Take Me Back for Christmas (2023)

Christmas & New Years movies collection.

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Christmas & New Years movies collection.
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Take Me Back for Christmas (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

- Morning.

- Hey.

Got anymore room in that basket?

Wow, you didn't have to do that.

Yeah, it's no big deal.

I'm still trying to get

the rise in the bread

right, though.

It's not quite there yet.

Tasha's going to love it.

Hey, this looks good.

For real.

It's just a meal.

And you made most of it,

mister chef extraordinaire.

Wannabe chef.

And it's more than

just a meal, it's...

It's comfort.

It's opening the fridge

and knowing you have one

less thing to do on your list.

Wow, that was quite the pitch.

I've been working

on it for a while.

- Did it land?

- Ten out of ten.


You know, I think we

could make a real go at this.

Make a go of what?

Make it a legit business.


Very funny.

I'm not kidding.

Think about it.

I could go back to

culinary school.

I'll develop all the recipes.

You can handle the

business side of things.

Whoa. Oh,

hey, hey, hold on.

We need to call a plumber.

I'm going to fix it tomorrow.

I promise.

Seriously, what do you think?

I think that you can't

just start a business.

Takes money, a lot of it.

And we're barely able to keep

our head above water as it is.

Okay, well, what if we

move back to New York?

We could rent that

place in Brooklyn again.

Maybe start a family like

we always talked about?

I can't afford that.

Or have you conveniently

forgotten about this mountain

of medical bills?

We could if we sold the house.

I can't do that.

My mom loved this house.

It's all I have left of her.

I know, I know.

But I don't think she would

want you working yourself

to the bone just to pay for it.

Don't you think she would have

wanted us to sell the house?

It's not the right time.

I just want to know one thing,

and then I will let it go.

- Okay.

- Are you happy? For real.

Because if you are, put on

the shirt and tie and I'll

sell insurance till

I'm blue in the face.

But if you're not.

Let's start over.

- Aaron...

- Renee, this is your life.

Our lives.

They're going by fast.

I just don't think there's ever

going to be the perfect time

to take that next step.

Sometimes you got

to take a chance.

Think about it, okay?

See you after work.

That garland looks

amazing above the door.

Would you mind hanging

this one in the back?

Thanks so much.

Hey, Santa.

Welcome, your

station's over here.

And an elf. I love

the outfit.

Good morning.

Hey hey.

- What is all this?

- For you.

- No way.

- Way.

I mean, Aaron made most of it.

I just put it together.

You didn't have to, but

is this fresh bread?

Is it warm?

Bless you.

Is everything okay?

Yeah, it's fine.

Nothing a brisk walk and

a piece of pie won't fix.

Well spill it, girl.

I can't take any more

questions about the baby

or how I'm feeling.

I need that good old

fashioned drama in my life.

I think Aaron's having

a mid-life crisis.


He wants us to quit our

jobs, move to New York City,

sell the house, and have a kid.

- Wow

-I know.

Isn't that insane?

Oh, no, not really.

Are you kidding?

I know you. Me?

I couldn't wait to quit

my job at the diner

and move to the burbs.

But you? You love New York.

I only lived there three months

before Mom got sick, so.

It's long enough to miss it.

I think it's a good plan.

That's all I'm saying.

Well, I don't think

it's a plan at all.

I think it's a pie

in the sky fantasy.

Do you really want to

work here until the end of time?

Jeff's going to retire soon and

he's going to make me manager.

Jeff has been about

to retire for five years.

And when he does, that means

better pay, better hours.

Do you really want

to run the store?

Good morning, ladies.

Good morning, Jeff.

- Morning.

- Well, we only have

one hour before showtime.

And we're ready.

Good, because it would be

a buzzkill for the kids

to find out that the presents

are all just empty boxes.

We sell the magic here, ladies.

That's what we do.

- So, make them...

- Magical, yes.

What's this?

Oh, that's um.

I thought we talked about this?

You cannot go

ordering merchandise

without my approval.

Oh, I, I wouldn't...

I've already made a deal with

the vendors about placement.

There's just no room for this.


- I, uh...

- Maybe next year though, huh?

He's going to eat that

all himself, isn't he?



Just a few more weeks,

and I'll know for sure that I

created my husband's clone.

Do you think it's a boy?

Yeah, my parents have

put money on it.

I have three nephews

and counting,

so it kind of feels

like my genetic destiny.

What do you think?

I think it'll be

the luckiest baby

in the world, no matter what.

Because they'll have

you as their mom.


You can't say nice

things like that to me.

I mean, nothing's going

to deter customers

like a crying employee.

Hey, there's a

break in the line.

You want to make a wish?

Oh, it's okay. Thank you.

Are you sure?

You get a toy.

Oh, well, in that case.

- Seriously?

- Hey, I'm not above this.

I can take all the help

I can get right now.

Hey, Santa.

The thing I would like more

than anything else on the planet

is a very short and

very painless labour.

- Aw.

- But if you can't get me that,

I would take an

air fryer instead.

- Tasha.

- Thank you.

It's your turn, Missy.

Uh, it's okay.

Really, thank you.


Are you sure?

You never know.

Your wish just might come true.

Oh, maybe next year.

Well, in the meantime,

take this at least.

If you change your mind, make

a wish and ring that bell.

Thank you.

Come in.

