01x02 - A New Life: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JAG". Aired: September 23, 1995 – April 29, 2005.*
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Follows the exploits of the "judge advocates" in the Department of the Navy's Office of the Judge Advocate General, based in the Washington metropolitan area.
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01x02 - A New Life: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

50 miles. Phoenix
are fire-and-forget.

You can sh**t them anytime, CAG.

Combat spread. I'll take
them both. Cover my six.

We're taking them on alone?

You have a problem
with that, Lieutenant?

Oh, God! I need you tonight.


I am 27 years old,
a Harvard Law School graduate,

and a lieutenant
in the same Navy as you!

Don't treat me as anything less!

The CAG was about
to send a Sidewinder up your six.

I can defend myself.

Ticking him off
is not gonna help our investigation.


Is that strictly your prerogative?

I know the guy, Kate.

I know when to push
and when to walk away.

This was a time to walk away.

How do you know the CAG?

He was my dad's wingman
the day he went down.

You know, Kate,

maybe DePalma's right.

Your gender is
blinding your objectivity.

At this point in the investigation,

the CAG's su1c1de theory
is as plausible as m*rder.

You'd realise that
if Lieutenant Arutti wasn't female.

And if she was male,
would the CAG be talking su1c1de?

He knows damn well that if the first
female in combat commits su1c1de,

the Navy will re-evaluate
the entire programme.

Okay, you're both pursuing theories
based on gender bias.

And you're not?


I like the idea
of going to sea with women.

Those wings look good on you.

Well, you know what they say
about gold wings and dress whites.

They'll get you in bed anywhere.


Except here.

July 16, 11:28
The White House, Washington, D.C

I heard they dragged you over here.

You didn't send for me, Admiral?

Not me.

I'm here to sell the President
on the idea of an alpha strike,

as payback for that C-130
the Serbs knocked down.

An alpha strike?

Who was on that bird?


A "M.A.S.H" unit,

on a humanitarian mission.

We lost 50 medical people.

Oh, my God!

The UN's authorised us
to hit their SAM m*ssile sites.

Now, Wayne's trying to
weasel a special forces raid,

and Freaky's over there begging
for an Air Force strike.

But the secretary,

likes my idea of an
all-Navy operation,

from the sea.

Great press for the Navy, admiral.


If that missing female officer aboard
the Seahawk doesn't ruin it.

My people are on that, sir.

You know, Admiral,
there's a news crew,

on the Seahawk.

that my investigating
officer is sitting on.

Now, if you should
get the go on alpha strike,

you might consider letting
them cover it for you.

It could...

it could dilute any,

any negatives that this
missing female officer created.


the President will see you
in the w*r room.

Good idea, Al. Do it!

Good luck, sir.

You, too, Al.

Who the hell sent for us?

Admiral Brovo?

Yes, ma'am.

This way, sir.

The first lady is anxious to hear
about your Seahawk investigation.

1-6-6. Tomcat. Ball.


Roger. Ball.

1-6-6, you're below glide
path. Below glide path.

1-6-6, do you still have the Ball?

1-6-6. Roger. Ball.

You just had to out-press him,
didn't you?

He can't wave us off forever.

That's true.

We'll be out of fuel soon.

Considering the conditions,

she's doing pretty well!

This bitch couldn't
fly a weather balloon.

1-6-6, go around! Go around!

Not this time, Ripper.

The deck was rising and
her approach was low.

I had no other choice
but to wave her off, sir.


She was a little low, sir.

I made the trap, sir.

You caught the number one wire

which means your tail
cleared the ramp by three feet.

Sir, I was bingo fuel.
I knew I could make it.

Well, hell, Lieutenant,
why have LSOs at all?

We may as well save
the Navy the money.

Put these men back in the cockpit
where they'd rather be anyway.

Lieutenant, you have
the worst trap record on this ship.

I'm not sure you could land a Tomcat
at Dulles without a wave-off.

Yes, sir!

If you ever ignore an LSO again,

your next flight will be
a one-way trip on the COD to Naples.

Yes, sir.




You don't like female pilots,
do you, son?

No, sir. I do not.

Neither do I.

I don't believe they have
the stomach for battle.

You got that right, CAG.

But if one of my LSO's,


intentionally waved a pilot off

because she was a female,
I'd keelhaul him.

Do we understand each other, mister?

Yes, sir.


Sir, I'd like to ask you a few questions.

