01x02 - Going to Babylon

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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01x02 - Going to Babylon

Post by bunniefuu »

How many miles to Babylon?

Three score miles and .

Can I get there by candlelight?

Yes, and back again.

If your heels are
nimble and light,

you may get there
by candlelight.

Sergeant Lance, homicide.

Who's the guest of honor?

Registration on the
roll says Jerome eagleton.

I don't think it's a homicide.

Looks like a heart attack.

Who called homicide?

I was driving by

and saw the disco lights.

Figured I might be able to help.

Heart attack, huh?

He's got a medical
alert bracelet

that says heart problems.

Goes into cea, pulls over to
use a phone, doesn't make it.

Do me a favor, Bart.

Run a full organ recital
on this guy, will you?

Even if he's got
a ruptured heart?

Sgt. Rita Lee
Lance: Yeah, for me.

Put it on my
accounts receivable.

And, uh, check and photograph
that ligature Mark.

Look at that.

Didn't even spot it.

Wristband must
have covered it up.

Does anybody have a light?

No, I was talking
more like a flashlight

so Dr. Link can see
what he's doing.

Sgt. Rita Lee Lance
cop punchers

are like dishonest lovers.

You can never trust
them completely

or bust them quickly.

They keep you awake.

But when you ignore them,
you're always wrong.

Chris, watch out.

That has my little sister's
shell collection in it.

I got it, I got it.

All right, that does it.

Chris, I can't believe you
spent all day long doing this.

How the hell did I
let you get away?

I think you said, get your
two-timing, maggot-ridden

- ass out of my house.
- I said that?

Screamed it.

I'm sorry.
You're a bud.

That's pretty electric
for a girl who's

geting married in two days.


Sgt. Rita Lee Lance: Is Chris there?

Yes, he's here.

Just a minute, please.

Sgt. Chris Lorenzo

Hey, who the hell was that?

Sgt. Chris Lorenzo: Lindi Jean Lynn.

You remember her.

From four years ago?

Geez, Chris.
You're hopeless.

What are you doing for her
now, cleaning her toilets?


She's getting married
and moving to tampa.

Little lindi Jean Lynn's
finally getting married.

Maybe now she'll get
a last name, huh?

No, not really.

She's marrying a
guy named sid Paul.

So what do you got for me
besides all this attitude?

Well, the coroner's
got a db on ocean drive.

He thinks it's a natural cause,
I think it's a red ball, maybe

a silk stocking.

Dr. Death thinks
it's a natural.

What got you going?

Well, his car was parked
perfectly at the curb

and it was in park.

The handbrake was set.

How many coronaries you know
that take time to do that?

Also, his wristwatch
was on really tight.

I don't think he did it
unless he wanted to lose

his fingers to gangrene.
- And?

And maybe a ligature
Mark on his wrist.

I'm not sure.

You going to go to the chop shop

tomorrow to watch the opening?

I'll be there.

You need an engraved invitation
or will a phone call do?

I'll be there.
Call in with the time.

Sgt. Rita Lee Lance
you got it.

I've been to a lot
of organ recitals,

but I have never been
able to find my appetite.

It's the only place in
town where if you get sick,

you can't make it
smell any worse.

Everything says heart attack.

He had a ligature Mark
on the right wrist,

but I can't see
what that's from.

He had a severe
myocardial infarction,

or as you two cockahoots
put m the pump blew

and the hump flew.

And there were traces of
amyl nitrate in his blood.

Amyl nitrate, how about that?

No, no, it's
used to accelerate the heart.

Heart patients often use it.

Sgt. Rita Lee
Lance: Yeah, right.

Can you get us a
precise time of death?

Judging from
the maggot infestation,

I'm saying he died about
o'clock last night.

Thanks, doc.

Now go ahead and put
him in a deep freeze,

but don't release the body
for a day, if you can.

We might want to follow up.

And can you give me a hard
copy of the toxicology report?

Yeah, I'll get it for you.


