Til Death Do Us Part (2023)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.
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Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.
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Til Death Do Us Part (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

(intense music)

(exciting music)

(exciting music continues)

(bright music)

(waves swishing)

(bell ringing)

(bell ringing continues)

- The definition of love

is an intense feeling

of affection and concern

toward another person.

You know, now I have never

actually been in love,

and Lord knows I've tried.

No, that's not good.

That's not good.

Seeing love happen for

one of my closest friends,

that has been just

a beautiful thing.

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music continues)

(upbeat music continues)

(upbeat music continues)

(gentle music)

(gentle music intensifies)

(gentle music continues)

(quirky music)

(gentle music)

(gentle music continues)

(gentle music continues)

(gentle music continues)

(gentle music continues)

(gentle music continues)

(gentle music continues)

(gentle music continues)

(gentle music continues)

(gentle music continues)

(gentle music continues)

(gentle music continues)

(waves crashing)

- [Groom] You look like

The Little Mermaid.

(groom chuckling)

(camera shutter clicking)

(upbeat music)

- You know, now that there

is a ring on my finger,

I have to ask, what

took you so long?

- [Groom] Mm.

- I'm serious.

- I dunno.

I guess just because it was

against university policy.

- Yeah, well that's

where we work.

It's what we do.

It's a job.

And a job shouldn't

get to determine how

its employees live,

as long as it doesn't

interfere with their work.

- They feel it does interfere.

I mean, it makes sense.

Everything gets

harder once emotions

come into play, you know?

- That's why we

usually work alone.

- Usually.

But we knew the policy

before we took the job.

- We were just kids

then, things change.

People change.

- Yeah, but policy doesn't.

You know, you are the

first partner I ever had.

- And the last.

(groom chuckling)

(waves crashing)

(groom sighing)

(upbeat music)

(groom sighing)

(upbeat music)

This all just feels

so surreal, you know?

I don't want it to end.

- I hope it never has to.

You know, I could really

use a drink right about now.

- I could always use a drink,

and a dance.

- Oh, God, I'm an

awful dancer, you know?

Don't I know it?

Oh my God.

She's a champagne queen here.

(bride giggling)

Someone, please get this

woman a glass of champagne.

(both laughing)

- [Bride] I'll race you.

(bride giggling)

(upbeat music)

(bride laughing)

I know a place

Skies so wide and far

Though the sun shines bright

You're my only star

Oh, you're my only star

I know a place

The ocean clear and blue

Though the moon hangs low

You're my only view

Oh, you're my only view

(fish t*nk bubbling)

- [Wife] This place hasn't

changed a bit, has it?

- Nope.

It still tastes awful.

- [Wife] Well I don't know

why you even ordered it.

You didn't even like

it the last time.

- I like that little umbrella.

(gentle music)

- Excuse me.

- What can I get you, guys?

- [Groom] What do

you want, margarita?

- Yeah.

- Two margaritas. Rocks.

With salt?

- Definitely with salt.

- With salt, please.

- Mm-hmm, two

margaritas on the rocks.

- I like everything salty.

(bride giggling)


(groom chuckling)

(gentle music)

When it's cold and gray

- Excuse me.

Sorry, we didn't

mean to interrupt.

- Oh no, we're sorry.

We didn't mean to make

you feel uncomfortable.

- Honeymoon?

- Is it that obvious?

- He and I used to be

in love like that once.

- Did you say once?

- Yeah.

(husband laughing)

Well, it does get better.

Trust me, we should know.

We got married 20

years ago today.

- Oh, well, happy

anniversary then.

- [Groom] Congrats.

- I'm not gonna say it

hasn't been a long road.

- Well anything that's worth

the drive there is, yeah?

- That is true.

- How long are y'all

in Puerto Rico?

- Oh, it's our last day

tomorrow, unfortunately.

- Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

Back to reality, huh?

- Yeah, back to reality.

- It's been paradise, of course.

No doubt.

It's been great to...

Somehow we have managed to

not get any fresh seafood

since we've been here.

- Well ours here is excellent.

We catch it fresh out of the

water right back there daily.

- Oh, well, what he means

is he hasn't had a chance

to catch it himself yet.

He likes to pretend

he knows how to fish.

- What?

I know how to fish.

What, do you think we don't

fish back in merry old England?

Brilliant water.

Beautiful views.

It's the thrill of the chase.

You know?

That is a perfect holiday.

And I have been fishing since

I was just a little lad.

- Well he always

liked to fish too,

but I always found

it incredibly boring.

I'd rather sew,

and I hate sewing.

(all chuckling)

- Well if you're looking

to do the fishing yourself

I'd recommend going down the

harbor and renting a boat.

Just go down there

and ask around

and somebody will be

willing to take you out.

- Mm, thank you.

Yeah, I can do that

if I'm allowed.

- They're allowed too.

- [Groom] No, I mean,

if we have enough time.

I mean.

- Oh.

- I'll tell you

what, love birds,

these two old birds gotta get

back to the nest right now.

- Aw.

- Aw.

- But we're taking

care of your drinks.

- Oh, no, no, no.

Absolutely not.

It's not necessary.

- My pleasure.


You enjoy the rest of your

time here now, all right.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.

Back into me with your heart

- Maybe you catch some fish.

- Mm.

(gentle music)

- You know, that

could be us one day.

- Oh, well, we've managed

to survive this long.

What's another 20 years, huh?

- One day at a time.


- You know, I love what I do.

(upbeat music)

(engine revving)

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music continues)

(phone ringing)

(upbeat music)

(phone ringing)

(phone ringing continues)

- Where are you?


Just tell me you're all right.


I can hear your breathing

the sounds of the car,

but I'm worried about you.

- I can't go through with it.

I'm sorry, I thought

I could, but...

- Listen, whatever I've

done, I'll, I'll fix it.

Okay? Just tell-

- It's what we've done.

What we can't do.

- Come on, hon, I love you.

We can do anything together,

you and me, we already have.

- I love you too.

But I want out.

I want out of all of it.

- Now you know better than

anybody that's not possible.

Just come back now and

we can still fix this.

We, we'll fix all of this.

- No.

We can't.

(phone line beeping)

(dramatic music)

(dramatic music continues)

(dramatic music continues)

(dramatic music continues)

(dramatic music continues)

(dramatic music continues)

(dramatic music continues)

(dramatic music continues)

(dramatic music continues)

(dramatic music continues)

(dramatic music continues)

(gentle music)

(gentle music continues)

Hi, Dad.