Where'd you get the flight suit?

Ensign Roberts.

I'd like to talk to you
about Lieutenant Arutti.

I have a mission to fly.


How did Lieutenant Arutti perform
on that last mission?

It's all in the debrief.

I've read it.

It describes the action.

Doesn't tell me much
about her performance.

I have nothing to
say beyond my report.

First time in combat
can be confusing.

Now how would you
know that, Lieutenant?

My father told me.

You were five years old
when Hammer went down.

He sent my mom 18 letter
tapes home from Nam.

I've listened to them 100 times.

Your early reports, CAG.

Lieutenant Arutti made tapes, too.

Is that how you get
your kicks, Lieutenant?

Listening to her private tapes?

They weren't letters home, sir.
She taped her missions.

You have a tape of our mission?

No, sir.

She erased it.

Well, that's too bad.

It could have saved me this inquisition.

Attention on deck!

Carry on, men.

You sure you're up to this,
Mr DePalma?


No problem, Captain.

The Air Force gave me a ride
in an F-16. I did just fine.

Lieutenant Mace, when
Mr DePalma's ready,

you take him topside
and familiarise him,

with the cockpit
and ejection procedures.

Aye, aye, sir.

Mr DePalma,
we will be flying a Tomcat

that has been
modified for recon,

and training missions.

There's a complete set of controls
in your cockpit

but if you touch anything
other than your personal joystick,

I'll eject you over the Adriatic
and forget where I did it.

Yes, sir.

You want a ride, Harm?

You don't seem too
popular, Lieutenant.

Your debrief says you took
one MIG with a Sidewinder,

and the other with 20 mike-mike.

That's right.

You had Phoenix missiles.

Right again.

Why risk a $35 million
bird in a Kn*fe fight,

if you don't have to?

I didn't view it as a risk.

Are we through, Lieutenant?

No, sir. Just one last question.

Were you testing
her guts or yours?

Because of your old man,
I didn't hear that.

But if you would care to repeat it...

Lieutenant Rabb.

Lieutenant Rabb.

Your presence is requested
in crypto on the 02 Level.

Lieutenant Rabb to crypto.

What's up?


Proof of what?

Lieutenant Rabb,

Lieutenant Lubin.

So you're Rabb?


Zane and I graduated
from the Academy together.

Yeah. I never would have
made it through without her.

CPO Williams,

proceed to the mess hall.

I helped him get through calculus.

I got to run,

I Sure hope I don't get my six
keelhauled for this.

Sure you know how
to work this thing?

Thanks, Zane.

I'll collect later.

Collect what?


Two targets, CAG. 70 miles.

This was erased.

But not recorded over.

Zane helped me restore it.

Do you have them on video?

...No-Fly violators have been Fishbeds.

We don't guess in this...


Did I request a Phoenix?

Stand it down.

We're taking them on alone?!

You have a problem
with that, Lieutenant?


lost him!

Lieutenant, are you with me?

To hell and back, sir.

He was busting her butt, Harm.

She was questioning
his decisions, Kate.

Maybe her questions were valid.

Like the ones I ask you.

That's okay in an investigation,

not in combat.

She was hesitant.



So? She was scared.
It was her first time in combat.

Why shouldn't she be scared?


Are you receiving me?

She probably wanted this
since she was a kid.

Put her entire life
into becoming a Naval aviator.

Then on her first combat mission,

she finds she doesn't have
the right stuff.

According to the CAG.

Well, who better to know?

So a few harsh words
and she commits su1c1de?

People have done it for less.

You mean women, don't you?

Come on, Kate. I'm not a chauvinist.

Yes, you are.

You just don't know it.

Ha ha ha.


If you write this up, as a su1c1de,
I'll submit a dissenting position.

You can't.

We're not a board of inquiry.

We're a two-man team, and
the senior member writes the finding.


Okay, Kate.

So I'm a little chauvinistic.


I thought you'd find that charming.

Not in an investigation.


I'm like a hung jury.

I need something solid
to swing me one way or the other.


Zane believes that
message to CINC-Med,

was sent from
one of the aircraft.

I checked the logs

and guess who was flying,

when CINC-Pac received it?

Mace and Painter.


That doesn't prove she was m*rder*d.

Lieutenant Painter
was in love with her.

He wouldn't want her death
to look like su1c1de

any more than Lieutenant Puller,

who could have also sent that message
from a STU-lll.

