01x50 - Magna Chum Laude

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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01x50 - Magna Chum Laude

Post by bunniefuu »

Ah, I'm never going to pass the promotion exam.

I have test anxiety.

Watch this.

I'm taking out your clayman with drilloid.

You're wide-open.

Wait a second.

And with this card...

I lost. I win!

I got to learn to stay calm

During these tests.

You should chill out like chumley.

Uh, sy, isn't he, like, a bit too chill?

He's fine, just tired.

He was up all night long, poor guy.

All night? That sounds like a lot of studying,

Especially for chumley.



Chumley already failed his exams twice.

If he doesn't pass them this year,

He's out of here forever.

And with my dueling skills,

That's exactly what's going to happen.

[Theme music playing]

♪ Chillin' out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some days you've got to learn hipness ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take them on together ♪

♪ Right now, let's go!

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx, generation x ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow, yeah! ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on ♪

Jaden, look at this.

What do you think? Is it good?

Not bad, but check out my card design.


It's a work of art. It's pure genius.

It's sparkman!


Uh...if you say so.

So, what did you do, chumsters?

Hmm? Uh...

Wow! That's great!

Cool. So, what is it?

Aah! What is it?

You've never seen ayers rock?

I, uh...no.

You see, a long time ago,

I went camping with my dad in australia and saw it.

Great brushstrokes.

Cool texture.

Duh. I know. I'm going to use it for my--

Intercom: ahem... Attention.

Will chumley huffington

Please report to chancellor sheppard?


Is he in trouble?

Beats me.

Uh...uh, like... Am I busted?

Huh? Ha ha ha! No.

I've called you here because I have

Some very good news, chumley.

You do?


It's my card.

Congratulations. Your design won

Industrial illusions' contest.

It's now official.

Huh? But who chose--

I did, chumley boy.

There were so many cards

And so little time to decide.

But your card, it was a gift from the angels themselves,

An angel named chumley.

There's more. I want your big brain

Working on more cards for me at industrial illusions...

If your teachers concur.

Chumley, what an opportunity!

Well, my dear boy,

You have my recommendation.

Pegasus wants me?

A moment. I'm troubled.

What now? Just say yes.

But chumley hasn't passed his exams.

Now, what kind of school would we be

To send pegasus some flunky?

Crowler, come on.

Give the kid a break, for pete's sake.

If chumley can beat me in a duel,

Then I'll let him go.

A duel?

But if he loses,

He'll be expelled immediately!

It's settled. Good luck, chumley.

And you'll need it. Crowler plays to win.

And win is what I'll do tomorrow.


What happened?

Hey, they made one of your cards.

Chumley! Aw, man, don't you know how awesome this is?

But, um...

"But, um" what? Come on.

You should be ecstatic.

I mean, this is huge.

Sure is. Congrats.

I guess.

Hey, chumley, why are you out here?


Can't sleep because you won that big contest?

I'd be excited, too.


Um, look, we have to talk, and it's really important.

The leftover grilled cheese?

Aw, it's cool that you ate them.

It's not that.

Jaden, they're going to kick me out tomorrow

Unless I beat crowler in a duel.

Rewind and repeat.

Didn't you just get offered a job

With industrial illusions?

That's if I beat him.

Why does crowler make everything so tough?


Well, guess what.

You'll just take out that creepy crowler, then.

I did. So you can, too.

You're right. I just can't lose

As long as you guys are with me.

Now, tell me about that new card you made.

Let's go, chumley! We're with you!

Jaden, aren't you worried for chumley?

No way. All last night, we stayed up

And trained for this match.

Hey, we're all rooting for you, chumley.

We are? I mean, yeah, we so totally are.

Don't be nervous.

This duel will simply effect the rest of your life.


Well, are you waiting for an invitation?

I got one right here.

Let's deal! Let's deal!

Here we go, chumley. Let's see here.

I think that first I'm going to lay down one facedown.

That move was absolutely... Oh, what's the word?

Yes, lame.

I play the spell magnet circle, level two.


Oh, man, chumley is in for it now.

And thanks to magnet circle,

I get to summon this--

My ancient gear

And its special effect.

Now let me summon another one.

Not too shabby, eh?

Is that bad?


Now I sacrifice my two ancient gears

To summon my ancient gear golem.



Ancient golem, attack!

Mechanized melee!

You never did study.

If my ancient gear golem has more attack points

Than your thing's defense,

Then the extra damage goes to you.


That's it. You're gonna get it now.


Des koala's flip effect!

For every card in your hand,

Koala hits you for points.


When did chumley learn how to duel like that?

I told you not to worry, syrus.

This is just the kind of thing

We were talking about.


When he dueled his dad,

Chumley blanked out on the flip effect.

But thanks to last night,

Chumley's now a lean, mean duel machine.


Well, maybe not lean.

I summon eucalyptus mole in defense mode,

And next I'll be laying down another facedown.

Come now, chumley. That's your move?

Ancient gear golem and eucalyptus mole!

Mechanized melee!

And of course, lest you forget,

All extra damage goes to you.

Let's just wait one minute, ok?

If you take out my eucalyptus mole,

I get a koala from my deck.

And guess who wants to say hi.

My little friend, big koala.

More like...a big waste.

I, on the other hand, will be summoning

Ancient gear soldier!

Whatever. Check this. Lishus.

I'm going to play... Wild nature's release.

And all of a sudden, my big koala's defense points

Are added onto his attack points.

When did chumley get so good?

From watching me.

Yeah, that's it.

Ok, koala, take out that pile of rusty bolts.

