Love's Greek to Me (2023)

Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.

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Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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Love's Greek to Me (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »


Now I know you're all ready

to run off to field school,

you've got those big

Indiana Jones daydreams,

unearthing artifacts, outrunning

boulders, looking great

in khaki.

And while field school might

not be quite so adventurous,

it is magical.

That moment when you excavate

an artifact that hasn't

been touched in a millennia--

there really is no

feeling like it.

But always remember the

inherent nature of our job.

Yes, we are part

humanist, part scientist,

but we're also a whole

lot of detective.

So word to the wise--

tread lightly because

once you dig up the past,

it can never be reburied.

Don't forget to turn in your

thesis, preferably on time.

Thank you.

Great job today.


You just said, hello,

your dog is sacrificial.

And I meant every word.

What are you doing here?

You're just stopping

by to say hi?

Well, I was in

the neighborhood

and have a little

end of semester gift.

That is so sweet.

Thank you.

It's the--

Evil eye that Mati.

Dates back to at

least ancient Ugarit.

I love that you

know everything.

You didn't love it

when you first met me.

Yes, it did.

I was just flustered.

The most beautiful

woman I had ever met

could also scold me

and wreck antiquities?

And I'm sure you already know

because you know everything.

But the Mati supposedly

protects against misfortune.

Well, then where's yours?

I got you.

Yes, I will protect you.

Thank you.

It's beautiful.

So on a scale from 1 to 10,

what is your stress level

about your mom?

To put it in Greek

mythology, somewhere

between Aphrodite and Medea.

Babe, stop stressing.

I love your mom.

But also, you've only

spent small amounts of time

here in Boston with her.

And staying with her for 10

days while she throws my sister

the most of the talk

Greek wedding history

will be, as we like

to say, a thing.

Well, it'll be a thing I

love because it's your thing.

You'll see.

You'll think My Big Fat Greek

Wedding was a documentary.

Or a cautionary tale.

I have to go.

We're surveying a location

for the new Dabo hotel.


Oh, and don't forget, our

flight tomorrow is at 8:00 AM,

and the airline does

not abide by Greek time.

I'll pick you up at

7:00 AM the latest.

Mike, I'm serious.

Fresh off the racks.

I designed it with

your trip in mind.

Mom, it's beautiful.

I love it.

Thank you.

Now, promise to send

me lots of photos.

I'm just so excited for you.

Me, too.

Beaches and baklava and--

do you remember Katherine Lee?

Yeah, from undergrad?


So she's heading up a field

site near the ancient ruins

of Thera.

So I'll be able to see

her, maybe dig a little.

You'll be in your happy place.


And Mike will be in his.

I mean, as long as he can get

over the stress about his mom.

Yeah, who fortunately

doesn't stress you out at all.

No, not at all.

She's delightful.

And I love Athena.

Just every time I talk to

her, the first thing she says

is, when are you and my

Mikale going to get engaged.

Well, you can't dodge

the question forever.

I'm not dodging it.

It's not been forever.

We've only been dating

a year and a half.

Two years in October.

Two years is not that long.

I mean, you could be with

someone for 10 years.

And one morning,

they wake up and--

Love, I'm well aware.

Look, I just feel like

who you marry is the biggest

decision you make in life.

I know.

And commitment is scary.

But also, I know that avoiding

commitment isn't the solution.

And yes, that's

said by a woman who

hasn't been past a fourth

date in almost three decades.

Hon, look, I'm no

expert at relationships.

But what I do know is you

and Mike have won the lottery

in finding each other.

So don't worry about Athena.

She'll behave.

Just enjoy.

You're going to Greece.


Oh, yeah.

Can't forget that.

I loved Athens when I was there.

But this is--

The best part of Greece?

You'll love the hotel.

I grew up there.

Wait a second.

Why didn't they put

this together before?

A charismatic matriarch

running a Grecian isle hotel

while planning her

daughter's wedding.

We are literally entering

the plot of Mamma Mia.

I don't know.

I never saw it.

Wait, what?

Isn't Mamma Mia like a

national treasure in Greece?

You are adorable American.


But will there be spontaneous

bursts of dance and song?

Well, we're Greek.

So, probably.

This is going

to be so much fun.

Hold that thought.

Did all really

come out to greet us?

No, this is just

part of my family.

Ilana, I want you to

meet my aunt Maria.


And my uncle Yorgos.

Nice to meet you.

You can call him George.


This is my aunt Eleni

and my uncle Janez, Janez.

Nice to meet you.

John for short.


And my grandparents.

Papu and Yaya.

May I call you yaya?


Why you no come before?

Maybe we die soon.

That's how the

Greek say hello.

Oh, OK.


Ilana, I'm so happy you're here.

What about your big brother?

Yes, yes, you too.

But Ilana finally

gets to meet Chis.

Ilana, this is my

fiancee, Christos.

Pleased to meet you.

I was so sad to miss the

last trip to the states.

Yeah, you were very miss.

Ilana, there you are.

I am so happy to see you.

I thought you would

never come to Greece.


Mikale, you finally made time

to come to visit your mother.

There's that famous Greek

guilt I was telling you about.


You're wasting away

without my cooking.

Come, let's see eat.

What about Ilana's family?

Mama, the place looks great.

The work on the

pool is excellent.

Yeah, really.

Your hotel is amazing.

I always

wanted a hotel on the Caldera.

And my Nikola, may he rest

in peace, built it for me.

It's amazing that he

was a hotel architect,

you're a hotelier, and

you're a hotel developer.

And Alex runs the hotel.

Hospitality is in

the Atlas blood.

Later, I will give you

the whole family history.

So we have moussaka, saga

gnocchi, souvlaki, one more,

and I understand it's

your favorite, baklava.

So this is an old family

recipe passed down

through the generations.

Thank you.

That is more than enough.

Come on.

Alex has a table.

Ilana, over here.

So I have

something to ask you.

My cousin Lea is going to

be my..

That's the Greek

equivalent of maid of honor.

But she won't arrive until

right before the wedding.

So I was hoping you would be

my American maid of honor.

