12x05 - Harmony

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Heartbeat". Aired: 10 April 1992 – 12 September 2010.*
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British police procedural period drama series, based upon the "Constable" series of novels set within the North Riding of Yorkshire during the 1960s.
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12x05 - Harmony

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why do you miss when my baby kisses me?

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why does a love kiss stay in my memory? ♪

MUSIC: 'Got To Get You Into My Life' by Cliff Bennett

♪ I was alone, I took a ride

♪ I didn't know what I would find there

♪ Another road where maybe I could see

♪ Another kind of life there

♪ Ooh, then I suddenly see you

♪ Ooh, did I tell you I need you

♪ Every single day...? ♪

- Deborah! - Dennis! Dennis!

- It is so good to see you. - You, too.

- Good trip? - Perfect directions.

Well, we're trained, you know?

Look at this.

- I love it already. - Come and have a look inside.


- Oh, how's Aunty Sanga getting on? - At death's door.

Oh, no. No change there, eh?

- What about Uncle Wally? - He just wishes he was dead.

LAUGHTER It never changes.

A bit basic compared to what you're used to.

No phone, no TV.

- Make your own fire. - Oh, I love it.

How did you find it?

Easy, when I told Lord Ashfordly who it was for.

Who's he?

Local landlord and a great fan of yours and Larry's.

Have you seen him lately?

Who, Larry? Not if I can help it.

What about Didi?

No, I haven't seen Didi for ages.

She's always on the road.

You know Larry. Likes to keep her busy.

Oh, Dennis.

I might never leave.

I'd try the piano first if I were you.

Tuned by one of Yorkshire's finest, or so I was promised.

That's good enough for me.

There you go, Mr Clough. Home, sweet home.

Mr Clough?

MUSIC: 'Oh Mein Papa' by Eddie Calvert

♪ Oh, mein papa... ♪

Mr Clough!

Fancy Merton hiding his claim to fame.

Cousin to a star, eh?

Are your hands clean?

When she signs it, I don't want your paw prints on it.

Deborah Vine and Larry Prince. Lovers In Harmony.

They could be done for fraud with a title like that.

- Why? They're still married. - Yeah, only just.

Certainly not in harmony...wait!

- What's up? - That bloke, Scudamore.

ALF: Scudamore?

Yes, that bloke that Greater Manchester want

for the armed robbery.

SONG: 'Ave Maria'

I felt awful.

It's not nice finding a body in the back seat.

I have one or two in the back seat most weeks.

You'll get over it.

I feel sorry for poor April Clough having to cope with that shop.

Thank you, Mr Scripps. I had to have one last look.

I'm very sorry about your dad, April.

If there is anything I can do.

That's very kind of you, David. You look well in a suit.

My dad always said what... a well-made lad you were.

David, you'd better go and clear things up in there.

♪ Fuelled by your loving, yeah

♪ In this heart, heart like the sun

♪ There is no-one There's no-one else like you...


Oh, I know.

♪ There's no-one else but you... That's it

♪ For me, babe ♪ Got it.


Who's that?

♪ Every time my baby and I have a quarrel

♪ I swear I won't give in...

Hello, Mum.

♪ Then my baby starts to smile at me... ♪

CHUCKLES What are you doing here?

BELLAMY: It was him, sarge. I'm positive.

Shouldn't we stake the place out first before we dive in?

No, he might spot something.

I'd rather we made a mistake than risk losing him.

- I've left the show. - You've left?

I walked out.

But why? What happened?


Something must have happened, Didi.

Did you have a row? A bad review?

Nothing's happened.

I just couldn't stick it any longer.

- Does your father know? - I left a note.

Please don't tell him I'm here.

No, no, if you don't want me to.

How many days left on the tour?

- Six. - Only six?

I'm not going back.

Didi, I thought this was what you wanted to do.

I know touring's difficult.

But there's a lot of people relying on you, hen.

I'm not going back.

Look, have a wee rest tonight,

and tomorrow, I'll take you to the doctor.

What for?

For a check-up. You're obviously done in.

If things get nasty, you'll need that in writing.

BELLAMY: He's coming.

This side.

Wait till he's inside.

He's onto us.

MUSIC: 'Shakin' All Over' by Johnny Kidd & The Pirates


♪ When you move in right up close to me


♪ That's when I get the shakes all over me

♪ Quivers down my backbone

♪ I got the shakes down my knee bone

♪ Yeah, the tremors in my thigh bone

♪ Shakin' all over ♪

And have you lost any weight?

- A little. - Are you eating properly?

On tour? You must be joking.


What do you do when you're not singing?