Takedown from down under!

Nothing I can't come back from.

All right.

Now check out my facedown.

Isn't it, like, totally awesome?

Beast soul swap lets me bring back

A monster to my hand,

And then I get to summon another beast

With the same level. It's switchalicious.

Guess I'll call...

Another big koala.

Uh...i'm lost. Why did he trade out for another?

Anyone? Well?

Ha ha. I thought chumley was dumb.

Wild nature's release is risky.

The card destroys your monster.

Yeah, unless you swap out your monster,

Just like chumley did. Nice move, huh?

Uh, yeah.

You know, I think sy

Slept through that class.

And look who's talking!

Ha ha ha!

Actually, I don't think I'd call it sleeping in class.

It's more like scheduled study eye breaks.

Alexis: give me a break, jaden.

Big koala, take out that gear soldier.

Now, that's an aussie-sized super slam!

Ah. It's all for naught.

And I'll be laying down one facedown.

The tutorial is over.

It's time to give chumley a real schooling.

Let's see how you handle this.

Ok, chumley, I activate my pot of greed,

Which, of course, allows me to draw two more cards...

Such as the ultimate spell card--ancient gear factory!

Oh! Oh!


Dear chumley, you're about to fail

For the last time.

The ancient gear factory.

Beautiful, isn't it?

It allows me to summon any ancient gear card I hold,

Such as my friend, the ancient gear golem.


Not again.

Just what's he trying to pull?

What about his sacrifice?

As in golem kind of needs one.

Not quite.

Chancellor sheppard.

You're here?

Why not? I just love a good duel,

Though it doesn't look so good for chumley.

He's right. I don't need to sacrifice a card.

All you need do is look into my graveyard.

If it holds ancient gear monsters

Whose levels are twice that of my golem,

They become the sacrifice,

Even though they're already destroyed.

So, please, let's all welcome back...

[Rumbling and hissing]

Ancient gear golem!

What a move! I mean, you know, I guess.

Hey, just whose side are you on?

Dear chumley, how can I recommend you?

I mean, come now.

You can't even win one easy duel.

Ancient gear golem, attack big koala.

Mechanized melee.

I play a trap card.

And it's a totally-lishus one

Called animal trail.

Now des kangaroo jumps right into my hand.

A kangaroo? You'll have to do

Much better than that, chumley.

Something...like ancient gear drill!

Impressive, isn't it?

Thanks to this lishus card,

I get to take any spell card

And place it facedown.

Oh, man.

Did he say "any spell"?

This is not boding well.

Give it a rest already. He's through.

Not yet. Chumley, remember last night

And what I said?

Which was what?

That your friends are with you!


I get it now.

That's why jaden has so much fun.

He never duels alone, because he's got us.

And now I got them.

That's right.

You can't beat me, crowler,

Because it's more than just me.

It's all my best buds, too.

Hmm. Right on!

Look at him.

He's happy.

That's a first.

Yeah. Big deal.

Jaden, thanks for everything?

Now let's do this.

Jaden can't save you.

But this card just might.


It's my card,

The one I thought up

When I went camping with my dad.

Aw, who am I kidding?

From when I ran away.

It was after I flunked my second advancement exam.

I went to toss my deck off the highest rock I could find

To give up dueling for good.

But then...it happened.



I saw the most awesome-licious sunrise ever.

And that's when I realized--

Things may seem to be at their darkest,

But they're not going to stay that way for long.


I activate ayers rock sunrise!

You can't stop the sun from rising,

Just like you can't stop my dream.

I will be a famous card designer,

And now let's see

One of my first cards in action.

First, it lets me summon one beast

From the graveyard.

Think you can guess who?

The one, the only big koala!

Then turn your eyes to my graveyard,

And you'll find for each beast, plant, or winged beast,

Mr. Tall, dark, and rusty loses attack points.


Now, how about we try something fuse-alicious

With polymerization!

I'm melding big koala and des kangaroo

To create master of oz in attack mode.

That's, like, chumley's best monster.

Go get 'em, chum.

All right. Time to finally ace an exam.

Bravo, chumley. Very impressive,

Especially for you.

Impressive indeed, but how could i, dr. Crowler,

An obelisk blue, allow a slifer red flunky

To defeat moi? The answer--i can't.

If you attack, it will be your last mistake.

All right, master of oz, attack ancient gear golem.

Outback attack!

Ha ha ha ha!

I activate the spell limiter removal!

Say what?

With it, the attack points

Of all my machines are doubled!

Man, this is not good news.


I lost.



Hey, that was your best duel ever.

Nice work, chumley.

Yeah. Way to play. Really. It was awesome.

Am I right, guys?


Not too shabby, I guess.

But i...i still lost.

I can't get my dream job.

Stop that crying.


It's true, you have lost this duel,

But losing doesn't always mean failing.

Uh...what do you mean?

Uh...what does he mean?

Crowler: you see, the duel was not to win or lose,

But to prove your ability.


For the talent you displayed today,

How could I ever fail you?

I will recommend you for the position

At industrial illusions.

Huh? So I'm not kicked out?

You're graduating.

Farewell, and congratulations, chumley.

He is going. I don't know how I should feel.

Look, chumley gets to follow this dream.

Let's not be sad.

We should be all parties and hugs.

Huh? Ah!


Chumley, good luck.

Good-bye, everyone-- jaden, sy...

I'll be back. Hmm.


[Theme music playing]

♪ Chillin' out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some days you've got to learn hipness ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take them on together ♪

♪ Right now, let's go!

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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