04x10 - Arms And The Man

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Heartbeat". Aired: 10 April 1992 – 12 September 2010.*
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British police procedural period drama series, based upon the "Constable" series of novels set within the North Riding of Yorkshire during the 1960s.
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04x10 - Arms And The Man

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why do you miss when
my baby kisses me?

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why does a love kiss
stay in my memory? ♪


Afternoon, Claude.

Hey! I said afternoon, Claude.

I heard you the first time.

What are you up to?

It's me arthritis.

Oh, yeah?

Yeah. When I've been walking
I have to support my back.

Well, you're alright.
That new gamekeeper's gone now.

You're clever enough
to confuse yourself.

Aren't you getting a
bit old for all this?

I'm getting a bit
old for anything.


Coming, Mr. Cooper.

r*fle inspection.

Have you cleaned it this morning?

Yes, sir.


- I had to go into town a bit...
- You know the rules, Morris.

You stick by them or
you get off my farm!

Yes, Mr. Cooper.

Have you moved the sheep
out of the home meadow?

Yes, sir.

You mended the
hole in the fence?

Yes, sir.

Good. Cause the next time there's
an accident on the range,

it's coming out of your wages.

They'll not getting out again, sir.


Well, let's get on with it.

On the double!

What signs have you
had so far, Mrs. Swinton?

I'm late, and I'm getting
sick in t'mornings.

- How late are you?
- About a fortnight now.

- Well, that's not exactly...
- I know the signs, Doctor,

and I just know.

How many children have you got?


I don't know what
we're going to do.

Well, the first thing is to find
out whether you are or not.

I can't go to hospital.
I don't want me husband to know yet.

He doesn't have to.

There's this new test
you can do at home.

You take one of these today
and another tomorrow.

If you're not pregnant, your period
should start almost immediately.

If it doesn't, I'll have
to do the routine tests.

I see.

I'll call in the day after tomorrow
and see what's happened, alright?




Aidensfield Police.

No, I'm afraid the doctor's
not here at the moment.

Oh, right.

Well I can get there straightaway.

Yeah, I'll call her. Bye.

Mr. Staveley,
Dr. Rowan will see you now.


Doctor's surgery.

Christine, it's Nick Rowan.
Is Kate there, please?

"I'm afraid Dr. Rowan's
in with a patient."

Yeah, it is an emergency.

In that case, I'll pass
you to Dr. Radcliffe.

It's Constable Rowan.


"James, sorry to bother you."

Um, can you come
up to Askrigg Farm?

There's been a sh**ting accident.

Now then, young Swinton.

Put that rabbit down!
It's not yours.

It's not yours neither.

It is when it's in that snare.

Then, that's poaching.
And it's against the law.

You cheeky little devil.
Alright, go on.

Take it down to your mother. Tell her
it's a present from Claude Greengrass.

Thanks, Mr. Greengrass.

Eh, eh, eh!
What have you got there?

It's ours.

Oh ah, like the rabbit?
Where d'you find it?

It's our secret.

Where were you when it
happened, Mr. Morris?

I was just coming out of my
cottage and I heard a bang.

Where's the g*n?

It's round the side. I'll show you.

What was he sh**ting?

Could have been crows, or
targets, or anything, really.

Sometimes, he just
sh**t for the fun of it.

Here it is.

That's a Lee Enfield .

Bit of a mess, innit?

It's an army r*fle.

He's had it for years.

Where did he get it?

I couldn't say.


Excuse me.

Some concussion, superficial burns.
Could have been a lot worse.

Well, how soon will I
be able to talk to him?

Well, they'll keep him
in overnight, at least.

What do you need to know?

Well, mainly what
he's doing with this.

I see.

Well I want them to have a
closer look at him in hospital

but there should be no problem
in seeing him tomorrow.

I'd best be off.


...is Kate staying in
Whitby again tonight?


But ah... I think so.

It's her turn to do the rounds at
the old folks' home tomorrow.

Were you expecting to see her?

No, not especially.

I only seem to see her
at weekends nowadays.

Um. Well, she's taken a
lot on at the moment.

Even I have trouble
keeping up with her.


Off for a weekend
sh**ting, are we?

Nah, not with this.

Look. A round exploded
in the breech.

Oh, that's nasty. Anyone hurt?

Ron Cooper.
I don't think it's too serious.

What shall I do with it?

Why, it looks like wartime stock.
There's a lot that turns up.

Division saves it until they got a
boatload and they dump it all at sea.

