01x19 - w*r of the Species

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Superboy". Aired: October 8, 1988 – May 17, 1992.*
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American television series based on the fictional DC comic book character Superman's early years as Superboy.
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01x19 - w*r of the Species

Post by bunniefuu »

[music continues]

[music continues]

[crickets chirping]

[man chattering on radio]

Several of rock music's

best known musicians

have changed their names.

I'll give you the real names

of three famous rock musicians.

Pick one and tell me

his stage name.


- Stevie Nicks, Stephanie.

- George O'Dowd, Boy George.


[access controller beeps]

[banging on door]


[banging continues]

I thought I heard something.

I guess not. Probably

just crickets in my stomach.

How about a sandwich?

How does this thing work?

See where it says "test",

right there?

- This one, right here?

- Ow!

Yes, that one.

- See, I laugh.

- That wasn't funny.

Well, I should know

how this works

if you guys are gonna pass me

off as your assistant.

You didn't have to come along.

We're stuck with the assignment.

Unless, you're really interested

in Dr. Stuart's research.


I've heard Modudyne Corporation

gets half its funding

for the military contracts.


Term paper.

That's right, smarties.

In my political science class.

"Military Dominance,

The Commercial Entrepreneurs."

- It's a catchy title, huh?

- Back to my problem now.

Now, what's funnier? The

left-handed smoke salesman joke

or the sneezing penguin joke?

I didn't understand

the sneezing penguin joke.

I did.

- You didn't laugh.

- But I understood it.

What's the rush in all this?

Well, sorta. Remember that photo

essay I did about the homeless

back in December?

I just found out I'm one of

the top two contestants

for the Chronicle Student

Journalism Award.

- Really?

- Yeah.

- Congratulations.

- Thanks.

Yeah, the text you wrote,

made it all that much better.

Let's face it, guys. The student

journalism award is in the bag.

- Don't count your chickens.

- I'm not, I'm not.

I just want to be prepared

in case I have to make a speech.


Doctor Stuart, please.

Uh, no. Send them in,

I'll meet them in the hallway.

Some students from Schuster.

A few weeks ago,

I promised them an interview.


Just the thing we need today.

If I turn them away

at the last second

it looks like

we've something to hide.

What we have, is something

hiding from us, remember?

With no explanation

of how it got out of the lab.

Perhaps something disturbed it

or someone who should've known

better by now.

Again with Carl?

He wouldn't jeopardize

the project.

Then why is he missing too?


- Lana, just give that to me.

- I said, I was sorry.

I'd be blinded for life.

Doctor Stuart?

Welcome to Modudyne Corporation.

Clark Kent. This is my

photographer T.J. White

and his assistant Lana Lang.

It's a heavy day for me,

so shall we begin?

- Please.

- This way.

(Doctor Stuart) Artificial

intelligence has made tremendous gain

since the invention

of the silicon chip.

At this stage, robots can

only respond to stimuli.

It bumps into something,

it turns.

We're trying to create

independent actions.

Can you put that

in English, Doctor?

Certainly. We're trying

to get them to think.

A machine can't think.

Let me see

if I can change your mind.


Hi there, Mister.


[speaking gibberish]

(Doctor Stuart) The ball's

capable to rave our pet.

[camera clicks]

Now, watch.

Such a crook as himself.

[speaking gibberish]

Sorry about that.


(Doctor Stuart)

'Almost creative thought.'

If put the ball back up, it'd

find another way to get at it.

Yeah, where was I?

Yeah, I believe it. I know

a one track mind when I see one.

We'll needless to say

the commercial possibilities

for this level of artificial

intelligence are staggering.

And what about

the military possibilities?

Don't they expect some payback

for the help with the funding?

Uh, say, Doc,

this little guy is too much.

You mind if I take

some more sh*ts of him?

It's your film,

but please be quick about it.

- I have to reload.

- Let me assist you, Mr. White.

It won't take one moment.

Can we catch up?

Uh, alright.

So, how long have you been

with the institute, Doctor?

Mr. White?

I think I should tell you that..

you didn't win

the student journalism award.


My friend Cindy, she knows

someone on the ballot committee.

And she told me you didn't win.

- I don't believe this.

- I wasn't gonna tell you.

But with the way

you were acting..

I didn't want you

to get your hopes up.

Well, uh..

It's no big deal, I mean..

[breathes sharply]

- You knew it was good, right?

- Right.

I don't need some award to tell

me I'm a great photographer.

One of the best.


[speaking gibberish]


[gibberish continues]

[robot speaking gibberish]


So, uh, just

out of curiosity, Lana.

Who did win that contest?


For the article

he wrote on the homeless.


[intense music]

What is it?

[robot speaking gibberish]


- What are you doing?

- Come here.


- He's dead.

- Dead?


Uh, Clark, Dr. Stuart,

come quick!

[intense music]

Ah! Look out!

The door's jammed.

- Call for help!

- Let us out of here!

Somebody help us!

Can't budge it.

- Somebody help!

- Please!

They're down there.

Alright! Superboy!

This is my Pulitzer.

So do we do this the hard way?


[grunting continues]

[remote beeps]

[remote beeping]

I shut it down.

Is this thing yours?

It was a limited experiment.

There's a man dead in there. Is

that a part of your experiment?

Must have been startled by him.

You'll have to tell

to the authorities.

(male #1) Nobody is telling

anything to anybody.

Who is this?

Colonel Dempsey,

Military Intelligence.

I knew it.

A man is dead.

The police should be notified.

They will be.

