25x12 - Fan Frenzy

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
Watch on Amazon Merchandise Collectables

A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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25x12 - Fan Frenzy

Post by bunniefuu »

[narrator] Long ago, Earth's greatest Ninja

sacrificed himself to keep the universe

safe from the monster Galvanax.

Ten years later, the Rangers fought many battles to protect the legendary

Ninja Power Stars.

Finally Galvanax was defeated,

but the ruthless Madame Odius survived

and rose to power determined to take the Stars for herself.

Only one team of heroes can stop her.

It's morphin'time!

[narrator] They are Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel!

[Levi] This’ll be a piece of cake..

Nice shot, Levi.

I found you.

Levi Weston, I'm Simone Swift of Swift Marketing.

How would you like to be the face of "Double Danger Chili Burgers"?

TV ads, radio, billboards, nationwide!

Thanks, but I'm concentrating on school,

and other stuff, right now.

That’s a shame.

Well... thank you for your time.

No worries.

[Chaz] Hey Levi!

It's me, Chaz!!

"Chaz"...? Ahh... Have we met?

Well, no, not in person.

But a year ago I wrote to you

about how much I like your song, "Finding Answers".

♪ I would sail across the ocean ♪

♪ And climb over the mountains ♪

You know, hearing that song always calms me down

when my Mom's on my back,

or when stuff goes wrong at school.

Oh! And you wrote me this.


"Thanks for your letter Chaz -

Let's hang out some time.

Your friend, Levi Weston."

That really meant a lot to me.


Don't you remember?

Um, I think my manager wrote that.

But, ... I definitely would've said the same thing.

It'd be great to hang out some time!


-[crowd cheers] -[monster] Hurry up, hurry up.

-[Dreadwolf] Quiet down! -[monster] Where’s Cosmo?

[Dreadwolf] Just wait till you see what one of my cursed claws did to Cosmo!

[crowd cheers]

Come and get it, boys!

[Cosmo howls]

[Dreadwolf] Here, wolfie!

But don’t worry, I can fix him.

Just have to take out the claw!

[Cosmo] Huh? Why was I wolfing this down?

[Dreadwolf] See, he’s back to normal!

Time to choose one of the Rangers to use my claws on.

They’ll become a werewolf and tear their friends apart.

And I’ll take their Power Stars!

[Cosmo] Give it up for Dreadwolf!

[Dreadwolf howls]

[theme song playing]

♪ Go! Go! ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel! ♪

♪ Crushing evil With all their might together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Never give up without a fight together ♪

-♪ Ninja Steel ♪ -♪ Ninja Rangers fear no danger ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Standing up for what is right together ♪

♪ Ninja Spin ♪

♪ Watching your back day or night Together ♪

-♪ Ninja Steel ♪ -♪ Ninja Rangers fear no danger ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go! Go! ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel! ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Ninja Steel! ♪

Don't worry, I'll get someone else to model for the burger campaign.

Mmhm, I promise.

Simone Swift of Swift Marketing.

How would you like to be famous?

-I'm offering you a- -I'll do it!

Well, okay then. Let's go talk.

[Mick] Are we there yet?

[Calvin] Yes, this is the place Mick.

[Mick] Okay, fantastic.

-Thanks for the lift, Calvin. -Sure.

Okay, the shop class needs cans of oil, rags, filters.

Cool, yeah.

The hardware store's around the corner.

Are you sure you don't need a hand?


Hardware stores are my happy place.


I'll be back soon.

[Mick] I hope they’re having a sale.

Guys, there’s Buzz-Cam activity in town.

We'll be right there, Calvin.

[Brody] Come on guys, we’d better hurry!

[Chaz] Hey, Levi!

Me again...

Can I get a quick selfie with you on your famous Burger Camera?

I really wanna show my friends that we met.

They're all big fans.

Okay, but I'm kind of in a hurry.

Say cheese.



[Brody] Levi, come on!

Let me give you my email address

so you can send it to me...


Cal! Anything yet?

No. Just the Buzz-Cam.

