03x19 - The Manly Art

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Life & Legend of Wyatt Earp". Aired: September 6, 1955 – June 27, 1961.*
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Series is loosely based on the life of frontier marshal Wyatt Earp.
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03x19 - The Manly Art

Post by bunniefuu »

The life and legend

Of wyatt earp

( Men vocalizing )

♪ Wyatt earp, wyatt earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

♪ And long live his glory

♪ And long may

His story be told. ♪

Yes sir, yes sir, gents,

It is a free exhibition.

"Champ" starbuck,

Number one contender for

The heavyweight championship

And it's free free free!

Yes sir, win up to $ ,

In gold.

The champ will meet all comers!

Oh, sonny,

Tie that up for me

Over here, will you?


"$ Given away to any man

Who can stay in the ring

With the champion

For one round--

Three minutes.

$ , To the man

Who can beat him."

Yes sir, gents, now here's

A chance for you to make

A little extra change.

You! You there,

You look like a man

That ought to be able

To handle himself.

Where's this champ

Of yours, mister?

Why, he'll be here

This afternoon.

- Tell me, what do

You weigh, mister?

- --

That's before dinner.

About after.

( Laughter )

Well now, mister, the champ

Only weighs lbs.

I'm sure you wouldn't want

To fight a man that much lighter

Than you, would you?

For $ , ?

Why, I'd fight one

Of my own mules for that.

( Laughter )

Your man better be here,

Like you say.

Of course, of course.

He'll be here, all right.

Say, mister,

Is all that free?

I mean,

Trying for that $

And everything?

Why, certainly, sonny.

The exhibition is free

And it'll only cost $

To try for the big money.

See you all later

This afternoon.

- I'll be there!

- That calls for a drink.

Come on.

You better save your money,

Young fella.

That man's

A professional boxer.

Well, I don't expect

To beat him.

I just thought maybe

I could stay out of his way

For three minutes.

That's not so long.

It's long enough to get

d*sfigured for life.

Take marshal earp's

Advice and forget it.

- I've seen that man fight.

- Well, I'd like to try it.

You say you...

You've seen

This fella starbuck fight?

Yeah, in wichita

Last year.

He's good-- strong

As a bull and fast.


Seems like a strange way

To make a living.

Yeah, he makes

A good one too.

I saw him take on men

In two hours.

Not one of them lasted

For three minutes.

So he gets $

Plus whatever his manager

Won covering bets.

- Hey, burroughs?

- Yeah?

That's earp.

The tall black-haired one.

All right.

You think your fighter

Can handle him?

Oh, now please, mr. Moresby,

Let's not joke, huh?

The champ'll

Break him in two.

- I hope.

- ( Chuckles )

Yes sir, for what

You're paying us, we can

Bust him up pretty good.

All right.

( Men vocalizing )

( Thinking )

, At most.

Moresby sure hates him.

I wonder why.

( Groans )

All right, all right,

Come on, get up!

Wake up!

You can't sleep all day.

You've got work to do.

- ( Mumbling )

- Come on, get up!

Wake up!

( Yawning )

( Smacks )

- I'm hungry.

- Yeah, you look half starved.

( Groaning )

Say, did you ever run into

That fella-- what's his name?

- Moresby?

- Yeah.

And the man

Moresby wants flattened

Is the town marshal.

Frank, you got

A short memory.

You remember

That deputy up

In abilene?

He come looking

For us with a g*n.

Yes, but this isn't

Just a deputy. This is

Wyatt earp himself.

From the way I hear it,

If we beat him fair and square

He ain't gonna come

After you with no g*n.

And from the way I hear it,

He's pretty handy

With his fist.

( Laughs )

When you get

Through with him,

He won't even have enough

Strength to lift a g*n.

Besides, if we bust him up

Pretty good we get a bonus.

- How much?

- .

How much?

All right,

All right, .

, Huh?

( Hisses )

Frank, the trouble

With you is

- You ain't honest.

- Look, I don't want you

Using those knucks

On anybody but wyatt earp.

Too many

Broken jaws around here

And he'll get suspicious.

Come on, come on,

Give 'em to me.

All right,

Now get dressed.

I'm going over

To the saloon.

( Men vocalizing )


Hey, look at that.

Man # :

My, look at that!

