01x32 - Past (Part 2 of 2)

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Transformers: Unicron Trilogy". Aired: August 23, 2002 - December 31, 2005.*
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The "Unicron Trilogy" is so-named for the major role that the chaos bringer Unicron plays in each of the three series that comprise it.
1 - Armada
2 - Energon
3 - Cybertron
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01x32 - Past (Part 2 of 2)

Post by bunniefuu »


The Decepticons are now

in possession

of the most powerful Mini-Cons

in the galaxy

and are headed back

to Cybertron

intent on achieving total

control of their home planet.

In hot pursuit

are the rest of the Mini-Cons,

the kids and the Autobots,

leaving Earth behind.

The battle of good

versus evil rages on

in space and into the unknown.

♪ Transformers ♪

Sensing that the Decepticons

were about to overwhelm

the Autobot team,

the Mini-Con called Sparkplug,

raised up

the "matrix of leadership"

before his Mini-Con brothers

and summoned

his lost leader back home.

The mysterious power

of the Mini-Cons

was revealed in a spectacular

flash of light

when Optimus Prime was restored

to his original form.


Optimus Prime!

It can't be!

This has gone

far enough, Megatron.

Never, Prime!

Maximum fire!


( bewildered sighing )


The chance of peace among

the Transformers seemed lost,

but with Optimus

in command again,

anything is possible now.

♪ Transformers ♪


So my old friend Optimus Prime

is alive once again.

How interesting.

( chortling )

He's as stubborn as ever

and he refuses to admit defeat.

( laughing )

Has Megatron blown a circuit?

What's he so happy about?

Optimus Prime's alive

again, right?

Yeah, he is.

But I'd rather see

Megatron like this

than screaming his head off

at us, Cyclonus.

Yeah, I guess you have

a point there.

Welcome back, Optimus Prime!

( in unison )

Welcome back, sir!

Thanks, men.

At ease.

This is a real miracle.

It's sure good to see you, sir.

I never thought we'd see you

standing in front of us again.

Are you one of those mirages

I've read about?

Yeah, right, Fred.

I think you need glasses.

Don't worry, Fred,

it's the real me.

The Mini-Con Spark

restored you, Optimus, sir.

That combined with your

strong desire for peace

that was stored in the matrix

brought you back to us.

I believe that has to be it,

after all it was a miracle.

Yes, the Mini-Cons.

Those mysterious lights...

I remember now.

They guided me here.

If those lights

are the Mini-Cons,

they've been following our ship,

and they must be coming

from all over outer space.

I guess they want to return

to Cybertron too.


OPTIMUS: Hot Shot...


Was it your decision to bring

the kids on this voyage?

Yes, sire, it was.

RAD: Optimus...


It's my fault.

I convinced Hot Shot

to let us come to Cybertron.

There's no need

to apologize, Rad.

The Mini-Cons and the Autobots

want you to stay safe.

I would have made

the same decision.

Hey, what's going on?

The Mini-Cons are acting

kinda funny.


You're right.

Something's got them

spooked out there.

( gasping )

What is that?

Everyone inside now!


Move it! Let's go!

( crackling )

Oh, no!

It's got him.

( screaming )

Get outta here, Carlos.

I'm gone!

( crackling )

( grunting )

Oh, no!

Red Alert!

( grunting )


No, Sideswipe!

Bro, come back!

The engines

are maxed out, Optimus.

( loud thudding )


Hot Shot!

You all right?

How are you?

I got kinda banged up,

and it looks like I sustained

some collateral damage.

So, what is this place?

A distant planet, but I don't

know which one it is.

We must have been blasted

to the other side

of the universe when we went

through that worm hole.

Do you think Megatron

is behind this?

I doubt the Decepticons could

pull something like this off.

Let's set up here.

We need to get

a beacon going, stat.

Hopefully, this will

help them find us.

( electronic pulse beeping )

( radar bleeping )

( groaning )


Hey, it's salt!

And this isn't

a tree either.

I think it's a mechanical

device of some kind.

So we got salty earth

and mechanical trees.

Wonder what could live here?

Nothing as far

as I can tell, Hot Shot.

You mean nothing you'd want

to run into, right?


Are you sure this is

the place?

Yes, sir. Thrust said

this was the planet.

He detected the Autobot

transmission coming from here.

Well, I don't see

any Autobots around here!

Never mind, Starscream.

Somehow I feel we'll be crossing

their paths soon enough, men.

( thinking ):

Of course, we will.