Renee, good. Uh, look.

Do you mind locking up?

I'm late for supper with Tess.

Oh, sure.

Yeah, of course.

- Want some?

- No, Thank you.

Your loss.

Before you go, I was wondering

if I could talk to you

- about...

- About what?

You had mentioned that you would

be retiring in the new year

and we had briefly discussed

me stepping into your role.

So, I was wondering...


Not this year.

Tess wants to go to Italy, and I

just bought a new electric car.

Wow a car.

Let's reconvene

next year, all right?

- Mhmm. Yeah.

- Great.

See you tomorrow.

Oh, you've got to be kidding me.

Hey, babe.

I'm stuck in a meeting.

I'm going to be home late.

- I love you.

- Aaron.

No, no, no.

I wish for...

A different life.

Of course.


Whoa! Okay.

Wake up!

Wake up, Renee!

Ow! Ow! Okay.


So, we're here.

It's a really nice bag.

- Hello?

- Hey, Aaron, babe.

Okay, did I crash my

car? Because I woke

up in a very strange

office in New York,

and I think... you're not Aaron?

Sorry, what do you mean, you

don't know who Aaron is?

This is his number.

Please put him on.

This is not the

time to play jokes.

Did I get the number wrong?

Hey, morning.


Ready for this meeting?

What meeting?

Who are you?

That's funny.

Come on, let's go.

So I know this was supposed

to be department heads only,

but we're going to have

all of marketing sitting in

just in case we want to pull

the trigger on your plan

- right away.

- My plan?

Yeah, or plans.

Do you have more than one?

You know what? Don't tell me.

Tell the whole team.

Good morning, everyone.

Sorry to keep you waiting.

Sorry, good morning.

We have fun here, right?

Please open those binders

in front of you to

page three, if you will.

As you can see, after five

years as the world's fastest

growing meal kit

delivery service,

which we should be proud of,

profits have started to slow.

There's no need to worry.

We're not in the

red or anything,

but we will be by the

end of next quarter

if something doesn't change.

Oh, that's, unfortunate?

Yes, it is, because

for the first time

since our inception,

unfortunately, Harvest Plate

has overtaken us in market cap.


This was more profitable

than harvest plate?

It was.

And you know what? It

will be again. Thanks

to our fearless

leader who has spent

the entirety of last week

outlining a plan to boost sales

before the end of the year.

I can't wait to hear

what this plan is.

Take it away, Renee.

Take it away, Renee.

Right, because I am the CEO?

I think someone maybe

forgot her morning coffee.


Right well, thank you.

As they say in business, I got

a lot of irons in the fire,

so I'm going to need

to study this thing

thoroughly and come up with

our next plan of action.

Can we reschedule?

Reschedule this meeting

that we literally just

- started right now?

- Yeah.

Um, of course we can.

Great, okay.

Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Renee, I don't know

what's going on with you today.

I hope you're taking

this seriously.

If we don't figure something

out by the end of the year,

we're going to be getting

into layoff territory.

And you can forget about

our European expansion.

That'll be off the table.

I'll figure something

out, I promise.

All right.

Thank you.

All right, let's give the

boss some space today, okay?

Hey, honey.

I hope it's okay.

I had to come downtown

for a hair appointment,

so I thought I'd just

pop in for a quick hello.


And I made some treats for you

to share with the office, so.


Renee? Wake up, honey.

Come on. Come on.

Hi, hi. Are you okay?

- Whoa, whoa, whoa!

- Are you okay?

- One, two, three, four, five.

- What do you need?

- One, two, three, four, five.

- Some water?

Can I get a doctor, honey?

What can I do?

There was something

in the coffee.

How many cups did you have?

You know you can't handle more

than two or you get the shakes.

Here, here, sweetheart.

Wait, wait, wait.

I have some, yes. Okay.

Drink this. Drink this. Come on.

Take it, take it.

Drink it back, honey.

Drink it back. That a girl.

Yeah, uh huh.

You're real?

You've been burning the

candle at both ends.

Here, honey.

Eat something.

- Give me that.

- Thank you.

Come on, take one.

- Mom?

- Well of course.

Oh, I missed you so much.

I missed you, too.

You're back. You're,

you're, you're okay?

- Well...

- I mean, you're, you're,

you're feeling good?

You look...

Yeah, I'm great.

But you, you, my beautiful girl,

you clearly need to rest.

So I want you to

lie down. Head down.

Head down. Okay, all right,

now listen to me.

You're not going to

like what I have to say,

but I really think you

should cancel the rest

of your meetings for today.

I think that's a great idea.

- Really?

- Yeah.

- Great.

- And you're okay?

I'm okay.

Then I'll guess I'll

leave you to it.



No, wait. What?

Where are you going?

Oh, I'm just going to go home.

No, no, no.

Please, please stay.

We can, um.

- We can go to lunch.

- Lunch?

Oh, wow.

We haven't done that in years.


Actually, can I

take a rain check?

Obviously, you're not

a hundred percent,

and traffic's about to get bad.

And I heard that we

might get some snow,

so I really should

just be getting home.

Home, in Maplewood?


So you live in your

home on Birch Crescent?

Yes, and honestly, I'm one

more question away from taking

you to the emergency room.

Oh, no, no, don't.

I would like to stay.

I would like to not go anywhere.

Yeah, no, it's just, um.

