Gabriel's Redemption: Part One (2023)

Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.

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Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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Gabriel's Redemption: Part One (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »


My lecture isnt finished.

Youll have plenty

of time to finish.

Bring the blanket.

Why do you want to visit

the orchard in the dark?

I want to see your naked

skin glow in the moonlight.

I suppose

Guido da Montefeltro can wait.

Have you ever made love

in an orchard before?

Then Im glad Im your first.

Youre my last, Gabriel.

My only.


[zipper unzips]

What if someone sees us?

These woods are private.


Youre very good at that.

Theres no one here but us.


"To the Nuptial Bowre I led

her blushing like the Morn:

all Heavn, And happie

Constellations on that houre."

Paradise Lost.

But in this place, I can only

think of Paradise found.

This is where

I discovered true beauty.

[heavy breathing]





I have something for you.

Its beautiful.

Id like to have

a child with you.


So soon?

Dante lost Beatrice

when she was 24.

Losing you would be devastating.

No morbid talk.

Not here, after weve

celebrated life and love.

Its too soon

for a baby, Gabriel.

Weve only been

married six months

and I want to finish my PhD.


But when we get back

from Europe,

I would like to speak

to my doctor.

Its been so long

since my vasectomy,

a reversal might

not be possible.

Theres more than one way

to make a family.

We could adopt.

When the time is right.

We can do all those things.

When youre ready,

well start trying.

We should probably practice

a lot in preparation.

Mmm, absolutely.



[heavy breathing]



[baby cries]

There you are.

Whats wrong?

I woke up early.

I need to make up the bedrooms

and clean the bathrooms.

Then I need to go shopping

and plan the meals, and...

Im not even dressed.

You dont need to do anything.

Ill find somebody

who can clean the house

and I will go to the

grocery store after my run.

You go back to bed.

You need to work

on your lecture.

But sleep first.

A tired mind doesnt

work very well.

Thank you.

[door closes]

Well, hello there.

What are you reading?

"The Way of a Pilgrim."

- Is it good?

- Very.

Its about a Russian Orthodox

man who tries to learn

what it means to pray

without ceasing.

Are you praying for something?

For a good many things.

To become a good man,

a good husband,

and, someday, a good father.

I suppose were all on our

own spiritual journeys.

Some of us are further

along than others.

I dont think of it like that.


I think we chase God

until He catches us.

One of the things I admire

most about you

is your compassion

for human frailty.

I have my own vices, Gabriel.

Theyre just hidden.

The house looks great.

Thank you.

I was able to get

a lot of work done today.

And thanks for making dinner.

You werent hungry when

I brought it up to you.

I ran into a problem

with my paper.

- Can I help?

- No.

If I present a paper

that sounds like you wrote it,

people will notice.

Christa has already been

spreading rumors about us.

Christa is just jealous.

Shes going backwards

in her career.

You havent let me

read your paper.

Although weve discussed

Guido so much

Im sure I know what youll say.

Has my book been helpful?


But Im taking a different tack.

Ill let you read it tomorrow.

Im worried about

what youll think.

Ill be honest, but supportive.

I promise.

- Now...

- Hm?

I need you to take me

to bed and cheer me up.

Hmm... What would cheering

you up entail?

Taking my mind off my troubles

by tantalizing me

with your body.

What if Im not ready for bed?

I guess Ill have to go

to bed by myself.

And maybe cheer myself up.


You cant present this!

Why not?

Youre wrong.

St. Francis comes for the soul

of Guido after he dies.

You agreed with me.

I changed my mind.

I sent you an illustration

of the scene

while we were separated.

Now youre going to stand in

front of a room full of people

and say that it never happened?

If you read my

footnotes, youd...

None of your sources

go as far as you.

Youre merely speculating.


Professor Marinelli

liked my paper.

Shes too easy on you.

Too easy?

And I suppose you think

Professor Picton invited me

to the conference

merely out of charity?

Of course not.

But I dont want you to get

up in front of senior professors

and offer a

nave interpretation.

- If youd read my book, youd...

- I read your book, Professor.

You only mention the text

Im analyzing in passing.

And you navely adopt

the standard interpretation.

I never navely adopt anything.

Dont you want me

to have my own ideas?

Or do I have to repeat what

everyone else has already said?

I never said that.

But you could benefit

from my experience.

Oh, here we go.

What do you mean, here we go?

What do you mean, here we go?

Youre just upset that Im going

to disagree with you in public.

- Bullshit.

- Bullshit?

Then why are you telling me

to change my paper

so I fall in line

with your book?

Im trying to help

so you wont make a...

What was that?

If you start now,

you should be able

to rewrite your paper

in time for the conference.

