03x04 - Thorn in the Sidekick/Crime Takes a Holiday

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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03x04 - Thorn in the Sidekick/Crime Takes a Holiday

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect
keeps the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face
is by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty
words your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains

♪ Here she comes

♪ Word girl

Listen for the words "sidekick"
and "exasperate."

Just another perfectly normal
day in the city.

The sun is shining,
the birds are singing,

And a guy with a sandwich head
is plotting crimes.

I just need to get
my hands on this--

The emerald sub.

Once I have it,
my sandwich powers

Will increase
times over!

Then i, chuck the evil
sandwich making guy,

Will become unstoppable!

Hey! Mustard?

You listen to me,
mustard packets.

If you don't open right,
you'll get whammered! Yeah!

a little help?

These dogs need
mustard. Yeah!

That's a lot
of hot dogs.

The whammer
needs fuel. Yeah!

This is your lucky day.

Do you like spicy
or yellow mustard?

Yellow! Yeah!

That should do it.

Wham. That was
totally whammer!

They don't call me chuck
the evil sandwich making
guy for nothing.

Wait a minute.
Chuck the sandwich?

Actually, it's...

I heard of you.
You're totally whammer!

Oh, well, thanks.
Is that...a good thing?

sandwich guy.

You helped
the whammer.

Now the whammer
is going to
help you.

The whammer
is going to be
your sidekick.


Oh, I don't know.
I'm kind of a lone wolf.

Together, we're
going to wham
this city. Yeah!

Yeah. The thing is,
I was just about to steal

This emerald sub,
so I don't really need any--

Hey! You mess
with chuck,

You mess
with the whammer,

And you get
whammed! Yeah!

If yousay so.



Sorry about that.
I barely even know him.




I am just exasperated
by all this junk.

Do you still need
these opera glasses?


I guess that's true.
You never know

When an opera is
going to break out.

Word girl, a villain
named the whammer

Is destroying
my jewelry store.

Oh, yes, and some guy
with a sandwich head

Is here, too.
Please don't touch that!

First of all, we are
robbing the jewelry store,

Not destroying it.

stop that!

And I also wanted
to make it clear

That I am
in charge here,

Me, chuck the evil

Whammer: I'm gonna
wham something.

What did I just say?

Who's that again?

That's the whammer.
He's my...

What's the word? I just
heard it a while ago.

Sidekick. Yeah.
It's an assistant,

Someone who helps
in adventures.

sidekick! Yeah!

Right. Sidekick. He listens
to my every command.

Is that word girl?

Hey! It's me, the whammer!

Because when
I wham something,

I wham it good!
Yeah! Whammer!

I have no idea
what you just said.

Oh, yeah? Well, come down here,
and I'll show you.

Yeah! Wham! Yeah!

Let's get over
there, huggy.

Word up!

Oh, great. Word girl is
probably on her way here now.

Mmm...and when
she gets here,

She'll get
whammed. Yeah!

Whatever. All right.

So you watch out
for word girl,

And I'll grab
the emerald sub.

You're the boss.

At last, the emerald sub.

Whoever holds it shall
possess the power to--

Hold it right there!

And--the whammer,
was it?

Yeah, the whammer.
And chucky breadhead.

We're going to wham
you guys but good. Yeah!

Wait. Chucky

Yeah. That
wasn't even close.

So you're the girl
who said the whammer
couldn't wham?

I don't remember
saying that.

I'll show you

Wait. Wait. Wait.
No. I--

Whoo! Whoo! Wham!


Sorry about that, boss.

But at least
it went out with a wham.

A little

With your
sidekick, chuck?


Well, exasperated


If you're about to
define exasperated,

Please don't.
I'm not in the mood.

Oh. Well, actually,
that's very funny,

Because that's kind of
what exasperated means--

You're angry and annoyed

And just plain fed up.
You're exasperated.


Great. Thanks.

Why doesn't anyone
listen to me?

Cheer up, chuck.
I can totally relate.

I mean, huggy
is the greatest
sidekick in the world,

But sometimes
he just does stuff

That drives me
up the wall.