It must have been

low blood sugar.

We had a crazy meeting and...

Okay, well listen, you eat at

least half of those cookies.

Thank you for making me cookies.

Okay, I'm going to go, but

I'm going to call you later.

Call me later?


Half of the cookies.

I love you.

I love you, too, honey.

Months of texts.

Look at all these text messages.

Can't sleep.

Canceling on her.

Oh, look at the sweet pictures.

Oh, Aaron.


Aaron, where are you?

She's at Maplewood.

We would be at...

Oh, okay Renee!

Okay. Okay.



Aaron? Honey, I'm home.

Oh, boy.

Wow, something very

weird is going on.

I don't know if this is an

intense, lucid dream or what,

but I fell asleep

in our car and woke

up in a very strange office.

My office, I guess,

because apparently here

I'm the CEO of a company.

My company.

And I know you would say

that that makes sense.

But babe, to me, this is all

feeling a little bit insane.

Kind of like this room.

What? We can do so much better.

Oh, and then there's

my mom, who is alive...


- Renee?

- Aaron?

Renee, what are you doing here?

Oh, my mom said, "Renee,

you could take the day off."

- And so...

- No. no.

What are you doing here?

In my apartment?

Our apartment?

- Funny.

- I don't know.

I'm not trying to be funny.

I'm not trying to be funny.

I don't know what kind

of game you're playing here,

but I'm pretty sure I gave

you all your stuff back

when we broke up.

Apparently I should have

asked for the key back.

Are you eating my food?


So, um, what is it?

Is it your Game

of Thrones books?

Your DVD collection?

You know those are

obsolete now, right?

They're not, because the

bloopers are on the DVD

and also the director's cut.

Fair. Okay.

Which one is it?

Can we make this quick?

Because I don't want

to be late for work.

No, of course not.

Where do you work?

Salt and Stone.

The restaurant in

Tribeca? I'm the chef?

Wow Aaron, that's amazing.

You did it?

A real chef?

Yeah, I've been

there five years now.

Part owner, too.

Started there

right after we, um.

Oh, I see.

- So, um.

- Yes, right.

Just grab whatever you...

Ah! This is it.

Wow, gosh.

Been missing The True

Meaning of Christmas.

Right. I'm so

sorry for barging in.

Oh, not cool.

I'm just going to,

yeah, I'm going to go.

It looks like you

could use a ride.

Oh, no thank you, Renee.

Renee. Trust me, you're going

to want to get in.

I'm sorry. Do I know you?

What do you think?

Oh, you're the elf.

Ding, ding, ding.

But just call me Cici.

Now get in.

What is going on?

Well, let's start

at the beginning.

What's the last

thing you remember?

Um, okay. I was in my car,

it wouldn't start,

and I was really upset and...


- But no.

- Oh, yep, yep.

- That's impossible.

- I assure you it's not.

- So, me here is...

- A different life.

Oh, great.

- Okay.

- Take some deep breaths.

In and out.

Trust me, this

happens all the time.

I don't know,

I don't understand.

Why would Aaron and I break up?

Sounds like something

you should ask him.

Oh, yeah.

No, that's a good idea.

I'll just go back

into his apartment

and play a quick

game of twenty questions.

May I suggest a

different tactic?

Oh, well, my mom is she,

is she better or does

she not get sick at all?

- I mean... I should ask her.

- Again...

There you go!

You're catching on.

- Okay.

- Let's keep doing that.

Yeah wait.

Wait, no, I don't understand.

What am I supposed to do?

Well, you wished for

this life, and now

you get a chance to live it.

So go on, live it.

Embrace it!

How do I, how do I

get in touch with you?

What if I need

help or something?

- Or...

- Ring the bell.

- I don't have the bell.

- Check your purse.


So if you ring that

bell, I'll be right there.

But try to use it sparingly.

Christmas is a

busy season for me.

- I bet.

- Actually, I've got a jet, so.


I don't know where I'm going.

Renee, you lived here before.

You'll figure it out.

Okay. We are...

Oh, come on.

Really? Not cool.



Tasha! Hi!

Oh wow, I'm so happy to see you.

I'm so sorry. Have we met?

We get a lot of

regulars in here.

No no, we haven't.

And I'm starving.

Do you recommend anything?

The turkey sandwich and fries.

And I make a wicked

hot chocolate.

Yes, that, please.

Thank you.

So, are you from around here,

or are you just visiting?

Oh, I just moved here.

I guess.

I'm having a

little bit of a day.

Well, lay it on me.

Is it work stuff?

Family stuff?

Relationship stuff?

Kind of all three?

- There you are.

- Thank you.

So, what's going on?

For starters, there's my

mom, who I thought was...

Sick, and it turns out

that she's not.

Okay, that seems

like a good thing.

Definitely, so good.

And I have a job.

A new job that is

so much work and I

have no idea what I'm doing.

Do you know what I mean?

Yeah, Imposter

Syndrome is a beast.

No kidding.

And the funny thing is, this

is actually like my dream life.

Only it's not because

my husband and I...

Well we're not together anymore.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

I never even considered a world

where we weren't together.

Are you sure it's over over?

Oh, well, apparently

it's been a while,

so he's probably moved on.

Okay, but do you

know that for sure?

No, I guess not.

Then you know

what you got to do.

Get him back.

To having it all.