Hmm.. Zane didn't think
it originated from a STU-lll.

When did Zane join our investigation?

I'm looking for answers.

Well, what else did Zane,

who's going to collect later,

tell you?

He said he knew a
secure area in the fantail,

where he and I could do it.

The altimeter reads,

30,000 feet.

Not a foot above,

or a foot below.

This pilot,

is very precise.


Seahawk, CAG. Feet dry.

The CAG has just called feet dry,

meaning we've crossed
the Dalmatian Coast

and are entering the No-Fly zone.

Mr DePalma, how are you doing?

I'm Fine!

Just fine.

Is it hot in here?

I mean, I'm a little hot, but other
than that I'm just fine..


I'm afraid you're in for a dull time.

AWACS says it doesn't
look like the Serbs wanna play today.


Gee... That's too bad.


I was really looking
forward to a dogfight.

How about...

If I simulate
what happened last time?



That would be great!

I mean, really!

Combat spread. Cover my six.

Roger that.

Harness locked?

Yes. Right. Locked.

At five miles, we pick
up their m*ssile inbound.

I release chaff and break hard right.



To the left burner. 9 G turn.

Right here, I'm...

starting to red out.

I'm on his six.

Whoever breaks first
goes straight to hell.


Now I'm on his six.
I'm on his six.

Now steady.

Now steady.

We got a lock. And m*ssile away!


100% oxygen usually works.

(Throwing up)

Ha ha ha ha.

Always working.


Help here.


Help me out!

She had fresh abrasions on the tips
of her fingers which would be

consistent with slipping and hanging
from the edge of a deck until she fell.

An accidental death?

I found nothing during the autopsy
to indicate otherwise.

Lieutenant Arutti suffered a...

pelvic fracture and ruptured spleen,

which are impact traumas
consistent with high falls.

And the cause of death
was a wet drowning.

There are dry drownings, sir?


The victim suffers a sudden laryngospasm,
(spasm of the vocal cords)

caused by water in the throat.

But this victim d*ed by aspirating large
volumes of sea water into her lungs.

Spleen injury might have been
fatal if not immediately treated.

So it contributed to her death?

In so far as it inhibited
her ability to swim.

She probably sank,

held her breath as long as
possible, then, fighting for air,

swallowed sea water
till her respiration stopped.

You have her personal effects?

One boot was missing.

There were no rings,
bracelets, or wallet.

Just dog tags,

panties, her flight suit
and this jacket.

Is there anything else
you can tell me, Commander?

Just that she suffered
a slow, agonising death.

It wasn't this windy below!

We turn into the
wind to launch, ma'am.


Yes, ma'am.


what's Lieutenant Mace
got against my partner?

He thinks Lieutenant Rabb
screwed the pooch on a night trap.

Got his RIO k*lled.

Did he screw the pooch?

Board of inquiry didn't think so.

They said he had an eye infection,
impaired his night vision.

RIO panicked.

Punched them both out over the ramp.

But, as Mace says,

the RIO wasn't around
to tell it any different.

But Mace has prejudice.

The RIO was his brother.

You're a lawyer, right, Lieutenant?

If I tell you something,
will it stay between us?

I'm not your lawyer.

I'm the Navy's.

If you have something to tell me
about Lieutenant Arutti,

it won't be privileged


I'll do what I can to
keep it confidential.

Angela wrote a letter of
resignation after her last mission.

She felt she didn't
have the guts for combat.

She resigned her commission?

No, ma'am. I talked her out of it.

Hell, we all get scared
up there at times.

It's just that guys, they hide it.

That's why I know
she didn't commit su1c1de.

Angela wasn't gonna quit.

She was going back to her quarters
to erase that letter from her computer.

Back from where?

From the COD.

At night it's tied down
after number three elevator.

We used to go there to be alone.

You were her lover?

No, ma'am.

I was her husband.

Angela and Painter were married?

The Navy would never allow them
to serve on the same ship,

so they kept their marriage secret.

But there was no letter of
resignation in her computer!

Yes, there was.

I missed it the first time,

because she'd deleted it
after talking to Painter.

The first time?

Well, deleting erases the files...

Deleting erases the files
so that it can't be accessed,


the data stays in the memory
bank until it's written over.

It took me some time, but I dug it out.

You are never going to use
my computer again.

Angela changed her mind
about quitting.

Now, you don't do that
and then commit su1c1de.

