Wedding Contract, The (2023)

Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.

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Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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Wedding Contract, The (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »



I am so sorry,

that was all my fault.

Are you okay?


I am now.



You mightve b*rned

down your bridges

Mightve lost sight

of your vision

Had to hold your head down

when you couldnt

hold onto faith

While this world keeps

on spinning

Its like youre only

worth what youre winning

And you cant

find your place

You dont have to have it all

to have something to live for

Havent I, havent I, havent

I, havent I told you?

Youre gonna face the wall

If taking chances

was easy

then youd never fall

Havent I, havent I, havent

I, havent I told you?

That it's worth it all

Just give it everything,

don't give up

You'll be standing tall

It was worth it

-Am I overreacting or

did the earth just move?

-It couldve been the kiss

or it could be the setting.

-I dont know what you see

in this place.

-I see us.

-They should put up a plaque.

-Theres our bench.

-I was late but I sat there

for two hours.

-Nearly three.

-You were reading

an Emily Bronte novel.

-Jane Austen.

-Little did I know,

when I went for that run...

Id end up in love.

-So, I was thinking...


-Yeah, you gonna tell me

the thought

or am I supposed to guess?

-You should come

to Shabbat dinner

and get to know my family.

-Oh yes.


-Thats big, thats a big step.

-I am aware.


-So, I thought youd never ask.

I havent been to a Shabbat

dinner in a long time.

I barely remember the blessing.

So your parents wont

hold it against me?

-Not if youre good

to their daughter.

-What should I bring?

Wine, flowers, a new car?

I want them to like me.

-Go with the car.



-Like a hybrid or like...?

-[Rebecca] Mom, I cant wait

for you to meet him.

Adams smart and funny but he

also has a really kind heart.

And hes even good looking,

and by that I mean gorgeous,

or at least I think so.

-Dont hold back.

How do you really feel?

-I cant help it,

Im in love.

-Youre such a romantic.

-Stop telling her how to feel,

let me do that.

-When you know you know.

-What do you know exactly?

-Hes the one.



-And hes coming

to dinner on Friday.


-I get to meet him.

-Love me, love my family.

Even my overly protective

sister, Hannah.

-And I know this is

so cheesy but

my heart still races every time

he walks into a room.

-I know its only been

six months

but do you think

he might propose?


-Im certainly open

to the possibility

but Im not expecting anything.


-I mean, if he asked I would

probably say yes.

If and when the moment came,

but who knows. You know?

-That is the most complicated

I hope so I have ever heard.

[cookie crunches]

-No, no, no.

Its not that I dont like

the font, I hate it.

I dont wanna see it anywhere

in the building.

One second.

Hey guys, we need to put the dog

food pitch on hold

and anything else

youre working on.

We need to land

the Body Now account.

-Were already on it.

-Are you? Then why are

you still talking to me?


Im kidding.

-[laughing sarcastically]

-But Im not really kidding.


Seriously, do not let me

down on this.

Yeah, Im back.

Where are we?


Uh, they are opening up 22 of

these places on the west coast.

The artwork looks pretty easy.

Its, well, beautiful people

we all wanna be,

looking way better

than we ever could.

Uh... wow.

This is so much more than

an ordinary gym.

This is a health nut's paradise.

It's a medi spa.

Cryotherapy? Uh...

Oh, juice bar!

I mean, who would willfully

drink chlorella?

Feel free to chime in

any time, Adam.



-Nick, sorry.

Uh... where were we?

-Uh, never mind where I was.

Where were you?


Im in love.

Which is a wonderful,


terrifying place to be.

Did you know that

Rebecca means

a woman who steals

a mans heart?

Do you know that?

-I did not know that.

-It does.


-She did.

-[Peter] Well, make it

for first class...

Whats wrong?

Why the happy face?

-Oh. Uh, we think we have a b*at

on the Body Now account.



Because I just booked

a meeting with the client.



-That is... great.

-[clears throat]

-Good, good.


-Good, good.

-Uh oh.

-That is so great.


-Deep, deep breaths.





-I know that look.



What? Ive got too much

going on on too many fronts.

I need to dissipate my cortisol.

Ah, thats the stuff.

[school bell rings]

-Oh, beautiful.

-I talked to the Board.

Theres nothing more in

the budget for supplies.

-Thats okay.

Well go to the discount store

and buy them ourselves.

-You wanna go this afternoon?

-Hmm, Im making challah

with my mom.

Adams coming for dinner.

-Miss Singer has a boyfriend!

[both laughing]

Dinner with the family is big.

[school bell rings]


-I gotta get to my office.

Well hit the discount stores

next week?


-So... you have a boyfriend?

-I do.


What is holler?


-Yeah. That thing youre making

with your mom.

-Oh. Challah.

Its a special kind of bread.

-Well, whats so special

about it?

-Its filled with

happy memories.


-Shall we?



-[Sadie] I remember making

challah with my mother.

Every ingredient came

with a blessing.

She would always say...

[in unison]

Food is love you can taste.

[both laughing]

-I miss Nana so much.

-You have her smile

and her kind eyes.

One day youll make challah

with your daughter.

-Or son.

-I cant wait to have grandkids.

-You have one on the way.

-I could use a few more.

[both laughing]

Adam is a lucky man.

-Because of the challah?

-Because of the girl

who made it for him.

-You look beautiful.

-Thanks Dad.

-And youre even more beautiful

on the inside.

If your Adam is wise,

hell value that more.

-Well, he isnt my Adam.

Not yet.

-Well... I give him 'till about

half past dessert.


-[Hannah] Hello!

Ooh, something smells



-Is he here yet?

-No. Ah, ah, ah, ah.

-I have a lot riding on this.

If this guy sticks,

we are gonna be watching

ball games together

for the next 40 years.

He better be a Cubs fan.

-He is.

-Our kids are gonna be cousins.

These things matter.

-Hey, this is a dinner,

not a wedding.

-Isnt that a new dress?

-Hmm, to go with the new hair.

Its cute, I like it.

-Look, this is Adams first time

meeting my family

and I would appreciate it if

you didnt scare him off. Okay?

-Its not like I am going

to ask his intentions.

-Of course not.

I will.

[doorbell rings]

-That must be him.

-Ooh, hes punctual.

Thats a good sign!

-How do I look?

[both grinning]

-Ill get it.

You must be Adam.

-Uh, yes. Yes, I am.

-Come in.


-Now would be a good time.

-Good. Great.

Thank you.

Thank you, Mr. Singer.

-Please, call me Jacob.


Thank you, Jacob.

Mrs. Singer?



Uh, well I havent been

to a Shabbat dinner

in a really long time so I

brought a little of everything.

