04x13 - as*ault And Battery

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Heartbeat". Aired: 10 April 1992 – 12 September 2010.*
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British police procedural period drama series, based upon the "Constable" series of novels set within the North Riding of Yorkshire during the 1960s.
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04x13 - as*ault And Battery

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why do you miss when
my baby kisses me?

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why does a love kiss
stay in my memory? ♪


Oi! Put the light back on on!

Not unless you promise to stop.

Do you know what the time is?

I thought you wanted
this finished now.

Yeah, but it's one o'clock
in the morning.

And it's finished now.

Oh, yeah.

Make us a cup of tea, will you?


Get a load of that!

It's on me van an' all.

Take some shifting, eh?

The boss can't know
yet else where is he?

Come on.

I can't help the way
that I feel, Mervyn.

- I was worried!
- Okay, okay.

And you crept in like a burglar.

Look, the house was all dark.
I didn't want to disturb you.

I wasn't asleep.

I never sleep when you're out late.

You should have got up then.

Why didn't you phoned
and say you were held up.

Or would that have meant letting
her know you were a married man?

- Letting who know?
- Whoever.

I've had enough, Mervyn.
It's got to stop.


Mr. Sykes?

What on earth does he want?

Have you seen outside, boss?

Don't just stand there!
Check the stock!

I doubt they got in anyway.

I'll have their guts.

Who d'you reckon did it, then?

Who do you think? Crackpots!

Don't touch anything.

Who on earth are you?

Jim Norton, Ashfordly Gazette.
How do you feel, Mr. Sykes?

Who told you about all this?

Tip-off this morning.
Can you tell me who...

Tip-off? Who from?

It was anonymous.

Well, that's all I need!

Look, this is private property.
Get off my land!

Clean this mess up!

It should be cheerful.

Yeah, not too cheerful.

Bright colours stimulate a baby.

- Is that a fact?
- Mmm.

Maybe we should stick with wallpaper.

No. Emulsion.

Then it won't matter
if it gets scribbled on.


Oh, if that's for me,
I'm on my way to Whitby.


Well yeah. Yeah, it
sounds like a right mess.

I'm late. I'll be back
for evening surgery.

Yeah, alright, Mr. Sykes.
I'll be over to see it for myself.

Okay. Bye now.


♪ There's a farm called misery
but of that we'll have none

♪ Because we know of one
that's always lots of fun ♪

Hello, hello, hello.

♪ For everything sings out to
us as we go through the gate

♪ All the little pigs,
they grunt and howl

♪ The cats miaow, the dogs bow-wow

♪ Everybody makes a row

♪ Down on Jollity Farm ♪

Excuse me, officer. Have I missed
the turning for Aidensfield?

Ah yeah, just back there.
There's a sign post.

I never saw one.

Well, you shouldn't really
ride with your hair loose.

I don't suppose you happen
to have an elastic band?

Yeah, I might have.

Do you know Aidensfield?

Yeah, I live there.

Oh right. Is there a decent pub there?

Somewhere I can get
bed and breakfast?

Oh, you could try
the Aidensfield Arms.

They'll make you feel welcomed.

Just tell them Nick Rowan sent you.

Hi, Nick. I'm Loveday.

Well, it'll cost a
packet to put right.

The van needs a complete respray.

The sooner, the better.

I'm not driving it through
town in this state.

Go on, you big nellie,
it's what you're paid for.

I mean it. You can do your
own deliveries this morning.

I'll deal with you later, Appleby.

He'll be out on his ear, that one.

Have you sacked anyone lately
who might has it in for you?

Oh, no.

Mind you, I'd sack the lot if I
think I could get any better.

Yeah, that's the trouble
with full employment.

We get the real dregs
in this industry.

Why's that?

It's repetitive, isolated.
They only do it for the money.

There's no real loyalty.

Good lad, Terry.
Only don't take all day over it, eh?

That's a bit strong!

Ah, just ignorant kids.

Yeah, well not so ignorant
and not just kids.

How d'you mean?

