20x05 - Young g*ns: Stirring the Pot

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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20x05 - Young g*ns: Stirring the Pot

Post by bunniefuu »

[narrator] Previously[/i]
on[/i] Hell's Kitchen: Young g*ns...[/i]

Chef Ramsay tested
the Young g*ns' teamwork

by inviting their potential coworkers
for breakfast.

-[woman] Wow.
-[Ramsay] Showgirls, the pit bosses,

Chippendale dancers...

The first team to finish wins. Go.

-Let's go, ladies.
-[Christina] We got it.

[narrator] On the Red Team,[/i]
Emily and Josie were slow on the omelets.[/i]

[Megan] We ready with the omelet?

It's not cooked yet.

You two have to stop sabotaging your team.

But Megan not only delivered on meat...[/i]

-We got it.
-[/i][narrator] ...she pushed her team[/i]

to rally back.

-[/i]Walking bennies.

Come on, ladies.

[narrator] In the Blue kitchen...[/i]

Can't do all this shit
on my own right now.

[narrator] ...Alex was[/i]
a complete disaster on meat...[/i]

f*ck off, guys.

[narrator] ...and the Blue Team[/i]
suffered their third consecutive loss.[/i]

[Ramsay] Ladies, congratulations.
You are the winners.

[narrator] At dinner service,[/i]
Josie fumbled on appetizers.[/i]

Look at how black it is.

-[Ramsay] Josie, I need it now.
-[Josie] I got it now, Chef.

-[Ramsay] God almighty.

[narrator] But with the help of Morgana,[/i]

the ladies were able
to push appetizers out.

This is delicious.

[narrator] But Brynn's confusion on meat...[/i]

-Wellington, how long?
-Ready when you are, Chef.

No, no, no, no.

...and Victoria's struggles on fish...[/i]

You don't give a f*ck, do you?

[narrator] ...had the kitchen[/i]
stuck in neutral.[/i]

-Oh, no.
-This is not good.

[narrator] In the end,[/i]
they somehow pulled it together[/i]

and were able to complete dinner service.

Thank God.

Thank you.

[narrator] In the Blue kitchen,[/i]

Alex's confusion on garnish
left Chef Ramsay speechless.

All day two New York steak.

-Three New York steak.
-Oh, my God.

Three New York steak. All day.

[narrator] Antonio struggled often[/i]
on the fish station.[/i]

-[Jason] Half-seared.
-What are you doing?

[narrator] But thanks[/i]
to Sam's leadership on meat...[/i]

You need a clam shell on that now!

[narrator] ...the Blue Team were able[/i]
to finish their first dinner service.[/i]


After a disappointing dinner service,[/i]

both teams put up two for elimination.

The Red Team chose...


-[Emily] Josie.
While the men chose...[/i]



[narrator] Chef Ramsay eliminated...[/i]

Alex. Good night.

[narrator] But after[/i]
a frustrating evening,[/i]

he decided bigger changes were necessary.

Victoria, Emily, Megan,
you're going to the Blue Team.

Payton, Sam, you two are in the Red Team.

[dramatic music]

[narrator] And now, the continuation[/i]
of[/i] Hell's Kitchen Young g*ns[/i].

-Now get out of here.
-Let's go.

Hey, Blue Team.

-Let's do it.
-What up?

I thought I lost you for a second.

Let's do it.

I'm feeling pumped.

Megan, she's just badass.

Victoria, very talented,

and then, on top of that, we get Emily,

three very strong girls from the Red Team,

I personally think the three strongest.

Our chances at winning
are just getting higher, baby.

[Emily] Let's win
a challenge tomorrow, guys.

How do you feel about being
on the Red Team?

It sucks.

What did you say?


Guess I'm on the girls' team now.
Red Team plus Payton.

Not too thrilled about this one.

Not because of you guys.

We're gonna have
to relearn how you do this,

and we're finally getting some...

Guys, we got to support these two.

We're going to support you guys.

Least amount of attitude as possible.

Oh, you guys give me attitude,
I will f*cking let you have it.

I really don't care
if you're a girl or you're not.

I'm not here to be friends.

I only came here just to win.

We got to be patient,
and we got to give them support.


And be tough on you
because you're a f*cking boy.

It's gonna be interesting.

[theme music]

[dramatic music]

[narrator] It's a new day[/i]
in Hell's Kitchen,[/i]

and as these young g*n chefs prepare

to face their next challenge,

there's one familiar face they don't see.

-[all] Good morning, Chef.

[all] "So many problems
with last night's dinner service

could have been avoided
if you would just communicate."

-The abbreviations, though.
-[woman] Yeah, too many emojis.

[Payton] Chef Ramsay
does not seem like the person to text.

I'm definitely expecting a bunch of,
like, special characters

to kind of bleep out some, uh,

certain words that Chef Ramsay would use.

[all] "If you were able
to talk to each other for reals,

most of your probs would go away."

"Communication is the key."



-Hi, good morning.
-[all] Good morning, Chef.

Communication is key, yes?

[all] Yes, Chef.

Uh, texting is your generation's
preferred way of communicating,

but it does take
face-to-face communication

to run a successful kitchen. Understood?

[all] Yes, Chef.


All of you, take your jackets off.

[dramatic music]

Each of you will get a jacket
that has an amazing recipe on the back,

and it's in a language...

that maybe you'll understand.

-[all] Oh.
-[woman] Oh, my God.

[Ramsay] Emojis!

I hate emojis.