Like we're supposed
to believe this guy's

lying there for three hours
with a $, wristwatch on

and nobody rolls him.

No way he was moved.

And the poppers, amyl
nitrate... could have been

used for sex to get him off.

A little white
noise for the bedroom?


This guy was a golfer.


Here's his background.

Jerome eagleton,
long summer drive.

That's behind the gates.

Doberman country.

No way, they shed.

This guy has terriers for $.

You're on.

You cheated, Sammy.

You were here last night.

Hey, it's an accent.

I'd never cheat.

Come on, hand over the Jackson.

This guy lives alone.

He's a recent widower.

Nobody left to pull the
grass up over his head.


Yeah, Lance and Lorenzo.


We were called?

Come in.

Thank you.

We'd like to ask
you a few questions.


What's your name?

Carmela Ramon.

Hey carmela, what time did Mr.
Eagleton leave here last night?

I not on duty last night.

It was my night off.

You always have
Thursday nights off?

Unless Mr.
Eagleton's out of town.

Now, we'd like to
have a look around.

I'd like to look at his
bedroom, if I could.

Of course.
Um, it's to the left.


Thank you.

She seems real upset.

Yeah, you know, I've been
thinking about getting a maid.

So much cleaning to
do, so little time.

My clothes end up everywhere.

Yeah, I've seen you try to hit

your hamper from your bed.

You sh**t like a h*nky.

Well, I sink my socks much
better than my t-shirts,

thank you.

You're welcome.

You don't wear these to
sleep alone tucked back

behind these for everyday wear.

I think
this desk has been tossed.

You ain't got no phone
dial, no appointment book,

and these stamps are
in the wrong drawer.

They're not with the envelopes.

This guy was neat,
but some of this stuff

looks like it's been juggled.

Can we get forensics
to re-dust it?

Hey, when I talled
to carmela earlier,

she said that the appointment
calendar and phone dial

were always kept on that desk.

Somebody swiped it.

She also said the, uh, patio
door was unlocked this morning.

She thinks it was
locked the night before.

Well, he's got heart
pills but no amyl nitrate

in the medicine cabinet.

He's got Mr. Jockstrap
undies and ligature

marks on his wrist.

Could be a silk stocking.


Let's say Mr. E's into
rough sex with people who

don't want to be tied into it...

No pun intended.

The amyl nitrate puts Mr.
E into sexual overdrive,

but it blows up his heart.

So the perps dress him up,
dump him, they come back here,

and they get his calendar
and his phone dial.


So what do you think?

I think I need a
maid like carmela.

One X-ray .

We have a db at
Marina boulevard.

Meet sergeant
Lance at the scene.

This is X-ray nine.

Wants warrants
dmv on a teal vet.

Two Victor king olive .

Roger, X-ray nine.

Stand by.

She's a hooker, Sam.

Works at hotels
down at the beach.

I've seen her.

I think she's a hit
for hire specialist.

One X-ray nine on your teal vet.

Two Victor king olive .

No wants or warrants.

Dmv registered to Vivian
lapointe at London street.

The sheet is sort of extensive.

Give us the overview.

Most of the
priors are for sexual sadism.

She's a dominatrix.


You were right.

I'm going to go to her place.

Now, why don't you walk the
guest of honor to the shop,

and I'll meet you there
in a couple of hours.


- Yeah?
- I got here.

Somebody was tossing the place.

Are you ok?

Sgt. Chris Lorenzo

I didn't get him, though.

Chased him off, but I
got her appointment book.

Thursday night, h.
Cameron, : pm.

Big influence, big money.

And if he's part
of this, Sam, he's

going to be big trouble for us.

I'll meet you at your place.

Are you there?


Whistle, daughter, whistle.

Whistle, daughter dear.

I cannot whistle, daddy.

I cannot whistle clear.

Whistle, daughter, whistle.

Whistle for a pound.

I cannot whistle, daddy.

I cannot make a sound.