-Thank you.

-Some flowers for you.

-Theyre beautiful.

-Okay, and I hope

you like chocolate.

-We do.

-Oh my.

-Yeah, it's a lot. I know.

Um... I wanted to make

a good impression.

-Well, consider me impressed.

I buy the honesty.

-This is my sister, Hannah.


-Hi, nice to meet you.

-And her husband Elliot.


-Its customary on Shabbat

to give the sisters husband

tickets to a Cubs game.

-Ah, I see. I see.

This is a tradition

Im not familiar with.

But, uh, next time.

I promise.

-Oh, youre assuming

theres gonna be a next time?

-Oh, Im just hoping out loud.


-I like that.


-Whatd you get?

-Michael Friedman bar mitzvah.

-Canner Zuckerman wedding.

-Oh, its a shame

that didnt work out.


-Would you like

to do the honors?



-[reciting blessing in Hebrew]



-[singing blessing in Hebrew]

[all singing blessing in Hebrew]





[all toasting together]

[glasses clinking]

-Eyes. Eyes.

-Im doing eyes.

-[glasses clinking]


-To health.

[glasses clink]

-To happiness.


[all singing blessing in Hebrew]


-Shabbat shalom.

-[all together]

Shabbat shalom.

-Would you like to do

the honors?


-Whoa, save some

for the rest of us.

-Hes kidding.


-But not about the Cubs tickets.

-Oh. Oh man.

You made this?


My mom and me.

-So if we were together, I would

get this every Friday night?

-How together are we talking?

-As together as it gets.

-Wait till you try her brisket.

He fits in really well.

-What does he think about kids?

-You think Id get involved with

someone who didnt like kids?

-Pardon me for asking.

-Hes pretty perfect

if you havent noticed.

And every single day

I fall deeper in love.

Hes right behind me,

isnt he?

-He came to see

if you needed help.

Now hes backing away,

having heard nothing.


Hes a helper,

thats a good sign.

-And hes funny,

which is even better.

-Hes a keeper.

[all laughing]

-This is the best Shabbat dinner

I can remember.

My dad passed away

when I was four.

My mom had to work full time.

And then she married a man

who wasnt Jewish, from Vermont,

which is where we lived

until they divorced.

Somehow my Jewish heritage

got a bit lost along the way.

-Maybe its time for you

to reclaim it.

-Yeah. Maybe so.

-How did you end up in Chicago?

-I went to Northwestern.


-Go wildcats.

-Go wildcats.


And after graduation I decided

to stick around.

-Howd you get into advertising?

-Well, I went to business school

but what I really loved

to do was write.

Advertising was my compromise

between the two.

-Enough with the questions,

let the man eat.

-I dont mind.


-Sadie has to have

the last word.

-Its in the ketubah,

you signed it.

-Its a marriage contract

that Jewish couples sign.

-It says that we will listen to

each other and hear each other.

But Sadie likes

to be heard last.

-I have a lot to say.

-See what I mean?

-He sees and he hears,

enough said.

-"Ill have what

theyre having."

-When Harry Met Sally.

-Boom, you got it.

[mugs clack]

-Nailed it.

[phone ringing]


-Hi sweetheart.

-Where are you?

-Im in Tuscany.

We started demo on the villa.

I got your text.

What did you wanna

talk to me about?

-Call me when the walls

arent coming down.

I have some good news.


-[yelling in Italian]

My Italian is atrocious

but somehow,

if you say it with conviction,

things get done.

-Alright, well talk tonight.


-Okay. Ciao sweetheart.


-Who are you yelling at?

-My mom.


-Shes in Italy renovating a

villa for some opera singer.

-Your mother is a force

of nature.

-Alright, lets talk Body Now.

We pitch three 30 second spots.

A guy is working out on some

high tech contraption.

A girl is in the spa

getting a facial.


-They meet at the juice bar.

Uh oh.

Theres an instant attraction.

Second spot.

He gets buffer,

she gets cleaner pores

and the relationship deepens

over a green drink.

And in the last spot

theyre unbearably fit

and falling in love.

Now, pumping iron

and exfoliating

are not inherently engaging.

So, we give the commercials...

a romantic spin.


Im sorry buddy, I dont get it.

-Thats because

youre not in love.

-Oh. Yeah, right.

This is about Rebecca.

-Well, everything

is about Rebecca

but that doesnt mean

my idea wont work.

Theres a reason romance sells.

Were all looking for love.

A few of us find it.

I did.

Im asking Becs to marry me.

-There it is.

I knew it.

Im not surprised.

-Youre not?

-Adam, youve been telling me

youre gonna marry this girl

from the day that you met her.


-So, look.

Youre gonna need a ring to seal

the deal and I, I know,

I am a three time loser in that

department but that much I know.

-I mean, you were

only married once.

-When it comes to rings,

I count my engagements.

[Nick chuckles]

-[Rebecca] Pizza, an art show

and now...

the most beautiful place

in Chicago.

-But wait...

there's more.

-Okay, I dont know

how you top this.


You know that I love you.

I just hope you know how much.

-I love you too.


[both laughing]

-How did you do this?

-I called the parks department,

they let me sponsor a bench.

-I feel like I went to sleep and

woke up in a Jane Austen novel.


-But wait.

Theres more.



-You havent seen the ring yet.

-The box may be

all I can handle.

-Will you marry me?


-Can you just repeat that,

just one more time?

-[laughing] Yes, I will

marry you!

I cant wait to tell my parents.

-My mom is in Italy but

shell be here next week.

Theyll get to meet.

-What is she like?


-Shes an acquired taste.

-What does that mean?

-Very opinionated.

-Ah! Well my moms

opinionated too.

-Oh, so they have something

in common.

What could possibly go wrong?


Why would you say that?

They cant wait to meet you.

Listen, theyre very down

to Earth.

-I can do down to Earth.

-Mom, I love you, but youre

in designer head to toe.

-I wanted to look my best.


-Rebecca, this is my mom, Diane.

-Hello Rebecca.

-Hi. Hi!

Um, come on in.

[all chuckling]



-[Diane] What a lovely home.

-Lets pick a date and move

backwards from there.

-Im having knee surgery

in September.

-I have to be in the UK

in October.

Im renovating a castle

in Scotland.

-Maybe during your summer break?


-Well, the synagogue is booked

months in advance.

-Well, maybe we could do it

at the Regency Hotel.

I designed their lobby, Im sure

I can pull a few strings.

-I always dreamed of having

a traditional Jewish wedding

in a synagogue.

-Why dont I call

Rabbi Solomon

and see if theres

a cancellation?





Oh... I... I'm sorry to hear

they broke up.

