A Safari Romance (2023)

Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.

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Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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A Safari Romance (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »


(camera shutter clicking)

(camera shutter clicking)

(lion snarling)


- (camera shutter clicking)

- (growling)


(camera shutter clicking)



Woman on radio:

Megan, return to base.


greet in one hour.

Copy, traveling.

(engine revving)



Can you believe this?

That's a giraffe.

That's a real

giraffe right there.

(camera shutter clicking)


This one here.

- You good with everything?

- Yeah.

- Yeah?

- Yeah.

Hello, Tim!

- Yes.

- Yes!

Welcome to Ukubuyela Endle.

And... yes,

we do offer traditional

handshaking classes.

- (chuckling)

- I'll have to work on that.

Nozizwe, it's great to

finally meet you in person.

Everybody calls me Mom Nozi.

Okay, Mom Nozi.

Well, this is Darius Pacheco -

the videographer

and my right hand man.

Hi, Mom.

Ahh. Now, that's how you do it.

Where are you from?

Cape Town, but I've been in

the US the past few years,

working with Tim.

- Welcome home.

- Thank you.

Now, let's get you

inside out of this heat.

I'm gonna finish up here.

All right.


I'll take you

to your reception.



- Hi.

- Both: Hi.

Mr. and Mrs. Foster.


I'm Megan Henry.

I'll be your ranger tomorrow.

- Mrs. Foster: Oh.

- Mr. Foster: Thank you.

Why don't we meet back here

tomorrow morning?

Is 6:30 too early?

No, that'll be great.

Okay, great.

Have a wonderful rest.

Thank you.

Nice to meet you.

Oh, wow.

This is beautiful.

Thank you.

We're very proud of it.

Ukubuyela Endle means

"A return to the wild."

Well, I can't thank you enough

for letting us use your reserve

for our little project.


I've seen the presentation

on your theme park ride.

It'll be like people are

on actual safari.

And they'll find out that it was

sponsored by Ukubuyela Endle

and want to come and

experience the real thing.

I believe they

call that synergy.

Yes, they do.

I've organized a ranger

for tomorrow,

so you can get

started straight away.

You know what? I think I'm

going to stick around here,

just get the lay of the land,

relax a little bit,

take some photos.

I'll see

if your room's ready.

All right.

Thank you.

(exhaling sharply)



Oh, can I help you

with something?

I'm good, thank you.

- Hi.

- Hey.

I'm just

checking out these photos.

They're incredible.

How do lions stay so

relaxed up in a tree like this?

It's a good place for a nap and

a great place for a lookout.

How about this one, too?

This cheetah is beautiful.

Yeah, that's one

of my favorites.

I took it last week.

- You took this?

- Yeah.

You're a talented


Thank you.

Is there any way

that I can buy these?

They're not really for sale,

but I could leave

a few copies of them at

the front desk for you,

if you want.

That would be great.

Thank you.

Who should I say they're for?

Yeah, Tim Erickson.

Megan Henry.

- Nice to meet you, Megan.

- Yeah, you too.

And you're sure I can't

help you with anything?

- I got it. Thanks.

- Okay.

Hey, Kamara.


Wait. Did you take that apart

and then fix it again?

Yeah, just needed

a little tweak.

Wow. I have to give it to you,

you are pretty resourceful.

Yeah, if I could just

figure out

how to turn three weeks into

six months, I would be golden.

I don't know how you do it -

working part-time

and finishing your PhD;

it must all be so hard.

Yeah, sometimes.

But I am in South Africa,

living my dream, so...

Oh, and when is your

thesis defense due again?


It's due too soon.

Okay. And then, what happens if

you don't finish it on time?

I'm going to feed

myself to the lions.


(both laughing)


Hey, do you want

to get dressed up

and go to the Boma for dinner?

What's the occasion?

I don't feel like

doing my thesis.

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

(both laughing)




(Megan laughing)

Megan: He might be.

I don't know.

Oh, good evening ladies.

Both: Hi.

Perfect timing

for an introduction.

Tim, this is Dr. Henry.

Nice to see you again.

- You too.

- Doctor?

She's working on it.

This is my friend, Kamara.

She's one of the rangers here.

Not yet.

I'm working on it.

I'm a trainee.

And I'm Darius.

I work with Tim.

- Oh.

- Darius: Hi.


So, how long

will you be staying?

We'll be here

for three weeks.

So, we'll definitely be

seeing each other again.


Well, we will let you

enjoy your dinner.

Have a good night.

You, as well.

- (chuckling)

- I'll leave you to it. Enjoy.

Thank you.


Two very handsome guys.

And here we are,

completely available.

Oh, speak for yourself.

I'm available for one thing

and that is work.

Wow. Well, after

knowing you for three years,

I think I have that

figured out.

Are you calling me boring?

No, never.

I will have you know

I think about things

other than work

all the time...


Okay, fine,

every once in a while.

Maybe I do spend a little too

much time studying dung beetles.


Oh, morning, Shandor.



Oh, hey.

Wow, that's, um...

That's a lot of great

equipment for a safari.


you can never have too much.

I agree. Besides, if you're

going out in the wild,

you want to get as many

good photos as you can.

As long as we get some

great video, we're good.

Oh, are you filmmakers?

- No, theme park designers.

- Oh.

We're here getting some ideas

for our new attraction.

Cool, like

a roller coaster or...?

No, but I've done those.

This is-- it's a little

more impressive.

It's an immersive attraction,

virtual reality, special

effects, robotic animals.

So, all of this equipment

just to make a

fake savanna and fake lions

that jump out and go "roar".

Do lions go "roar"?


So, how long you been

a photographer?

Well, my grandpa got me my first

camera when I was about four.

I fancied myself pretty good

at taking pictures

of people's noses,

and then, you know,

every once in a while,

I'd catch an ear.

Well, by the looks of it,

from those pictures inside,

you've improved

just a little bit.

Thank you.

It's just a hobby.

Oh, so, you're a ranger now?

Yeah, but, um, in real life, I'm

actually a research scientist.


So, I guess you'd know

if a lion goes "rah"!

Mmm. I would.

Oh, morning.

You can get on in.

I should get back to work,

but be careful out there.

It looks pretty safe to me.

Oh, yeah, I mean it

looks innocent enough.

But you see that

field over there?


I was driving by

and I spotted a pride

of 18 lions sleeping,


hidden in the grass.

- Eighteen lions?

- Yeah.

Are they here

at the lodge, too?

Oh, yeah, they're free

to roam wherever they want.

No fences?

No fences, no nothing.

Have fun.

(engine revving)

Yeah, there's 18 lions over

there... Or there was.

- There's fences, right?

- No, there's no fences.

(animals grunting)

(elephants trumpeting)

Megan: The babies are trying to

cool themselves off with mud.

Get some pictures.

Beautiful, aren't they?

Absolutely beautiful.



- Mr. Foster: What's that noise?

- What?




Come in, Kamara. Over.


What's up?

Hey, so, I just spotted a drone

flying low over the park.

Can you check it out?


10-4. I'm on it.

Thank you.