(gentle music)

(gentle music continues)

(gentle music continues)

(jar rattling)

(jar thudding)

(bride gulping)

(cork clattering)

(crickets chirping)

(bottle crashing)

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music continues)

I spent so many

sleepless nights

Missing you and wishing

you were holding me tight

I cried almost every day

Longing for the time

before you ever went away

(upbeat music)

I wake up every

morning alone

Praying it will be the

day you wanna come home

If you ever walk

through the door

I would never take you

for granted anymore

- Hm.

If this is paradise...

(bride sighing)

(upbeat music)

You might not love me

in the way that I do

But I'll still be waiting

and devoted to you

I dream of you when

stars are above

When the sun is shining

I think only of your love

One thing I know

will always be true

I will live out every

day devoted to you

Devoted to you

Devoted to you

Devoted to you

Devoted to you

Devoted to you

Devoted to you

Devoted to you

(bride scoffing)

- What have you done?

(bride sighing)

(crickets chirping)

(tense music)

(gravel crunching)

(engine rumbling)

(seat belts clunking)

(doors thudding)

(tense music)

(phone line ringing)

- [Groom] Hello?

- Well we found

your runaway bride.

You were right, she's here.

Right where you

said she would be.

Her car is parked

right out front.

- I didn't even know

about the damn place.

It's just where her mum

said she might be at.

Just try and hold her

then until I get there.

The university already

knows about what happened.

- You thought they wouldn't?

Well, I mean, geez.

Half the staff was at

that church tonight.

- Yeah, well I'm gonna

try and talk to the Dean

before they find out the rest.

- You sure about that?


I mean, they've been bending

over backwards for you.

I just, I don't know,

I don't see any way

of coming back from that.

If she wants what she

really wants, you know.

- Look, just do

what I ask for now.

All right?

It's my wedding night

for Christ's sake.

You're supposed

to be my best man.

- Hmm.

- I just wanna

talk to her first.

- Whatever you say, chief.

- [Groom] I'll be

there as soon as I can.

(suspenseful music)

(suspenseful music continues)

(suspenseful music continues)

- So he just, he wants us

to keep her here for now.

(car lock beeping)

- (chuckles) He thinks

he's gonna get her back?

- Yeah, well, you know

our boy, he's in love.

What can I say?

And love makes you

do some crazy things.

You know the definition

of love is an intense

feeling of affection.

- "The definition of love."

Is that from your

best man's speech?

You're not gonna t*rture us

with that shit again, are you?

(all laughing)

- You know, being

somebody's best man

is a job I take very seriously.

(all laughing)

And I worked my f*cking ass

off on that thing so, yeah.

- This is bullshit, you two

are arguing about a speech.

We're chasing after her.

Love is a liability.

(upbeat music)

- Speaking of love,

I got a match.

She's hot too.

I'm gonna marry this one.


- Guys, we need to focus.


We got a bridezilla

k*ller on the loose

somewhere around here.

- Wait a minute.

Can't live with

'em, can't k*ll 'em.

- Ah, right.

And nobody does.

Are we clear on that?

It is a containment mission.

Remember, you know her.

She's supposed to be our friend.

- We haven't forgotten.

I thought we were going

to her wedding tonight.

- Hm.

- Yeah, well things changed.

- Honestly, I always thought

our boy could do better.

- Where the hell is Big Sexy?

Has anyone seen Big Sexy?

- All right.

(groomsman sighing)

(door knocking)

Honey, I'm home.

Love comes along

And all heartache

is gone in a glimmer

(upbeat music)

(bride sniffing)

- All right, I'm

gonna have you three,

you meet up with Big Sexy

and go check that

side of the house.

You two check that side.

I'm just gonna wait here.

If you can, just try

to flush her out.

Let's go.

Move, move, move.

(groomsman groaning)

- Why don't you just kick

in the g*dd*mn doors?

- Look at us, we are gentlemen.


We wanna keep this shit

as peaceful as possible.

Kicking the f*cking door in,

doesn't exactly fit the bill.



(upbeat music)

(door handle rattling)


- Who the f*ck says, "Toodles?"

After the thrill

- m*therf*cker taking this

best man shit too serious.

Love comes along for the

(upbeat music)

- We're gonna go cover the

basement doors and windows.

You two, take this entrance.

- Who died and made him boss?

You know what?

I don't think I like his tone.

- No?

- No, I don't.

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music continues)

(door knocking)

(door handle rattling)

- I can't see shit.

- The beamer, the

music, the lights.

Oh, she's in there.

- Come on.

(upbeat music)

(door knocking)

- Man, this is some bullshit.

I should be balls deep in

some bridesmaids right now

instead of doing this shit.

(phone chiming)

Blowing up right now.

Yeah, the ladies love T-Bone.

- T-Bone, put that

phone on silent.

- Okay.

Sorry, Big Sexy.

I never asked you, who

gave you the name Big Sexy?

- I did.

I'm big and I'm sexy.

(gentle music)

- Ah, yeah, good.

Out of the way, Mr. Sexy.

(door knocking)

Come on.


- You cannot open the

door without the key.

- Let's go the other way.

- All right, go ahead.

(gentle music)

(door knocking)

(gentle music)

- Hmm.

(gentle music)

(gentle music continues)

(window knocking)

(water running)

(water running continues)

(gentle music)

(door knocking)

(gentle music)

Today, I'd like to

just be your valentine

By now you know it

Be my valentine

(gentle music)

- Ah.

What are we gonna

do now, T-Bone?

- [T-Bone] What?

- What's the plan, T-Bone?

- We're friends, right?

- Yeah, we're friends.

- Can I be honest with you?

- Yeah.

- Why are you such

a disappointment?

No, I'm serious.

Why are you such

a disappointment?

We should already be in there.

Why aren't we in there?

Answer me, goddammit.

- I don't know, let me think.

Let me think.

If one door doesn't

open, the other one will.

Well, I'll...

Just follow my lead.

I'll show it to you.

- Show me the way.

- [Big Sexy] Are

you going first?

- Yeah.

(leaves rustling)

In my heart you are my

(dramatic music)

(dramatic music continues)

(dramatic music continues)

(dramatic music continues)

(door knocking)

- Open the g*dd*mn door.

(door knocking)

- Can you please

just open the door?


(door knocking)

Pretty please.

- Sometimes these things just

need a little bit of finesse.

All right, just follow my lead.

T-Bone will show

you how it's done.

I love you

- Are you serious?

What the f*ck just happened?

We had her.

Why did you just stand there?

- Why did you just stand there?

- You're supposed to have point.

- I thought you had point.

- No one is paying you to think.

Who the f*ck is

paying you to think?

- No one is paying

me for anything.

- Shut up.

Shut up.