I travel. Newcastle, Middlesbrough, Scarborough, Hull.

And that's just this week.

Right, if you'd like to just pop behind the curtain

and take your top off.

- There really isn't any point. - It won't take a minute.

MUSIC: 'The Naughty Lady Of Shady Lane' by Beverley Sisters

Thirsty work?

- Aye. - What do you want to drink?

Oh, I don't know. What have you got?

What haven't we got?

I don't know that, either.

It's a shop, silly! Come and see.

On second thoughts, I better get back to Mr Vernon,

he might need me.

Not as much as me, I bet.

It's so hard not having a man about the shop.

You don't realise till they've gone.

I'll get on.

Why didn't you tell me when you first came in?

I came for a sick note not an examination.

What are you putting?

That you're suffering from nervous exhaustion.

Thank you.

Miss Vine, would you like to come through?

DEBORAH: Is everything all right?

I think Didi has something to tell you.

Didi, what is it?

You're pregnant?


'Ey up, Larry.

- What brings you up here? - I'm looking for Didi, what else?

I thought she'd gone straight back down to London.

She left a note, didn't she?

- It just said she'd had enough. - Do you know why?

No. But somebody did call the hotel to say she'd got a sickie.

- Someone? - A doctor, I suppose.

What doctor? Where?

I don't know. I didn't take the call.

Remember what I told you about Mrs Nixon.

Knock hard because she's deaf.

And no stopping for cups of tea, especially at Mrs Hargreaves'.

Or you'll never get round.


Go on. You might get peckish.


Look who's pulled up outside. It's Larry Prince.

Larry Prince? It certainly looks like him.

First her, then him.

That can't be a coincidence.

Do you think they're back together again?

I think he's coming in here. You can ask him.

- Too late? - Just drying. What can I get you?

Oh, thanks. Scotch, please.

- Nice to see you. - Hello, mate.

Pretty little village you have here.

We think so. Is it your first time here?

Yeah, it is. A doctor I know lives in the area put me onto it.

Dr Summerbee?

That's the name, yes.

Thank you.

- Ah! - If you don't mind.

No, no. Of course not.

Pen, Oscar.

- Do what? - A pen!

I've been keeping it handy

in case I spotted your other half in the village.

Sorry, your ex-other half.

- Deborah? - Yeah.

I never dreamt I'd get the both of you.

What makes you think Deborah is here?

Oh, sorry. Was it supposed to be a secret?

Well...obviously not any more.



To Gina, love, Larry.

- Here you are, Gina. - Ta.


Hello, Debbie.


- Long time no see. - What are you doing here?

- Don't you know? - No. Who told you I was here?

Does it matter?

- Where is she? - Who?


- She's here, isn't she? - Why would you think that?

She's gone AWOL from the tour.

That's too bad, but I'm afraid I can't help you.

Don't mess me about, Debs.

- Is there a problem? - You remember my cousin,

Dennis Merton?

We met at the odd wedding and funeral north of the border.

- Oh, yes, of course. - Larry was just going.

- Not without Didi, I'm not. - I think...

Look, if you'll excuse us, this is a personal matter.

Dennis stays where he is.

I think you should call it a day, Larry.

Fresh that day? Pull the other. They're like b*ll*ts!

Don't think you can fob me off with rubbish now my dad's gone.

I'll take them off the bill.

If you don't like it, you can flippin' lump it.

Thank you, Mr Barnwell. Bye-bye for now.


You have made good time.

Yeah, right.

I'll...better be going, then.


I'm not letting you go away hungry.

Oh, no?

No arguments.

I've done you something specially.

MUSIC: 'Jezebel' by Marty Wilde



Got no biscuits left, Alf.

You can have one of mine.

All right, you two.

Manchester have asked if we can spare a car and a couple of bodies

to take Scudamore over to them.

Too busy, are they?

Naturally, in the fine tradition of cooperation between the forces,

I have agreed.

As soon as you can, please.

- Today, sarge? - Yes.

They want him in front of a court tomorrow. Let's finish the job.

He'll be handcuffed from door to door.

Take an unmarked car and some refreshments.

No stops under any circumstances. Understood?

Yes, sarge.

That's where the biscuits go.


Didi, open the door!



Whatever it is, we can work it out.


- Can I help you, sir? - No, I don't think so, officer.

Do you mind telling me what you're doing?

I'm looking for my daughter.

You've tried knocking on the door, have you?

I like a policeman with a sense of humour.

You are clearly one of Sgt Merton's merriest men.

But I could do without it right now.

Then get back in your car and leave everybody in peace.

I'm her father and her manager, constable.