If Jerome eagleton was playing

golf with harlin Cameron
and his pretty young wife,

it was undoubtedly a
best ball threesome.

They were playing
on a jagged course

with too many physical hazards.

These golfers dressed for
pain, and most of the balls

probably ended up in the rough.

What happened to you?

I walked into a pipe.

Didn't you watch
where you were going?

I... it was swung at
me from behind, Rita.

I blundered into it.

Went down like a cow
at a slaughterhouse.

I feel dumb.

I need sympathy.

Poor baby.

Don't lay it on too thick, Sam.

So, did you get the
autopsy reports back?

Yeah, she had carbon
monoxide in her lungs.

Ah, she actually did the Dutch.

Sgt. Rita Lee
Lance: She also had

a perforated eardrum all the
way into her cranial cavity.

Either she was real
careless putting on her hat,

or somebody put a hat
pin in her eardrum.

What's this, Sam?

Are you getting the
headaches again?

Look, Chris.

I have a brain aneurysm.

Now, I just told you about it
because it was a weak moment

and I needed some sympathy.

Poor baby.
Come here.

Look, now, I don't need a
mommy, so just give it a rest!

I'm sorry.

I'm just upset.

It's not you.

You're not so tough, Sam.

Come here.

I've seen tougher.

You storing baseballs in here?

Is it that bad?

What's wrong?

I've never seen you this tense.


You know, you're weird.

You know that?

All right.

You know, we've
got to get a plan.

If Vivian lapointe was pallying
with Monica Cameron and Jerome

eagleton, then we've
got to creep up

on this, because they've
got lots of shiny tools

and smart attorneys.

Just keep an eye on me, ok?

Just keep an eye on you?
You got to... what do you mean?

You... you're scaring me.
You... you mean medically?

No, no.

I just mean if I start
acting funny, just, uh,

give me an elbow in the ribs.

Just don't let me
mutter and spit, ok?

Look, you're my
best friend, Sam.

I mean, you're my bud.

Now, if you've got a problem,
I want to know about it.

- But I'm not going to tell you.
- Why?

- Because.
- Because.

That... that's sharp, Sam.

That's... I love
intellectual arguments.

What am I supposed to look for?

If it happens, you'll know.


So you guys are going
to try and bring down

one of the most rich,
most powerful guys in all

of america, is that right?

Yeah, but we think
we've got a good shot.

Yeah, well your one shot
had better bring him down.

This guy's a big media editor,
you know that, don't you?

We think that
Cameron and his wife

were golfing in
rubber jockstraps.

They have a couple of
real sick schnausers.

You know, back in the old turf,
they'd have been big targets.

Run the numbers.

Vivian lapointe does

out call work for high prices.

Now, her specialty is
domination and masochistic sex.

She ends up dead from
a hat pin in the ear.

The me's got her at about
midnight on Thursday.

Number two, she
had an appointment

at the Cameron's estate six
o'clock that same night.

And number three,
Jerome eagleton

was dressed by somebody
else, left near his car,

amyl nitrate, ligature
marks on his wrist,

which ties into Vivian lapointe.

And the red-blooded American
hunches go like this...

One, Vivian lapointe
and Jerome eagleton went

to a party at the Cameron's.

Eagleton used amyl nitrate
to maximize his pleasure,

while Vivian or Monica or both
beat him to death with tennis

balls, feather ball, whatever
the hell the leather queens

are using this month.

Two, his heart couldn't take
it, and he's on the arc.

Three, Vivian gets wobbly.

She can't handle this,
so Cameron and his wife

do a little ear
surgery with the hat

pin, dump her,
stage her su1c1de.

We don't have enough
to move on them yet

and we don't want to
burn ourselves as cops,

but we definitely
want them to feel

the warm breath of the law.
- Yeah.

See, that's why we want to
send in Davis and oates,

just to stir things
up a little bit.

I'm going in, and
I'm going in alone.

Hutch, I don't think
that's such a good idea.

you've got a problem with this?

This guy is mean.