You'd be part of the

ceremony and help me

with wedding duties.

I would love that.

Oh, can I host a

bachelorette party?

Yes, that sounds great.

Thank you.

Hey, what about me,


I have four brothers.

So the job is already taken.

But you could be my


Just don't tell them.

All of the title,

none of the work.

And I can just watch

my sister get married.

I wish papa was here.

He's here.

And it's one of us.

And he would be proud.

Did she ask you?

Yes, she did.

And of course, I said yes.

So you need a dress.

Tomorrow, we go shopping.

No, no, mama.

Tomorrow, we're going


OK, I'll make a picnic.

No, mum.

I meant just the two

of us are going, OK?

Oh, forgive me.

I thought you came to Greece

so we could all be together.

Athena, of course, we'd

love for you to come.

See, Ilana wants me to join.

I'm going to go

grab some drinks.

Sorry, did you

want some privacy?

Is privacy an

option in this family?

Mama, I didn't

invite you because I

want to propose to Ilana.


And Atia castle.

So special.

I'll bring also mama

Mom, I think what

Mikale is trying

to say is that he doesn't

want you third wheeling

his once in a lifetime moment.

Oh, of course.

Because who am I but the woman

who birthed you and raised you

and sacrificed for

you at every turn.

Fine, mom.

Fine, fine, fine, fine, fine.

But give us space, OK?

Of course.

Thank you.

Who's doing the flowers?

Nobody, nobody.

I'm doing this simple,

intimate, my way, hopefully.

I'll still bring a picnic.

You know, you

can say no to her.

How's the wedding

planning going?

OK, I'll come tomorrow

and I'll distract her.

Why not?

We should invite the

rest of the family too.

Can we all fit?

Isn't this just the most

exciting day of your life?

Yeah, I am very

excited to be here.

Mom, come on.

Let's go and explore

a little bit.

Yes, go, go, go.

Have a nice trip, mom.

Bye, bye.

Come on.

As a child, I used to come

here and stare out at the sea

and dream of sailing across it.

I tried to imagine what

my life would be like.

Oh, your shoe's untied.

He's proposing.

How romantic.



From the moment I met

you, I dreamed that you

would get married one day.


Mom, I haven't proposed yet.

But you were kneeling.

I was taking my shoe.

Well, if you tie your shoe

in the most romantic place

in the world, people are going

to think you're proposing.





Mom, mom, let's go.

Let's go.

So you are proposing?


And I was going to say that

this place is also special

because it's where my father

proposed to my mother,

telling her that she was

the light of his life.

And when I met you, I feel the

same, that you are a light,

you're my light.

So Ilana, will you marry me?


Yes, of course, I'll marry you.

I have another daughter!

We need to take a picture.


That was fast.


Thank you.

And the ring is stunning.

Mike has good taste.

You helped him pick

it out, didn't you?

I did.

He also asked for my blessing.

You knew and you

didn't tell me?

Oh, I'm sorry, hon.

It was the longest

two months of my life.

So are you wedding planning yet?

It's going to take me

time to make your dress.

Mom, we just got engaged.

But the dress takes time.

I know, but there's no rush.

And the dress will be simple,

just like the wedding.

Nothing big or fancy

or complicated.

Are you all right, hon?

Yeah, I'm good.

No, really, I'm good, mom.

It's just-- it's a big decision.

It's a little scary.

But that's OK.

That's normal.

Honey, I know you're worried.

But also, I know Mike

is the man for you.

If he wasn't, I would have made

him pick out a bigger diamond.

OK, I don't

fully understand that logic.

But thank you?

Listen, mom, I got to go.

I'll talk to you later, OK?

I love you.

Love you too.


Love, I know you think

marriage is the biggest

decision you'll ever make.

And I also know the

thing is the scariest.

Yeah, I do.

And that's OK as

long as you know

that I love you with all of me.

And no matter what happens,

I will never leave.

I don't know if

you can promise that.

Maybe you don't

know, but I do.

Darlings, I started

a wedding schedule

so we can begin planning.

Oh, we don't need to do that.

Oh, yes, we do.

The schedule keeps

everything organized.

No, I mean, we

don't need to start

planning the wedding right now.

This is the most important

day of your life, the day

everything changes, the day that

you bind yourselves together

for all eternity.

A day that should be celebrated,

all stops pulled out,

no expense spared.

So I am going to give you the

biggest Greekest wedding ever.

The biggest

Greekest wedding ever.

I don't know.

Just this whole big fat

Greek wedding thing,

it's not really

what I had in mind.

So what were you thinking?

Maybe a courthouse

ceremony, just something

small and simple.

What about a small

simple wedding in Greece?

You, me, ceremony on the beach.

That does sound beautiful.

But won't your mom

be disappointed?

She'll be OK.

Will you talk to her then?

Because I don't want her to

dislike me just because I'm not

giving her the dream wedding.

One, she could

never dislike you.

Two, it will be a dream

wedding, our dream wedding.

Three, I'll tell

her, don't worry.

Thank you.

my daughter.

OK, you eat and

then we have to go.

The tailor is waiting

for us at the dress shop.

The maid of honor needs a

special dress for the occasion.

Ah, OK.

I do want to book a restaurant

for Alex's bachelorette,

and I told my friend

that I would meet her

near the ancient

Thera ruins at 1:00.

Well, I can help you

with the restaurant,

plus it's only 10 o'clock.


Did you by chance talk to Mike?

About what?


Never mind.


Hey, where are

you going, princess?

Don't you have a job to do?

I'm on my break, mom.

Break, OK.

What are you doing today?

Well, mama wants me to go

see a vineyard for a new hotel.

So it's official.

You're back for two days,

and you're already doing

whatever she wants you to do.

I'm trying to help.

And I know that I can say no.

But I don't see her as

much as you and the guilt--

I miss you a lot.

You could visit us.

Or maybe Chris and I can

come to the States for a bit.


I can dream.

We'll talk in a bit.

Your dresses in the back.

Oh, it's already picked out?

It has to match

the bridesmaids.


So while we're here, maybe

we can pick your wedding dress.