[Ramsay] Christina and Jason.

We got this.

Oh, man.

I don't even f*cking use emojis.

I'm an old woman's soul
in a young woman's body. I'm, like, .

I got the back pain of an -year-old,
so I might as well have the same soul.

You'll need to rely on your teammates.

They need to explain every step.

When you describe the recipe, be precise.

It needs to be followed... religiously.

[all] Yes, Chef.

I am gonna force you to communicate.

Your minutes starts now.

[dramatic music]

[narrator] In today's emoji-jacket[/i]
communication challenge,[/i]

each chef has to make the recipe
that is on the back of their jacket.

Stand in a circle so the person
behind them can get it.

Okay, okay.

[narrator] Success will depend[/i]
on how well teammates[/i]

can relay instructions to each other.

Butter, milk,
plus chicken breast, plus flour.

Then you have it deep-fried.

-[Kiya] Fried chicken sandwich?
-Yes, that's it.

You have to ground out the meat,

-so you're making...
-A hamburger and fries?

-Yes, a hamburger and fries.

I want to have confidence in my team,

but I can't help but feel a little nervous

that I'm completely
relying on somebody else

to tell me how to cook.

-[Kevin] Let's work.
-My first one?

-It was mayo and onion, right?
-You got mayo and onion.

[Keona] I guess you put the fish
in that batter, and you fry.

I think you're making fish
and chips with tartar sauce.

Oh, f*ck. I don't really know
how to make tartar sauce.

Like, you can't f*ck up fish and chips
for a f*cking Brit.

Like, that's, like, his heart right there
on a f*cking plate.

Eggplant plus flour plus egg in a hot pan...

I am pretty sure
you're making eggplant Parmesan.

[narrator] The team that communicates best[/i]

and executes the recipes the best

will win the challenge.

[woman] A crab emoji
with a knife and a bowl,

-so you...
-Crab cake.

[woman] Yeah. You're frying something.

Break down your fish.

-Fish and chips?
-Fish and chips!

[narrator] While most of the chefs[/i]
have begun making their dishes...[/i]

-[Keona] You're gonna boil it.
-[Kiya] You're making a roux.

...others are still trying to figure out[/i]

what they're supposed to be cooking.

It looks like you're making
some kind of a sandwich.

A sandwich?

Like, "What goes with roux and a steak?"

Is it a Philly?

That's what we thought at first,
but what's with the roux?

[man] Philly with mushroom sauce
what it sounds like.

[Kiya] Okay.

[Trenton] Tell me
what's on my
crème fraiche[/i]?

[Antonio] Yeah, cream fresh,
we got diced onions, capers, gherkins,

crème fraiche, lemon capers.[/i]

[Trenton] I'm making a simple,
you know, tartar sauce.

I kind of just went on autopilot
and did what I knew what to do.

Capers and mayonnaise...

The recipe, it's just a guideline.
To be a chef and cook, you know...

I threw a little cornstarch
in there for crispiness,

-and baking soda.
-Got it.

[narrator] While Trenton decides[/i]
to put his own spin on the recipe...[/i]

Do I have a specific number
of meatballs on my back?

[Trenton] Has three on there.

Three, heard.

[narrator] ...other chefs are following[/i]
their recipes to the letter.[/i]

[Steve] It's three meatballs
on my back, correct?

-I'm only making three.
-One, two, three.

-Ten minutes, Red Team.
-[Payton] Yes, Chef.

Sorry, chicken.

I can't f*ck up meat
'cause I don't want to waste it,

and I better, like,
not let it die in vain.

I have a dumb question,
'cause I haven't handled chicken.

-Should I restart?
-[man] Definitely restart.

[woman] Sorry, chickens.

I was so sad.

Steve, is there any herbs in my sauce

or in the crab cake?

No. Crab cake, it gets an herb.
It looks like parsley.

-I'mma say it's parsley.

Dude, mine looks so simple

that, like, it's tripping me out here.

[Ramsay] Four minutes.

[all] Yes, Chef.

Get that eggplant in.

Yes, Chef.

We can add other seasonings,
right, to it if we want?

-[Morgana] I think so.

[Morgana] Not sure.

[Antonio] Is my, uh, my bun...

is it toasted? Is it grilled?
Is it... how is it, my bun?

Uh, no.

-Twenty seconds to go.

I need a ladle, someone.

Just a little bit of basil.

-[Ramsay] Ten, nine...
-[man] Coming up.

[Ramsay] ...eight, seven, six,

five, four,

three, two, one and stop.

Well done.


-Did we recognize all the emojis?
-[all] Yes, Chef.

Did we stick to the recipe?

[all] Yes, Chef.

Good. Today, I'll be judging
your dishes head-to-head.

The team with the highest score wins.

Right, let's start off
with fish and chips, please. Let's go.

Kiya and Trenton.

Boy, do I love fish and chips.

I grew up with this dish.

I have a little fish-and-chips shack
around the corner,

Gordon Ramsay Fish & Chips.

One thing that put
this fish and chips on the map

was that crème fraiche[/i] tartar sauce.

Tell me, what's in there?

We got some lemon,

and I threw a little bit of mayonnaise

with parsley to make it pop.

[dramatic music]

You're trying to make my recipes pop.
You saying they're dull?

No, Chef.

[Josie] Oh, man, brutal.

You don't mess
with Chef Ramsay's fish and chips.

-Turn around, please.
-It's not on there, Chef.

-Yep, read it out. No?
-It's not on there, Chef.