- Nice hands.

Feels like Russian massage.

- After we catch her,

I'm going to k*ll you.

I swear to God I will...

(T-Bone groaning)

(dramatic music)

(doors crashing)

(dramatic music)

(dramatic music continues)

(dramatic music continues)

Now we fly without a care

Say goodbye to the

folks down there

Ask my why

(upbeat music)

(knife clattering)

(upbeat music)

(tense music)

(tense music continues)

(tense music continues)

(tense music continues)

- [Bride] Oh my God.

(tense music)

Across the room

Like a bride without a groom

If I tried would she

assume I've been drinking

Too much thinking

Won't do me no good

Bells are ringing

Telling me that I should

Now we fly without a care

Say goodbye to the

folks down there

Ask me why

Or when or where

I won't answer

I'll romance her

- Wait a minute, I thought we

weren't kicking the door in?

- We...

We tried to be gentlemanly.

Clearly she is not

going to make this easy.

- Oh.

- And you thought she would?

- Well, like I

said, she's supposed

to be one of our friends.

- Were.

- Yeah, see, I knew we should

have brought our supplies.

- Relax.

I mean, it's not like

she has anything either.


They were very clear,

no g*ns at the wedding.

Not even the cars.

Second amendment be damned.

- Still we could have

at least stopped.

- Why?

It's not like we're

here to k*ll anybody.

I mean, not yet, right?

- Yeah, well I still

took mine to the wedding.

I'd rather have my

utensils and need 'em

than need 'em and not have 'em.

- Interesting.

- Well where are they?

- I left them in the van

when we took the car.

- So, wait a second.

Have any of you

even seen her yet?

- She's somewhere in here.

- No shit.

Why don't you go find her?


- Guess I'll check upstairs.

- Guess I'll go with you.

- Ah, ah, ah, ah.

Why don't I just

hang on to this?



(groomsman chuckling)

- And I guess I'll

look around down here.

- And I shall find

some better music.

(bride breathing)

(birds cooing)

(tense music)

(upbeat music)

- Hey, newly weds.

- Hey.

- Oh, hey.

- We heard this was the best

breakfast spot in Puerto Rico.

So we'd fill our bellies

before we figure out

this fishing situation.

Speaking of which, do you happen

to know where we could rent

or charter a boat?

Like the bartender

said last night.

- For fishing.

- Hmm.

Yeah. No, not really.

We're just passing

through, like you all,

and I really wouldn't know.

- [Groom] Hmm.

- I'll tell you what though,

why don't you both

come out with us today?

Spend the day with

us on our boat.

- Oh, no.

We don't want to impose.

Especially not if you guys

are just here on vacation too.

- Yeah, really appreciate

your offer but-

- This is every day for us.

Come on now, be nice.

Stop me from cleaning

the damn thing today.

Come on.

- Of course.

It'd be great to have

some young blood around.

I mean we hardly

ever have company.

- Wait, you live on the boat?

- On the water,

wherever it takes us.

Nowhere. Everywhere.

Always an adventure.

- Well that's amazing.

- Yeah.

You need a boat?

The come on, let's

go to the boat.

You need a boat, right?

I got a boat.

How about it?

- All right.

- Well all right.

(bride panting)

(tense music)

(tense music continues)

(tense music continues)

(tense music continues)

(tense music continues)

(tense music continues)

(tense music intensifies)

(bike engine revving)

(bike engine roaring)

(foot thudding)

(dramatic music)

(bride groaning)

(helmet thudding)

- What do you

think you're doing?

Just put down the knife.

- Well I was hoping

to have the night

to figure it out a little more.

- Looks like you already

made your decision.

- Hmm.

I'm working on it.

- You know, he told

us not to hurt you.

- He told you not to hurt me?

Oh, that's nice.

(bride grunting)

(dramatic music)

(knife clattering)

(dramatic music)

(foot thudding)

(groomsman grunting)

(bride screaming)

(dramatic music)

(bride grunting)

(bride screaming)

(body thudding)

(bride screaming)

(dramatic music)

(bride grunting)

(fist thudding)

(groomsman groaning)

(dramatic music)

(body thudding)

(dramatic music)

(elbow thudding)

(dramatic music)

(bride grunting)

(dramatic music)

(bride yelling)

(dramatic music)

(bride grunting)

(dramatic music)

(bride grunting)

(knife squelching)

(bride grunting)

(tense music)

(tense music continues)

(bride retching)

(tense music)

(bride panting)

(tense music)

(tense music intensifies)

(tense music continues)

(lock clicking)

(tense music)

- [T-Bone] Meow.

(tense music)



(dramatic music)

- Oh.

- I just wanna talk.

- Well it's too late for that.

(bride groaning)

(bride coughing)

- What the hell

took you so long?

That was a terrible idea.

Froze my ass off.

- Hey, it was your idea, man.

- Next time you get

in the refrigerator.

Next time you're

the distraction.

Shut up, bitch.

(bride grunting)

(bride exclaiming)

(bride coughing)

(big Sexy chuckling)

(dramatic music)

(dramatic music continues)

- [T-Bone] f*cking, bitch.

(wrench clattering)

(T-Bone grunting)

(dramatic music)

(shovel clanging)

(bride panting)

(blood squelching)

(big Sexy thudding)

(bride exclaiming)

- Now you're really

gonna get it, bitch.

(T-Bone grunting)

You wanna play?

Then let's play.

(T-Bone grunting)

You k*lled my friend,

you f*cking bitch.

(T-Bone grunting)

You f*cking psychopath.

Hey, where you going?

Where are you going?

Don't you wanna play?

Let's play with the devil, huh?


(T-Bone grunting)


f*cking start!

Get up.

Get up, bitch.

Get the f*ck up, p*ssy cat.

You wanna play with the doggy?



Shut the f*ck up.

Shut up.

Come on.


I'll show you what made me

the Golden Gloves Champion

of my community.

Come on.

Come on.

Come on.

Yeah, show me that leg.

Show me that leg.

Come on, I'm ready, p*ssy cat.

- Too bad, I really liked you.


(foot thudding)

(boxes crashing)

- [T-Bone] Oh, you bitch.

(upbeat music)









- Wow, you are

really taking this up

to a whole new level, baby.

Hmm? Huh?

I mean, you're making it harder

than it has to be though.

No, we didn't come

here to hurt you.

Not really.

- Well if you're so

tough, come and get me,

you piece of shit.

- Woo-ee.

Lovey dovey lovey one

Come sit down on my knee





Tell you a story

Happened a long time ago

A-little bitty pretty one

- You know, up until a few

hours ago we were all here

to celebrate your wedding.