I'll be pushed to find any kids around
here who know what Dachau is,

let alone spell it.

♪ Hey, little hen,
when, when, when

♪ will you lay me
an egg for my tea?

♪ Hey, little hen,
when, when, when

♪ will you try to
supply one for me? ♪

Yeah. Tell your wives
to do better than this

or they'll be surrounded
by a packet of stuffing.

Modern egg production.

The birds are warm, dry, well fed.

The extra hours of artificial daylight
encourages them to lay.

Oh, you get used to the pong.

Don't they mind being
banged up like this?

Not if they're de-beaked.

They don't complain much.
They're only birds, after all.

Food and drink on tap,
what more do they want?

You don't think it's cruel, do you?

I've never really thought
about it till now.

Some do, lefties,
back-to-nature hippies.

They will never be able to
"go to work on an egg".

But you meet demand with an efficient
systems, they start creating mayhem.

Have you had any trouble before?

A few poison-pen letters, you know,

silly slogans made out
of newspaper cuttings.

How long've you been getting them?

Well, a few weeks now.

How many?

Well, I don't know exactly,
but every few days lately.

Have you still got them?

I got this one this morning.
I've thrown the rest away.

I don't take much
notice of this rubbish.

Some idiots won't see eye to eye
with any intensive farming methods.

This lot, they seemed
to be getting organised.

They even tipped-off a newspaper
reporter this morning.

If I ever catch them, I'll...

You'll what?

Report them to you, of course.

♪ Get in to your nest

♪ Do your little best

♪ Get it off your chest

♪ I can do the rest

♪ Hey, little hen,
when, when, when

♪ will you lay me
an egg for my tea? ♪

♪ South of the border

Let's hope this works.

♪ down Mexico way

♪ That's where I fell in love...

♪ ...when those stars up
above came out to play ♪

"This is what I pioneered in Wales."

It's a ramble on wheels if you like,
right off the beaten track.

It must be fun exploring by scooter.

Yeah, it's good if you can
keep off the main roads.

Then the publishers wanted more.

The Lake District.
I've been there on a school trip.

I had to learn a poem,
daffodils and stuff.

One bread and cheese.

There you are.

Oh no, you don't have to pay now,
I'll put it on your bill.

Oh, right.

Is this your regular job then?

No, it's just a fill in.
I start teaching next term.

But it gets me into the countryside.


I've just met the girl
of your dreams, Phil.

Yeah, a right little cr*cker.
She's staying at my boozer.

Yeah? I'll come over, then.

I'll buy you a pint tonight.

All right, you're on.

Alf, what do you know
about battery farming?

It's legal.

Yeah, I know that.
Any reports of vandalism?

Rongar Farm's the only
battery set-up in this area.

They've had some problems
over in the West Riding.

What sort of problems?

Slogans, graffiti, protest demos.

Do they know who's responsible?

There was a bunch of students that was
organising the protest demos apparently.

They haven't caught
anyone for the graffiti.

Well, any news on this
vandalism, Rowan?

Well, Alf was just saying it's
been happening in West Riding.

And Malton, night before last.

So the question is, are these isolated
incidents or some sort of campaign?

Cos if this is organised,
I think they're heading this way.

Well, they've been receiving poisoned
pen letters at Rongar Farm, Sarge.

This one arrived this morning.

Ah. Local postmark.

I think they've arrived.

That's no answer.

What if they let the stock
loose next time, eh?

Whole of Aidensfield knee-deep
with panic-stricken poultry?

Hey look, careful, woman.

Is it loaded?

Not yet.

Well, as long as you
don't expect me to fire it.

Don't be daft. Why should I?

When I'm on my own at night, cos
my husband's out late at a meeting.

Oh, come on.
Look, it doesn't happen all that often.

You're not scared, are you?

♪ Honeymooning couples too

♪ You should see them bill and coo

♪ You'd be surprised
at things they do

♪ When I'm cleaning windows ♪

Come out.


Who's that at the bar
with the nice policeman?

Phil Bellamy. He's a copper, too.

And you can't have Nick,
cos he's spoken for.