But he was never right for her.

June 17th?

Oh, that doesnt give us

much time.

Yes, Rabbi.

Well take it.

I can't believe it.

Its a miracle, meant to be.

Theres an opening on June 17th.

-[Diane] June 17th!

-Well, thats two months away.

-Seven weeks actually.

-The miracle will be planning

a wedding that quickly.

We need a list.

-Im a list maker too.

Number one on the list,

meet with the rabbi.

You have an appointment

on Monday at 4:00PM.


-Number two is the dress.

-My cousin has a bridal salon.

-The flowers, invitations...

-The cake, the chuppah.

-Uh, the...

the ketubah.

The wedding contract,

that is the most important thing

on the list.

-Where do I sign?

-Well, my father passed away

when I was really young.

I remember him saying

the Shabbat blessings.

I remember him playing dreidel

with me at Hanukkah.

But thats pretty much it.

-Well perhaps the traditions

of a Jewish wedding

might make you feel

closer to him.

-And we wanna blend

the old with the new

and create traditions

of our own.

So the marriage contract,

of course.

And, uh, circling, but were

both gonna do that.

-Thats modifying an older

tradition but its your wedding.

-Yeah. And the wine,

the rings and...

oh, Adam's gonna

break the glass.

-You good with all this?

-Im good with her,

the rest I can learn.

-Well its good to have you both

learn more about each other.

I like to have couples

take a little test.

-Well, were here,

were getting married.

-Um... I think we're good.

We love each other, we

know each other. So...

-I think we know each

other pretty well.

-Does everyone say that?

-They do.

Its very simple.

Twenty questions, how you

see yourselves,

how you see one another.

And its more revealing

than you might think.


-Thank you.

[playful music]

-Did we pass?



How did we do?

-Well... you both have a lot

in common.

Your mutual love of movies

and novels.

But you seem to view each

other somewhat differently.

-What do you mean?

-You tend to feel that Adam

gets a little nervous at times.


When do I get nervous?

-You were nervous

meeting my parents.


-I mean, youre nervous at work.

You have a treadmill

in your office.

-If you had my boss

youd need one too.

-I report to a higher authority

but I get what you mean.

-Of course.

-Okay. Now, here is a question

worth discussing.

Is your partner a good listener?

You seem to disagree.

-Youre more of a talker.

-Well I think

Im a good listener.

That doesnt mean

Im not listening.

-You cant really listen

when youre talking.

-Clearly you both have

a lot to discuss.

But not simultaneously.

And thats the point

of taking the test.

When you sign the ketubah,

you need to know each other

to understand

what youre promising.

-That I heard.

-So did I.

-[Sadie] Whats that?

-[Rebecca] Oh, the rabbi

let us borrow it

so that Adam could see

all the possibilities.

-So many ketubahs,

so little time.

-Its all the types of

calligraphy and paper

and designs.

-I dont have a clue.

-Its your call.

-Well, I like when the Hebrew

and the English

are next to each other.

-You say it in both languages,

its twice as true.

-Hmm. I like the frame.

-Jacob wanted something simple.

But for me more is always more,

so we settled on something

in between.


-What do you think?

-I think we found it.

-I know its the suburbs

and a commute,

but there are some really

nice houses out here.

-Listen, if I land

the Body Now account,

Im probably gonna get

a salary bump.

We could buy a house and start

a family sooner than we thought.

-Yeah. Well, I wanna have

three kids.

-I like the sound of that.

-And I wanna name one of the

boys Hershel, after my Zayde.


Not sure about Hershel.

-Well, everyone

will call him Harry.

-Harry, let's...

we'll go with Harry then.

-Great. Harry and the twins

could be very happy out here.

-Oh, were having twins?


-Oh, good to know.


-All of the spots feature

the same couple.

Body Now takes them

from attractive singles,

to drop dead gorgeous,

to madly in love.

Who wouldnt wanna sign up

for that?

-So? You like it?

-Like it?

I lived it.

[all laughing]

My wife used to be

my personal trainer.

-She is going to love this idea.

Almost as much as me.

Look, it has an active

single sensibility,

which is our target audience.

-I used to be the guy

youre trying to reach.

I went to school at Northwestern

where I ran track.

And learned how to write

a 30-second romance.

[all laughing]

-See, whatd I tell you?

Hes bright, hes athletic,

he gets it.

-Nice work.



Oh, its subtle, elegant.

-Its a bit plain.

Try the one with the tulle

skirt, it has more pizazz.

-I gather pizazz is allowed.

-Okay. Next dress.

-You and your fianc have

very different mothers.

-With very different taste.

-Maybe you should elope.

-I love it.

-Thats a lot of tulle.

What about the veil?

-Oh, were not doing

the veiling.

-Oh no, but its

a lovely tradition.

-Well, its a little antiquated.

The groom lifting the veil to

make sure its the right bride?

-Im gonna go try on

another dress.

This is why there are no mother

in laws in romance novels.

-Well, they are kind

of a buzzkill.

-Who knew finding a wedding

dress would require a referee?

-Youve gotta stand up

for yourself.

-What do you think?

-Do not let them talk you out

of that dress.

-I miss the pizazz.

-Theres a fine line between

pizazz and over the top.

-This is the dress I wanna wear.

I think its beautiful

and I hope you do too.

-Thats the dress.

-I couldnt agree more.

-What about the shoes?

-White satin sling-backs.

-Or an open-toe silver pump.

-Or maybe I could just wear

one of each.

-Hey! I... got some news

for you.

-We got it?

We got the account?

-We got the account!

Charlie loved your pitch.

-Oh yeah.

[buttons beeping]

Slowing down.


-I mean, hes kind of

a character

but I think I really like

the guy.

-Oh, he is.

I mean, Ive known him forever.

We grew up together.

He came up with this crazy idea.

Neon resistance bands.

I mean, why you need

to see yourself

working out in the dark?

I dont get it.

But what do I know?

He made a fortune and

he bought all these gyms

on the west coast.

-Lucky for us.

-Well, lucky for... you.

I want you to run

the LA office.

-What? Oh...


You just became a VP.

-[laughing nervously]

I appreciate the offer...

more than you know.

but Rebeccas a teacher,

she loves her job.

-Theyve got schools in LA.

-Its not that simple.

She started an

after-school program.

She teaches kids art

and how to read.

Shes a Cubs fan,

loves deep dish pizza,

the way the wind whips off

the lake in the winter.

Most of all, shes extremely

close with her family.

-Well, they can visit.

Listen... Charlie will only sign

with the agency

if you relocate to LA

to service the account.

So... pack your bags,

grab your beautiful bride

and get ready to live

your fabulous new life.