And I had one hell

of a speech prepared.

Damn, and it was supposed to

be a magical f*cking evening.

You know, surrounded by

friends, drinking, laughing.

Me cutting a little rug.

You know, I was

here for it, baby.

- Where'd she go?

- Upstairs.


- I'm tired of this shit.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Not yet.

(groomsman chuckling)

- Not yet?

The game has changed,


It was her that threw

the k*ll switch.

She threw the panel lights.

- Okay, but, but what

about our friends?


- Oh, what about our friends?

They're gone.

- Maybe you don't even

give a shit about them,

but I still do.

And we will drink to them

for they will be missed.

- Are you kidding me?

- Do I look like I am

kidding you right now?


- You know, I'm starting

to miss working alone.

- Mm.

You know, those

are the two people

that we could actually

talk to about what we do.

We should've had the day off.

We should be enjoying

ourselves tonight.


So instead we will give

them a m*therf*cking toast.


- Yeah.

- Thank you.

(gentle music)

You twirl your hair

and glance my way


- Mm.

We go playing that love game

- Look here, how appropriate.

I mean, it ain't work

if we're having fun.


- Fun?

I'm sure as shit not

having any f*cking fun.

- Oh, speak for yourself.

I mean, he is our friend and

he would do the same for us.

- Yeah, well I'm

supposed to be drunk,

getting my groove on with one

of the bridesmaids right now.

- And whose fault is that?


We trained together.

Shared secrets.

God, man, I love those guys.

They're like my brothers.

You know, love.

You know, it's an

intense feeling

of affection and concern

toward another human being.


I haven't been in love.


- Come on, man.

Not this f*cking

speech again, please.

- I am doing this to honor them.

They would want to hear it.


But seeing love happen,

especially with one of

your closest friends,

it is a beautiful thing.

It really is.

Now, when I was asked to

give the best man's speech,

I can't say I was surprised.

I mean, I k*lled a

lot of people to prove

that I was the best.


I kid. I kid.

I kid.

Oh, wow.

Seriously though, welcome

to our joyous occasion.

In my name...

(footsteps thudding)


All right, we'll

finish this later.

To those that have fallen and

those that are still standing.


(glasses clinking)

- Cheers.

(birds cawing)

- I mean, that is

one crazy story.

And I can't believe y'all

are still together now.

- It sounds like you guys had

it even rougher than we did.

- Yeah, well, what can I say?

A lot of people had to

die for us to be together.

- It sounds like it.

Where'd you bury the bodies?


(both laughing)

- Yeah, well,

nobody really knows

what goes on behind

closed doors, do they?

- No, they do not.

- Stop it.

- No, but seriously

he was crazy and

she deserved better.

Don't know that she got

that, but here I am.

- Thank you, honey.

So what about you two?

How did you guys meet?

- Well, that's a long story.

But I'll tell you what,

there were a lot of people

didn't want us together neither.


That was a lot of

years ago now though.

- Yeah.

- Right?

- 20 years.

Love conquers all.

Now we just go wherever

our hearts lead us.

- Wow.

Do you ever have any friends

or family come visit you?

- No. No.


But mostly, fortunately.

(all laughing)

We were gonna tell the museum.

(gentle music)

I gotta cook.

(gentle music)

- Now that's definitely a

lifestyle I could get behind.

What do you think?

(gentle music)

(tense music)

(tense music continues)

(plates clattering)

What about you guys?

Anything you miss?

Do you ever have

any regrets maybe?

- Just that we

never had children.

- Yeah.

No way to go on once we're gone.

- Not to try and dig

too deep or anything

but is that because you

didn't wanna have any,

or you couldn't?

- Oh, we could.

- We want to but it just

didn't really make sense

when we look at our way of life.

- What do you mean?

- I don't know.

Just we both worked a lot.

Both stressed.

Both traveling for

work all the time.

Both had a demanding job.

- Well it looks like

it all worked out

for you guys in the end.

- We have a good life.

Yeah, we do.

We have our ups and

downs like everyone,

but I wouldn't

trade for the world.

Trust me, no, no, no.

You know, I learned

a lot about life.

Everything I did, you know?

But that's what life is, right?

It's about learning.

Got respect, honor, endurance.

Everything I did taught me

what I needed to know to live

right up to this moment.

- And what about that

scar on your shoulder?

What did that teach you?

- [Bride] You don't

have to talk about it,

if you don't want to.

- Oh, no, no, no, no.

It's good knowing when

you're close to death.

Makes you not

forget how to live.

August 7th, 1986.

(tense music)

That's the day that

changed my life forever.

Eight of us, all sent on

foreign soil to take out

some high ranking

official over there.

Fed a bunch of lies.

That's often the way

to justify actions.

You never question above.

Not back then.

He said it was supposed to

be a quick, easy in and out.

And we believed him.

You know?

But the thing was...

The eight of us, we were

among the best at what we did.

But we never worked together.

I mean, not as a team.

I mean, we'd hung out together.

We drank beers together.

We trained together,

respected each other.

We was all the best of

friends, is what we were.

I mean we always, we

always worked alone.

That's how it was preferred.


That's how we preferred it.

You know, we were

all good enough

that we could do whatever

we needed to do alone.

One man, that person,

he can slip in and out,

but you bring a group, all of

a sudden that's gonna bring

a lot of attention.

And that's exactly what

happened on that day,

August 7th, 1986.

See, instead of

being on offense,

we found ourselves on defense.

Might as well have been the

4th of July in that room.

We were...

(hands thudding)


Bows flying all over the place.


That's the kind of ringing

don't leave your head either.

It's the kind of

ringing that wake you up

in the middle of night today.

(tense music)

Yeah, they was my brothers.

There's no way to erase the

sight of watching your brother

take his last breath.

And my night, that was me.

Seven times.

See, I was the only

one to make it back.

Oh, shotgun.


But I survived it.

August 7th, 1986.

What a g*dd*mn day.

- I'm sorry.

- Sometimes you

lose your closest,

'cause that's what

happens at w*r.


But you know the funny thing?

Back then, usually the

day before you went off

on the day before, you went

and you had a bachelor party.


I didn't have anyone left to

throw mine on August 8th, 1986.

(tense music)

But that did not

stop me from marrying

the most beautiful woman in

the world on August 9th, 1986.

The happiest day of my life.

(wife chuckling)

This is it.

Everything I've done has taught

me what I needed to learn

to live right here

in this moment.

Now, enough of all

this dark stuff.


This is a honeymoon, I thought.

We are in paradise, take a look.

Look at water and

we got islands.

You two go and have some fun.

All right?