To having it all.

There you go.


Hey, Renee?

Hey, Renee.

What are you doing here?

Lost my key?

How did that happen, honey?

You have a doorman 24/7.

- I do?

- It's Manhattan.

It's kind of standard.

Oh, I'm so sorry about this,

but I wasn't expecting you.

And I have plans, so.

Oh. Coming!

- Manhattan?

- Hello.

Hi, ladies.

Good morning.

There's some coffee in

the kitchen help yourself.

- Thank you, Maria.

- Good morning.

Hi, nice to see you.

We're packing up

the Christmas dinner

donations for the food bank.

Hey, you know, you could

stay and help if you want?

You used to love

doing this stuff.

Of course.

Take that.

Over here, sweetheart.

Are you sure you're okay?

Fine, never better.

I ran into Aaron yesterday.

Oh, wow.

How'd that go?

Good, I can't stop thinking

about what went wrong with us.

Oh, honey, that was such a

hard season in your life.

You really have to

stop blaming yourself.

I left him?

Yeah, but you were trying

to build your company,

and then Jerry came on board

and things really took off.

I mean, you got busy.

Yeah, I was, I guess.

And look what you've done.

You built an entire

company, and it's thriving.

Was thriving.

What are you talking about?

Jerry says I have to

come up with an idea

or we have to lay people off.

- Oh no.

- I know.

Oh, dear.

People are depending on me, and

I don't know what I'm doing.

Well, that's not true.

Honey, you have been

doing some version of,

I don't know,

this, your whole life.

Well, before you turned

it into a business.

- Sugar?

- Yes please.

Try to remember why

you started the company

in the first place, hmm?

Do you remember, to help people,

to give back to the community?

Right, just like you.


That's it.

What's it?

Christmas dinner boxes.

And for every one

purchase, we could

give one to a family in need.

Renee, that is

such a great idea.

And we'll make them

available to everyone,

not just our subscribers.

Now you're cooking.

Oh, I wish we could

make them fresh.

You know, not just

frozen meals in the mail.

You could hire a chef?


And that might be a

good way for the two of you

to spend some time

together again.

You know, if that was something

you were interested in.

Yeah, that would be something

that I'm interested in.

Oh, I love you.

I love you, too.

Thank you.

Oh, no, don't thank me.

This is all you, sweetheart.

I get all my best

ideas from you.

Aw, just promise me one thing.

You won't let Jerry talk

you out of this, right?

Okay, not this one.

Okay, so what are

you waiting for?

Go get him.

Okay, I'm going.

This is me going.

- Are you sure you're okay?

- Of course.

I have everything that I need.

Oh, but you don't. Cut yourself

a new key, sweetheart.

Right. Thank you.

You're welcome.

Okay, I'll see you soon.

I love you.

Yeah, I love you, too.

Hey, Siri, what's my address?



We're closed at the moment.

I'm not here to eat.

I was actually hoping

I could talk to Aaron?

How do you know Chef Aaron?

He's my old, old friend.

Is he here or should I...?

I can see if he has a minute.

- Renee?

- Hey!

- Hey.

- Hi.

What are you doing here?

Oh, I just wanted to talk to you

about a business proposition.

Um, maybe we could have a sec...

Maybe we could...

Maybe we could sit, just

the two of us, for a second.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure.


Not used to carrying that.

- So...

- So, I have a company now.

- I know.

- Right.

Oh, gosh. Oh!

- I'm so sorry.

- It's okay.

No, no, don't touch

it with your hands.

It's okay. I got it.

Thank you.

Thanks, Ash.

It's fine.

So, Ash, huh?

Yeah, she's my manager.

Right, okay, so

she's your manager?

Professional, that

would mean that your,

like, outside of without...

Are you trying to

ask me if I'm single?

No, no, no, no.

Are you?

Restaurant hours are a

little extreme.

Right. Yeah no,

they would be, huh?

Anyway, you were saying?

Right. I was saying that my

company is developing

a Christmas dinner meal

kit, and I want to hire

you to design the recipe.

Oh. Wow.

Yeah I mean, you're

an incredible chef,

and our brands are compatible.

Home grown comfort

food with a twist.

And you're perfect.

You'd be perfect for this.

Um. Right.

That's interesting.

We're just, things

are a little crazy.

It's very busy right now, so I...

It wouldn't be that

much of a time commitment.

No, no, no, no, no.

These boxes are going

to have to be out ASAP.

And so, Christmas Eve?

Max, and we would

be working together?

Yeah, that shouldn't

be a problem, right?

No, shouldn't.

But now's just not

really a good time.

But, hey, there's tons of

amazing chefs in the city.

I'm sure you'll

find somebody great.

Wait, wait, Aaron, I don't

want some other chef.

I want you, for the job.

I want you for the job.

I'm sorry.

I can't.

What, I don't understand.

Is it me?

Is this about yesterday?

I'm sorry.

I didn't know.

It's not that.

Then what is it?


Everything I use in my

kitchen is from a local farm

and it got bought up

by a developer and...

Till I find a new supplier,

- It's...

- Oh, wow.

I'm sorry.

Perils of

doing business, I guess.

I need to lay off

half the staff temporarily.

It's been hard.

That's terrible.

I wish there was

something I could do.

- I can help you.

- Renee.

I'm not looking for a favour.

No, it wouldn't be a favour.