You did it.

Well done.

[classical music playing]


You are so cute.

-Did you know they were gonna

end up getting married?

-I had a hunch.

Speaking of weddings...

The invitations.

Now my mom and your mom

had different opinions.

I am still recovering

from the wedding dress

so I thought it would be safer

to have them give me samples.

-This is so easy

because there are so few samples

to choose from.

-Well, I went to

the stationery store

and got a couple of my own.

Its a rush order so we have

to decide right away.


-Guess which mom

chose which card?


I dont know if I love

either one.

The cards, not the mothers.


Well, I found this one.

Its pretty, uniquely Jewish.

This is the tree of life and

it symbolizes new beginnings.

-Its perfect.

-It is?


-Our wedding invitation?

-Our wedding invitation.


-Speaking of, uh...

new beginnings.

I have some news.

-About the wedding?

-About us and our future.


Peter made me an offer

I cant refuse.

Its like the Godfather

if it were set

in the advertising world.

-I dont know whether to laugh

or to worry.

-He wants me to run

the LA office.

Which means I become a VP

and nearly double my pay.


-Good wow or bad wow?

-Just an all-purpose,

overwhelmed, life-changing wow?

-Wed be able to buy

a really nice house.

And start our family.

-This job is...

is this what you want?

-I want a happy wife.


-I could see Harry and

the twins growing up in LA.

[cheerful music]


Are we doing this?

-We are.

[both laughing]


The wedding is in a month and

the list keeps getting longer.

Oh, did you talk to the florist

about the chuppah?

-I will.

-I dont wanna get ahead of

myself or ahead of your wedding,

but theres a house a few blocks

away that just came up for sale.


Im afraid thats too long

of a commute.

Adam got a big promotion

but it means moving

to Los Angeles.


My goodness.

Ive always liked Los Angeles.

-Youve never even been there.

-Ive always wanted to go.

-Well see each other

on holidays

and well talk all the time.

-Ill just miss you, thats all.

-Me too.

[emotional music]

[phone ringing]

Hi sweetheart.

-Hey Mom.

I have to get to the office

but I have some news.

I just made VP.


-I dont wanna brag, but

youre my mom, so I will.

The youngest VP in the history

of the agency.

Im gonna be running

the LA office.

-Oh, honey.


You are gonna love living

in Los Angeles.

-Yeah, I think so.

I hope so.

-Oh, this is so exciting!

Maybe Ill become a snowbird

and I can spend the winters

with you and Rebecca.

Do you think shell mind?

-Great. That... no,

that sounds great.

We're gonna talk

about this later.

I gotta go. Okay?

-Oh... great, sweetheart.



-Hes probably just stuck

in traffic.

Hell be here any minute.

-Sadie told me about the move

to Los Angeles.

How are you feeling about that?

-Okay. I guess.

Ill miss my family.

And the synagogue.

I have so many memories here,

you know?


Sorry. So sorry Im late.

I got stuck in a meeting

with a new client.

[phone chiming]


I... it's my boss.

This looks bad.

Just one second.

There. He wanted to know

why I left.

-And what did you tell him?

-To discuss my wedding.


-And... the ceremony.


-And... can I phone a friend?

[phone chimes]

I am... I am so sorry,

just one more moment.

-Can we put something

in the wedding contract

about the groom turning off

his phone?

-The answer we were looking

for was the marriage itself

and what it means.

To respect each other.

To know when to give in.

-Turned off and giving in.

-So... have you given any

thought to the chuppah?


Apparently not enough.

-Theyre setting up

for a wedding

in the synagogue right now.

Lets go take a look.


-A chuppah symbolizes the home

that you and Rebecca

will build together.

The four sides stay open,

welcoming friends and family

into your lives.

Sometimes the parents stand

under the chuppah

with the bride and groom

during the ceremony.

-Oh, that means both

our mothers.

-Were gonna need

a bigger chuppah.

-Theyre all different.

Find a way to make it your own.

-Speaking of wedding rings...

-We werent speaking

of wedding rings.

-Well, this is where

were gonna exchange them

so thats on my mind.

-Ah, right.

-They should be plain

gold bands.

No jewels, just

the perfect circle

representing your

never-ending love.

-I always wanted to wear

my Nanas, she left it to me.

-Wedding rings are often

heirlooms of the heart.

What about your fathers ring?

-Oh, um...

I don't know.

-It was just an idea.

Give it some thought.

-I dont care what kind of

a ring I put on your finger.

As long as you promise

to keep it there forever.

-I do.

-I do too.



Wheres the groom?

-On his way to the airport.

He has to go to LA

for a few days.

-So its just you, me and her?

-Lets make it fun.

-Fun is my middle name.



-Choosing the wedding cake

may be my favorite thing

on the list.

-Its mine too.

-Please, after you.

-No, please.

Go right ahead.

-Oh no, no.

Please, after you.

-No, youre first.

-Its fine.

-Oh, I insist.

-Here you are ladies.

-If I have one more bite Im not

gonna fit into the dress.

-Mmm. Can we at least agree

on the chocolate ganache?

-Mmm, I like the coconut


-Oh, its too rich.

-Theres no such thing

when it comes to cake.

-Maybe we could do

alternating layers.

[in unison]

Mmm, that would look funny.

-Well, at least you can agree

on that.

-What if we went with

the cream cheese frosting?


When I hear cream cheese

I think of lox.

-Its a Jewish wedding.

Why not?

And what about the cake toppers?

-What did you have in mind?

Well we need to leave room

for their names on the top tier.

-Everyone knows whos getting

married, we dont need names.

-What do you think?

-Maybe we should just

do cupcakes.

So, they sent us home

with samples.

Two hours and 10,000

calories later

to decide on

chocolate mocha.

-Mmm, you should get married

more often.

-Adam is a sweetheart

but his mother is not easy.

-Where is he?

-He had to go to LA

to meet with a client.

-Mom, do we have any...

Thank you!


-Dont knock it till

you try it.

-I think you may be taking this

pregnancy thing

a little too far.

-Mmm. I just hope I make it

through your wedding

without giving birth.

[upbeat music]

-I have a saying, you only feel

as good as you look.

Some people call that shallow.

I call it true.

-Body Now is Vanessas baby

if you havent figured that out.

-Im on a mission.

-My mission is to make money.

-[clears throat]

-And to help people

get into shape.

-Well my mission is to help you

achieve both of yours.

We started on the west coast

but we want to go national.

You know, turn it into a brand

and a product line.

You know, everything from

protein powder to ankle weights.

-Running track meant

so much to me.

A lot of your business

is about personal trainers.

Why not have a sports

training program?

