01x20 - The Maiden in Love

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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01x20 - The Maiden in Love

Post by bunniefuu »

Banner: if I could please have everyone's attention?

Eyes forward, students. Chumley! Stop chewing with your mouth open!

Good. Now, please join me in welcoming a new transfer student,

Blair flanagan.


I had to stop chewing for a transfer student?

Aw, man, he's smaller than me, dresses goofier than me.

My sidekick gig is up.

Hmm? Be nice!

Jaden: blair, welcome to s-l-i-f...something!


We're the best dorm on campus!

See, here, we're not a buncha stuffy, egg-headed,

Straight-"a"-gettin' brainiacs.

Jaden, wait, you don't understand.

What's not to understand, professor banner?

I'm just trying to help blair feel at home.

But this isn't blair's home, at least not for long.

He scored nearly perfect on all his entrance exams.oh.

You see, it is academy policy

That all transfer students start out at slifer.

But with his high marks,

He'll be moved up to ra yellow within a few days.

Ha! Yeah, right!

And next you'll be saying he's gonna move into our dorm room

Cuz a' all the extra space.

I just love this guy!

Hmm? Good one!

I agree! Blair, you can stay with jaden during your time with us.

Huh?! Go on.

Why don't you say hello to your new roommates?


♪ Chillin' out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never working too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together

♪ Right now, let's go!

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx, generation x ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow, yeah! ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on ♪

Sheppard: settle down, people. Attention, please?

Chumley! Stop chewing with your mouth open!

Good. Now, the big match-up against our rival school,

North academy, is coming up.

Last year, zane, our student rep, whupped 'em good!

And this year, I want to win the school duel again!

Hey, blair! Didja know zane's my brother?


Yeah, he's pretty cool, but mom says I got the looks.

Now, we still haven't decided on who's going to represent us this year,

So if you keep hitting those books and dueling hard,

You may be the one who gets the honor!

All right! Didja hear what he said? It could be me in this match!

Hey, or me! But we might as well face it, jay,

It'll probably be zane who gets the spot again.

How come? Huh?

Because he's amazing.


Jaden: amazing? What's that got to do with it?

It should be about who's best!

Syrus: zane did beat you in a duel, jaden.

Yeah, but it was a totally close match!

That's true.

All: huh?



Uh, jaden?

Jaden: gotta check something out!

Hmm? Oh!

[Thinking] first, blair makes that weird comment about zane,

And now he's sneaking into the obelisk blue dorm.

Something's definitely up.


Huh? What in the world is he doin'? Uh!


This is gettin' very strange.

Boy: come on, guys. Whadaya say we chill upstairs?

Uh-oh. It's zane!

I dunno what you're up to, but you gotta get outta here right now!

Otherwise you'll get booted outta the school for trespassin'!

Where'd you come from?

[Distant laughter]

Explain later!

Leave now! Whoa!


Whoa! What the--?!

Uh, you're-- you're...outta here.

Boy: hey, you!huh?

Take a wrong turn on the way to detention?

Hey, zane, look who we caught hanging out in your room!

Hah! Not just hangin' out!

He was diggin' around your cards!

You got some nerve, slifer.

Oh, boy. Now, look, it's not like that.

See, there was this guy--well, girl.

Save it, slifer slacker.

All right. I'll just take off, then. Catch ya later, fellas.

You're not goin' anywhere, buddy-boy.

'Cept to dr. Crowler's office!

Nooo! Anyone but him!

Ok, we'll just deal with you ourselves, then!

Jaden: dr. Crowler! Help! Help!


Look, I'm telling ya,

This is just one giant misunderstanding!

Yeah? Then let's see if we can knock some sense into the situation.

Zane: let him go.huh?


Do you want me to reconsider, jaden? Or do you want to leave?

Leave's good! Take care, guys!

Let's not do this again sometime. Later!


Wait till I tell the guys about this!

You won't be telling anyone anything!

Alexis: wow! A cold, wet dock in the middle of the night.

You sure haven't forgotten how to show a girl a good time.

Lex, I caught jaden snooping in my room today.

Jaden? What on earth would he be doing in your room?

I don't know, but I found this.

Uh, that's a girl's hair clip.


Syrus: ah!

All right, jaden, the outhouse... Is all yours!


Where is everybody?

Thought they were with you.

I hope not! I was taking a shower!

So you're saying you haven't seen jaden or blair

Since they went running off?

That's what I'm sayin'.

'Course, my eyes were shut for my six-hour nap.