I mean...

Not always,
but sometimes...

Very little.

Almost never.

Enough talk. It's time
to whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Wham!

Let's whammer
out of here. Yeah!

Well, I guess
I should go, too,

Since he's my...


Right. Sidekick.

I'm sorry about
the mess, everyone.

This is your lair, boss?
It's not very whammer.

What does that
even mean?

It just means things need
some whamming up around here.

No! No whamming
in the lair.

Listen, um...
We have to talk.

We've been
a team of sorts

For, like, what?
A few hours now?

Yeah. It's been whammer.

Yeah, yeah.

You know how we
robbed that store

And didn't actually
get any money,

Jewels, or the
ancient artifact

That would have
made me nearly

We whammered that store.

Yeah, yeah, right.

Well, but what
I'm saying is that

This has been
really great,

Having you
as a sidekick,

But, um...

Man on television: we interrupt
this television program

To bring you
a special report.

Just minutes ago,

The whammer
and some guy

With a sandwich face--
robbed a jewelry store

And destroyed
the one-of-a-kind
emerald sub.

The jewelry-store
clerk says

This would be
tragic news

If he didn't discover
a second emerald sub

In the back room.

Well, I wanted
a glass of milk

To help me calm down,

And it was just sitting there
in a tub of barbecue sauce.

So you could
imagine the mess.

Not to mention I am
allergic to barbecue sauce.

So you can imagine
the rash.

I can't believe it!
Another emerald sub!

We have to get it!

Man on television: and in other
seemingly unrelated news,

Rare antique whammers
will be on display

At these local
antique stores.

They may look
like pillows,

But I assure you
they're called whammers.

And now back
to our program.


All right. Come on.

We can go look at
those pillows later,

After we steal
the emerald--



Wham! Wham! Wham! Wham!

No. Wait. We can't
steal a whammer

When there's
an all-powerful
sandwich available.

I mean, look
at my head.

Boy, do you believe there's
a second emerald sub, huggy?

And did you notice
how exasperated

Chuck seemed
with that new guy?

I'd never be
that exasperated by you.

No, sirree.

Whammer: we're coming
to get you, whammers!

Hey, it's chuck's
sidekick, the whammer.

Wait. This is
the store

With the emerald

We could
grab it quick

And then go get
the whammers.

At least
slow down.

And there goes chuck.

Ready to stop
some bad guys, sidekick?

Oh, come on.


Listen, huggy,
I'm really sorry.

It was a silly
thing to say.

I never meant
to hurt your feelings.

You're my best friend,

And I couldn't
fight crime without you.

Did I mention how great
you look in that suit today?

Now, are you ready
to fight some crime?

Well, then let's go!



Narrator: meanwhile,
at an antique store...

We have it.

That's it?
It's just a pillow.

Wham! Wham!

Hey, it works.

This is the greatest
day of my life.


Hey, there's another
whammer across town.

Let's go, boss. Wham!

But the emerald sub.

Hold it
right there!

Wham! Wham!

Whammer, wait up.

Uh, did we
just get beat
by a pillow?



Oh, hey, word girl.
How's it going?

Uh, fine. Chuck?

Yeah, listen,
I just called to see

If you could guess what
we're gonna steal next.

The second
emerald sub?

No...although that's
what I'd be doing

If I didn't have
a sidekick.

We're off to rob
the second whammer pillow

From an antique store
across town.

It's monique's antiques.

If you take main street
down to broadway and--

Come on. Where are they?

Word girl is never this late
when I'm committing a crime.

Did I say left on broadway?

Hey, boss.

Look what I got.


Isn't it
totally whammer?

Sure, sure.

Come on. Let's go
whammer some stuff.

Yeah! Whammer!

Forget it.
Your whammering days are over.

Oh, thank goodness.

I mean, word girl
and captain huggy face.

What are you
doing here?

You just called us.

I guess you're here
to stop me

And my sidekick,
the whammer.

But you'll probably
want to start

With the whammer.

Yeah! Let's
take them on. Whammer!

Huggy, where
are you going?