It would be a business deal.

You help me with the

recipes, and I'll

connect you with our suppliers.

I mean, at least to

bridge the gap of time

until you find a new farm.

I can tell you want to say yes.

So you might just

want to say yes.

Do it. Do it.

- Do it. Do it.

- Yes.

- Yes!

- All right.

Oh. Deal. You won't

regret it, I promise.

We'll see about that.

So what do you think?

I'm going to have

to run the numbers.

Can we just sell the boxes?

Do we really have

to donate meals?

Jerry. Yes, that's

the whole point.

This affirms our values

and gives us a chance

to give back to community.

I think that that's what

our customers care about.

Yeah until Harvest

Plate gives away

the same thing for $5 cheaper.

Harvest Plate, shmarvis plate.

Think about the numbers.

See our subscriptions



Choo-choo, choo.

- That's not the sound of money...

- Cha-ching.

- Cha-ching. Cha-ching.

- Cha-ching?

It's just...

It feels like a gamble

at an inopportune time.

You know what I mean?

Maybe if we did a big

media blitz, maybe.

Yes, yes, Jerry.

A big media blitz.

See, now we're on the same page.

And they're going to

be so high quality.

In fact, I've already gone ahead

and hired a chef who's going

- to design the whole thing.

- Who?

Aaron Thompson of

Salt and Stone.

Your ex-boyfriend,

Aaron Thompson?

Um, yeah, I think he

was my ex-boyfriend.

But now we're just,

we're friends.

Are you sure that's a good idea?

Yeah, absolutely.

He's the best guy for the job.

I don't know.

You know what?

I think you're just going to

have to trust me on this one.

Think about how long

we've known each other.

How long have we

known each other?

A long time. A long time.

I was going to say

the same thing.

- I just, I have this feeling...

- Which I respect.

It's just the numbers

tell us that...

The numbers are telling us that

what we're doing

now isn't working.

We got to be bold!

I think this is the answer

we've been looking for.

- Okay.

- Really?

- Yeah.

- Yes!

I'll get the pitch

over to marketing

and we can get started.

Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you for the idea.

It's my first pitch.

It's definitely not

your first pitch.

We've pitched together

many times.

Yeah, of the day.

It's my first pitch today.


- Hey! Hey.

- Hey.

It's beautiful.

Oh, thanks.

It's usually a little busier.

Do I sense some

nerves in your voice?

What? No.

Well, you know, you don't

have to worry around me.

I can barely make

a piece of toast.

So whatever you come up

with, I'm going to love.

Okay, I'm going to

hold you to that.

I'll just walk you through

these sample recipes here.

Sounds great.

And hey, thanks for

seeing me so last minute.

No problem.

I'm here every day anyway.

Every day?

Oh, yeah.

No Thursday night hockey?


Oh man, I haven't played

hockey in years.

Well, that just won't do.

Wait where are you going?

Come on.

Are you sure about this?

Yes, you love hockey.

Yeah, it's not me

I'm worried about.

From what I remember,

maybe I should be getting

you one of those support bars?

Okay, I was not that bad.

- Well...

- Okay, well.

A girl can change.

All right, we'll see.

Can I ask you something?

Yeah, sh**t.

What happened between us?

You know, from your perspective.

Straight for the jugular, huh?

Yes, sir.

Well, you would have

started the company by then.

And you had just

hired that guy, Jerry.

He had big plans for

expansion, and suddenly we

were spending less and less time

together, which, don't get me

wrong, I completely understood.

But then..


You asked me for a break.

- Remember?

- Right.

Yeah, right.

I did wait for a while, but.

Eventually, anyway.

Are we going to do this?

I'm ready if you're ready.

Okay, tell me about this menu.

Well, we got a few options.

Hit me.

Ha ha! Okay, option one.

Seared turkey breast, but

Valentine style to kind

- of elevate it a little bit.

- Ooh.

Bacon pan fried

Brussels sprouts.

- Ooh.

- Tureen, roasted potatoes.

And I thinking maybe a yam

pecan mini tart for dessert.


You don't want

to hear option two?

Nope, when I see something

I like, I go for it.

This was...

Proof that I should be playing

left wing for the Rangers?

- Absolutely.

- Coach?

He's ready.

Can we put him in now?

Hey, so I know you said that

you're cool with, you know,

the recipe and everything, but

I was thinking I should probably

cook it for you

at least once, right?

Oh. Yeah, definitely.

Come by the restaurant,

tomorrow night?

I'll be there.



So I guess this is a good night.


Hey, hey, the official taste

tester has arrived.

Oh, what's this?

She comes bearing gifts?

What? For me?

No, for Ashley.

Is she here?

Yes for you.

Thank you.

You look nice.

Thanks. So do you.


I love it.

Oh, wait, there's more.

There's more.

Yeah you haven't

loved all of it yet.

Okay, let's see

what else we got.

Oh, Wow.

- Yeah this is...

- Perfection.

Took the words right

out of my mouth, here.

Yeah, I was going to

go with excessive.

- But, sure.

- Oh, no way.

I need a picture of this.

Yes, that.

All right, okay.

Oh, yes.

Okay this isn't going on some

website or something, is it?

That's brilliant.

- What?

- For the website.

- No, no, no, no.

- Please?

No, no.

You have no idea how

endearing you look right now.