There must be
a little mayonnaise sign somewhere.

No? Well, let me tell you, big boy,

when you've got Michelin Stars,

, staff,

then you can put f*cking mayonnaise
in your tartar sauce.


[narrator] Today's emoji-jacket challenge[/i]

is all about communication.

The chefs needed to follow the recipe

exactly as it was described
on their jackets...

We got some lemon,
and I threw a little bit

of mayonnaise and parsley to make it pop.

...something Trenton decided not to do.[/i]

Trying to make my recipes pop.
You saying they're dull?

No, Chef.

Turn around, please.

It's not on there, Chef.

-Yeah, read it out. No?
-It's not on there, Chef.

There must be
a little mayonnaise sign somewhere.

No? Let me tell you, big boy,

when you've got
Michelin Stars, restaurants,

, staff,

then you can put mayonnaise

in your tartar sauce. Understood?

-Yes, Chef.
-Thank you. It's there for a reason.

Now the batter, how'd you make the batter?

Flour, the baking soda,

and I threw a little bit
of cornstarch in there also.


[Trenton] What I'm used to.

-Turn around. Sorry, Kiya.
-Not on there.

-Oh dear.
-[Kiya] It's Chef Ramsay's recipe.

To say, "I thought I'd spice it up,"

you're insulting Chef Ramsay
when you say that.

[Ramsay] I've got mayonnaise, and...

let's... let's forget that.

I actually like the fish.
The fish is cooked beautifully.

Right, uh, Kiya, describe, please.

Um, so I followed the recipe to a T, Chef.

Keona helped me every step of the way.

That fish is cooked beautifully.
Really crisp.

This challenge was about communication
and precision.

The point goes to Kiya.

-Congratulations. Well done.
-Thank you, Chef.

Wow, Red Team, you're out the gate strong.

Next, the spaghetti and meatballs,

-Steve and Morgana, please. Let's go.
-Get it, Steve.

-Come on, Steve.
-It's a tough competition.

Morgana, describe your dish.


My sauce has tomatoes, garlic, onion.

-Can you speak up?
-Yes, Chef.

[Ramsay] What was the blend?
What's the seasoning?

Egg, um, breadcrumb, onion...

[Ramsay] Still can't hear you.
What's happened to your voice?

-I don't know, Chef.
-[Ramsay] You don't know.

Well, if you don't know,
then what chance have I got?

Steven, what's the blend in the meatballs?

The meatballs are just Parmesan,
garlic, salt and pepper,

breadcrumbs, egg.

You didn't toss the pasta in any sauce?

No, Chef.

Turn around please, Steve.
Turn to your back.

Morgana, what's it say?

It says toss everything in the sauce.

[Steve] Ah, nice.

I didn't toss my pasta in the sauce

because I was not told
to toss my pasta in the sauce.

The finer details are crucial.

The point goes to... the Red Team.
-[bell dings]

-Thank you.
-[Ramsay] Thank you, Morgana.

All of us as a team
are responsible for this point.

The whole thing is about communication,

so it means
that our communication is some ass,

but we got to work on it.

[narrator] Next up, Brynn,[/i]

who has decided to enhance
the crab cake's recipe.

I added paprika to the crab cakes.

These instructions were religious.

You have to literally follow step by step.

[narrator] But did Victoria[/i]
stick to the recipe?[/i]

[Ramsay] It doesn't taste of parsley.

I might have grabbed the wrong herb.

The point goes to...

nobody. Back in line.

With the Blue Team trailing by two,[/i]

Antonio is glad to hear...

-[Ramsay] It tastes good.
-Yes, Chef.

[narrator] And is even happier[/i]
when he hears...[/i]

I put mushrooms in the Mornay, Chef.


Ah, sorry, man.

You gotta listen to everybody.
You didn't communicate it properly.

Point goes to...

-Blue Team.
-[bell dings]

[narrator] Keona followed[/i]
the eggplant Parmesan recipe exactly.[/i]

[Ramsay] It tastes good. Love that.

[narrator] And now Megan tries to even up[/i]
the score for the Blue Team.[/i]

[Ramsay] There's an acidity.
What did you use in there?

I put a little sherry vinegar
in the sauce, Chef.

Holy mackerel. The point goes to...

-[bell dings]

-Well done. Congrats.
-Thank you.


[narrator] With the Red Team up by two,[/i]

Kevin hopes his carefully crafted
fried chicken impresses.

[Ramsay] Chicken's cooked beautifully.

-Flavor's there. Good dish.
-Thank you, Chef.

[narrator] Now all eyes are on Josie[/i]
with her take on Chef Ramsay's recipe.[/i]

Coating on the chicken
is smoked paprika, Chef.

It tastes good, but it wasn't requested.

-Point goes to Kevin. Good job.
-Thank you.

-[Ramsay] Well done.
-[Kiya] It's a recipe challenge.

Everybody throwing in
their own little mix on shit

wasn't what Chef Ramsay said.

There is one dish to go.

It's burger time. Let's go, Emily and Sam.

[narrator] The Red Team maintains[/i]
just a one-emoji lead.[/i]

[women] Go, Sam.

[narrator] First up[/i]
in the burger battle is Sam.[/i]

I have a garlic aioli
on both the bottom and top of the bun,

and I have seasoned ground beef
with just salt and pepper.

-It's an -ounce burger.
-[Ramsay] Wow.

[Ramsay] Mmm...

It is seasoned beautifully.

