05x118 - The Princess's Conviction

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Katekyo Hitman Reborn!". Aired: October 7, 2006 - September 25, 2010.*
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Centers around the life of Tsunayoshi "Tsuna" Sawada, a timid boy who learns he is the great-great-great grandson of the founder of the Italian Vongola Mafia family.
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05x118 - The Princess's Conviction

Post by bunniefuu »

Goku: Hey, don't screw with me.

Goku: You were talking about me being ready, right?

Gamma: Yeah. I'm ready in a way you aren't.

Gamma: This is no game.

Gamma: I'm putting my life on the line here.

Goku: Shut your trap!

Goku: A game?

Goku: You're the one who couldn't possibly understand how ready we are.

Gokudera: This here's one of my box weapons.

Gokudera: Now I can show you the full power of SISTEMA C.A.I.

Gokudera: I'll show you my... No... Our resolve!

Gamma: Oh my, how pointlessly fired-up you are.

Gamma: But remember what I said, slick lines

Gamma: and dramatic poses aren't enough to beat me.

Goku: Don't worry.

Goku: I've got my partner here.

Goku: Now!

Goku: Uri, I'm leaving them to you.

Gamma: We've been split up!

Gamma: I'll show you how the Vongola Guardian of the Storm Ring fights!

Gamma: Always on the offensive!

Gamma: An endless storm of att*cks!

Gamma: You're finished.

Gamma: Below?

Goku: No, you are.

Gamma: Princess...

Dialogue: On Screen,Gamma: Target The Princess's Conviction

Gamma: Who are you?

Yuni: Nice to meet you. My name is Yuni.

Gamma: Yuni?

Gamma: That necklace is...

Gamma: That's the necklace the boss was wearing!

Gamma: Why do you have it?

Gamma: What are you doing here?!

Yuni: I inherited it from my mother.

Gamma: Your mother?

Gamma: What are you saying?

Knight: Yuni-sama is the boss's daughter.

Gamma: Wh-What?

Knight: Nobody in the family knew.

Knight: But she's the boss's only blood relative.

Knight: Her DNA's a match.

Gamma: N-No way.

Gamma: The boss had a child...?

Knight: She hadn't told a soul.

Knight: She even hid that she was a Mafia boss from Yuni-sama.

Knight: So basically, despite the fact that Yuni-sama is a regular girl,

Knight: our laws dictate that she will have to become our new boss.

Gamma: You've got to be kidding me.

Gamma: Like I'd believe this nonsense!

Gamma: It's ridiculous!

Gamma: {\i}She{\i} was my only boss. I won't serve anyone else!

Yuni: Gamma.

Yuni: My mother knew this was going to happen.

Yuni: She doesn't blame you.

Gamma: What was that?

Gamma: Why do you keep smiling?

Gamma: If you're really her daughter,

Gamma: how can you possibly smile when your mother just died?

Gamma: It's wrong!

Gamma: Get out of this room!

Knight: Gamma!

Gamma: Her sleeve is wet...

Gamma: Completely soaked...

Mom: What did you want to talk about?

Mom: II don't feel like messing around tonight.

Gamma: I know.

Gamma: You were crying?

Mom: No.

Gamma: You can try to hide it, but it's pretty obvious.

Gamma: Your sleeve's soaked.

Gamma: It's been that way a lot the past few days.

Gamma: The sacrifice that was made... wasn't your fault.

Mom: I've been useless lately.

Gamma: Hmm? What happened?

Mom: You may not believe me,

Mom: but because of the fate passed down through the generations...

: or maybe it's a curse...

Mom: I see things.

Mom: My mother, although she's gone now, was the same.

Gamma: See things?

Boss: But she told me something...

Boss: No matter what you see,

Boss: if you want to make the people around you happy, then smile.

Gamma: She's the same... Even down to that warm, orange glow.

Gamma: I get it... The boss is alive...

Yuni: Inside of me.

Gamma: You can tell what I'm thinking?

Gamma: Please forgive my numerous moments of rudeness.

Gamma: I'll protect you with my life from this day forth.

Gokudera: You're tough.

Gamma: You Vongola are nothing more than waypoints on my journey.

Gokudera: Waypoints?!

Gamma: So I can defeat Byakuran.

Gokudera: Wha-?!

Reborn: I'm telling you to hurry and put those contacts on, Tsuna.

Tsuna: I hear you, but...

Tsuna: Umm...

Tsuna: These won't make my eyes hurt, will they?

Reborn: Is that what you're scared of?

Tsuna: Well I've never used contacts before!

Tsuna: And it's not like they're normal contacts.

: They have a bunch of functions built into them, right?

Spanner: It's okay, they're thinner than normal contacts,

Spanner: so you shouldn't feel any discomfort.