Okay. Let's calmly clear the civilians, without alarming anyone.

[Dreadwolf howls]

So much for not alarming anyone.

I'm Dreadwolf, and you six are dinner!

Sorry pal, you're going on a diet.

It's morphin' time!

-Power Stars! -[all] Lock in!


Ninja spin!

Ninja Rangers fear no danger!

[Dreadwolf growls]



[Yellow Ranger] Let’s home his bark is bigger than his bite!

[Red Ranger] Look out below! Too slow!

[Gold Ranger] Hey, fur-face, you’re a very bad dog!

[Dreadwolf] I'm not a dog, I’m a wolf!

[Dreadwolf] Let’s test how strong you are!

Full moon, Energy Blast!

[Dreadwolf howls]

[Gold Ranger] That the best you got?

[Dreadwolf] Not even close!

[Red Ranger] Hey let go of me!

[Mick] Huh? Oh! Monsters!

[Dreadwolf] Excellent stamina, Gold Ranger.

It's settled... I choose you!

[Dreadwolf laughs]

Werewolf Claw!

It's settled... I choose you!

[Dreadwolf laughs]

[Dreadwolf] Werewolf Claw!

[Gold Ranger] Missed me!

[Mick] Aah!

[Dreadwolf] What? I missed with all three!

I'll be back to hit you with my claws when you least expect it!


[Red Ranger] He’s gone! All good, Levi?

[Gold Ranger] Yep, never better.

[Yellow Ranger] Good job!

[Yellow Ranger] Uh guys, is that...? Mick!

[Pink Ranger] Oh no!

[Red Ranger] He looks hurt!

[Yellow Ranger] Did the monsters get you?

[Pink Ranger] Are you okay?

Don't you worry about me, Rangers.

I am okey-dokey!

[Pink Ranger sighs]

[Gold Ranger] Thank goodness.

I thought you were hurt for a minute there.

[Blue Ranger] Let's get out of here.

We've got shop class in like ten minutes.

[Mick] Oh, have fun!

[Yellow Ranger] Mick, you’re the teacher.

[Mick] Uh, yeah, good point!

OK, Calvin...

All the head bolts are tightened to .

Woo, nice work man!

Hey Levi. Look, I borrowed my dad's cowboy hat...

Looks just like yours!


It's like looking in a mirror.

Man, that guy's starting to annoy me.

He's just a fan, bro.

Guys, Mick is late to class...

do you really think he was okay after that monster attack?

Well, he said he was fine.

Well, there he is now.

[Mick] Hey Calvin, that engine we ordered came in,

but it's got a bent valve.

[Hayley] Mick!

It's just a bent valve. Not that scary.

Not the valve, Mick-- your face...


[Brody] Great, I don’t think anyone saw.

[Mick muffled] Hey! What's going on!

Let's get him out of here.


What is it, Chaz?

I'm going over to Metro Plaza to meet my friends

and I told them maybe you'd come with me,

and sign some stuff for them?

You what?

Did I say I was going to do that?

Well, well not exactly,

but you said you wanted to hang out, right?

So, how about it?

Chaz... We're not friends.

Heck, we don't even know each other.

and I'm not going to Metro Plaza with you.

So just give me some space, okay?

I look like a cross between a troll and a yeti!

This must have something to do with the attack from Dreadwolf.

Well I mean, he's just a little hairy.

I suppose it could be worse...

[Mick growls]

[Redbot] Suffering circuits!

[Mick] I’m sorry, Redbot...

I don't know what came over me.

I felt quite strange for a moment there.

But I am fine now.


[Calvin] It's getting worse!

He's turning into a werewolf.


[Redbot] The scanner’s picking up something strange.

Whatever it is it’s stuck in his head.

That must be what's making him act like this.

[Redbot] We must remove it! Hold him!

[Mick growls]

Found it!

It's...it’s a claw.

Ah... what just happened?

I've got a k*ller headache.

That monster's claw was stuck in your head.

It turned you into a wolf...


That monster was aiming at you when it hit me, Levi...

He must want to turn the Power Rangers into werewolves!