So there's lots of clumps of garlic
in my mouth already swirling around.

When you mince garlic,
you need to mince it.

-Yes, Chef.

[Ramsay] The first thing I'm looking for...
Turn around, please, Sam.

-Yes, Chef.
-Explain the assembling of the burger.

[Emily] Lettuce, tomato
and red onion on the plate.

[Ramsay] And who was
communicating it for your team?

[Emily] Kevin, Chef.

[Ramsay] He tell you about the onion?

He told me about the onion, Chef,
but putting in the sauce.

So the onion went in the sauce.

Then how does it layer up?

Oh, boy. That is beautiful.

-Thank you, Chef.
-Juicy as well. Mmm.

-Burger is really good.
-Thank you, Chef.

[Ramsay] Both back in line, please.

-Thank you.
-Yes, Chef.

The point has to go to...

-Sam. Congratulations.
-[bell dings]

-Well done.
-Thank you, Chef.

[Ramsay] Red Team, congrats.
A round of applause.

Well done.

Yeah, dude, I'm so happy to get out,

and so happy to put
a different set of clothing on.

Clearly, you can communicate.
Well done. Good job.

Based on that performance,

it's okay to have your head in the clouds,

because you'll be riding

inside the tallest Ferris wheel
in the world.

-That's right.

It's the High Roller at the LINQ.

Now, once you've taken
in those glorious views,

you will head
to the amazing Chayo Mexican Kitchen

for a specially prepared lunch.

It's quite a treat.

Blue Team,

you, too, will be at a Vegas landmark,

except your experience
will be much less glamorous.

Today is cleaning day...

at the Eiffel Tower.


It needs to be cleaned every two months.

Now, in keeping with the Paris theme,

I would like you to wear these.



[Ramsay] Thank you.

I mean, I don't get embarrassed.

I'm going to rock this shit confidently,

and I'll be
the cutest French maid they got.

[Ramsay] Right. Head to the dorms.

Chef Jason will call you
when your bus is here. Off you go.

[Payton] Yes, Chef.

It's amazing at this point.

It's like the holy lights
are shining on me and Sam.

Like, we finally get a win.

We finally get to leave
this place for a few hours.

I'm pissed.

f*cking embarrassing, though.

Let's go.

And this is gonna be a bonding moment

for us to get to know the girls,
too, which is great.

Man, the walk of victory.
We finally made it, Sam.

[Sam and Payton cheer]

-Oh, hell, yeah.

Whoo! Let's go, Red Team.

[electronic music]

[Payton] Man, oh, man.


-This is slick.
-[Josie squeals]

I can't even fathom
how high this thing goes.

[Sam] Yo, this is wild.

I can't believe we're
about to be on top of Vegas.

[woman] We're going high.

[Keona] We can literally see everything.

We should get, like, the Red Team picture.

[woman] This is the new Red Team.


[woman] Boys don't know
how to take pictures.

Oh, I can see the Blue Team.

It's really dirty down here.

-It is really dusty here.
-[Megan] Really dirty.

[Emily] This freaking sucks, man.

It's grimy, it's dirty, it's dusty.

It's all the good stuff
that the desert has to offer.

I just made this thing even more dirty.

[Trenton] We're walking around
in these French maid outfits,

and it's absolutely f*cking embarrassing.

I wish I was eating Mexican food.

That would be nice.

[upbeat music]

[Brynn] Salute to the new Red Team.

-[all] Cheers!
-Yeah, yeah, yeah.

This is my favorite reward,

because Mexican food
and a mechanical bull.

I don't need to say anything more.

Oh, God.

Do it, Josie!

[both] Go, Josie!

[cheering and laughter]


Hold on!

Oh, shit!

[cheers and laughter]

-Go, Kiya!

I rode the bull.

-You don't have your shirt.



[Sam] Keona's bull ride...

Uh, she's... she's, uh...
working this bull pretty well,

or the bull's working her.

I'm not sure, but either way,

this is something
I could get into, I think.




[narrator] Coming up...[/i]

Don't switch off!

-[narrator] Will one chef...
-[all] Yes, Chef.[/i]

What, do I need,
a f*cking emoji on my back?

Don't put the f*cking sauce
in the sauce boat

till we're ready to go.

[narrator] ...find their time[/i]
in[/i] Hell's Kitchen  come to an abrupt end?[/i]

-He does not know the menu.

When service starts,

-always fire one extra.

Got this.

We're gonna talk all night?

Talk all night.

You feel comfortable with meat temps?


We're definitely all feeling
these nerves of, like,

we don't know these guys.

We don't know
if their ego comes out during service.

You know, there's a million what-ifs.

-Steve, this is chicken stock, yeah?

Payton, are you good over there?

Think so. I might need someone
to help double-check with me.

This is a big night for Sam and Payton.

-Sam, we're super energetic.

And that's good for apps,
because you know we'll get this out.

We're basically flicking them
out of the nest,

seeing if they're gonna fly.

All right. Payton, salt this water.

-Let's do it, boys.

-Sì[/i], Chef.

-Open Hell's Kitchen, please. Let's go.

[dance music]

[narrator] Once again, Hell's Kitchen[/i]

is the most coveted reservation
in Las Vegas,

and as is the case on most nights,

it has attracted
some of the Strip's top acts.

[woman] Oh, the white.

I think that's gonna go down
really well with the tequila later.

-Hell's Kitchen.

Let's see what these young g*ns have.