Oh, where did you
get this from, Rowan?

Ron Cooper, Askrigg Farm.

Mmm. Does he have
a certificate for this?

Well, I'll check, sarge.
But the name doesn't ring a bell.

Right. Then charge him.

There's too many people think their
old wartime souvenirs don't count.

Do you fancy a game of
darts on the way home?

The missus is over with her sister.

While the cat's away, eh?

You can talk.

All right. You're on.

Here we go. Stand back.

See, I told you it would work.

Hi, Mum.

"She's pregnant again?"

She thinks she is.

Do you think she can cope?

Well she has up till now.

Think it's one of those families
where the children grow up quickly.

They all seemed to do their bit.

Why hasn't she gone on the pill?

I've tried talking to her about it.

Maybe you'd have more
chance of convincing her.

With eight children, you'd think
she'd be easily persuaded.

In more ways than one.

Right. What next?

Look, I can sort this lot out.

Why don't you go
back to Aidensfield?

Seems ages since you
were there midweek.

Take tomorrow morning off.

What about surgery
and the old folks?

I can cope.

Go on. Give Nick a surprise.

Thank you.

But I don't want you to think
I'm not pulling my weight.

I won't.

See you.

Give us a Scotch. Where's George?

Golfing again.

Golfing? It's all right for some.

That new gamekeeper's
been in looking for you.

Ah, what did you tell him?

That you'd gone to
Scarborough with ???.

Good girl. I'll bring you some
rock next time I don't go.

You on the run again, eh Claude?

I'm surprised to see you out.

I thought your gaffer had got
you confined to barracks.

Get off, don't spoil a good evening.

He's away for t'night.

What have you been doing to His
Lordship's new gamekeeper then?

Nothing! He's just assumes
the worst, doesn't he?

He's even threatened to sh**t Alfred.

Said he saw him on the estate.

And did he?

I don't know.
You better ask the dog.





Ashfordly Police.

Hello, Phil. Is Nick there?

No, he's just left.
Do you want me to call after him?

No, don't worry. I'll see him
when he gets home. Bye.

So, it's turning out more
than you expected, then?

What's that?

This Whitby lark.

You're getting to spend a lot more
evenings by yourself then.

Yeah, well, Kate's been busy.
That's the way it goes.

My missus never worked.

There were times I wish she had.

She wouldn't have time
to make your sandwiches.


You want to watch it though.

You know what happened to Oscar.

Oh, leave off, Al.

We're not exactly
on a divorce course.

We're just not seeing much
of each other at the moment.

Come on, son. In you go.
Come on, good boy.

Leave it! Leave it, son. Leave it.

Leave it. It's poisoned.
Come on, son. Come on.


♪ I am the little red rooster.

♪ Too lazy to crow for days.

♪ I am the little red rooster.

♪ Too lazy to crow for days. ♪


♪ Keep everything in the farmyard...

♪ ...upset in every way. ♪


You asleep?

Yes, I am.

Go away. You smell like a brewery.

What do you make of that?

Have you seen that Nick Rowan?

No. Why?

Why? Have you seen that?
That's rat poison.

It's that flaming gamekeeper Price.
He only tried to poison Alfred.

I'll have his guts for garters.

I'll have your gut for garters if you
don't get it off the counter, Claude!

What are you going
to do then, Claude?

Summat he won't forget.

I didn't know you're
coming home last night.

Where were you?
I phoned Ashfordly and the pub.

I went to Alf's local
for a game of darts.


I didn't know you
were coming home.

You haven't been home
midweek for ages.

I come all the way over here with
wine and dinner to find nobody here.

You could have rung.

I wanted to surprise you.

Well, I'm sorry, but I didn't know.

Want some breakfast?

No, thanks. I don't feel too good.

You got a hangover?

Nick, I had one glass of wine.

Whatever else this
life is doing to us,

it's not turning me
into a roaring drunk.

Unlike some.

I was playing darts.

It beats sitting round
here on your own.

I'd better go.

You can have last night's dinner
tonight if it's not ruined.

Hello, Mr. Cooper.

How are you feeling?

Better than yesterday.

I expect you know why I'm here.

I've an idea.

Do you have a certificate for
that r*fle, Mr. Cooper?


Where did you get it from?

Oh, it's been around for ages.

I brought it back
with me after the w*r.

What about the amm*nit*on?

The same.

I was just trying it out
for a bit of excitement.