Actually, my mom will be

designing my wedding dress.


For your wedding?


Maybe she design your

rehearsal dinner dress.

No, she'll design my dress.

Of course, of course.

So maybe we look

for inspiration.

There's really no rush.

No rush, but no


I never give in to

,, not

with my hotels or my

businesses or my family.

I never waited until tomorrow.

This is gorgeous.

It's really not my style.

But you don't know

until you try it on.

It would make me so happy

just to see you in it.

And since we're not going

to dress shop together--

You look like a princess.

Thank you.

It is very pretty.

But no, it's just not

right for the occasion.

What do you mean?

Well, it's just not me.

Maybe it's the new you,

the bride you, the wife you.

Well, the wife me

will still be me.

Oh, that's what

everyone thinks.

But then you get

married and the fabric

of your identity changes.

You're not going

to believe this,

but this looks so much

like my wedding dress.

I can believe that.

To be honest, I think

I'm a little jealous.

I would give anything to

marry my Nikola again.

It's been two years, but

it feels like yesterday.

Two years without him.

Athena, it's lovely.

But my mom's going

to design my dress.

Of course.

It's beautiful.

You are going to be the most

beautiful maid of honor ever.

Oh, no, I'm going to be late.

You can go tomorrow.

Today, we'll go

find a restaurant

for the bachelorette.

OK, let me check

in with my friend.

Oh, I forgot my sunglasses.

I'll be right back.


Katherine, hi.

No, no, no, I'm actually

running errands with Mike's mom

and I got a little behind.

Could I come see you tomorrow?

OK, great.

Yeah, see you around noon.

All right, bye.

Everything OK?


You see, in Greece,

people are more relaxed.

America is so uptight.

Everyone rushing to be

somewhere at a specific time.

Yeah, respecting people's

time is so American.

So during the

day, this taverna

is the best bakery in Santorini.

But at night, it is the place

to be, the only place to have

the bachelorette.

I'm sure it's very cute.

And they know our family well.

So they will take

good care of us.

I can book it.

Oh, don't worry about it.

I'll handle the booking.

And wait till

you try the food.

And the coffee is the

best in Santorini.

I bet it's delicious, but

I actually cannot do coffee

in the afternoon.

I will order you

a cup just in case.

I really rather not.

But you don't know

until you've had it.

Come on.

So what do you think the coffee?

The baklava is amazing.

It's good, but mine is better.

I will teach you.

It is a tradition

for Greek mothers

to teach the daughters-in-law

their son's favorite dishes.

A lot of Greek traditions.

I know.

It's very special.

And what about your

family, your traditions?

Let's see.

My mom designs all my dresses

for all my big life occasions.

And every year on my birthday,

for as long as I can remember,

we go to the same Italian

restaurant and eat baked ziti.

And every year on Christmas Eve,

we open our presents at night

and then spend all of

Christmas morning baking.

Yes, but what about cultural

traditions, religious, wedding


I don't-- I don't know.

I have to ask my mom.

Maybe her mom did something.

And what about your

father's side of the family?

I'm not sure.

I mean, I haven't seen or spoken

to my dad since I was eight.

Do you think about him?

Not often.

I mean, he left

when I was so young.


I'm sorry.

You didn't have the

father you deserve.

But it's his loss because he

missed out on the best thing--


Thank you.

And my Nikola

would have loved you.

You think?

Of course.

You're amazing.

Plus, all a parent

wants is for their child

to meet someone that loves

them as much as they do.

And I count my blessings

that both my children

have found that.

And as for your dad, I

know, these wounds hurt.

But they heal when you

have your own children.

And I can't wait

for my grandbabies.

Little Nikola.

You've already named

my unborn children.

No, no, no, no.

It's what we do.

It's tradition.


Is everything all right?

I think it's the caffeine.


Oh, my god, you're so cute!

Our olive oil tasting

has just started.

Would you like to try some?

That sounds lovely.

Can you sit with me?


I am my own boss.

But don't tell my mom,

who's my actual boss.

Speaking of, I heard you spent

the entire day with my mother.

How did that go?

I know she can be a lot.

Well, it, comes

from love, right?

Oh, and don't forget her

managably high expectations.

Of you?

Of everyone, but

especially of me.

You know, I run this hotel,

go to business school,

grow the empire, get

married, have babies

all at the same time.

Do you want to do all of that?

I would just like

for my entire life

to not be planned out.

Chris and I want to

travel, go to the states.

You should do that.

It's not so simple.

I can't just leave her.

Hello, my love.


What did you do today?

I went to the other

side of the island

to look at the property

my mom is interested in.

There you are.

I have good news.

I just spoke to the church,

and they have booked

January the seventh for us.

For us to do what?

For us get married, of course.

Seven is a very lucky

number for the Greeks.

It's the only day

to get married.

And this church is very special.

It's where Nikola

and I got married,

it's where Alex and Chris

are getting married,

this church is tradition,

and as you know,

tradition is very important.

Ilana, the Atlas' are named

after the Titan Atlas who

was tasked to carry the

weight of the heavens

on his shoulders.

So Atlas means to carry, so

we carry on the tradition.

Well, I'm sure that we

would love to do that.

Yeah, mom.

But also, Ilana and

I need to discuss.

Discuss, yeah.

So I'm confused.

What is there to discuss?

I thought we agreed on

a small simple ceremony.

I know, I know,

I know, I know.

My mom overstepped.

She shouldn't be

booking our wedding

without asking us first.

She shouldn't be booking

our wedding at all.

I'll talk to her.

But also, maybe, maybe

we shouldn't be so

quick to say not to the church.

But I don't want

a big wedding.

But we can have

a small wedding,

something intimate, more

personal, memorable.

Let's visit the church tomorrow.

Please, please, please, say yes?


Thank you.

Do you remember what you said

to me when I first kissed you?

After I recovered

from swooning.

Exactly, exactly.

You said-- let me--

OK, Mike, Mike, where

did you come from.

I did not say it like that.

No, I didn't.

Yeah, you said it.

No, I didn't.