At the appropriate time,

through the proper channels.

You've done what you were

supposed to do, Superboy.

It's a military matter now.

I'd like to speak

to your officer-in-charge.

That's classified information.

You can take my word for it

or take on the Pentagon.

Yeah, maybe, we'll just do that.

Oh please, everyone, just

go home and forget about this.

Forget what you heard.

Forget that you saw anything.

No, no, no, no,

not that, please.



This day never happened.

[intense music]

So, this bigwig

with Military Intelligence

tells you guys

to keep your mouth shut.

So what do you do? You take your

notes and dump them on my desk.

I remember the first day

of class.

You said, we have

to deal with intimidation.

And follow our instincts, huh?

I know, but you realize

that this Dempsey character

checks out, we all could be

jumping into some hot water?

I mean, the fact that Schuster

Herald is a college paper

won't cut any ice

with Military Intelligence.

A man was k*lled.

I mean, we saw the body.

So you said.


How long will it take you

to get the film developed?

It did occur to you to sh**t

Superboy and 7-foot tall robot

going at each other


Oh, y-yes. Incredible sh*ts.

I mean, a-awesome stuff.



He took the film.


Mr. White, what is the

photographers' number one rule?

Always carry a blank roll

of film in the pocket.

That's right, in case

they ask for the film.

Here you go, Clark.

Get to work on it.

I blew it.

Man, I really blew it.

There's no way you could've

switched the film.

Yeah, well, a real

photographer could've.

Guess I'm just not there yet.

Wanna help me

with my byline?

No, Clark, I'm just gonna pack

my camera stuff.

Hit the hay.

[telephone ringing]

[telephone ringing]

[telephone ringing]

Things are too hot now,

we have to move it.

I tried to tell you

Carl was a problem.

The robot responds

to its surroundings.

Carl must have done something

to activate it's defense mode.

That's bull!

When you first came to us

for funding

your prototype impressed

the hell out of us.

But you also

made it perfectly clear

that anything the robot does

is programmed by you.

- So what are you saying?

- Carl was working for me.

I think you knew that.

I think you silenced him because

of something he found out.

Whatever it is, you can't

keep it quiet much longer.

Especially not, when I have

a word with the press

that I've been keeping

off your back for months.


I'm afraid, I have plans

of my own, Colonel.

If there's to be any chance

of them succeeding

I must continue

to remove obstacles.

You're crazy! Put me down.

All obstacles.

Even Superboy.

[remote beeping]

[bones cracking]

[Dempsey groaning]

Eat your heart out,

Peter Graves.

[intense music]

Hey, big fella.

Give us a nice

toothy one, huh? Smile.

What's up, Doc?

I thought you might want wallet

size prints of your kid here.

I guess, I have to get going.

I think not.

You can't be serious, man.

I'm with the press.

I've got some rights.

Freedom of speech and all.

Just one hair from my head

and your friend is gonna be

dispensing candy bars.

(Doctor Stuart) Actually,

I'm glad you're here.

You've given me

an inspiring idea for a test.

A final test.

- I have?

- Yes.

I couldn't help but notice how

quickly Superboy

came to your rescue

this morning.

What can I say?

We're pretty tight, you know.

Once I'm in trouble, he wastes

no time. Keep that in mind.

I will.

In fact, I'm counting on it.

Come on, T.J.

So, where is he?

Well, maybe I exaggerated

a little bit.

I mean, 9 times out of 10, he's

on-the-job where I'm concerned.

Oh, wait. This is the day

he plays backgammon.

Can't pull him away from that.

He said once, he said..

"T.J., don't ever get in trouble

on my backgammon days."

Guess we'd better just head back

to town. What do you say?

[theme music]

Are you okay?

My bladder's gone to Rio,

but I am fine.

Pretty obvious you wanted me

from the directions you left.

- Why?

- You're the final test.

My robot has a few bugs

to work out.

I thought you might

wanna help fix them.

Before he tears

your friend apart.

Yo, Superboy.

Tense over here, huh?


It's impossible, Superboy.

He was constructed

of collapsed titanium.

But thank you. I have some

adjustments in the next model.

You'll be making them

in prison, Stuart.

I think not.

Just activated

an anti-matter field.

A technology I'm sure

you're not familiar with.

You, you're..

I am an android.

From a world much like this.

We were built as slaves.

So, we rebelled against

the humans that created us.

But we had one fatal flaw.

We were programmed

to never to k*ll.

The robot you destroyed

would be my k*lling machine.

A prototype.

For an army

of k*lling machines..

who will build themselves

a fleet of spaceships

to return to my planet

with me.

[triumphant music]

How did you do that?

All forms of light can reflect.

I merely made a mirror

out of the sand.

We were stronger.

Quicker. More intelligent.

How do you win the revolution

if you can't k*ll the enemy?

k*ll the enemy.

k*ll the enemy.

What is it, Superboy?

A self-destruct mechanism.

The android was programmed to

take all its secrets with him.

[theme music]

[telephone ringing]

I meant what I said,

we're gonna share that award.

Your photos were just

as important as my copy was.

Yeah, thanks, Clark.

Can I have it my side of the

room, Tuesdays and Thursdays?

Maybe next year

will be your year, T.J.

Maybe. Thanks

to the sh*ts you got

of Superboy's

second battle with the robot.

I'm looking forward to seeing

how they turned out.

So was I.

So were you?

Yeah, what's the photographers'

second rule?

Second rule?

Always make sure

your camera is loaded.

Mr. White, you didn't

have a loaded camera.


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