I cant change my thesis.

Theyve already published

the abstract

on the conference website.

This isnt the time

to be stubborn.

Oh, yes, it is.

Its my paper!

Julianne, listen.

Julianne, listen to me, please.


We can talk about this.

Im not your student anymore.

- Damn it. Stop!

- Dont yell at me!

Im sorry.

Lets sit down and talk.

I cant talk to you right now

without saying

something Im going to regret.

Im going to avoid you

for the rest of the day.

Rachel, Aaron, and Richard

are arriving soon.

What will I tell them?

Tell them Im an idiot.


Julianne, listen to me.



Our first fight and

you lock yourself

in the God damned bathroom.

My first public lecture

and you tell me its sh*t!

- Hey, everyone.

- Hey!

- Hi.

- Hi.

Wheres Julia?

Working on her paper.


Get your ass down here!

Rachel, please.

Dad, youre welcome

to stay in your old room.

Ill be fine in the guest room.

You and Julia fighting?

You can say hello

when you go upstairs.

Im barbecuing ribs for dinner.

Ribs? Fantastic.

Theyre fighting.

What could they

be fighting about?

I dont know, maybe Julia

rearranged his collection

of bow ties without asking him.



- Hey.

- Rach! Hi!

So whats up with

you and Gabriel?

Theres like a

tension in the house.

And I dont need to be

a psychic to pick up on it.

Do you want me to go

b*at him up for you?



I made the mistake

of letting him read

the lecture

Ive been working on.

He told me its terrible.

What is wrong with him?

I would have thrown

something at his head.

I thought about it,

but I didnt want to have

to clean up the blood.

He said he was trying to help.

I dont want him too lie.

If the paper needs work,

I need to know that.

He should know how to help you

without telling you that

your paper is terrible.


He says he wants to

start a family with me.

Then he turns around and

acts like a condescending ass.

Wait a minute!

He wants kids?


Im so happy for you!

When are you going

to start trying?

We agreed to wait

until I graduate.

It would be too difficult to

work on a PhD and have a baby.

Wed like to have a baby.

- What, now?

- Maybe.

If I learned

anything from losing my mother,

its that life is uncertain.

I dont want to wait to start a

family and then lose my chance.

What if I get cancer?

Having kids is one way

to rid Gabriel

of his condescending attitude.

Whys that?

Are you kidding?

He will be begging for help

when a baby empties

a dirty diaper on him!


Hes come a long way...

Married and talking

about starting a family?

When my parents

first brought Gabriel home,

hed hide food in his room.

He didnt unpack

his bags, either.

He kept expecting them

to send him away.

I didnt know that.

Its remarkable.

My advice is to talk to him.

But, it wouldnt be a bad idea

to let him sweat

just a little bit.

Make him sleep on the couch.


Lord, please bless this

food to our use

and we to thy service

and let us ever be mindful

of the needs of others.


- Begin.

- Thanks, Dad.

[no audible dialogue]

Excuse me.


Yes, thanks.

Man, suck it up and

tell her youre sorry.

Why are you assuming

Im at fault?

Statistically speaking...


Et tu, Brute?

I didnt say anything.

But, theres a reason

that older married couples

will tell young ones not

to let the sun

go down on their anger.

Im not the one who shut down

rational communication.

Shes not irrational.

Shes hurt.

And when someone hurts you,

its rational to withdraw.

Especially given her history.

I didnt mean to hurt her.

Im sure thats true.

But Im also confident

that you dont fight fairly.

My advice is to be

gentle with your wife.


[door lock rattles]

[phone beeps]

[Gabriel]Im sorry. Forgive me.

Please, let me in.



Im sorry, Julianne.

You hurt me.

I know.

Im sorry.

I reread your paper.

You forgot something important.

Can I come in?

I said some things yesterday

I shouldnt have.

Thank you.

I have some suggestions

on how to improve your paper.

I know its important that

you stand on your own two feet.

But Im happy to help,

if you need me.

Id welcome your advice,

as long as you dont

tell me what to think.

Your ideas are one of the many

things that I love about you.

The story of Francis risking

Hell to save Guidos soul


what I was trying to do when

I made my confession

to the disciplinary committee

back in Toronto.

I was reacting to what I took

to be your dismissal

of the story.

Our story.

I never meant to dismiss

something so important.

If the situation

had been reversed,

I would have descended

to Hell to rescue you.


I was a bastard.

Then and now.

May I?

I didnt mean to hurt you.

I know.

Im sorry, too.

I dont like fighting with you.

I dont like it either.

I didnt set out to disagree

with you in my paper.

It just... sort of happened.

Come here.

I promise not to be

a selfish bastard,

if you promise not to

lock yourself in the bathroom

to get away from me.

