25x10 - Dimensions in Danger

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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25x10 - Dimensions in Danger

Post by bunniefuu »

[narrator] Long ago, Earth's greatest ninja sacrificed himself

to keep the universe safe from the monster Galvanax.

Ten years later,

the Rangers fought many battles to protect the legendary Ninja Power Stars.

Finally, Galvanax was defeated,

but the ruthless Madame Odius survived

and rose to power, determined to take the stars for herself.

Only one team of heroes can stop her.

It's morphin' time!

[narrator] They are Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel.

[birds chirping]


I just got back from the dojo.

Yup. I'll take JJ to school. See you tonight.

JJ, I thought I told you not to leave your bike here?

-Sorry, Dad! -It's okay, kiddo.

[alien] Hello, Tommy Oliver.

[theme music playing]

♪ Go! Go! Power Rangers Ninja Steel! ♪

♪ Crushing evil with all their might Together, Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Never give up without a fight Together, Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja Rangers fear no danger! ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Standing up for what is right Together, Ninja Spin ♪

♪ Watching your back day or night Together, Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja Rangers fear no danger! ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go! Go! Power Rangers Ninja Steel! ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

Look out, bro. You don't stand a chance this time.


[Mick] Sorry, guys.

Hey. What?

To the base, now.

Mick, tell us what's going on.

An emergency message came through saying we're about to have some visitors.


-[Hayley] It's them. -[Sarah] They're back.

Isn't it about time you tell us who you are?

-[man] Yes. -[Rangers] Whoa!

You're Wes Collins, Time Force Red.

That's right.

[Preston] Whoa, another Ranger.

I'm Gemma, RPM Ranger Operator Series Silver.

Yes, now me.

-My name Koda, Dino Charge Blue. -[Sarah] Cool.

Mick told us that there were other Ranger teams,

but we've never heard of an RPM or Dino Charge.

Well, there are a few different dimensions and Rangers exist in all of them.

Different dimensions? Cool.

I'm from the world of the RPM Rangers.

We live on an Earth ruined by an evil computer virus.

I am caveman from Dino Charge world, where dinosaurs not extinct.

Wow. I'd love to go to that world.

The Time Force Rangers created these transportal devices

so we can travel between Ranger worlds.

Jumping between dimensions destabilizes the morphing grid.

That why we only use device in big emergency.

Like right now.

Recently, a number of Rangers began disappearing from different dimensions.

We're trying to find out what happened to them.

[Gemma] Have you seen anything suspicious?

Anything at all?

No. Nothing. But we wanna help. Whatever you need.

What we need first is to get Tommy Oliver to help us.

Uh, Tommy Oliver?

-I've heard of him. -[Brody] Yeah, we all have.

He isn't answering his communicator. We don't know if he's been captured, too.

-Then we need to find out. -[Wes] I know exactly where to find him.

It's time for a road trip to Reefside.

Then let's do it.

[Levi] This is it, huh?

Yep, that's Tommy's home.

[thunder rumbles]

[Gemma] What's that?

Let's go find out.

[Koda] Look, monsters.

[alien] Put it right there.

[Basherbots] Hut, hut, hut.

Lord Draven.

Tommy worked with Lord Draven.

Who's Draven?

He's the evil ruler of a dimension called the Anti-verse.

Looks like he's behind all this.

[Odius] Hello, Lord Draven.

[Levi] It's Odius.

I trust that my robot technology is working.

Perfectly. This unit has already captured seven Rangers.

Show her.

That's not Tommy. It's a robot.

Of course.

Every Ranger would trust Tommy Oliver. That robot could capture them easily.

Remember our deal?

Once your army has taken over, this world is mine.

Yes. But first, you must make my arrows powerful enough

to tear down the barriers between all dimensions.

[Odius] Evenda marato yamma veeadnar.

Firing these three Mega-arrows will destroy the dimensional barriers forever.

After sh**ting the first arrow,

you must wait for the sky to turn red before firing the next one.


Yes. And when the barriers fall, we'll rule all the Ranger worlds.

[Odius] Don't disappoint me, Draven.

The Power Rangers must be defeated.

[Draven] Come. Now the real work begins.

Draven's gonna rip down the barrier between our dimensions.

But how will he take over once he does?

Let's not wait around to find out.

We need to destroy those three Mega-arrows before Draven can fire them.

And save our captured friends.

I have a feeling the arrows and our friends are in the same place.

The Anti-Verse.

Let's go find Draven's fortress.

[all grunt]

-Whoa. -Whoa.

[Koda sniffing]

[Wes] What do you smell, Koda?

We go this way.

[whispers] Let's go.

[birds squawking]

There's no time to waste. Leave the Mega-arrows here.

Get back to work.

Hello, Antonio.

Did you miss me, Gold Ranger?