[narrator] In addition[/i]
to the classic menu...[/i]

This is the only thing
you can touch with your hands.

[narrator] ...Chef Ramsay has added[/i]
a shaved white asparagus[/i]

and frisée[/i] salad with fried egg...

That's the way it should be served.

[narrator] ...to be served tableside[/i]
by Kiya from the Red Team[/i]

and Antonio from the Blue Team.

A pickup of five minutes.

-Five minutes?
-[Antonio] Five minutes.

-Sounds good.
-[Marino] Okay.

Odd order, two special app tableside,
two carbonara, two pizza.

[all] Yes, Chef.

-Sam, how long on your pizzas?
-[Sam] I need five minutes.

-[Brynn] Five.

-You got this, Sam.
-[Sam] Yep.

I'm pumped going into dinner service.
Are you kidding me?

Like, Sam and I,

not dream team,
'cause I don't know how we work,

but, yo, dream team potential.

Sorry. Go, go, go.

Come on, Red Team, please.
Let's get this gelling together, please.

Two carbs, two pizzas walking in.

Three minutes and I can get this out.

[Brynn] Heard.

It's our first table. Where's our energy?

[Brynn] You know, we got this,

'cause, like, he's a spaz...

It's not hot. It's warm.
Just kidding. I lied. Sorry.

...I am a spaz...

Don't have to... I have a wedgie!

...so, like, if we can both calm that down...

Slow, slow at this point.

I got to get this.

...and push out apps like nobody's business,

we are set for service.

Walking to the pass with your pizza, Chef.

[Sam] I need micro arugula on that.

[Ramsay] Come on. Let's go.

[Sam] How long?

Yep. There we go.

[Brynn] Yep. Slow, slow hands.

Chef, your pizzas are right here.

[Ramsay] Service, please.


[narrator] As Red appetizers make[/i]
their way out to the dining room...[/i]

You guys like asparagus?

-Yes, ma'am.
-One of my favorites too.

I like how it makes your pee smell.


[narrator] ...Chef Ramsay wants[/i]
to make sure the Blue Team[/i]

gets off to a respectable start.

Come here, you f*cking sweatbox.

-Dry the forehead.
-[Antonio] Yes.

Yeah? You look like a nun watching porn.

Can you get some tissues behind,
get a napkin, get it d... Pat it down.

Antonio, that's kind of gross.


[Ramsay] Blue Team, here we go.

Four covers table two,
two special app tableside,

two scallops. Heard?

-[all] Yes, Chef.
-Let's go. Hurry up.

Let's make sure we're all
communicating and counting down.

We got it, guys. We know it.

We know it. We're confident.

[Emily] I'm gonna help Blue Team win

by helping everybody
feel part of the team...

What can I help? I'm not doing anything.

...supporting them in any way I can.

Steve, are you frying
those scallops in two?

Starting scallops in two, heard.

I can help. I can help.

I want to show Chef Ramsay

that no matter what team,
I can work with anybody...

Scallops coming out.

...and I can, in the end, be his head chef.

Scallops to window.

Thank you, Chef.

[Ramsay] Let's go.

[narrator] With diners on both sides[/i]
now enjoying appetizers...[/i]

[Miss Behave] Oh, I love golden beets.

[narrator] ...both kitchens[/i]
shift their attention[/i]

to pushing out entrées.

Right, Red Team.
Entrée, two Wellington, two halibut.

-[all] Yes, Chef.
-[Sam] Heard.

We don't have a heard.

-[all] Yes, Chef.
-[Ramsay] Thank you. Let's go.

Wellington in. Come on, let's go.

Payton, remember,

we're gonna be all looking at you
to go up and check tickets.

Absolutely. One minute up
at the window and garnish.

I feel confident. It's garnish.

It's really not difficult.

Is your garnish working?

Garnish is good.

Payton, we are trusting you.
We need to fire things.

-So you know.

We don't want to have to second-guess you.

Payton, you got the tomatoes
and garlic, love?

-Yeah. Yeah.
-[Josie] Awesome.

[Morgana] I'm not really sure
about Payton.

He's kind of like a lost puppy dog,

so it's going to be interesting.

[Josie] Walking right now.
You have the sauce? You have the sauce.

-[Keona] Right here.
-Let's walk.

[Keona] I'm walking with the Welly.

-Wellington up.
-[Josie] Garnish.

-Garnish, please.
-[Payton] Garnish up.

[Ramsay] Carrots, turnips, thank you.

Oh, dear, oh, dear, f*cking hell.

Can everyone tell Payton

that's the garnish for New York strip?

-[Payton] Sorry.
-[Ramsay] Tell Payton...

That's the garnish for New York strip.

[Ramsay] What's going?

Two Wellies, two halibut.

[all talking at once]

If you don't know the ticket, let us know.

Potato puree and carrots and turnip.

Payton, Payton, Payton.

Going up in on garnish.

You know, that's, like,
a small mistake, attention to detail.

Learned, done. Won't happen again.

Behind, hot.

[Ramsay] Go, please, , yes? Let's go.

Fire now two salmon,
two halibut, two New York strip.

-[all] Yes, Chef.
-Let's go.

Bounce back. Bounce back.

Yeah, I'm fine. I'm all right.

I listen. I learn. I adapt. I do better.

[Ramsay] Let's go.

Walking with garnish.

Two salmon, halibut, Welly walking.

-[Josie] Payton.
-[Keona] Payton.

Payton, that ticket... Payton.

-Let's go.
-Two salmon, two halibut, two Welly.

