05x194 - Crusade for the Galaxy: Legend of the Sailor Wars

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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05x194 - Crusade for the Galaxy: Legend of the Sailor Wars

Post by bunniefuu »

Sailor Moon: Mamoru, my love.

Sailor Moon: Seiya's Princess has appeared.

Sailor Moon: She's beautiful and has a warm and gentle power.

Sailor Moon: While I wish that we could join sides, Haruka insists that we can't!

Sailor Moon: Mamoru, I really wish that you were with me.

Sailor Star Fighter: Fireball Princess!

Sailor Star Healer: I'm happy to see that you're well!

Sailor Star Maker: How we've wished for this moment!

The Kakyuu Princess: I'm sorry to have worried you, Starlights.

The Kakyuu Princess: However, I have a crucial mission to complete!

Sailor Star Fighter: A mission?

The Kakyuu Princess: Chibi Chibi!

Chibi Chibi: Chibi?

The Kakyuu Princess: Thank you so much.

The Kakyuu Princess: Sailor Moon, I was watching you for a time through that burner.

Sailor Moon: Watching us?

The Kakyuu Princess: Let me tell you the story...

The Kakyuu Princess: ...of the Holy w*r from a long time ago that engulfed the galaxy.

The Kakyuu Princess: Everything about the Sailor Wars!

Sailor Mars: Sailor Wars?

The Kakyuu Princess: Sailor Soldiers are born of stars and planets.

The Kakyuu Princess: They've been fighting since the creation of the galaxy against those who infringe on peace.

The Kakyuu Princess: Until at last, the origin of evil throughout the galaxy, Chaos...

The Kakyuu Princess: ...was defeated and sealed by the legendary strongest Sailor Soldier!

Galaxia: There!

The Kakyuu Princess: However, after a long period of time, Chaos has appeared again in the galaxy.

Sailor Mercury: Again? Chaos?

Sailor Mars: Is that Galaxia?

The Kakyuu Princess: Galaxia is trying to steal all the Star Seeds and bring the whole galaxy back into chaos!

Sailor Venus: The whole galaxy?

The Kakyuu Princess: We still have a chance!

The Kakyuu Princess: If we can get the Light of Hope that the legendary Soldier has left!

Sailor Moon: The Light of Hope?

The Kakyuu Princess: The reason I came to this planet secretly was to find that power.

Sailor Star Healer: We don't need it!

Sailor Star Fighter: Healer!

Sailor Star Healer: If you are alive and well, it's not difficult to recover our planet!

Sailor Star Maker: Let's go back to our planet!

Sailor Star Healer: Princess!

The Kakyuu Princess: If we can't find the Light of Hope, we can't seal chaos.

The Kakyuu Princess: Please, Sailor Moon! I need your help!

The Kakyuu Princess: Together, let's find the Light of Hope!

Sailor Moon: Yes.

Sailor Uranus: What you're asking is selfish!

Sailor Moon: Uranus, Neptune!

Sailor Uranus: We felt some powerful energy. We came to find it, but...

Sailor Neptune: ...how can you ask that?

Sailor Star Fighter: You!

Sailor Star Healer: Are you going to mess with our Princess?

The Kakyuu Princess: Stop it!

Sailor Star Maker: But, Princess!

The Kakyuu Princess: Sailor Moon.

The Kakyuu Princess: I believe in you!

Galaxia: Sailor Lead Crow's shine has disappeared!

Galaxia: The light of those who are rising against me is growing stronger!

Galaxia: Why? Why are they gathering on this rural planet? I have to hurry!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Madam Galaxia!

Galaxia: Sailor Tin Nyanko! What is it?

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Well... as a matter of fact...

Sailor Tin Nyanko: I came here to let you know that I found the real Star Seed.

Galaxia: What?

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Well... let's see... I tried to steal the real Star Seed with Crow but...

Sailor Tin Nyanko: ...the enemy was fighting back... and it was a fierce battle...

Sailor Tin Nyanko: We almost won the battle until these weird lights interfered and...

Galaxia: Is that right?

Sailor Tin Nyanko: So, I, Sailor Tin Nyanko, will dedicate my life to getting the real Star Seed...

Galaxia: Go!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Yes!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: What a surprise! Is that the real face of Madam Galaxia?