Take advantage of this ride.

- Well that sounds like

a great idea to me.

(gentle music)

(waves lapping)

I can help you carry

some of that stuff out.

(faint chattering)

(waves lapping)

(tense music)

(upbeat music)

Away we go to lands

beyond the sea

Nice and slow

No other place to be

Away we go, darling,

come away with me

Away we go

We'll find a sunny shore

Then we'll know that

love's forevermore

Away we go you're

everything I'm searching for

- Mm.

When darkness

comes we hide away

When storms do rock

the gentle tide

I know the dawn

will light the day

As long as you're

right by my side

Away we go

- Shit, she's a runner.

- Oh, easy.

Easy, there, tiger.

Okay, maybe she's

just f*cking with us.


And maybe she's still

upstairs right now.


I mean, regardless,

we will find out.

I love our dear groom.

I really do.

I do.

I'm the best man,

of course I do.

But this wedding is

officially called off.

- So are you saying we're

cool with a k*ller now?

- Well we're not

gonna sit around here

and let her k*ll us.

Are we?

- Yeah, I'm not down

for her k*lling us.

That's for damn sure.

- Yo, he's gonna

be pissed though.

- Oh, God.

It's for his own good, and ours.

- Since you're the best

man, you can tell him

we k*lled his bride.

- I am the best man.

And I will.

You know what?

Let's make this a little

more fun, shall we?


Okay, we're gonna

call this mission...

I got it. I got it.

Showdown at the family cabin.

Whoever gets to her

first wins the honeymoon

that I purchased for

the happy couple.

- Yeah, but you probably pick

some bougie shit like Paris.

- So cliche.

Puerto Rico, my friend.

- [Groomsman] I

love Puerto Rico.

- I bet you do.

I bet you do.


You, why don't you

take the upstairs.

In case it was a diversion.

You can f*ck off to the

basement, in case she's hiding.

And we shall take the front,

make sure she doesn't

get one of those cars.


- Right.

- Come on.

(door clattering)

(upbeat music)

(stairs creaking)

(upbeat music)

Okay, which way to go.

Which way to go.

Actually, you take,

you take left.

Yeah, you.

- Yeah, all right.

- Nah.

Nah, you take

right, I lean left.



- Focus, m*therf*cker.

Focus. Focus.

- Mm, they're watching.

(upbeat music)


Where are you?

I'm missing my dancing partner.

Come on.

(groomsman chuckling)

Yeah, sure.

Got me out here looking for

her crazy ass by myself.

Everybody else in pairs.

Like I'm the lone f*cking ranger

with no Tonto.

This is some bullshit.

- Where, where, where

is that beautiful bride?


Sweetheart, you out here?

Let me see that beautiful dress.

Nah, I don't think

you're out here.

Oh, but I love this song.

Ooh, yes.

When you touch me, baby

My heart is on fire

You're so sweet

and so lovely

The only one I desire

Now that I'm

- Oh, I love this jam.



- Another dead

brother out there.

- Really?

- Yeah.

- Well we'll have a toast

for him later, yeah?

- God, I hope not.

- You...

Do you think our girl

is that clever where

she would double back?


(door creaking)

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music continues)

(groomsman breathing)

(upbeat music)


- Nada.

- No, keep looking.


And keep your head on a swivel.

I swear to God.

(upbeat music)

(golf club thudding)

(upbeat music)

(bride grunting)

(fist thudding)

(bride grunting)

(glass shattering)

(bride grunting)

(groomsman grunting)

(fist thudding)

(groomsman grunting)

Watch the cars back

til the break of day

Crazy Johnny and

the Chevrolet

(bride yelling)

(elbows thudding)

(bride groaning)

(bodies thudding)

(fists thudding)

(foot thudding)

(hand slapping)

(bride groaning)

(bride yelling)

(upbeat music)

(groomsman choking)

(neck cracking)

(upbeat music)

Crazy Johnny and

the Chevrolet

On the weekends

everybody pack the barns

Next to the highway

with the wings and cars

When he tells a story

makes it sound like a dream

It's the good old

boys and lots of speed

I wasn't here back then

I'd be jamming rock n'

roll with all my friends

(knife whooshing)

(clothes rustling)

Watch the cars right

til the break of day

Crazy Johnny and

the Chevrolet

(upbeat music)

(bride yelling)

(groomsman groaning)

(bride yelling)

- I guess we're not

friends anymore.

(groomsman grunting)

(bride yelling)

- You were the one who ran.

You can run from them, but

you can't run from him.

We're number one.

Nobody gets out alive.

- Well I guess I'm just

breaking all the rules.

Tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet

He rocks in the tree

tops all the day long

Hoppin' and a-boppin'

and a-singing his song

All the little birds

on Jaybird Street

Love to hear the robin

go tweet tweet tweet

Rockin' robin

Tweet, tweet, tweet

Rockin' robin

Tweet, tweedle-lee-dee

Blow rockin' robin

'Cause we're really

gonna rock tonight

Tweet, tweedle-lee-dee

Every little swallow,

every chick-a-dee

Every little bird

in the tall oak tree

The wise old owl,

the big black crow

Flappin' their wings

singing go bird go

Rockin' robin,

tweet, tweet, tweet

Rockin' robin

Tweet, tweedle-lee-dee

Blow rockin' robin

'Cause we're really

gonna rock tonight

Tweet, tweet

(bride yelling)

Tweet, tweet

Tweet, tweet

Tweet, tweedle-lee-dee



Tweet, tweet

Tweet, tweedle-lee-dee


Tweet, tweedle-lee-dee

A pretty little raven

at the bird-band stand

Taught him how to do the

bop, and it was grand

They started going

steady and bless my soul

He out-bopped the

buzzard and the oriole

He rocks in the tree

top all the day long

Hoppin' and a-bop

All the little birds

on Jaybird Street

Love to hear the robin

go tweet tweet tweet

Rockin' robin,

tweet, tweet, tweet

Rockin' robin, tweet,


(crickets chirping)

(crickets chirping continues)

(footsteps thudding)

- Mm.


(groomsman grunting)

This was my favorite

f*cking song.

It really was.

Oh, now you are f*cking

dead, sweetheart.

(footsteps thudding)

Run, run.

I love it when they run.



(tense music)

(tense music continues)

- [Bride] Where the

hell are my keys?

(car lock chirping)

(tense music)

(keys jangling)

(tense music)

(bride grunting)

(bride coughing)

Mm, looks like you're

going to Puerto Rico.

- You bet your ass I am.

(bride coughing)

- Where did you think

you were gonna go?


