02x22 - Wrong Road

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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02x22 - Wrong Road

Post by bunniefuu »

Thomas's branch line is important,

but the track and bridges aren't strong.

The Fat Controller won't allow
heavy engines on them.

The way Gordon was talking,

you would have thought
it was for another reason.

“It's not fair," he said.

“What isn't fair?”
“Branch diesels pulling mainline trains."

“I'm sure Boco will let you
pull his trucks."

Gordon spluttered.
"I won't pull Boco's dirty trucks.”

“It would be a change.”

“The Fat Controller would never
approve. Branch lines are vulgar.”

Gordon puffed away.
Edward chuckled and followed him.

The two engines pull two fast trains
from the station.

Gordon leaves first with an express.

Edward follows with a train
for the branch line.

Usually it runs like clockwork,
but there was trouble.

A lady in a green hat was
saying goodbye to a friend.

It was nearly time to start.

The fireman saw
something green waving.

He thought the guard had waved his flag.

Gordon started, leaving his passengers
on the platform.

Everyone was very cross.

(Angry shouting)

By the time Gordon was brought back,
Edward was late with his train.

So now he set off first.

The signalman wasn't told
about the change.

By mistake he sent Edward
along the main line.

Gordon went along the branch

and arrived cold and cross
near the harbour.

Next day there were no trucks
for Bill and Ben. They didn't mind.

Teasing Gordon was fun.

“What's that?” asked Bill.
"Shh. It's Gordon."

“It looks like Gordon,
but he never comes on branch lines.

“He thinks them vulgar.”

Gordon pretended not to hear.
“If it isn't him, it's a pile of old iron

“for the scrap yard."

“No, it's useless for scrap.
We'll dump it in the sea."

Gordon was alarmed.
"I am Gordon. Stop.”

When Boco arrived,
Gordon thought him a beautiful sight.

“Boco, my dear engine, save me.”

Boco threatened to take away trucks
he had for Bill and Ben

and so the twins behaved.

Gordon thought he was wonderful.
“How do you do it?”

“Oh, it's just a knack."

Gordon believes Boco saved his life,

but we know the twins were only teasing.
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