We'll sell out instantly.

How endearing?

- Excessively.

- On a scale of one to ten?


Well, in that case,

yeah, let's do it.

- Great!

- But I expect royalties.

I'll have my people

call your people.

So, um, shall we?

I'm ready.

Follow me.

Seriously you like it?

- I love it.

- Okay, good.

Because I'm not going

to tell you that what

I accidentally dropped

in the potatoes.

- No you didn't.

- I'm kidding. I'm kidding.

- It happened.

- No, it's true.

So he's always like...

So did that live up

to your expectations?

Should I be pitching option two?

Oh, no.

No option two.

That was better than I expected.


Honestly. Thank you.

This has been...

Yeah, for me too.

- I'm sorry.

- No, don't be sorry.

- No, I...

- It's not. It's just...

- It's just a lot.

- Yeah.

I mean, I haven't

talked to you in years,

and then suddenly

you're here and you're

acting like nothing's changed.

It's just.

I get it.

I get it.

Also I'm not sure how long

I'm going to be in the city.

What are you talking about?

I've been thinking about selling

my shares in the restaurant.


But now that we have a new

supplier, thanks to you,

it feels like the right time.

And if I don't do it now, I

might regret it, you know?

Aaron, food.

It's your passion.

Let's just say cooking for

you tonight is the most

fun I've had doing it in years.

Wow, what are you

going to do instead?

Probably go back to Pittsburgh

and stay with my folks

for a bit.

Start up something

out there once I've

had a chance to reset.

And when do you

plan on doing that?

I'm heading home

tomorrow for the holidays

and I'm going to get the

ball rolling from there.

Wow, so soon?

Oh, hey.

Hey, wow, it's late.

- What are you doing here?

- I know.

I just wanted to add

a couple of things

to the order going out tomorrow.

Uh, do you want to go over it?

Uh, yeah.

I probably should.

I can let myself out.

It's easy.

Thank you for dinner.

You're welcome.

Woo hoo! Nice place!

Yeah it's great.

So you rang.

I need to ask you a favour.

- Okay.

- I need another wish.

No, don't get me wrong.

No, I appreciate everything

you've done for me already,

- But?

- I need Aaron back.

I'm sorry.

That's just not how this works.

Nothing in life is guaranteed.

All we can do is

appreciate the time

that we have with

one another, and then

the rest is out of our control.

Pretty crazy, huh?

It feels like yesterday it

was just and me in here.

We've come a long way.

Yeah, I guess we have.

So, did you see the

pre-sale reports?

I did.

Those new subscriber

numbers are growing,

and all the press

around the donations

has been really incredible.

So that was a nice touch.

Right but it wasn't

just for the good press.

Oh, no, of course not.

Of course not.

Actually, can we hire someone

to check with Food Bank

and make sure they're

receiving everything okay?

You know, that's not

really in the budget, huh?

But yeah, sure.

Thank you.

Oh, and before I go,

I'm just going to need

you to sign this right here.

What's this?

Did you not read the

email from the board?

If we manage to get six thousand

new subscribers before Christmas

they're going to approve

the European expansion.

Oh, right.

I got to say, launching

this expansion on the heels

of this holiday success?

It's the perfect springboard.

Everything we could

have hoped for.

It's the perfect springboard

we've been waiting for, Jerry.

Okay, I will look this over.

No, no. It's the same thing we

laid out a year ago.


Yeah, woo.

Great, I will take this

to legal immediately

and I'll see you at the

Christmas party tomorrow.

Christmas party tomorrow?


Oh, you should

see your face, Jerry.

I got you good.

- Renee, you're k*lling me.

- Of course,

I'll be at the Christmas

party tomorrow.

Not funny.

Hey, if this gets

approved, we'll probably

need more staff, right?

Oh, absolutely.

Tons of people.

Thanks for coming.

Are you looking for a rematch?

Because I'm not going

easy on you this time.

Oh, wow.

You did not go easy

on me last time.

That's true.

No, I wanted to talk

to you about something.


What if you came

to work with me?

Permanently. You could be

our resident chef, you know,

design all the menus

and hire your own staff.

You would be free to do

all the things you do best,

and I would handle the

business side of things.

Wow. I know this might

sound crazy to you,

but it doesn't to me.

I always pictured us

doing this together and...

This could be our chance.

We could really

start over, Aaron.


That's very generous offer.

But I do think I owe

it to myself to really

think this through, you know?

Yeah of course.

Listen, my company is having

a holiday party tomorrow,

and I know you're trying

to get back to Pittsburgh,

but maybe you could just

swing by, meet everyone,

and selfishly, we could talk

one more time before you go.

- Okay.

- Okay.


Are you sure you

want me to be there?

I mean, it's a company party.

Exactly, you have to be there.

You are the Maria of

Maria's meals, after all.

Oh, perfection.

- It is nice. I love it.

- You love it?

Oh, and I was thinking we

should do New Years together.

You know, we could go out

to a really nice dinner,

go dancing, the works.

I'd love to, honey, but

I'm leaving on my trip.


What trip?

I fly to Japan the

day after Christmas,

and then I'm off to Bali,

Australia and New Zealand

and then across to Chile.

Wow, right.

No, I forgot.

I just felt like this

was the right time.

It's time to seize

the day, as they say.

Oh, of course it is.

You, you are going to go

and have so much fun.