I hope everything's ok.

Blair: listen, jaden,

The fact that I'm a girl has to stay a secret!

But what for, blair?


Look, I don't wanna blow your cover,

But if I'm gonna keep a secret,

I think I should at least know why it is one. No!

You don't need to know why!

Nobody does! You got that?!

Fine, but if you're not gonna tell me,

You at least have to duel me!


Get your game on!

A duel? How will that solve anything?

'Cuz in a duel, the truth always comes out.

Fine, but if I win, you keep quiet

Without me having to explain myself.

Hey. This duel'll tell me all I need to know.

Well, we found 'em!

But what're they talkin' about down there?

Dunno, but it looks like it's pretty serious.

I knew this would happen! Jaden's found a new guy to pal around with.

Zane: that's not it, syrus.

Because blair's not a guy, she's really a girl.

Obelisk security cams showed her in our dorm.

Alexis: but what they didn't show is why she's gone to all this trouble.

Ah. Really?

I wonder how jay plans to solve that mystery.

Jaden and blair: duel!

Time to throw down!

All right, get ready...

To fall in love!

I summon maiden in love!

She's cute!


My turn now! Here goes!

So many choices,

But I think that I'll go with this one:

Elemental hero avian!


Aww, my poor, helpless maiden.

Hey, who says she's yours?

How about we let the monster do the fighting, ok, guys?

Jaden: quill cascade!



You may have broken her heart, but she lives to love another day!

See, as long as she stays in attack mode,

Her special ability keeps her from being destroyed.

[Thinking] huh?

Oh, winged kuriboh.

Huh? Whoa! What's goin' on?!

My--my lady!

Are you all right?

Maybe, maybe not.



Jaden: come on, avian! Pull yourself together!

You're supposed to be in attack mode, not in love!

It looks like we have some competition.

My monster's head over heels. Could it get any worse?

Hmm. Actually, it could, jaden.

See, maiden in love has another special ability, too.

Any monster that att*cks her gets a maiden counter.


What's a maiden counter?

Blair: you'll find out.

[Giddy chuckling]


Well, moving on!


All right!

I attach the equip spell card cupid's kiss to my maiden!

And now...

I'll have her attack!

Mr. Avian hero!

Come out, come out, wherever you are.

I want to give you a hug!


Why did you do that?

You're so mean! [Crying]

My lady, please accept my apologies.




Gimme a break!

Now, how about doing me a little favor, mr. Avian?


Good! See him?

Take him down!



Avian! Are you nuts?!

Come on! Snap out of it!

Jaden: can't ya see she's totally just usin' you?!

She can use me anytime!

[Thinking] I never felt this way

Without a grilled cheese around.

Blair: sorry, jaden, but when maiden takes damage

From a monster that's been pegged with a maiden counter,

The equip spell cupid's kiss automatically activates,

And that lets me take control of your monster!

Sure, it costs me some points, but it's about to cost you a lot more!

Well, now that I've taken control of your only monster,

I think I'll just play a face down card and end my turn!

Man, avian's fallin' in love, and I'm fallin' behind!


[Thinking] sparkman!

But if I attack, he'll fall for maiden just like avian did.

Still, I gotta do somethin'!

I summon elemental hero sparkman!

Hate to do it, avian, but you're either with me or against!

Sparkman! Attack avian with static shockwave!

Don't think so!

I use defense maiden!

See, it redirects sparkman's attack

So that the maiden in love gets hit instead of avian!


And you know what that means!



You dare strike a defenseless maiden?!

For shame, sparkman, for shame!


You're right! I'm so sorry!

I beg your forgiveness!

I'll do anything! Anything!

[Thinking] anything?

Well, nothing comes to mind now,

But I'm sure I'll think up something later.


Simply say the word, my darling!


And she will, now that he's pegged with a maiden counter.


I want one! How do I get a maiden counter?!

Yeah, me too! I want one, too!

Uh, guys? Try and remember

That it's just a card you're looking at.

Try and remember who you're talking to.

When sy and I were growing up,

He used to claim he was going steady with dark magician girl.

Is that so?

She break your heart, sy,

Or did you just decide to see other monsters?

All right, here I go!

I activate the equip spell card happy marriage!

Now maiden gains as many attack points as avian has!

That is, if avian says, "I do," of course.

It would be my honor.


Blair: now let's have her pay a visit to sparkman!



Sparkman, how could you do that?!

You said you'd do anything for me!

You're right. I'm sorry. Command me, my love.