I promise not to lock

myself in the bathroom,

if you can give me space.

We can take a break

during an argument,

but if we promise

to talk later on.


Your paper changed my mind.

Its good.


You heard me.

Although I have some suggestions

on how you can

strengthen the last part.

You didnt quite

convince me there.

I could use a few pointers.

Ill give you credit

in the footnotes.

Id be honored to appear

in one of your footnotes.

Thank you.

Its hard for me to be a student

in the same field as you.

We arent in competition.

Im proud of you for having

the courage of your convictions.

When you defend your paper

at Oxford,

Ill be sitting in the front row

thinking, "Thats my girl."

Its a dream come true,

to hear you say that.

Then Ill keep saying it.


Somethings cooking

but it aint the apple pie.

The coffee is ready

and the pie is cooling.

Whats the hold up?

We were just making coffee.

Oh, I bet you were.

Ill leave you ladies to it.

So what was cooking?

And please tell me you

didnt use the counters.

Too cold.



Hows married life, Tammy?

I never thought it would happen.

Why not?

Before Scott,

I was living with someone.

And we talked

about getting married,

then I got pregnant and

he decided he wasnt ready.

- assh*le.

- Im so sorry.

Ill never forgive Eric

for signing away

his parental rights.

Because Quinn will never

know his father.

Sperm donors are not fathers.

I mean, Richard didnt


genetic material to Gabriel,

but hes his father.

Gabriel is so nice.

Even when Quinn ruined his suit.

You should have seen him

before he met Julia.

He would have handed Quinn

the dry cleaning bill.


I cant imagine that.

Hes so wonderful with Quinn.

[baby murmurs]


I think its bedtime.

- Hey, sweetie!

- I know.

Say goodnight.



I guess Id better take

the men their dessert.

Can we talk for a minute, honey?

Of course.


So, Ive been spending a lot

of time with your father.

I love him and he loves me.

And weve been talking

about the future.

About making things permanent.

Thats great!

If you and Dad get married,

Ill be there.

Youll more than just be there.

Youll be one of my bridesmaids.

Whats all this?

Diane was just telling me

how much she loves you.

Is that so?

Not that youve asked,

but you have my blessing.

Is that so?


My girls.

[door opens]

[door closes]



I thought wed agreed

that youd call me Dad.

Of course, Dad.

Does it bother you that

weve changed things?

Inside the house?

Grace would like what

youve done in the kitchen.


You know, something

when Im inside the house...

I swear I can hear her voice.

I dont feel her when

Im in Philadelphia.



Thank you.

Do you like living

in Philadelphia?

My research position

hasnt gone as expected.

Im thinking about retiring.

Move back.

Live here.

Oh, no.

This is your home now.

Were only here

during vacations.

We could switch

bedrooms immediately.

Its very kind of you to offer,

but I sold the house to Gabriel.

It would be a mitzvah for us.

And we need the blessing.

What sort of blessing

do you need?

I have an unanswered prayer.

All prayers are answered.

Sometimes the answer is no.

I cant pretend that the thought

of moving back here

doesnt tempt me.

As long as the house

is in the family,

it doesnt matter who owns it.

Gabriel would never

part with the orchard.

It would relieve him to know

its in capable hands.

Youd be helping us out.

[water running]

Care to join me?

I prefer to watch.

Then Ill be sure

to put on a show.

Oh, I left my bubble bath

in the guest bathroom.

Would you mind getting

it for me?

Not at all.


Whats the matter?

Is Rachel pregnant?

Not that I know of.

I found an empty box for a

pregnancy test in the bathroom.

It was probably her.

I wish it were you.

Our time will come.

You look as if you want

to lick me.

All over.

I do.


Confide in me.

You tend to take bubble baths

when youre stressed.

And youve been

taking them daily.

Im worried about

grad school and flunking out.

Im worried about my lecture.

Weve spoken about your lecture.

Its good.

You have to take grad school

one semester at a time.

You dont have

to entertain our relatives.

They will entertain themselves.

You work on your paper,

Ill make dinner.

Thank you.

My dad and Diane are talking

about getting married.

How do you feel about that?

Id like him to have

someone to grow old with.

Youll have your birthday

when we get to Italy.

How would you like

to celebrate it?

With you.

In bed.

For a couple of days.

Would you like to invite people

to the exhibition in Florence?


I want you all to myself.

We can invite them to Cambridge

for your birthday.

I dont like making a

big deal about my birthday.

25 is a milestone birthday.

So is 35.

My milestones are important

only because of you.

Without you,

theyd be empty days.

Do you have to be so sweet?

Since Ive been eaten sour

most of my life, yes.