"Feed the flames of hunger, with a Double Danger Chili Burger!"

Mmmmmm mmmm mmmm!

-Bravo! -Yeah?

I think you're ready for your big sh**t!

Well of course I am, Monty.

Burgers and videos of me are my two favorite things.

But let's rehearse one more time.

And action.

"Feed the flames of hunger,

with a Double Danger Chili Burger!"

Hey guys. I'm sorry but...

Levi's not coming.

I told you Levi wasn't coming.

Typical Chaz.

I bet you don't even know him.

What? No, I do. I swear!

[Dreadwolf] "Hat", check.

"Cowboy boots", check.

That's the Gold Ranger, all right!

[Dreadwolf howls]

Monster! Run, Monty! Run!

Only two claws left!

Werewolf claw!

-[Monty] Victor! -I think a bee stung me!

Let’s get you outta here!

We've gotta get you to your big sh**t!

This is my last one! Better make it count!

Werewolf Claw!

Bullseye! Right on target!

Welcome to the team, Gold Ranger.

[howls, laughs]

There's something going on at Metro Plaza...

I think it's Dreadwolf.

Metro Plaza...?

That's where Chaz said he was going.

He might be in danger.

Let's go.

Come on, it‘s not far away.

Almost ready.

Make sure those burgers look irresistible.

I don't feel so good...

You've got to power through it, Victor!

This is your big chance to get famous!

Remember, Victor...

Hold up the burger, say your line,

take a bite. Got it?

Got it.

[st Assistant] Quiet on set! Sound. Speed.

Camera rolling.

And.... Action!

Time to feed the flames --

-[tummy rumbles loudly] -[Victor groans]

[st Assistant] Still rolling. Go again!

Feed the flames of hunger. [growls]

Feed the flames of hunger.

[deeper growl]

With a double danger chili burger!


Victor's... a werewolf?

Huh? Who changed the script?

Where is everyone?

Are you sure Chaz was coming here?


[Levi] It’s Dreadwolf... he got Chaz!

[Dreadwolf] You’re too late, Rangers...

your golden teammate has been turned into a wolf--

Huh? Hold on...

Who’s that?

If you're Levi Weston,

then who did I use my last claw on?

You missed me Dreadwolf...

but trust me...we're not going to miss you.

I need to get more claws...

Meanwhile, you’ll be torn to shreds by my wolf-man!

Get 'em wolfie!

[Wolf-Chaz growls]

You take down Dreadwolf, I'll help Chaz.

Got it!

[all] Ninja Spin!

[Pink Ranger] Don’t let him get away!

Chaz... I'm sorry.

If I had been at the plaza hanging out with you,

you never would've been att*cked...

I just need to pull out Dreadwolf's claw.

Calm down, buddy.

"Calm down"... Calm down?

Hearing that song always calms me down

when my Mom's on my back, or when stuff goes wrong at school.

That song just might do it.

[singing] ♪ I would sail across the ocean ♪

♪ And climb over the mountain ♪

♪ Soaring like an eagle ♪

♪ Through forever skies of blue ♪

It's working...

Got it.

Hey, Chaz.


What's happening?

The last thing I remember was feeling a sting...

then it's all a blur.

It's all good, pardner.

Listen, Chaz, I want to say--

[Ninja Comm beeps]


We'll talk soon, okay? I promise.


What's up Mick?

We just saw a new vision in the Prism...

It's of the Gold Ranger...

in Lion Armor.

Maybe the armor will work for you now!

The Lion Armor?

Cool, thanks, Mick.

Maybe I can use it to help the others defeat Dreadwolf!

Ninja Spin!

[Gold Ranger] Dreadwolf’s in for a surprise!

[Yellow Ranger] Check out our claw shred!

[Pink and Blue Ranger] Element Star, Ninja Spin!

Ninja Forest Attack!

[Dreadwolf] What?

[Red Ranger] Try dodging this!

[Dreadwolf] My turn!

[Blue Ranger] He’s tough!

[Gold Ranger] Almost there, Brody.