Oh, he's bending it.

Look at that.

- Hey, look at that.

- ( Clapping, whistling )

( Cheering )


Hey, that's lbs.

- Lbs!

- Hey, look at that.

- ( Inhales )

- There he goes.

Look at that,

Look at that.

He won't make it.

I bet he don't make it.

- Oh, he'll make it.

- ( Applause )

( Cheering )

Boy, I wouldn't

Get in there with him.

Never mind

Them feats of strength.

Let's get to the fighting.

( All agreeing )

Very well, gentlemen!

The champ will now proceed

To take on all comers.

- That's right.

- And the fee is only $ .

Yes siree, gentlemen,

You've got a chance

To increase your money

To the odds of to one.

$ ,

United states currency

For any man

Who beats the champ.

And $ united states


For any man

Who stays one round.

Ha ha!

Just take a look

At him, gentlemen.

He's an ordinary man

Like the rest of you.

But he's willing to pit

His strength and his skill

Against any one of you.

All right, all right,

All right,

Now who's the first one

- To test the champion?

Who is it?

- Man: go on!

- Here I am!

- I'm in!

( Cheering )

Come in here.

Just put those on,

My friend.

- We'll be with you in a minute.

- Man: you can take him!

There you are, champ.

It's a parade.

Even if he was sober,

That cowhand would get

His head knocked off.

I don't know.

He looks pretty

Strong to me.

Each one is

A three-minute round.

Are you ready?!

- Come on now, bob.

- Sober up and get

Into the fight.

- ( Bell dings )

- ( Cheering )

( Laughter )

- Give him that right.

- Hit him!

Come on, bob.

For criminey's sake.

Come on, get up.

He looks pretty good,

Doesn't he?


- All right, all right.

- Bob: I'll fight anyone.

All right, all right,

Now who's the next lucky man?

- Me!

- Step right into the ring

There, mister.

Step up.

Here we go.

Next up!

I got $

Says the champ can't

Drop him in three minutes.

You're covered!

Are there any other

Bet takers?

You'll win your bet,

Don't worry.

You can beat him.

Hey, he's a little big

For you, isn't he?

Oh, yeah,

Maybe so.

I'd like

To try him though,

If I had $ .

Will he be here


Don't know.

I only need $ more.

Maybe I'll earn that

At the livery stable.

- ( Bell dings )

- Get that right.

Come on, george,

Get after him.

Come on,

Break his back.

Hit him, george!

You give him that right.

- You got him, george.

- ( Grunting )

Oh my word, fellas,

Did you see that?

- George, get up.

- Get up, george.

- ( All yelling )

- George, come on, get up.

You're out.

- He'll never make it.

- All that money wasted.

Come on,

Drag him out.

What are you trying to do,

Scare everybody away?

- The big slob made me mad.

- You can't afford to lose

Your temper.


Hey, burroughs.

What about the marshal?

What about marshal earp?

( Crowd agreeing )

Marshal's got

More important things to do.

Come on, wyatt,

We've got to finish

Our work.

Now wait a minute.

Wait a minute.

Our job's not that important.

Anyway all the action's

Here today.

Wyatt, please don't get

Into the ring with him.

He'll ruin you!

Look, I'm not

Exactly a stranger

To the manly art, you know.

Wyatt, I'm telling you

The man's a professional.

Well, maybe the $ fee's

Too much for the marshal.

I'll tell you what, marshal,

The champ will waive

The fee just to show you

He's a good sport.

- ( Laughter )

- Man: there you go, marshal.

How do you like it?

It's not the money.

Earp won't fight unless

He knows he can win.

Wyatt, listen to me!

Are you one so conceited

That you have to accept

Every challenge you get?

Is getting into that ring

Part of your job?

- Let's go.

- ( Jeering )

What are we

Gonna do now, boss?

- Have to try again.

- ( Men vocalizing )

You're going to stay

Another day, aren't you?

What for? Only took in

$ Including the bets

I covered.

And he's eating up most

Of that right now.

I'll give you an extra hundred

If you'll stay one more day.

- Whether I work or not?

- Yes.

Except that you've got

To agree to meet earp,

- If we can get him to do it.

- And how are you gonna do that?

The man just won't fight.

You haven't used

The right approach.

You've gotta invite him

Into the ring in front

Of the whole town.