Sailor Tin Nyanko: I saw it! It's not good to have seen it, maybe...

Sailor Tin Nyanko: I have to please her quickly... by stealing a Star Seed!

Sailor Uranus: Too sweet.

Sailor Neptune: Oh? It's the same as always, two spoons of sugar!

Sailor Uranus: I'm talking about our Princess!

Sailor Uranus: The Light of Hope or whatever, it'll be her who gets hurt in the end.

Sailor Neptune: The enemy's target is her Star Seed, isn't it?

Sailor Uranus: It's getting cold, isn't it?

Sailor Neptune: Do you want me to warm you up?

Sailor Uranus: Well then, would you give me another? Black please!

Sailor Neptune: Yes, sure!

Tuxedo Mask: Hello, this is Chiba's residence. I can't answer the phone since I'm studying abroad.

Tuxedo Mask: If you need to reach me, please call me at my apartment where I'm studying.

Sailor Moon: Mamo-chan

Sailor Moon: I want to hear your voice once more.

Sailor Moon: I want to talk with you.

Sailor Moon: Mamo-chan!

Tuxedo Mask: {\c&HD D D &\ c&H &\ c&H A A A&}Hello, this is Chiba's residence.

Tuxedo Mask: I can't answer the phone...

Tuxedo Mask: ...since I'm studying abroad.

The Kakyuu Princess: Fighter?

Sailor Star Fighter: Y... Yes!

The Kakyuu Princess: Do you use that appearance on Earth?

Sailor Star Fighter: Oh... to find the only lady here, this was more convenient.

The Kakyuu Princess: I'm sorry. I heard your song all the time. But if Galaxia had found me...

The Kakyuu Princess: ...it would have been the end of everything.

Sailor Star Fighter: That's all right!

Sailor Star Fighter: You came back to us safely!

The Kakyuu Princess: Fighter

The Kakyuu Princess: May I hear your song?

Sailor Star Healer: Seiya?

Sailor Star Healer: The Princess?

Sailor Star Fighter: Sleeping.

Sailor Star Maker: She must be very tired.

Sailor Star Healer: I don't blame her. She's been all alone for so long.

Sailor Star Fighter: Please look after her.

Sailor Star Maker: Seiya!

Sailor Star Fighter: I must be stupid.

Sailor Venus: Usagi-chan! Let's go to school!

Sailor Mars: Hey, Minako-chan! We're not elementary school kids!

Sailor Venus: Why are you so embarrassed?

Sailor Venus: Usagi-chan!

Sailor Moon: You don't have to escort me!

Sailor Mars: Don't take it so lightly! The enemy's target is your Star Seed!

Sailor Venus: You can't predict when they'll attack you!

Sailor Venus: For example, they might be disguised as a man walking a dog!

Sailor Mars: They might pretend to be a nice woman putting out the trash!

Sailor Venus: Furthermore, they might be watching, pretending to be a repairman on top of an electrical pole!

Sailor Mars: Minako-chan, that's impossible!

Sailor Venus: No way!

Sailor Mars: Anyway, you're a host of the real Star Seed and in a serious situation!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: They have pretty good instincts!

Sailor Mars: I'll see you after school!

Sailor Moon: What's this?

Sailor Mercury: A club, tear gas and a talisman from Hikawa Shrine.

Sailor Mercury: Use them to protect yourself!

Sailor Jupiter: We'll definitely protect you, Usagi!

Sailor Moon: What's this whistle?

Sailor Mercury: That's...!

Sailor Mars: Did you call?

Sailor Moon: Rei-chan

Sailor Mars: You did, didn't you?

Sailor Moon: I appreciate you guys, but...

Sailor Moon: I think it's too much!

Sailor Jupiter: We have to prepare for "ifs"!

Sailor Venus: We can't be too careful! That's the key!

Sailor Moon: But I think you guys will also get in trouble!

Sailor Venus: Don't be so hesitant!

Sailor Jupiter: Let us take care of it!

Sailor Mercury: Anyway, I don't think you should be alone.

Sailor Venus: That's right! Meanwhile, they could be impersonating a student...

Sailor Venus: ...and sneak in!

Sailor Jupiter: I'm wondering if we should get together tonight as well.