I believe this is a room

we havent christened yet.



Ive missed this.

Holding you in the dark.

Hearing your voice.

Ive been healed.

And it was more wonderful

than you can imagine.

Im sorry I didnt

realize you were sick.

I should have noticed.

It was my time.

Oh... theres so much

I want to show you.

But not yet.

Rest, my love.


I am moving back here.

Ill arrange the movers.

Well make sure to

get our furniture

out of the master bedroom.


The guest room is mine now.

Grace will be with me

wherever I sleep.


What the hell are those?

I think they are beds.

Were checking into a hotel.

You promised.

Nigel promised me a room with

a double bed and an en-suite.

Wheres the double bed?

Wheres the en-suite?

Well have to share

the bathroom...

Well be at the conference

most of the time.

C.S. Lewis was inspired by those

statues when he wrote

"The Lion, the Witch

and the Wardrobe."

Thats what they say.

Do you think his ghost ever

wanders around here?

I doubt hed haunt

a place like this.

Hes probably at the pub.

Sex is almost impossible.

There isnt enough space.

That isnt how I remember it.

Is that a challenge,

Mrs. Emerson?

Are you worried

about your paper?

Do you think if I asked

C.S. Lewis

to intercede on my behalf,

hed pray for me?

Lewis was a Protestant.

He didnt believe in

petitioning the saints.

What if people ask why

you left Toronto?

Well say I wanted to be

in Boston

because you were going

to Harvard

and we were getting married.

Christa Petersons been

telling a different story.

Forget about her.

We dont have to worry about

her at this conference.

But academics get bored

and like to talk.

Nothing is more exciting

than a sex scandal.

I beg to differ,

Mrs. Emerson.

Sex with you is more

exciting than a scandal.


I wondered where you went.

I read the Narnia books.

They were special to me.

I read them, too.

There was a closet

in my mothers apartment

that I was convinced would open

Narnia if I was a good boy.

Clearly, I wasnt.

I know what its like

to be willing

to do anything to make

the stories real.

I said to you once that you were

not my equal, but my better.

Im afraid

you didnt believe me.

Its difficult to believe

you think that, sometimes.

I need to do a better

job showing you.

But Im not sure how.

[bells ringing]

There is

The Eagle and Child pub.

This is a dream come true.

Youve worked very hard.

This is your reward.

I wonder what kind of trouble

we can get into in that museum.

[low chattering]



Im settling this once

and for all.

You cant.

Not here.

Trouble in Paradise?

I guess the honeymoon

didnt last very long.

Not that Im surprised.

Id like a word, Miss Peterson.

Not after what happened

in Toronto.

If you want to say something,

youll have to say it in

front of witnesses.

I learned a few things

after you resigned.

BDSM. I didnt know

Professor Singer was your Domme.

Lets go. Please.

Im looking forward

to your paper, Julianne.

Its unusual for a first-year

student to be included.

However did you manage it?

Professor Picton invited me.

Wouldnt it be better

to invite Gabriel to speak?

Or maybe he simply

wrote your paper for you.

I do my own research.

Your "research" wont help

you write a lecture.

Not unless you plan

on telling us

about all the Harvard

professors you slept with.

Thats enough.

You dont speak to my wife.

Do you understand?

Temper, temper, Gabriel.

Its Professor Emerson.

Lets go.

For me.

What is the meaning of this?

Who are you?

Im Christa Peterson,

from Columbia.

Im familiar with

the faculty from Columbia.

Youre not one of them.

Im a graduate student.


Then youre not from Columbia.

You attend Columbia.

Why are you here?

Professor Picton, excuse me.

The young lady is a friend.

You need to teach

her some manners.

Im aware of the havoc

you wreaked in Toronto.

Youll follow the

rules of decorum here,

or Ill have you thrown out.

Do you understand?

If your guest is unpleasant

in any way,

I will hold you

personally responsible.

I have an unforgiving memory.


Certo, Professor.

Im the injured party here.

When I was in Toronto, Gabriel...


Im old, not senile.

I recognize a woman

scorned when I see one.

Everyone else here should, too.

This is not a fraternity party.

Dear friends,

it is good to see you.

I shall buy you

a drink this evening.

You and I shall

have a little chat.

Why dont you join

us for dinner?

Thank you, but Ill

speak with Julianne first.

We should have walked away.

You stood up for yourself.

Im not going to stand there

and let her call you a whore.

I asked you to stop.

Lets not fight

because of that bitch.

Thats what she wants.

She was spoiling for a fight,

and you gave it to her.

If Id done nothing,

then it would look like

I agreed with her.

I asked you to stop,

and you brushed me off.

Im your wife.