If things go sideways,
he'll jam you.

he going to do to me, huh?

Oh, he's going to have me
kicked out of palm beach.

I'll send him flowers.

This cat's mine, understand?

Now, what's your next move?

Well, we thought

we'd go down to the
leather land and get

decked out in play suits.

Oh, rope the dope, son.

I worked undercover back in
Detroit when you two were still

gumming on Graham crackers.

I know it gets a cop's blood up.

You watch your backs.

Perverts can be unpredictable.

Do you understand me?

Ok, let's bring them down.

And I want it in red ink on my
desk by the end of the week.

You got it.

Oh, skipper?

Be careful, ok?

I don't see any problem,
not unless they bring me one.


You must be hutchinson.


Well, won't you come in?

May I introduce my husband?

Harley, this is
commander hutchinson.



I made a decision

to take this meeting
without benefit of counsel

because, for the life of me,
I can't fathom what it is

you think you're doing here,
or what you think we have to do

with this dead prost*tute.

Vivian lapointe's
address book said

she had an appointment
here yesterday

evening, about o'clock?

We weren't even here.

My wife and I were on a
fishing trip on our boat.

I can supply three witnesses.

Is that right?

Maybe Phil.

Who's Phil?

I think you're going to need
that counsel, Mr. Cameron.

I don't know whether
you've had your full ration

of wheaties this
morning, Mr. Policeman,

but before you start
trying to thr*aten me,

you'd better be ready for
one hell of a lot of grief.

You've obviously
taken me for somebody

who really gives a damn.

People may shake and quake
when you speak down here,

but I ain't from down here.

Now you mess with me, and I'll
snatch out of here so fast,

it'll make your head
spin, and you'll

be wiping ink off your fingers.

Phil Parker.

He's a friend of Harley
Jr.'s from college.

Harley Jr. is working
in Aspen, and Phil's

been using his apartment,
helping out in the garden.

I'll show you where he lives.

Excuse me.

Just so you won't
get the wrong idea, captain

hutchinson, I want
you to know that I

have thoroughly
ravaged this young man

with my husband's approval.

Actually, he even
likes to watch.

You're pretty frank,
aren't you, Mrs. Cameron?


I'm just telling
you things you'll

probably find out anyway.


Vivian lapointe.

What does it mean?

Where else would
he be, Mrs. Cameron?

He still has his
room at the college.

You're telling me
this choir boy is

k*lling hookers with hat pins?

Hutch, this kid's being set up.

We're supposed to believe
that he chills around his room

and sticks around for
afternoon classes?

Maybe you're right, Lorenzo.

Maybe somebody planted
the purse in his room.

But this puppy's going down.

We have a prior on him.

Seems he likes to go around
the campus flashing Mr. Happy.

We're taking him down.

I want you to keep
rolling on Cameron.

Look at him.

Innocence personified.

This kid isn't even
parked illegally.

Cameron is not like anyone
you have ever met before.

He will scorch the earth
to get what he wants.


Oh yeah.

Sgt. Rita Lee Lance
you can't

hide some secrets forever.

You can try, but the big,
dangerous, emotional ones

get so heavy they
change the way you walk.

They poison your spirit.

They force you over an
invisible line to a place

where you shouldn't be standing.


Chris, I need to talk.

- You ok?
- No.

I need help.

Who lives here?

The pullers.


Not the brush people.

He's in oil.

Look, Sam, what
are we doing here?

I mean, you said
you wanted my help.

Look, Sam, just let me
take my time with this, ok?



How do you know this place?

I mean, did you have
friends who lived here?

I grew up in this house.

This place costs five
or six million bucks!

Look, I happen to know that you
went to palm beach high school

and state college, all right?

And what happened,
you forgot to send

your application into vassar?

I lived here 'til I was
almost seven years old.

I had my sixth birthday
party right over there.

We had ponies and a clown,
and my dad did magic.


Rita Lee Fontana.

My dad was Donald Fontana.

He was a pretty big deal
around here in the 's.