Spanner: They're for combat,

Spanner: so they won't slip no matter how quick you move.

Tsuna: I-I see...

Reborn: Anyway, we can't get started until you put those on.

Reborn: So get it over with.

Tsuna: A-All right...

Reborn: It won't work if you close your eyes.

Tsuna: But I can't even use eyedrops!

Tsuna: I always close my eyes...

Reborn: You really are Loser Tsuna.

Spanner: You really should hurry.

: Huh?

Spanner: I'm pretty sure we're running out of time.

Gokudera: Defeat Byakuran?

Gokudera: But he's your boss!

Gamma: Oh yeah, you guys came from an era

Gamma: before the Millefiore's wretched formation.

Gokudera: Wretched formation?

Gamma: The princess had been our boss for three months...

Guy: The Phantom Knight's been done in.

Guy: Hurry, get a stretcher!

Guy: He's badly injured.

Gamma: Phantom Knight!

Gamma: What's wrong?

Gamma: For someone like you to be wounded so severely...

Gamma: Was it Byakuran?

Gamma: The Gesso Family did it, didn't they?

Knight: N-No...

Knight: I messed up the trade with the Gesso Family.

Gamma: Trade?

Knight: I was to take out a certain swordsman who was obstructing

Knight: their plan for advancement.

Knight: Upon my success they were not to touch us,

Knight: the Giglionero Family, for five years.

Knight: That was the deal.

Gamma: What?!

Gamma: Why didn't you say anything until now?

Knight: I had a good chance.

Knight: But Yuni dislikes conflict,

Knight: so I knew she'd oppose if I suggested it.

Knight: I thought it was something I could handle myself.

Gamma: You fool!

Yuni: Phantom Knight!

Knight: Princess.

Knight: My apologies.

Yuni: Don't speak!

Yuni: You'll aggravate your wounds.

Yuni: And also, I understand your feelings.

Yuni: I'll be going.

Gamma: Where?

Yuni: To the Gesso Family's base, of course.

: What?!

Yuni: I will speak to Byakuran to ascertain how we might ensure

Yuni: that there are no more victims.

Guy: You can't do that!

Guy: That's exactly what Byakuran wants!

Yuni: I'll be fine.

Gamma: Princess, please reconsider!

Gamma: What they want is highway robbery!

Gamma: After our rings and Box Weapons are taken, we'll be wiped out!

Gamma: If we stall, I'm sure we can locate other like-minded Families!

Yuni: It'll be too late by then.

Yuni: I sense incredible power in Byakuran.

Yuni: Only I can stop him.

Gamma: We've arrived at the Gesso Family's base.

Gamma: Are you sure about this, Princess?

Yuni: Yes.

Guy: We've been expecting you. Allow me to show you in.

Byakuran: Man, I'm so full... I had two plates too many.

Yuni: You're Byakuran, correct?

Byakuran: Hmm? Umm, who are you again?

Byakuran: There's no way I could know.

Byakuran: This is the first time we've met...

Byakuran: Yuni-chan.

Byakuran: I thought there might be a baby coming,

Byakuran: but you're actually more charming than I expected.

Yuni: And I didn't think you'd be so...

Yuni: ordinary.

Byakuran: I get that a lot.

Byakuran: Oh, so you're the Guardians that have

Byakuran: the Mare Rings the Giglionero pride themselves on?

Byakuran: How nice for you. I'm rather jealous.

Byakuran: Seems like a good lot of you are missing, though.

Gamma: The Guardian of the Mist Ring

Gamma: was defeated by the Varia's swordsman,

Gamma: thanks to someone's plan.

: Oh?

Byakura: If I remember correctly,

Byakura: protecting the ³ Policy's Mare Rings

Byakura: is your clan's mission, right, Yuni-chan?

Byakura: Actually, let's not stand around here talking.

Byakura: If possible, I'd like us to chat boss-to-boss.

Gamma: You think you can just...

Yuni: That's fine.

: Princess.

Yuni: Look into my eyes, Gamma.

Yuni: Do you see recklessness?

: Huh?

Gamma: Does the princess already know

Gamma: the outcome of her discussion with Byakuran?

Yuni: I'll be going now.

Yuni: Thank you, Gamma.

Yuni: I care for you.

Gamma: That girl...

Byakuran: Once again, I'd like to welcome you to the Gesso base, Yuni-chan.

Byakuran: Now, don't be so guarded. Take a seat.

Gamma: How is she?

Guy: I'm seeing no irregularities in Yuni-sama's blood pressure or pulse.

Gamma: Okay, continue.

Guy: But Yuni-sama sure is an odd one.

Guy: It's almost like she was always part of the Family.