There's something else.


I'm putting the house

up for sale in the new year.

Wait what?

I know it seems sudden, but

I really have been thinking

about this for a long time.

But you love that house.

I do. Yes, I do.

But at the end of the

day, it's just a place.

There's a whole world out

there, and I want to see it.

Hey, why don't I come

see you on the trip?

- Are you? Oh, I would love that.

- Yeah.

- Really?

- Yes!

Me too.

So there's really just

one question left.


What are you going to wear? Hmm?

The green one or...?

Oh, no, the green one.

Oh, this is beautiful.

Did you do this?

Yeah all for myself.

You didn't, no.

He'll be here honey,

don't worry.


Ah, there you are.

- Hi.

- Hi, Maria!

Good to see you.

Glad you could come

celebrate with us tonight.

Well I'm happy to be here.

I hope you don't

mind, but I need

- to steal Renee for a minute.

- Of course.

Yeah I'll just...

I'll come find you after.

So the whole board is here.

There's a lot to

discuss, trust me.

But first, your annual toast.

What? My toast?

You have to be kidding.

I have been practicing all day.

Jerry, you walked

right into that one.

Okay. Yeah, I did.

Oh, Thank you.

I got this.

Ooh, it's a lot of people.

Good evening, everyone.

That one worked.

Oh, that's bright.

Ter than last year.

Okay, um, we all

know why we're here.

Oh, wow. There's a lot of you.

It has been quite an end

to another great year

here at Maria's

Meals, and the success

of our Christmas dinner meals.

I mean, that was

all, thanks to you.

Here, here.

Ah, Jerry, thank you for

being a yes to my crazy plan

in the first place.

- It was worth it.

- To all of you, really,

for working so hard to make this

more than just a pipe dream.

I have been in your

shoes having to jump

when the big boss says jump.

More recently than

anyone would believe.

And I just really need you

to know that none of this

would happen without you.

And to Aaron Thompson.

Who not only designed

this incredible recipe,

but who reminds me to

be grateful every day.

You are one of a kind.

And I couldn't imagine doing

any of this without you.

To Aaron, a phenomenal chef.

Yes, thank you, everyone.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

- Hi.

- Hey, that was a really,

- really great speech.

- Oh, thank you.

Just one second.



- Incredible. Yeah.

- Really? Thank you.

You came?


Hey, I owe you a

big thank you as well.

It's good to see

you again, Aaron.

We really appreciate

everything you did for us.

Yeah, well, it's my pleasure.

And hopefully we get a

chance to do it again

If you're still up for that?

Absolutely in fact, I was

thinking we should bring

Aaron on as our full time chef.

Yeah, yeah, why not?

That's a good idea.

You know what?

I'll put you in touch with Sam

in R&D. She's in charge of new

hires while we're

away in London.


Yeah, we did it.

We got the six thousand

new subscribers.

The European expansion

is officially a go.

Thanks to you.

Wow no, that's great, Jerry.

But did you just say

we'd be in London?

Yeah, yeah, that was

always the plan, right?

You signed off on it.

Anyways, this is huge for us.

I mean, under ten years?

That's amazing.

It's incredible, right?

Yeah, it is.

- Congratulations.

- Aaron.

I should get going, but...

Merry Christmas.

- Aaron, wait.

- Merry Christmas.

Will you hold this, please?

- Thank you.

- What?

Aaron, wait!

Aaron, please wait.

Let's just talk about this.

What is there to say?

These are good things, Renee.

I didn't know

about London, I swear.

And I know that sounds

crazy, but you just,

you have to believe me.

You still got to go, right?

I don't know.

But we will find a

way to make it work, okay?

I already know

how this plays out.

You move out there and at

first we talk every day.

But then once a day

turns into once a week

and you start feeling

guilty about it.

And next thing you know,

you're asking me for a break.

I promise you, I will

not let that happen.

You can't promise that.

Yes, I can this time.

I just, I just need to figure

out a few details.

I need a little more time.

That's just it, Renee.

You always need more time.

Meanwhile, life's just

passing by, and I'm...

Waiting. I can't do that again.

No, don't say that, please.

I know what we can be now.

We can have it all.

Maybe we could have.

But it's too late.

I'm sorry.

Goodbye, Renee.

We're actually just

about to close.

Oh, hey, it's you, my

long lost friend.

Hey, if you need to

lock up, I can leave.

No, no. Come sit.

Is this how you normally like

to spend your Christmas Eve?

No. I usually watch

old Christmas movies

with my husband on the

couch until I fall asleep.

But that's not going

to happen this year.

I'm guessing that means

project have it all was...

A fail?

Yeah, an epic one.

Do you want a slice of pie?

How about the whole thing?

How about we start with a slice?

We'll go from there.

Thank you.

This one's on me.

Tell me about you.

About your Christmas plans.

Well, um, normally my husband

and I will order Chinese food,

and then we go for a walk

to look at all the lights.

But this year's a bit

different, because we

actually have a daughter now.

You have a daughter?

Yeah eight months old

and teething like crazy.

We're also, uh,

we're moving to the burbs

in the new year, so.

Right. Wow.

Yeah, we're,

we're super excited

to have more space,

but I just hope I don't

miss the city too much.

You won't.

Mmm, I'm sure you won't, I mean.