Not a speed bump.

In this paper, I shall catalogue

Dantes use of the number three

throughout the Divine Comedy.

I shall argue that Il Poeta

is identifying

the number of

completion in nature,

animality and humanity,

as well as in the

structure and organization

of the afterlife.

This repetition should

be seen as Dantes assertion

that completion and

perfection underlie

all of Gods creation, including

that of the underworld.

The first most significant

use of the number three

occurs in Dantes division of

the Comedy into three books:


Purgatorio, and Paradiso.

[Julianne] I dont want

to fight. Im sorry.

Thank you for defending me.

Im sorry she mentioned

Professor Payne.

[lecturer continues]

...only to be replaced by

the third...

[Gabriel]Emerson was an ass.

But he hopes you forgive him.


Indeed, just as three beasts

thr*aten Dantes progress,

so the three Guides

ensure and defend it.

The three Theological virtues

of Faith, Hope, and Charity

appear in Dantes Paradiso.

The poet himself must pass

three examinations

on the virtues,

administered by the three


St. Peter,

St. James, and St. John.

[Gabriel]Im sorry I embarrassed you.

I promise Ill do better.

Youre not a speed bump.

Youre my Beatrice.

[rock music playing]

Two Caledonian ales, please.


Did Gabriel ever explain to you

how I came to be in his debt?

He mentioned something

about doing you a favor,

but he wasnt specific.

Six years ago,

I received an e-mail

from an old friend at Oxford.

He told me our former professor,

John Hutton,

was in hospice, dying.

He was one of the sources

for my paper.

Well, when I received the news,

I approached Jeremy Martin

and asked to take a week off.

Jeremy Martin was an ally

to both of you.

He tried very hard to help.

I wondered why he helped Christa

transfer to his alma mater.

There were rumors

they were involved.

I expect better from you than

to listen to gossip.

Im so sorry.

Youre right.

Christa Peterson couldnt

attract Jeremys eye

if she were standing naked,

holding an original manuscript

of The Decameron

and a case of beer.

Well, when I explained

my situation to Gabriel,

he volunteered to take over

for me while I was away.

It turned out,

I was away for four months.

I didnt know that.

I never explained to Gabriel

why it was so important

for me to see John

before he d*ed.

I dont see a reason to

keep this a secret anymore.

I dont expect you to hide

things from your husband,

but I would ask that

you be discreet.

Of course, Professor.

Old Hut, who was married, and I

were involved

while I was his student.

No one found out about us,

but there were rumors and

they followed me for ten years.

Someone wrote to the University

of Cambridge,

claiming that the only

reason Old Hut

wrote me a letter

of recommendation for me

was simply because

I was sleeping with him.


Im so sorry.

That isnt funny.

Of course its funny.

You should have seen the letter

of recommendation he wrote.

"Miss Picton is competent

in the study of Dante."

I was his lover, for Gods sake.

You think he could

trouble himself

to write more than one sentence?

When you have your

faculty position,

all these rumors

will be forgotten.

Thats six years away,


Considering all that

Ive shared with you,

I think you could

call me Katherine.

Thank you, Katherine.

You need to be more

assertive, academically.

Dont let yourself be ravaged by

wolves like some diseased moose.

You mustnt let your

husband defend you.

It makes you look helpless.

Chivalry in academia is dead.

[chamber music playing]


Excuse me.

Ladies Room.

She needs rest.

The poor girl is worn out.


You cannot be

Juliannes champion

at academic conferences.

Let her brightness shine.

Thats all I want.


Now, I hope when I give my

lecture in January at Harvard

Ill be invited

to your home for dinner.

Greg Matthews always

takes me to these

appalling molecular

gastronomy restaurants

that serve deconstructed entres

cooked in liquid nitrogen.

I never know

whether Im having dinner

or sitting for an exam

in organic chemistry.


[electronic music]




I need the room tomorrow night.

Ill be entertaining.

[music stops]

Youd take someone

to your bed so soon?

The sheets will still be warm.

Dont judge me.

Youre married.

Who I f*ck is

none of your business.

Such a dirty mouth, Cristina.

I wondered why you

insisted I bring you.

Youre here for revenge.

Were both getting

what we wanted.

Be careful, Cristina.

You dont want

Professor Picton as an enemy.

I dont care.


Dont you understand

the patronage system?

Departments around the world

are filled with her admirers.

Your chair at Columbia

was her student.

Too late.

Ive already pissed her off.

Im responsible for you,

so you will stop.

Im trying to get a position

in America.

I dont need Professor

Picton making trouble.

Fine, but I need

the room tomorrow.

So, who is the man

you f*ck tomorrow?

A priest?

A professor?

Who said it was a man?

