01x09 - The Ultimate Doom: Search (Part 2)

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Transformers". Aired: September 17, 1984 – November 11, 1987.*
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Focuses on the Transformers, split into two warring factions: the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons as they crash land on Earth and continue their eons long conflict there.

1-4: The Transformers
5: Transformers: The Headmasters
6: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
7: Victory
8: Zone
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01x09 - The Ultimate Doom: Search (Part 2)

Post by bunniefuu »

The Transformers

More than meets the eye

Autobots wage their battle to destroy
the evil forces of the Decepticons.

The Transformers

Robots in disguise

The Transformers

More than meets the eye

The Transformers

NARRATOR: With the help of
the evil scientist, Dr. Arkeville,

The Decepticons used hypnochips
to control the minds of human beings,

and create and army of slaves to
produce a vast supply of energon cubes.

Spike's father, Sparkplug, is
captured by the Decepticons,

and turned into a mindless sl*ve.

And Megatron succeeds in bringing
Cybertron into Earth's orbit,

causing huge tidalwaves and earthquakes,

which thr*aten to rip the planet apart
as we begin the second episode of,

The Transformers: The Ultimate Doom

I never thought I'd be
sad to see Cybertron.

-The Decepticons will triumph!

[ laughs ]

Join me, Spike. Join the conquerors!


-Look, I told you. Don't call me that!

-My actions may have
caused Earth its future.

-You did what you had to do, Prime.

What any of us would have done.

-Now there will be no power in
the universe to resist me.

Decepticon rule forever!

[ laughs ]

-Forever's shorter than you think.

-Megatron, look out!

-Pathetic flesh creature!

Can't you see we're invincible?

Come, Decepticons. Follow me to victory!

Prepare to fire, Thundercracker!

-But the wind's against us!

-Fire, I say!

-[ chuckles ] That'll teach you to
play with fire, Blunder-cr*cker!

-Yeah! I heard of a hot foot, but
that's the first hot nose I ever saw!

[ both laugh ]

-This'll shake up those Auto-bozos.

Hey! I didn't do anything yet!

-Soundwave, this area must be
cleared to start our work.

Begin generating audio
disruptor waves at once.

-Yes, Megatron.

-Audio disruptor waves!

-Talk about bad vibes!

-Autobots, transform and retreat!

-Are you okay, Bumblebee?

-Yeah, except for a buzzing in
my battery circuit.

How about you, Spike? Okay?

-What's with them?

-They look like they woke up in
the middle of a bad dream!

-The audio disruptor waves have
counteracted the effects of my hypno-chips.

I'll just have to create more slaves.

-What'd ya say, Bumblebee?

Am I okay?

Yeah, fine. Just fine.

-Here are your orders,
Thundercracker. I--

-What is your excuse, Megatron?

You let the enemy get away!


-Cross me again, Starscream, and I
will reduce you to titanium fragments.

-But we had the Autobots disoriented!

We could have eliminated them!

-We'll do that at our leisure,

when our more important work is done.

You have had the only
warning I intend to give.

-Creating a mindless
sl*ve is simplicity itself,

thanks to the brilliant
complexity of my hypno-chip.

Rumble, take this sl*ve to
the holding chamber.

You have reached Dr. Arkeville.

-Spare me your pomposity and report!

-D'eh, y-y-yes!

Uh, Your captives have been
fitted with my hypno-chips,

and are now completely
under my control.

-Then you'll be provided
with more raw material.

I shall arrive shortly to
oversee activities.

-Help! Help!

-More raw material for you, doctor.

Convert them into my slaves.



-Get us out of here!

-Okay, who's first?

How about you?


-[ laughs ]

You humans sure can't take it.

-Megatron. Emergency bulletin from
Cybertron. Energy level critical.

-Tell Shockwave he will soon have enough
energy to power Cybertron for eternity.

-Ironhide, where are you?

-Right on your caboose, Prime.

But I can't even see your taillights.

-I can't even see the road!

I'm going to reverse the
polarity of my windshield,

to repel all rain and hail molecules.

-Roger. I'll hang back.

-Everything's cool with me, Ironhide.

Long as I got my magnet beams
locked on your bumper,

I can just lay back and
leave the drivin' to you.

-Polarity switch on!

Ahh, much better.

-Whoa, this wind is
really pushin' us around!

I hope I got enough energy
left to keep Gears in sight.

Ahh! Spike! Blow-out! Spike!

-Huh... what?

-I got a flat! I'll need your help!

Just a few astroseconds
more and I'll be fine!

MEGATRON: Show me the
progress of my slaves, doctor.


The furious powers unleashed by
Cybertron's proximity to Earth,

will soon provide all the
energon cubes we need.

-Thanks for the hand, Spike.

Let's roll!

-Hey. Something's happening.

What's that noise?


-Roll for it!

-No! I'll fall in!

-Can you transform?


-Uh-oh! Company!

Hang on, Spike! I think I can make it!

-Let me go, you beryllium buzzard!



-Take that, birdbrain!


-[ laughing ]

That oughtta cook that tinfoil turkey!

-Boy, am I glad to see you guys!

I need your help!

-Optimus Prime sent us back when
we lost contact with Bumblebee.

-Bumblebee fell over the edge. Come on!

SPIKE: He's down there somewhere.

-Don't worry, we'll find the little guy.