You make more money

and keep people engaged.

-I like that idea.

A lot.

-Told you he was the right guy.

[both laughing]

-To Body Now.

-To Body Now.

-To Body Now.

-I was... all... always...






-Did you know that a lot of

really famous people

who did amazing things

had dyslexia?

-Like Albert

Einstein and Picasso?

-Whos that?

-He was a really great painter.

-I love to paint!

-Yeah. And someday

you will love to read.


-The... puppy... lived...

happy... happily... ever after.


-What does that mean?

-You know, a lot of stories

end that way

and I think it has to do

with love.

You remember we talked

about verbs?

Love is a verb and

its something you do

with all of your heart

that makes you really happy.

-Im really happy

youre my teacher.

-Me too.

-I know. I know.

Im sorry Im late.

Peter is turning my life

into a meeting.



-Is my mom here?

-Theyre both inside.

-Hows it going?

-Its a little tense.


I can be the buffer.

-Be the groom.

These are the flowers

for our wedding

and its kind of a big deal...

well, at least to me.

-Your big deal is my big deal.

-Nice save.

-Thank you.

-Im on my lunch break

so theres not a whole lotta

time for debate.

-And I have to head back

to the office.

So lets jump right in.

-Well, Im thinking pastels,

with pink and white roses.

Thats what I had at my wedding.

-What about peonies?

-Peonies. Absolutely.

-Maybe some babys breath,

thats what I had at my wedding.

-Oh, Im afraid Im allergic

to babys breath.

I dont wanna be sneezing

through your I dos.


-Its an immune response,

not a choice.

-What about lavender?

It is so calming.

-Lets go with lavender then.

All the lavender the chuppah

can hold.

-Are they always like that?

-Pretty much.




Well its a good

thing were moving to LA.

-What do you mean?

-Well they wont have to see

each other as much.

-I dont want them to see less

of each other,

I want them to get along.

-I know, so do I.

-Adam, family is everything

to me.

-I... of course.

I know that.

-Do you?

-Youre not hearing me.

[phone pings]

-I heard that.

The rabbi said falling in love

is not enough

and that we have to work really

hard to make a marriage work.


What do you think

were doing right now?

-Working really hard.


You and I are gonna keep doing

that for the rest of our lives.

[phone pings]

[phone pings]

-Im not answering it.

-Just answer it.

-No way.

-You picked up a lot of food.

-Just... just the usual amount

of deli stuff for your dad.

Who I happen to know

will really, really like it.

-You dont have to try so hard,

he already approves of you.

-Look, Im taking his daughter

halfway across the country.

An aggressive amount of pastrami

is the least I could do.


You should call him and

my mother Mom and Dad.


-Yeah. Hannah told Elliot

to do it when they got engaged

and it worked like a charm.


-We need to go over the RSVPs.


-This is really good pastrami.

-Oh, thanks...


-Youre welcome, son.

-And the flowers

are just lovely.

-Oh, good. I'm glad you

like them... Mom.

-You realize your mom

is sitting right here.

-Would it be alright

if I called you Mom?


-I finalized the menu

with the caterers

and ordered the champagne.

-Since you and Jacob are

hosting the wedding reception,

I would like to host

the rehearsal dinner.


-Aw, thank you.

-That is so wonderful...


[door opens and closes]


Oh, I smell deli.

Deli, deli, deli, deli, deli.

-Hey guys.

-Everything looks so good.

I have two modes,

sleeping and eating.

[all chuckling]

-Everything is set

for the reception.

Adam will stomp on the glass

and were off for the party.

-Unless the glass doesnt break.

Then dinner might be late.


Thats a real thing

that can happen?

-Oh yeah, it happened to us.

I thought it was a sign.

Dont marry this guy.


I kept stomping on the glass

but it just wouldnt break.

It was the longest 23 seconds

of my life.

-The moral is, marriage takes a

lot of effort but its worth it.


And wear cleats to your wedding.

-Um, pass the bagels, Mom.


Oh. Which mom?

-Um... either.


-I have the same problem

with my mother in law.

-If Diane is easier...


-Everything okay?

-Yeah. I'm just...

I'm a bit anxious

about the wedding.

There's a lot to remember.


-Even the simple stuff

like circling.


-I know it means a lot

to Rebecca,

I just want to get it right.

-Circling is a breeze.


-[clicks tongue]

-Okay. It's like a...

it's like a walk off home run.

You just...

you just touch all the bases.

-Theres nothing to it, bro.

May I call you that?

-Why, yes you can. Bro.




-Look, circling used

to just be the bride.

But I like that its both

of you

because thats

how marriage works.

Sure, you go in circles

sometimes, but you hang in.

-If you didnt make the lunch,

do I still have to help

with the clean up?

-Its in the ketubah,

you signed it.

-What, you can put that

in a wedding contract?

-It says we will help each other

and share all of life's burdens.

-[Jacob] What she said.

-[Sadie] Thats right.

-Need any help, Dad?

-Sure. I'll wash and...

you dry.


-Hows it going guys?

-Its going very well.

-Im trying to get the board

to spring for more art supplies.

Its like pulling teeth.

-Hopefully well have more

funding next year.

-Um... we need to actually

talk about that.

-Im sorry you have to pay

for so much out of pocket.

-No, no. It's...

it's not that.

It's just, um...

next year I won't

be coming back.

-Youre not happy here?

-No. I'm... I'm so happy.

I just...

Adam got a job in Los Angeles.

And, um, you know, advertising

pays better than teaching

and we wanna start

a family soon.

And youre not just my boss.

Youre my mentor and my friend

and I guess telling you made it

a little official and I wasnt

ready to do that.

-The kids are gonna miss you.

And so will I.

-This is where I became

a teacher.

-Why dont you wait until

the end of the semester

to hand in your resignation?

-Is that my friend

or my boss talking?


-These two.


-I like these two.


Hows it going?


Whats up?

-Good is not good enough.


Charlie is still negotiating

his contract

so you have to dazzle him.

-And I will.







[sharp exhale]

You know, its not easy to

dazzle and prep for my wedding

at the same time.

Im either late

for one or the other.

-Well, you wanted to be VP.

-Im VPing.

Im VPing.




-[Diane] Oh, Randall Sanders

will be attending.

Hes a partner at the agency.

-Maggie and Ellis are coming.

Jacobs aunt and her husband.

-You know, a wedding is a nice

way to personalize

a business relationship.

-Yes, of course, but its

also for family and friends.

-Well, thats why we have

two sides of the aisle.

-[Adam] You handled that

really well.

-Ugh. I just wish our moms

would get along.

-Things will calm down

after the wedding.

