01x07 - Carnival

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Transformers: Unicron Trilogy". Aired: August 23, 2002 - December 31, 2005.*
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The "Unicron Trilogy" is so-named for the major role that the chaos bringer Unicron plays in each of the three series that comprise it.
1 - Armada
2 - Energon
3 - Cybertron
Post Reply

01x07 - Carnival

Post by bunniefuu »


Hi. My name's Rad,

and I wanna tell you

about the Transformers,

mechanical beings

from another world.

There's the Autobots,

the good guys,

and the Decepticons.

They're all fighting

over a tiny race of robots

called the Mini-Cons

who crash-landed on Earth

thousands of years ago,

and they're scattered

all over the planet.

The Decepticons

wanna collect them and use them

to increase their power.

But the Autobots

will put a stop to that.

♪ Transformers ♪


Okay, move that over here, bud.

All right, swing it further

down there.


Move it up! All right.

( mellow theme playing )

( children

indistinctly speaking )


Hey, what's the problem?

I don't get it.

How come it's just lying there,

sleeping instead of waking up

like the others?

Yeah, you're right, Carlos,

that is weird.

I wonder if there's something

we can do to make it respond?

( beeping )

Yeah? High Wire says

it's in a light sleep,

so the Mini-Con could wake up

any time now.



Still, it's been in a coma

like this for a couple days now.

( beeping )

Hey, I got an idea.

Okay, let's scare it.

That'll wake it up for sure.

So how are you

gonna do that?

Huh, good point.

Wait, I got another idea.

How about we throw a bucket

of water on it?

ALEXIS: Great plan.


While we're at it,

why don't I throw

a bucket of cold of water

on your head too?

Come on, Alexis,

I was just pulling his leg.

Hey, nothing like ice water

for clearing out the cobwebs.

So next time you're woken up

from a comfy sleep

by some ice water

in the face,


who thought of it first.

Now that I've got

your attention,

take my advice and leave

the poor Mini-Con alone.

It'll wake up

when it's good and ready.

( Rad chuckles )

What are you laughing at?

You were all for the idea

a minute ago.

Oh, great.

Now you're gonna turn on me too?

Hey, I've got a plan.

While you're waiting around,

how about putting a broom

to the floor

and doing something

about this mess?

It might end up looking

more like a base

and less like

your ratty bedroom.

This center belongs

to the Autobots.

Maybe a little cleaning up

would be nice.

So get to work.

Come on, Grinder,

let's let them get to it.

( Grinder buzzing )

Have fun cleaning up.

Always the last word.

♪ Transformers ♪

That about does it.

Okay, you two.

How about passing up

the trans accelerator?

Yeah, sure, Red Alert.

Right after you tell us

what it looks like.

Wait, that thing?


Yep, that's the one.

Good guess, Hot Shot.


It's been out of commission

for some time.

Red Alert, any chance

of getting it to work?

I think so.

It won't be up and running

any time in the near future,

but if I keep

tinkering away at it,

it should pay off

in the long run.


It seemed like

the Autobots were battling

the Decepticons

all the time,

but obviously not - .

So when they had

a little downtime,

they helped with fixing

things up around the base.

RAD: Huh?

HOT SHOT: Hey, Rad, Carlos.

You guys mind passing

that part beside you?

Huh? This?


Sure, Hot Shot,

no probs.

( both grunting )

Not even budging.

Well, glad

you said it first.

What's the matter

with you guys?

Can't you take

a little joke?



Way cool.

Smooth, huh? Got it off

an old spaghetti Western

I caught on one of those boxes

you call a television.

Ha, ha. Awesome. A bot that

knows how to do cowboy stunts.

( Optimus clears throat )


I hate to break up

the fun and games, kids,

but would you mind

lending a hand, Hot Shot?



Thanks. Right over here.

You think there's anything

we can do to help the Autobots?


Not likely.

Do you mind explaining

what you're doing, Demolisher?

Move it!

DEMOLISHER: My apologies.

I thought I should bring

this trans accelerator to you.