Then I expect you to share.

Wake up, darling.

You need to get ready.

You kept me up late.




You smell of sex...

And me.

You cant deliver a lecture

at Oxford smelling of sex.

Watch me.


You look lovely.

And youre going to be fine.

Im going to get a coffee.

What would you like?


See you in there.


Hello, Professor.

What do you want?

You wanted to talk.

So... Talk.

I want the slander

to stop or Ill sue you.

For what?

Telling the truth?

Theres no truth to your

character assassinations.

Youre forgetting the part where

you f*cked one of your students

and were placed on

administrative leave.

Not to mention Professor Singer

had quite a bit

to say about you.

Youre playing with fire.

Oh, I hope so, Professor.

You keep your mouth shut.

Or Ill make your life

a living hell.

The power to end this

is in your hands.

Actually, its a bit lower.

For fucks sake.

Come to my hotel and tomorrow,

you wont have to worry about

my talented mouth anymore.

I know you.

I know what you like and

I know what you want.


Then what happens next

is on your conscience.

You stay away from my wife,

do you hear me?

Im at the Malmaison.

I brought handcuffs...

Come before midnight.

Give my best to your wife.

Its so good to see you.



Professor Emerson.


Shake hands, gentlemen.

I didnt know you were coming.

I wasnt.

One of the presenters

backed down,

so Professor Picton invited me.

Im giving the paper

just before Julias.

Thats great.


Can I take you to lunch?

Im afraid

she already has plans.

Id love to go

to lunch with you. Thank you.

Hello, Mr. Norris.

Mr. Norris and I are having

dinner this evening.

Id like for you and

Julianne to join us.

Wed be delighted.

Since well be dining with

you this evening,

Ill claim my wife for lunch.

Very well.

I want to go to lunch with him.

Over my dead body.

He wants you.

Paul is not someone who would

make a pass at a married woman.


This conference is like a tour

through the various

levels of Hell.

Its just lunch.

Good afternoon.

Why Ugolinos feast

will never end.

The bestial nature of

Ugolino is dramatically depicted

in Auguste Rodins sculpture,

"Ugolino and His Children."

This piece forms piece

of Rodins larger work,

The Gates of Hell

and has a prominent position

in that commission.

Rodin sculpts Ugolino

as he crawls

over the figures of

his dying children.

His form both animalistic

and grotesque.

But Rodin has captured

Ugolino just before...

Hows your dad?

Hes better.

Thanks for the flowers.


I heard about Julias wedding.

Your mom told my mom.

Shes clearly a fool.

Uh... She isnt, but thanks.

Do you want to go to a movie?

I mean, sometime.

Not right now.

Its too early to go

to a movie right now.

I dont know.

I dont want things

to be weird between us.

We always promised each other

wed be friends.

Things are just...

difficult right now.

Look, Im not trying to rope

you into something.

I really want to be friends.



We have a history, Allison.

And its a good one.

But I dont want to

jump back into

something with you right now.

You deserve to be with someone

whos serious and

not half in it.

So, are we on

for that movie sometime?

I might even take you to dinner,

now that Im pulling in

the big bucks as a teacher.

Only if I can take you

to breakfast right now.


Should we wait here?

Excuse me, I have to use

the bathroom.

I cant wait to hear your paper.

Im sure Ill have

a few questions.

Your vendetta is ridiculous.

I never did anything to you.

You have something I want

and I always get what I want.

I dont understand

what he sees in you.

Gabriel is beautiful.

Hes a legend.

All the women at Lobby

knew him and wanted to f*ck him.

He needs to be with

a woman whose appetite

is as voracious as his.

He is.


Im sure he enjoyed

the conquest,

but now his eyes will wander.

Hes probably cheated already.



What Gabriel sees in me.

The answer is love.

I know about the other women.

They arent a thr*at.

Youre delusional.

Why would he want

a vanilla little mouse

when he could have

a tiger in his bed?

Better a loving mouse

than an indifferent tiger.

Those women didnt see

who he truly is.

They didnt care

that he was miserable.

They would have used him

until there was nothing left

and then thrown him away.

I have loved him since

I was seventeen.

I love all of him,

the light and the dark.

That is why hes with me.

So do your worst, Christa.

But if youre planning to seduce

my husband, you will fail.

Youre right about

one thing, though.

My husband is an

exceptional lover.

Absolutely mind-blowing.

And tonight and every night,

the woman enjoying his

adventurous nature will be me.

Not bad for a mouse.

You look good.

Much better than

the last time I saw you.

Married life agrees with me.

You all right?

Ive just noticed

the Rabbits gone.

About time, dont you think?

Ill miss her.

Im so sorry.