It's funny, at a

certain point in your life

when you've met your person,

home becomes less of a place

and more of a feeling.

It's wherever they are.

Exactly. Hey, you're going

to find that again someday.

Thank you, Tasha.


I should let you get home.

Thank you for the pie.

Have a very Merry Christmas.

Yeah, you too.

I had him.

I had him and I didn't

appreciate him enough.

I know I'm not allowed

to make another wish.

But I was just hoping.

I could send a message to Aaron?

My Aaron?

What message?

Just that I'm sorry for

not being a better partner

and making him wait

while I just sat there afraid.

Afraid of what?

Afraid of moving on.

Afraid of letting go.

I'm afraid of failing.

I guess it was easier

to focus on her problems

than move forward

towards our dreams.

I just want him to

know that I love him.

Tell him yourself.



This was never meant

to last forever.

What do you mean?

You're going home, Renee.


Tonight at midnight.

So that means I

haven't lost him?

But my Mom?

- No. But why?

- I'm sorry.

You know why.

I wasn't ready to say goodbye.

Now you get your chance.

Oh, hi, honey.

Sorry I dipped out

of the party early.

How'd it go with Aaron?

It's complicated, but I

think there's still hope.

You have any more

room over there?

What's wrong?


I just, uh...

I wish we had more time.

I'm only going to be

gone for a few months

and we'll talk all the time.

Yeah, what if we don't?

You know?

What if there's bad

service or something?

Easy. I'll just close

my eyes and picture you

doing million dollar

deals and taking

over the world like

the boss that you

are, in between fancy

dinner dates with Aaron.

Of course.

And you can picture me

next to George Clooney

look alike as we sail

off into the sunset.

Then you can send me a hug

and I'll send you one back.

And we'll both feel

it, of course, because...

That's love, right?

- Sorry.

- No, don't be sorry, Renee.

I guess I'm having a

little bit of trouble

with all this change, you know?

It's just a lot of change.

Yeah, but change is good, honey.

Even when it means you

have to say goodbye?

Even then, goodbyes

are a part of life, an

important part of life.

You can't start

again without them.

What if I'm not ready?

Oh, honey, no one's

ever really ready.

Listen, all I know is that

you need to make the most of

every moment.

And you, my beautiful girl.

You have so much good.

Left to do in this world.

You just have to go out.

And do it.

I'm going to miss you.

I'll miss you, too.

But I cannot wait to

see what you do next.

Want to watch a movie?

For old time's sake?

- Yeah?

- Yeah?

- Good.

- Good.

I love you, Mom.

I love you, baby.

I'll picture you sailing.


Tasha, good morning.

Hey, what are you doing here?

You're not scheduled

until after Christmas.

Let's try this again, shall we?

Oh, you didn't have to.

Is Jeff here?

- Yeah.

- Ah, Renee. Good.

I need your help to

move the filing cabinet.

Jeff? Jeff.

I just want to thank

you for the last five years.

You gave me a job on the

spot when I moved here,

and you are so

flexible with me when I

needed to take care of my mom.

- I appreciate you.

- Okay.

And I think it's

time for me to move on.

It's my resignation.

I'll help with

anything you need.

As far as the

transition is concerned,

I'll train my replacement.

You say Renee, I'll be there.

I appreciate that.

I'll be sad to lose you, Renee.

Oh, Jeff.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

I'm not going to be sad at all.

Okay, easy now.

I'm so happy for you.

Thank you.

For everything.

- Aaron must be so pumped.

- Aaron.

- Have you not told him yet?

- He was out, so I came here.

Go, go, go! Tell him!

Get out of here.

Oh, wait!

I need to buy this

immediately, please.

Thank you.

Why do you need this?

That's for you, silly.

It's a girl.

- Renee?

- Yes?

You've lost your mind.

Nope. Just the

opposite, in fact.

I love you. Merry Christmas!

Hey, sorry I was gone so long.

Had to go to two different

hardware stores.

The part that

I was looking for...

Oh, hi.

Oh, good morning.

Good morning.

- You okay?

- Yes. I have something for you.

- Okay.

- Open it.

Okay, but I have not

wrapped your gifts yet.

I was going to do it tonight

after you fell asleep watching

a Christmas movie like always.

- Renee...

- You were right, Aaron.

No, I pushed you too far.

No. You did not.

When mom died, I got stuck.

I didn't want to let her go.

And I trapped us here.

I didn't even realize

the years were going by

and I had forced us to put

our whole life on hold.

And you?

Wow, you were just waiting.

And I'll keep waiting.

No, no.

It's time.

You deserve this.

I've seen it, you know.

Our future.

Oh yeah?

How'd it look?

It looked like you cooking

delicious meals for me.

Thank you so much, by the way.

It looked like me learning,

how to play hockey.

And you laughing at me a lot.

Yeah, that checks out.

And it looked like us

running a business together.

Just like you always said.

- Really?

- Mhmm.

And I have a feeling it's

all going to work out.

But what about the house?

We're going to sell it.

Are you sure?

At the end of the day.

It's just a place.

I'm ready.

For all of it.

For all of it?

But if we have a baby, I need

a new car because that clunker

is a hazard.

And that's what I

keep telling you.

Come here.

- I love you.

- I love you.

Do you smell something?

Oh, no.

Fire, fire!

Okay, I swear, I am

going to fix this for you.
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