Here you go, Chef.

-Red Team.
-[all] Yes, Chef.

-Come here. Come here, you.
-Yes, Chef.

Oh, my God.

Call out the order.

-Two salmon, halibut, strip.

Two salmon, two halibut, two strip.

And I got the garnish for Wellington.

How does that happen?

Help me.

How does it happen?

-[Payton] It's my mistake, Chef.
-He doesn't know the menu.

What? What?

[dramatic music]

-Call out the order.
-Two salmon, halibut, strip.

-Two salmon, two halibut, two strip.

And I got the garnish for Wellington.

How does that happen?

Help me.

How does it happen?

-[Payton] It's my mistake.
-He doesn't know the menu.

-What? What?
-I know the menu.

Not the station.
He doesn't know the garnish station.

-[Ramsay] Come on, Red Team, please.
-[all] Yes, Chef.

-This is elementary.
-[all] Yes, Chef.

I'm feeling at this point
that the team, including Brynn,

does not want me there.

I'm done. I can't handle him.

One of those things
you got to squash and move on,

because I know when I prove myself,
she'll change her attitude with me.

And I have two fries right here, Chef.

[Christina] Let's go.

Six covers, table .

Entrée: two halibut,
two lamb, two Wellington.

-[all] Heard, Chef.
-Turn the volume up, Steve.

-Yes, Chef.
-Let's go. Drive.

Two halibut going down right now.

Four minutes
for the two lamb, two Wellington.

-Thank you.
-It's like playing the drums, remember?

We're together, hitting all those notes,
and everybody is playing, yes?

[all] Yes, Chef.

[percussive music]

I want to hear you. Let's go.

I just need... I need... I need us to talk.

[Payton] Two halibut,
two Wellington, two lamb.

Two halibut, two Wellington.

[all] Two lamb.

Everybody is focused.
Everybody knows their positions.

Boom, boom, boom, boom.
The communication is there.

That is amazing just to be part of.

[Megan] We got it, guys, doing good.

-Halibut seconds.
-[Megan] seconds!

Uh, uh, Hold on. Hold on.
Hold on. Hold on. Hold on.

I'm gonna need two more minutes
on resting on these Wellies, okay?

-Let's go, guys.
-Right on!

[Megan] We got it, guys.

What a difference, this kitchen.

I know what it is,
the girls in here, Emily, Victoria.

Counting down.

Four, three, two, one, let's go.

-Walking Wellies.
-[Megan] Walking garnish.

-[Kevin] Walking lamb. Right behind, Chef.
-[Megan] Hot pan.

Hey, the lamb's cooked beautifully.

Let's keep it up, guys.
Keep the momentum going, okay?

-So good.

-Two halibut, two New York strip, yes?
-[all] Yes, Chef.

Come on, Red Team.

The ship is starting to sink a little.

Morgana, how can I help you?
Do you want me to do the mussels?

Ask for help if you need it.

I'm trying not to lose my cool.

Don't be afraid to ask me a question.

There's no such thing
as a stupid question.

-[Josie] Yes.


For the next ticket,

like, do you drop your fish
when he calls it?

-You just walk it up on a plate?

Hey, madam.

Madam, you have to stop being nice.

We're running a kitchen.

-[Ramsay] Okay?

Can you show some responsibility?

-[Ramsay] Let's go.

That's when I turned on my...

angry eyebrows.

-[distorted voice] Angry eyebrows.
-Morgana, I cannot f*cking hear you.

I need to hear everything you're saying.
[distorted voice] I'll take control, Chef.

Get that halibut on the heat. You hear me?

We're pushing this ticket.
We're cranking the oven to .

-He said...
-No, don't argue.

[distorted voice] f*ck everyone, chef.

Walk it. Walk it now.

-[man] Walking with garnish.
-Two New York strip.

[distorted voice]
I'm gonna lead the team, Chef.

Josie, beautifully cooked.

Thank you.

Okay, happy eyebrows.

[Morgana] Oh, no, my fish broke.

I need six more minutes on that.

[Ramsay] Morgana,
I've sliced the New York strip.

Where's the halibut?

Halibut's being refired, Chef.

But why didn't anyone tell me?

Oh, f*cking hell.
Come here, all of you. Come here.

Come here.

All of you, sit down in
that f*cking bunker. Take a seat.

Marino, get some menus.
We have a VIP table.

Hurry up.

-There you go.
-f*cking eat it!

-Eat it!
-Let's go.

-[Ramsay] Bon appétit.
-Let's go.

[Ramsay] Bon appétit. Bon appétit.

Bon appétit.

Oh, my God.

Payton, eat this steak.

[narrator] While the Red Team[/i]
eats their mistakes,[/i]

the Blue Team hopes
to keep serving up success.

An order on fire, four covers table ,
two halibut, two Wellington.

[woman] Yes, Chef.

-[Ramsay] Heard?
-[all] Heard, Chef.

Don't switch off.

-Heard, Chef.
-Thank you. Let's go. Wellington in.

Let's go, guys.

[Megan] I think Kevin gets
a little overwhelmed,

especially if you have Chef Ramsay
yelling at you every two seconds.

Don't put the sauce in the sauce boat

until we're ready to go.

Heard, Chef.

It scares the crap out of you, you know?

Stay calm, please.

[man] Relax, relax, relax.

I just want to stay calm throughout,
you know, no freaking out, huh?

Staying calm for me is so, so important.