Im so sorry.


Table for two by the window?

Maybe we could trade

tables with the little girl?

She might like

to look out the window.

Thank you.

Maia, we can sit by the window.

Isnt that nice?

We can look at the pumps.

Come on.

Thank you.

Are you planning on having a

Maia of your own anytime soon?


Um, not yet, I mean...

Do you want to share?

Sure, the lunch special and

appetizer platter look good.


A little.

My eyes bother me sometimes.

You should get your eyes


Lots of grad students end up

with eyestrain.

Do you wear glasses?

No, I drank a lot

of milk growing up.

It helps vision.

I thought carrots did that.

Milk helps everything.

Are you seeing anyone?

Ali and I go out occasionally,

but its casual.

Shes nice.

She cares about you.

I want you to be happy.

How are things going

in your program?

The professors are tough.

Im working all the time,

but I love it.

Do you go out at all?


Its awkward because the other

students invite their partners

and Gabriel doesnt think

its a good idea for him

to socialize with grad students.

He wants to have a baby.

And you dont?

I want to finish my program.

Im worried if we have a baby,

Ill never graduate.

Have you told him?


He said he understood.

But once you express

that kind of desire,

it cant be taken back.

Jules, if you arent ready

for a family, say so.

Otherwise, youre gonna

end up miserable.

I dont think having

a baby with my husband

would make me miserable.

Dropping out of Harvard would.

If your husband loves you, then

he needs to wake the f*ck up

and drop the whole

barefoot-and-pregnant bullshit.

He doesnt want that.

Im not the only person

whose dreams count.

Its hard for me

to see you with him.

When is he going to realize

he married an incredible woman

and that he needs

to care for her?

He does care for me.

Hed give me the world if

he could fit it in his pocket.

Im the one whos struggling.

Its hard to withhold something

from someone you love,

knowing it would make him happy.

And Im happy, Paul.


Bon apetit.

She is a rising star at Harvard.

Please welcome Julianne Emerson.


Thank you, Professor Patel.

The title of my presentation is

"The Silence of St. Francis:

A Witness to Fraud."

In canto 27 of Dantes Inferno,

Guido da Montefeltro

tells the story

of what happened after he d*ed.

"Francis came afterward,

when I was dead, for me;

"but one of the black

Cherubim said to him:

"Take him not; do me no wrong;

"he must come down among

my servitors,

Because he gave

the fraudulent advice."

Guido sought absolution for

the sin of fraudulent counsel

before he committed the sin.

He believed absolution

would free him

from the consequences

of his sin.

Francis could have

called him a liar

for presenting a false

account of his appearance.

Instead of fighting

to preserve his good name,

Francis is quiet so the evil

can be heard

for exactly what it is.

Guido would have us believe

that Francis confronted

a demon but lost,

because he wasnt

smart enough to best the demon

in a match of logic.

In my view, he comes to the

grave of Guido da Montefeltro

to mourn him and his life

of fraud, not to rescue him.

In conclusion, Francis

appeared at the death of Guido,

but not to steal his soul.

If anything,

Dante uses Guido as a foil

to praise the piety of

St. Francis

by providing a stark contrast

between the two men.

Thank you.


Thank you.

Are there any questions?

I have a question.

There are so many holes

in your paper,

I dont even know

where to begin.

But lets start

with your research.

The majority of papers accept

that Francis came for Guido.

A few deny that

Francis appeared.

But no one, no one,

believes that Francis appeared

but not for Guidos soul.

Either Guidos lying

or he isnt.

It cant be half and half,

like cream.

You didnt even mention

Canto 27,

where Guido explains to Dante

that hes telling the truth.

If you had bothered to

read Professor Huttons

seminal work on the

organization of the Inferno,

youd know he thought

the demons speech was reliable

because his words were

historically accurate.

So Hutton thought that Francis

appeared for Guidos soul, too.

Guido says hes willing

to tell the truth

because he believes Dante

is one of the damned

and thus wont be able

to repeat the story.

But Guidos tale

is self-serving.

He simply doesnt want to

tip his hand by saying so,

which is why he

gives the speech.

Youre forgetting this

line: "Ora chi se,

"ti priego che ne conte;

"non esser duro pi

chaltri sia stato,

se l nome tuo nel

mondo tegna fronte."

Dante tells Guido he intends

to repeat his tale in the world.

Its only after Dante says this

that Guido

recounts his life story.

Also, we know that Dante

doesnt resemble

the other shades physically.

So it is likely that

Guido recognized

that Dante wasnt dead.

I think...

As for your point about

Professor Huttons work,

your characterization of

his position is incorrect.

In a footnote he states that

he believed Francis appeared

because he thinks the words

of the demon

were directed at someone

other than Guido himself.