And I think you

said that I just

stepped out of your dreams.

Look at me, look at me now.

Maybe I did, I have.

Well, that's how I felt.

You mean how you still feel.

Yes, how I still feel.

I stand corrected.

And I know what you're trying to

get at, that where you're from

is better than any

dream possible.


There you are, my daughter.

You keep sleeping so late.

Well, I am on

vacation, Athena.

Vacation when we have

a wedding in a week

and errands to run.

Actually, I have plans today.

I told my friend I'd

meet her at the dig site.

Maybe you go this afternoon.

Athena, I have plans today.

OK, you have plans.

No problem.


Hey, you're here.

It's so good to see you.

What's it been

like, three years?

No, no.

We saw each other briefly

at that conference in LA

like a year ago.

Yeah, sorry.

So much history,

so little memory.

Oh, what's all this?

Well, we found the first

shard a couple of months ago

and the second one

just last week.

It looks like an

amphora, Circa 500 BCE.

How'd you take

that so quickly?

Well, the female figure,

well, the folds in her clothing

follow a chiton dress

dating to around 500 BCE.


So can I help?

You're on vacation.

Trust me, this would be a

vacation from my vacation.

All right, well, have these.

Thank you.

And we'll make a start.

You're late.

I'm sorry.

But I heard that being

on time is very American.

Sounds like my mother.

Father Adinos christened me, and

he's marrying Alex and Chris.


Thank you.

The church looks lovely.

So a small simple

ceremony might work there.



I mean, it mean something,

special to you, to us.

It's history.

It's the history

that's getting to you.

Where are we going?

You didn't think this trip was

going to be all wedding tasks

and managing my crazy

family, did you?

I mean, where would

I get that idea from?

You're saying you're

not enjoying the family


I am enjoying it

because I agree with you.

And you put fun in

dysfunction, my love.

,, you're

saying the sweetest words.

This is my fiancee, Ilana.

Ilana, so happy to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

Come aboard.


Thank you.

Are you ready for some fun?


Petrus and I are friends

from ,,

elementary school.

As students, we used

to steal my father's boat

and go fishing.

Now my kids take my boat,

and I pretend not to notice.

Well, I don't blame them.

Your boat is beautiful.

I bet you miss this, huh?

Sure, but I take a lot

of sailing in Boston.

But it's nothing like this.

You know, my dad

taught me to sail.

Most of the time, it would

be just me and him out here.

And although he's always with

me, I feel him more here.

So if my mom gets

the vineyard, she's

going to build a

hotel around it.

Speaking of, have you been

able to talk to her yet?

I'm sorry.

I didn't.

I thought we were

figuring out what we want.

Yeah, no, no, no, we are.

I mean, I guess I never

really thought I would

be considering the church, so--

And maybe I do want

to have a Greek wedding.

I realize that

this is part of me.

In the States, I always have

the feeling of being separate.

You never told me that before.

I spent many years

being Greek Mike.

But here, I am just..

And I want to be married

that's who I really am.

Well, I definitely want you

to feel seen, especially by me.

But our wedding does need

to be about both of us.

Yes, but part of us is

me, and part of me is this.

And I want the same

for you, for you

to feel represented and seen.

I appreciate you saying that.

We'll figure it out.

Where's your mother necklace?

Oh, no, it must

have fallen off.


OK, doesn't matter.

We'll buy you another one.

No, I'm happy that he's

sharing this with me.

I just-- I wonder why

he never told me before,

that he feels like Greek

Mike, that he feels separate.

I mean, does that mean that

he feels separate from me

because I don't fully know

him or understand him?

Of course, he

doesn't mean that.

It's just a lot.

The big family, big

cultures, big personalities.

Just feels like there's

a prescribed way

to do everything,

especially with weddings.

Well, that's tradition.

Speaking of tradition, do we

have any special Albas family


Ziti birthdays,

Christmas baking?

No, I know those.

I mean cultural or

historical or religious.

Was there something

that you did that was

special at your wedding or--

I'm sorry, never mind.


I just feel that

love, weddings--

well, maybe I'm not the best

person to be asking for advice.

That's not very

comforting, mom.

What's so funny?

It's just an old Greek joke.

I love a good joke.



the cow has the lamb,

do you want to go out

with me on Easter.

And lamb response, no,

I can't, I'm spinning.

OK, it's a bad joke.

It's hilarious in Greek.

I bet.



Why you no make us

great grandbabies.

Maybe we die soon.

They say this to everyone.

So what should we do today?

Go to the beach, hiking?

Ilana, there you are.

You sleep so late,

like a teenager.

They've all been

waiting to meet you.

Oh, you know what?

That would be lovely.

Except I booked a tasting at the

taverna for the bachelorette.

I will come with you.

They will take good care

of you if I'm there.

You know what, that's OK.

No, no, I want

to help, really.

And Mikale can come too.

Mama, Ilana's got it.

I think it is so fun

that you're hosting this.

A bachelorette party--

it's so American.

Excuse me.

I'm sorry.

This isn't what we ordered.

Yes, it is.

This is for the

bachelorette cake.

Well, what about the dinner?

Oh, I finalized that yesterday

when you were with your friend.

Now we just pick dessert.

And as we're

here, why don't you

pick the cake for your wedding?

Mama, is this a cake tasting?

Well, we're tasting cake.

But we're tasting

cake because you booked

us a cake tasting, right?

I'm just trying to help.

Mama, this is

Ilana and my wedding.

I'm overstepping.

I'm sorry.

I always do this.

But I'm just a silly

old Greek widow

who just loves her

children too much.

Mama, we know that

you are trying to help.

But it's too much.

OK, I'll do better.

I promise.

But as we're here,

let's eat some cake.

So which cake you like the best?

The chocolate.

Really, not the strawberry?

No, it was very sweet.


You know, I'm

going to go order

the flowers for

the bachelorette?

I already ordered them.

Well, then I'm going to go

pick out the party favors.

I can come with you.

No, you know, I'd really

love some alone time.

Alone time.

Another American concept.

See you.


I'm picking up a dress

for the Atlas wedding.