I think we're pretty

good here for now.

Oh, it's absolutely fabulous.


It never gets old.


What's that?


See, this is

what I'm getting.

Oh, yeah, check out that.

- What's that?

- Hey, what are you doing?

- Oh, hey.

- Hey.

We're just checking to see

what's lurking in the bushes

before we venture out.

This drone is fantastic.

I'm sure it is,

but you can't use it here.

- Really?

- Really.

What's the problem?

Well, for starters,

it's illegal

to use a drone in

a legislated protected area.

So, if the authorities catch

you, they'll take your drone,

and you'll be banned

from using the reserve.

You're kidding, right?


Well, how am I supposed

to get my job done?

I need to use a drone.

The old-fashioned way,

like everybody else.

You get a ranger,

you drive around,

see if you can

spot something.

That doesn't sound

terribly efficient.

Well, neither's

your drone,

seeing as you're gonna

have to stop using it.

You just-- you have something

against technology, right?

No, but I do have

something against

disturbing the animals

in the natural world.


I don't think a little drone

is disturbing anything.

It's a flying camera.

Think of it as a bird.

You can think of it

however you want,

but you're going

to have to stop using it.

I don't think

you're right about that.

Would you prefer

I write you a ticket

and give you

a fine right now?

You don't have

the authority to do that.

As a park ranger,

I do have the authority,

and I'm afraid you're

going to have to deal with me.

- You?

- Yeah, me.

Darius, can you please

bring the drone in...


- Tim?

- Bring the drone in.


All right.

Thank you.



Okay, I'll see you later.

Morning, Megan.

I was looking for you.

I need a little favor.

Anything for you.

I was hoping you'd say that.

I've changed your

guests for today.

I put the Fosters

with Bandile.

Okay, no problem.

- Thank you.

- Yeah, I'll see you later.



Let's go see some wildlife.

Darius: Oh, yeah.



You know what? I think there

might have been a mistake.

I'm just gonna go check

with Mom Nozi really quick.

Uh, no, I spoke to Nozizwe

and she told us to take

the vehicle

that's in the driveway

at 7 a.m.

It's 7 a.m. and...

I don't

see any other vehicles.

You don't have your

drone with you, do you?

No, but I can go get it,

if you want me to.

If you're all ready,

we can head out.

Oh, and today,

we need to see some giraffes.

Oh, okay, yeah. Giraffes.

I'll just give them a call.

How difficult

can it be to spot a giraffe?

All ready to go?

- Both: Yeah.

- To the giraffes.

They're expecting us.

(engine revving)

Yeah, good luck

with that, man.

There's like

zero signal out here.


Well, this is great.

I guess my safari attraction's

going to be

a bunch of people looking out

over an empty Savannah,

listening to weird sounds.

Shh. Shh.


Darius! Darius! Crazy!

Oh, wow.

Look at that.

Look at this.



How did you know

it was there?

I know what to

listen and look for.

You know,

the crazy thing is,

you can be right beside them

and not even realize it.

How? They're so big...

and beautiful.

Do you want to follow her?

- Yeah.

- Can we?


- Yeah, let's do that.

- Okay.

(engine revving)

Hey, Darius,

just give me a minute.

- I'll catch up with you.

- Okay, cool.

- Um...

- Yeah?

I owe you a huge apology.

I shouldn't have had

my drone out yesterday,

and I did not take

being set straight very well.

It's okay.

I'm sorry, too.

I, uh-- I get

a little passionate

when it comes

to the wildlife.

Well, I appreciate passion.

You don't have to be sorry.

It was all on me.

Can we just...


...put this

behind us and start fresh?


I would like that.

Do you want to grab

a cold drink or something?

I have a ton of work

I've got to get done.

Everybody needs a break.


Yeah, sure.

I just need

to go get changed.

I can meet you

on the veranda in 20 minutes.




- Hey.

- Tim: Look at this.

I know.

They come almost every day.

Here you go.

- Thank you.

- You're welcome.

- Got you an iced tea.

- Oh. Thank you.


Oh, man.

You could

be a professional.

It's just part of my job.

Which one?

Research scientist?




I'm working on my thesis,

so I need a ton of

photos to do my defense.

Master's? PhD?

PhD in Ethology.


Yeah, it's the study of

animal behavior.

Like... Jane Goodall?

Yeah, exactly. Yeah, she's one

of the greatest in our field.

So, where did you study?

Braxton University

in Pennsylvania.

What made you come out here?

The dream was always to come

here to do research for my PhD.

So, you're an underachiever.

- (chuckling)

- It's an expensive dream.

Yeah, and it was one I couldn't

really afford, to be honest.

But then, I heard about

this rangers program

and it would allow me

to work part-time

to pay for my expenses.

So, four years ago,

I packed my bags,

came out here, got my rangers

license, and here I am.

So, you've been here

for four years?

No, not altogether.

The first two years,

I was here working as a ranger

to get the money together

that I needed to do my PhD.

And then, I went back to

Braxton to do all my courses.

So, when did you come

back here?

Five months ago

to do my research.

And then, now, I've just been

working on my thesis defense,

which needs to be accepted

before I get my PhD.

When do you have

to have it completed by?


- (chuckling)

- Yeah.

I'm going back in a month

to get the presentation ready.

Well, it seems like you

got it all figured out.

Yeah, we'll see.

I still have

a lot of research to do,

and then, I have to

come up with a creative way

to present my thesis defense.


that is the scary part.

Wow, that's a lot of pressure.


Speaking of which, I really

should get back to work.

Is it okay

if I walk with you?

- Yeah, sure.

- Okay.

Tim: So, what exactly is

the research you're doing here?

The big cats;

I study their population,

their behavior,

their response to habitat loss.

For what purposes?


A lot of the big cats are on

fast track to extinction, so...

- That's unthinkable.

- Yeah.

You know I admire you

sacrificing so much

to come out here

and stick with it.


I do it because I love it.

Well, this is me.

It's been really nice

talking with you.

Yeah. Yeah, you too.

And literally,

I did all the talking.

I don't quite know

how that happened.

I guess I'm

an inquisitive human.

Yeah, well,

you'd make a good scientist.

Oh, I don't know about that.

I don't have the patience.

The good thing

about theme park design

is that

I get to travel a lot.

I finish one project, and I move

on to the next challenge.

Hm. Do you like being

on the go all the time?

Yeah. Yeah, I love it.

I'm here.

If inspiration is

what you're looking for,

you definitely came

to the right place.

I'll see you tomorrow.

See you tomorrow.


Oh, Tim look at that.


So beautiful.


Darius: Oh, look at them go!


Tim: Wow.

The wildebeest came in?

- Megan: Mm-hmm.

- (Tim chuckling)

Um, Tim, I want to see

if I can get a few sh*ts

of the warthogs and impalas.

- Yeah?

- Tim: Yeah.

So, I'll catch up

with you guys later.

Sounds good.

See you in a bit.

Everyone's meeting here now.



- How was lunch?

- Oh, perfect, as always.

- Thank you.

- Excellent.