[machine whirring]

Join the other soldiers.

Looking good, Rocky.

[laser blast]

[groans] Stop him!

Don't let the prisoner escape!

We've gotta catch him. Move, move!

What's happening here?

One of the Rangers damaged the robo-cloning computer and escaped.

It's not just one computer, my whole robo-ranger factory is shut down.

I shouldn't have trusted you.


Fortunately, my robot army is already big enough to take over every dimension.

March, robots! March! [laughs]

I will fire the first Mega-arrow to begin tearing down the barriers.

You hide the rest of the arrows somewhere safe until I need them.

Yes, Lord Draven.

If any Ranger tries to stop me, they'll be too late. [laughs]

[Wes] This way.

-Ready, Koda? -Mm.

[Wes] Now.

-Huh? [screams] -[chuckles]

[Wes] Nice job.

Let's go!

That is Draven's fortress.

[Gemma] Holy cow.

We're close. Come on.

-We've got company. -[Preston] Oh, they've got a cannon.

-What do we do? -[Basherbots] Hut, hut, hut.

Ugh. They're behind us, too.

Oh, no.

-[Gemma] We're trapped. -[Hayley] Uh...

We're like sitting ducks.

Rangers never give up. [grunts]

What is that?

[Calvin] Look out!

[Sarah] It's taking them all out.


[Preston] Hey, it's coming straight for us!


-[Gemma] Ah. You're okay. -[Tommy] Yeah.

They didn't know that the Black Dino Thunder Ranger can turn invisible.

And when I came to, I used that to escape.

But the other Rangers, they're being held in his dungeon.

He's cloning them into a massive army of Ranger-powered robots.

A massive army?

That's why he wants to tear down the barriers.

He's gonna invade all the Ranger dimensions.

We gotta stop him.

Hey, someone's up there.

Look, on the fortress roof.

It's Draven.

[Sarah] Uh-oh. What's he up to?

[Wes] No. We're too late.

[Draven cackles]

He's fired the first arrow.

The barrier's breaking apart.

When the sky turns red, he's gonna fire that second arrow.

And once he fires the third one... we're toast.

-We have to stop him. -Let's split up.

We'll find the chest, that's where the last two arrows will be.

And I'll lead you to the dungeon so we can rescue the other Rangers.

[Tommy] Wes, your team's with me.

[Basherbots] Hut, hut, hut.

[Brody] Surprise, blockheads.

Ninja Spin!

[all grunting]

-[alarm blaring] -What's that sound?

Intruders. How foolish.

No one can stop me now. [grunts]

[Brody] We're just getting started.

Taste my wrath, Rangers.

[Calvin] Look out!

[Rangers groan]


Don't worry, guys. I'll take him out.

Ninja Star, Warrior Strike!


You'll pay for that.

[all grunting]

Rockstorm Blast!

[Sarah grunts]

[both grunting]

My turn. Arrow Blast!

[Brody] You're going down. [grunts]

-No! [groans] -Surprise!

[Sarah] You're surrounded. [grunts]

[Brody] Let's finish this creep.

Yeah, as a team.

Super Ninja Strike!

[Rangers] Steel Slash! [grunt]

Final Strike!

[Draven groans]

Nice try, Rangers. [laughs]

Our blades can't get through.

-You'll never beat me. -[Rangers groan]

[all grunting]

[Rangers groan]

[Levi] Let's go before he sees us.

[grunts] Where did they go?

You Ninja rats won't escape me.

[Sarah] He's gone. Let's go inside.

[Brody] Guys, we're heading into the fortress.

You can't hide forever, Rangers.

[Calvin] Okay, Brody, that's great.

We'll keep searching for the Mega-arrows, too.

[Hayley] Let's find another way in.

-[Tommy] There they are. -[Basherbots grunting]

[Gemma] Quick, blast the computers!


[Rocky] Whoa. Wes, what happened?

Last thing I remember, I was meeting with Tommy

when some kind of Rangers att*cked.

That wasn't Tommy, and those weren't Rangers either.

They're Lord Draven's robots.

Draven? I was hoping I'd never hear that name again.

It looks like he's giving the robots Ranger powers.

Ranger powers will make his robots tough to beat.

Hey, Tommy, thanks for saving us.

-[Antonio] So, what do we do now? -We gotta stop his plans.

Come on, let's go.

[Koda] This way.


You. Who better to destroy the real Tommy Oliver than me.


You. Who better to destroy the real Tommy Oliver than me.

But unless you've got a Master Morpher, you ain't nothing but a cheap copy.

This copy's gonna kick your butt. [grunts]

It's morphin' time! Zeo Ranger Five Red!

[both grunting]

Your Zeo power can't defeat me.

Dragonzord, White Ranger Power!