It's very purple.

Yes, I have it here.

Yep, that's the one.

Also, your other

dress is ready.

What other dress?

This one.


Thank you.

Ilana, there you are.

Did you buy me a wedding

dress when I asked you not to?

You said you liked it.

No, you said you liked it.

I said my mom is going

to design my dress.

Well, maybe she can make your

dress for different special--

Athena, please, you need

to respect my boundaries.

Ilana, I don't

mean to upset you.

You know I love you.

I would never do

anything to hurt you.

But don't you think you're

being a little dramatic?


Oh, so now you're

gaslighting me?

What's going on here?

Ilana says I'm lampgasing her.




What does it even mean?

It means you take

every situation,

and you twist it so that

you end up the victim.

Is what do you think of me?


No, Athena, I know

you mean well, OK?

But you need to

return the dress.

Are you OK?

I'm sorry about my mom.

I was worried about this.

Look, I understand that

she has good intentions.

But she's driving me crazy.

And this doesn't seem

like an issue that's

going to go away when we leave.

I'd like to hear what you think.


Well, this cupid-like figure

is most certainly arrows.

That's what I thought too.


Can I?

Yeah, of course.

This female figure is probably

Eros' mother Aphrodite.

So it could be the

Aphrodite arrow psyche men.


Wouldn't know without

the rest of the pieces.

Well, let's find them.

All right.

I feel bad you're spending

your vacation working.


It feels so good to be back on

a dig site, especially with you.

And Mike's family

is wonderful, but it

is nice to have a little break.

What's the gossip?

Nothing, just some

drama with his mom.

Oh, what's she like?

She's vivacious and

fierce and has a huge heart

and has already named

my unborn children.

And I understand that

Mike's in a tough spot.

But it's strange to

see him like this.

Anyway, enough about me.

What about you?

How's life here?

Yeah, it's good.

I mean, I've been

here two years.

I love Greece.

But also, I'm very

ready to leave.

I've lived on three different

continents in the last 10

years, and my sister and

her kids and my parents

are all in Rhode

Island, and Brown

has a faculty spot opening up.

You're going to teach?

Well, I'm only past my first

interview, but hopefully.

You love teaching, right?

Yeah, I love it.

But I actually have the

opposite story of you.

So I did my field year in

Egypt and some dig trips.

But otherwise, I've pretty

much always been in Boston.

I wish I would have

been on site more.

Well, the sand

is always sandier.

Ilana, can I speak to you?

I want to apologize for

gasolining you yesterday.

I know.

I can be a little--

what's the word-- over--



Overly sensitive to

other people's feelings.

It's because I love so much.

I've been a mother for decades,

but I'm only just now learning

how to be a mother-in-law.

So please be patient with me.

Of course.

Also, I returned the dress.

I didn't get a full refund

because I had it altered,

but that was my doing.

Are you hungry?

Lunch is being served.

I'll be up in a bit.

So pretty.

So these will be for the tables.

What do you think?

Yeah, they're nice.

My mom likes carnations.

Did your mom make all the

decisions for your wedding?


No, nothing.

I just-- seems like she

has a pretty big impact

on your choices.

Doesn't your mom

have an impact?

Yeah, of course.

I mean, my mom's my best friend.


Your best friend?

This is just the way it is.

I'm sure my mom

told you Atlas means to carry.

So we carry on with

our traditions and also

the sacrifices

that go with them.

It's a lot to carry.

Sorry, but I want to redo it.

I'll use the carnations for

the in, but for my wedding,

I want the roses.

Suits you.




We're here.

We'll meet you guys inside.


I thought we could use this.

A Mati bracelet.

I'll protect you,

and you protect me?


One's missing.

That's OK.

It's not a big deal.

No, it's a bad omen.

Well, it would be if

we were superstitious.

Luckily, we're not.

I will protect you even

with one bead missing.

I would love that.

This is a Stefana, a crown.

It's for the crowning

ceremony which

is the highlight of

the Greek wedding.

They're connected by a ribbon

to symbolize a union, two

lives becoming one in eternity.

Because what is bound

can never be unbound.

Well, unless you

cut the ribbon.

I'm kidding.

I was kidding.

So which crown is yours?

I don't know.

I think I like this one.

And it does go with

my wedding dress.

But we kind of like this one,

something a bit more simple,

you know?

So what do you think?

I think it's our wedding.

So if my mom

gets this property,

this will be her next

hotel, nestled on a winery.

There are definitely easier

properties to develop,

but this has history.

My dad took my mom grape

picking here on the first date.

That's so special.

I'm a little bit jealous

of your family's connection

to Santorini.

Your history is entwined.

It's like you have

a sense of place,

a commitment to the past.

That's what

tradition is, right?

Then your mom asked me about

my family's traditions,

and it made me realize

that I don't really

know a lot about my

dad or his family

or that whole side

of my history.

And it never used

to bother me before,

but now I think it kind of does.

I've always

wondered how you're

so interested in the past

and yet not your own.

It's not that

I'm not interested.

It's just that it's always

been, you know, kind of painful.

We'll make her own history.

This is Ana Cirtico, a

special wine from Santorini.

It's unique because of the

mineral content of the soil.

I just realized that if

we get this property,

we can make our own wine.

We as in like you and me we

or like you and your mom we?

Well, I'll help my mom.

Yeah, I know.

But can you do that remotely?

I hope so, but I don't know.

What are you trying to say?

Just that something

shifting in me,

and I want to be honest

about how I'm feeling.

Well, I appreciate

you being honest.

Thank you for understanding.


would you like a drink?

Why, thank you.

Where did you come from?

Where did you come from?

Straight from Mount

Olympus into your arms.

Can we just stay like

this and stare at each other

the rest of the night?

That sounds wonderful.

Our latest discovery.

Mount Olympus?

That's my guess.

So we have Aphrodite

and Eros probably

at Aphrodite's palace

on Mount Olympus.

What is that?

It could be another figure.


Maybe Psyche.

But we need to find

the rest to be sure.

You want to dig today?

I wish I could.