Then if he refuses, you call him

Yellow right to his face.

Yeah sure!

I've seen men get shot

For a lot less than that.

Not by earp, you haven't.

He won't sh**t

An unarmed man.

Does that $ bonus

Still stand?

Of course.

Hey, you, bring me another

One of these steaks.

( Whistling )

- Well, good morning, marshal.

- Good morning.

It sounds like you're enjoying

Your work this morning.

It's not only the work.

I'll soon have enough money

To fight the champ.

- Oh, is he still here in town?

- Yes sir.

You know, what sheriff masterson

Said to you yesterday

Was good advice.

This fella's a professional

And he could-- well, he could

Really hurt you badly.

If I try to beat him,

Yes sir.

But I've made a little

Study of boxing

And I think I can

Stay out of his way

For at least one round.

I need the money.

I'd like to get back home.

Oh, you don't like it here

In kansas, huh?

( Chuckles )

It's not that, sir.

It's just that--

Well, my family's in new york

And I was on my way out

To california.

- But things

Just didn't work out.

- Oh.

Look, I can lend you

Enough money to get home

- Then you wouldn't have

To fight in the--

- Oh no!

Thank you, marshal.

I appreciate that very much.

- But, well, it's more

Than just the money.

- Oh?

I'm interested in

Professional boxing


And this'll be the best

Experience I could get.

- Especially if I could win

Some money to boot.

- ( Both laugh )

Well, I wish you

A lot of luck.

- Thank you, sir.

- ( Men vocalizing )

- Is he here yet?

- Not yet.

We'd better get it started,

Make it look right.

All right.

Well, good afternoon,

Good afternoon, everybody.

( Laughs )

I see plenty of seats,

So make yourself

All comfortable.

Now I see a lot

Of familiar faces here,

So there's no reason

For my going into great detail.

Just want to know

Who's going to be the first man

To challenge the champ.

As you know, for every round

You stay with him

There's $

In united states currency.

- And there is $ , if--

- I'll try it, mister.

- ( Crowd murmuring )

- Here's the money.

Oh, now aren't you

A little bit young for

This sort of thing, sonny?

Come on back next summer.

We'll be here again.

I'm ready now.

Your sign said "all comers."

The kid's right.

Give him a chance.

- ( All agreeing )

- All right, all right!

Let me have the , sonny.

You asked for it.

Here are your gloves.

Now go on over

In your corner.

- There it is right over there.

- You're making a mistake.

- He's gonna hurt you real bad.

- I'm gonna fight him, sir.

All right, but keep away

From him as long as you can.

And stick that left hand

Out in front of you,

You might be able to last

Three minutes at that.

- Yes sir.

- Get these on.

All right, now just give him

Some of the regular show

For a couple of minutes

And then drop him.

- You don't have

To hurt him too bad.

- All right.

- How are you doing over there?

- Ready!


Come on, champ,

Show up smart kid.

( Crowd shouting )

Keep away from him.

- Stay away from him.

- That's a boy.

Keep away from him.

Come on, come on!

Stay away from him!

- Stay away from him!

- Get that right!

Get up, get up.

Come on, that's it!

Hit him!

Hit him

Right in the face.

Get in there, champ!

Look out,

Stay away from him.

Look at that left.

That's right, hold him up.

Hold him up.

That's right.

Get back in action.

Come on, champ!

Three minutes up?

( Bell dings )

( Applause, whistling )

- ( Panting )

- Boy, I thought you might

Be able to do it at that.

- Come on, we'll get

These things off.

- No, I'm not quitting.

- You won the $ .

- I'm trying for the , .

I might be able

To beat him.


What's the matter

With you anyway?

He's too fast.

He can't hurt me,

But he's too fast.

All right, all right,

Then we've gotta use these.

Now we're not

Made of money.

You've already

Cost us .

Start some action.

All right, I've got

Some betting money here.

- Anybody like that kid?

- I'm still betting on starbuck.

- Whaddaya say?

- I got you, mister.

Right over here.

( Men shouting bets )

Are you ready, son?

Let's go.

- Ready, champ?

- Cowhand: how much do you want?

- ( Bell dings )

- All right, anything, anything!

Come on, champ!

Don't try to block.

Jab him!

- Come on, kid.