Have a taste
of my whammers.

Ooh! What was that?

Now that you've been
softened up, time to wham!

This is
pretty exasperating.

Stop! That tape is
over years old!

Now you have to face me
and the best sidekick ever

In the history
of the world!

I can take you both out.
Yeah! Whammer!

Amazingly brilliant
idea, huggy.

I never would have
thought of that.

Whammer can't wham.

No more whammering
for you.

Oh, yeah? Well, you forgot
about my boss,

Charlie sandwich face.

My name is chuck,

The evil sandwich
making guy. Ok?

And you're supposed
to be my sidekick.

You're supposed to
follow me.

Instead, I have to listen
to you say whammer

A million times!
To be honest,

I'm just exasperated.

Oh, I didn't know
you felt that way.

Why didn't you tell me
all this before, boss?

I tried to,
but you wouldn't listen.

The whammer listens. The whammer
whams listening. Yeah!

You're still
doing it.

All right.
Come on, you two.
Off to jail.

Any chance I could
get my own cell?

Yeah, chucky! We're gonna
be cellmates! Wham!

I'll see
what I can do.

Narrator: looks like word girl
and her trusty sidekick,

Captain huggy face,
have saved the city

From the exasperating duo
of chuck and the whammer.

Tune in next time
for another whamming episode

Of "word girl." Wham!

Hello. I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines
today's featured word

Will win
a fabulous prize.

Let's play!

May I have a word?

Yes, you may. Today's
featured word is "devour."

To give you a clue,
here are some clips

From "word girl" that show
the meaning of the word.

Anyone know
the definition of devour?

yes? Phil.

[Mumbling with mouth full]

Uh, no. Anyone else?


Devour means to
gobble down food.

what I said.

Well, who could
understand you

When you were
devouring that sandwich?

I clearly said devour means
to gobble down food. See?

[Mumbling with mouth full]

Sorry, phil. We have
to disqualify you

For talking
with your mouth full.

Bad manners.
Congratulations, emily.

You are today's winner.

Huggy, show her
what she's won.

The official word girl world's
largest stalk of broccoli!

Audience: ew!

Ok. Well,
maybe the world's

stalk of broccoli.

That's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Psst! Listen for "replacement"
and "gloat."

It's a typical morning
at the secret warehouse lair

Of the evil
dr. Two-brains.

Bill, bill, junk mail, bill.
Ooh, what's this?


I won! I won!

What's going on,

Listen to this.

"Dear dr. Two-brains,

"You have won an all-expenses
paid week-long

Cheese-themed cruise
from dairy villains monthly."

I won!

Wow. That's great.

If I'm going to be gone
a whole week,

I really should find
a replacement.

A replacement?

A substitute, a temporary
two-brains to do my job

While I'm away.

is a tough racket.

You leave for a week,
and boom,

You've just lost your place
on the " most wanted" list.


We'll hold open auditions,
you know, tryouts.

Ok, boss.

You're going to
have to take orders

From whomever I choose
as my replacement, ok?

As soon as that replacement
puts on this lab coat,

You listen to them
and only them. You got it?


Now go put the word out.

I'm looking for
just the right person

To play the evil, sinister,
handsome dr. Two-brains!

[Evil laughter]

Whammer: yeah! The whammer
has brains now!

And he's gonna wham you
with brains! Yeah!

Ok, ok. I'm gonna
stop you there.

Not what we're looking for,
and thanks for coming.

Oh, whammer.


That was the
last one, boss.

Just great.

And not one person good enough
to be my replacement.

Oh, what am I
gonna do?

[Door opens and closes]

Am I late?
Oh, my gosh.

That's the actual
goop ray!

I'm freaking out.

And you are?

Hi. My name is
glen furlblam,

And I am seriously
your number-one fan.

Oh, well,
isn't this a treat?

I'm here to audition
for the role of...

Dr. Two-brains!

So tell me, glen,
why do you deserve

To be the temporary
dr. Two-brains?

Well, first of all,
I know everything
about you.

Mm-hmm. That's
a good start.