Mervyn Sykes. Owns one of
them big battery-hen farms.

He's also married.

Looks like Phil is the only
one worth chatting up, then.

You'd better make
your move soon, Phil.

She won't be here long.

You win. My shot then.

Two more babychams please, George.
When you're ready.

Hello again.


I hear you're going
exploring tomorrow.

Um. Robin Hood's Bay,
Whitby Abbey,

with a detour around
Rievaulx thrown in.

Well, don't get lost, eh?

What I really need
is a local guide.

Someone to show me places
off the beaten track.

Well uh... I know some.

And I could be free tomorrow.

Okay, you're on.

Pick me up here at
what, nine o'clock?


It's a date.



His affairs don't last.

I shouldn't mind what he does.

But it's getting so I
can't stand it any longer.

I think that's
perfectly understandable.

Look, I will give you some
more pills, half strength.

But I want you to promise me you'll talk
to your husband about how you feel.

I do try but he takes
everything so lightly.

He doesn't know how
much he hurts me.

Well, you've got to tell him.

Why do you think he
keep having affairs?

He likes women who
fall for his charm.

Oh, he's fond of me, in his way.

I always know when he's been
successful with another woman.

He's ever so cheerful
and affectionate with me.

And how do you respond?

Well, I'm not going to
congratulate him, am I?

I'll show you.

I'm sure we'll find
Whitby without a map.

Uh-ah, not this route.

Come on, look, I've got a large-scale
Ordnance Survey in the car.


- Ah, Mr. Sykes.
- Hi.

By the way, I'm still on the
shift that manure tomorrow?

No, not tomorrow, we're having a cull.
Sort it out with Ken.

I'll see him later.

- Bye.
- Ta-ta.

Now, Phil.

What's up with you?

You look as if you've lost
a bob and found a tenner.

I have.

I donno. These are
free-range, George.

I mean, my chickens
are independent.

They live off the land.

I'm not sure.

Do we need any eggs, Gina?

We're alright. And the shop delivers.

You don't want that
battery-system rubbish.

I mean it's not natural.
Free-range tastes entirely different.

Besides, mine are sixpence
a dozen cheaper than theirs.

Oh, well, now you're talking.

I thought that'd appeal to you.

I'll bring you ten to twelve
thousand in tomorrow.

You could've come home sooner,
instead of picking up a girl.

If drinking, you didn't
need to go out.

What girl? I was with Nick Rowan,
talking about all this bother.

It's no good. I saw you.

Look, ask him if you
don't believe me.

What did you see?

You, with your arm round a girl.

Come on! I was showing her a map.
There's nothing in that.

Look, I needed to talk to
Rowan about security.

If you're at risk from vandals...

I'm not scared by that.

I'm scared about us, Mervyn.

How we are today,
what's wrong between us.

I am afraid, afraid
of what's turning me

into a nagging wife
and making you a liar.

Just let me finish this form.
Will you go to bed!


...you're going grey.

No, it's paint.

No. No, it's definitely grey hairs.

Yeah. Have a look.

That's paint.


My God! They've come back.

Oi, you!
Stand still, or I'll sh**t!

Got you!

You've had it now, mate.

I'll teach you to interfere.

Where's Constable Rowan, lad?

- In there.
- Right.

Where'd it happen?

Over there.

He's been dead at least six hours.

One of your patients, is he?


I'll just go and see
how his wife is coping.

I came to work to open up

then I came in here
to start loading, like...

...and found t'boss had shot himself.

Who's this?

Ken Appleby, Sarge.
He reported it.

That's right.
Do you need me any more?

No, that's all for now, thanks.
I'll need a statement later.

Well, you got here quick.

Well you know what they say.
News travels fast.

I was up here yesterday an' all.

What for?

Got a tip off about that graffiti.

You mean you're not the
police photographer?

Nay. No. Jim Norton,
'Ashfordly Gazette'.

Right, you, outside now.

- All right.
- Hang on, sarge.

Where'd you get the tip-off from?