You do realize I'm going
to have to charge you

with illegal possession
of a firearm.

There was no harm
in it, constable.

After all, I was the only
one that got hurt.

It's an uncertificated r*fle,
Mr. Cooper, wherever it came from.

Have you got anything
else like that?


Any more amm*nit*on?


All right! All right!

What you trying to do,
wake the dead up?

Oh, it's you.

What the hell do you want?

I've got something you
might be interested in.

Really? I very much doubt it.

For the right price, mind.

Look, I've got a bad night.

What are you going on about?

Harry Price, and the
answer to your prayers.

What are you doin' with that?

D'you want 'em?

Oh, how many have you got?

A few. Do you want 'em?

Where d'you get 'em from?

Ask no questions.

You'd better come in.
Shut the door.

All right?


A nice morning off, Dr. Rowan?

Yes, thanks.

It's good to get
home once in a while.


Being at home,
it makes a nice change.




♪ Hey, Joe...

♪ ...where are you going
with that g*n in your hand?

Anybody home?

♪ Hey, Joe...

♪ ...I said, where are you going
with that g*n in your hand?

♪ I'm going down to
sh**t my old lady.

♪ You know, I caught her messing
round with another man.

♪ I'm going down to
sh**t my old lady.

♪ You know, I caught her messing
round with another man.

♪ Hey, Joe...

♪ I heard you shot
your woman down

♪ Shot her down, down.

♪ Hey, Joe...

♪ ...I heard you shot
your lady down.

♪ Shot her down to the ground.

♪ Yes, I did. I shot her.

♪ You know, I caught her messing
round, messing round town.

♪ Yes, I did. I shot her.

♪ You know, I caught my old
lady messing round town.

♪ And I gave her the g*n.

♪ I shot her.

♪ All right!
sh**t her one more time for me. ♪

No, no, no, it's better than that.

Look, all I need is your
truck and some crates.

Of course you'll get paid.

Meet me tonight at Fawley Ponds.

About ten o'clock.

I believe His Lordship
has just restocked.

(LAUGHS) Ta-ta.


I never knew this place was here.

Well, it's no secret.

There were men worked
here before the w*r.


Hasn't been touched since the ' s.

Mr. Cooper keeps talking
about starting it up again,

but I can't see it myself.

What's in the hut?

Search me.

A few tools. I dunno.
Mr. Cooper's got the key.

What about his house?
Can you let me in there?

Into Mr. Cooper's house?

I couldn't do that,
he'd have me shot!

Why? What's he got to hide?


He's just a bit keen on
his privacy, is Mr. Cooper.

Well, in that case,
I may have to get a search warrant.

What for?

Cause someone's hiding
something from me,

and I won't know
what it is until I find it.

(Over 'ere.)

(I'm over 'ere.)

For crying out loud.


I'm over 'ere.


- He's here.
- Good.

I hope he knows how
to keep his mouth shut.

Of course he does.

Good. Because we are going to
have every fish out of that lake.

Are you sure this is
gonna work, Claude?


What are you doing here?

You and I need to talk.

I've just tried to phone you.

Come upstairs.

Where's James?

In his sitting room probably.

We can talk in my surgery,
we won't be disturbed.

What did I tell you?

Give me the dog.

I'll get down the other end and
lob a couple in down there.

You get the boat and
start picking 'em out.

Hey but don't get in
till you hear the bangs,

otherwise we should
finish up filleting you.

Look, I'm sorry.

Last night wasn't your fault,
I should've rung you earlier in the day.

I wouldn't have been in.

That's true.

What's happening between us?

I don't know.

We just don't seem to be on
the same wavelength any more.

Well, it's you that's changed.

What started out as a part-time
partnership with you and James

has suddenly become
a full-time commitment.

You agreed to the partnership.

Yeah I know I did.

But at the time, I didn't
know it was going to be

more important than our marriage.

So what are you saying?
You want me to give it up?

No, I'm not asking you to do that.

What, then?

Well, you could try and
compromise a bit, Kate.

Don't you care what
happens with us?

Of course I do.

Well, it's not just up
to me, you know.

I have to stay at the Police
House as part of my job.

And this is my job, here.

Alright, I didn't realise the job
was going to be as big as it is.

But it's exciting.

I feel involved and James
treats me as an equal.

And I don't?

Don't be silly.
I didn't mean it like that.

Look, maybe we both need
some time on our own.

What for?

To think things through.

Well you can do all the
thinking you want, Kate.

