10x19 - The Tornado Spin

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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10x19 - The Tornado Spin

Post by bunniefuu »













what's up


make yourselves useful

go to where an org spirit is about to


it's time to strike hard at the Rangers

Yes master


Max are you sure you want to get rid of

all this stuff uh I've outgrown this old

stuff moved on


what are you doing with that you said

you didn't want it

why what's the big deal give me that

first place amateur

is that really yours

I didn't know you could Bowl

forget it

it's nothing


keep looking gender the orc Spirit has

got to be here somewhere yeah

yeah what do we have here

did you find something well the master

did tell us a strike hard at the Rangers

he did then how about like this

all right


no what a headache

I think we have just the org for the job

pins people it's all the same to me very

impressive that gives you a score of 60

and then just two frames if you say so

I'm not so good keeping score but I can

sure knock him down


all right four pins what a thoughtful

thing you've done for me we're only here

to get rid of you and your friends

that's gindex intoxicate with the orc

they've changed well not enough blazing


for an eagle

search shark

iron bison

double tiger

Guardians of the earth united we roar no



are set knock them down not you never



what's he doing this

he's gonna post now watch out

another strike let's see you're gonna

set a new high score if you keep this up

no it was nothing I knocked him down

like this all the time hey talk sir come

here I got an idea go on well balling

organs at the brightest ball in the lane

so this is what we gotta do

yeah bowling org

you guys okay

is everyone here

how are we gonna stop this org

I know how come on


you should see his trophy

when I worked here I knew a bowling

Ledger you taught me I wanted to go pro

but other things came out if I could

find him he could teach me his famous

tornado spit and I could defeat that ore

excuse me do you know where Don is I

don't know what he's done

he's a pro bowler he used to work out

here a lot I said I don't know


is that you

what do you want kid

I need your help I need you to teach me

the tornado spin look I can't help you I

don't bowl anymore please


look you had your chance and you threw

it away

I remember when Dom first started

helping me

so you want to learn to bowl like a pro


I'm not a kid okay okay okay but the

first thing is you got your fingers all

around here


I have a terrorized humans before



leave him alone


you'll do just fine

you got four games

stop org Soaring Eagle double tiger



are you all right

yeah I'm okay

what's happening


I don't believe it he does have one


who are you

where are your parents

what are you talking about

princess Shayla

are you sure this is the guy

I mean

he's just a kid I'm not a kid I remember

Don's reaction when I told him please

understand I'm doing what I have to do


disappointed you before

but I had to go


we really need your help look it's a

little too late for that all right

please forgive Max

he had a lot of work to do last time and

still does

well return the favor somehow

right guys yeah

Alyssa's a great cook she'll make you

anything you want

and Taylor can help organize this whole


and Danny Danny can I

Danny can wash your bowling balls

look I don't want your help all right

and I don't work with quitters

now get out of my way let me alone

you're wrong about Max


he's loyal and dedicated

he'll make you proud

you know I once believed that


Let It Go Max

I'll never give up

you gotta stop

you can't do this I can't I'm not a


no matter what Don says we know that Max

yeah you don't have to hurt yourself to

prove anything

we'll find another way to defeat the org

if the tornado spin is the only way

you keep this up and you're gonna ruin

your wrist just like I did


where are those pesky Rangers I know

we're one of them is right here and who

are you look at Wolf Ranger at your



okay balling work strike him out I'm

gonna pit him first

all right



we have to go

thanks I won't disappoint you this time

I know you won't

I want you to have my lucky ball

it never let me down



if that's all you got you're throwing

gutter balls I'm just warming up maybe

you'll like my nut shot this isn't

Billiards cue sticks can't stop bowling


sooner to break mode you're asking for


to me strike one you're out



I see you're not all the way down but

you will be I don't think

Max no you think you can Bowl against me

I've been much better no spare me ready

I was born ready

Let's Roll

tornado spit


all right org are you ready to admit

defeat we're not through yet huh all

right Max you knocked his bowling ball

away yeah we still need to combine our



all right guys time to end this game


evil spirits of toys


you said


come on




parents Predator wave

you okay yeah this is always too strong

we gotta find another way to stop him

I'm tired

we can't win without our Mega

anybody have any ideas maybe there's a

way we can form another Megazord yeah

but hell my alligator is very damaged

yeah and so is my shark

the tiger is two

Merrick how are the wolf and the

Hammerhead doing


it looks to me like they're okay Cole


if we can combine them with the

remaining wild swords there's a good

chance we could pull this off well then

let's do it whoa Hammerhead live Eagles

bison let's go


super yeah thank you

all right


all right let's do it we'll enforce

Megazord Predator mode

shall we do call the armadillo Zord you

got it Max

armadillazord descent


tornado armadillo spin chop





Master Rangers we'll get you next time

okay you guys are doing great now listen

now Lee has a style that I want so watch

Lee very closely okay

thank you

listen uh

when you finish with whatever it is you

have to do

maybe you could consider a bowling

career again huh


but right now

step aside kid let me show you how it's

done he's not

it's okay




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