I agree.

Here are the uniforms you wanted.

You agree she didn't commit su1c1de?

The autopsy revealed
abrasions on her fingertips.

Looks like she slipped,

grabbed the edge of the deck
as she went over.

I think we've got
an accidental death here, Kate.

Unless she was pushed.

By who?


The CAG.

Com'on Kate!

Lieutenant Rabb?


Just hear me out.

He doesn't want women
playing with his toys, right?

So he sets Angela up
to screw the pooch.

Which she did.

Whether she did or didn't,

it still filled her with
enough doubt to resign.

But Painter changed her mind.

She deleted that letter
and decided to stick it out.

When the CAG realised
she wasn't going to resign,

he threw her overboard,

hoping it would look like su1c1de.

No, wait a minute.

When did Angela delete the letter?

After she left Painter at the COD.

She never made it back to her quarters.
She went overboard.

So who deleted the letter?









Next time you wave
me off for no reason,

it'll be your last!






What was that about?

Ripper's been giving me
unnecessary wave-offs.

He won't do it again.

You're a tough lady, Lieutenant.

Do just about anything
to prove women belong out here.

Yeah, just about.

Maybe even toss one overboard to have
a dead hero instead of a live quitter.

Angela wasn't a quitter.

We know she wrote
a letter of resignation.

I deleted it.

I recovered it.


And you think I threw her overboard?

You're strong enough.

If I was bent like that,
there's a couple guys

who would have went
overboard a long time ago.

I'm convening a board of inquiry
in Naples at 1300 tomorrow.

You'll have to be there.

I didn't m*rder Angela, so I'm not afraid
to face a board of inquiry.

It's gonna have to wait.

Scuttlebutt is
there's a mission coming up.

I can't delay an inquiry
based on scuttlebutt.

Damn it! And you were a pilot!

You know what flying
the real thing means to me!

I'm sorry.

Mace was right about you.

Stand by,

Refueling the long supported dock

One of these days,
somebody's gonna throw her overboard.

So I heard they recovered
Angela's body.

Fisherman found it yesterday.

It's a damn shame.

She was a good kid.

She wasn't a kid.

You know, I saw Lieutenant Puller
topside near the number three elevator

the night that Angela went overboard.

She was kind of hiding in the shadows.

Hiding in the shadows
or just getting a little air?

It looked more like
she was hiding to me.

You aren't saying this
to get her in trouble, are you?

You're damn right, I am.

That doesn't change her being there.

And why would Lieutenant Puller
wanna k*ll Angela?

I don't know.

Lovers' quarrel?


What a...


Doesn't mean he's lying.

You suspect Lieutenant
Arutti was m*rder*d,

but you don't have any proof?

Yes, sir.

If I ran the Seahawk
the way you two run this investigation,

I'd be skippering
a submarine at Disneyland.

Well, what do you JAG
lawyers propose to do next?

Convene a board of inquiry to
question certain officers under oath,

who may be able to shed light
on Lieutenant Arutti's disappearance.

Which officers?

Lieutenant Puller,
Painter, Carter, and the CAG.

You think one of them
threw her overboard.

I don't know, sir.

I do believe they'll be able to
shed light on her disappearance.

Well, your board of inquiry
is going to have to wait, Lieutenant.

The scuttlebutt is true, sir?

It usually is.

Gather round, gentlemen.

It's on?

It's on.

I've just received orders
from CINC-Med Naples.

We're to launch an alpha strike at 1800.

That will be all, Mr Rabb.

Aye, sir.

Our targets will be the 28
SAM sites around Sarajevo,

and their command
control centre at Foca.

CAG, I'll need an ATARS run
before you launch.

I wanna know what's down there.

Yes, sir. I'll do it myself.

Very good, sir.

What's an alpha strike?

Everything that flies.

So the Tomcats launch first.

Establish a CAP and fly escort.

Intruders go in low.
Smother them with snake eyes.

Hornets go high.
Nail anything that lights up.

This is the real
thing, gentlemen,

so good hunting.

We.. we'd just finished an lmmelmann

and then he did a snap,

turn 9 G's to the right.

Ah... Well, I lost it.

I mean, I didn't know
which way was up, which...

I puked my guts out.

Was your cockpit hot?

Yeah. Yeah, it was.

He turned your heat up.

Little heat,

couple of negative G's,

and Captain Midnight
would have puked in that back seat.