Cos as far as I'm concerned,
nothing has changed.

Yes, Your Lordship.

It's not often His Lordship calls.
What's up?

I reckon we're about to find out.

Has anybody heard from
Rowan this morning?

No, Sarge.

Then get him on the phone, now!

I don't know what he does
at night in Aidensfield,

but if he's incapable of preventing
wholesale removal of private property

then he's no use to the
North Riding Constabulary.

Ah, good morning, Nick.
Sgt Blaketon...

Where were you last night, Rowan?

While you were otherwise engaged,

somebody cleaned out Lord
Ashfordly's entire stock of trout!

Now, get up to Fawley Ponds, see
the keeper, and then report to me.


Carry on.

See? It works! Now you
go and tell the others.

We'll charge 'em a
shilling to watch!

Here, I found some more.

What have you got there?

This one's all wet, and it smells.

That's evil, Billy. Put it back.

Argh! And it stings!

Come on, let's go home.

- Kate?
- Hello.

I uh, hope you don't
mind me mentioning it

but I heard you being
sick this morning.

I wonder if everything
was all right?

Not really.

What's the problem?

I'm pregnant.


And I gather you're
not entirely pleased?


Have you told Nick?

That's the problem.

Nick is?

Well, we're going through a bit
of a bad patch at the moment.

Neither of us wants to compromise.

It just seems easier to ignore it.

Well, don't you think it would
be better to talk to him and...

...tell him how you feel.

I have to work out how I feel first.

It's the wrong time professionally

and I'm just wondering if it's
the wrong time for us as well.

Five hundred.

There must have been
at least five hundred.

What's left?

Oh, it's hard to tell.
Probably no more than a dozen.

How could they take
so many in one night?

Must have had transport.

They must have had dynamite.


It's an army trick.
We did it during the w*r in India.

If you can't be bothered to
take a rod and line fishing,

you just chop a grenade in.

All the fish float to the surface
and you take your pick.

It's only a month since
His Lordship restocked.

How's he taking it?

You'd best ask your
sergeant that one, lad.

Cause he were on the carpet
first thing this morning.

I think he might
be looking for you.

Yeah, he found me.

- Hello, Mrs. Swinton.
- Hiya.

You look a lot happier
than you did the other day.

I am that, doctor. I've a load
off my mind, you could say.

Come on in. T'kettle's just boiled.

I take it everything's
back to normal?

Ya, I started yesterday afternoon.

And that means I'm definitely
not pregnant, right?

Yes. When did you
take the second pill?

Yesterday morning like you said.

Then in the afternoon I knew for sure.
Marvellous, isn't it?

I suppose it is good news.

And so quickly, too.

Now the next thing
is to make sure that

you don't have any
more scares like that.

- No more mistakes.
- Mum!

In here, Sandy.

Billy's hurt himself.

How have you done that?

Let me see.
That needs cold water on it.

What've you touched?

I don't know. It just happened.

What is it, Doctor?

It looks like a chemical burn.

Where have you been?

Nowhere. We've not
been off the farm.

I'm gonna have to take Billy
to hospital. Can you come too?

Aye. You watch the others, Sandy.

Do neither of you know
what caused this?



Come in.

You wanted to see me, Sarge?

Well, that depends, Rowan, on whether
or not you have some encouraging news.

Do you know how stupid
this makes us look?

I mean, we're used to the local wildlife
suffering the odd bit of poaching,

but this is coming very close
to full-scale extermination.

Lord Ashfordly's words on the
matter don't bear repetition.

It looks like they
used dynamite, sarge.


That's a bit out of Greengrass's
league, isn't it?

Have you seen any other suspicious
characters hanging around here lately?


Rowan, I want this
cleared up immediately

before Lord Ashfordly gets on
the phone to our superiors.

What else have you
got on at the moment?

Well I need to get a search warrant
for Cooper's farm, sarge.

On what grounds?

Well I think he may have some
illegal amm*nit*on out there.

Well, stop messing
about with Cooper's relics.

This is far more important.

I'll come up to the
scene of the crime.

That way, we can show Lord
Ashfordly that this matter

is receiving our fullest attention.

It looks like more than
an acid burn to me.

Are you sure you haven't touched
anything around the farm, Billy?


You must tell the doctor,
Billy, it's important.

I ain't done nothing!

What about your Dad's shed?
Have you been in there?


Can I have a word, Mrs. Swinton?

Billy's not in any immediate danger.

But I need to find out
what chemical caused this.