I hope you're both coming to

the Boma for braai tonight.

- Wouldn't miss it.

- See you at six.

- Tim: Okay.

- Sounds good.

What's a braai?


It's kind of like a barbecue.

Well, count me in.

Hey, would you be interested in

doing a short walking safari?

Now? Here?

- Yeah.

- What about the 18 Lions?

Well, we have areas that are

cleared by our trackers,

and we take the ranger trainees

out there all the time.

Yet another job

to add to your resume.

Yeah, well, we all

participate in training here.


I just hang out with Kamara.

Come on.


This is what I envisioned

for the theme park.

Imagine bringing this

experience to kids and families?

I just got to figure out

how to make it happen.

Oh, wow! Look at that.

Oh, yeah, they're so cute

when they run.

So cute.

Well, I think it

all sounds very exciting.

It's not as exciting

as what you do.

What? You create.

Not everyone can do that.

How did you get into it?

For my tenth birthday, my

parents took me to Disney

and it blew my mind.

I came home that day and I said,

"I want to design something

like that,

so I can go whenever I want."

So, you went

to Penn State.

Did you grow up

in Pennsylvania?

No, no.

I grew up in upstate New York.


- Where do you live?

- New York City.

- New York City.

- Yeah, a long way from home.

Must be exciting.


It is. It is. I love it.

I work for this great

boutique agency called

Colvin Designs.


It's the best job ever.


I'm working on this proposal

for Chipperfield Theme Parks.

They're one of the biggest

players in our industry.

Oh, that's amazing.

Yeah, if I get

this contract,

it would be a huge step up

in my career.

Now-- now, I'm the one that's

been talking the entire time.

Sorry about that.

It's okay,

I don't mind.

I've liked hearing

more about you.

Folks, are you ready for

tonight's entertainment?

- Oh, yeah.

- Of course you are.

- Oh, yeah.

- Drums, please.



South African singing)

Who me?


Oh, that was fun last night.

It really was.

Mom Nozi really knows

how to throw a party.

And you were actually

having a good time.

I've never seen

you laugh so much.

(laughing) Okay, me?

What about you and Darius?


What's going on there?

- He's cute, isn't he?

- Mm-hmm.

And Tim, what a handsome guy.

He'd be perfect for you.

Yeah, I've had

the "perfect-for-you" guy.

It hasn't worked out

so well for me.

So, I am going to stick with

my very faithful companion:


Ah, work isn't the only thing

in life, you know?

No, but right now,

getting my PhD kinda is.

Okay. Too bad

because Tim is so handsome.


I hadn't noticed.

Oh, you're coming with me

to the school tomorrow, right?

Oh, yeah, of course.

I wouldn't miss it.

Um, why don't we invite

Tim and Darius?

I don't know.

I mean, Tim's here to work on

his presentation and...

Well, it's just that I'd like

to spend some time with Darius,

and it would be awkward if I

invited him on his own.

Okay, fine.

We will invite them.

- (laughing)

- Ugh.

(singing in African language)

(audience applauding, cheering)

Thank you for inviting us.

Yeah, of course.

You know, Kamara actually

went to school here.

Her and Mom Nozi come and visit

the students every month.


So, what do you think?

- It's amazing.

- Yeah.

Megan said that you

went to school here.

Yeah, well,

except, when I started,

there was one small building.

Mom Nozi made

all of this possible.

Yeah, she raised all the money

using profits from the reserve.

It's so great that

she's done so well

and she's paying it forward.

Did you want to meet

some of the students?

- Yes, please.

- Yeah, please, let's do it.

- This way.

- Okay.




All right.

Megan: Get in there.



- Tim: I'm getting it?

- I'm losing my b*at.

- Okay, okay, okay.

- Tim: Shoulders, right?


Welcome to Ukubuyela Endle.

Thank you.

I'm Amy Bradshaw.

Miss Bradshaw, of course.

We have one of

the best suites

ready for you

in the Upper Lodge.

- Oh, fantastic.

- Tim: That was incredible.


I'm so glad you enjoyed it.


I think they're so sweet.

Okay, Daddy,

I'll let you know how it goes.

Yeah, sure. Talk soon.

- Love you. Bye.

- Megan: I'm not even kidding.


- Amy?

- Hi.

- Hey.

- It's so good to see you.


Uh, yeah, it-- wow.

- Wow.

- I'm so sorry.

This is Megan Henry.

She's our ranger here.

Oh, ranger. Hi. Amy.

- Nice to meet you.

- Nice to meet you too.

Amy and I went

to school together.

We went to the

same design college.

Oh, very cool.

Well, I hope you

enjoy your stay.

I'm sure I will, thanks.

What are you doing here?

Oh, it's a long story.

We have so much to catch up on.

But I am just

about to order lunch.

Do you want to join me?

Yeah... sure.

Do we have enough time

before our next drive?

Oh, yeah, yeah.

There's time. For sure.

Why don't you two go ahead?

I'll catch up with you later.

No, no.

You should join us.

Oh, no.

I have so much I have to do.

I should get back

to work anyway.

- You sure?

- Yeah, absolutely.

It was really nice

to meet you, Amy.

- You too.

- Bye.

Okay. See you in a bit.



Looking good.

Thank you.

So are you.

What a coincidence...

(conversation continuing


I cannot believe it's been ten

years since we saw each other.

- Ten years...

- Since we graduated.

I mean,

it's so great to see you again.

You too.

So, are you here on vacation?


I am here for work.

We're actually going

to be working together,

at least I hope.

You're working

for my company now?

The thing is, Tim, my dad

just bought your company,

Colvin Designs.

So, um...


(chuckling nervously)


And I am now running

the theme park division.

So, does that mean

that you're my...

- Boss.

- ...boss?


- You're my boss.

- I am. So, I'm guessing--

Um, I'm guessing you're

wondering why I am here.

That's the burning question.

I knew you'd be shocked

when you found out,

so I thought it

would be best to come here

and tell you in person,

especially since

we've known each other

for so long, you know?

Yeah, yeah.

Did you know that I was

working for Colvin Designs

before the sale?

No, not at all.

Imagine my surprise.

Well, I appreciate you

coming all the way out here

to let me know.

Yes, of course.

We have a lot of things to

look at with the new company,

and I guess I just

wanted to check in with you

to see if we could

work together, you know?

Well, I'm sure we can.


- Yeah.

- All right.

You know,

why don't we go on a drive,

so I can show you the world

I'm planning to bring

into my new concept?

- I would love that.

- Great.

- Hi.

- Can I take your order?


Oh, wow.


Look at that.

- It's a baby.

- They're so cute.

Hey, Tim, why don't we get

a few sh*ts of you out there?

I mean, it'll be

great for publicity.

Can you imagine the headline?

"Theme park designer

walking with the elephants."

I'm really sorry, Amy,

but we're just a little

too close to do that.

But why? They're so calm.

Everything looks so serene.

I know it looks serene,

it's just really not safe.

Oh, come on,

it'll be just for a minute.

It doesn't really matter.

See the thing is,

we have to remember is that this

is their world.