Why is he so damn abusive?

It's just his way of telling me
that I don't belong up there.

He doesn't think anyone belongs
up there except his chosen few.

He's right.

He's not right.

What gives him the right to decide
who belongs up there and who doesn't?

Twenty-five years and a thousand traps.

Yeah, well, that's okay.

Everything is fine
because the good,

Ensign Roberts here,

has arranged for me to be filmed
in the cockpit after the strike.

On the deck, not in the air.

No, on the deck. It's okay. Anywhere.

With Borini's camera angles,

I'll come off looking
like Tom Cruise.

Mr DePalma,

are you ready for
your second ride?

I got an ATARS mission in 10 minutes.

I'm gonna tell you the truth, CAG.

I don't think I could ride
an elevator without puking.

I'll take it.

Saddle up.

You are just a passenger, mister.


If you're gonna puke, make sure
you do it with the intercom off

so I don't have to hear you.

Just don't turn the heat up
in my cockpit, sir.

Hello, CAG.

Ready to go, chief?

All ready, sir.

What's an ATARS mission?

That's where we go in to acquire our
last-minute recon photo of the target.

SAM-six is a mobile m*ssile,

and we just want to make sure

those babies are still where
intelligence says they are.

You know, your old man's
a legend in this squadron.

I know.

So's the CAG.

Good luck to you, sir!

Don't even think about it, mister.

You ready, Lobo?

Ready, CAG.

CAG, are we on TAC-2?


I have to radio Lieutenant Pike.

We're not on the beltway,
mister. We're on a mission.

We don't transmit
till we're over the target.

You know, your dad and I were on
a photo recon when he went down.

I know. I read the mission debrief.

How the hell did you get that?

Freedom of Information Act.


One minute to target.

Go tactical.

Roger that.

Activating ATARS.

Here we go.

You with me, Lieutenant?

To hell and back, sir.

Lobo. Go high. Radio Seahawk.

SAM sites are ringed with Shilkas.

Have them re-arm
the Hornets with Rockeyes

and let the intruders
drop the heavy stuff.

Roger that.

Is that what it was like over Hanoi?

When we go back through,
they'll be ready for us.

That'll be like Hanoi.

Seahawk. Lobo.

SAM sites protected by Shilkas.

Re-arm the Hornets with Rockeyes.

Keep the A-6s heavy.


Re-arm the Hornets
with Rockeyes.

CAG's making a second run.

You got her. You got her, Hammer.

Steady. Steady.

Holding steady.


Right engine, right engine. On my right.

Pull off.

Circuit breaker's out.

Left throttle full!

Go out, go out.

Come on, baby! Go out.


You painting them, Buster?

Bearing 1-5-0 and heading this way.

At your 11.

Angels 10.

CAG's hit. We've lost an engine.
I'm coming up.

It's like riding a jackhammer!
I gotta slow down. Stick with me.

Like a fly on pie.

I can see the CAG.

He's not moving!

How do I transmit ATARS?

You can't from the back seat.

Seahawk says they
are receiving ATARS!

Harm, Lobo. The CAG's alive!

He activated the ATARS transmitter.

I can't tell anything from back here.
He's not moving.

15 miles, Harm.

You've got to get ready.

You'd better run the checklist with me.
It's a long time since I trapped.

You can't trap.

I'm not punching out.

You've got to.

Once is enough.

Negative on the trap.

Once all birds are launched,
we'll have you eject near the ship.

The CAG is unconscious.
He'd never survive an ejection.

How long since you've
made a trap? Any trap?

Five years and it was ramp strike.
I'm due a good one.

Well, the CAG'll have to
take his chances in the water.

I- I-

My radio's...
You're breaking up, Seahawk.

And I can't read you!

The skipper's on the horn, boss.

Stand by, Harm.

Yes, sir?

Let him trap.

Aye, aye, sir.

Bring it home, Harm.

Coming home.

I figure the only chance you've got
is to follow me in.

I'll set you into the slot.

No offence, Lobo, but you've got
the worst trap record on the ship.

It's better than yours.

I've been searching
the ship for you, ma'am!

Lieutenant Lubin,

wants you in crypto
on the double!


I don't know. He just said on the double!

I found her, sir.

What's going on?

I've got a call for you
on the discreet channel.

Press the green button.

Lieutenant Pike.


Harm, what's happening?

No time to explain. Just listen.