-[sighs] Yeah.

Well, as Jane Austen

might say,

we cant let external forces

overwhelm whats in our hearts.

-Forces being our moms?

-Yeah. Aside from

being opinionated

they are nothing alike.

Sometimes it feels like we were

raised on different planets.

-I like it on your planet.


-Especially your taste in art.

You know, those kids

are getting really good.

-Yeah, theyre like little

Monets that make me smile.

As for the art on

your planet, um,

Im not sure how I feel about

the Jackson Pollock wannabes

that hang on your wall.

-Look, youre gonna need

to learn to love

those Jackson Pollock

wannabes. Okay?

Cause pretty soon

well be sharing our walls.


And our bookshelves.

Ive never seen so much romance.

To say nothing of your

taste in movies.

-Hey, its who I am.

And if were honest,

its who you are too.

-Shut up.

"You had me at hello."

-Jerry Maguire.

"You complete me."


Tom Cruise, same movie.

Please. Now, now.

"Heres looking at you, kid."

-Casablanca. Easy.

"Im just a girl, standing

in front of a boy,

"asking him to love her."

-Ooh, Notting Hill for the win!

And he does.

I have to get to the airport.

Im gonna miss my flight.

-Who said that?

-Me just now.

Come here.

I love you.

"Ill be back."

-I love you too, Arnold.

[traffic sounds]


And... action.

Sipping. Youre sipping,

youre sipping. Mmm.

Oh! Lets try that again.

Do the sipping,

sipping, sipping. Mmm.

Then smile.

Like you mean it this time.

And... action.

Sipping, sipping,

sipping, sipping, sipping.

Mmm. And smile.

You're in love.

And... cut. Tail slate.


You need a spit bucket

for that chlorella?

-It's looking good.


It's, it's... it's really

coming together.

Don't you think?

-Well, I like the ending.

-But we need to focus

on the smoothie.

He should be drinking one too.

Its after his workout,

hes thirsty.

You know, whatever.

[phone ringing]

-This isnt about a beverage.

The payoff is our couple

getting together,

all pumped up and glowing

thanks to Body Now.

-Have them both take a few sips

before they fall in love.


You got it.

[phone ringing]

Hi baby.

-Hi. Do you have a second?

Its about the wedding.

-Uh, barely.

-The band we booked

may have to cancel.

-They need to drink more.


-How is that going to help?

-Its what Charlie wants.

-What does Charlie

have to do with this?

-Its his money.

-Charlies not paying

for the band.

Charlies not even coming

to the wedding.

-Uh, yeah. Yeah.

He, uh, he feels really bad

about that so he

and his wife are taking us

to lunch.

[sighs] I gotta go.

I love you.



Sometimes I feel like he really

doesnt hear me.


-Hey. You look beautiful.

-I changed my clothes

three times.

I wanted to look fashionable but

not like I was trying too hard.

-Why do you care so much

about this?

-This is the first time

Im meeting people

from your other life.

-Okay, these are not my people.

These are my clients.



-Oh, this is so Charlie.

Go big or dont go.

-I shouldve worn

something fancier.

-Dont mess with perfection.

Thank you.

-Im so sorry we cant make

the wedding.

-Well be in Calabasas opening

another Body Now.

-Were hoping for a big

celebrity turnout.

-A little free

press never hurts.

-Well, thank you so much

for taking us to lunch.

I hear the food here

is amazing.

-Yeah, we go to these

great restaurants

and Vanessa wont let me

near the carbs.

-Well, youll thank me when you

weigh yourself tomorrow morning.

-Hmm. Let me order the pasta

and Ill thank you right now.

[both chuckling]

-[laughing nervously]

So, do you guys live

in Chicago or LA?

-Were back and forth

all the time.

-Yeah. When I hit it big,

I bought a penthouse

overlooking Lake Michigan

just to remind myself

how far Ive come.

-Im so over the cold winters.


-We just bought a house

in Beverly Hills.

-Yeah, no lake, but its got

one of those infinity pools.


-I walked in and I knew

we were home.

18,000 square feet of

prime real estate

and the best schools

in the city.

-I didnt know you had kids.

[both laughing]

-We dont. It increases

the value of the house.

I mean, you have to think about

these things before you buy.

-Right. Mmhmm.


[clears throat]

Rebecca is a teacher.

-That must be so rewarding.

-It is.

-I admire teachers.

Long days, not enough pay.

I coached little league for a

minute but I couldnt hack it.

-Well, you should try it again

some time.

Helping a kid believe in

themselves is so worth

the effort.

-The team was losing and

I am way too competitive.

-Which is why

youre so successful.

-Does that mean I get

to order the cheesecake?

[both laughing]

[all laughing]


-I was joking.

-She is never gonna let me have

dessert for the rest of my life.

-[laughing] Oh no.

Youre welcome.

-Thank you.

-So, whatd you think?

-Theyre an interesting couple.

-And by interesting,

you mean...?



Well, he keeps her in diamonds,

she keeps him thin.

-I dont want us to end up

like them. Okay?

I wanna be like my parents.

-I wanna be like...

you and me.

-Well, I guess we just have

to figure out what that is then.


[cheerful music]

-So. The wedding is in 10 days.

How you doing?



-Lets try that again.

-Its a big step.

-The biggest one

youll ever take.

-And we do love each other,

in spite of our differences.

-I mean, opposites attract.


-Do they stay happily married?

-Differences can keep

a marriage lively.

You learn from each other.

You grow together.

-I'm... I'm growing.

We're growing.

We're growing so much,

growing as we speak.

-What matters most

is your willingness

to put each others

happiness first.

Thats the trait you need

to share.

Except for when it comes

to what to watch on TV,

then all bets are off.

[Rebecca chuckles]

Now, regarding the wedding,

I had an idea

that may be of value.

Normally both parents walk

the groom down the aisle.

-Oh, I only have my mom.


-Perhaps we could cover

the chuppah

with your fathers prayer shawl.

Its a way to include him

in the ceremony

and to honor his memory.

-Id like that.

-I would too.

-I hope I can find it.

-Your mom will know

where it is.


Yeah. I want my father

at my wedding.

-We forgot to invite

our most important guest.

-Well, tell them I can meet

with them tomorrow.

-Absolutely not.

I need the Body Now

print ads yesterday.

-I chose the fixtures.

The plumber is not

my responsibility.

-Okay. Okay. Bye.

-If we knock out the closets,

theres enough room

for the double sink.


-Well then we have

to move the window.

-Mom. Mom.

I need to talk to you.

-Look, Im gonna have

to call you back.

Im sorry, hon. I have to go

home for a few days.

I need to deal

with some clients.