Someone call earlier, just said that
there was something worth seeing.

This yours?

Nah. Not mine.
Different make.

What do you think then, sarge?

Who else lives on this farm?

Uh, just Mrs. Sykes.

Why didn't she report it?

She slept through it.

Went to bed early,
took a sleeping pill.

Well, looks pretty
straightforward to me.

You haven't seen anything to
suggest we call in the CID, have you?

Nothing so far, sarge.

Let's hope it stays that way.

You'll attend the postmortem.

Right, sarge.

Popular bloke, Mervyn Sykes.

What makes him want to opt out?

Oh, come on. If I'm quick, I can have
a piece of the weekend edition.

There got to be a story.
Not bankruptcy?

No idea.

Usually money, wi' farmers.

Mind you, those vandals made a
right mess of this place yesterday.

I was first on the scene.


He wouldn't k*ll himself on
account of that though, would he?

I mean, it was su1c1de?

That's a matter for the coroner.

So, if you've no other business,
you can...

Actually, I'd like a word with the
widow, offer condolences, you know.

Her doctor's with her.

Take this, it's a sedative.

Is there anyone you want to
come and stay here with you?


Just to make sure you can
rest without being disturbed?

No. I don't want
anyone else in the house.

Have they taken him away yet?


You didn't want to see him, did you?

I did love him so much.


♪ I'm putting all my
eggs in one basket

♪ I'm betting everything
I've got on you

♪ I'm giving all my
love to one baby

♪ Lord help me if my baby
don't come through ♪

Has Loveday slept in then?

No. Scooter's gone.
She must've been up dead early.

She's had no breakfast.

Well, it's just as well she didn't,

if this is what Claude
calls 'first thing'.

These are free-range, you know.
They lay 'em where they want.

I don't just pick 'em
out of a metal tray.

Here you are, George.

They're a bit mucky.

Of course they're mucky,
it's because they're free-range.

Give me four bob.

Morning, all.

Is Loveday about?

You've missed her.
She went off early.

Did she say where she was going?

We haven't seen her.
Sorry, Phil.

Any chance of a
coffee please, George?

He was licensed for this, was he?

Yes, sarge.

Well, farmers have been known
to take the easy way out.

He didn't exactly seem the type.

Even so.
What about these poison-pen letters?

Any sense of a threat in them?

Only that one I showed you, sarge.

Well, we'll have to wait,
see what the pathologist says.

This is your case Rowan, for now.

Report to me after the postmortem.

Yes, sarge.

Do you remember what
time you went to bed?

Eleven o'clock. Maybe half-past.

Did your husband come upstairs?

I don't think so.

Recently, we've been sleeping
in separate rooms. He snores.

Did you see him last night?

Yeah, I saw him at the pub.

He seemed all right.

It must have been an accident.

Poor Mervyn.

Phil, listen to me.

She's lovely, but she'll
try and makes friends

with any decent-looking
bloke she got her eyes on.

She isn't for you.

Maybe she meant tomorrow, eh?

You'll tell her I waited?

Yeah, I'll tell her.

Ladies, there they are.

Now then, you'll all get served.
Don't worry, don't crush, don't push.

They're two bob a dozen.

Half a dozen?

Support local industry, eh?

Now, alright.
I'll be with you in a minute.

I'll come to you in a minute, sir.

Hey, Honest Claude they call me.

Here y'are, love.

Here, hold on. Hold on.

- Well what happened?
- I fell off my bike.

I've got you.

Inquest tomorrow
morning, Ventress.

Rowan's coroner's officer,
you to assist.

Who's the coroner?

Mr. Lauderdale.

Oh, that stuck up son of a...


Just make sure he's got nothing
to complain about this time,

such as officers nipping
out for a quiet smoke.

Where is Bellamy, by the way?

Oh, I forgot to mention it, sarge.

He rang up first thing this morning.
He's off sick.

Did he? Why didn't he speak to me?

I couldn't say, sarge.

- Kate!
- Phil?

I've got Loveday in the car.
Can you take a look at her?

What's happened?