Professor Hutton says he

has doubts

as to whether Francis

appeared for Guidos soul

or for some other reason.

- But...

- Can we move on?

Youve asked your question

and the speaker answered it.

Adequately, I might add.

I tend to agree with much

of what youve said,

and although I cant

speak for him,

I surmise Old Hut

would too, if he were here.

Thank you, Professor Wodehouse.

However, you rather

glossed over the agreement

that existed between

Boniface and Guido.

My thesis was on

the interpretation

of Franciss appearance,

not Guidos sin.


Im happy to expand

on that part of the paper.

When Guido encountered

Pope Boniface VIII...

[no audible dialogue]

- Thank you.

- [applause]

Thank you, Mrs. Emerson.

Well pause now

for tea and coffee.

Thats my smart girl.

Please join us.

- Thank you.

- Excuse me.

[no audible dialogue]

Is there a problem?

f*ck it.

Professor Picton would

like you to be

an external reader on

my dissertation.

Is that something

youd consider?

Ill consider it.

I was at UCLA and people

were talking about

how Julia boinked you in

order to graduate

and get into Harvard.

Those rumors are the fruits of

Miss Petersons poisonous tree.

She will be dealt with,

I assure you.

You dont deserve her.

You think I dont know that?!

Every night when I fall

asleep with her in my arms,

I thank God shes mine.

And every morning

when I wake up,

my first thought is that

Im grateful she married me.

I will never be worthy of her.

But I will spend every

day trying my damnedest.

I know you want her.

But Im telling you,

you cant have her.

I dont just want her.

I love her.

Shes the one.

She cant be the one.

Shes my wife!

I know.

I met a pretty, sweet,

Catholic girl.

The kind of girl Ive been

looking for my whole life.

When I finally asked her

to choose me,

she couldnt because she was

in love with the assh*le

that broke her heart

and will probably

break it again and again.

Ill admit I was an assh*le.

Im not that man anymore

and Im sure as hell not going

to break her heart again.

Then let her finish her program.

Let her?

Julia feels guilty

about making her grad program

such a high priority.

She told you this?

She also said she

doesnt have any friends.

How convenient.

Are you interested in

continuing to be her friend?

My friendship with

her has to end.

Shell be hurt.

Perhaps I should persuade

you to change your mind.

You cant.

Ive misjudged you, Paul.

And for that, Im... Im sorry.

Its time to move on.

When I get back to Vermont

Ill write to her.

And Ill tell Katherine

I spoke to you and you declined.

Mr. Norris!

I always intended to

be an external reader.

Your research stands

on its own merits.

If I learn that youve

broken her heart again,

were going to have a problem.

If I break Juliannes heart,

Ill deserve it.

Can we stop touching

each other now?

Do you feel differently

about grad school now?

Or are you still enthusiastic

about your program?

It was an intimidating


But Im glad I did it.

Id like to do it again.


Youre gifted, Julianne

and I want to do everything

in my power to help you succeed.

Thank you.

That means a lot.


In recognition of

a job well done.

To my beloved with

admiration and pride.


Ill be back soon.


You were wonderful.


Why are you shy?

Sometimes I worry that Im not

adventurous enough for you.


Thats a remarkable worry

after the past few hours.

Christa cornered me

just before lunch

and said you deserved

someone adventurous.

Dont listen to her

poisonous bullshit.

I told her you deserved love

and thats what I gave you.

And thats certainly true.

So why worry?

Because I want to keep you.

Were in a competition,

then, darling,

because I want to do

my damnedest to keep you.


Our bed is for pleasure.

My utmost concern

is to please you...

and to find my

pleasure with you.

There are some adventures

Id be willing to explore,

if you felt the same way.

But you dont have to worry that

Ill abandon you if you say no.

You can always say no.




Do you still feel shy?


But Im wondering...

what kind of sexual adventures

do you have in mind?

Ill show you.







No, no!

- Stop!

- Come here.


Ill teach you something.

Come here!



Your sister sent me an e-mail.


Quiet, Im trying to kiss you.

This is important.

Rachel and Aaron want us

to light a candle in Assisi.

They want us to pray

that theyll have a baby.

I cant bear to be

the one standing

between you and your dreams.

Darling, nothing could

be further from my mind.

We can talk about

the future and make plans

without changing our time line.


Ive asked John Green

to send Christa

a cease and desist letter.

The conference went

better than expected.

Perhaps the slander isnt

as worrisome as we thought.

Slander is always worrisome.

Oh, damn it.


Miss Peterson.

I hate to trouble you,

Professor Barini,

but I need to speak to you

about Professor Pacciani.
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