What did you want

to talk to me about?



-Do you know where

his prayer shawl is?

-Yes, I know exactly

where it is.

-I wanted it for the chuppah.

-He wouldve loved that.

-Yeah, um...

there's something else.

His wedding ring...

would it be okay if I wore it?

-[teary] It would be everything.




[plates clinking]

-The wedding is in a week and

she just takes off like that.

-Well, shes got

a business to run.

-Her son is getting married.

What could be so important?

-I thought you didnt

like her meddling.

-I dont.

I like to complain about it.


Well you could complain about

the way I load the dishwasher.

I forget, uh, bowls

go in the top?

[both chuckling]

[emotional music]

-May his memory be a blessing.

[crying softly]

-[Nick] I thought the commercial

looked great.

Whats the problem?

-I dont know.

Charlies wife wants the

actresss skin to glow more.

-If she were any shinier youd

be able to see her from space.

What are we supposed to do?

-About what?

-Uh... about global warming.

About the commercial!

-I don't know. I...


All I can think about

is the wedding.

The day of the marriage,

before we walk down the aisle,

Rebecca and I sign the ketubah.

-Whats that?

-Marriage contract.

Youre the best man

so youll be my witness.

Rebeccas sister is

the maid of honor

so shell be the other witness.

You need to have two.

-Its a legal thing?

-It's like a...

like a tradition.

-Oh, a Jewish prenup.

-Just be there. Okay?

-Ill be there, Ill be there.

-Hey. You need to go to LA.

-What? When?


-No. Im about to get married.

-Charlie wants to do a reshoot.

He did not like that director.


So he needs you there.

-Im sorry, Peter.


Charlies lawyer is still

haggling over the contract

so we need to keep him happy

and that means you hopping

on a plane.

Listen, you'll... you'll be back

in a few days,

you can marry Rebecca,

you become a VP. Alright?

I want your problems.

-Oh boy.

-The... magic train...

went so fast... it...

-You got this.

-It jump... jumped... it jumped

off the tracks and began to fly!

-Yes! High five.

Down low.

Ooh, too slow.






-We were just...

we were just finishing up.

This is one of my students,


And this is my fianc, Adam.

-Hi Kevin.

-Ill be right back.


-So. Youre the guy

shes gonna marry?

-Yeah, thats me.

-Miss Singer is my

favorite teacher.

-Shes my favorite teacher too.

-She better be.

You make sure she lives

happily ever after.


I will, kid.

-I have to go,

my mom is waiting.

-Nice to meet you Kevin.

-We have a special relationship.

-Yeah. No, he seems like

a sweet kid.


I thought we could grab

some pizza

before meeting the photographer.

-I cant.

-Why not?

-I have to fly to LA tonight.

-Im sorry, have we met?

Im the woman youre about to

marry, and last time I checked,

the wedding was in Chicago.

But apparently not anymore.

-Were reshooting the commercial

then Im on the next plane back.

-We still have so much to do

and youre leaving me alone

with our bickering mothers?

-I know, it isnt like

I want to go.

Charlie hasnt signed

the contract

and Peter is doing

whatever it takes.

-What about the contract

youre about to sign with me?

-Theyre not mutually exclusive.

-You sure about that?

-Well call the calligrapher

and add a clause.

The groom vows to attend

the wedding.

-Hed better.

-Everythings all set

for the reception.

-I still havent heard

from him.

-I like Adam, you know that,

but this is cutting it

awfully close.

-Well this isnt his fault.

The actors got some

sort of a rash

so they had to add

another sh**t day.

-Wedding rehearsal

is very important.

It seems like he could use it.

[phone rings]

-Its him.

Hi. I was starting to worry.

-I just got off a plane

that landed in St. Louis.

-Youre in St. Louis?

-I couldnt get a direct flight

and my connecting flight

got delayed

because of the weather.

-Well what are you gonna do?

-Ill be okay, dont worry.

-You dont sound not worried.

How should I not worry?

Hes in St. Louis.

-You should worry.

-Im about to catch a train that

will get me to Chicago in time

for the rehearsal.

-When does it get you in?


-Adam, the rehearsal is at 4:00.

-I gotta go, Ill call

you from the train.


Well, Hannah and I are going

to our hair appointment

so just keep me posted.


-Maybe I should just cancel

my appointment?

-If you get stood up, at least

you wanna look good.

-[GPS voice] At the roundabout,

take the second exit.

-What are you talking about?

-[GPS voice] In 200 feet,

take the roundabout.

-There is no roundabout!

There is no roundabout.

[phone ringing]


-[GPS voice]

Take the roundabout.

-There is no roundabout.

-Who is that?


The GPS.

-Why do you need GPS

on the train?

-I missed the train

so I rented a car.

-Where are you?

-Somewhere in Illinois.

-Could you be more specific?

-I am taking planes,

trains and automobiles

to get to the synagogue on time.

-You said you missed the train.

-Two out of three is

still pretty stressful.

-[GPS voice]

Take the roundabout.


-Just call me when you figure

out where you are. Okay?



[sighs] Okay. Happy place.

Happy place.

-[GPS voice]

Take the roundabout.


-Adam wanted me to thank you

all for being here

at the wedding rehearsal.

Hopefully he'll be here soon

but he is stuck in traffic

outside of Bloomfield, so...

he's not exactly sure

when that will be.

-But dinner is still at 7:00

no matter what.

-Never mind the rehearsal,

what matters is the meal.

[phone ringing]

-Oh! Its Adam.

Hi. Where are you?

-Dont ask.

-Well, uh... everyone

is here waiting.

-I'm waiting too!

I was stuck in traffic

for so long I...

I ran out of gas, and now

I'm waiting for a tow truck.

-Whats he saying?

-Put him on speaker.

-No. No, no, no.

Do not put me on speaker.

[on speakerphone]

Whatever you do, do

not put me on speaker.

-Sorry buddy. Its too late.

-Hi... hey...

-Hi Adam.

-Hi hon.

-Where are you?


-Hi everybody.

It is great to...

to hear your voices.

I am so sorry for the delay,

it couldn't be helped.

-When do you think

you might be here?

-Its hard to say.

-Well, if we dont start soon,

were gonna be late

for the dinner.

-This is what youre

worried about?

-Hey, maybe Adam can

FaceTime the rehearsal.


-Yeah, I don't think the groom

phoning it in is gonna work.


Well see you when you get here.


-Well, at least you know

he didnt run off

with someone else.

[laughing nervously]

-Thats not funny.

-You know, Im just trying

to do my best man thing.

-And Im just trying to do

my big sister thing.

-Uh... let's begin and then Adam

can join in when he arrives.


