20x03 - Henry Gets the Express

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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20x03 - Henry Gets the Express

Post by bunniefuu »

[bouncy music]

♪ ♪


♪ They're two, they're four ♪

♪ They're six, they're eight ♪

♪ Shunting trucks

and hauling freight ♪

♪ Red and green

and brown and blue ♪

♪ They're the really

useful crew ♪

♪ All with different roles

to play ♪

♪ Round Tidmouth Sheds

or far away ♪

♪ Down the hills

and round the bends ♪

♪ Thomas and his friends ♪


[horn toots]

[playful music]

male narrator:

Toby's new friend.

One morning Sir Topham Hatt's

new diesel boxcab,


was shunting cars

in the yard...

[horn blows]

When he saw another engine

a little like him.

- Hello?

Another boxcab?

I thought I was

the only boxcab on Sodor.


- It was Toby.

[horn toots]

- Hello?

Hello, little boxcab!



[horn toots]



you won't believe

what I just saw!

Guess! Guess!

Another engine

shaped just like me.

- Oh.


That must have been Toby!

- Toby?

[gasps] Toby!

That is a perfect name

for a small engine.

Toby and I are

gonna be best friends, Thomas.

Oh, I just know it!

We are so alike!


- The next day,

Philip saw Toby again.

- Oh! Oh! There he is.


[horn toots]

Hello, Toby.

- Oh, hello.

- My name's Philip.

Do you like racing?

I love racing.

Did you hear about

the race I had with Gordon?

Yes, well, I won.

Oh, yes, I'm very fast.

My name's Philip.

Ph-lip. Like Philip.

We could have a race

if you like.

- A race?

- Oh, you're pulling a coach.

I didn't even notice.

Hello, coach.

- I do have a name.

I'm Henrietta.

And it's very nice

to meet you, Philip,

but I really don't think

Toby wants to have a race.

- He doesn't?

You don't?

Oh, but I can let you win.

I don't always have to win.

We can take turns.

We can be friends.

- Everybody's onboard, Toby.

We can go now.

[whistle blows]

[bell dings]

- Sorry, Philip.

I have to go

up to the quarry now.

Maybe another time.

- Bye, Philip.

Nice to meet you.

- Aw.

[train engine chugging]

[birds chirping]

[gentle music]


- I really didn't know

what to make of that Philip.

He's a very funny little engine.

- He looked

a bit like you, Toby.

Small and boxy.

- He doesn't

look like me at all!

He's green and yellow

for a start.

And he never stops talking.

- [laughs]

Oh, Toby.

- Knapford is noisy

and busy enough

without an engine like that.

In any case,

I prefer the peace and quiet

of the countryside.

- Toby!

[horn toots]


Wait for me!

- Ugh!

It can't be!

- It can.

- Hey, Toby, look!

These cars have to go

to the quarry, too.

So we can have a race now.

Come on!

[horn toots]


What's wrong?

Why aren't you racing?

- Toby's a bit too old

for racing.

- Too old?!

I'm not too old!

I just don't think

my passengers

would like it very much

if I had a race.

- A race?

- Go on, Toby.

Have a race

[train engine chugging]

[all chanting]

Race! Race! Race!

- Oh, dear.

[intense music]

[bell dings]

[exciting music]

- [laughs]




- And then there was trouble.

[upbeat music]

- [gasps]

It's Thomas!

Philip, look out!

[brakes screeching]

- Uh-oh!

[brakes screeching]

[intense music]


[steam hissing]

- Phew.

- Oh, they're all right, Toby.

They've stopped just in time.

- Oh, dear.

[bell dings]

- Toby and Henrietta dropped

off the quarry workers

at the quarry and turned around

to come back.

- [sighs]

I'm not really cut out

for this racing game,


but that doesn't mean

I'm too old.

- No.

No, of course you're not.

[plucky music]


- Hello, Toby.

That was a good race

back there, wasn't it?

And, see?

Didn't I say I'd let you win?

- I have to go back now,


- No! Oh, wait for me.

I'll just dump these cars

and turn around.

We can go back together.

[train engine chugging]

[bell dings]

[somber music]


- Later,

Thomas found Philip

back in the yard,

looking sad.

[horn toots]

[train engine chugging]


- Are you all right,


- I don't think

Toby likes me, Thomas.

And he's the only other

diesel boxcab I know.

- Toby's not a diesel.


He's a steam tram.

He runs on coal and water

like me.

- A steam tram?

But I thought

steamies liked racing.

- Well, I love racing, Philip...

[horn toots]

But not all engines

like the same things.

[slow plucky music]

♪ ♪

- The next day,

Philip worked in the yard...


And took flatbeds

to the Docks...


But he didn't see Toby

until late in the afternoon

when he found

the little steam tram

filling up with water.

- Hello, Philip.

- Hello, Toby.

I thought we were

going to be friends.

- Oh, Philip,

we can be friends.

- But you don't like racing.

[horn toots]

- No, I prefer

peace and quiet.

- Peace and quiet?

What do you mean?

- I mean trundling slowly

through the countryside

enjoying the fresh air

and the calm.

- Oh, I might like that too.

I just never tried it.

Maybe we can be friends.

- [chuckles]

Of course we can, Philip.

[bell dings]

We don't have to like

the same things to be friends.

- That's right.

That's what Thomas said too!


My turn.

[horn toots]

- Um, that's water,


I think you need diesel.

- Oh, yeah,

I need diesel.

Not water and coal like you.


Thanks, Toby!

[gentle upbeat music]

- Philip and Toby

are friends now

and they always say hello

when they see each other.

[horn toots]

[bell dings]

Even though

Toby doesn't like racing,

there are some things

that both engines do like

such as the peace and quiet

of the countryside.


[horn toots]

- Toby!

Toby! Hello!

[bell dings]


- Hello, Philip.

- I'm enjoying

the peace and quiet, Toby.

Just like you!

Well, see you later, Toby!

Bye! Bye!


[horn toots]

- Although sometimes

Philip enjoyed

the peace and quiet

a little too loudly.

[bouncy music]

♪ ♪

[children singing]

[horn toots]

[whistle blows]


[horn toots]
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