You're obstructing me and my business.

I'm sure she'll get in touch when she wants to...sir.

I wondered if you might look under the bonnet sometime, Mr Scripps?

Of course. What's the problem?

Well, it's starting badly. I think the battery is run down.

- Shall I have a look now? - No, I've got to get back.

- Sometime tomorrow? - Afternoon would be best.

Thank you.

- Miss Vine. - Yes?

PC Mike Bradley.

Sgt Merton's asked me to keep an eye on the cottage.

- Has something happened? - I spotted Mr Prince outside.

- Oh, I better get back. - There's no immediate rush.

I escorted him off the property and on his way,

though I dare say he'll be back again.

If your daughter really does want to avoid him,

she's better off staying somewhere else just for a couple of days.

Thank you.

MUSIC: 'Sympathy For The Devil' by Bryan Ferry

Thank you, Mrs Baker. See you next week.

I am sorry about your dad.

- Thank you. Bye. - See you.

Thanks, that were lovely.

You don't get a spread like that every day, I bet.

No. Well, not with Mr Vernon's cooking!

I think you could do better for yourself than driving a taxi.

No, I like driving my taxi.

But where's it going?

Well, wherever I'm asked.

Perhaps it's time you looked for a better prospect.

You all must go mad up here. What do you do of an evening?

I can't speak for Constable Ventress

but my hobby is using thumb screws on prisoners

and beating the soles of their feet.

You'll go a long way, you.

♪ Please allow me to introduce myself

♪ I'm a man of wealth and taste...

- Give us a swig from that bottle. - Later.

Alf, give him a drink, will you?

Make it last the journey.

♪ I made damn sure that Pilate

♪ Washed his hands and sealed his fate

♪ Pleased to meet you

♪ Hope you guess my name...

What's going on?



♪ Stuck around St. Petersburg

♪ When I saw it was a time for a change... ♪

- Just through here. - I'm really sorry to put you out.

That's all right.

I'm sure he'll go once he knows you're not at the cottage.

First room on the left.


MUSIC: 'We've Gotta Get Out Of This Place' by The Animals

♪ In this dirty old part of the city

♪ Where the sun refused to shine

♪ People tell me there ain't no use in tryin'

♪ Now my girl, you're so young and pretty

♪ And one thing I know is true

♪ You'll be dead before your time is due, I know

♪ Watch my daddy in bed a-dyin'

♪ Watched his hair been turnin' grey

♪ He's been workin' and slavin' his life away

♪ Oh, yes, I know it... ♪

Well, get out and alert people.

And tell them we need sightings, not heroes, Bradley.

He's too dangerous to tackle.

I hear you've been helping a damsel in distress, David.

- Who says? - April Clough.

She's been telling me what a little treasure you are.

Yeah, well, I think I'm getting in a bit of a spot with April.

How do you mean?

Well, she keeps looking at me funny.

- Like she's... - Taken a fancy to you?

She keeps trapping me by the plums, Gina.

- She's breathing all heavy, like. - I see...

Do you think if I said that I liked somebody else

that she'd leave me alone?

Well, it's worth a try.

- And do you? - What?

Like someone?

I suppose so, yeah.

Do I know her?

No. No.

Ah, Mr Prince. Good evening. What can I get you?

Evening. Scotch, please.

What's going on out there? There's police cars everywhere.

A prisoner escaped from his police escort this afternoon.

They're all running around, trying to find him.


MUSIC: 'I'm A Man' by Chicago

♪ Well...

♪ My pad is very messy and there's whiskers on my chin

♪ I'm all hung up on music

♪ And I've always paid the rent

♪ I ain't got no time for loving

♪ Cos my time is all used up

♪ Just by sitting round creating

♪ All that groovy kind of stuff

♪ I'm a man, yes I am but I can't help but love you so

♪ Oh, no, no

♪ I'm a man, yes I am but I can't help but love you so

♪ If I had my choice of matter I would rather be with cats

♪ All engrossed in mental chatter showing where our minds are at

♪ And relating to each other

♪ Just how strong the love can be

♪ And resisting all their problems with each groovy chick we see... ♪


Larry, I know you're there. The door's open.

Tea or coffee, or do you fancy something stronger?


No screaming, no shouting.

Do what I say, you'll be OK.

- Who are you? - You alone?

Who are you?

- Are you alone? - No, I'm expecting somebody.

I've dealt with him.

- What do you want? - Keys for the car outside.


Please start.

Please, please start.



- Anyone see anything? - No, sarge.

We'll man roadblocks through the night.

Everyone else might as well go home till first light.

Right, sarge.




Not a sound.