I had no intention of getting

in your way, Megatron.


Stop blabbering!

You must be the clumsiest oaf

I have ever encountered.

I warn you, Demolisher,

I have no need for subordinates

who get in my way.

( groans )


Clumsy oaf, he says.

( guffawing )


STARSCREAM: Incredible.

He's such a fool,

is he not, Grid?

( Mini-Con beeping )


How embarrassing.

( Demolisher grunting )

( grunting )

( grunting )

You're even more annoying

than I imagined.

How dare you damage our base

at such a crucial time.

Remove yourself from my sight.


Never get in my way again.

Megatron, let me explain. It was

an accident.

He's wasting his time.


Oh... I'm ruined.


What's your opinion, Grinder?

Do you think this data is really

coming from the Mini-Cons?

( Grinder buzzing )

No, huh? Well, I'll keep

trying my luck, then.


I'm bored out of my head.

Hey, Rad. What do say

we get some fresh air, huh?

( beeping )

You mean take Sureshock and

High Wire out in public with us?

Come on. Alexis would have a cow

if we did.


Hey, don't tell me

you're scared of her, dude.

Your problem is you take her

way too seriously

for your own good.

Lighten up!

And think

science carnival, dude.

Aha! With the bots.

What do say,

are you in or what?

Oh, yeah, I'm so with you,



All right!

( High Wire and Sureshock

beeping )




These aren't Mini-Cons

either, huh?

No sense buying

a lottery ticket today.

( Sparkplug beeping )

( beeping )

( upbeat theme playing )

( people speaking indistinctly )


Coming through!

Hey, out of the way, man!


Wait up, would you, Carlos?

RAD ( narrating ):

That day, the Cosmo Scope

Research Center

was having

its annual carnival.

I knew

I was supposed to be there,

but stupid me, I'd completely

forgotten about it.


So, what do you wanna do first?

Well, I don't know.

( High Wire beeping )

Knock it off. Low profile,

I keep telling you.

Yeah, you can't transform

into bot mode out in public.

Whoa! Hey, settle down.

Whoa, are you crazy?


Look, robots!


Robots? Where? Where are they?

( both scream )

( crowd chattering

indistinctly )

Gee, I didn't realize they were

doing robotics development

here at the observatory.


Yeah, but these models

are probably just using

a preprogrammed chip.

Heh. Pretty low-tech junk.

Ah, low-tech. Oh, yeah. right.

Heh, heh.

Well, looks like

we can stop worrying

and have ourselves

a good time.

Hmm. Still, it would've been

a whole lot of fun

to surprise someone

with our buddies, though.

( Mini-Cons beeping )

( both gasp )


Get back here!

( beeping )


Aw, no!

High Wire!


Why did you guys

have to get into the act?

( High Wire beeping )


Get back here, you two!

Oh, man!

Now what are we

supposed to do?

( indistinct chattering

and laughing )

( both sigh )

( bear roars )

( bear roars )

( beeping )

( laughs )

( beeping )

Bet you'd love

one of these babies.

( indistinct chattering )


Look at the robots.

They're adorable.

Oh, wow,

they almost look real.

( giggling )


Look at those clowns.

They're stealing the show.


( Sureshock beeping )

What's that, guys?

You're thinking

about getting into show business

or something?

( beeping )

Maybe you like it

because it's new to you,

but as far as I'm concerned,

the Transformers

are way more interesting.

What's a hot dog without a good,

healthy dose of ketchup?

Huh? Ah, it's them.

Billy? Billy.

Billy, Billy, Billy.

( groans )

What's your problem now,


Aw, let go! Get your grimy hands

off me, would you?

My mom just washed

this shirt. Argh!

Look. Check out the bots

with Rad and Carlos.

Aw. They're probably just

some new models

fresh out of the laboratory.

You know, titillate the kiddies

with some new toys?

Argh. This stinks.

FRED: I doubt it.

Dad would've said something if

they were gonna have bots here.

Spit it out.

What are you trying to get at?

( slurping )

I don't see nothing.