We're simply visitors in it.

As long as we respect their

space, they'll let us be here.

Yeah, besides, we don't know

what's lurking out there.


And lions,

hyenas, leopards.


All right, let's move on then.

Can we find a safer space?

Yeah, sure.



- How's this?

- (camera shutter clicking)

All right, that's lovely.

Could you scootch

over to the left a little?

- Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

- Cool.

Amy: Couldn't you find anything

better for a backdrop, Darius?

I mean, this is--

this is gorgeous,

Amy, and you wanted safe.

This is the best I

could do at a minute's notice.

Yeah, but we should be standing

out in a field

with zebras running

and lions roaring.

I could have stayed home

and photoshopped these.

Okay, I, uh...

Well, why don't

I talk to Nozizwe

and see if she can

suggest someplace better?

I really need wildlife

in the background, Tim.

I would even settle

for a cow at this point.

They have cows here, right?

Yeah, yeah,

I think they have cows here.

Hey, uh,

you have a drone, right?

- Yes, I do.

- Yeah, let's put it to work.

You can't fly a drone here.

- Says who?

- Megan.

What a surprise.


All right,

I'll have a chat with her.

I'm sure we can

sort something out.

Well, look,

why don't I talk to her

and see if she can

take us out on another safari

and find someplace safe

I can get out of the vehicle?

- Sounds good.

- Tim: Okay.


Megan: Okay.

You can get out, but I need you

to stay close to the vehicle.

- Are you sure? They...

- (hippos grunting)

They don't sound too happy.

Well, it's daytime, so they'll

stay in or close to the river,

and I'll keep an eye on them

in the clearing. Come on.

So, Tim, why don't you run

a little closer to the bank,

so Darius can get

a few good sh*ts of you?

Oh, no. No, I'm sorry.

We can't do that.

But why not? You just said

that they stay in the river,

and if something happens,

then Tim can just run

back to the car.

Well, how fast can they run?

Well, they'll outrun you.

I mean, they don't call them

a river horse for nothing.

Yeah, I'd say it's

probably a pretty bad idea

to go down there.

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

Did you bring

your drone with you?

Darius: Yeah,

but you know we can't use it.

Yeah, I know,

they're not permitted.

But I mean,

we're in the middle of nowhere.

Who's going to notice?

Um... I'll notice.

But we're all

friends here, right?

Sure, yeah.

It's just, um, as a park ranger,

it's my job to ensure that all

of the protocols are followed.

Everyone breaks the rules,

Megan. Let's loosen up.

Let's have

a bit of fun here.

Amy, if you're

going to be out here,

I need you to understand

one thing very clearly:

poachers use drones to

find our rhinos and elephants,

so they will not be tolerated

under any circumstances.



I knew I'd find you here.

Oh. Hey.

Um, I just...

I wanted to say

I'm sorry about yesterday.

I appreciate you

taking us out,

and I know how busy you are.

It's no problem.

I just don't know

how helpful it was.

It was great.

Is Amy settling in okay?

Yeah, yeah, she's fine.


You know you're a lucky guy;

not many people have a friend

who would travel halfway around

the world just to visit them.

I guess so.

So, you guys have been

friends for a long time?

Well, outside of

going to college together,

we dated for a few months.

That was like

ten years ago.

I haven't seen her since

or even really kept in touch.

So - sorry, I don't mean

to sound intrusive -

but... why is she here?

Her dad...

just bought Colvin's.



- Yeah.

- Okay.

What does

that mean for you?

Amy is now running

the theme park design division,


she's effectively

my new boss.


So, what's more stressful,

being a ranger

or doing research?

Oh, research, hands-down.

- Really?

- Yeah.

I mean, it's...

nothing I can control.

I mean, I still want to do some

more research on the leopards.

And then, there's

this pride of white lions

that I was following, but

they've been so elusive lately.

I've never seen a leopard

and white lions.

They're really rare.

There's only about a dozen

of them left in the wild.

What I wouldn't give to

a white lion... and a leopard.


one of our trackers

just spotted a leopard

and her cubs

down by the river,

and Kamara and I

were planning on going

to see if we could spot her.

If you and Amy wanted to come,

you're welcome.

Amy's got

video calls this morning,

but I'd love to come.


Meet you in the front in ten?

Yeah, I just have to

put my stuff in my room.

Yeah, okay.



- Hear those alarm calls?

- Yeah, what is it?

It's guinea fowl and baboon.

They know that she's here.


Where do you think she is?

I would say she's about

a hundred yards away

in that brush up there.

That's where the trackers

last spotted her.


Wait a second.

Oh! I see her!



Yeah, yeah. Just to the right.

To the right of the bush.

- Okay.

- Darius, you getting this?

Yes, man.

I'm getting it.

- (animals screeching)

- Megan: Nice work.

That's her.

You know what?

There's-- there's actually

a road up ahead.

If we head over there, we might

be able to get a better view.

- Yeah.

- Yes.

(air hissing)

What was that?

A... flat tire.

- Hmm.

- What do we do now?

Well, we'll just have to

call road service and, uh...

if they can't come,

then we'll grab a cab.

You don't have

those out here, do you?


No, we don't even have service.

All right,

everybody out, let's go.

Darius: Whoa, whoa, hold on.

Wait, you're kidding, right?

I mean,

there's a leopard out there.

- Yeah.

- Megan: Yeah, and your job

is to make sure she

doesn't come over here.


How do we...


What am I supposed

to do with this? Defend myself?

If she does

come over this way,

just, whatever you do,

don't run.

Megan, you're kidding,


Uh-uh. Out.

She's kidding, right?

No, she's not kidding.

(clearing throat)

Let's go. Let's do this.

(animals screeching)

(animals chittering)

We should not be out here.


There's a leopard over there.

Stop holding onto me, man.

- Okay, looks like we're done.

- Yeah.

(Tim sighing)

You okay?

You look a little pale.

I'm good. I'm cool.

- Megan: Mm-hmm.

- Tim: Let's go.

All right,

you know, we're just, uh,

not completely

out of the woods yet.

That's a bad joke.

Thank you very much, yeah.

Uh, we're gonna

head back to the lodge.

- Megan: Okay.

- Yeah.


Doesn't get much

better than this.

(phone ringing, vibrating)

Hey, Ames.

It's good to hear from you.

Have you settled in?


I'm doing okay, Daddy.

- Just a few little issues.

- Oh, what's up?

I'm not getting to spend as much

time with Tim as I'd hoped.


What's the problem?

He seems more

interested in spending time

with a certain

ranger over here.

Well, don't let that

get in your way.

I mean, you've been

friends for years;

that should count

for something.

Yeah, I'm working on it.

He's your

best asset going forward.

So, you better lock him down

before one of our competitors

comes in and snaps him up.

Yeah, I know.

Working on it.

And getting that

Chipperfield contract right now

is a priority,

and you know it's not going

to happen without Tim.

Yeah, I know.

All right,

we'll-- we'll talk again soon.

I'll check-in. Bye.

Do you want

to get out?

There's no leopards,

is there?

