star Fighter: She's going to destroy all the stars and planets in the entire galaxy!

Sailor Moon: No way!

Sailor Star Fighter: Her goal is to collect the energy of each star and planet in the galaxy, the real Star Seed!

Sailor Star Fighter: If she gets them all, the whole galaxy will belong to her!

Sailor Star Fighter: Our planet was destroyed by her...

Sailor Star Fighter: Our last hope, our Princess, escaped Galaxia's evil hand and headed for Earth.

Sailor Star Fighter: Following her, we have arrived on this rural planet!

Sailor Moon: This is your Princess?

Sailor Moon: How warm her glow is!

Sailor Moon: My heart is being filled...

Sailor Star Fighter: Did you get it, Dumpling?

Sailor Moon: Seiya!

Regular Dialogue: Seiya collapsed?

Regular Dialogue: How troubling!

Sailor Lead Crow: Are you the general manager, Takeo Shino?

Regular Dialogue: Yes I am, but who are you?

Sailor Lead Crow: I am Miss Karasuma of Galaxy TV.

Regular Dialogue: I don't have time right now to do this!

Sailor Lead Crow: See? I don't need a formal greeting, Siren!

Regular Dialogue: What?

Sailor Lead Crow: Again?

Regular Dialogue: Sailor Amuse!

Sailor Star Maker: Seiya?

Sailor Star Healer: He was just here!

Sailor Star Fighter: I'm not going to see Sailor Moon, Usagi Tsukino, anymore.

Sailor Star Fighter: I want to see her...

Sailor Moon: Seiya!

Sailor Star Fighter: Dumpling!

Sailor Moon: Are you okay?

Sailor Moon: What?

Regular Dialogue: Hey! Hey! I have many balloons for you!

Sailor Moon: Phage!

Sailor Star Fighter: Damn! Galaxia has invaded here, too?

Sailor Moon: Don't, you're injured!

Sailor Moon: I'll handle this!

Sailor Moon: Moon Eternal! Make-Up!

Regular Dialogue: Amuse?

Sailor Moon: This is a pleasant amusement park!

Sailor Moon: I can't forgive you for attacking those who come to have fun!

Sailor Moon: Agent of love and justice,

Sailor Moon: Pretty Sailor Soldier

Sailor Moon: Sailor Moon!

Sailor Moon: In the name of the moon, I'll punish you!

Regular Dialogue: Have a look! I have many colors, like red and blue!

Regular Dialogue: I have others with short ears and long ones!

Regular Dialogue: Now, what kind of color would you like next?

Sailor Moon: If this keeps up, Seiya will...

Sailor Uranus: My guardian is the planet far up in the heavens. The soldier of the sky, Sailor Uranus!

Sailor Neptune: My guardian is the planet with the sea of sand. The soldier of embrace, Sailor Neptune!

Sailor Pluto: My guardian is the planet suspended in time and space.

Sailor Pluto: The soldier of revolution, Sailor Pluto.

Sailor Uranus: We are the soldiers of the outer solar system, brought here by a new crisis. And we...

Regular Dialogue: ...have arrived!

Regular Dialogue: I still have lots!

Sailor Neptune: Deep Submerge!

Sailor Neptune: Oh, what a troublemaker!

Sailor Moon: Thank you! You've come here to help us!

Sailor Uranus: Don't misunderstand! I didn't come here to help him.

Sailor Pluto: Uranus, it's coming!

Regular Dialogue: I'll give you a special big one!

Sailor Uranus: Space Sword...

Sailor Uranus: Blaster!

Sailor Pluto: Now, Sailor Moon!

Sailor Moon: Yes!

Sailor Moon: Silver Moon!

Sailor Moon: Crystal Power Kiss!

Regular Dialogue: Beautiful!

Sailor Pluto: You promised not to see her anymore!

Sailor Star Healer: She came to see Seiya!

Sailor Moon: That's right... I came.

Sailor Uranus: Anyway, we'll protect our planet.

Sailor Uranus: We don't need your help!

Sailor Star Maker: Please do so. We'd be better off that way! Bye!

Sailor Star Fighter: Dumpling!

Sailor Moon: What?

Sailor Star Fighter: Thank you for coming today.

Sailor Moon: Seiya!

Sailor Moon: I didn't know that Seiya's planet was destroyed like that.

Sailor Mercury: Don't be sad! They'll understand!

Sailor Moon: No! I can't fight this feeling.

Sailor Mercury: Usagi-chan! In such a situation, we have to pull ourselves together!

Sailor Mercury: Please Taiki, listen to my story!

Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars! When a light butterfly dances in the air! Foresight of the new wave.

Sailor Moon: The moonlight carries the message of love.

EnglishINS: Search for your love...

EnglishINS: Search for your love...

EnglishINS: Search for your love...

EnglishINS: Search for your love...

EnglishINS: Search for your love...

EnglishINS: Running through the distant night sky.

EnglishINS: Now I make a wish on a sh**ting star.

EnglishINS: Whispering I want to be with you.

EnglishINS: Please tell this to her, starlight.

EnglishINS: As time passes by, we become adults.

EnglishINS: I have finally realized that

EnglishINS: The broken pieces are not enough.

EnglishINS: Answer me, answer for me.

EnglishINS: Right away, answer for me.

EnglishINS: Answer me...
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