Let's scope it out, Billy.

Sure, whatever.


You know, we'd better get

Sparkplug and the others back

before anyone starts asking

too many questions.


What? Already?

Aw, come on,

we have lots of time.

( Sureshock beeping )

See? You heard Sureshock.

He wants to stay.

Drop it. Come on,

hurry up and transform

back into vehicle mode.

( beeping )

( beeping )

( both gasp )

Did you see what I just saw?

Yeah, I saw it.

I definitely saw it.

I think I definitely saw it.

They must be the mutant aliens

from space

I've had so many dreams


Reality check in aisle one.

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

Come on, don't go.


We were wondering if we could

play with them some more.

I can totally relate with you,

little dudes,

but that's all the time

we have for today.

We gotta get these bots home.

Give me a break. That "I can

relate" stuff doesn't cut it.


Carlos is telling the truth.

We do have to get them back

to the lab

so they can have

a little nap.

( children

indistinctly speaking )

( Sureshock beeping )

Hey, you wanna play

some more, dude?

I told you a million times,

we're going home.


Hello, boys.

I see you got yourself some

pretty decent-looking hardware.

That bike and that skateboard

are robots too, aren't they?

( whimpers )

FRED: We saw them back there.

Saw what? Back where?

Don't give me that.

You know exactly

what we're talking about.

The alien bots

that came from a galaxy

far, far away

to invade our planet.

Fred, you're such a loser.


follow your gut instincts.

Why don't we just fast-forward

to the part

where we capture them.


FRED: Hey! They're getting away!

What do we do?

I'll give you one guess.


To the hot dog stand.

We're going after them.

Come on, you goof.

Well, I tried.

Wait up, Billy!

I need something to eat first,


My blood sugar.

( Fred panting )


Come back here! Carlos! Rad!

What are you screaming

at them for?

Forget about Carlos and Rad.

It's the bots we're after,


Uh, yeah, sure,

I knew that.



( people screaming

and chattering indistinctly )

I gotcha, I gotcha!

You won't destroy

the world on my watch.

Huh? Aah! Unh!

( all gasp )


Hey, where is it going?

What's going on?



( crowd chattering )

( crowd chattering

and screaming )


Uh-oh. You've bungled this one.

Is that an invitation

to point a finger?




Hot Shot!

Man, are we glad to see you.

Do you have any idea

what kind of trouble you're in?

BOTH: Huh?

I know exactly what the two

of you have been up to.

Let's just say

a little birdie told me.



Aw, busted. I thought

we'd gotten away with it.

Yeah, you would think that.

Now get these guys back

to the base on the double, okay?


What, should I click my heels

together three times?

You've got all the ideas,

you do it.


( beeping )

Ha! A bot in the hand's

worth two in the bush.

Don't try anything funny.

Keep your hands off him!

You can't hurt our robot friend,

you get it?


Hey, what's with them?

Leave him alone. He's never

done anything to you guys.

Run along now, kiddies,

and let the big boys

handle this one.

Better get out of the way

while you can,

otherwise something terrible

might happen to you.

Like maybe...this robot

will destroy the Earth.

You've been watching

too much TV.

Besides, everyone knows

the red robots

are always the good guys.

Okay, okay!

So maybe it wasn't

a good example.


Now be good little rug rats

and run along.

Because if you don't--

( boys whimpering )

Heh, heh, heh.



( whimpering )

Billy. Billy.

Billy, Billy, Billy.

You're interrupting

my moment of glory.


Oh, yeah,

thanks for reminding me.

Not him,

the giant metalhead.

Giant metalhead?

Like I'm stupid enough

to fall for that one.

Don't be an idiot,

all right?

( whimpering )


A giant Metalhead!

Excuse me.

Not interrupting anything, am I?

( whimpering )

( screaming )


No, please!

I'm allergic to chromium!

( Billy & Fred whimpering )

I told you

there was a whopper!

Stay away!

Take Fred instead!


It'd break my CPU to lose Jolt.

Friends like him

are hard to come by.