When I was six, he went broke.

Bad investments, bad
advice from a friend

that he thought he could trust.

The friend talked him into
a bad land development deal.

He lost several million
dollars, and the friend

sold out early at a profit.

And he didn't warn daddy
or the other investors

that daddy had
brought into the deal,

so we had to sell
the house and move.

And you lost all this?

don't care about any of that.

I just wanted my dad
to love me, you know?

I mean, that was all
that really mattered.

When I was born, my mother died,
so it was just me and my dad.

He was my best friend.

When he went broke,
it destroyed him,

and the friend who lured
him into the business

still turned on him and
tried to make it his fault.

He got quieter and quieter,
and then he started drinking.

And then it got to the point
where he wouldn't even go

out of the apartment anymore.

Sammy, you were six years old.

It wasn't your fault.

I would rush home from school
every day to be there with him.

And then one day,
I came home, and...

And he was dead.

He, um... he shot
himself in the head.

When I was growing up, he
used to read books to me.

My favorite was
"mother goose rhymes."

He used to pick
one out every day,

and we would memorize
it over breakfast.

That's what I remember most.

He was so sweet.

When he died, we had nothing, so
I was raised by foster parents,

Tom and sue Lance.

They treated me wonderful,
like I was their own.

I took their name because
they meant so much to me.

I said it was because it was
the only way I could show them

how grateful I was, but
inside, deep inside, I felt

like I was embarrassed of them.

Chris, I feel like...

I feel like I betrayed him.

You know, I feel like
at first, I failed him,

and then I was
ashamed of him, and I

don't know how to get him back.

I just wish that I could see
him one more time to tell

him how much I loved him.

You've got to let it go, ok?

Let it go.

I'm afraid, Chris.

Harlin Cameron was the
best friend who destroyed

your father, wasn't he?


And I can't do this alone, ok?

I'm here for you.

You can lean on me.

Can I make one suggestion?

You don't live here
anymore, and you're

not going to find him here.

You've got to look
someplace else.

So, uh, can we get out of here?

This place is giving
me the willies.



Hey, hey, heartbreaker.

Been some long time.

You were into it with that
little English scooter?


That was six, eight months ago.

Probably six, eight
girlfriends since, huh, baby?

Wild thing.

Bobbie, I need

some info on a couple
of grand fromages,

a hit-for-hire hooker.

You must be talking about
the late mistress lapointe.

Yeah, and
a cat named Jerome eagleton.


Does any of that
sound like a match?

They all play in
the grapefruit league,

but their division
requires helmets.

Talk to me.

Well, I played a few
parties at the Cameron's.

Got to talking with
some of the help.

Rumor is these two swing.

Cameron's got this
dungeon in the basement.

He likes to watch
while she plays...

Whips, chains,
restraints, all the pain

you can take without going
to a Madonna concert.

Sounds kinky.

How do they get the players?

I don't know.

It's not my flavor.

But I do know how
you can find out.

They've got these rent-a-spooks
for protection, pis who work

for intelligent investigations.

They're on c street, ii inc.

Mostly ex-CIA guys.

I know them.

There's this guy named
arliss combs, ex sheriff.

He's got sand in his shorts
about ii inc. They bounced him

for insufficient brutality
or some damn thing,

and they didn't pay him for
his last two months on the job,

so he might be worth talking to.

I understand he cooks
crystal for a living now.

Developed a target fixation, so
he ought to be easy to open up.

Thanks, Bobbie.

I owe you one.

You ever need anything, you ask.

If one of these jocks in here
ever ends up destroying me,

don't you dare rest 'til you
find out who did it, huh?

I don't want to die and not
get the last laugh, huh?

I promise.

One but to another,
you're the best.


You wild thing.

Hi, Phil.
I'm sergeant Lance.

I wanted to talk to you.

Now, your attorney is here
to protect your rights,

but I am here looking for
anything to support your claim

that you're innocent.

Thank you.

Now, you had an indecent
exposure charge on your record.