All right, then. That's better.

What is your wish?


I wish that you'd beat up that mean boy over there!

With pleasure!


Well, don't just stand there, hubby.

Of course not, my dear!


Ah! Sorry, but you'll never be able to beat me, jaden!

I'm dueling for love!


Did she say dueling for love?

Doesn't she mean dueling with love?

Don't tell me you haven't put the pieces together yet!

Think about it, zane!

She puts on a disguise,

Tricks her way into our school, breaks into your room?

Oh. She's in love!

Big-time, and she's in love with you, zane.


Yeah, you're right.

Playin' two guys against maiden wasn't too smart.

But, what's done is done.

Not much I can do about it now.

Oh! Or is there?

Of course! It's so obvious!

If I'm gonna take on that maiden in love, I need a woman's touch!

And I have just the one!

Now set those saps straight, burstinatrix!

Oh! Burstinatrix!

Uh, I know this looks bad, but, uh--

Save it! You two are pathetic.

But your honeymoon is about to be over.

Huh?we're in for it now.

Wow! You go, burstinatrix!

Now let's go get our monsters back!

I activate burst return!

When burstinatrix is out, this card lets me bring back

All other elemental heroes to my hand!

Jaden: trust me. You guys'll thank me for it.


What was I thinking?!

I didn't want to get married!

Oh, boy. Sparkwoman's never going to forgive me!

Both: guy pact. This didn't happen, ok?!

How about you two guys get over here right now

Or I'll tell the entire deck?!

All right, and now that I have my heroes back,

It's time for a little payback!

I play polymerization.

And fuse together burstinatrix and avian

To create elemental hero flame wingman!

Now that's the perfect couple!

And this is the perfect attack!

Infernal rage!


That's game!

Thanks for the sweet duel, blair.

That was fun!

All right. Guess I have to tell you my secret now.

Nah, I learned more than enough,

From our duel, blair.

And I think our spectators learned a few things, as well.


Sure did.

Love is on her mind, zane.

Zane, you're here!

Blair: well, then...

I guess you know.

I'm the one who snuck into your dorm room,

Not jaden.

I've been in love with you ever since I met you.

Hmm, at nationals.

Yeah, that's right!

We met right after you won the championship match!

It was then I made a pledge:

That I would do anything to be with you!

Aww! Aww.

I remember, you said that if I trained really really hard,

I could get into duel academy like you, so I did!

And now that I'm here,

We can get married!


Ha! Get married. That's a good one!

Your honeymoon could be in the cafeteria.

Dr. Crowler could give you away!

I'm not joking.

Alexis: blair, sweetie,

Love doesn't work like that.

You can't sneak your way into somebody's heart.

Just look what happened to your maiden.

She used tricks to get love,

And she ended up alone and in tears.

You can't use spells or disguises to find your soul mate, blair.

You have to be honest and up-front with them.

Yeah, right! You just want zane for yourself!

You're trying to git rid a' me!

Heh heh! Zane, a little help, please?

Blair, as flattered as I am by your affections...


Right now, I'm only in love with one thing: dueling.


I'm sorry, but it's time for you to go home.

Wait. Why does she have to go home?

'Cuz you say so? Hello!

She's a student here at duel academy, and a good one!

Jaden, she has to go home.

Huh? Oh, I see what you're doing here, zane.

You're pushing her out because she's a good student!

Ha! Because she might dethrone you!

She has to go home because she's in second grade.

Uh, say what?!

Both: in second grade?

Oh, so then you're sayin' that I almost got beat by a girl

Who's only eight years old?!


Eight and a half, if it makes you feel any better.



That's why dueling's so great!

If you're old enough to draw, you're old enough to win!

Blair: good-bye!

I'll be back just as soon as I finish grade school!

And middle school, too, but I'll be back, you guys!

Ha ha! Hear that, zane?

Oh, please, I'll be long gone by the time she gets here.

That's true.

I guess blair's crush ends right here.

Zane: I wouldn't be so sure.

Good-bye, jaden!

My sweet prince!

I love you!


Wait! She's supposed to like zane!

She does like zane, but apparently, she loves you.

Good luck.

Syrus: uh, hey, chumley,

Wanna go get some new cards?

Yeah, I got one in mind.

Alexis: just do me a favor, fellas,

And stay away from the girls in my deck.

I'll see you soon!

Write me every day!

I love you, jaden, sweetie!

Aw! Wish they made cards to counter this.


♪ Chillin' out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never working too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now, let's go! ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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