Hello. Groceries for Miss Vine.

Bring it in, she wants to see you.

Does she?

Miss Vine?

MIKE: Yeah, exactly, Alf.

But... Hang on. Thanks, lads.

He can't be sure when they went missing,

but a box of cartridges have gone too.

Right. Will do.

Get rid of the mutt.

DAVID: What if he gets lost?

Do you want me to sh**t him instead?

Come on, boy.

Go on. Get home!

Sort this out, so two can get in the back.

That took longer than I expected.

Are you all right?

What is it?


I don't know what to do.

You're safe here. You don't have to do anything.

I can't have this baby.

- Why not? - I just can't.

Everyone's got too much to lose.

What do you mean, "everyone"? This is about you and the baby.

- No, it isn't. - Hey, come on!

This isn't the end of the world, Didi, or your career.

You will get through this. I promise you.

You don't understand. I'm part of my father's business.

-So is the father. - Well, maybe so, but...

He's the lead singer for Dad's biggest group.

If this got out, he'd be finished.

- Says who? - It's what happens.

Wives and babies don't sell records.

They're square.

Do you see now why I'm so afraid to tell my dad?

But there's no alternative, is there?

Isn't there?

Go on. Shift yourself.

Get her in.


Close the doors, then drive.


Hello, Michael? It's Bernie.

Probably nothing but...

...something funny's turned up.

MUSIC: 'Keep On Running' by The Spencer David Group

There's a roadblock.

Why do you think I brought you?

♪ Keep on running...

Are you all right at the back, Mrs Vine?

Shut up and drive. As far as you're concerned, nobody's in the back.

♪ One fine day, I'm gonna be the one...

Get down.

♪ To make you understand

♪ Oh, yeah, I'm gonna be your man...

Just pull up and keep it short. Anything stupid, she's a goner.

♪ Running from my arms... ♪

- New job, David? - Yeah.

You know why we're here, don't you?


- Have you seen any strangers? - No.

Well, get in touch if you do.

Let him through.

♪Hey, hey, hey

♪ Everyone is laughing at me

♪ It makes me feel so sad

♪ So keep on running ♪


- Not in. - Car's there. She must be in.

Maybe she's gone for a walk.

How did you know the grocery van was here?

I don't. But it was on David's list of calls.

Have a look around, will you?

MIKE: Sarge!

What happened to you?

I got clobbered.

Who by?

Didn't see.

Larry. Where's Deborah?

No idea.

He's taken the van.

And them in it.

Radio all units.

David Stockwell drove it through about ten minutes ago.

Right, Phil, I'm on my way.

MUSIC: 'Set Me Free' by The Kinks

♪ Set me free, little girl

♪ All you gotta do is set me free, little girl

♪ You know you can do it if you try

♪ All you gotta do is set me free, free

♪ Free

♪ Set me free, little girl

♪ All you gotta do is set me free, little girl

♪ You know you can do it if you try

♪ All you gotta do is set me free, free

♪ Free, free

♪ I don't want no one

♪ If I can't have you to myself...


♪ I don't need nobody else

♪ So if I can't have you to myself

Step on it!

♪ Set me free

♪ Set me free

♪ Oh set me free, little girl

♪ All you gotta do is set me free, little girl

♪ You know you can do it if you try

♪ All you gotta do is set me free, free...

Move it! Move it or you're dead.

♪ I don't want no one

♪ If I can't have you to myself

♪ I don't need nobody else... ♪

Thanks for everything, Mr Bellamy.


Oh, are you all right? I've been so worried.

Are you hurt? Tell me, are you hurt?

- Oh, David, come inside. - Don't go!

We'll keep him in overnight for observation.

We'll keep you informed. - Thanks very much, Doctor.

Well, the doctor wants you to stay in overnight.

Aye, I know. A nuisance.

I need to do things, talk to people.

Of course. The show must go on.

Try telling that to our daughter.

If you'd let me speak to her, this wouldn't have happened...

She didn't want to speak to you.

That's no sort of reason.

I've a living to make, and a reputation to keep

for managing acts that turn up as billed.

She's pregnant, Larry.

- What?! - She's pregnant.

I should've guessed. I'd heard summat was going on.

Heard what? About her and Steve Webb.

I'll k*ll him.

k*ll your best act? I'd move onto Plan B, if I were you.

I don't believe this.

Does she want it?

Of course she does. She's only scared of telling you.


So that's why she came to you.

I expect so, yes.

She's been doing her own thing for so long...

I forget how young she is.

What do you want me to tell her?

Tell her...

...I really love her.

- Is she ever so poorly? - Just a wee bit in the mornings.