When you freak out,
you're gonna f*ck up even more.

Let's keep it up. Nice and calm, yeah?

-Nice and calm.
-We all know how to cook.

I do meditate,

and lately I've been learning a lot,

a lot of breathing techniques.

[tranquil music]

You know, you forget about everything,

and you start to just listen
to yourself breathe.

-How long, Kevin?
-Uh, she's walking the garnish.

-No, just, no.

f*ck "She... she." Time.

-Thirty seconds, Chef.
-[Ramsay] Thank you. Let's go.

And just like that I'm, like,
so much more calm right now.

[Kevin] Walking Wellies.

[Ramsay] Wellington, please.

Thank you.

-Yes, Chef?

Come here.

Wait. Okay, okay. Breathe.

These have been spot-on tonight.

-Yes, Chef.
-[Ramsay] Let's go. Nicely cooked, Kevin.

[intrepid music]

[narrator] Now that Kevin[/i]
is in the Zen zone...[/i]

This beef Wellington is cooked perfectly.

It's got a really good flavor to it.

[narrator] ...diners on the Blue side[/i]
continue to enjoy their entrées.[/i]


[narrator] But on the red side,[/i]

the only people eating entrées
are the chefs in the kitchen.

Once you've filled your bellies,

can we get back in the kitchen
with some authority?

[all] Yes, Chef.

-[Ramsay] Can we go? Let's go.
-Yes, Chef.

Jesus Christ!

Three minutes, two halibut, two strip.

Red Team, what did we work on
this morning?

What did we say
to each other about our what?

[all] Communication, Chef.

What, do I need,
a f*cking emoji on my back?

[all] No, Chef.

[Morgana] Two halibut.

Behind you, behind you, walking.

Walking to the pass. Behind you, Chef.

It's hot.

[Ramsay] Red Team, come here.

-Let's go.
-Yes, Chef.

-[Ramsay] Two halibut?
-[women] Yes, Chef.

[Ramsay] The halibut's still raw.

It's still raw.
It goes back in the pan, Morgana.

Put it back in the oven.

-Back in the pan.
-Take it.

Hurry up. Hurry up. Make it happen.

Baste it. Baste it.

[Morgana] I definitely just,
like, want to cry.

It's really, really frustrating.

-Two more minutes on fish.
-[Payton] Two more minutes.

Garnish one minute.

Your mindset in the kitchen
is going to determine your success,

and Morgana, she's gone.

-[Morgana] Walking with halibut.
-Come on, Morgana.

Get a grip, will you? Yeah?

-Wake up, yes?
-Yes, Chef.

[Ramsay] And I mean wake up.

Go please, Jon.

On order, four covers table ,
two salmon, two New York strip. Heard?

[all] Heard, Chef.

[Brynn] Entrée: two salmon,
two New York strip.

Breathe. Take a deep breath, Morgana.

Take a deep breath.

It's a shit show right now,

but at this point, I'm like,
"Girl, let's move forward

so we can get through the service
all together as one big Red Team."

Can I walk with my salmon?

-Walk with that salmon.

-New York strip walking.
-[Morgana] Behind you, behind you.

[Ramsay] Red Team, come here.

All of you.


Look at the salmon.

[Kiya] It's raw.

Tonight's performance
has been embarrassing.

I'm f*cking done.

I'm f*cking done.

Look at the salmon.

[Kiya] It's raw.

Tonight's performance
has been embarrassing.

I'm f*cking done.

I'm f*cking done.

All of you, get out!


Hey, and here's some homework for you.

Come up with three individuals

that you feel your team
will be better off without.

Now do me a favor, f*ck off!

[all] Yes, Chef.

[Ramsay] Every table had an issue.

Get out.

[uneasy music]



Why is it no matter what team I'm on,
we get kicked out?

I'm so tired of this shit.


What happened tonight, guys?

[narrator] While the Red Team[/i]
heads to the dorm to lick their wounds...[/i]

Last ticket, last ticket.

Walking Wellies, walking Wellies.

[narrator] ...the newly formed Blue Team[/i]
is still going strong.[/i]

Flip it and kiss it. It'll be fine.

-Heard, heard.
-We're doing good.

Nicely cooked, Kevin.

Let's finish strong, guys.

I'm so happy. I mean, I can kiss

everyone in the f*cking mouth right now

'cause I am beyond words.

[Josie] Morgana, feeling the pressure?


You can always ask for help.

Morgana, I can barely hear you.
You're so quiet.


Look at me. You're a good cook.

Just speak the f*ck up,
and you'll be a leader.

[Brynn] What happened with the garnish?

Were you feeling pressure?

[Payton] I just put up shit
that wasn't ready yet.

You put up wrong ingredients,
so that means you didn't know the menu.

The process
of going through certain things

is different between the two kitchens.

What's my excuse, then?

[Sam] Payton is way over his head.

He thinks that it's all
because that he was switched teams

and in a different kitchen.

That's not a valid reason.

[Payton] It's my first time on garnish.

-Don't make any f*cking excuses.

[Payton] I did not feel the support
from the Red Team at all tonight.

Going through garnish station,
I made some mistakes.

I'm still yelling out times.
I was vocal tonight.

We still have to come up
with three people.

-Morgana, do you have anything else

that you want to get
off your chest right now?


[somber music]

Girls take it personally.
I was upset, but I wasn't crying.

I'm thinking, "Okay,
what am I gonna say to Chef?"

Instead of bawling my eyes out
and thinking it's over.