She's come off her bike.
I think she's unconscious.

Ya, we'll get her to the hospital
straightaway. I'll come with you.




It's still not conclusive, sarge.

In what way?

Well, the only fingerprints found on
the g*n belonged to Mervyn Sykes.

But the pathologist doesn't see how
he could have done it intentionally.

Accident, then?

Could be.


She's concussed and badly
grazed but nothing's broken.

Do you have any idea
where it happened?

No. Not really.

We were going to go to Robin
Hood's Bay this morning,

but she was out and about early.

Will she be okay?

Oh, yeah, in a day or so.

How are you feeling?

Me? Oh, fine.

Your day off, isn't it?


Oh, I don't believe it!

Gina, what is that?

These eggs.

Oh, when I see Claude Greengrass,
I'll give him free-range.

Phil's date didn't go too well.

- Really?
- Hmm.

He brought her into the
surgery this morning.

She'd fallen off her bike.

Is she all right?

Oh, she will be.
But she hit her head badly.


That didn't take long
between the two of us.

Right, I want to go and see Monica
Sykes this evening, check she's okay.

Yeah, alright, I'll come with you.

Great. The walk'll do us good.

Walk? It's miles.

Oh, come on.

So, it wasn't such
a perfect marriage?

He couldn't resist having affairs.

Didn't that make her angry?

No, she...
she just lost sleep over it.

They got any money worries?

I don't think so.

It was her money set the business
up, and I think it was going okay.

You should be resting.

I'd rather be busy.

And I've nothing black
except this old evening dress.

Mervyn preferred me
to look colourful.

How long were you married?

Four years.

How much has to be made public?

Well, the coroner will ask if
Mervyn ever threatened su1c1de

or if he suffered from depression.

You know he wasn't like that.

He could laughed anything off,
even serious things.

Like poison-pen letters?


He told you about those, did he?

I opened one once.

And how did he react?

I think he was more angry
with me for opening the letter

than he was with the
person who sent it.

How did you feel about the letter?

Sick. Worried.

Everything Mervyn wasn't.

I did try to be different,
less emotional.

How does the business stand now?

Were you in partnership?

On paper.

The money was mine
but Mervyn managed it.

He was the farmer,
it's only natural.

Well, there's not much
natural about this farm.

I pictured myself in an
orchard at cockcrow...

...scattering corn from my apron
and calling the hens by their names.

Then I discovered what he meant.

He rubbished me for being a
romantic idiot and years out of date.

So you have some sympathy with
whoever did that graffiti then?

When I was little I never much like
to see even a budgie in a cage.

I can't bare cruelty. I hate it.

You don't mind if
I get on with this?

So d'you think they had
a row that went wrong?

And she shot him? No.

He hurt her badly
but she loved him.

She never'd have
harm him deliberately.

What made you think that one up?

Aye, he just didn't
strike me as the sort

of bloke that'd want to k*ll himself.

- Go on, then.
- Oh, no.

Blimey. Mind out.

I'm not sure I trust you.

What's that?

That looks like blood.

What've you got there, Rowan?

Pair of overalls, sarge.

I found 'em in the woods
near Rongar Farm.

Look, bloodstains.

Well, the next question is,
whose blood is it?

Best get this down to forensics.

Do you want me to go, sarge?

No, I'll deal with this.
You go down to the inquest.

Ventress is on his way.


Evidence of identification in
the postmortem report, sir.

Pending further inquiries.

And I was hoping to
clear this one up quickly.

Why couldn't the poor
fellow leave a note?

His widow?

Yes, sir.

She seems sensible.

Mrs. Monica Sykes?


You have the court's sympathy
in your bereavement, Mrs. Sykes.

If you'll bear with me,

I have a few questions to put
to you about recent events.

You've identified the deceased
as your husband Mervyn Sykes?


Was your husband disturbed by
vandals attacking his property?

Angry. Nothing disturbed him much.

You're sure it wasn't
preying on his mind?

Troubling his conscience?

Mervyn didn't go in
for that sort of thing.