But I told Mike I'd spend

the afternoon with him,

and then I'm hosting Alex's

bachelorette tonight.

Oh, no worries.

I'll walk you out.

So some good news.

I scheduled my second

interview with Brown.

Very exciting.


I mean, it's two three rounds.

But if this goes well--

but also, I decided that

whether or not I get the job,

I'm definitely heading back

to the States in the fall.

Who's going to

replace you here?

I don't know.

Do you want to apply?

You're more than qualified.

I mean, that would be amazing.

But I don't think I can.


You always said you wish

to spend more time on site.

Yeah, but my whole

life's in Boston, you know.

My mom, my friends, my job.

And things are much

better with Mike's mom.

But they'll be even better

with ocean between us.


I'll see you.

See you.

There she is, our

American maid of honor.

We're doing our job.

What's all this?


candy for the wedding guests.

It's a Greek custom.

That's so sweet, pun intended.

Here, I'll set you up.


Also, I wanted to

tell you, Chris and I

discussed our

travel plans again.

And he wants to do it, like now.


I know.

But is it crazy to

just leave our lives

and go to another country

and not know where we'll be?


I mean, Mike did it.

Yeah, but that's the problem.

What do you mean?

I mean, I'm afraid that my

mom will be worried that Chris

and I will do what Mike did.


What did Mike do?

Well, after my

father passed, Mike

told my mom that he would finish

his year in Boston, his job,

and then come back home.

But then he met you.

So-- anyway, should

I talk to her?

Yes, definitely.

I mean, she'll understand.

Or she'll understand in time.

Look, it's your life, right?

So I wanted to tell you that

I changed the wedding flowers.


Because I realized

that I want roses.

OK, carnations are tradition.

But if you want roses, fine.

Also, Chris and I will be

taking a break from the hotel.

To do what?

To go to the States, do

something different, only

for a little bit.

And I can get you an

entry manager if you want.

I don't want a manager.

I want a daughter, my daughter.

Alex I know, this is a

time of change and change

can be confusing.

But your life is here,

your job, your family.

You know, Ilana said something

interesting about her mom.

She said that her mom

is her best friend.

What an American concept.

Parents are not

supposed to be friends.

They're supposed to be parents.

Oh, it's a real estate agent.

My love, you cannot drink ouzo

in front of this view and look

so serious.

What's wrong?


It's just something Alex said.

Did you stay in Boston for me?

What do you mean?

I mean, if you hadn't

met me, would you

have moved back to Greece?

I mean, this is home.

Did you always feel this way?

Did you always know that

you would move back here

and you just didn't tell me?

Ilana, I didn't lie to you.

I never lied to you.

I know.

I'm just wondering

why we never talked

about this stuff

before, where we'd live,

our wedding, what we

envision for our future.

Are you having doubts?


Really, no.

But if you're worried,

you just have to tell me.

I know.



This is my cousin

in Canberra, Lea.

She just arrived.

I've heard so much about you.

Lovely to meet you.

Thank you for letting me

temporarily do your job.

My Obada and my maid of honor.

Now I'm ready to get married.

Oh, and Ilana, thank

you so much for this.

It's perfect, even

if you're making

me wear this ridiculous crown.

It's an American tradition,

as our embarrassing toasts.


Please, no toasts.

Everyone, if I could

please have your attention.

Alex, I have always

wanted a sister.

And now I finally have one.

Yamas to that.



Alexandra, my dreams came true

when God gave me a daughter.

But I'm very happy to

share that in addition

to being my daughter

from now, you will also

be my business partner

because my offer on Gavaros

was accepted.

Mikale, Alexandra, and I

will do this thing together

as partners.

Ilana, this is news to me too.

But are you going into a

partnership with your mom

here in Santorini?

I just found out about this.

I don't even know what

being partners means.

But don't you think this is

all part of her plan to get

you to move back to Greece?


But maybe it's not a bad thing.

And maybe we can moved

here for a year or two.

I knew this was coming.

Because it makes sense.

How does it make sense when

our entire life is in Boston?

But our life isn't in

Boston because part of my life

is here.

Is it too much to ask

for you to come here

with me for a year or two?

No, no, it's not

too much to ask.

It just everything here

is yours, your home,

your language, your family.

And it would be me relying

on you for all of that.

But isn't that what

a relationship is?

Us relying on each other.

Again, you sleep so late.

I've been waiting

for you to wake up.

I'm making baklava for

after the rehearsals,

and I want to teach you.

Well, actually,

I'm looking for Mike.

He's gone to Gavaros to

meet with the contractors.

He'll be home soon.

So we have time to make baklava.

That is a very nice dress.

Thank you.

My mom made it for me.

It's great.

I get to teach you the way

my mother-in-law taught me.

No, no, no, you put

butter every time.

Right, butter.

Ooh, my mother-in-law.

She was tough.

You can't imagine.

Well, I think I can.

We were two very

strong personalities.

We butt heads a lot which

was a waste because I wanted

us to get along, you know.

I wanted us to have

a good relationship.

But it was very hard, especially

after she came to live with us.

She lived with you?

Oh, yes after Nikola's father

d*ed, she moved in with us.

It's the Greek way.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no,

no, you need more feeling.

You know, actually, I like

it with a little less filling.

It makes it crispier.

Yes, but this recipe

needs extra filling.


Ah, baklava.

So much filling

just how I like it.

I'm stealing you away.


Hey, hey, we're baking.

Well, we will be

right back-lava.



Actually, we won't.


I was up all night thinking.

And Ilana, I love you.

And I know we have

a lot to figure out.

But it doesn't

change how I feel.

So I was thinking, what if we

forget about the wedding drama?

You mean like not get married?

No, no, I meant elope.

We don't have to plan or wait.

We can just do it now.

Like right now?

Maybe not this exact minute.

But why not?

You can't just

suddenly get married.

We've been together

almost two years.

Two years is not that long.

Plus, we're in the middle

of arguing about a wedding

and where we're going to live.

I didn't think

we were arguing.

I thought we were discussing.

That's what my

parents used to say.

But Ilana, we're

not your parents.