If she can't make the dates,

I'd better get onto it, find a replacement.

Look, I will talk to her.

You just get yourself fit. Leave it to me.

I'll take care of everything.

♪ I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me

♪ And every step I take recalls how much in love we used to be

♪ Oh how can I forget you

♪ When there is always something there to remind me? ♪

- She was depressed when you spoke. - Yeah.

How far will her money take her?

As far as she likes. She has her account and cheque book.

Yes, of course.

Well, I'll put the word out, but clearly, she knows her mind.

I'm not so sure.

Isn't she due in Scarborough tonight?

- Yes. - Might she have gone there?

Without leaving a note?

I suppose it's possible.

Drive over and find out. I'll go to the cottage.

Will you be all right getting back?

Yeah, you go.

What is it?

Look, when I spoke to Didi, she wasn't thinking straight.

I'm worried she'll do something she'll regret the rest of her life.

All spruced up?

You're a changed man since April Clough got hold of you.

This has got nothing to do with April Clough.

I'm taking a party to the show in Scarborough.

Mr Vernon reckons he's wangled me a ticket on the door.

Oh, yes.

Talk of the devil.

He's not due back till tomorrow.

April Clough.

Oh, flipping heck!

- Hello, April. - Hello. Where's David?

- David? - Stockwell.

You know, chunky lad who drives a taxi.

This taxi!

Well, he was here.

Are you always this careless with customers?

Suppose he could've nipped to the pub?



I've got something for you.


Were you hiding from me?


Oh, no.

No, I was just...trying it on.

Oh, yeah, that's just what you were doing. Trying it on!

Well, hard luck.

I've got two tickets for the show in Scarborough.

And now, I'm going to ask Frank Armishaw!


Too late!


Only me.


Have you been drinking? One-two, one-two.

Bring it down. One-two.

Come on, come on.

Ashfordly Police.

I'm sorry, Miss Vine. There's no news at present.

She's writing this song for you.

You can't let it go to waste.

- Where is she? - In Scarborough.

Looking for you.

Your dad's in hospital.

- Hospital? - Nothing too serious.

What happened?

Long story.

If we left now, we could just make the show.

Are you speaking for him?

I'm thinking of all those people who love what you do.

Saved to buy tickets. They stand to be disappointed.

I can't.

I think you can.

You've got the same spirit as your mother.

She'd hate to let anybody down.

Course not. Such a trouper.

Well, she is.

But one day, you'll be as proud of your kids as she is of you.

Any luck?

Are the other acts prepared for the fact she might not turn up?

They've filled in two nights in a row.

They reckon Larry should've sorted something out by now.

He's in hospital. Larry can't sort anything out.

Look, we'll extend our spot, but the others say no-go.

- I promised him. - I'm sorry.

That's the way it is.

Come on, you lot, hurry up!

Thanks, David.

- See you later, David. - Sooner, I hope.


I'll park the car and see you inside.

- Right, David. - Hey, wait for me!

My name's David Stockwell.

Is it?

Try under Vernon Scripps.

He knows the manager. - Does he?

I was Miss Vine's van driver.

You must be mad.

Sorry, mate. Concert on. Clear off.


I'll be back later but now we have a surprise guest for you.

She needs no introduction.

A singer-songwriter known all over the world,

and Aidensfield.

So, please, give a warm welcome to Deborah Vine.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

Well, you're maybe just as surprised as I am that I'm here.

But you know, I owe the opportunity entirely to my daughter Didi.

Didi, wherever you are,

I know this is your favourite song.

So, here it is for you, with love.

♪ Those schoolgirl days

♪ Of telling tales and biting nails are gone

♪ But in my mind

♪ I know they will still live on and on...

♪ If you wanted the sky

♪ I would write across the sky in letters

♪ That would soar a thousand feet high

♪ To sir

♪ With love

♪ The time has come

♪ For closing books and long last looks must end

♪ And as I leave

♪ I know that I am leaving my best friend

♪ A friend who taught me right from wrong

♪ And weak from strong

♪ That's a lot to learn

♪ What...

♪ What can I give you in return?

♪ If you wanted the moon...

Where've you been? Are you OK? I've been worried sick.

♪ I'd rather you let me give my heart

♪ To her

♪ With love

♪ If you wanted the moon I would try to make a start

♪ But I would rather you let me give my heart

♪ To sir, with love

♪ Those schoolgirl days ♪


Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you so much. I've really had such a great time.

You're a wonderful audience. I'd love to stay.

But I think it's time we got back to the show you came to see.

So please welcome

the very beautiful, the very talented Didi!


You better take care of her.
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