I could totally
step in

And do everything
that you do.

Well, not everything, glen,
but I like your attitude.

I could even make
a few improvements.


Yeah. Like your whole
"cheese crime" thing.

I mean, come on.

Makes your crime
so obvious.

No wonder you
always get caught.

Ha ha. Ok. Listen, glen.
I'm not sure--

I mean, why not steal
other stuff, too, huh?

Mice like other stuff.

Right. You know, glen,
I don't think you're

Exactly the replacement
I was looking for.

But hey, thanks for coming
down to the lab.


That's ridiculous.

Is it because you
feel threatened

Because my ideas
are so much better
than yours, huh?

Ha ha ha! Oh, brother.
The worst audition of the day,

And he's gloating
about it.

Ha! Oh, the answer
is no, kid. Now get lost!

No! I'm the new
dr. Two-brains.

I'm even ready to move
into your lair. See?

I brought a change of clothes
and my pet cats.


You have pet cats?
Cats hate mice.




Uh! The lab coat!

Henchmen, clear
these cats out of here.

But he's wearing
the lab coat.


So, you said
as soon as

The replacement
puts on
the lab coat,

We should listen
to them and
only them.

No! I meant after I left.
I'm still your boss.

I'm wearing
the lab coat,

And I say he's not
your boss anymore.

I am.

Ok, new boss.
Sorry, old boss.


Looks like
there's a new

Dr. Two-brains
in town.

[Evil laughter]

Narrator: later,
across town,

Young becky botsford,
aka word girl,

Is working on
her science fair project.

Becky: I know it's
a lot of work, bob,

But as long as there isn't
any crime to fight,

We should finish just in time
for the science fair.


A homemade
bookbinding machine

Is too
a winning idea.

Becky, big news!
Wait. What's that?

My science fair

A brilliant
idea, if I do
say so myself.


I am not gloating.
What's up, scoops?

Oh. I heard
dr. Two brains' henchmen

Were spotted
down at city hall.

Want to come
investigate with me?

Uh...i'd love to,

But I have to, uh...
Work on my project.

Oh. Not sure...
Why you're...talking like that.

But whatever. See ya!

Come on, bob. Our
bookbinding machine
will have to wait.

Word up!

Hold it right there,
you two.

Care to explain
what's going on here?

We're building a giant
dr. Two-brain statue.

Oh. So it's just
a big statue of
dr. Two-brains?

Yep. Pretty much.

Well, at least it's
made out of cheese,

Uh-uh. Paste.

Ok. If you guys aren't
going to commit a crime,

Then I'm going to take off.
I've got a science fair to wi--

I mean, justice to deliver!
Come on, huggy.

the next morning,

Back at dr. Two-brains'
secret lair...



[Loud squeak]

[Cats snarling]

Did you see
the morning paper?

We made
the front page.

"A statue made of paste?

Is two-brains losing
both of his minds?"

Oh, this is terrible!

The public thinks
I'm losing it.

They just don't
my genius.

They'll see.

My next plan is even more
brilliant than the last one.

You're gloating?

You didn't even
commit a crime,

And you're gloating?

Listen, glen,
I'm begging you.

Whatever you do
next, just make it

An actual crime this
time, huh? Please?

My reputation
is at stake here.

later that afternoon,

Jogging to
the hardware store...

Come on, guys.

Why are we

Because the science fair
is tomorrow,

And I need to find
gallons of bookbinding glue

In order to test
my machine.

That's a lot.


What's wrong, bob?

Uh! That's
dr. Two-brains' logo.

Hmm...i smell a story.

You guys coming?

No. We're going to...
Look for the...

Uh...the glue. Yeah.

Ha. Good luck
finding enough.

Come on, huggy.

Two-brains might
be up to no good.

word up!

Hold it right
there, henchies.

Ooh, a nickname.

I thought I'd
mix things up
a little.

Now, care
to explain what
you're up to?

Or should I just
let you tell it
to the judge?

Ok. See, first,
we put up these signs.

Then we buy
the cheese on sale

And save
lots of money.

Nope.you're kidding, right?