I mean, g*dd*mn, a

wedding, that is one thing,

but you said you wanted

out, and nobody gets out.

You can't just leave.


That is university

policy actually.

And you should know that.

Okay, fine.

I know, I know, it's, it's

cliche, but you know too much.

Hell, we all know

a little too much.

But you did read

the policy, right?

When you signed the papers?



(bride snarling)

(groomsman snarling)

- She's a f*cking fire

cr*cker, aint she?

(bride grunting)

- Come on.

(bride grunting)

Come on.

Come on, now.


(bride grunting)

Where do you think you're going?

Since it's your wedding day,

we will wait for the groom.

All right?

But if I wasn't such

an amazing best man

I would just cut your

f*cking head off right now.


You can, I guess, get

the rest of her inside.

We'll let the two

love birds discuss

and he can decide what

he wants to do with her.

In the meantime,

I shall have another toast

and work on my best man speech.

Because you never know,

could be a wedding day.

Woo, so excited.

- assh*le, make the black

man pick up the garbage.

Ain't that always the case?

(upbeat music)

- Oh, yeah.



- [Groomsman] Come on, princess.


- f*ck waiting on the groom,

I'm gonna k*ll you now.

I'll cut your

m*therf*cking tongue off

and I will watch you bleed.

(bride snarling)





Little bitty pretty one

- The definition of love

is an intense feeling

of affection and concern

towards another person.

- You f*cking bitch!

- You thought I forgot the keys?

You thought I was running?

- f*ck!

- I wanted you here.

Tell you a story

- I have never been in love.

I've never been in love.

A-little bitty pretty one

I've been watchin' you grow

- But when I saw love

happen to a close,

a close friend of mine,

it meant the world to me.

It meant the world to me.

It changed...

It was, it was a

very special moment.

Nah, dammit.

When I...

When I witnessed a close friend.

Where the f*ck are they, dude?





- Oh, what now you stupid...


- Hey, buddy.

- What's up?

- You wanna talk about

that screwed policy now?


- Okay. Okay.

What is it that

you want, sweetie?


I mean they were gonna give you

the wedding that you wanted,

and they never do that.

They were gonna break the rules.

And now what?

You, you what, you expect

them to just let you go now?

Come on.

- Oh, I knew they would

never just let me go.

But there is no happily

ever after what they gave.

- Oh, come on, there's no

happily ever after, ever.

I mean, look, where is

the happily ever after

right here in this

shit show, huh?

- Well you were the ones

that came knocking on my door

like a bunch of assholes.

- And you are lucky it was us.

I mean, shit, we were

supposed to be friends

and this was as good

as it was gonna get.

- Oh, you see, friend, I

don't wanna have to be given

anything anymore.

I want a chance at normal.


Nothing out of the ordinary

ever happens kind of life.

- Okay. Okay.

And how?

How the hell were

you gonna do that?


I mean, you could get rid

of all of us, you know?

But they will just send more.

And next time you won't

even know who they are

because this school, oh, this

school is old school baby.

It is old school.

I mean, they've been

around long before us,

and they will be

here long after.


I mean, you just don't suddenly

up and decide you wanna

have a normal life

when you teach at the

shadowy organization

that subcontracts assassinations

to every world

f*cking government.

Come on.

- Enough.

Thanks for the history

lesson, professor.

But at least I'm making it my

choice to take that chance.

- Yeah. Yeah.

You know what?

He is coming.

He is coming here.

(bride screaming)

(bride grunting)

(groomsman grunting)

(bride snarling)

(groomsman snarling)

- Okay. Okay, okay.

Okay. Okay.

Okay, he was gonna go

talk to the board first

before he came here.

Okay. Easy.

Easy. Now.


I'm just be surprised if

he's not on his way already.


Listen. Listen.

He's still helping you.

Whoa. Easy.

Still helping you after

everything that you've done.

It's sad, as the best

man, that you're breaking

my boy's f*cking heart.

You know that, right?

You know that.

- Well maybe I should

have never even tried

to go through with it.

But by the time I realized

it was already too late,

the train was already

on the tracks.

Come here.

Come here.

Come here.

- Okay.

- You're a k*ller.

I'm a k*ller.

And I will k*ll you.

I've already k*lled most of

our f*cking friends tonight.

- Yeah, I see that and

I really appreciate it.

- Yeah.

Call him.

- What?

- The one we both

still have left.

- Oh God.

- Yeah, I want you, I

want you to pull out

your phone slowly and

I want you to call him

and I want you to

tell him that I'm dead

and that he doesn't have

to come here anymore.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa.


You want me to call him

and tell him his best man

k*lled his bride to be?

Come on, he would be so

f*cking pissed at me.

I can't do it.

No f*cking way.


- Sh.

Are you more worried about

pissing him off right now?

Or pissing me off more?

- You, darling, of course.


- Then f*cking call him.

- All right, all

right, all right.

All right. All right.

(phone keys beeping)

(phone ringing)

- What's going on?

I just got back from the Dean's,

everything's cool for now.

I'm just about to head that way.

Where is she?

- Ah, she's dead.

Do you hear what I said?

I said that she is dead.

- [Groom] You k*lled her?

- I mean, I didn't

really have a choice.

I mean, you know how she is.

And she took out

every other guy.


- [Groom] All of them?

- Well, I mean, shit

man, I just, you know,

I had to k*ll her

before she k*lled me.

But listen, listen, if

it's any consolation

she was one tough bitch.

You know?

But I am sorry about everything.

(phone beeping)

(tense music)

(tense music continues)

(tense music continues)

He hung up.


But listen, I, you know,

while we're waiting

for him I should give you

the speech that I prepared.

I worked my ass off on it.

You know the definition of love-

(bride screaming)

(bride panting)

(bride panting continues)

- Hey, bitch.

I ain't finished with you yet.

- God, not you again.

- Oh, looks like

everyone is dead.

Good, they were weak.

I was supposed to be best man.

- Huh?

- You caught me slipping.

It ain't happening again.

- How was your flight?

- It was rough.

But I'm here, ain't I?

- I guess you came

back for more.

- You ready for round two?

- Are you ready?

- I'm gonna rip your

f*cking head off.

- And you're gonna regret this.

- Whoa.



I'm gonna beat you like

your daddy used to.

Come on.

Come on, bitch.

- What did you just call me?

- What did it sound like?

A female dog?

Come on, bitch.

- Don't you ever call

me a bitch again.

- f*ck you.

Come on, bitch.

(dramatic music)

(water dripping)

(chair squeaking)

What the f*ck?

What the actual f*ck?

You better let me go

right now you f*cking...

I'm sorry.

(T-Bone laughing)

I'm sorry.