I mean, there might be,

but it's one of our

walking safari locations.

Don't worry,

you're safe with me. Come on.



Pretty cool, huh?

You know, I admire what you do;

give your all for this.

Do you find any time

for a personal life?

This is my personal life.

But do you miss

going out with friends,

hanging out, having fun,

being spontaneous?

I'm sorry, is changing

a tire beside a leopard

not spontaneous enough

for you?

(elephant trumpeting)

That's a good point.

Thank you.

Look at them.

Wow, they're beautiful.

- Megan: Yeah, they are.

- (trumpeting)

I haven't seen many two-legged

eligible bachelors around.

You never know, I might

find one hiding up a tree.

Seriously, though.

I dated someone

for three years in college.

We... got engaged.

And when we graduated, we

planned on traveling the world,

doing our research,

starting a family.

And then?


then, he changed his mind.

Yeah, we--

we spent some time apart

to figure some things out.

I came out here, and while

I was gone, he met someone else.

So, it ended.

I spent a little

too much time crying over it.

And then, decided I should

just get on with my life.

That was it for love?

Pretty much.

I mean I've dated a bit.

I just... I don't know,

I don't see the point

in pursuing something

if it's just not

gonna go anywhere.

Well, what if you unexpectedly

met someone and fell in love?

The timing would

have to be right.

What about you?

I haven't-- no,

I have nobody special

in my life, either.

I dated someone on and off

for a couple years,

but work got in the way,

we drifted apart,

we split up

about a year ago.

So, not a relationship guy?

No, actually,

quite the opposite.

I'd like to find love.

It's just work seems

to always get in the way.

Yeah, I get that.


work just has to come first.

Yeah, or maybe

we just work so much

because we haven't

found the right person yet.

Yeah, maybe.

(elephant trumpeting)


Amy: Oh, look at all these

magnificent animals.


It's such a missed

opportunity to use that drone,

don't you think?

I guess so.

You know,

I don't understand

why Megan is being such

a stickler for rules.

I'm sure lots of people

send their drones up

and no one really cares.

You just have to be careful.

Look, Amy,

I'm just here to do my job.

Oh, yes, of course,

of course.

Yeah. Can I?

Ah. Look.


- These are amazing, Darius.

- Yeah?

- Hey, can you send them to me?

- Of course.

Yeah, I'll make sure they get

into the hands of the CEO.

As a matter of fact, I can just

introduce you when we get back.

- No way.

- Yeah, of course.

That would be great, Amy.

Thank you.

I mean, you're part of

the family-- well, company.

You know what I mean.

- I get you.

- Yeah.

Honestly, I must say,

that's really good to hear.

I wasn't sure what was going

to happen after the sale.

Don't worry,

I got your back.

Thank you.

Such a shame that

we can't use the drone.

Can you imagine how impressed

head office would be if we did?

Just picture elephants,

giraffes, lions, cheetahs,

leopards, all roaming

across the savannah.

But I guess

it is what it is.

All right,

see you later.

- (animals chittering)

- (camera shutter clicking)

(camera shutter clicking)


(camera shutter clicking)


Oh, great,

not working again.

What happened?

Is that your only camera?

I know it's a dinosaur,

but it's served me well.

Well, you can use my camera.

It's brand-new.

The latest in technology.

I know how much

you love that.

Here, let me get a picture

of you with the cheetah.

- Okay.

- Okay.

(camera shutter clicking)

What do you think?

That's great.

We should probably

get back before it gets dark.

I'm sure it gets pretty

scary out here at night.

Yeah, but it's really

beautiful with the stars.

- (thudding)

- (gasping)

(both gasping)


How didn't you get scared?

Part of the job.

We should, um-- we should

head back for dinner.



That was amazing.

I would like to make

a toast to Mom Nozi

for being the reason

that we are all here,

and to the beautiful friendships

that we've made this week.

But most importantly,

to my friend Kamara

because, tonight,

Mom Nozi has officially

certified you as a park ranger.





Kamara: Oh...

Oh, wow.

- Megan: You deserve it, Kamara.

- Kamara: Wow.

Thank you.

I would also

like to make a toast.

I came here to get

inspiration for my work.

I got so much more than that.

Thanks, Megan.

Thanks for giving us

a safari experience

that we will never forget.



- Cheers, Megan.

- Kamara: To Megan.

- Darius: Hear, hear.

- Cheers.

Tim: Cheers.

(guitar playing softly)

(all laughing)

No, it was crazy.

Oh, it sounds like you

guys had an awesome day.

We did.

Maybe next time

you can come with us.

Yeah, maybe I will.

Who wants an a nightcap?

Uh, not for me.

You know what? I'll have one.

Whatever you're having.



Sure is a charmer,

isn't he?


Oh, look at that smile.

Come on, don't tell me

you haven't noticed.

He's having fun here, Megan,

and with you.

It's part of the job

to make sure everyone has

the best safari experience.


You know we dated, right?


Yeah, he mentioned.

Sometimes still wonder

what would have happened

if we'd stuck it out.

All right,

here we are.

All right,

well, I am heading out.

We have a big day tomorrow.

All work, no distractions

because he's all mine

for the next few days.

No cheetahs, I promise.

We're just going to a hyena den,

full of hyena pups.

- Hyena pups?

- Megan: Yeah.

See you at seven

for breakfast.

I'll be there. Doesn't sound as

fun as hyena pups, though.

Goodnight, Megan.

Goodnight, Amy.

Good luck with your work.

Yeah, thank you.

Tim: Yeah, I can't believe

that day that we had.

- I know.

- Honestly.

- Cheers to that.

- Cheers.

Hyena pups.


So cute.

I looked at your

design yesterday

and I thought it would be

helpful if you could maybe

lay out a small

prototype or something.

You know what? I had one,

but I pressed pause on it.

I think I'm going to be

changing it up quite a bit.

How come?

It's just I have to

find a creative way

to incorporate all the things

I've seen and experienced here.

All right, sure.

Can I ask you

a personal question?

Yeah, sure.

I've been thinking a lot

about our college days,

and remember when we broke up,

we agreed to remain friends,

and we were for a while.

Do you think

we'll ever get that back?

It was ten years ago.

I think we've

changed a lot since then.

We're still

the same people, aren't we?

I think most

people change over time.

We have new experiences,

we mature,

we meet different people.

We make new friends

that replace the old ones.

I don't think

meeting new friends

means you need

to replace the old ones.

I see the way

you are with Megan.

And I used to be that friend

that you laughed with

and had fun with,

and I guess I'm just--

just a little envious of that.


I guess I just feel

a little slighted.

I'm sorry,

that wasn't my intention.

I guess when we

bought Colvin Designs,

I assumed that we could just

rekindle our old friendship

and work together

to build my new division.

You're now my new boss.

It's impossible

for things to stay the same.


All right.



How's everything going

with Tim?



That-- that's it?

Yeah, I'm having fun.

Wow! Megan Henry finally

admitting to having fun.

Now, that's progress!

Wait, is that a spark of love

that I sense in the air?

Okay, don't take it

too far.