Could you phone your
husband and ask him

what the kids could have
got hold of on the farm?

- Righto, Doctor.
- Thanks.

Yeah, it looks like they
used this boat, sarge.


So, if they got into that,
they must have been standing...

...just about...


Hang on.


...what do you make of this?

What's that, Sarge?

It's a grenade pin.

I was in India during the w*r

and using these was a
common enough short cut.

I think I should get
that search warrant.

Well, you're not suggesting Cooper's
responsible for this, are you?

I thought he was still in hospital.

Well he is, but two military
incidents in two days

has got to be grounds
for a search, sarge.

Well, that's a fair point.

You best get onto the
magistrate, straightaway.

Mrs. Swinton...

...one of the surgeon had
a look at Billy's arm.

How bad is it?

It'll heal in time, but we still
need to find out what caused it.

Have you got through
to your husband yet?


You see, we think it might
have been phosphorus

leaking from expl*sives.

We've nothing like
that on the farm.

I think you need to take
a good look around.

Sorry Mrs. Swinton,
we haven't seen him today.

I will tell him if he
comes in though.

I hope your Billy gets better.

Will you marry me?

What have you done,
robbed a bank?

Summat like that. Where's George?

I'll give you three guesses.

When he gets back,
tell him I've cleared me slate.

Wonders will never cease.

Ah, how much is it?

Let me see.

Twelve pounds, three and six.

Tell him I've cleared half of it.

Hey, have you seen Swinton?

No. Why?

One of his kids in hospital.
Been burned by some expl*sives.

Which one?

One of the older boys, Billy.

So, that's what it was.




♪ So tired.

♪ Tired of waiting.

♪ Tired of waiting for you.

♪ So tired.

♪ Tired of waiting.

♪ Tired of waiting for you.

♪ I was a lonely soul.

♪ I had nobody till I met you.

♪ But you keep me
waiting all of the time.

♪ What can I do?

♪ It's your life.

♪ And you can do what you want.

♪ Do what you like.

♪ But please don't keep me waiting.

♪ Please don't keep me waiting.

♪ Cos I'm so tired.

♪ Tired of waiting.

♪ Tired of waiting for you.

♪ For you.

♪ For you. ♪

This looks official.

It is, Mr. Cooper.

You told me yesterday you didn't
have any more amm*nit*on.


Or any other illegal weapons?


Well, we've reason to
believe that's not quite true.

In fact, I've got a warrant
here to search your property.

Is there anything else
you'd like to add?

I have nothing to say.


♪ You jump right in front of my car
when you know all the time...

♪ ... miles an hour, girl,
is the speed I drive.

♪ You tell me it's all right,
you don't mind a little pain.

♪ You say you just want me
to take you for a drive.

♪ Crosstown traffic.

♪ It's so hard to get
through to you.

♪ Crosstown traffic.

♪ I don't need to
run over you. ♪

And where have you been, Rowan?

Ashfordly Hospital, Sarge.

Well, I've just been
talking to your wife.

It's a pity you two can't exchange
a few words every now and again.

She'd just come
from the hospital too.

What's happened?

Dr. Rowan came in to report

she's treating some kid who's
been handling expl*sives!

So would you kindly tell me what
exactly is going on in Aidensfield?

Ventress, wartime amm*nit*on dumps?

Where do we look around Aidensfield?

Er, I don't know, Sarge.

Well, think, man.

There was a lot of commando
training up on the moors.

Where were they based?

Uh, they moved around a lot.

That was the general
idea, wasn't it?

What about r*fle ranges?

Well, that lot, they just set them
up wherever they fancied.

What about the Home Guard?

Well, they'd have left
the stuff anywhere.

Well, I'll get down to the MOD,
they must have some records.

I reckon Cooper's
farm involved, Sarge.

Right. Well, take Bellamy,
see what you can find.

Right. Thanks.

Well they've got no records of
wartime amm*nit*on dumps.

So it could be anywhere.

What about Catterick?

Oh, the same.

But they're offering a team of
sappers to clear up when we find it.

So long as the stuff's still there.

Oh, no. This is all we need.

What do you want, Greengrass?

Well, I don't know why I'm bothering
but I've come to do you a favour.

That'll be the day.

Ah, well, this is it.

Because while you're
wasting time insulting me,

there's a load of old army amm*nit*on
floating around in the area.

Tell me something I don't know.

I'm going to.
Some kids have found it.

- Who?
- The Swinton lads.