This is actually really good.

This is good.

This is good.

We're in a good place right now.

You know.

Me and you we're a lot alike.

We are.

All the fighting and k*lling.

It's exhausting.

I'm over it.

I'm done.

You want out?

So do I.

So do I.

Yo, this is perfect.

We could...

We could just...

We could just leave.


We could just leave.

You and I, we could

just run away.

I mean, not together.

Unless, unless

that's what you want.

I always, I always thought that

you were, you were special.


I always had a crush on you.

No, no.


Okay, you could, you

could just go by yourself.

You could just f*cking

leave yourself.

Get me the f*ck outta here.

Cut me loose and we

can go toe to toe

you f*cking bitch.

Let me f*cking go.

Oh God, I will destroy you.

God damn it.

f*ck, I'll destroy you, bitch.


Everyone says that you're

supposed to be the best.

Ah, the sweet little girl.

The best.

It's f*cking bullshit.

You're a f*cking joke.

Look at you, you're

f*cking pathetic.

You f*cking bitch.

That thing doesn't even

f*cking work you stupid c**t.

(T-Bone laughing)

Nice legs though.

Really, nice legs.



- When you tried to k*ll me

earlier you forgot the gas.

(T-Bone panting)

- f*ck.


(chainsaw whirring)

(chainsaw whirring continues)

(chainsaw whirring continues)

(bride panting)

(water dripping)

(bride panting)

(blood splattering)

(bride panting)

(bride panting continues)

(crickets chirping)

(crickets chirping continues)

(water gushing)

(water gushing continues)

(bride panting)

You didn't read up

on the assignment

very well then, did you?

Wow, I didn't even

know people ate shark.

But it was great.

- Well, you can do it.

A lot of variables.

You got species

of the shark, age,

how fast you could bleed it out.

- Yeah, well we never

fished shark back in London.

That's for sure.

(all laughing)

- Because people are

scared of sharks.

Fierce, fierce predators.

Let me ask you, you

both afraid of sharks?

You see I equate the situation

we have here right now

to the relationship with

the shark and the dolphin.

You see the shark and the

dolphin tend to inhabit

the same region.

They can be copacetic,

live together, be happy.

But all it takes is

for one bad shark

and that turns the tide.

And then it ruins

it for everybody.

See a dolphin, you got

a lot to offer the shark

in the way of the food chain.

Big food source.

Now the shark on the other hand,

he got absolutely nothing

to offer that dolphin.

Everybody knows a shark,

he could rip right

into that dolphin.

Can't he?

But the dolphin, he

don't have that luxury.

No, the dolphin, he

gotta stay with the pack

and swim around that shark

and try to confuse him.

Now when he least expect

it, without any warning,

that dolphin, he surprises

him by swimming up underneath

and he ram that nose right

into that shark belly

and k*ll the shark

with one good blow.

That's a fact.


I bring this up incidentally,

because this is

where I find myself

and my wife this current moment.

And we need to know,

we'd like to know,

are we the shark?

Are we the dolphin?

(tense music)

(tense music continues)

See the dolphin, he's got

no reason to k*ll the shark.

Unless it's defense.

And that is the position I do

believe that I find my wife

and myself currently

in right now.

Now dolphins have been

known to play with sharks.

Much like a cat would play

with mice before they k*ll it.

But that's just a weird game.

- We've known who you two

were ever since we met you

at the bar yesterday.

Doing what you're doing.

We were both you, only we

were doing it long before

you two were ever born.

- Now the university knows

that we know the rules

and that's one of the reasons

we've been able to avoid

their cross hairs

for over 20 years.

And they'd know that

one of these rules

say you'd never send a teacher

because teachers,

they work alone.

But I think they did

that intentionally,

that was the reason, because

they thought if they sent

you both you may

get close enough

and that you can clean

their palate of us.


Now there also may

be one other reason

they sent you both, I think.

Because they knew that one

of you would do anything,

and I mean anything to

get close enough to us

to put a b*llet in our heads.

Did you know there's only

one time since we fled

the university that

we have any problems

in this long, long,

strange trip we've had?

April 26th, 1994.

I'm good with dates, aren't I?

I think you know that

date, don't you, darling?

They found us in Europe.

Man, you have his eyes.

And that smile

when it comes out.

And if he was my

daddy, I understand,

because I would

want that revenge.

But I love my wife, so I cannot

give you the satisfaction

that you desire.

- I never even got to

say goodbye to him.

- He was a good man.

He truly was.

But he came to k*ll us.

And this is the life we chose.

(tense music)

(tense music intensifies)

(bride sighing)

(tense music)

(tense music continues)

- I guess you've been out of

the game for too long now.

- You've gone soft

in your old age.

You've lost your edge.

Missed things that would've

got you k*lled years ago

if you had then.

Like my bride here emptying

out all the b*ll*ts

from your only g*n on board.

I pity you, really.

It amazes me that you've

been able to evade

the university as

long as you have.

I mean, hell, you're

practically the reason

for the no romantic

relationships on campus policy

and yet here you sit helpless.

The ones who got away.

The runaways who

could never be found.

You were once two of the best

and now it seems as

though you've forgotten

who you once were.

- No, you don't forget.

You don't forget

what we've done.

Growing old does

not make you soft.

I assure you I

haven't lost my edge.

It's just that I got

tired of sharpening it.

- The fact that it is so dull

has put you in a position

where not only can

you not protect her,

but you can't protect yourself.

- We had a good life.

More than most.

And now we take the adventure

we never had together.

(tense music)

(tense music continues)

(tense music continues)

(tense music continues)

(g*n firing)

(gentle music)

(gentle music continues)

(gentle music continues)

(gentle music continues)

(gentle music continues)

(gentle music continues)

(no audio)

I've always loved

the way you smell.

You k*lled all of them?

- [Bride] Are you

surprised, honey?

- No.

Not really.

They were our friends though.

(groom sighing)

- [Bride] They

were your friends.

- I spoke to the Dean tonight.

I convinced him you

weren't a flight risk

and that you'd just

gotten cold feet.

Oh, dear.

It's gonna be kind

of hard to prove

that now that you've k*lled

half our wedding party.

- I don't need to prove

anything to anybody anymore.

Like I said, I want out.

- Well there's no way out.

I think that old couple

has proven that enough.

They'll find you no

matter how long it takes.

- That old couple still

had plenty of time together

away from them.

They had a good life.

- What?

Out on a boat

practically by themselves

for 20 something years

doing absolutely jack shit?

That's not a life,

that's merely existence.

- [Bride] We should have

never k*lled that couple.