It's just
a terrible idea.

Correction. It's
a spectacular idea, word girl.

And you are?

It is it, the evil
dr. Two-brains.

And I will be getting
high-quality cheese

At low, low prices.

Nobody is more evil
than I am.


You know,
I have to say,

Your gloating
is usually a lot
more convincing.

I wasn't gloating.
I'm not even hungry.

Do you know what
"gloating" means?

Uh...sure I do.
It's, uh...when you, uh...ha ha.

Brag or boast
that you're better
than someone?

Correct. That's
exactly what it means.

Well defined.

Whoever you are.

What? You doubt that I am
the great and evil and...great

Dr. Two-brains?

Here. Have
some melty cheese.

You mean fondue?

Oh, that's what it's called.

Whoa! Run away!

Ok. I'm not sure
who that guy is,

But he's not
dr. Two-brains.

Let's follow them.

Narrator: meanwhile,
back at the secret lair...

Ha ha. I am
the greatest.

You should have seen me.
I was incredible.

First, I totally had
an amazing plan

To get a lot of cheese,
and then word girl showed up,

And we had a big argument
where I was totally brilliant.

And then she att*cked me,
but I escaped.

You never get away
from word girl, but I did.

I rule! Ha ha ha!

Yeah. Go easy on the
gloating there, kid.

She'll catch you

Believe me.

Not true. I'm the best
dr. Two-brains of all time.

And now to plan
my next ingenious crime

Here in my
top-secret lair.

Not so secret anymore,
whoever you are.

Whoever I am?
What's wrong, word girl?

Confused by your own eyes?

Hmm...what you see before you
is an impossible riddle.

Which is the real
dr. Two-brains?

He's real. You're
the replacement.


Replacement. It
means that you're
the substitute

For the real
dr. Two-brains.

Oh. Well,
how could you tell?

You're kidding, right?
That mask is horrible.

His name's glen.

He's my
number-one fan.

So nobody thinks
I'm a good replacement, huh?

Well, how would you feel
if this evil genius

Turned you all
into a pile of goop?

Oh, no! Word girl!
The goop ray!

Stop him!

This isn't good.
Huggy, go.


[Revving loudly]

Huh. We're all fine.
Nothing got gooped.

My giant vat!

What was in it?


Wait. So all glen
did was turn

A vat of goop
into more goop?

Hey, you think
that stuff would
bind books?

It might.
It's all-purpose goop.

Great. Start
shoveling, huggy.


Narrator: and so
the city is safe

From not only
the evil dr. Two-brains,

But also his not-so-great
replacement, glen.

And becky botsford has
the materials she needs

To finish
her science fair project.

All is well.
This is your narrator,

The greatest narrator
in the history

Of animated television,
better than everyone else,

Saying good-bye.

Easy on the gloating
there, mister.

Mmm. Of course.

Join us next time for another
action-packed episode

Of "word girl."

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have a word?"

Emily, you correctly
defined the word "devour."

Ready to play
the bonus round?

Sure am,
mr. Handsome.

Ok. Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one shows
the definition for "devour."

Ok, emily, time's up.

Well, dr. Two-brains
is really gobbling
up that cheese,

Which means
he's devouring it.

Number .

That is correct.

Congratulations, emily.
You've won the bonus round.

Captain huggy face,
show her what she's won.

It's the world's largest
baby carrot!

Not again, huggy.
Sorry, emily.

Perhaps you'll
win something

Huggy can't devour
next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Want word girl's word-power?

Fly over
to your local library.

Cape not required.

Word up.

♪ Favorite word,
what's your favorite word? ♪

My favorite word
is cr*cker.

It was my first word
when I was a baby,

And it's just
a fun word to say.


My favorite word
is exquisite.

This is because I like
the way it sounds in my mouth.

Starting in second grade,

My grandma was always
saying to me,

"You look
very exquisite today."

So that's how I began
to like the word.

♪ That's my favorite word

Captain huggy face,

Show us what annoyed means.

That's right! Annoyed means to
be bothered or displeased.

Congratulations, huggy.

[Dance music playing]

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