- Thattaboy!

- Come on.

- Stay with it.

Give me a hand.

Put him on the bench.

Take it easy with him.

Take it easy.

Take it easy.

Put him down there.

( Groaning )

Now just take it easy, kid.

Just take it easy.

Ribs feel broken, marshal.

Listen, he didn't hit me

That hard.

- Huh?

- There's something

In his glove.

I'm sure of it.

- ( Groans )

- Get you over to the doctor.

- Can you walk?

- Yeah, I think so.

See that he gets there

All right.

- Wait a minute.

- I've waited long enough.

Go on.

Go ahead.

Challenge him now.

- Doesn't look like

I'm gonna have to.

- Do it anyway.

Well, marshall, you gonna

Fight me anyway?

Or are you yellow like

Everybody's been saying?

Let me see

Your hands, starbuck.

- Aw, now wait a minute--

- Let me see your hands!

Let me see

The other one.

- Man: oh.

- ( Crowd grumbling )

You know, I've met

A lot of miserable men

In my business, starbuck,

And quite a few cowards,

But none of 'em as bad as you.

Now I've never

Said this to anyone before,

But I'm saying it now:

If I ever catch you

In this town again,

I'm liable to sh**t you down

Like a mad dog.

I believe you.

Since we're talking so plain,

Marshal, I've got a few

Things to say too.

You're no different

Than g*n slicks I've run

Into around this country.

Take them g*ns off

And you ain't half a man.

- Ha ha.

- Pretty strong words.

I don't know.

Come on, marshal.

- Do we still get that ?

- Of course.

This is one time

The marshal's gonna

Get away with it.

We're not fighting

Your rules now.

No gloves and no rounds.

One of us is gonna walk away

From here and the other's gonna

Be carried away.

That's fine with me.

Wait a minute,

What about him?


Don't worry about him.

Take care of yourself.

Mr. Masterson,

It looks like the champ

Would like a fair fight

For a change.

You take off your g*ns.

You ain't fighting

No kid now, starbuck.

- ( Shouting )

- Let's go, mister.

Go get him!

Get him, starbuck!

- Thattaboy!

- Hit him, hit him!

- Get up!

- Get up, get up.

Come on, get up.

Get up!

Stick around, friend.

You don't want to miss

The best part.

Get up, get up!

- Man: you were so lucky.

- I told you one of us was going

To get carried out of here.

You carry him out and don't

Either of you show your face

In this town again--

- Either of you!

- All right, all right, marshal.

Just a minute!

There's a matter of $

For that boy who stayed a round

With your ex-champ.

We'd better get

Out of here.


All right, that's all I got.

Better collect the rest

From moresby.

He promised us $

If we'd chop you up.


Come on, champ.

I need $ from you.

Thank you,

Mr. Moresby.

The next time you feel

I need a beating,

I hope you'll try it


I'll be happy

To accommodate you.

Now in the meantime

I suggest

You make your headquarters

In some other city.

( Men vocalizing )

- Hello, marshal earp.

- Well, hi, fella.

- How do you feel?

- Not too bad.

Doc mccarty said

I cracked one of my ribs.

He's got me so taped up

I can hardly breathe.

Oh say, here's the--

Here's the money you won.

Oh, thanks very much, sir.

Sheriff masterson was

Telling me about your fight.

I sure wish

I could have seen it.

It was a lot

Of fun while it lasted,

I'll have to admit that.

Now you know how

I feel about fighting

And why I want

To be a professional.

Yeah, I guess I do.

Well, I wish you a lot of luck

And I hope I'll be hearing

A lot about you someday.

You will, mr. Earp.

Thanks again for everything.

Say, by the way, if I'm going

To be following your career,

I ought to know who you are.

It just occurs to me I never

Did get your name.

Oh, fitzsimmons, sir.

Bob fitzsimmons.

Thanks again.

It was nice to have

Known you both.

( Men vocalizing )

♪ Well, he cleaned up

The country ♪

♪ The old wild west country

♪ He made

Law and order prevail ♪

♪ And none can deny it

♪ The legend of wyatt

♪ Forever will live

On the trail ♪

♪ Wyatt earp, wyatt earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

♪ And long live his glory

♪ And long may

His story be told ♪

♪ Long may his story

Be told. ♪
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