That's what Thrust

wants us to do.


This is just like a forest.

It kinda makes me

miss the Earth.


What's wrong?

I thought I saw something.


Hmm. I don't see anything.

I'll go look!

You be careful!

Yeah, yeah, I know.


Who's out there?

Come on and show yourself!


Wow, Optimus?

Get back!

( growling )

Hot Shot!

( growling )

Who are you?

Some kind

of Optimus Prime clone?

Look...over there!


It appears to be the Autobots!

Let's go.

Yes, sir!


Hot Shot, you all right?

Where are you?

( growling )

Look out!


Let's get outta here,

Hot Shot!



That thing can transform?

Look, it's the Autobots!

( Megatron chuckling )

And they're on the run again.

Some things never

seem to change, do they?

Come on.


This could be

some kind of trap.

He might be a fake Optimus,

but he's as strong

as the real one.

What're we gonna do, Red?

I'm not sure.

Just keep moving, Hot Shot!

MEGATRON ( laughing ):

After them!

Run them into the ground!


It's Megatron!

I am Nemesis Prime!

So Megatron is behind this.



Yes, it's so good to see you

again, Optimus Prime.

You've changed.

( growling )

What's this?

Stop... What...

What are you doing?


What is that thing?

Come get me.

I'm ready!


Nemesis Prime will destroy!

( sneering )



...you're nothing

but a big phony!

I'll take you on!

Hot Shot!

I'll blast him!

I'll give you

a personal demonstration

of the Requiem Blaster!

Good riddance!

No! Don't!



( growling )

( bleeping stops )

Oh, no!

I've lost Red Alert's signal!


Are you sure?

( gasping ):

Red Alert?

♪ Transformers ♪

Can't you go

any faster, Blurr?

I'll fry the engines

if I do!

So what?

It's the Mini-Cons!

Blurr, follow them!

Yes, sir!

( grumbling )

( hissing )


( laughing )

That was a good shot.

With the Requiem Blaster,

I never miss a target.

Especially the ones

that look like Autobots!

( groaning )

Come on...get up, Hot Shot.

( groaning )

Hot Shot.

I hear ya, Red Alert,

but I... I don't think

I can't move my legs.

( laughing ):

I know it's not much

of a challenge,

but I'll blast them anyway.

STARSCREAM: Wait, Megatron!

Why don't we take them

both hostage?


We can use them to lure

the Autobots to the planet.

Look at these two, they're in

no condition to put up a fight.


Yes, you're right!

But they could prove to be more

trouble than they're worth.

Ah...still, we might be able

to use them as decoys

when we make

our way back to Cybertron.

Oh, Demolishor,

take them back to ship!


Yes, sir.

On your feet now!

Hey, I told you

to get up!

Why...you lousy...

No, Hot Shot,

don't do it!

( panting ):

I'll...get you!


You know what you are,


You're a no-good,

low-down deserter!

I'm a Decepticon.


What's happening here?

( hissing )


What is this Nemesis Prime?


Let me go!

Get off of him

right now!


Hey, Red Alert,

I think we've been spotted.

( sneering )


This fighting must end.

The Mini-Cons?


I look like Thunder cr*cker.

The Mini-Cons reformatted

and fused our armor

to save us all.

Oh, no.

It's the Autobot ship.

I've got Red Alert's

signal again!

Hoist, can you launch

both myself and Overload?

I can do that, sir!

All right, I'm going in.

Take the helm until I return.

You got it.

As Galvatron,

I have even more power.




It's really him!

Not for long!

Hold on, Megatron!



It's coming!

( ground rumbling )

( ferocious roaring )

Optimus, super-mode!


Overload, powerlink!

Let's do it!

Overload, fire!

Megatron, Blast him

with the Requiem Blaster!

Galvatron to you.

( laughing )

Take that.

Look...it's melting!


A hologram of Sideways?

The planet's breaking up!

Evacuate Optimus

and the others on the double!


let's get outta here!

Yes, as soon

as I finish them off!

Megatron, no!

( screaming )

The warp engine's been hit.

( laughing ):

Isn't that too bad?

Looks like they won't be

going to Cybertron now!

But we will be.

Oh, they're getting away!

Hot Shot,

get to the ship now!

Welcome back, Megatron,

I trust your mission

was a success?

Just call me Galvatron.

I need you to warp us

out of here, right away.

There's no time to waste.

Set a course for our final

destination immediately.

Now, we will

conquer Cybertron.

Yes, Galvatron!

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Transformers ♪
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