- We did them a favor and

put them out of their misery.

The old man k*lled your

father for Christ sake.

- Because my father

was one of them.

One of us.

He did what he had to

do for him and his wife

to be together.

- Now the university

gave us their blessing.

They didn't know so I didn't

think they would but they did.

We could have a

good life together.

- The only reason they

gave us their blessing

is because of what we

did to that couple.

As long as we were still playing

by the rest of their rules

we were worth more

alive to them than dead.

Sure we came clean and

told them about us,

so they trusted us,

but really it was

just another way

for them to still

try and control us.

That's why they allowed

us to go through with it.

- But they allowed it.

- The university.

To some they cut checks,

to you they're like

a g*dd*mn religion.

Don't you get it?

We shouldn't have had

to ask permission.

- Yeah, well, we all knew

the rules when we enrolled.

All of us did.

- Well, like I

said, people change.

- Well what about us?


Did that change too?

You look like you

could use a drink.

Come on.

Don't treat me like a stranger.

After all you are the

one who left me standing

at the altar tonight.


- Sure, I could

always use a drink.

(groom sighing)

(glasses clinking)

(both gulping)

(no audio)

(footsteps tapping)

(gentle music)

- May I have this dance?

- Last dance.

(gentle music)

Ooh, ah, do you remember

Ooh, ah, you said forever

Doo, ah, you said you

would never let me go

(gentle music)

You said you'd never leave

But that was a lie

You haunt all my dreams

You left me alone to cry

Ooh, ah, do you remember

Ooh, ah, you said forever

Doo, ah, you said you

would never let me go

(gentle music)

- Why'd you do it?

Why did you leave

them all there?

All alone with no explanation.

- If I could run from

you easily, I would've

done it sooner.

- But you're my partner.

And a partner's not supposed

to run from their partner.

- [Bride] I guess I'm

not a good person.

- Most of the people

that you've k*lled

weren't very good for

themselves or anyone else.

See even God doesn't

judge, so why should we?

- I was sitting

in church tonight,

alone in my

beautiful white dress

and I saw this mother with

her baby and a little baby boy

and I knew right then and

there that if I married you,

I could never have that.

I do love you.

But deep down, I know I

couldn't go through with it.

- I went to the Board, I

was prepared to go down

in a hail of b*ll*ts

if that's what it took.

Like Bonnie and Clyde.

(bride giggling)

- Maybe that's what

should have happened then.

(gentle music)

- Even when so many

things were right?

You're the one who

wanted a big wedding.

- If I had come to you

first, would you have left?

- They gave us

everything we wanted.

There was no reason to run.

- So you're prepared

to die with me,

but you would've never

left them for me?


- Even if I did, they

would've k*lled us both.

I wouldn't want that for you.

I wouldn't want that for us.

- There is no us.

Not anymore.

- Well if you're so

through with everything,

why'd you even come

here in first place?

Why didn't you just keep running

if that's what

you really wanted?

- Because hell hath no

fury like a man scorned.

You're a jilted lover now, babe.

And once I'm running,

the teacher that's

gonna come after me,

the strongest and

the hardest is you

and I want to drab,

routine kind of a life.

And I'm willing to die to

try and make that happen.

(gentle music)

- Aint love grand?

- I came to say goodbye.

(gentle music)

(gentle music continues)

- All right.

I do love you.

I always will.

But one of us has

to die tonight.

- Mm.

Well I'm not gonna wait

around to play defense.

This is offense.

(groom sighing)

(gentle music)

(gentle music continues)

(gentle music continues)

(gentle music continues)

- To us.

- To us.

(gentle music)

(groom yelling)

(bottle shattering)

(bride yelling)

(foot thudding)

(groom grunting)

(fist thudding)

(groom grunting)

(foot thudding)

(groom grunting)

(bride yelling)

(head thudding)

So long, so long

Farewell, farewell

I'll be heading

out on my own

(fists whooshing)

(bride yelling)

(leg thudding)

(bride yelling)

(fist thudding)

(bride groaning)

'Cause I've had

enough of you now

(bride coughing)

(elbow thudding)

(groom yelling)

(foot thudding)

(groom groaning)

(both yelling)

(body thudding)

(bride yelling)

(foot thudding)

(groom grunting)

(glass rattling)

(bride grunting)

- I guess we just skipped to

til death do us part, honey.

(bride yelling)

(bride yelling continues)

'Cause I've had

enough of you now

So long, so long

Farewell, farewell

I'll be heading

out on my own

This is the end

of what we had

But don't worry, baby

I don't feel bad

Honey, say goodbye

to this honey

'Cause I've had

enough of you now

(upbeat music)

(waves crashing)

(birds cawing)

(waves crashing)

- I guess I won't be

needing this anymore.

- You know, I...

I don't know.

I think maybe you

should hold onto it.

- What do you mean?

- I'm tired of hiding.

- Well what about your...

What about the job?

What about them?

- We won't run like

that other couple.

I dunno, maybe...

Maybe we'll go to the

university, we'll come clean,

let the chips fall

where they fall.

It's worth the risk.

You are worth the risk.

(bride gasping)

Will you marry me?

- Yes.

(waves crashing)

(waves crashing continues)

- I love you.

(waves crashing)

(waves crashing continues)

One day at a time, right?

- We've survived this long.

(waves crashing)

(waves crashing continues)

(upbeat music)

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

(upbeat music)

("Bridal Chorus"

by Wagner playing)

("Bridal Chorus" by

Wagner playing continues)

("Bridal Chorus" by

Wagner playing continues)

(footsteps padding)

(phone vibrating)

(dramatic music)

Mama told me, son

you best be ready

When you give

your heart away

Make sure that those

loving arms are steady

If you want that

girl to stay

Give her all your lovin'

Your kissin'

and your huggin'

All of your devotion too

When pushin'

comes to shovin'

It aint just turtle dovein'

So give her all

your lovin', babe

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

Lovin', lovin', lovin'

Lovin' aint just

walking in the park

Dancin' after dark

Real slow

You can't hurry love

Son you better

listen to your Mama

There's one thing

that you ought to know

Mama said you better

Give her all your lovin'

Your kissin'

and your huggin'

All of your devotion too

When pushin'

comes to shovin'

It aint just turtle dovein'

So give her all

your lovin', babe

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music continues)

Give her all your lovin'

Your kissin'

and your huggin'

All of your devotion too

When pushin'

comes to shovin'

It aint just turtle dovein'

So give her all

your lovin', babe

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

Lovin', lovin', lovin'

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

(upbeat music)

(eerie music)

(eerie music continues)

(eerie music continues)

(eerie music continues)
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