Oh! He's coming for me!

( Jolt beeping )


Hey, what's gotten

into this bot?

( Jolt beeping )


Knock it off!

You're freaking me out, tin can!


( Billy & Fred screaming )

Don't look now,

but I think we have liftoff!

Oh, great!

( Billy & Fred screaming )

( Billy & Fred panting )


Please, please, please!

Put us down!

I'm afraid of heights!

( Billy & Fred

continue screaming )


Jump for the balloon!

On the count of three!


( screaming )

( both gasp )


No! Don't do it!

So how do we get down

from here?

Yo, Hot Shot!

Help them down from there.

I'm on it, but it's gonna

take a few minutes,

since I can't use a*mo

anywhere around here.

( cannon popping )

( grunts )

Heh, heh.

I've found my w*apon.

( chuckling )

HOT SHOT: Hey, kid.

How about letting me use

that thing for a bit?

You mind?

( chuckles )

( whimpers )

( gasping )

( upbeat theme playing )

( whimpering )

Mommy, mommy!

I saw a giant robot,

and he twirled this cannon

around his finger!

Just like on TV,



Yes, dear, that's wonderful.

Now come here

and let me wipe your nose.

( dramatic theme playing )

( tires screeching )



( Billy & Fred screaming )

Jolt! Over here!


My therapist was right.

Seventy dollars an hour

does work out

to mere pennies a day.

Maybe you should be

the idea guy.

That was cool.

No, not just cool.

It was so cool it was hot.

Hey, thanks, kids.

My friend Jolt would like

to thank you all too.

BOY : Wow. Can I touch him?

BOY : How fast can he go?


Come on, show us how it works.

I don't believe this.

RAD: Well, you should.

BOTH: Huh?

But remember,

you can't let anyone know

what happened here today,

and that means anyone.



Because who's to say

what'll happen

if you decide to blab.

Like, say for instance--

Oh, let's just say

you don't wanna mess

with that big guy's




( laughing )

We promise.

We won't tell a soul

about what happened here today.

HOT SHOT: All right, you kids.

BOTH ( in unison ):

At your service!

This Transformer's punching out

for the day.

Stand back, kids.

Don't want anyone to get hurt.

( all gasping )


Remember, all bots

were not created equal.


I know what I saw.

This big yellow robot

transformed into a car,

and this little teeny helicopter

was whirling straight overhead.

Look, I know you think

you saw these robots,

but I'm sure you believe

they were there in front of you,

but maybe this is a good time

to open up a deal

with any underlying issues. Like

maybe stre-- Huh?

Ooh. Huh?


Ye-- Hmm.

Which reminds me, could I get

your therapist's number?

I've been meaning

to deal with

some of these childhood issues

for some time now.


I still can't believe this whole

thing wasn't a dream, Fred.

Well, believe me, it happened.

Take a look.

That was the cannon

the giant one used to save us.


And so, for us at least,

the carnival came

to its unhappy ending.


You get it?

You will never, ever

disobey me again!

And if you do,

you can be sure

I am not coming out

to save your sorry butts!

Oh, and one more thing

I forgot to mention.

You guys better start


Yeah, yeah,

we heard it before.

This is an official base

and not our own hangout.

Then lose the attitude

and get a move on.

What's her problem?

I wish she'd let up

once in a while.

Like I told you,

she's the type of person

who always needs

to get in the last word.

I can't believe how far

the Autobots have gotten

with the repairs.

Boy, those guys

are incredible.

( gasps )


Hey, man, this is freaky.

What'd you do to make it

light up like that, Carlos?

Forget what I did

and check this out.

Hey, what do you

make of this, dude?



( ominous theme playing )

What's happening?

I don't know.

It's the Mini-Con

that's been lying dormant.



Hey, now what's going on?

Now what's going on?


It was definitely

the same Mini-Con

that had been sitting here


But at the same time,

it was hard for us to realize

what had just happened

right before our eyes.

Boy, sometimes I wish

I had a normal life.

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Transformers ♪
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