-Nothing. I don't get it.

-Hurry it up, Hound, that k*ller
wind's pickin' up again!

-Wait. It's very faint, but...


-He said his energy was running low.

- Bumblebee!

If he's down there, my tractor beam
will get him out.

- I'm sure this is the spot. There!

I'll increase the pull, but I don't have
the power to keep it up for long.

That's it! I'm out of energy!


-What a relief!

-Boy, it's good to see you!

-You look like somebody mugged
your manifold!

-[ laughs ]

- You okay, Bumblebee?

-Outta gas, but not outta luck.

-Then let's roll out for
Autobot Headquarters!

SKYWARP: The first
shipment of energon cubes,

to Cybertron is ready.

-Why are you sending one of
my slaves to Cybertron?

-Because with a human present,

the Autobots will not take
aggressive action against Cybertron.

-But... I-I can only control my
slaves from my computer here!

-We have duplicated your
computer on Cybertron.

It is no longer just your computer.

- Remember our agreement, Megatron.

The Earth is to be mine when
you are through with it.

-It will be.

What's left of it.

[ laughs ]

-We can't stand by and watch the
destruction of this beautiful planet.

-But how can we battle the elements?

-We can't. But I know who can.


-The Dinobots.

They can take more
punishment than any of us.

-Perhaps it's worth a try.

WHEELJACK: All right!

-Look at the monitors.

You must help stop these disasters.

-Uhh, me Grimlock not care
whole planet fall apart.

Make no difference to me Grimlock.

-With you on it?

-Mmm, hadn't thought of that.

Dinobots, transform.

-Your plan was brilliant, Megatron.

We collect millions of energon cubes,

but they're all worthless because
we can't get them to Cybertron!

-This is Skywarp.

Request clearance to land!

SOUNDWAVE: Mayday! Mayday!

-Get back!

-What's that, Spike?

-Oh, hi.

Just a wrench.

It was my dad's.

Why are humans working for Megatron?

They're supposed to be on our side.

-It's puzzling.

And we can't deal with human
beings as we do with Decepticons.

Report, Wheeljack!

-Amazing. This volcano is
becoming active again!

-Autobots! Transform!

-Holy halogen luminators!

Have no fear, Skyfire's here!

-That's one problem we don't
have to worry about,

but somebody's gotta
turn off that volcano!

-Ironhide, come back!

-Come back!
-Ironhide'll never make it.

-What good can Ironhide do in
the middle of a volcano?

-I don't know.

I just hope he comes
out in operational condition.

-Yeah, when ya got it, use it.

-[ cheering ]

-Now if only the Dinobots do half as well.

certain, but for the moment,

I feel we must not let the boy find out.

- Find out what?

-Spike, we have information that
Sparkplug has been taken to Cybertron.

-Dad? On Cybertron?

Optimus Prime, let me take Skyfire.

We'll get him back.

-It's too dangerous.

I can't let you do that, Spike.

-But if we can save Dad,

we may learn what hold
Megatron has over him,

and other Earth people.

-Eh, makes sense to me.
I'll go with Spike.

-Me, too!

-You can count me in.

- Please, Optimus Prime.

-Very well.

-[ autobots cheer ]

-Let's see the trajectory map, Skyfire.

-Roger. Coming up.

There's our position now.

When we reach this point,

I'll activate a jammer beam to
mess up their scanners.

-Uh-oh, I think it's too late. Look!

-Skyfire! m*ssile shields up!

-Can't waste the energy.

Hang on. We'll outrun 'em!

-Man, that's flyin'.

-Hey, watch it!


Guess I was a little too
anxious to get on my feet.

-Wow, it sure is different.

-That's funny. To me it's just home.

- I think we can enter Decepticon
Headquarters here.

BUMBLEBEE: Spike, that light beam.

-What? Ohh!

- I'm comin' with ya!

-Brawn, follow them! We won't fit!

- Gotcha, Wheeljack!

SPIKE: I blew it, guys. We're sunk now!

-Not yet, we aren't.

-What is it?

- A ventilator shaft.

It might be a way out.

-You really think so?

- Got any better ideas?

-Which way?



-You okay, Spike?

-Fine. Hey, where are we?

BUMBLEBEE: Decepticon Headquarters.

-And look at this.

-Hypno-chip control?

-Hey, that's what they've done to Dad!

They're controlling his mind!

-Gotta get this information to
Wheeljack right away.

Wheeljack, come in.

BRAWN: Do you read me, Wheeljack?

-This is Wheeljack.

Where are you?

-In the Decepticon lab.

We've found out how the
humans are being controlled.

-Someone's coming. Hide!

-My favorite wrench.

Hmm. Where could...

-Hi dad.

-Spike, what are you--


An invader.

The Decepticons must be alerted!

-Dad! Dad, don't!

-Must sound alarm!


NARRATOR: In the next
episode of The Transformers,

Spike and the Autobots discover
the plan for the hypnochip,

on Cybterton, and learn how Megatron
controls his army of human slaves.

While the Autobots, on Earth, try
to stop the evil Decepticons from,

producing more energon cubes and
storing them in a gigantic starship,

and Spike makes one final, desparate
attempt, to rescue his father,

Sparkplug, before the
Earth is torn to pieces.

All in the final, exciting, episode of
The Transformers: The Ultimate Doom.
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