[Evil Tommy groans]

Take your best shot.

[both grunting]

Dragonzord, Green Ranger Power! Time to finish you!


-[crackles] -[groans]

Face it, you're just circuits and sensors.

You're nothing like me. You have no heart.


-[Brody] Well, this is the last room. -[radio beeps]

Preston, get your Dragonzord ready.

If we find the arrows, we'll need a quick escape.

They gotta be here.

-Looking for something? -[both gasp]

You've come to the wrong place.

Basherbots, destroy them.

[all grunting]

Time's up.

[both groan]

-[Brody] Whoa. -Yes.

-This is the chest with the Mega-arrows. -[grunts] No!

-Ninja Blast! -[groans]

We gotta go. Brody, trust me.

-Huh? Hold on. -You need to guard the arrows.

Get ready, Preston. Catch!


Got it! Let's go!

-[Brody] Woo! -[Sarah grunts]

They got the arrows. Let's get out of here.

See ya!

Yee-haw! Whoa!

Fly, Drago. Fly.

Well, that's one way to escape a fortress.

Preston, we've gotta get the Mega-arrows out of this dimension, away from Draven.

Uh, let's go through the rip in the barrier.

Ah, it's straight ahead. Easy.

[Brody] Yes, hopefully, it takes us home.

[Dragon Zord screeches]

[grunts] Those Ninjas are trying to get away

and they've stolen my Mega-arrows.

We can't let them escape. sh**t them down.

[robots] Fire! Fire!

[grunts] Oh, no, we're hit!


[Rangers scream]


[groans, coughs, grunts]

[grunts] Guys.

It's the dimensional barrier.

That's why the army's here. They're waiting for it to fall.

Guys! Guys!

[gasps] His army's huge.

Welcome, Ninjas. Meet my Robo-Ranger army.

Oh, and by the way,

thanks for returning my arrows! [laughs]

[dimension hole cracks]

Ah, and you couldn't have timed it any better.


Now to sh**t my second Mega-arrow.



Soon, I'll be able to sh**t my last arrow and invade all the dimensions. Give up.

You don't have any chance against my entire army.

[Rangers] Ninja reveal!

Huh? What?

Their odds just improved.

-Unbelievable. -There are ten of them.

Oh, man! Now that is what I call Ranger Power.

Anybody know what time it is?

[Rangers] It's morphin' time!

Ninja Spin!


Rangers ready!

Your invasion ends here, Draven.

[grunts] Attack!


My victory is just a matter of time.

[all grunting]

[Koda] Robots, no match for caveman strength!

Dino Morpher Blast!

[Kat] Here's some real pink power.

[Sarah] Room for one more?

Let's take out these pink posers together.

Ninja Blast!

[Kat] Fire!

[Rangers grunting]

[Levi] Let's rock and roll!

[Antonio] Barracuda Blade!


[Levi] Rock shot!





[Brody] Gather up, team!

[Gemma] Let's finish them!

[Brody] Yeah! Rangers together!

[Rangers] Fire!

[robots groan]


-[Brody] Good job, team. -[Preston] Yes.

[gasps] Madame Odius, Draven's army has been destroyed.

We can't give up. He must sh**t that last arrow.

Gigantify him!

[Draven laughs]

-[Rangers gasp] -Do you know what time it is?

Guys, the sky is red again.

And the last Mega-arrow will seal your fate.

We have to stop him.

[Draven laughs]

I have an idea.

White Ranger Power!

Falconzord, power up!

-[Brody] Whoa. -[Falconzord screeches]

[Draven grunts]

We get one chance at this, buddy.

No! He stopped my last arrow!

-[cheering] -[Calvin] Way to go, Tommy!

You won't leave this dimension alive!

[Rangers screaming]

-[Draven shouts] -[groaning]

[Sarah] We can't give up, but he's so strong.


Light him up, Rangers. I've got a present for Draven.

Everyone, lock your weapons onto him.

[Rangers] Fire!

Ow! [groaning]

[Draven] I'll get you!





♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

He's gone.


-[Brody] Great job. -[Sarah] All right!


Look, the cracks.

Finally, no more Draven.

And all of his Mega-arrows have been destroyed.

The dimensions will remain separate and safe.

We can go home.

Oh, good. I have mammoth hunt soon.


You all have your own worlds to protect, and we still have Odius to take care of.

[scoffs] Please. She doesn't stand a chance.

Not with the Super Ninja Steel Rangers on her tail.

The Power Ranger legacy is in good hands.

-There's nothing you can't do. -As long as you do it together.

-You're a heck of a crew. -[Brody] Thanks.

That means a lot.

Especially coming from legends like you guys.

Rangers forever...

[all] Defending together.

Take care, guys.

[Preston] Bye!


Now that was epic.


[theme music playing]
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