Guy: I wonder if it's because she has the same demeanor as the previous two bosses.

Guy: That smile of hers cleanses your heart.

Guy: Indeed, she's the only light we have left.

Gamma: Don't say all of that. She's just a kid.

Gamma: She doesn't compare to her predecessors just yet.

Guy: What are you saying? You trust her more than any of us, Gamma.

Gamma: No way.

Gamma: I'm still broken-hearted over the previous boss.

Gamma: And... that light of hers is just too bright for me.

Gamma: It's late.

Gamma: Princess...

Guy: You're safe.

Guy: Now we can relax.

Yuni: All of you listen up.

Yuni: We, the Giglionero Family, will merge with the Gesso Family.

Yuni: As such, we will be under the banner of the Gesso Family

Yuni: and led by Byakuran as our boss.

Gamma: Princess!

Gamma: What are you saying?

Yuni: Do not touch me in such a manner.

Yuni: I will become the second-in-command after the merger.

Yuni: The only one allowed to touch me is Byakuran.

Gamma: These eyes...

Gamma: I no longer see my princess in them.

Gamma: Byakuran!

Gamma: What did you do to Yuni-sama?!

Byakuran: I wonder what it was...

Gamma: Bastard!

Yuni: If you wish to raise your hand to Byakuran,

Yuni: you must defeat me first.

Yuni: Princess!

Guy: No!

Guy: Stop it, Gamma!

Gamma: No! Princess!

Gamma: Byakuran!

Gamma: It's time for the family merger ceremony.

Gamma: Before that, Princess, I want to return this to you.

Gamma: Your mother gave this box to me to aid the Giglionero Family.

Gamma: I do not intend to use it for the Millefiore.

Gamma: I'd like you to keep it

Gamma: until the Giglionero Family can benefit from it again.

Gamma: I believe that time will come.

Gokudera: Sometimes, you guys make absolutely no sense to me.

Gokudera: Byakuran and Shoichi Irie are in the same Family!

Gamma: Heh. Family, huh?

Gamma: I wonder how many of the Millefiore can truly be considered "family."

Gamma: Though we wear the same black uniform, there are few I would consider my ally.

Gamma: Among the Black Spell?

Gamma: They're the trash who took down the Giglionero Family.

Gamma: And the one I despise the most...

Gamma: is the Phantom Knight.

Haru: Hi!

Haru: It's another episode of everyone's favorite

Haru: "Haru's Haru-Haru Dangerous Interviews!"

Reborn: Today, we have two guests.

Reborn: I guess since they're always together, they're a package deal.

Haru: That's true.

Haru: So today's guests are very close friends

Haru: Chikusa Kakimoto-san and Ken Joshima-san!

Ken: Why do I have to be in such a cramped place with Kakipi?

Chi: I broke a sweat. I want to take a shower.

Haru: Eek? So you don't actually get along well?

Ken: Like we would!

: Huh?

Ken: Why do I have to be with this sneaky four-eyed water sprite!

Chi: Ken, I'm getting pissed.

Haru: Ah! Stop fighting!

Reborn: Let them be.

Reborn: It just means they get along well enough to fight.

: Wha-?

Ken: Why are we even here?

Haru: Well, I wanted to interview the two of you...

Ken: Interview?

Ken: I'll answer your questions as long as you promise to feed me, okay?

: Huh?

Chi: What a pain.

Chi: I'm going home.

Haru: What?! Wait just a second, Kakimoto-san!

Ken: Candy!

Ken: Gum!

Ken: Where is it?

Haru: Joshima-san, I'll get some food right away!

Reborn: Mukuro was our last guest.

Ken: Where is he?!

Chi: Tell me.

Reborn: Sure, if you answer Haru's questions.

Ken: Let's hurry and do this!

: Eek?

Haru: Okay... Are you friends with Mukuro-san?

Ken: Mukuro-san is... Mukuro-san is...

Chi: Mukuro-san is...

Haru: Eek! Was that a bad question?

Reborn: Don't sweat it. Go on.

Haru: Okay...

Haru: Um, what types of things do you two like?

Ken: Gum! Strawberry's the best!

Chi: A shower.

Chi: You should take a bath every now and then too, Ken.

Chi: You reek.

: Huh?

Ken: That's not true!

Ken: I just took one two weeks ago!

Haru: U-Unbelievable!

Haru: My ideal person is someone who smells nice, like soap.

Ken: What was that?

Haru: It's about time we wrapped this up.

Haru: That's all for this week's "Haru's Haru-Haru Dangerous Interviews!"

Haru: See you again next time!

Ken: Hey! Where's Mukuro-san?!

Chi: Mukuro-sama...

Next time: Next time:

Next time: Interval Between Battles.
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