Sailor Venus: Wow! How about a sleep-over and skip school?

Sailor Mercury: Usagi-chan?

Sailor Moon: Do I look so irresponsible?

Sailor Jupiter: N... No, we didn't mean it!

Sailor Mercury: Everyone is worried about you, Usagi!

Sailor Venus: That's right! What if something happens to you while Mamoru-san is not here!

Sailor Moon: That's all right. I'm all right, by myself.

Sailor Mars: Where's Usagi?

Sailor Jupiter: Well, actually...

Sailor Venus: We seemed to have hurt her.

Sailor Mercury: She said that she wants to be alone for a little while.

Sailor Mars: What? We can't do that!

Sailor Moon: Mamoru, why won't you answer me?

Sailor Moon: I'm starting to feel lonely.

Sailor Moon: I'm lonely, Mamo-chan!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: You said that you were all right. Now you're crying you're lonely.

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Aren't you weird?

Sailor Moon: Who are you?

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Meow!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: At last, it's just the two of us!

Sailor Star Fighter: This is my last moment as Kou Seiya...

Sailor Star Fighter: Although it was short, it was fun!

Sailor Mars: Seiya-kun!

Sailor Star Fighter: You!

Sailor Mars: Did you see Usagi?

Sailor Star Fighter: What?

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Hey, you! Why don't you give up your Star Seed?

Sailor Moon: That... That's the last thing I'll do!

Sailor Moon: Moon Eternal! Make-Up!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Strike back, if you can!

Sailor Mars: Did you find her?

Sailor Jupiter: No, not in the building!

Sailor Star Fighter: What's left?

Sailor Mercury: Top of the building and the gym!

Sailor Star Fighter: Look after the gym!

Sailor Moon: I can fight alone! I'll prove I can!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: How long can you keep up that bluff?

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Take this! This! And this!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Ouch!

Sailor Moon: Tuxedo Mask?

Sailor Star Fighter: If you try to hurt that girl, I'm not going to forgive you!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: That's funny! What can you do?

Sailor Star Fighter: Fighter Star Power! Make-Up!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: What?

Sailor Star Fighter: Star Serious Laser!

Sailor Star Fighter: Now, Sailor Moon!

Sailor Star Fighter: What are you doing? Quickly!

Sailor Moon: Yes!

Sailor Moon: Silver Moon!

Sailor Moon: Crystal Power Kiss!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Beauti...!

Sailor Moon: When I think about it. I'm not good at enduring things.

Sailor Star Fighter: What?

Sailor Moon: For example, even if I decide to work on my homework today...

Sailor Moon: I easily lose myself and start eating snacks until I'm full and sleepy...

Sailor Moon: actually, I often sleep after that...

Sailor Moon: I thought I had a strong will to go on...

Sailor Moon: but when I saw the rose...

Sailor Moon: I remembered him!

Sailor Star Fighter: Dumpling!

Sailor Moon: Even though I can't hear his voice except on the answering machine...

Sailor Moon: ...and I haven't received any letters, I thought I was okay.

Sailor Moon: I could survive just by myself.

Sailor Moon: But

Sailor Moon: But

Sailor Moon: I just can't stand being by myself!

Sailor Star Fighter: Dumpling!

Sailor Moon: I want to see you. I want to see you! Mamo-chan!

Sailor Star Fighter: Am I not good enough?

Sailor Star Fighter: Am I not good enough?

Sailor Mars: Usagi

Sailor Star Fighter: At our final concert, we're going to find the Light of Hope!

Sailor Moon: Who's disturbing the concert?

Sailor Star Fighter: You're Galaxia! You won't touch our Princess! I will defeat you even at the cost of my life!

Sailor Moon: Wait, Seiya! We should work together!

Sailor Star Fighter: Princess!

Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars! Fireball Princess dies out. Galaxia on Earth.

Sailor Moon: The moonlight carries the message of love.

SearchE: Running through the distant night sky,

SearchE: Now I make a wish on a sh**ting star.

SearchE: Whispering I want to be with you.

SearchE: Please tell this to her, starlight.

SearchE: Your strong scent, I'm always

SearchE: searching for it.

SearchE: Can you hear my voice calling out?
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