So, they've got some, have they?

No, that's why I've come to tell you.
I've seen 'em with it!

Right Greengrass, tell
me everything you know,

including any information you
may have... about grenades.

I dunno owt about grenades.

Let's keep an open mind
on that subject, shall we?

Billy, anything you tell
me is just for me.

I won't tell your mum or dad.

Now, I know you found
something you shouldn't have

and you're hurt because of it.

And I want to make sure that the same
thing doesn't happen to anyone else.

They're in the quarry.

What are?

The expl*sives.

Sandy and the others are going
to blow 'em up this afternoon.


Well, according to Dr. Rowan
the stuff's in Askrigg quarry

and the kids are planning some
sort of expl*si*n this afternoon.


Mr. Cooper, come on, open the door.
We know you're in there.

Mr. Cooper, we have
a search warrant.

Open the door or we'll break it in.

Go on.

RADIO: "Delta Alpha, Two, Two."

"Delta Alpha, Two, Two.
Rowan, give me your position."

Well, he's not replying.

Right Greengrass, show
me where this quarry is.

Ventress, you can drive.

May I remind you this is my house.

Yeah, I know, Mr. Cooper
and I've got a warrant to search it.

I should never have
let you past the gate,

you and all those like you.

What do you mean?

There'll come a time when
we're needed, people like me.

Strong, determined, ready
to stand up for what's right.

You wouldn't care if the
communists took over.

I don't think that's imminent.

Then you're a fool.

What about Cuba?

Right now, I'm more worried about
what's happening round my yard.

Nick, you'd better
take a look at this.

There's nothing to
worry about there.

Really? What about the grenades?

They're not fused.

Here, let me show you.

No, no. It's all right, thank you.

Keep an eye on him, Phil.

Alright. Got your money ready?

Tommy, you collect.

I don't believe you're gonna do it!

- Yeah.
- REST: Yeah!

I am, too.

You're going to take
our money and scarper.

I knew you'd say that, Mickey Randall,
so I've got two explosions.

- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.

This one's just for starters.

Then you brassed up for the biggest
lot of fireworks you'll ever see.

What do you know about
Cooper's collection?


Now, come on.

Well, I know it's there.

Do you know where it came from?

Oh, aye. Well, I found some of it.

You found it?

Yeah. Boxes of gear.

Well, I reckoned we should hand
it in, but Mr. Cooper thought not.

And he's the boss.

And where does he keep
these "boxes of gear"?

In the hut up at the old quarry.

Someone's up there.

Get on the radio, Phil!

Stay there!

Come on, everybody! Help me!

Right, you lot, get out of here.
Ventress, come on.

Now, which one's Sandy?

Over there.

Come here, you!

There's another one over there!

Right, get back.
There's more stuff that could go up.

Sarge, that's nothing
to what's in the hut.

Get down.
Go on, get down as fast as you can.

- Come on.
- Don't worry about the copper.

Go on, get down.

It's like being back
in the army, ain't it?

Did you ever get as far
as India, Greengrass?

I know what you're insinuating,
and the answer is no.


...we'd better move further
back before that hut goes up.

Are you okay?

Yeah. What are you doing here?

Billy told me about the expl*sives.

Look, do us a favour.

Help Alf get these lot
back down the village.

There's another lot's
gonna go up any minute.

All right.


If memory serves, this is where we
find a big rock and hide behind it.

I think it's time I
met your Mr. Cooper.

That's the lot, Sarge.


The sooner some people stop
fighting the last w*r, the better.

I was saving it for the next one.

Well I hope you weren't
going to be on my side.

Are you sure that's
the lot, Mr. Cooper?

Rowan, outside. I'd like a word.


Who else had access
to this stuff, Rowan?


Well, he doesn't seem like the Ned
Kelly of the North Riding to me.

Oh, what if he just
passed it on, Sarge?

Do what?

Not that we can prove
anything, of course.

Oh, that doesn't help me with
His Lordship though, does it?

Well, it might...

...if he asked his new gamekeeper
to be a little less... officious.

Is there something you know
that I don't, Rowan?

Just something I heard
in the pub, Sarge.



I've just put the kettle on.


Kids, eh?

How are they?

Nothing serious.

Sandy Swinton made five
bob out of the afternoon.

Resourceful little beggars,
aren't they?

Some of them.

Can you stay?

For tea.

I've got to get back
for evening surgery.

You alright?
You look a little bit off colour.




I'm fine.
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