And I know that

divorce was messy

and your dad leaving

was horrible.

But I'm not him, I won't leave.

How can you know that?

I know you love me, and I

know that you guard yourself.

And I'm trying to be patient.

But I don't know how

much longer I can wait.

Much longer you?

Just proposed a week ago.

It's not about the proposal.

It seems like I'm trying

to convince you to love me.

Let's get to the reharsal.

So what did you think?

Maybe New York or Boston?

Too cold.


Too hot.


You look beautiful.

Oh, how are you feeling?

You nervous?

Well, I am a

little bit nervous.

I'm nervous about the actual

wedding and the guests.

And I feel like I'm

forgetting things

and I'm getting things wrong.

But about Chris,

I'm not nervous.

He's probably the only thing I'm

completely sure of in my life.

Excuse me.

In Greek weddings,

everything has a meaning.

The priest starts

with a brief welcome.

Then the blessing of the rings.

You bless the rings three

times, then come the Stefana.

With the ribbon you can't cut.

Never ever never never

until the end of time.

Then the wine for the

sharing of their lives.

And finally, it's a yes dance.

These are the first steps of

a couple as husband and wife.

I never knew you were

such a traditional guy.

Do I surprise you?

Yeah, I think you do.

Ilana, are you all right?

No, actually,

I'm not all right.

What's wrong?

I don't know.

Two years we've

been together, and I

feel like I'm just now

discovering things about Mike

that I never knew,

like who he really is.

And he's a wonderful man.

But how could I have not

seen these things before?

It's all just a

bit overwhelming.

Our cultures, our

upbringings, the family--

You're saying it's us.

No, no, that is

not what I'm saying.

Ilana, I love you.

I love you, Athena.

And I know you love me.

But if we're really being

honest with ourselves,

I feel like there was

always a piece of you

that really felt like I

would never fully fit in

with your family.

And maybe now I'm

starting to wonder

if you were really right.

Ilana, no.

I did have my doubts, but

they were never about you

not belonging.

It was about you not

wanting to belong.

I always get the feeling that

you want to keep yourself

apart, distant from us.

My son loves you desperately.

He would do anything for you.

And yet whenever I

see you two together,

it's always like you're

keeping him at an arm's length

like you do the rest of us.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

No, I didn't realize

I was doing that.

I'm really sorry.

I know I'm not easy.

But I'm just trying

to get close to you.

Mike is lucky to have you.

He needs his family.

Ilana, you're his family.

Or you're supposed to be.

You look stunning.



It's just, my mom

picked this dress.

And I wonder what

would I have picked

if it had been my choice.

Well, that's a

good question to ask.

And it still is your

choice, unless it's

too late to replace the dress.

Then just remember

that there'll be

plenty of choices

to be made ahead.

Hey you.


Are you feeling all right?

You sure?

Ilana, I have a

surprise for you.

More family has arrived.



How were you here?

Oh, Athena called

me yesterday,

or I guess still today for me.

I don't know when it is.

I'm jetlagged.

Anyways, Athena called me

and asked me to the wedding.

We are happy you are here.

Athena, thank you.

My pleasure.

But don't forget, we invited

you to the wedding months ago.

Oh, I know.

Thank you.

But I would have felt

like I was intruding.

There is no

intruding with family.

Watch out.

She means it.

So what are we doing today?

Well, I was going

to go to the dig site

and Katherine finally

assembled the amphora.

Do you want to come?

Of course.

Athena, do you want to come?

Oh, no, no, no, no, I'm fine.

I have so much to do for

the welcome dinner tonight.

Please come.


So it is Psyche

accomplishing the fourth task.

I'm lost.

Catch me up.

Well, Aphrodite was

the goddess of love

who had a son named Eros.

And Psyche was a

beautiful mortal woman.

Who Eros fell

madly in love with.

And they married and

they lived very happily

until she betrayed

Eros trust and then

he moved back with his mother.

Forcing Psyche to Aphrodite's

palace to beg for Eros back.

So clever Aphrodite, she sets

Psyche for impossible tasks

to win Eros back.

But Psyche accomplished

the task, the fourth one

being to descend

into the underworld

and bringing back a box of

beauty ointment for Aphrodite.

And then what happened?

Well, Zeus rewarded Psyche

by turning her into a God

so she could live with

Eros on Mount Olympus.

So it was a

happily ever after.

Not for Aphrodite.

Speaking of moving

to Mount Olympus,

did you give any more thought

to apply into the job?

Oh, I'm trying to

get Ilana to apply

for my job to replace me here.

Hey, Chris.

Have you seen Mike?


Last I saw, he went for

a walk to your viewpoint.

Thank you.


Hey you.

I was hoping

I'd find you here.

Did your mom talk to you?

Talk to me about what?

So Katherine is

leaving her field site,

and she suggested that I apply.

That could be perfect.


When did this happen?

A few days ago.

And you didn't tell me?

Well, I wanted time

to think about it.


I have to get ready

for the welcome dinner.



May I?

Please, sit.

Thank you again for having me.

Honestly, you don't know

how happy I am you are here.

Well, I'm grateful

that you offered.

You know, Ilana has

a strong personality.

She doesn't like to let on

when she's having a tough time.

But she's also never

been very good at hiding

what she's feeling.

We love Ilana.

She's going to be

part of our family.

We want her to be happy.

I know.

It's just she's never

had a big family.

It's all new to her.

So it'll be quite an adjustment.

So how is Mike doing?

Oh, he's hiding it

too, and he's good at it.

But a mother knows.

He's confused.

He's concerned.

Why do they have to

make it so difficult, eh?

They certainly put

us through turmoil.

We're parents.

We love when they love,

we hurt when they hurt,

and we know when

our child needs us.

And so we pray that

we can guide them.

Yeah, we just nudge them

in the right direction

to make sure that they find

the happiness they deserve.

You understand me exactly.

It's tough, this parent thing.

If only they knew.

You look beautiful.

And tomorrow, you

start a new chapter.

You make a home, a family,

partner in the hotel.

No, that's not going

to happen, at least

not when you want it to.