So in your view, in no circumstances
would he turn a g*n on himself?

It was an accident. Must have been.

And you'd gone to bed early?


And heard nothing until the alarm
was raised yesterday morning?

I take a sleeping pill.

My husband went to
the Aidensfield Arms.

He was talking to Constable Rowan

about some graffiti which
being painted on the farm.

Yes, sir. We're still investigating.

Then it's possible if it
did prey on his mind

that whoever committed that outrage
may have a great deal to answer for.

Oh come on, Mrs. Sykes,
you've done very well so far.

Well if it's stuck up a tree,
madam, call the fire brigade!

And about time too, Bellamy.

Take this over to forensics

and get them to check
the stains on the collar.

Right, sarge.

Oh, Bellamy?


Just one other thing.


How are you feeling today?

All right, thanks, sarge.

Better than yesterday, are we?

Oh uh, much better
now, thanks, sarge.

Well I'm very pleased you've made
such a remarkable recovery.

Well, don't just stand there. Get!


PC Rowan?

Nice quote from the
coroner in there.

Should go well with
my graffiti story.

Anything more you can give me about
the progress in your investigations?

No, not at the moment.

There is something you can
do something for me though.


Tell me about that tip-off you had.

Not much to say, really.

I was down in the office
when a call came in.

A woman saying that

there was something with a story
up at Rongar Farm that morning.

A woman?


Doesn't half whet the appetite,
a walk before lunch.

It's meant to be
part of the job, Alf.



Kate? It's me.


I've just come from the inquest.

How was it?

Well, Monica seemed
to upset by it all.

That's understandable.

"Do you think you
should go and see her?"

Ya, I'm just going out my rounds.
I'll call in.

Alright. Thanks, love. Bye.

Ah, Nick.

Good uh, think you
can lend me a hand?

Yeah, sure.

Rowan! In here.

With you in a minute.


Adjourned for two weeks, sarge.

Well, just write up your report.

Do you mind if I speak to
Monica Sykes again first, sarge?

On what grounds?

Well, I think she might be keeping
something back from us.

Well, she doesn't seem the type to
try to pull the wool over our eyes.

But if it serves any useful purpose,
all right.

Thanks, sarge.

Oh, just one other thing, Rowan.

With Dr. Rowan in her condition,

I presume that there's some
redecorating going on

at the police house in Aidensfield.

Just a bit, sarge.

And as I'm sure you remember,
a police officer and a police house

is duty-bound to redecorate
at least one room each year.

And I am duty-bound to inspect it.

I've not forgotten, sarge.

Now I've just looked at my diary and
it's months since the last time.


So, would this evening
be convenient?

- Ah, good. You ready?
- Yeah. What's up?

I want to pick Loveday's bike up.

Oh, right. Where is it?

Well, just outside Aidensfield,
where I found her.


...mind the shop.

Doctor Rowan.

Hi. I was just on my rounds.
I thought I'd drop by.

Thanks. Come in.

It's very quiet here today.

The stock have gone this morning.

What happened?

I couldn't bear it any longer.

I told the staff to get rid of them.

How did it go this morning?

As expected. Awful.

Nick said it was pretty grim.

It's just the endless repetition.

I keep going over it
in my mind as it is...

...but then sitting there,
hearing it all gone over again.

I can imagine.

No, you can't.

Believe me.

You can't imagine the guilt.


Deathtraps, these things.

- No wonder she fell off, eh?
- Yeah.

Is this where she crashed it?

I don't know. I don't think so.

It's probably back that way.

Shall we take a look?

Go on, then. I'll race you.

Right. You're on.

I might get one of these.

She must've been moving.

Hold that.



Hello, love.

You okay?

Yeah. You make us a cup of tea?

Yes, dear.

I saw Monica.

Oh, really. What did you think?

Well, she keeps talking
about feeling guilty.

Maybe you're right.
Maybe she is hiding something.

I'm not so sure.

How do you mean?

Well, we just found Miss Loveday's
camera where she crashed her scooter.

Now that flashbulb I found
at the Rongar Farm fits it.

