19x18 - Evil Reborn

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
Watch on Amazon Merchandise Collectables

A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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19x18 - Evil Reborn

Post by bunniefuu »

centuries ago in Japan Nylock monsters

invaded our world but Samurai Warriors

defeated them with power symbols passed

down from parent to child today the evil

nyloc have risen once again and planned

to flood the Earth luckily a new

generation of Heroes stand in their way

they are the Power Rangers Samurai

previously on Power Rangers Super

Samurai Decker is coming to find me I

can feel it

you'll never stop until this is finished

fighting d*ck Jaden's fighting Decker

we have to go stop them

you can't stop this

I've already tried

well I'm going to

ah no

we'll take care of it come on guys

Kevin come on let's go


I'm gonna stay with Lauren

we need to divide and conquer in case

there's another knock attack I hate to

split up the team but this way Lauren

can continue mastering the ceiling power

while you help Jaden

we understand

don't worry

we'll get them back here safely







you will fall to my sword again Decker

it's time to finish this


let's take him down




if you need to go and be with the others

I understand

you guys are more than just Samurai


your friends

thank you Lauren I know you can handle

yourself but

as a samurai

my duty is to protect the entire city

from Evil not just my friends

don't worry about me you're all very

lucky to have each other

I've never had a good friend


now you do

now let's go train




come on

I won't rest until we finish this duel

then let's finish it

you feel that I bet you're just sensing

the power returning to Masters Android

I'm feeling better myself thanks for

asking no this is something different

something unsettling what are you

talking about

I feel it too the way the sword is the

only way to live no that's where you're


the only good that comes from fighting

is the defeat of evil

shut up


come on run faster we have to get to

Jaden before it's too late



the last time we dueled you broke

but this time the only thing that will

break is my curse in you


you will fall to my sword or my son I

will be three at last


I must stop you huh


this ends now



what do you need

what I need

is for you to go with Mike and the




I need to protect you and the city while

you perfect the ceiling power

your dedication is admirable

but it is okay I can take care of myself


I'm worried about Jaden too

he's my brother

I'll stay here in case there's an ilock

attack but you should go but

Kevin Jaden needs you now far more than

I do

I can feel it

so go to him


all right

I'm going

and Lauren




it's finally over


is it over yet


that's impossible

sister's body won't stop

guys what are you doing here

stop let's finish this

no neither of you have to do this

they don't know what they're talking


this is all I ever needed to do

raise your sword

this time I found peace in your defeat


face it Decker it's over you're too

tired even to lift your sword

are you

please don't do this

it's you


lose you again Release Me

Let Me Be Free of this curse please who

is he talking to

die you



this fight is over

if only that were true





get Jaden out of there come on there's

an opening Kevin's made with this water



guys look



his curse has finally been lifted

Decker is gone what


are you sure Decker is no more yes I saw

it happen I was there in spirit

he's gone now

I've lost him forever

well at least we still have Masters

Android but it's taking him way too long

to recover at the bottom of the sansu

river if you play the harmonian maybe

he'll wake up sooner you might be right

my heartbreak will make my music much

more powerful

that's true a new sad tune about Decker

may not only wake up the boss but it

could give him more power than ever

since my dreams of Happiness are over my

Nylock fate is sealed

it's time to share my misery with the

rest of this world

centuries of pent-up sadness in this

harmonium shall finally be Unleashed

with Decker gone

I Have Nothing Left to Lose


thank you for helping me last night

I'm sorry I couldn't share my secret

Lauren and the plan had to be protected


it's time for me to go

G stop

you know you're still our leader

we don't care that you kept your secret

from us

when we followed you it was real

I'm not who you thought I was

what about all the battles

you're telling me we didn't know The Men

We trusted to lead the team

if you think everything our team has

done isn't real just because you kept a


and say it to our faces


didn't think so




hey you need anything else

no thanks sure

you get some rest

you want some water

no thank you golden

a blanket

no thanks

I just need some rest

you got it

a pillow


I'll just take that as a no

you almost made me drop the tray nice




there's something I've been meaning to

ask you

you knew Jaden when he was younger

yeah we've been best friends forever

you're so lucky what was he like as a


as a kid

even back then he was great

she lived here in this big house and I

was just this kid smelled like fish

are you practicing or playing


he's treated me like an equal

you gave me faith in the goodness of


he made me believe I could do anything


oh no you're cool too

new in action


you're just as good

now attack



the marina


I know how hard this is without Jaden

but I really need you for this battle

I would be honored to fight by your side

so please lead me to battle already


to the marina Lauren and Antonio need

your help got it

we'll be there Motors down by the marina

Lauren and Antonio are already on their


we are united let's cut these guys down

to size

Jayden please join us


go on

I need a minute but I promise I'll meet

you there




oh no look it's like a Luger convention

down there too but we could hurt

civilians if we attack them


ship out

golden I knew our tea would come through

don't worry guys we got this now let's

do our part


what's up


it is time for me to live up to my

promise to master standard and to share

my misery with the rest of this pathetic


Decker is gone

I've been deluding myself for centuries

thinking we could ever be reunited

if I can't be happy

why should anyone else be all I have

left is my evil nyloc side and it's time

to repay my debt when I needed his help

he was there for me I will fix your

harmonium but you must return to the

ship and swear Allegiance only to me

I've wandered long enough I swear then

we have a deal


it fixed


I must accept what I am and the evil

world I shall forever belong to


dive Pink Ranger

why are you here why do you think I'm

here I'm a Nylock aren't I I'm here to

Feast on human suffering what if that's

true you'll Feast on my blade foolish

girl you will soon see nothing but

Darkness nothing but Darkness

what where'd she go

I am here for you

for 200 years I wouldn't accept my nylon

life but now I have nothing to lose

you will never conquer us oh yeah

why are you laughing

because you didn't defeat me can't you

feel all the evil Powers stored in my

harmonium surging it's destruction will

unleash a cloud of pure magnificent

misery and Master's Android will rise


all humans are doomed

thank you

whoa what is that I don't know but do

you feel that

it's like the air is suddenly filled

with sadness yeah you're right how weird

is that

oh no

it's like a cloud of pure misery


ah whoa

whoa whoa whoa

I've seen the Sansa River Rise so

quickly oh

if this doesn't finally heal master I

don't know what will

this can't be happening

it's him

not again

I thought he was gone

it's Android

samurai rangers give up you have no oh

die you thanks to you I'm back I repay

my deaths now the humans World shall

fall to me


all right

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