In two weeks,

he's going to be home,

and I'm going to be

back to my statistics,

chasing lions,

and finishing my defense.

Yeah, okay. And then, he'll be

back in New York with Amy.

Don't you just

find it strange

that she's here

in the first place?

Yeah, I do,

but she's his new boss.



Where did that come from?

Looks like the lodge.

- Hey.

- Hey.

Kamara and I just spotted a

drone flying near the hyena den.

It looked like it was

launched from here.

Yes. Several other rangers

saw it too and called it in.

Well, any idea

who's flying it?

No, but one of the reports

said it was a guest of yours.

Looked like the same one

they saw last week.

- It had a yellow stripe.

- No, that's impossible.

I mean, the only person I know

of that has a drone is Tim,

and there's no way

he would be flying it.

Is it possible

that it was another guest?

Tim's drone is the only one

I've registered here.


It doesn't make any sense.

No, it doesn't,

but you know how unbending

the anti-poaching team is

about the use of drones.

They may ask for a temporary

suspension of your license.

Is there anything

I can do to resolve this?

I only have two more weeks.

You'll have to ask Tim to turn

in his drone immediately.


Do you know where he is?

I saw him a little while ago in

the giraffe garden with Amy.


Thank you.

Hey, um, can I talk

to you for a minute?

Yeah, sure.

Privately, if that's okay.

- No problem.

- Thanks.

Do you know anything about

a drone flying over the park

about a mile

or so from here?

No, no. I've been working

with Amy all day.

Why? What's up?

Is something wrong?

Yeah, some complaints

were registered.

My name was mentioned.

Look, Tim, I'm-- I'm gonna

have to take your drone.


I need to confiscate it.

You're not suggesting I was

the one that was flying it.

No, I'm not accusing

you of anything.

Well, it sounds

like you are.

Tim, I need you to understand

I have a lot on the line here.

This is the second drone

incident in two weeks.

If this is linked to me

in any way,

I could lose

my ranger's license.

Do you know

what that would mean?

- Well, I can't--

- It would mean

that I would have to

shut down all of my research.

Well, I can tell you that your

name won't be linked to it

because it wasn't my drone.

Well, is there any way

that somebody else

could have gotten

their hands on it?

No, Darius is

the one that has it

and there's no way

he would have flown it.

Well, I'm gonna

need you to check

because you're the only guest

that we know of that have one.

I don't know what

to say, I'll--

I'll make sure we hand

the drone in later today.

Thank you. We should get it

back to you when you're leaving.



- Hey, man.

- Hi.

I just spoke to Megan.

Yeah, she came to see me.

She seemed pretty upset.


Where's the drone?

It's in my room.

You didn't lend it

to anyone, did you?

No, I wouldn't do that.

We need to hand it in to

Mom Nozi right away.

Okay, I'll do that now.

Okay. Thanks.

Catch you in a bit.

- Hey, Panco.

- Hello. How are you?

- Hey.

- Hey.

Any news

on the drone yet?

Nothing yet,

but I'm working on it.

Mom Nozi, I hope you know

I would never allow

one of my guests

to fly a drone here.

Oh, Megan,

I know that.

You'd be the first person

to shut them down.

Is this going to reflect

poorly on you or the reserve?

Don't worry about us.

It'll all get sorted out.

Thank you for everything

you've done to help me.

I'm shutting down

for the night.

Can I offer you a nice

cold glass of white wine?

(chuckling) I would love one.


- Oh...

- Thank you.

You're the best.

- Thank you, Panco.

- Panco: Thank you so much.



Have a good sleep.

I will.

Megan, hey.



Um, do you have a second?


Today, was a strange day.

Yes, it was.

I hope that you know I had

nothing to do with the drone.

I would never do anything

to ruin your reputation

or jeopardize what you've worked

so hard to accomplish here.

I know. I just panicked when I

thought there was a chance

that I could lose

my ranger's license

and not be able to

complete my research.

Well, that's understandable.

You know,

when I first came here,

I was so proud of myself.

I would just hate to

leave feeling ashamed.

Why would you feel ashamed?

You're smart, strong,

hands-down you're the bravest

person I've ever known.

I'm not that brave,

believe me.

I'm serious!

There's not one the same that

you've been afraid of out there.

Oh... lots of things

scare me, believe me.

Okay, like what?

Like failure.

Not finishing

what I came here to do.

Haven't you achieved

everything you came here for?

No, I still want to do more

research on the white lions.

That was my biggest goal.

And if, for some reason, you

can't find them, then what?

Hmm... Then,

I will still submit my thesis

and hopefully get my PhD.

Of course

you're gonna get your PhD.

You know what?


I can't drink wine

without a snack.

I can't drink beer

without a snack.

Do you think

we should order in?

- Yes!

- Maybe pizza?

Yeah, I'd love pizza.

Wait a second, is this one

of those cab jokes again?


Oh. Ha-ha.

Got me again.

Well, now, I'm hungry.

Follow me.

I have an idea.


Okay, don't mind

if I do.

What do you think?

Malva pudding is officially

my new favorite dessert.



Maybe I should add

chef to my resume.

I don't know if it's actually

going to help me

with my defense.

Don't underestimate


I've seen people be swayed

by a delicious dessert.


Speak for yourself.

Hey, I'm going to head into the

village tomorrow with Kamara.

Do you want to come?

Yeah, I'd love

to take a break.

Darius is coming, too.

If you want to,

you can invite Amy.

I think she has a day

at the spa tomorrow.



- Hi.

- Hi.

And this is my mom

and my sister Annika.


- Nice to meet you.

- Hello.

So, my mom has a

store in Johannesburg.

She comes here once a week.

All the profits from here

go back to the village

to supply clean water.

Oh, that's great.

I love that.

- That's so nice.

- Yes. Thanks.

These are beautiful.

What do you think?

Like this? My color?

You know what? I think

you're more of an autumn.

Let's see.

Oh, yes.

It's definitely your color.

It's so you!

Thank you very much.

Thank you.


These are nice.

Yeah, my mom's

going to love these.

She-- she makes clothes

for all of her grandchildren.


Do you have

a big family?

No, actually. It's, um--

it's just me and my mom.

My parents

split up when I was two,

so she raised me

on her own.

- Really?

- Yeah.

Was that difficult?

I mean, we didn't

have a ton financially,

but she made up

for it with more love

than any kid

could ever ask for,

even though she was working

two jobs to make ends meet.

You sound a lot

like your mom.

She was really young

when she had me,

so she had to

give up a lot to raise me,

but she always made sure

I had the best,

went to the best schools.

Is that why you're

so determined?

Yeah. I-- I want her to be

proud of who I've become.

I'm sure she is.

How could she not be?

Where is she now?

She actually has an apartment

by mine at the university.

After I got my undergrad,

she went to college and

got a degree in nursing.

That's incredible.

Yeah. Yeah,

she even found new love.

It's about time she had some

real happiness in her life.

That's why I would never want to

do anything to disappoint her.

Wait, hold on.

Do I hear a tiny bit

of you being a perfectionist

creep back in?