Who am I supposed to walk down

the aisle?

-The invisible man my daughters

supposed to marry.


-Adam will break the glass

and then kiss the bride.

-Hey! Hey, Im here.

-Mazel tov!


-Im here.

So sorry I am late.


-Its better incredibly late

than never, buddy.

-Im so sorry.

-At least you made it in time

for the dinner.

-Hey. You know

what they say,

a bad dress rehearsal

means a great show.

-Who says that?


Its a theatre thing.

-But this isnt a show,

its our wedding.

[glass clinking]

-To the bride and groom.

May the wedding go better

than the rehearsal.

-Here, here!



-How is everybody doing?

-Never better.

-Tomorrow is the big day.

-Tomorrow is the big day.

-How do you feel?


-About the wedding, work...


-All of the above.

-Talk to me.

-I do love him...

with all my heart.

But if he doesn't have time

for a wedding,

he's not gonna have time

for a marriage.

-Rebecca left with her sister.

-Im afraid they might

call off the wedding.

-You and I are not cut

from the same cloth

but we have one thing in common.

We both love our kids.

-And our kids love each other.

-So what are we going to do?

-Whatever it is, wed better

do it right now.

-Wait for me.

-What is going on with you

and Rebecca?


She thinks we have

different priorities

and Im beginning to think

shes right.

-Love is the only priority

you need and that youve got.

-She thinks my work comes first.

-Well there has to be a balance.

-Okay. This from the woman

who works 24/7.

-Adam... your father was

the love of my life.

And when I lost him, I just

threw myself into overdrive,

only to find out that you can't

outrun your feelings.

Trust me when I tell you,

work is no substitute for love.

-Listen to your mother.

Shes a very wise woman.

-Im all in.

Its Rebecca youve

gotta convince.

-Ive always dreamed

of getting married

and raising a family like

the one I grew up in.

But Adam has dreams

of his own

and Im not sure

theyre compatible.

-I think they are.

-I dont wanna raise Harry

and the twins by myself

cause he has to work

all the time.

-Uh... Harry and the who?

-Its what Adam and I call

the kids were gonna have.


-Now that sounds like a man who

wants a family as much as you.

-Let me ask you a question,

the only one that counts.

Would your life be happier

with Adam by your side?

-Yes. Hes the love

of my life.

-Then if I were you,

Id go get married.

-Diane is right.

-When did you two get so close?

-Well, why wouldnt we be?

[in unison]

Were family.

-Please. Call me Mom.

[knock at door]

-Becs, its me.

[knocking at door]

Okay. Okay.

Im sorry for being late

for the rehearsal.

But I promise to show up

every day for the marriage.

Every single day

until the end of our days.

The rabbi was right.

Nothing matters more

than your happiness.

-Except for yours.

-"I never wish to be parted

from you from this day on."

-My favorite Jane Austen quote.

-Will you still marry me?




-Save the kiss for the wedding.

-Oh, right.

-Hey. What are you doing here,

arent you supposed to be

getting married?

-I am handing in my resignation.

-I wanna do it with

a clear conscience.

Which is why I've decided...

I'm not moving to LA.

-Youre sure this

is what you want?

-Oh. No, no, no, no.

Charlie will not be okay

with that.

And he still hasnt signed

his contract with the agency.

-My wedding contract

matters more.


-What... what can I do

to convince you?

I can give you a better deal.

I can give you more money.

-Im staying in Chicago.

Rebeccas familys here

and she loves her job.

Her happiness comes first.

-Adams happiness comes first.

-If you change your mind,

there will always be a place

here for you.

-Thank you.

For everything.

-Words are fleeting but writing

them in the ketubah

means they never get erased.

-Before we sign, theres

something you should know.

I told Peter Im not

moving to LA.

Were staying right here.

All that matters

is your happiness.

-All that matters

is your happiness,

which is why I told Marion

Im moving to Los Angeles

and handed in my resignation.

-Wow. Uh...

you guys have a real Gift of

the Magi thing happening.

-Wisdom can come

from all corners.

-We are going to Los Angeles

and you are going to be a VP.

-No, we are staying in Chicago.

This is where you belong

and I belong with you.

-You were right about him.

Hes the one.

-So, what are you guys

gonna do?

-It doesnt matter

where we live.

-Or how much money there is.

-As long as were together.

[in unison]

We have all we need.

-You just brought the meaning

of the ketubah to life.

Now, make this commitment

while your hearts are so full.

-Sign it already.

[all chuckling]

-And use your best penmanship,

youre gonna be looking

at this for years to come.

[phone pings]

-Dont worry, it wasnt me.

-[phone pings]

-Wait. Yup!

That was me.


-Told you.

-Wow, its blowing up.


-Uh, Adam, it's Peter.

It says Charlie doesn't wanna

lose Adam...

Adam can stay in Chicago!

-Oh, thats wonderful!

-Wow, what?


-Its beshert.

-The Gift of the Magi

just keeps on giving.

[all laughing]

-The more you give,

the more you receive.

[Pachelbels Canon in D playing]

This is the day of all days

and hes here to share it.

-I love you.

-I love you too.

-Love her as much as we do.

-You may be seated.

You stand under this chuppah,

the symbol of the Jewish home,

surrounded by those

who love you.

May the home you build together

be as happy and blessed.

Now, I know youre a little

nervous, but dont overdo it.

[all chuckling]


-Take a sip of wine.

And now hold the wine

to the lips of your bride.

With a single cup,

you are joined together to drink

from the cup of life.

-Its okay. Its me.

-Its us.

-In the ketubah, you made

promises to each other,

including the gift of simcha...


Today you share that gift

with all of us here.

And now, for the promise we

all got dressed up to hear.

Adam, do you take Rebecca

to be your wife...

to love, to honor

and to cherish?

-I do.

-Rebecca, do you take Adam

to be your husband...

to love, to honor

and to cherish?

-I do.

-Now we exchange rings.

Repeat after me.

[reciting vows in Hebrew]

Harei at...

-Harei at...

-M'kudash li...

-M'kudash li...

-B'taba'at zo...

-B'taba'at zo...

-K'dat Mosheh v'Yisrael.

-K'dat Mosheh v'Yisrael.

-By this ring...

-By this ring...

-You are consecrated unto me...

-You are consecrated unto me...


-According to the laws of Moses

and the people of Israel.

-You are now husband and wife.

Okay, Adam. Youre up.

Break the glass.

[guests laugh]

[glass shatters]

[all together]

Mazel tov!


[cheers and applause]

[Hava Nagila playing]

-I love you, Rebecca!

-Youd better!

Its in the ketubah.

[rhythmic clapping]
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