Can you tell me about that?

I... I was being initiated
into a fraternity at college,

and during hell week, the...

The brothers picked
me up as I was

leaving class and they took me
off the campus, and th... th...

They took my clothes off and
pushed me out of the car.

It was an initiation prank.

I'll check that out.

Did you ever meet
Vivian lapointe?


I never met her.


How did her purse end
up in your apartment?

I don't know.

I swear I never met her.

Can you tell me
anything else that

would substantiate your alibi?


No, i... I was alone.

I can't prove I didn't do it,
but please, sergeant Lance,

don't let this happen to me.


I didn't k*ll her.

I didn't!

Honest to god.

Where are your parents?

They're dead.

I'm all alone.

Do you know what
that feels like?

Yes, I do.

Sgt. Rita Lee Lance

needed to find
somebody who knew what

was going on with the camerons.

We found out that they had
employed a private security

company called intelligent
investigations inc.,

and word on the street
was that a former cop

named arliss combs
was fired by ii

inc. Because of a drug problem.

So we went to look for him.

Arliss, you got a minute?

Take a minute anyway.


Turn around, arliss.

It's in the right hand pocket.

Right hand pocket.

Oh, ho.

Arliss, how could you, huh?

Crystal meth, and you
used to work for the law.

All right, what do you want?

Let's get you in the car, sugar,

so we don't get you in
trouble with your clients.

Ah, watch your head, arliss.

All right.

Name of the game is jeopardy.

First category is ii
inc. And harlin Cameron.

First question, people
who wear leather

and swing from wall hooks.

Look, we're
not on the dope detail, sugar,

we're on a homicide.

But that doesn't
mean we wouldn't

help our brothers on vice.

However, that would be difficult
to do with a guy who's helping

us with our investigation.

Come on, arliss.

Mr. Clock is ticking, and you're
not going to beat the buzzer.

Look, I got
no love for those guys.

They beat me out
of too much pay.

So help us out.

What do you know?

I worked for them
for only two days,

but according to the other
guys, they're pretty kinky.

All right, how do
they find the players?

They go out in the limo,

and they go to this place
called the nightmare cafe.

Monica cruises the bar and
dresses for easy access.

She hunts for tropical
fish... yuppies mostly,

with experimental personalities.

She's really good at
picking them out, too.

She lures the couple
back to the car

and introduces them to harlin.

If one look at him
doesn't scare them off,

it's back to the estate.

How does that part work

Monica supplies the hip action,

and harlin gives out the prizes.

He pays them?

Depends on the fish.

Sometimes that's
the deal, sometimes

it's strictly for sport.

Vivian lapointe play very often?

Sometimes, when
they couldn't find amateurs.

But can I ask you a question?

Can I have my crystal back?

No, but I'll drop
you at a rehab,

walk you in, and
get you settled.

What, are you kidding me?

No, but I thought
you were kidding me.

Come on, arliss.
Get out of here.

I guess we'd better find a store

and get something to wear.

Tonight is Thursday night, and
we are going to get chosen.

I'm ok.

I am in control.

I didn't say anything, Sammy.

Yeah, well I can read you
faster than the morning paper.

I know that you're
in control and you

got everything
together, but you've

got this lever in reverse.

I knew that.

You look like a sword swallower.

I think the style
is adagio chic.

Hey, you were supposed to
be the sword swallower.

Look, I want you
to take it easy.

All right, these people are not
equipped with standard wiring,

and the ii inc. Guys are
fruit of the loom K*llers.

Don't go out in turns.

When I get mad,
I just get colder.

Now there's somebody
who will hunt a croc, Sam.

You two look lonely without me.

Three's a crowd,
and we like crowds.


Want to make it a threesome?

Why not?

This is harlin.

Good golly, he's
kind of old, Monica.

Sammy Lorenzo.

Pleased to make
your acquaintance.

Pleasure's mine.

Sgt. Rita Lee
Lance: I'm Sam, too.

Were both Sam.