Is that what I hear here?

No! Me?

That is so yesterday.


I got you a little something.

- Really?

- Yeah.

- I got you something.

- Really?

All right, well...

- On three?

- On three.

One, two, three.

- No.

- What?

The same one?

Which hand would

you like yours on?

- Put it on this one here.

- Okay.

Thank you.

There you go.

Thank you.

I love it.

I love mine.


Oh, man, I got some

really awesome footage today.

I'm going to go ahead and

start downloading this, yeah?

Do you want some company?

I'd love some company.

Come on.

Well, looks like

we've been ditched.


- Hey.

- Megan: Hey.

- Hope you guys had a good day.

- Yeah, it was great.


- Oh, I love your bracelet.

- Oh!

Thank you.

Yeah, um...

Tim actually

got it for me today.

And Megan actually

got me the same one.


What... are the chances?

(Megan chuckling nervously)

You know what?

I should get this

stuff back to my room.

But we're still on

for the drive tomorrow?

- Yes, we are.

- Okay.

- Bye.

- Amy: Bye.


I'm glad you're back.

It can get

kind of boring around here.

Yeah, I guess so.

Yeah. Hey, so I would love to

talk with you

about something important.

- Okay.

- Yeah.

So, why don't we grab dinner,

maybe a glass of champagne?

We might have something

big to celebrate.

Yeah, I'm a little tired.

Can we just grab a coffee?

Yeah, coffee.

Yeah. Coffee it is.

Right now?

- Yeah, yeah, sure.

- Okay.

Did you get everything


What's wrong?

Darius needs to

tell you something.


Megan, I feel really ashamed

of myself and I'm so sorry.

Sorry about what?

I'm the one

who flew the drone.



I don't understand.

I made a really

stupid mistake.

The thing is,

I was chatting with Amy

and she had said she'd

really like some aerial sh*ts.

And seeing that

she's now my boss,

I figured I'd at least

try to get her a few.

Look, I really hope I didn't

harm your reputation.

I'll tell Mom Nozi

right away.

No, Darius,

it's okay.

I appreciate your honesty

more than anything.

I just don't really understand

why Amy would have

asked you to do that.


She didn't exactly ask me.

She just said

she'd like some sh*ts.

And so, I took it

upon myself to get them.

In retrospect,

it was a really stupid idea.

Have you told Tim?

No. Please, don't say

anything to Tim or Amy.


I won't.

But I do think you

should tell him yourself.

I really think

he'll understand.

How would you

feel about taking on

more responsibility

with the company?

What do you mean?

I need a business partner, and

you're the best in the industry,

and Daddy and I would just

love to have you on the team.

Well, thank you.

But what would that entail?

Um, overseeing

all the new projects,

a step up the ladder...

a big raise.

Does that mean

I'll be on the road more

or stationed

at head office?

Oh, no,

you'd be working

more directly with me.

And of course, a vice president

position down the road,

if it all works out.

What about my team

at Colvin Designs?

Oh, no,

I already have my own people.

- (elephant trumpeting)

- Oh!


I'm so sorry. I got a call

saying they were here.

Well, I could think of

worse places to be.

I think I might come out

again tomorrow afternoon

to see if I can spot them,

if you want to come.

Count me in.

I forgot to tell you I have

to do a quick trip

to Johannesburg tomorrow

to pick up some equipment.

Okay. Oh, do you think you could

pick up a thumb drive for me?

Yeah, of course.


why don't you

come with me?

We could leave early,

get back just after lunch.

Yeah. Okay. Yeah.

That would be fun.

Oh, my gosh.

Oh, finally!

Aren't they beautiful?

Yeah, they're just right here.

How did we miss them?

(low growling)

I think this might be

the best day of my life.

(sighing contentedly)

- Hi.

- Hi.

Tim Erickson, there was a

delivery that was made for me.

Yes, Mr. Erickson.

Would you like us

to bring the packages

to your vehicle right now?

Yeah, that'd be great.


- No problem.

- Thank you.

You hungry?

I made reservations

at Aduna here.

I'm hungry.

- Thank you so much.

- Thank you.

Oh, I keep forgetting to

ask you about your design.

Have you done more work on it?

I'm getting a lot of... great

ideas, which is why I came here.

Good. I guess you must be

getting down to the wire.

One week left.

It's going to be

kind of a jolt to leave here

and not see you every day.

You never know, it might be

a refreshing change of pace.

No, no,

I'm going to miss this place,

and I'm going

to miss you.

I'm going

to miss you, too.

It's been

really nice having you here.

What if,

when we leave here,

I come visit you,

and we can go out

on a real date?

Tim, I don't want to get

my heart broken again.

And once you leave,

I just don't see how we

could make something work.

How will we know

if we don't try?


relationships are hard,

trust me.

Can we just try to enjoy

the time we have left?

We got a flight to catch.

Why don't we go back and try

to find those white lions?



I cannot tell you

how happy I am

you're getting

to see them again.

This is so special

- Yeah.

- (camera shutter clicking)

I can't believe I get to

experience this with you.

Me, too.

Oh, no.

Don't go, don't go.

(camera shutter clicking)


I think it's about that time.

What time?

Time for a sundowner.

A sundowner?

Have you never had one?


Okay, well,

it's tradition here,

and you have to

have at least one

to have a true

South African safari.

Okay. Let's go!

(animals grunting

in the distance)


This is unbelievable.

I don't want it to end.

Yeah, it's pretty magical,

isn't it?

Do you think you're gonna be

spending a lot of time

in New York

when you get back?

More than I planned.

Amy offered me

a partnership.


That's a generous offer.

It's a great opportunity,

but I'll be doing

a lot less design work

and more administration to

help build out the company.

Do you think

that'll make you happy?

I don't know.

So, where does that

leave you and Amy?

Well, I guess

I'll be working

out of the head office

a lot more.

You think that's

going to be easy to do?

With your history?

Yeah, I think so.

The boundaries are clear.

The past is the past.

Do you think

it'll be easy for her?

I don't see why not.

Why do you ask?

Just a feeling.

Tim: Yeah, that sundowner last

night was really incredible.

Um, hey, Tim.


Look man,

I'm just gonna cut to the chase.

There's something

I need to tell you.


It's about the drone.

Uh... I'm the one

who flew it.


I'm really sorry, man.


Why didn't you admit it?


I didn't want to lose my job.

Why would you ever

worry about that?

Wait a second.

Did Amy put you

up for this?

No. I'm not blaming

Amy for anything.

She didn't ask me.

She just said she'd

like some footage.

And so, I foolishly went

ahead and did it on my own.


Darius has taken full

responsibility for this.

He told us the truth and he's

told Mom Nozi the truth.

No, no. Wait.

But what about Amy?

She's responsible

for all of this.

No, Kamara, I 100% take

responsibility for this, okay?

Tim: I'm gonna straighten

this out with Amy,

if that's okay.

What if she fires me?

You will always

have a job with me,

no matter where I am.


- Thanks for telling me.

- Darius: Yeah.

- (elephant trumpeting)

- Hey.