Cassie is Lobo.

No, Angela was Lobo.

No, Angela was wearing Cassie's jacket
when she went over the side.

In the rain and the dark,
she was mistaken for Cassie.


Has to be.

Kate, he's gotta know
we're gonna put this together

and the last thing I need tonight
is a wave-off.

You're flying?

You really know
how to build a guy's confidence, Kate.

I'll handle it.

I'm counting on that.


Do you have a p*stol?

A p*stol? What do
you need a p*stol for?

Never mind. Just stick to my six.

The last delta strike's away.
Prepare deck for emergency landing.

Lobo. Try to take the break.

Gear down. Flaps down.

a*t*matic throttle engaged.

Hook down?

Hook down.

He hasn't made a trap in five years!

With luck, he'll take her with him!

Lieutenant Carter!

You are relieved of duty
and confined to quarters

pending the convening
of a board of inquiry

into Lieutenant Arutti's death.

By whose orders?


Under Article 118
of the Uniform Code Of m*llitary Justice.

Get this bitch off my platform
before I throw her off!


And it's Lieutenant Pike, not bitch.


I'm throttling back.
Looking for 150 knots.

How's he doing, Buster?

I wouldn't ride with him.

And I ride with you.

Looking good, Harm.

1-1-6. Tomcat. Ball.

Roger. Ball.

It's all yours, Harm.

Good luck.

You're a little low.

A little low.

You are below the glide path.

Pick it up! Pick it up!
Power! Power! Power!

Haven't you people
ever seen a night trap?

He's breathing.

That makes one of us.

Wherever he is, your old
man'd be proud of you, sir.


Permission to enter, sir?


How are you feeling, sir?

How would you feel
with a cracked head?



(Clearing throat)

Skipper said you wanted to see me.

Look, before this gets embarrassing
for both of us,

you don't have to thank me.

Thank you for what?

You're a naval aviator.

I damn well expected you
to get us back.

Yes, sir.

I wanted to...

tell you something about
your dad's last mission.

When Hammer went down...

I called the sandies
and flew CAP till I was bingo fuel.

He was okay when I left, but...

he was gone when the sandies
got there five minutes later.

You were bingo fuel, sir.
You had to leave.

He was my friend.

I know, sir.

I caught tailwind on the way back.

I got to the Ti with 800
pounds of fuel in my tanks.

I could have stayed
over Hammer,


three, four minutes.
It might have made the difference.

A lot of things might have
made a difference, sir.

He might have been luckier.

Or he might have
never been there at all.

You have nothing
to apologise for, CAG.

I didn't say I was apologising.

I made a judgement call.
I've had to live with that.

Your eyes,

are not a judgement call, son.

You have nothing to second-guess.

Thank you, sir.

Now get the hell out of here.
Go sue someone.

Aye, aye, sir.

The most unlikely hero of last night's
highly successful naval air strike

was Lieutenant Harmon Rabb Jr,


who saved Captain
Thomas Boone's life,

when he safely landed
this damaged Tomcat,

onto the deck of the Seahawk.

What is so unusual
is that Lieutenant Rabb,

isn't even an active pilot in the Navy.

He's a member of
the Judge Advocate General Corps.

He's a lawyer.


That was Chuck DePalma reporting...

Did you'd ever think you'd see the day,

when a lawyer was a hero
in America, Teddy?

No, sir.

I think you should take
a look at this, Admiral.

It's from Lieutenant Rabb.

So she was m*rder*d?

Yes, sir.

That's too bad.


You can't have everything.

Excuse me, sir,

but aren't you concerned
about a Senate hearing?

I mean, you said
it could discredit our JAG investigation

and ruin Lieutenant Rabb's career.

They wouldn't dare go
after him now.

He's a hero.

Nope, if anybody goes
from JAG, it'll be me.

Or you, Teddy.

he he he he he he.

It's been an honour
serving with you,

sir, ma'am.

Thank you, Ensign.


You're quite welcome.

Oh, God. Here we go.

You're out of uniform, Harm.

I've got a board of inquiry
in Naples in an hour, Mace.

That's not what I mean.

Thanks, Mace.

You sure you won't be
needing me in Naples.

Let's go, Kate.

Right flap.


Left flap.


This is humiliating, Harm.
Launching from the back seat.

Look at it this way, Cassie.
You'll land without a wave-off.


You know what they say about
gold wings and a white uniform.
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