I have an idea that Dreadwolf won’t see coming...

Throw me your Lion Fire Armor Star!

[Red Ranger] Really?

Okay, if you say so.

Here it comes!

[Gold Ranger] Thanks, bro’.

Lion Fire Armor Star. Lock in!

[Gold Ranger] Ninja Spin!

[Gold Ranger] Lion Fire Gold!

[Red Ranger] Levi can use the armor too?

-[Pink Ranger] Wow. -[Red Ranger] Epic.

[Gold Ranger] Lion Punch!

Lucky shot!

[Gold Ranger] You’re mine!

Bring it!

[Blue Ranger] Hey Levi, use this!

[Gold Ranger] Thanks!

[Gold Ranger] Yes!

[Dreadwolf] That armor makes you stronger,

but are you strong enough to handle this?

Full Moon, Energy Blast!


[Gold Ranger] Too easy!

Lion Fire, Rapid Blast!

Lion Fire Armor Star, lock in!

Ninja Spin! Double Flame Strike!

Final Attack!

[Dreadwolf] I’ll claw my way back from this!

[Gold Ranger] Yeah! Party night!

[Red Ranger] That dog’s had his day!

-[Gold Ranger] Whoa! -WHITE RANGEr Nice job Levi!!

[Cosmo] The time has come.

Let's cut this wolf loose.


[Dreadwolf] Told you I’d be back!

[Red Ranger] Uh oh! We need our Zords!

Lion Fire Zord Star! Activate.

Ninja Spin!

Out of the shadows!

[Red Ranger] Ninja Ultrazord, combine!

[Red Ranger] Ninja Ultrazord, ready!

[Red Ranger] Ninja Super Steel Mode, Ready!

[Dreadwolf] Take this! Rrr!

[Red Ranger] Let’s try Ninja Ultra Strike!

[Dreadwolf] Aah!

[Red Ranger] Okay Levi,

Let's turn this overgrown hairball into dog food!

[Gold Ranger] I thought you'd never ask, bro!

Time to take down the big bad wolf!

Begin Final Attack!

Ninja Spin!

[Red Ranger] Ninja Super Steel Blaster. Energized!

[Rangers] Ninja Ultrazord Blast!

Final Attack!

[Dreadwolf] Aah! Ow!

You’ve scratched me out!

[Gold Ranger] That’s what you get for messing with my friends!

[Dreadwolf shreiks]

[Gold Ranger] Yee haw! Whoa!

[Rangers cheer]

Show's over! Ninjas win!

The next thing I remember, Levi Weston’s there--

Yeah... right.

You're dreaming, Chaz.

Is that--? It's him!

Howdy, folks.

Can I have a word, Chaz?

I... um...yeah, sure!

Hey, Chaz.

I just wanted to apologize

for what I said at school...

I shouldn't have snapped at you like that.

That's really not me.

Don't worry about it.

I know it can be a bit much sometimes...

I'm proud to have you as a fan...

and as a friend.

"Friend?" You mean it?

[Levi] Sure do.

Come on, buddy, I've got a surprise for you...

So, my friend Chaz said you're all fans of mine...

[kids clamoring]

No worries, I'll sign all that stuff.

But right now, we got more important things to do...

Let's make some music with my buddy Chaz here!

[Monty] Come on, come on...

Here boy.

You want a juicy, delicious hamburger,

don't you, Victor?

Get the burger, Victor!

Get the burger! Aah!

The fur, it’s gone!

Fur? Monty, what happened to me?

You turned into a werewolf, Victor.

It was terrible!

But don't worry, you'll never be a wolf again.

Oh Victor! Oh I've been looking everywhere for you!

I have some tee-rific news.

We want to take your commercials worldwide!

And we want to offer you a million dollars!

A million dollars?

-[MonTY] Worldwide! -Yes. Yes, I'll do it!

Just one thing...

We want you as the wolf...

so you have to grow ALL that hair back...


He can't quite do that anymore...

-He can't? -Uh ah.

Well, then...

No deal.



[theme music playing]
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