So what was she doing there?

If she was involved in all that
graffiti stuff, the chances are,

those were her overalls that we found.

But the blood?

You said she hit her head.

Yes, but she definitely
fell off her bike.

I could tell from the grazes.

Oh, maybe she was already injured.

How are you feeling?

Still feels like a herd of elephants
doing a clog dance in my head.

We've picked up your bike.


Found your camera.

Oh, right. Thanks.

Took the liberty of having
your film developed.

I see.

I found a flashbulb at Rongar Farm
that seems to fit your camera.

We also found some
overalls with bloodstains.

They've been sent off for analysis.

Now I know you fell off your bike,
but what else happened?

Well, I was in there, wasn't I?

Couldn't get out fast enough.

He uh...

He chased me into the packing shed.

It was horrible.

So scared.

He sort of raised the g*n
to clobber me and uh...

As I felt this bang on my head,
the g*n went off and...

I could see that he was dead.

I ran out.

The rest's all blurred, I'm sorry.

You'll tell his wife I'm sorry?

What were you doing there?

Taking photographs...

...of hens in batteries.

What for?

Public information, of course.

We can't campaign without evidence.

No egg producer is gonna roll out
the red carpet for someone like me.

And Sykes caught you
trespassing, is that it?

He came storming in after
me with a shotgun.

I mean, he didn't need that.

I was all ready to leg
it at the first shout.

And what about the graffiti
and the poisoned-pen letters?

I didn't do that.

- Oh, come on, Loveday.
- No.

Does no good, that sort of gesture.

I believe in letting the
public know the facts,

so they can decide for themselves.

So it wasn't su1c1de.

From what she said,
it was an accident.

Accidents have causes.

But I don't blame the girl.

If you remember,
the coroner said that

whoever was responsible for the
campaign against your husband

could have contributed to his death.


And it does seem strange then
that this Loveday denies it.

She also denies sending the letters.

Someone else did.

You know.

I can't prove anything.

I have to face up to it one day.

I was just trying to rattle him.

Get through to him.

Shake that awful complacency of his.

Do you need a statement?

I can't see there'll be any charges for
malicious damage to your own property.

I can close the file.

I wish I could.

I wish I'd never opened it.


♪ I've got sunshine...

♪ ...on a cloudy day

♪ And it's cold outside...

♪ ...I've got the month of May

♪ Oh, I guess you'd say...

♪ ...what can make me feel this way?

♪ It's my girl

♪ Talking 'bout my girl ♪

Better be quick.
When's Blaketon coming round?


Did you remember the digestives?

The chocolate digestives?

You were supposed to pick
some up from the village store.

Sorry. I forgot.

But there's no time now if you
want to get the nursery finished.

I can't wait to see
that cot in it's place.

Come on.

♪ ...make me feel this way?

♪ It's my girl

♪ Talking 'bout my girl ♪

♪ All the little ducks go
quack, quack, quack

♪ The cows all moo

♪ The bull does, too

♪ Everyone says, how do you do?
Down on Jollity Farm ♪

What's all this, then?

It's about these eggs, Claude.

They're bad, every one of them.

Don't talk daft.

I practically saw 'em
being laid nearly.

Oh, yeah?
So what's all this then, eh?

Well, I must admit, I had a
bit of an egg-flow problem.

So, Ken Appleby said
he'd help me out.

But as far as I know,
there's nothing wrong with 'em.

I bought 'em in good faith.

So did we, and we
want our money back.

Ah well, there might be
a bit of a problem there.

Oh, really?

I'm prepared to negotiate.

Ah, you've left it too
late for that, Claude.

Come on lads, let him have it.

Hang on.

I'm nearly an old age pensioner.

Well, that's good work, Rowan.
Well done.

Right, I'll inspect your
decorating while I'm here.

Oh, after you, sergeant.

So what do you think?

Well, a lot of clouds.

Kate's idea.

Is he going to be a pilot?

He might be a she.

Why don't we call him Oscar?

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why do you miss when
my baby kisses me? ♪
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