Who's number three?

Okay, so then let's go
in a circle and vote for the third.

My third is Keona,

just because when you get frustrated,
you start shouting across the brigade,

and that makes us look like a mess.

Chef Ramsay didn't think it looked so.

He looked me right in my eyes,
and he seemed pretty pleased

that anybody was f*cking talking.

The only reason
everybody wants to put me up

is because it's an intimidation thing.

Everybody wants to play the blame game

because they don't want fingers pointed.

Everybody has excuses
and no proof to back it up.

You need to pick.

I'm picking Josie,
because past dinner services,

I feel like you just now found
your voice tonight

for the very first time.

Okay, not on fish station
for the first service that I did?

Fish station, I'm not counting that in,

because we both did the same thing.

-I helped you so much on fish station.
-We've helped each other.

Like... Listen, you're coming at me,
and I don't give a shit.

In my mind, Josie is still one
of our weakest links.

I'm just saying, like, tonight,
you just now found your voice.

Josie needs to be able
to handle criticism.

I don't know
what's going through her f*cking mind.

So what, it's between Keona and I?

I dunno what to f*cking tell you guys.

Like, I don't think
I deserve to be put up.

No, I didn't... Okay, I'm not saying...

f*cking three people.

[Josie] It's a tough decision, guys,
but it has to be made.

Sam, do you have an answer yet?


This is f*cking hard, guys.

[dramatic music]

[Ramsay] Red Team,

it was a disappointment.

Josie, Red Team's first nominee
and why, please.

Our first nominee is Payton, Chef.



Didn't seem to be competent
on his station.

Second nominee and why.

Second nominee, Chef, is Morgana.

[Ramsay] Why?

Morgana is a very strong cook, Chef,

but her voice is not nearly loud enough.


Red Team's third nominee, please.

[suspenseful music]

That was incredibly difficult.

I need an answer.

After a disastrous dinner service,[/i]

the Red Team was asked
to nominate three chefs.

They started with...

Payton, Chef.

-[narrator] and...

Red Team's third nominee, please.

[suspenseful music]

That was incredibly difficult.

I need an answer.

Keona, Chef.

She did seem scrambled.

Wow. Were you scrambled?

No, Chef.

You didn't look it.

That does not make sense.

Keona, stay where you are.

Payton, Morgana,

step forward.


-Yes, Chef.
-[Ramsay] Tough night.

Why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen?

Um, I learned from tonight.

I learned what not to do,
and I fought even though I was drowning,

and I just... I'm just going to keep
pushing myself to do better.

Payton, why should you stay
in Hell's Kitchen, young man?

Chef, going over to the Red kitchen,

I felt like I didn't have
the confidence of my team.

There were a couple of them

that I didn't feel
the confidence back at me.

[Ramsay] Right.

Who was letting you down on the Red Team?

Brynn told me straight-up
she did not feel as confident

with me coming on the Red Team.

Did you give Payton a hard time?


So what's Payton going on about?

I don't know, Chef.

I know I made some shitty stupid mistakes.

My voice was out there,
and that's something I improved on.

I know I'm making progress.

My decision is...

[suspenseful music]


wake up. Get back in line.

Morgana, give me your jacket, please.

Young lady, you came in here,

you cooked some great dishes,

but there's one thing
that you need to start understanding:

the power of your voice.

I know, young lady,
you are not ready to become my head chef.

Thank you.

Good night.

Good night, Chef.

[Morgana] I'm disappointed in myself.

I should have done better.
I should have asked for help.

I should have... reached
the expectations that I was given.

I know I can cook,

but tonight, I just didn't perform.

Payton, you dodged a b*llet,

and you better get your shit together.

-Is that clear?
-Yes, Chef.

Now, all of you,

get out of here.

[Brynn] Outside.
We need to sort some shit out.

I have to go back to the Red Team,

and they're pretty f*cking pissed at me,

especially Brynn, I mentioned her by name.

This is literally my last chance.


That was shocking.

Today, the motivation,
the morale, completely changed.

I want to keep winning.
I want to keep pushing.

I want to make it as far as I can.
I'll make it to the end.

I'm not gonna stop fighting for myself

because I'm a leader,
and I know that karma is real,

and if everybody wants
to throw me under the bus

just to make themselves
look better, that's fine,

because I know that no matter what,
I'm not going to give up.

[dramatic music]

[Ramsay] Morgana might be baby-faced,[/i]

but tonight, she behaved like a baby
when her fish station struggled.

The protégé I'm looking for
needs to be confident and outspoken.

Morgana was neither.

[narrator] Next time on[/i] Hell's Kitchen...[/i]

My daughter, Megan Ramsay. Come in here.

A special guest
shows up at Hell's Kitchen...

It is Megan Ramsay's
st birthday party here today.

Hi, guys.

Beautiful, gorgeous.

[narrator] Will a chef[/i]
be able to keep his composure...[/i]

[Payton] This is[/i]
for Chef Ramsay's daughter.[/i]

[narrator] ...or will he make[/i]
his biggest mistake yet...[/i]

[Ramsay] Payton, are you f*cking serious?

That is a screwup of the highest order.

That is not okay.

Don't eat the food, you idiot!

[narrator] ...which could send[/i]
Chef Ramsay over the edge?[/i]

-I need the carbonara.
-He's gonna rip us a new one.

[Ramsay] Team effort screwup.
Oh, come on! All of you, come here.

[narrator] All next time.[/i]

They're in trouble now.
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