Best view I ever had.

Hey, maybe we can do, like,

a satellite office over here.

What do you think? We could work

here during the winter.

We need to talk.

I just, I spoke to Darius

and he told me what happened.

Oh, my gosh,

did something happen?

Come on, Amy.

Don't play this game.

You know what's going on.

I'm sorry,

I honestly don't.

- The drone?

- Yeah.


Oh, sorry.

You don't think I had something

to do with that, do you?

You didn't tell Darius you

needed some aerial sh*ts?

I told everybody.

I told you,

Megan, Darius, everyone.

Guess he

misinterpreted what I said.

Did you ever consider what this

could have done to Megan?

She could have lost

her license and missed out

on the opportunity

to finish her research.

I wouldn't worry

about her too much.

She can take care

of herself.

Oh, come on, Amy.

You know what?

I'm done with this.

I'm done with the

way you treat people

and pretend like you're


when you know full well you've

done something wrong.

The only reason I came here

was because of our friendship,

because I wanted to offer you

an opportunity

to build your career.

I don't need you

to bolster my career.

And honestly,

I don't know if I could

ever work with you again,

not after this.



- Hey.

- Hey.

Well, I talked

to Amy last night.


And it didn't go too well.

I quit my job.

Tim, are you sure

that's what you want to do?

Yeah, it's the right move.

I mean, what about your design?

You've worked so hard on it.

I know.

So, what are you going

to do?

I have to go back tomorrow.

Amy left this morning,

but I need to get back

and talk to my old boss

Jim at Colvin Designs

and see if we can

figure something out.

I'm really sorry

this happened.

I know how important

this job was to you.

It was, but, you know,

I'm glad it happened.

Made me remember

the type of person Amy was

before I started

working with her.

Well, I'm sure something

good will come from this.

I mean you're smart, you're

talented, you're creative.

Thank you

for believing in me.

Of course,

I believe in you.

You're an amazing person.

And you even

taught me that

I don't need to take everything

so seriously all the time.

That's not an easy task.

Can I see you again

before I go?

Maybe do dinner tonight?


I would like that.

These past two weeks,

they've gone by so fast.

Yeah, they have.

This has been...

one of the most phenomenal

experiences of my life.

For me, too.

We don't have

to say goodbye.

This doesn't have to be

the end.

Tim, I...

I just don't see how

a future for us could work.

I know

all the odds are against us.

I don't want this

to be over.

Me neither.

But you have a life to get back

to and you have to figure out

what you're going to do, and I

don't want to be the person

that stands

in the way of that.

I don't want to be the person

that gets in the way

of you either.

You've worked your entire

life for what you have.


Our lives,

they're just too different.

But they're not.

We can't both live our dreams

if we're together.

What if we can?

If there was a way to make

this work, I would want to.

But I just don't see

how it's possible.

Will I see you tomorrow

before I leave?

I don't know if

I can say goodbye to you.

Then, don't.

I'm sorry.


(both laughing)

Oh... It's been so

great having you here.

Thank you for everything.

- Travel safe.

- Yes.

- Darius.

- Mom.


(engine revving)

(breathing shakily)


(camera shutter clicking)

Hey, Megan.


Tim left this here

for you this morning.

He didn't want to leave

you behind, you know.

I didn't want

to see him go.

I hope you can find

a way back to each other.

Love doesn't

come along very often.

I know.

Follow your heart;

it'll take you

where you need to be.

And this...

is confirmation that

the complaint against you

has been withdrawn.

Your ranger's license

is still in good standing.

- That's a relief.

- I'm so sorry.

This shouldn't have

happened in the first place.

No, it's okay.

I mean, there's a lesson to be

learned in everything, right?

This taught me not

to jump to conclusions,

and to trust people

like you...

who have my back.


Tim (narrating):

"Thanks for all the memories.

"I left the footage

from the leopard

"and the white lion sightings.

"I hope it'll help you dazzle

your thesis defense.

"And if you see

the white lions again,

"I'd love

to see the pictures."



(camera shutter clicking)

(camera shutter clicking)

(camera shutter clicking)

(camera shutter clicking)

(phone chiming)



- I love you so much.

- Megan: I love you.

I love you, too.

Okay, my turn.

We're all going

to miss you.

Thank you both

so much for everything.

I'll be back, I promise.

You better.


Okay. Thanks, Josh.

Okay, yeah.

I'll be right there.


Oh, my gosh!

What are you doing here?

I'm visiting Darius

for a couple of weeks

and I wanted to come

and surprise you.

Well, this is

an amazing surprise.

Oh, do you have

a couple of hours to spare?

Yeah. Why?

Well, Darius is working

on a short film project

and he asked me

to come and see it.

So, do you want

to tag along?

Yes, I would love to.

I just have to grab my purse.

Come on,

I'll show you my office.

Yeah, yeah.


I can't believe you're here.

Uh... Kamara, are you sure

we're in the right place?


Let me grab Darius.



I'm happy you made it.


I missed you, Megan.

Yeah, I've, um--

I've missed you too.

You know, there hasn't

been a second in the day

that you weren't

on my mind.

Can I show you something?


Remember how you said you

wanted something spectacular

to impress your committee

for your thesis presentation?




Yeah, I mean, it's a--

it's a little low-key, but...

Wait, just one minute.

(clearing throat)


It's beautiful.


It's like we're back there.

The more I thought about what

I wanted the attraction to be,

the more I realized...

it needed to feel real.

It does.

Thanks to you.

You're the one that

inspired all of this.

It's perfect.

I love it. Oh!

What happened with your job?

I talked

to my old boss, Jim.

This project

had been in development

long before Amy came around.

I was the one that

originally thought of this.

So, Jim and I,

we ran with it.

And we started our own company

and hired all the employees

that were let go of by Amy.

That's incredible.

I'm really happy for you.

And the best part is

that Chipperfield -

the company that I originally

pitched my concept to -

they bought it,

and they gave us

a contract to create more.

All your hard work

paid off.

I want this company

to become our dream.

What do you mean?

They want more

immersive experiences

from exotic locations

in the wilderness.

I can work anywhere.

I can travel with you

while you do your research.

I can do my designs from

wherever we are in the world.

Are you sure that's

something you would want?

I have never been

more sure about anything.

The time I spent

with you in South Africa

was the happiest

time of my life.

Mine, too.

I was maybe...

just a little miserable

after you left.

I'll go anywhere

and do anything for you, Megan.

I love you

with all my heart.

Please say you'll

take this chance with me

and make this dream

our reality.

You know, no one's

ever been willing to...

make their

dreams fit with mine.

I'll do whatever

it takes to make this work.

I love you, too.

(audio of fireworks whistling,

popping, crowd cheering)

(Megan laughing)

Tim: I told Darius

I didn't want fireworks.

Hey, you can never

go wrong with fireworks.

And this is why

we must make every effort

to save these

incredible creatures.

I'd like to dedicate my thesis

defense today to my mom.


- Hey.

- Hey.



Dr. Henry.

I'm proud of you.

Thank you.

(elephant trumpeting)
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