Chris and I are

going to the states.

You're leaving me?

You're my daughter.

You're an Atlas.


And the Atlas' were

burdened with carrying

the weight of the world

on their shoulders.

I know.

Well, that's what

being your daughter

feels like sometimes, like I've

got the weight of the world

on my shoulders.

I'm your mother.


But I wish you were

also my friend.

Come in.



Guess what Alex has me doing.

A little last minute

wedding dress redesign.

Oh, honey.

I'm sorry.

I feel like this

is all my fault.

Like I haven't been the

best model of commitment.

Mom, I'm an adult.

Unfortunately, I can't still

blame my stuff on you.

But I also--

I know I can't live

like this anymore,

pretending like the

past doesn't exist,

but also praying that

it doesn't happen again.

Well, I don't

want that either.

You know, my wedding, Well,

it was the happiest day

of my life.

I wore a cap sleeve lace dress

that I designed with my mom.

Oh, it was hideous by today's

standards, but I loved it.

And until now when I

thought about my wedding,

all I could remember was

the pain that followed.

But now, I remember

how beautiful it was,

how happy I was,

how good I looked.

And I don't want to let the

pain take that away anymore, OK?

Mike, hey.

I needed to tell

you that I'm sorry.

I know I've been

distant and guarded.

It's just, this trip has

brought up a lot of issues.

This trip didn't suddenly

bring up all these issues.

You've always had them.

You asked why we never

discuss about our wedding

or where we'd live or

our future together.

It's because you didn't want to.

Why didn't you tell me

about your job opportunity

here on Santorini?

Maybe it's because you

don't really want it.

Maybe you don't really want me.

That's not true.

It feels like you're

looking for a reason to leave.

No, because I wasn't ready.

If you're not

ready for a wedding,

how can you be ready

for a marriage?

Are you-- are you

breaking up with me?

I don't know.

But I'm wondering if this--

we just don't work.

Ilana, are you

sure you want to go?

I think Mike

wants me to go, mom.

Oh, honey, he didn't say that.

Yeah, but he said a

lot of other things,

that I'm not ready and he

doesn't think this can work.

And what do you think?

I want him to be wrong.

But I think if I'm not ready,

then it's time for me to leave.

I mean, why have

I been so scared?

Maybe he is right.

Maybe instead of being

terrified about being left,

I should have been more

terrified about being

the one who leaves.

I just-- I wish there was

some sort of guarantee.

Oh, honey.

No one knows how it's

going to work out,

at least not until it's passed.

But you can't live your

life looking backwards,

not like I did, and not

in your personal life.

And look, don't you

think by leaving

it just proves him right?

Mom, I don't want

to hurt him anymore.

I know.

I know I'm late.

But the church needed me and

then the caterer needed--

What is this?

This is not what we planned.

Because I'm not wearing

my hair down anymore.

Oh, also, I had Susie

alter my dress, made it

more like the dress I wanted.


It's your wedding.

You should do what you want to.

Alexandra, I know

I can be a little--

what's the word-- overbearing.

And I'm sorry because I don't

want to be just your mama.

I want to be your friend.

Where is Ilana?

Ilana's not coming

to the wedding.

She's going back to Boston.

She and Mike are taking

space or something.

Taking space?

Breaking up?

I'll be back.


Please, don't go.

No, I've caused enough drama.

Causing drama is not a

reason to leave Greece.

It's a reason you belong here.

Anyway, I brought you

a little something.

It's probably too late, but

Psyche, Eros, and Aphrodite,

the original monster-in-law.

I come from a long line.

Anyway, when I

saw it, I thought,

what if Aphrodite didn't

set Psyche those tasks

so she would fail,

what if she said to her

those tasks so she would learn.

What do you mean?

I mean, maybe I believe

she wanted to teach her

daughter-in-law how to

persevere, how to say no,

how to let go of

the things you love,

but also how to

keep a hold of them.

Anyway, I'm going to

meddle one last time,

and then I promise never again.

You and Mike belong together.

I know I have made it

very difficult for you,

and I'm very sorry.

But I promise, if you

give it another chance,

I will be on my best behavior.

But if you want me to be out

of the picture, I will do it.

No, no, Athena,

I don't want that.

I don't.

But I would do it because

I want Mike to be happy,

and he's happy with you.

No, he's not happy because

I've really hurt him.

That's happens.

That's not when you stop loving.

That's when you

love the hardest.

How much longer

till the wedding?

It's supposed to

start in 3 hours.

So maybe five or six.

Will you help me?

Excuse me.

Where are we going?

You are following

your mother because she

knows what is right.

Which is?


I think maybe you

should go to her.

I'm just saying.

I agree.

What are you doing here?

I was pulled here.

Really, I was, because

I could finally

feel what you were

talking about,

that guiding

feeling, that knowing

that something is so right,

that pull to come home to you.

I'm sorry I messed

everything up.

It wasn't just this.

Trip was a lot of pressure.

It was unrealistic.

And I got scared.

And I get it.

I'm scared too.

But I'm more scared

of losing you.

Me too.

And I know that we have

a lot to figure out

like where we'll be,

how we'll be, your job,

my job, our families.

But I really do believe that

we can figure it out together.

And we can't just

run when it gets hard.

We have to protect each other.

Yes, always.

So will you marry me again and

sort of for the first time?

Oh, speaking of

marriage, we do kind of

have a wedding to get to.


Let's go.

Mike, you are my light, my pull,

my best friend, and my family.

Our journey has taken us

across oceans and countries

to get us right to

where we are today--


I want you to know that I

am willing to go anywhere

that our hearts lead us because

as long as we're together,

I'm home.

Ilana, ditto.

You can't ditto

our wedding vows.

OK, fair enough.

Ilana, when I first met

you, I realized what

I had been missing in my life.

I would give you the

world if I could.

And while maybe I can't give you

that, I can give you my world.

I can give you my commitments

to our world, wherever

it takes us.

I love you too.

And I'm happy we had this

small simple wedding.

Well, I think we have

different opinions on what

simple is.

I'm so glad I

brought them together.
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