Gee, this car is awesome.

Sammy, you remember that
time we went to that limo

to go to Carrie's party, and
we went down to the beach,

all of us swimming naked?
- Yeah, yeah.

But it wasn't no
stretch-a-roo like this.

How long is this thing?

Well, this is a
inch stretch.

Ooh, you
could party Hardy in this,

couldn't you, hon?

Yeah, don't shout
to tell me about it.

Why don't we try
some of my -year-old scotch?

Could I have mine
with some ginger ale?

Well, we'll have to
get that at the house.

We don't need our suits

to go swimming, do we, Sammy?

No, just our skins, baby.

I don't know why
Monica had to go change.

She was looking
pretty hot to me.

She always changes
before we go downstairs.


Why, sugar?

Pleasure and pain.


I don't know if I like pain.

Sammy tied me up one
time and tickled me.

Remember that, Sammy?

You betcha, little bug.

Hey, Mr. H, you have
any more of this scotch?

Pretty doggone smooth.

Smooth as a baby's ass.

Smooth as a silk worm's tummy.


Smooth as a record
producer's smile.

Monica, what's keeping you?


Good golly, miss Molly.

Would you look at that, Sammy?

that's a sight for sore eyes.

We've got to get you something
like that to wear, Sam.

Pass it on.

He doesn't play at first.

He likes to watch.


Come on.

We have surprises below.

Good golly.

downers heroin and cocaine.

Why don't we strip
fraction, kids?

Well, let's go slow.

Would you like to try
making love under restraint?

Now see,
I don't understand that.

I mean, if you're tied
up, you can't, you know,

use your hands.

That's what your
mouth is for, honey.

We could start with me.

You want to tie me up?

How about you, Samantha?

You want let me try some things?

Gee, I don't know.

I need to see the camerons.

Get out of here, combs.

It'll be worth their while.

Of course, I've got to be taken
care of, and that's $,.

I said, get out of here.

$, plus the back
pay you guys owe me.

What are we buying, some
overcooked biker dope?

Hey, I'm talking
about saving your job!

What's the info.

I think if they're down
there partying tonight,

they're in trouble.

How so?

I think they picked
up a couple of cops.

If they did, I can make the ID.

Just a minute.

Be right back.

Don't leave.

It's nothing, I'm sure.

Well, they're a real
amusing couple, aren't they?

I don't like this.


They won't be looking at you.

If things go bad, i'm
going to start something.

But don't let me eat any lead.

That's them.
They're both cops.

They're working homicide.
- Get her purse.

Rita Lee Lance.

Rita Lee.

I knew a little girl
once named Rita Lee.

Unusual name.

Brunette, green eyes.

She'd be about your age now.

Her father went
broke around here.

No he didn't, you piece of dirt.

You set him up.

Interesting how the world
plays its tricks, isn't it?

Are you here for
your pound of flesh?

Are you going to
k*ll me and Chris

like you k*lled my father?

Ned, I don't want
these two to be found.

It's a seven short clip, arliss!

Come back down.

Harlin, you throw a
hell of a rough party.

You know, I haven't heard
of one of these places yet

that didn't have secret
taping facilities.

Maybe we get lucky.

Maybe Jerry and viv
died for the burden.

End game.

The world sure plays its tricks.

Little miss Rita closes
the books years later.

Do you want to read this dirt
bag his rights or should I?

Now kids, no roughhousing
in the backseat.

Oh, daddy, daddy, do it again.

Ok, ok, ok.
Here we go.

Here we go.

Nothing in the hand,
nothing up the sleeve.

Button, button, button.

Who's got the button?

Ah-ha, here it is
behind Susan's ear.

For every evil under the sun,

there is a remedy
or there is none.

If there be one, seek
'til you find it.

If there be none,
then never mind it.

Can we sign it, daddy?

Can we put our names in
it so in a million years,

people will know we
were here together?

You bet, honey.

We'll use this stick.

I love you, daddy.

But now, I have to move on.
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